Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk
Analysis Process in IT Security
Daniele Granata and Massimiliano Rak
Department of Engineering, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Aversa, Italy
Threat Modeling, Risk Analysis, Threat Agent, Protocols.
Cloud service architectures are very heterogeneous and commonly relies on components managed by third
parties. As a consequence, the security verification process of these architectures is a complex and costly
process. Moreover, development of application that runs in cloud should take into account the agile software
design and development methodologies and a really short time-to market, which are often incompatible with
deep security testing. This article aims at addressing such issues proposing a technique, compatible with
Security-By-Design methodologies, that automates the threat modeling and risk evaluation of a system, re-
ducing the costs and requiring a limited set of security skills. Through the proposed approach, the software
system is analysed identifying the threats that affects the system technical assets, ranking the level of risk
associated to each threat and suggesting a set of countermeasures in standard terms; the process requires a
minimal user interaction. The proposed technique, was implemented through a dedicated tool and, correctly
integrated in development processes, can significantly reduce the need of costly security experts and shorten
the time needed to execute a full system security assessment. In order to validate the technique, we compared
our results with approaches available in literature and existing tools.
The Cloud Computing paradigm, that relies on
service-based approach and on delegation of re-
sources and services, affects the way in which ap-
plications are being developed: Cloud-native applica-
tions often rely on micro-services architectures and/or
on integration of Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)
components. Despite the great advantages that such
an approach have in terms of costs and time-to-
market, security of Cloud applications is an issue,
due to the loss of control over resources and on the
code, often property of third parties. At same time,
the large exposition over internet of Cloud applica-
tions and the new regulations (e.g. GDPR, NIS Direc-
tive, Cybersecurity act) imposes to take into account
strict security and privacy requirements. In order to
address security issues the recommended best prac-
tice is Security-by-Design, which relies on the idea of
taking into account security from the very early de-
sign phases. However, threat modeling, identification
of countermeasures, weakness and vulnerability iden-
tification, security and penetration testing are time-
and cost- expensive procedures, which hardly match
with the market needs of fast adaptation to new re-
quirements and release of new functionalities. In this
paper we propose a technique that aims at automat-
ing as much as possible the Threat modeling, Risk
Analysis and Countermeasure identification process,
enabling its integration in agile development method-
ologies. The approach proposed on this paper relies
on the experiences and the proposals made in (Casola
et al., 2020b; Casola, 2019) and extends the approach,
taking into consideration additional factors, simplify-
ing and empowering the evaluation procedure. In par-
ticular this paper offers the following original contri-
bution respect to the state of art: (i) the automated
Threat Agent identification, (ii) the automated Threat
identification according to assets and protocols in-
volved, (iii) automated Risk ranking and countermea-
sures suggestion, (iv) a tool that implements the ap-
proach. Next Section will summarize the proposed
methodology and introduces a simple example that
will be used to illustrate the approach. Each of the
following sections will describe in detail the proposed
steps, demonstrating and validating the approach ap-
plying it to the illustrated example. The paper ends
with a section on conclusions and future work.
Granata, D. and Rak, M.
Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0010455200870098
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021), pages 87-98
ISBN: 978-989-758-510-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The Steps of the proposed methodology.
According to security best practices, like the ones
suggested by (Ross et al., 2016), development of
security-critical application, relies on a clear Threat
Modeling (Marback et al., 2013), defined as a sys-
tematic process of identifying, analyzing, document-
ing, and mitigating security threats to a software sys-
tem .
The main goal of our approach is to automate
as much as possible the Threat modeling and Risk
Analysis process, in order to enable its integration in
security-by-design methodologies, like the one pro-
posed in (Casola et al., 2020b) and extended in (Ca-
sola et al., 2020a). As a matter of fact, we will
produce a list of possible threats and suggest a list
of countermeasures in terms of security controls that
should be verified before deploying the application
in production, after a very simplified modeling phase
and with minimal user interaction. It is worth noticing
that the list of threat is as complete as possible, a dis-
cussion about completeness validation will be done in
section 5.
A Threat, according to NIST (Ross et al., 2016), is
An event or condition that has the potential for caus-
ing asset loss and the undesirable consequences or
impact from such loss. Identify all possible events
is, clearly a very complex task. Moreover such
threats may be related to design choice, to the in-
volved technologies and/or to custom code develop-
ment. In order to automate their identification in
a generic cloud application, we model a threat as a
triple: T hreatAgent, Asset, Behaviour.
Considering the concepts in literature ((Fraunholz
et al., ) (Casey, 2007), (Dobrovoljc et al., 2017)),
we define Threat Agent an actor that maliciously
act in order to generate the threat event into the sys-
tem under attack. An Asset is, according to NIST
(Ross et al., 2016), An item of value to achievement
of organizational mission/business objectives. In our
methodology we focus on technical aspects, so we
consider only the technical components of the system
under attack as possible assets. We have identified
different Asset Types that are the classes of asset that
can be considered in a system. Our automation pro-
cess will be able to consider all the threats respect to
the asset types considered. In section 3, we will list
the supported asset type, adopted in our model.
We define Behaviour the natural language descrip-
tion of the malicious event. It is worth noticing that
this description is relevant, because gives to the secu-
rity expert information that helps in clearly identify
the issues to be mitigated. Our automation process
relies on a catalogue of threats, uniquely identified by
the above triple, enriched by a set of additional in-
formation: (i) for each threat we outline which secu-
rity requirement in the CIA triad (Confidentiality, In-
tegrity, Availability) is affected and (ii) we classify the
threat according to the STRIDE classification (Kohn-
felder and Garg, 1999).
Thanks to the collected information, we evalu-
ate,for each identified Threat, the associated Risk, i.e.
the probability that such a threat will take place. This
value is calculated as the combination of probability
and consequence value, as suggested by (Williams,
2020). Last, but no least, we suggest the list of stan-
dard countermeasures, in terms of NIST security con-
trols (Group, 2020).
As illustrated in Figure 1, our approach relies on
six steps, even if we ask for user interaction only at
start of the procedure (during system modeling) and
at end of the procedure (during the risk rating phase),
as will be outlined in the following.
The first phase, Modeling, aims at identifying the
application architecture and, in practice, the Assets in-
volved in the system and their interactions, Section
3 summarizes the main steps involved in this phase,
which is the one that needs major user interaction.
The second phase, described in Section 4 aims at
identifying the possible Threat Agents that will char-
acterize the threats and will be needed to rank the risks
associated to the threats.
Third and fourth steps, described together in sec-
tion 5, identify the possible threats that affect the sys-
tem taking into account the asset types and the rela-
tionship among them. The Risk Rating step evaluates
the probability associated to each threat according to
the OWASP methodology, estimating the needed pa-
rameters for the evaluation thanks to the information
generated by the model and the collected catalogues.
Last, but no least, we generate a list of Security
Controls, according to NIST control framework in SP
800-53 (Group, 2020), that should be verified on each
asset; such list takes into account both the threat list
and their risk evaluation.
It is worth noticing that the methodology does not
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
assume any interaction with the end user, excluded at
start of the process (modeling phase and a set of ques-
tions related to threat agent selection) and at end of the
process (in order to evaluate the impact of threats on
the business, that can be evaluated only by the system
2.1 A Simple Case Study
In order to validate the proposed technique, we will
use a very common system, typically executed on a
cloud infrastructure: an e-commerce site developed
on top of WordPress. WordPress (WP) is an open
source content management system, which allows the
creation and distribution of an internet site made up
of textual or multimedia contents, which can be man-
aged and updated dynamically. The web application
WP is hosted on a cloud virtual machine on top of
an Apache web server and interfaced with a mySQL
database. In order to enable scalability, the WordPress
component can be deployed multiple time, reusing al-
ways the same Database (that can scale only verti-
cally, i.e. adding memory and/or CPU to the hosting
VM). A Load Balancer (LB) distributes the Client re-
quests to the connected WP instances. The developer
simply customize the WP instances , through custom
plugins and customizing the application behaviour.
Even if development of such systems is simple and
commonly relies on very limited skills from the de-
veloper/system administrators, the application man-
age moneys and personal data, so it has strict security
requirements. It must be considered that an incredible
amount of WordPress instances on the web are vul-
nerable (see (Abela, 2020)), due to incorrect security
planning and management.
The first step of technique is the system Modeling
that relies on the MACM (Multi-Application Cloud
Composition Model) formalism (Rak, 2017), a graph-
based model in which each node of the graph repre-
sents the component of the system, and each edge is a
connection between the components.
Each Node has a different label that classify it re-
spect to the system deployment. Model labels can
be related to typical cloud roles (CSP, Cloud Service
Provider, or CSC, Cloud Service Customer) or to ser-
vice models, e.g. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service),
PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and SaaS (Software-
as-a-Service),. Labels affect the relationships (graph
edges) in which the nodes can be involved.
Moreover, each node has a set of properties that
Table 1: Assets and their types in the case Study.
Node Label Asset Type
Client CSC CSC
LB (Load Bal-
SaaS WebApplication
WP (Work-
SaaS WebApplication
DB (Database) SaaS Database
VM (Virtual
IaaS VirtualMachine
Table 2: Relation between components in case study.
Start Node Relation End Node Protocol
Client uses LB https
LB uses Wordpress https
Wordpress uses DB mysql
VM hosts Wordpress -
VM hosts LB -
VM hosts DB -
CSP provides VMs -
specifies the characteristic of the node. A mandatory
property, for the services, is the type, that specifies the
Asset Type, according to the concept expressed in the
previous section. As an example IaaS nodes can be of
VM or container asset type, while SaaS can be of Web
Application, Database or IDM (Identity Management
System), asset types. New asset types can be easily
added, as an example the MACM model was extended
to support IoT systems in (Casola, 2019).
The (directed) edges of the graph represent the re-
lationship among the nodes. The model adopts few
different kind of relationship, namely: provides, hosts
and uses. The relationship outlines the way in which
the different type of components may interact, as an
example the uses relationship among two services,
outlines that a service uses the capabilities offered by
the other. The model allows to associate properties to
relationships, e.g. it is possible to specify a protocol
attribute to a uses relationship, whose value indicates
the protocols involved in the interaction.
Figure 2 shows the MACM model of our case study,
each label affect the color of the nodes, while at-
tributes are not visible in the picture. As anticipated,
the system is composed by a Cloud Service Provider
(e.g. Amazon or a private Cloud) that provides three
virtual machines. which are labeled as IaaS, and their
Asset Type is VM, e.g. virtual machine. One VM
hosts a Load Balancer service while the other two
VMs hosts respectively a WordPress instance and a
MySQL a database instance. We modeled the Load
Balancer (LB) and WordPress (WP) as SaaS nodes
Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security
and we set their Asset Type as Web Application. The
MySQL instance, instead, was labeled as a SaaS, but
with Database (DB) value as Asset Type. The LB
uses the WP that, in turn, uses the DB. The Cus-
tomer(s) (modeled as a CSC node) uses the LB node,
that acts as application interface. Tables 1 and 2 sum-
marize the model.
In order to manage the MACM model our tools
represent them in a graph database, namely Neo4j
Our Tools, available at link
, are able to automati-
cally manage and generate MACM models in many
different ways, however, in this paper, we assume that
the MACM model is simply available to the tool and
stored in the graph database.
As already outlined, Threat Agents are any person or
thing that has the power to act to cause, carry, trans-
mit, or support a threat. In a security assessment pro-
cess the identification of Threat Agents is a funda-
mental part and its results influence the Risk Rating
activities. In order to identify possible threat agents,
we adopted the taxonomy proposed in (Casey, 2007),
that suggests the categories described in table 3.
The classification proposed in (Casey, 2007) asso-
ciate to each class of threat agents a set of attributes
and proposes a mapping that outlines which are the at-
tribute values associated to each Threat Agent. Table
4 summarizes the attributes and the possible values of
the attribute.
In order to select the Threat Agents (TAs) and
evaluate the risk associate to each of them, we classify
the proposed attributes in two classes: (i) attributes
useful to identify the TAs that are meaningful for the
system under analysis and (ii) attributes useful to risk
In the selection process we concentrate on the first
class, which, according to our consideration are In-
tent, Access, Outcome, Objective. Accordingly we
identified four questions to which the system owner
should answer, that enable us to select the TAs.
Q1: Are there someone who can gain an advan-
tage implementing a cyber threat against your sys-
Q2: Do you trust all employees and do you as-
sume that they are not a possible Threat agent?
Q3: What are the goals of the attackers that repre-
sent the most threat to you?
Q4: What could be the expected results of a pos-
sible attacker in the phases of a possible attack on
the software system?
Q1 identifies the threat agent’s hostility. Q2 is used
to consider the threat agents that have internal access
to the application. For example, if the user marks
the employees ( or partners who have access to con-
fidential data) as “trusted”, these categories are re-
moved from the final threat agent list. Q3 and Q4,
instead, allow multiple answers and apply the filter
to the threat agents in relation to the steps they take
to attack the system and the desired result of the at-
tacker. The answers to these questions are used to se-
lect the threat agent categories. For example, Terrorist
or Data miner can not be selected if the user consider
”Embarrassment” the only outcome. The result of the
first step is a threat agent list containing a description
of the threat agent and common actions he takes to
attack the target.
4.1 Application to Our Case Study
In our case study we assume that the system’s
cyber-security officer considers only the hostile threat
agents. This may due to the exposure of threats that
can bring financial advantage to the agent, especially
on Wordpress site such as e-commerce. We also as-
sumed that the director has complete trust of the em-
ployees, which excludes them from the results. Hav-
ing made these answers to the questionnaire, the cate-
gories interested in attacking the system are described
by the table 5.
It should be noted that some categories are always
considered as outputs of the algorithm as they repre-
sent a set of threat agents that do not have a specific
reason for attacking the system, so they should be
considered to every kind of systems. In our case the
user provides a multiple answer to questions Q3 and
Q4. He answers ”Copy” to Q3 question and ”Tech
Advantage” and ”Business Advantage to Q4 ques-
tion. When an user gives multiple answer to Q3 or
Q4 question, a set of threat agent categories is cal-
culated for each answer and the final result is the
union of each set. For example, in our case study
the answers considers both a Technological Advan-
tage and a Business Advantage. The result of the
algorithm is the union of the sets obtained from the
categories associated with the technological advan-
tage and the business advantage. In our case study,
therefore, five categories are detected to be consider
as possible threat agents and these categories will be
used for risk rating phase, as shown in table 5.
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 2: MACM Wordpress Case study.
Table 3: Threat Agent Taxonomy.
Category Description
Employee Reckless Employee who circumvents safeguards for expediency,but intends no harm
Employee Untrained Employee with harmless intent but unknowingly misuses system or safeguards
Info Partner Someone with whom the company has voluntarily shared sensitive data
Anarchist Someone who rejects all forms of structure and acts with few constraints
Civil Activist Highly motivated but non-violent supporter of cause
Competitor Business adversary who competes for revenues or resources (acquisitions,etc.)
Corrupt Government Person who uses his position within the government to acquire resources
Data Miner Professional data gatherer external to the company (includes cyber methods)
Employee Disgruntled Current or former employee with intent to harm the company
Government Cyberwarrior State-sponsored attacker with significant resources to affect major disruption
Government Spy State-sponsored spy as a trusted insider,supporting idealistic goal
Internal Spy Professional data gatherer as a trusted insider
Irrational Individual Someone with illogical purpose and irrational behavior
Legal Adversary Adversary in legal proceedings against the company, warranted or not
Mobster Manager of organized crime organization with significant resources
Radical Activist Highly motivated,potentially destructive supporter of cause
Sensationalist Attention-grabber who may employ any method for notoriety
Terrorist Person who relies on the use of violence for socio-political purposes
Thief Opportunistic individual with simple profit motive
Cyber Vandal Derives thrills from intrusion or destruction of property, without strong agenda
Vendor Business partner who seeks inside information for financial advantage
4.2 Implementation
We implemented the Selection Process as a wizard in
which all the information necessary to obtain the list
of threat agents is obtained from the user, submitting
the answers to the above proposed questions.
The Threat Agent selection process involves the
use of a specific data model, which allows us to per-
form the described operations, which is logically or-
ganized in two parts:
A static part that contains a set of data already de-
fined upstream of the process.
A dynamic part that contains the results of the
wizard related to the selected application.
Figure 3, illustrates the E-R model of data model.
Blue tables are the static part of data model, made
of 6 tables, devoted to collect on one side the Threat
Agent Categories, the Attributes and their mapping,
according to the referenced paper (Casey, 2007) and ,
on the other side, Questions, Replies of questionnaire
and a table, which links each answer to a category that
satisfies it.
It is worth noticing that it will be easy, in future works
and after additional validation processes to enhance
Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security
Table 4: Threat Agent Attributes.
Attribute Description Attribute Values
Access Privileged position of the target infrastructure Internal,External
Intent Whether the agent intends harm Hostile, Not Hostile
Limits Legal and ethical limits of threat agent Code of Conduct, Legal, Extra-legal Minor,
Extra-legal Major
Outcome Primary goal of threat agent Acquisition, Business Advantage, Damage,
Embarrassment, Technical Advantage
Objective Method agent uses for achieving goals Copy, Deny, Destroy, Damage, Take, All
Resources Available time, money and technological
Individual, Club, Contest, Team, Organiza-
tion, Government
Skills Special training and expertise None, Minimal, Operational, Adept
Visibility How hidden are identity and actions Overt, Covert, Clandestine, Don’t Care
Table 5: Results of Threat Agent Selection phase in the example Scenario.
Category Description Common Actions
Competitor Business adversary who competes for re-
Theft of IP or business data
Cyber Vandal Derives thrills from intrusion or destruction
of property, without strong agenda
Network/Computing disruption,
web hijacking, malware
Irrational Individual Someone with illogical purpose and irra-
tional behavior
Personal violence resulting in
physical business disruption
Data Miner Professional data gatherer external to the
Theft of Personally Identifiable
Information, IP or business data
Sensationalist Attention-grabber who may employ any
method for notoriety of fame
Public announcements for PR
crises, theft of business data
the approach, adding new categories, attributes and,
eventually, additional questions.
The dynamic part,shown in figure 3 in red, is cre-
ated at run-time, and refers to each single user. The
Applications table contains all information about the
application to be subjected to security assessment. At
the end of the questionnaire, a specific application is
associated with a table, called questionThreatAgen-
tOnApplications, which contains all the answers of
the questionnaire. ThreatAgentCategoryAppliesOn-
Application table contains all OWASP parameters cal-
culated by the algorithm. Finally,the algorithm calcu-
lates some Threat Agent scores associated to the ap-
plication and save them in ThreatAgentScores table,
according to the algorithm shown in section 6.
As anticipated, the core of the selection phase, al-
ready presented in (Casola et al., 2020b) (Casola
et al., 2020a) (Casola et al., 2016), relies on a Threat
Catalogue, built in the context of the MUSA H2020
project, that organize the threats according to their as-
set type. The threats of the catalogue were collected
using a set of well known sources, like OWASP top
threats or referenced scientific paper, maintaining the
link to the adopted source in the catalogue. The threat
catalogue is available as open data.
However, in this paper, we enhanced our ap-
proach, considering not only the asset types, but even
the relationships among the assets. As outlined in sec-
tion 3, the attribute protocol associated to the MACM
relationships outlines the protocol(s) adopted in com-
munication among different nodes. Moreover, we use
the direction of the edge among the node (MACM re-
lies a directed graph) in order to assign a role to each
asset involved in the communication. As an example,
if a Customer (CSC) and a web application through
the HTTP protocol, the MACM model will add the
HTTP attributes to the uses relationship among them,
assigning the the CSC the role of HTTP client, while
the application assumes the role of server. At state of
art, the proposed approach supports only client-server
relationships among assets, in future works we aims
at extending the approach to different paradigms.
Accordingly we enriched our threat catalogue
with protocol-related threats. At state of art we sup-
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CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Data model.
ported the threats related to TCP, HTTP, SSL/TLS,
HTTPS and OAUTH using standard and well-known
threat models for protocols like (Qualys, 2013) and
(T. Lodderstedt, 2012).
The proposed approach produce a pretty
large list of threats: one for each triple
< T hreatAgent, Asset, Behaviour >. Accord-
ingly some of the threat behaviours collected in the
catalogue may appear more than one time, being
applied to different assets. Moreover, it should be
noted that, even if the threats are selected according
to the protocols, we associate them to each single
asset, according to the role they have in the protocol.
This enable us to focus on different countermeasures
for each asset , taking all the threats in consideration.
5.1 Implementation and Data Model
The enhancement of the proposed approach has im-
plied an improvement of the Data Model needed to
maintain the Threat catalogue, which is summarized
in Figure 4.
The proposed data model provides a dynamic ta-
ble named ”components” linked through an N:M re-
lationship to a table containing the catalog of threats.
Threats due to protocols are mapped to Protocols ta-
ble through a table named threatprotocol. All proto-
col information is extracted from MACM and relation
are stored in database through a Relation table witch
maps component to the used protocol and also defines
the role that component plays in that communication.
In this step role attribute is stored in Relation table
based on the orientation of the arch. All Threats are
extracted from database using a query that select all
threats linked to a specific protocol filtering by role
attribute. In this way we distinguish threats related to
two components of the same type and which commu-
nicate with a specific protocol, but which have differ-
ent roles in the communication.
5.2 Threat Selection Example
According to our case study, the assets are the ones
already anticipated in the previous sections and sum-
marized in tables 1 and 2 of the Modeling section.
Applying the proposed approach we produce a list of
threats that we have summarized, for simplicity’ sake
we summarized some of the threats due to HTTPS
in Table 7 and some of the Threats obtain per asset
in Table 6. A list of Threats is not compatible with
the length of the paper. Note that we manage it di-
rectly through our tools, that enable easy exploration
of threats through a web interface.
Analyzing the tables it is possible to outline, as
an example, that Wordpress can be exposed to threats
such as Injection. Other threats that affects the VMs
are linked to data and policy violation such as Data
Breaches and Unauthorized access to admin inter-
face. Moreover, data can be sniffed by threat agents in
communication channel between SQL-database and
Wordpress or the data could even be physically de-
5.3 Validation through Comparison
with Microsoft Tool
Validation of threat modeling processes is always an
issue, because there are no common ways to demon-
strate completeness (i.e. that all threats are consid-
ered) and consistency (i.e. that the threats consid-
ered are concretely applicable to the system under
analysis). We made a comparison with the results of
Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security
Figure 4: Table Protocols, Threats and Components in data model.
Table 6: Threat Selection results per Asset (snippet).
Threat ID Threat Name Asset
T94 Injection Wordpress
T98 Security Misconfiguration Wordpress
T99 Cross Site Scripting Wordpress
T70 Sniffing Storage Traffic DB
T87 Physical Destruction of
Storage Media
T77 Exhausting Log Data and
Metadata Space
T59 Data Breaches VM
T59 Unauthorized access to ad-
min interface
T59 Weak Identity, Credential
and Access Management
... ... ...
Table 7: Threats due to HTTPS in LB-Wordpress relation.
Threat ID Behavior Asset
T117 Eavesdropping WP
T118 Message Reply LB
T119 Message Injection WP
T120 Message Deleting LB
T121 Spoofing users WP
T122 Gaining unauthorized entry to a
server or account
T124 Denying service to other entities WP
T126 Denial Of Services WP
T127 Truncation LB
T128 Message Modification WP
T128 Message Modification LB
.. .. ..
a similar tool, The Microsoft Threat modeling Tool,
that relies on similar approaches, even if it does not
support threat agent selection and risk ranking eval-
uation. The Microsoft application model relies on a
graph-based very similar to MACM. The main dif-
ference among our approach the MS one, is that the
Microsoft tool associates the threats to the arcs of the
graph, while the proposed technique provides a list of
threats for each component. Microsoft threat model
per-Component is extrapolated considering threats re-
lated to arcs in-going or out-going the component.
As an example, considering the WordPress com-
ponent, are listed in 8 (for space motivation we re-
port only the table related to this asset). Our approach
proposes 18 threats, against 27 using Microsoft tool.
The main difference among the approaches is that the
MS tool suggestes more low level threats, which sup-
ports a technician in a technology oriented problem
solution, while our tool suggests high level threats,
more prone to policy definition and audit verifica-
tion procedures. Moreover, table 8 outlines how a set
of threats proposed by MS tool are specific cases of
the threats suggested by our approach, as an exam-
ple we outlines the threat of security misconfigura-
tions (whose countermeasure could be the adoption
of an audit procedure and/or of automatic tools based
on SCAP (D. Waltermire, 2018)), while the MS tools
suggests a specific list of security misconfiguration
cases. For what regard the detected threats affect-
ing the MYSQL-Database, we suggested 22 threats,
against the 7 suggested by the Microsoft tool. For
VM asset, instead, we considered 17 different threats
while Microsoft shows only 2 threats. In both cases
the threats suggested by MS are subcases of the ones
identified by us.
The difference in the last two asset types is prob-
ably due to the asset-oriented approach we adopt,
against the communication oriented suggested by Mi-
crosoft. These results demonstrated the reliability of
the proposed threat modeling approach, considering
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 8: Comparison Table.
Asset Our Threat Microsoft Threat
Wordpress Injection SQL injection through Web App
Wordpress Security Misconfiguration Gaining access to sensitive data
from log files
Gaining access to sensitive infor-
mation through error
Spoofing due to insecure TLS cer-
tificate configuration
Improper logout or timeout con-
Insecure coding practices
Wordpress Cross Site Scripting XSS
DB Sniffing Storage Traffic Sniffing traffic to database
DB Exhausting Log Data and Meta-
data Space
VM Data breaches -
VM Unauthorized access to admin in-
Unauthorized admin privileges
Weak Identity, Credential and Ac-
cess Management
that the commercial tool was not able to identify a
threat that we are not able to consider (at least at an
higher level of generality). As a matter of fact, the MS
tool is a powerful tool that directly suggest technician
on possible security issues and helps them in directly
apply countermeasures, while our technique is more
prone to identify an higher level security policy and
identify development procedures that enables to solve
the security problems.
Threat Modeling offers a clear idea of the possible
menaces that threaten the system under analysis, how-
ever addressing them all could be a (costly) overkill,
not compatible with time-to-market and application
costs. Risk Analysis aims at offering a (rough) eval-
uation of the risk (i.e. the probability that a threat
happens) in order to prioritize the implementation of
the countermeasures. We adopted the Risk Rating
Methodology proposed by OWASP (Williams, 2020)
that evaluate (as commonly happen) the risk through
the composition of two indicators: Likelihood and Im-
pact. Likelihood is an indicator that expresses how
likely a threat agent is to implement a threat. OWASP
quantitatively models it considering two set of factors:
Threat Agent Factors and Vulnerability Factors. The
first ones are related to the group of threat agents, con-
sidering : Skill Level , Motive, Opportunity and Size
While Vulnerability Factors are related to the vulner-
abilities needed to exploit a specific threat agent and
take into account Ease of Discovery, Ease of Exploit
, Awareness and Intrusion Detection.
Even Impact relies on two set of factors, namely
technical and business factors. The technical impact
is estimated taking into account how threat affect the
security requirement of the asset in terms of the Loss
of Confidentiality , Loss of Integrity , Loss of Avail-
ability and Loss of Accountability .
Last but no least Business factors take into ac-
count what is important to the company running the
application, evaluating Financial damage Reputa-
tion damage , Non-compliance and Privacy violation
The OWASP methodology offers a descriptive cri-
teria in order to assign to each of the above factors
a number between 1 and 10. Likelihood and Impact
will assume a level of risk (Low, Medium or High)
if the average of the values of their factors is respec-
tively in the range 1 3, 4 6 or 7 10. The risk
value of a threat is assigned through a table that as-
sign the final risk level according to the Likelihood
and Impact levels.
Thanks to our approach, Threat Agents and the
behaviour of the threats are well known in advance,
so it is possible to evaluate 12 on 16 of the factors
without any user involvement. The only factors that
we will ask as an input are related to business impact,
which are strictly related to the context of execution
of the application and its market considerations.
Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security
Table 9: Mapping OWASP Threat Agent parameters with
TAL parameters.
OWASP parameter TAL Parameter
Skill Level Skill
Motive Limits, Outcome, In-
Opportunity Access, Resources,
Size Resources
6.1 Threat Agent Rating
As a consequence, Threat Agent Factors are calcu-
lated on the basis of the considerations made in sec-
tion 4. We considered these values to be associated
with the system and therefore they are the same for
every threat in threat model.
The evaluation of the OWASP parameters relat-
ing to threat agents is based on the categories result-
ing from the questionnaire described in the chapter 5
Each category has a TAL attribute set that describe
it. Each attribute has a score which we use to cal-
culate the OWASP values. At this step, both attribute
classes, described in chapter 5 are considered. For ex-
ample, we assume that OWASP Motive depends only
on Intent, Outcome and Limits and it is calculated as
OWASPMotive =
x10 (1)
For multiple responses related to attributes ( such as
Outcome values) , the considered value is the average
of the single associated ones.
The process in this way calculates four OWASP
parameters for each category, using the mapping de-
scribed in the table 9. In order to produce the param-
eters relating to the system, it is necessary to evalu-
ate the combination of all the OWASP parameters for
each category of the Wizard result. For example, the
total OWASP Motive value is given by the formula:
N represents the number of categories resulting from
the Wizard and M
the OWASP score of the reason re-
lating to the i-th category and d A
instead represents
the i-th weight assigned by the user to the single out-
put category through a Low-Medium-High qualitative
approach. In this way, the user decides which output
category is more dangerous for the application.
6.2 Vulnerability and Technical Impact
In order to evaluate the risk of a threat, we still
miss the factors related to Vulnerability and Tech-
nical Impact. According to OWASP, a security ex-
pert, should make such evaluations, taking into ac-
count (i) how to implement an attack, exploiting the
vulnerabilities to implement the threat, and (ii) which
are the effect of the threat over the asset. How-
ever, as outlined in section 5, we collected in the
catalogue the full set of possible threats in terms of
the couple < Asset, Behaviour > together with addi-
tional information, namely the security requirements
affected and the STRIDE classification of the threat.
This enabled us to made an evaluation of each pair
< Asset, Behaviour >, and identify the default value
for the eight factors, associated to such a pair. In
practice, we evaluated in advance all the possible
threats assigning the values in order to avoid any addi-
tional request. In future works we aims at improving
such an evaluation, through additional attributes to the
MACM model: knowing the technologies that imple-
ment a node, as an example, it is possible to make a
search over threat intelligence knowledge bases (like
or the MITRE CVE, CWE, ATT&CK or
CAPEC, in order to make an additional automated
6.3 Overall Evaluation and Input
As a summary, for each threat, given by the triple
< T hreatAgent, Asset, Behaviour >, we are automat-
ically able to estimate 12 over 16 of the factors re-
quested by the OWASP methodology. However, the
number of possible threats remains pretty long and in-
volving the user in order to collect the last four factor
for each of the (tens, if not hundreds) identified pos-
sible threats is unpractical. Accordingly we followed
a simplified approach,: each threat was associated to
one or more STRIDE (Kohnfelder and Garg, 1999)
categories, Spoofing, Tampering, Reputation, Infor-
mation Disclosure, Denial of Services and Elevation
of Privileges. Then we ask the user to express the im-
pact factor of each STRIDE category over the overall
system (it is possible to make a per-asset request if the
user is interested to a finer grain evaluation). Finally,
we evaluate the impact of a threat on an asset con-
sidering the higher impact among the ones that the
user declared for each STRIDE category to which the
National Vulnerabiity Database NVD, https://nvd.nist.
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
threat belong to.
As a final result we are able to make a Detailed
risk analysis, outlining, for each threat, the associated
Risk Level (as a value Low, Medium or High).
Validation of the proposed evaluation is, however,
almost impossible, as often happens in Risk analysis
approaches. We relies on a well-established method-
ology (the OWASP one) that assign a relevant role to
security-experts. Our technique anticipated the work
of the security experts, so that it is possible to auto-
mate the process, delegating it to developers with lim-
ited security skills. As a consequence, it is possible to
involve the (costly) experts only for validating the re-
sults on the specific case studies or in given phases of
the project development.
6.4 Evaluation of the Case Study
In our case study, we selected five different Threat
Agents, listed in table 5. Let’s consider, for example,
the OWASP Factor Motive for the Data Miner agent:
DataMinerMotive =
x10 = 7 (3)
Accordingly, the OWASP Motive values calculated by
3 give the value 7, it means that threat agents might
be strongly motivated to attack the system. A similar
approach is used for the OWASP Size, Motive and
Opportunity parameters.
The calculation of threat agent parameters is
unique for each resulting threat described by tables
7 and 6. Other OWASP parameters depends on
threat, so for greater readability we take into account
some example of threats in table 6. Evaluating the
Cross-site Scripting threat, all OWASP related val-
ues are shown in figure 5. Considering the result-
ing threat agents and Cross-site scripting threat, the
related overall risk is considered MEDIUM (that typ-
ically implies that countermeasures must be applied
in a short amount of time)
In order to close the process we propose a set of (stan-
dard) countermeasures to mitigate the threats and en-
hance the overall level of security associated to the
system. This step of the technique were already avail-
able in previous work, (Casola et al., 2020b; Casola
et al., 2020a) and simply relies on the additional in-
formation collected in the threat catalogue. Counter-
measures are modeled according to the NIST security
control framework ((Group, 2020)) which provides a
Figure 5: Risk values of Cross-site Scripting Threat.
Table 10: Controls suggested for some threats in Threat
Control Name NIST
Information input
SI-10 Injection
Information input
SI-10 Cross Site
Transmission con-
fidentiality and in-
SC-8 Sniffing
Protection of in-
formation at rest
SC-18 Sniffing
large catalogue of security controls (e.g. countermea-
sures) organized in families, controls and control en-
hancements. For each threat provided by the threat
model, we query the threat catalogue that contains, as
additional information, a list of nist security controls
able to mitigate each couple Asset, behaviour, avail-
able in the catalogue. It is worth noticing that the
NIST framework suggests a reference baseline, asso-
ciating to each control the security level that require
the control as a mandatory countermeasures, accord-
ingly we select all the security controls, associated to
the identified threats, that are needed when the risk is
higher than the one we have evaluated according to
the process illustrated in previous sections. Table 10,
illustrated some of the NIST controls suggested for
our case study. For example to avoid Injection threats
for Web Application, this phase of methodology sug-
gest to use a validation system for input and output
values. Being a previous work, we does not spend
additional space in the details related to such control
Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security
In this paper we presented a technique that aims at au-
tomating thee process of threat modeling, risk anal-
ysis and security policy definition. The proposed
approach, thought to be easily adopted in security-
by-design development methodologies, enables non-
security experts to automate many of the typical steps
performed by security experts. It is worth noticing
that our goal is not to substitute the experts, but en-
abling their (costly) involvement only when strictly
necessary, in order to validate and eventually enrich
the policies, and during the development in order to
verify the correctness of the automated decisions.
The proposed approach require a very simplified
model of the application, similar to state of art tools,
like the Microsoft Threat modeling tool, and the reply
to few very simple questions, that are needed to make
the risk evaluation. The proposed technique was val-
idated comparing its result with existing tools (like
the Microsoft one) and relying on standard and exist-
ing methodologies for the more subjective phases of
the procedure. The comparison with the MS threat
modeling tool, as already outlined in section 5, out-
lined that we identified all the threats suggested by
the competitor, sometime suggesting a more general
threat respect to the one proposed by the tool. At best
of author’s knowledge, no other tool and technique is
able to support in a coherent and homogeneous way
threat agents identification, threat modeling, risk anal-
ysis and countermeasures identification without any
user interaction of not few initial questions and the
starting model we require. In future works we aims
at studying a technique to validate risk analysis tech-
niques like the one proposed, adopting threat intel-
ligence data-sets, in order to both, offer additional
grants on our results and improve the quality of our
risk level evaluations.
Moreover we aims at automating, as much as possi-
ble, the process of enrichment of the threat catalogue,
collecting data from open data sets and enriching the
risk factor evaluation through dedicated analysis and
testing procedures.
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CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science