Student Perception of Usability: A Metric for Evaluating the Benefit
When Adapting e-Learning to the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
Weam Gaoud Alghabban
1,2 a
and Robert Hendley
1 b
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.
Computer Science Department, Alwajh University College, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
e-Learning, Student Needs, Engagement, Perceived Usability, System Usability Scale, Dyslexia, Arabic, Skill
Usability is now widely recognised as a critical factor to the success of e-learning systems. A highly usable
e-learning system increases students’ satisfaction and engagement, thereby enhancing learning performance.
However, one challenge in e-learning is poor engagement arising from a “one-size-fits-all” approach that
presents learning content and activities in the same way to all students. Each student has different character-
istics and, therefore, the content should be sensitive to these differences. This study evaluated the students’
perceived level of usability of an e-learning system that matches content to reading skill levels of students with
dyslexia. 41 students rated their perceived usability of an e-learning system using the System Usability Scale
(SUS). Results indicated that when the e-learning system matches content to students’ skill level, students per-
ceive greater usability than when the learning is not matched. There was also a moderate, positive correlation
between perceived usability and learning gain when e-learning was matched to their skill level. Thus, students
assessment of the usability of a system is affected by the degree to which it is suited to their needs. This may
be reflected in increased engagement and is associated with higher learning gain.
The context of learning is changing radically. The
process of teaching and learning is no longer re-
stricted to a traditional classroom environment, due
to the advent of electronic learning (e-learning) tech-
nologies (Pal and Vanijja, 2020). E-learning, which
refers to the use of electronic technologies in educa-
tional settings, includes the delivery of educational
content via Internet, audio, video and other media
(Ozkan and Koseler, 2009). E-learning has become
a significant development in the educational field and
has been shown to improve the quality of learning
(Hamidi and Chavoshi, 2018). Although e-learning is
not new, it has not yet been widely used as the primary
mode of instruction (Hidalgo et al., 2020). However,
due to institutional closures precipitated by the Coro-
navirus (COVID-19) pandemic, educational institu-
tions worldwide have dramatically increased their re-
liance on e-learning technologies. Existing litera-
ture suggests students’ perceptions toward e-learning
is mostly positive (Alqurashi, 2019; Rodrigues et al.,
2019; Valencia-Arias et al., 2019). However, these
studies were conducted when e-learning platforms
merely supplemented traditional classroom teaching.
With the onset of COVID-19, most educational ser-
vices have been delivered electronically. Because ed-
ucators are increasingly reliant upon e-learning tech-
nologies, assessing the effectiveness and perceived
usability of e-learning environments is a critical task
for researchers (H
ok, 2000). If an e-learning system
is not sufficiently usable, students will become de-
motivated and retain less material because they have
to focus on system functionality rather than content
(Ardito et al., 2006).
Engagement with course material has a significant
impact on students’ learning (Kori et al., 2016). One
challenge in e-learning is to keep students motivated
and engaged (Moubayed et al., 2020). A “one-size-
fits-all” approach that does not consider individual
differences in learning and teaching produces poor
student engagement (Maravanyika et al., 2017). Since
different people learn in different ways, one method
to keep each student engaged is to adapt the content
to their particular preferences and needs in order to
Alghabban, W. and Hendley, R.
Student Perception of Usability: A Metric for Evaluating the Benefit When Adapting e-Learning to the Needs of Students with Dyslexia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010452802070219
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 207-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
maximise learning, a process known as adaptive e-
learning (Moubayed et al., 2020). As a result, adap-
tive e-learning systems are becoming increasingly
popular (Hariyanto and K
ohler, 2020). Making
e-learning systems available, effective, and engaging
requires an understanding of the target users (Liaw
et al., 2007). Thus, students’ preferences, cogni-
tive abilities and cultural background should be thor-
oughly considered when designing e-learning systems
(Ardito et al., 2006). In addition, students’ inter-
actions with these systems should be as intuitive as
possible (Ardito et al., 2006), providing flexibility
and adapting to students’ unique traits (Brusilovsky
and Mill
an, 2007). In summary, providing positive
and appropriate user experiences should be one of
the main goals of an e-learning system (Ardito et al.,
One critical component of user experience is us-
ability (Diefenbach et al., 2014) and, especially, a
student’s perception of the usability. Usability refers
to how easily and efficiently end users can accom-
plish their goals within a system (Nielsen, 1993). Us-
ability is therefore a key attribute of software quality
and is as important as security, robustness and per-
formance (Harrati et al., 2016). In the context of e-
learning, a good user experience leads to better en-
gagement and satisfaction, which in turn increases the
likelihood it will help students achieve learning goals.
All students, regardless of their orientation, experi-
ence or background, should be able to readily utilise
e-learning tools to achieve their goals (Harrati et al.,
E-learning systems have been evaluated from vari-
ous perspectives such as evaluating students’ satisfac-
tion (Alghabban and Hendley, 2020b), engagement
and interaction (Moubayed et al., 2020), and learn-
ing quality and effectiveness (Alghabban and Hend-
ley, 2020a; Rodrigues et al., 2019). However; there is
a lack of research on the examination of the usability
of e-learning (Pal and Vanijja, 2020). Because stu-
dents are key users of e-learning environments (Li-
mayem and Cheung, 2008), their needs and differ-
ences must be the main focus of usability practice
in the e-learning environment (Ardito et al., 2006).
However, recent research by Rodrigues et al. (Ro-
drigues et al., 2019) shows that usability studies of
e-learning largely ignore the perspectives of students.
This is a crucial shortcoming, as poor usability may
reduce students’ motivation to learn.
Another underexamined issue in e-learning is the
sensitivity of content to students’ needs and diffi-
culties (Zaharias, 2009). Prior studies have shown
students are more satisfied when content is effec-
tively presented, well-organised, flexible and useful
(Holsapple and Lee-Post, 2006). However, accord-
ing to a recent literature review by Gunesekera et al.
(Gunesekera et al., 2019), little research has exam-
ined student-content interaction in the context of e-
learning. This is especially true in the context of spe-
cial needs education, which is the domain in which
this work is focused. Therefore, there is a need to
evaluate the perceived level of usability of e-learning
from the perspective of students when content sup-
ports their needs. Accordingly, the aims of this re-
search are:
1. To evaluate the perceived level of usability of
an e-learning system when matching content to
students’ needs. The evaluation was done using
a standard usability assessment tool (the System
Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire).
2. To determine whether there is a relationship be-
tween the perceived level of usability and learning
gain when matching content to students’ needs.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the related work. Sec-
tion 3 describes the research methodology. Results
are presented in Section 4, followed by the discussion
in Section 5. Finally, the conclusion and further work
are presented in Section 6.
In this section we explore three key aspects: e-
learning; assessing student engagement in current re-
search, and finally, dyslexia and the difficulties expe-
rienced in learning and the current state of the art in
evaluating the perceived usability of e-learning sys-
tems of students with dyslexia.
2.1 e-Learning
E-learning has expanded rapidly in all academic in-
stitutions; however, there is little consensus on what
e-learning means. A systematic literature review by
Rodrigues et al. (Rodrigues et al., 2019) defined e-
learning as “an innovative web-based system based
on digital technologies and other forms of educational
materials whose primary goal is to provide students
with a personalised, learner-centered, open, enjoyable
and interactive learning environment supporting and
enhancing the learning processes” (p. 95). Much re-
search emphasizes the benefits of e-learning systems.
The expansion of location- and time-independent ed-
ucation and high-speed Internet access have allowed
educational institutions to increasingly use e-learning
technologies (Ozkan and Koseler, 2009).
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
However, one challenge in e-learning systems is a
“one-size-fits-all” approach that does not consider in-
dividual differences in learning and teaching (Allen
et al., 2004). Since different people learn in dif-
ferent ways, it is important to match the content
to the student’s particular preferences and needs in
order to maximize and speed up the learning pro-
cess (Moubayed et al., 2020). As a result, adaptive
e-learning systems are becoming increasingly pop-
ular, which provides new flexibility and suitability
to the peculiarities of the students’ specific needs
(Hariyanto and K
ohler, 2020).
In the context of e-learning systems, adaptation is
defined as a procedure for tailoring the educational
environment to learners’ differences (Brusilovsky,
2012) with the aim of improving learning outcome
(Maravanyika et al., 2017). Different student char-
acteristics can be considered. For example, PERSO
adapts course material based on students’ media
preferences and their knowledge (Chorfi and Jemni,
2004). Other studies have attempted to incorporate
learning styles as a parameter for the adaptation of
the learning process. For example, both (Sihomb-
ing et al., 2020) and (Alshammari et al., 2016) adapt
based on students’ learning style. Another character-
istic is students’ personality, as reported in (Ghaban
and Hendley, 2018).
2.2 Evaluating Student Engagement
The multidisciplinary nature of e-learning systems
leads scholars from different fields to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of these systems. Some researchers have
focused on evaluating e-learning systems from a tech-
nical perspective (Islas et al., 2007). Meanwhile, oth-
ers have evaluated these systems from the human-
factor perspective, taking into account students’ satis-
faction (Alghabban and Hendley, 2020b), experience
(Gilbert et al., 2007), determining e-learning mate-
rials’ effectiveness (Douglas and Vyver, 2004), and
engagement and motivation (Moubayed et al., 2020;
Ghaban and Hendley, 2018).
As part of these evaluation metrics, engagement
with course material has a significant impact on stu-
dents’ learning (Kori et al., 2016). Student engage-
ment is defined as the student’s ongoing effort spent
on the learning process to achieve learning goals
(Coates, 2006). That is, student engagement is com-
prised of three categories (Connell et al., 1995): be-
havioral such as sustained concentration in learning,
effort and persistent learning; emotional such as ex-
citement and interest in learning; and psychological
such as independence and challenge preferences (Ap-
pleton et al., 2006).
With the emergence of e-learning, the focus of
earlier research was mainly on how to improve the
learning performance and achievement of students.
However, lately more studies have focused on stu-
dents’ engagement when interacting with e-learning
systems (Ghaban and Hendley, 2018; Lee et al.,
2019; Alshammari, 2019). According to Carini et al.
(Carini et al., 2006), if the engagement level of stu-
dents increases, this may serve as a strong predictor of
improved performance and achievement. Therefore,
engaging more with an e-learning system, can lead
the student to use it for longer and also to learn more
effectively, which in turn can enhance the students’
academic performance. Hence, increasing a student’s
engagement with their e-learning environment is an
important objective.
Many approaches are used by researchers to mea-
sure engagement. These include self-report, teacher
expert knowledge (Lloyd et al., 2007) and interviews
and observation (Fredricks and McColskey, 2012).
However, these methods take time and resources and
can be difficult to implement without influencing the
outcome. Therefore, different methods are often used
to measure engagement indirectly. For instance, Gha-
ban and Hendley (Ghaban and Hendley, 2018) found
that students who are more motivated and engaged,
will use the e-learning system for longer (They do this
by measuring the drop out rate as a proxy for engage-
ment) and that this, in turn, leads to improved learn-
ing outcomes. Kangas et al. (Kangas et al., 2017)
found that students’ satisfaction is an important in-
dicator of their engagement. That is, if a student is
more engaged, then his/her interest in and enjoyment
of learning is increased too. Also, if a student is more
engaged and motivated, then their perception of the
system’s level of usability will be higher (Ardito et al.,
2006; Zaharias and Poylymenakou, 2009).
In this work we measure students assessment of
the usability of the e-learning system and then as-
sess: i) whether this varies when the system is adapted
to their needs, and ii) whether their learning gain is
higher when their perception of the quality of the sys-
tem is higher. We argue that this is an effective way
to assess the benefit of adaptation.
2.3 Dyslexia
The usage of e-learning systems is a growing research
area for children with specific learning disabilities.
One of the most carefully studied and most common
of childhood learning disabilities is dyslexia (Ziegler
et al., 2003). It is identified in 80% of the learn-
ing disabilities population (Lerner, 1989). Dyslexia,
which is called reading disorder’, has been defined by
Student Perception of Usability: A Metric for Evaluating the Benefit When Adapting e-Learning to the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
the main international classification, ICD-10 (WHO,
1992) as ”The main feature of this disorder is a spe-
cific and significant impairment in the development
of reading skills, which is not solely accounted for
by mental age, visual acuity problems, or inadequate
schooling” (p. 245). It may affect the following
skills: reading word recognition, reading comprehen-
sion skill, the performance of tasks requiring read-
ing and oral reading skill (WHO, 1992). The reading
performance of children with dyslexia is significantly
below the expected level on the basis of age, intelli-
gence, and school placement (Lyon et al., 2003).
Students with dyslexia face other difficulties such
as high avoidance, frustration and poor concentration
(Oga and Haron, 2012). Additionally, they frequently
suffer from poor school attendance, problems with so-
cial adjustment and academic failure (WHO, 1992).
They also have varied needs, abilities and characteris-
tics, which needs to consider individually. Therefore,
it is argued e-learning systems should be responsive
to these differences (Brusilovsky and Mill
an, 2007)
rather than treating all students uniformly. One fea-
ture that may be considered is dyslexia type as re-
ported in (Alghabban and Hendley, 2020a) and learn-
ing style (Benmarrakchi et al., 2017b).
Students with dyslexia can become both easily
engaged and disengaged with their learning content.
They may engage with the games (Vasalou et al.,
2017) and collaborative learning environments (Pang
and Jen, 2018), and easily disengaged with too much
learning content (Baker and Rossi, 2013). Their lack
of engagement becomes one of the main causes that
affect their academic performance (Sahari and Johari,
2012). Therefore, it is important to measure students’
engagement in order to be able to retain their attention
and therefore to improve their learning performance.
Many e-learning systems have been designed for
students with dyslexia. Al-Ghurair and Alnaqi (Al-
Ghurair and Alnaqi, 2019) aimed to enhance short-
term memory of students with dyslexia by develop-
ing a story theme in a game-based application. The
game’s usability was evaluated by experts who ob-
served children using the application and children’s
opinions were taken after using that system. Similar
work has been done by Aljojo et al. (Aljojo et al.,
2018) where they assist children with dyslexia in pro-
nouncing Arabic letters using a puzzle game-based
system. The children evaluated the system’s usabil-
ity in terms of learnability, efficiency, memorability,
errors and satisfaction. Their findings were not clear
nor properly discussed. Further, Vasalou et al. (Vasa-
lou et al., 2017) aimed to enhance spelling, word de-
coding, and the fluency of students with dyslexia (in
English) by developing a game-based learning appli-
Burac and Cruz (Burac and Cruz, 2020) devel-
oped a mobile application which implements a text-
to-speech feature to facilitate reading among children
with dyslexia in English. The overall usability of the
application was assessed by teachers by using a us-
ability questionnaire that measured effectiveness, ef-
ficiency, and quality of support, ease of learning and
satisfaction. Results showed that the usability of the
application was excellent. Similarly, Aldabaybah and
Jusoh (Aldabaybah and Jusoh, 2018) developed an as-
sistive technology for dyslexia by empirically identi-
fying a set of accessibility features related to the use
of menus, colours, navigation and feedback.
Despite all these works, some gaps are evident.
First, many systems fail to account for the variations
in abilities and skills among individuals with dyslexia
(Al-Ghurair and Alnaqi, 2019; Aljojo et al., 2018;
Burac and Cruz, 2020; Vasalou et al., 2017). As
a result, students with dyslexia using these systems
may exhibit lower engagement and satisfaction (Al-
ghabban and Hendley, 2020b). Second, much re-
search has utilised teacher evaluations of e-learning
systems, ignoring the perspective of the students (Bu-
rac and Cruz, 2020; Aldabaybah and Jusoh, 2018;
Aljojo et al., 2018). Thus, whether matching con-
tent to reading skill level improves perceived usability
of e-learning for students with dyslexia remains un-
known. The urgency of this question is exacerbated
by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has obstructed ac-
cess to traditional special needs provision.
To address these gaps, this research aims to eval-
uate the perception of the usability of an e-learning
system by students with dyslexia and to compare this
across two conditions: i) when it is matched to their
needs (specifically their reading skill level) and ii)
when it is not.
An empirical study was conducted to evaluate the per-
ceived level of usability when matching e-learning
content to students’ characteristics, specifically read-
ing skill level among Arabic children with dyslexia.
Details about the study’s hypotheses, the proposed
e-learning system, data collection and experimental
procedure are presented in following sections.
3.1 Study Hypotheses and Variables
For this study, two hypotheses were formulated:
1. Matching learning content to reading skill level of
students with dyslexia achieves significantly bet-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ter perceived level of usability compared to non-
matched content.
2. There is a positive correlation between the per-
ceived level of usability and learning gain when
matching learning content to the reading skill
level of students with dyslexia.
Students with dyslexia in this study were divided
into two groups. Students in the experimental group
interacted with a matched version of the e-learning
system that matches content to each student’s reading
skill level. Students in the control group interacted
with a standard version of the system with identical
layout and interface to the matched version but with-
out matching the content to their reading skill level.
The perceived level of usability and learning gain
were the main dependent variables measured in this
study. Additionally, this study investigated whether
there was a correlation between the perceived usabil-
ity and learning gain. The effect of other adaptations
and the effect on learning gain are reported elsewhere.
3.2 e-Learning System
The Reading Enhancing System for Dyslexia (RESD)
was designed in order to support the evaluation of the
perceived usability. The RESD system is a dynamic,
web-based e-learning system for Arabic children with
dyslexia in elementary schools. It provides different
word recognition exercises, as word recognition is a
strong predictor of reading fluency and improves stu-
dents’ ability to comprehend novel passages (Lo et al.,
2011). There are two versions of the RESD system
to support the experimental conditions. The matched
version matches training content of exercises to the
reading skill level of each student, while the standard
version fixes the content to suit all reading skill lev-
els. Both versions of the system are identical in lay-
out; the only difference is the provided content in the
The system trained students by providing a num-
ber of different word reading recognition activities.
In total, there were six training sessions, each with 20
activities. The content of training sessions was de-
rived from the study school curriculum and targeted
three main reading skills. These skills are the fun-
damental literacy skills that serve as building blocks
for more advanced skills and are presented in Table 1.
The design of matching content in the RESD system
is presented in Figure 1. The system relies on a re-
liable, offline reading skill level diagnostic tool, as
described in section 3.3. Students accessed training
content matching their reading skill level, according
to the algorithm presented in Figure 2. For example,
if a student’s reading skill required them to master
reading letters with short vowels, then the exercises
assessed and reinforced this skill.
Figure 1: Design of matching content based upon dyslexia
reading skill level in the RESD system.
A screenshot of a training activity of the system is
presented in Figure 3. As shown in Figure 3, the ques-
tion was presented at the top of the screen in written
form and accompanied by audio. The target word was
missing and denoted as dots inside a rectangular box
under the query, and its audio had a question mark
icon beside it. The student listened to the query and
selected the correct target word among three choices,
of which only one was correct. If the student chooses
the correct response, the interface will provide spo-
ken and written praise. If the student chooses an in-
correct response, negative written and spoken feed-
back was provided. Feedback on training progress is
provided as a progress bar at the top of the screen
as shown in Figure 3. Because motivation increases
confidence and self-esteem of students with dyslexia
(Benmarrakchi et al., 2017a), motivational messages
were presented after completing every seven activi-
ties, as shown in Figure 4.
The training sessions’ layout was consistent for
all reading skills, keeping the question, target word,
audio icon, and answer choices in the same place. The
user interface followed best design practices in terms
of font, type, colour, and background colour for e-
learning systems targeting Arabic dyslexia (AlRowais
et al., 2013) and used encouraging spoken feedback.
Student Perception of Usability: A Metric for Evaluating the Benefit When Adapting e-Learning to the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
Table 1: The reading skills and content represented in the RESD system.
No. Reading skill Content
Reading letters
with short vowels
Reading letters with fat-ha /a/
Reading letters with kasra /i/
Reading letters with damma /u/
Reading words
with consonant
Reading one consonant section in 2-letters words
(consonant section in the end of a word)
Reading one consonant section in 3-letters words
(consonant section could be in the middle or the end of a word)
Reading two consonant sections in 4-letters words
(consonant sections are in the middle and end of a word)
Reading words
with short vowels
and consonant
Reading 3-letters words with fat-ha /a/
Reading 3-letters words with fat-ha /a/ and kasra /i/
Reading 3-letters words with fat-ha /a/ and damma /u/
Reading 3-letters words with fat-ha /a/, kasra /i/ and damma /u/
Reading 4-letters words with all short vowels and consonant sections
Figure 2: The proposed content matching algorithm based
upon reading skill level.
3.3 Data Collection
Data was gathered by using three tools: reading skill
level diagnostic tests, pre- and post-tests, and the SUS
Reading skill level diagnostic tests consisted of
three subtests: (1) letter reading with short vowels, (2)
Figure 3: A screenshot of the RESD system.
Figure 4: A motivational message.
word reading with consonant sections and (3) word
reading with short vowels and consonant sections.
These tests met the requirements of the reliable and
standardised tests approved by the Ministry of Edu-
cation in Saudi Arabia (SA) for students with learn-
ing difficulties (Bukhari et al., 2016). The skill level
test for letter reading tested the student’s ability to
accurately recognise letters (spelling) in three-letter
words with short vowels. The skill level test for words
reading with consonant sections, included a list of ten
vowelised words with consonant sections within two
and three letters-words. The skill level test for word
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
reading with short vowels and consonant sections in-
cluded a list of ten vowelised words used to assess the
students’ level of this skill. The words differed in the
number of letters and using the combination of short
vowels and consonants. For each reading skill level
test, each participant was asked to read these words
aloud to detect his or her ability to spell letters cor-
rectly (as in the first test) and to read the words cor-
rectly (as in the second and third tests).
Pre- and post-tests are commonly used to derive
learning gain, or changes in learning outcomes that
have been achieved after a specific intervention (Pick-
ering, 2017). The pre-test contained 15 different vow-
elised words from the curriculum and was validated
by special educational experts. The pre-test met the
standardised test requirements for students with learn-
ing difficulties (Bukhari et al., 2016). The pre-test
was used at the beginning of the study to assess ini-
tial reading performance of students and participants
were divided into two groups, balanced by the pre-
test scores. The post-test, which is the same as the
pre-test, is used upon completion of the intervention
to measure learning gain. Learning gain is calculated
by subtracting the score of the pre-test from the score
of the post-test. Using the same tests in this study was
the best choice to allow a precise comparison of read-
ing abilities (Bonacina et al., 2015).
SUS was used in this study to assess children’ per-
ception of usability for the following reasons. The
SUS tool is one of the most widely used instruments
for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers
to evaluate the perceived usability of systems (Harrati
et al., 2016). It has a high degree of reliability and
validity (Bangor et al., 2008), and can be adapted for
various contexts (Peres et al., 2013). It is a valid in-
strument to compare the usability of two or more sys-
tems (Peres et al., 2013). With SUS, reliable results
are evident even with small samples (Tullis and Stet-
son, 2004). It has also been adapted to evaluate the
usability by children (Alghabban and Hendley, 2020a;
Putnam et al., 2020) and also used as a standard us-
ability tool for Arabic users with a high degree of re-
liability (AlGhannam et al., 2018).
The SUS includes 10 mixed-tone items. The odd
numbered items have a positive tone, and the even
number a negative tone. All items are on a ve-point
Likert scale from strongly disagree (1) to strongly
agree (5). SUS uses alternative positive and negative
Several pictorial elements are used to convey the
meaning of the Likert scale for children (Read, 2012;
Putnam et al., 2020). A widely-used visual represen-
tation in academia is the Smileyometer (Read, 2012),
as shown in Figure 5. In this study, the Likert scale
used by SUS were converted to Smileyometers, since
a visual representation of the Likert scale of agree-
ment matches children’s cognitive abilities (Alghab-
ban and Hendley, 2020a; Putnam et al., 2020).
Figure 5: The Smileyometer (Read, 2012).
3.4 Procedure
The study was subject to ethical approval by Uni-
versity of Birmingham, and for each child explicit
consent was obtained from parents/guardians and
schools, prior to study participation. All children
were selected from elementary schools in SA.
The procedure timetable is presented in Table 2.
In one session, children were welcomed and intro-
duced to the study’s objectives. Then, their demo-
graphic information (age, grade) was collected and
reading skill level diagnostic tests, including the read-
ing pre-test, were administered. Subsequently, chil-
dren were divided into two groups: the experimental
group and the control group. The two groups had sim-
ilar distribution of age, grade and prior reading per-
formance assessed by the pre-test. The experimental
group used the matched version of the RESD, and the
control group used the standard version. The exper-
iment took place in person, in a quiet room, within
each child’s school. Each child individually inter-
acted with the system. Six training sessions were con-
ducted, two sessions each week, each one lasted for
30 minutes.
At the end of the total training sessions, the post-
test and SUS were administered.
4.1 Participants
The participants were all female students, aged 7-
10 years at different elementary schools in SA. They
were all officially diagnosed with dyslexia. Forty-one
students with a mean age of 8.4 years (Grade 2 to 4)
were included in this study. All participants had pre-
vious experience with electronic devices. Due to the
customary separation of males and females in SA ed-
ucational organizations, researchers did not have ac-
cess to male students. This also has an advantage by
Student Perception of Usability: A Metric for Evaluating the Benefit When Adapting e-Learning to the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
Table 2: Procedure timetable.
Week # Session Activity
1 Pre-starting
Overview of the study, collecting demographic information,
conducting reading skill level tests, pre-test
Training sessions
Training session 1 and 2
3 Training session 3 and 4
4 Training session 5 and 6
4 Learning gain, SUS Post-test, SUS
reducing variances between participants.
All participants were native Arabic speakers and
the study was conducted in Arabic. The sample char-
acteristics are presented in Figure 6. All of the partic-
ipants completed the experiment.
4.2 The Effect of Skill Level Content
Matching on Perceived Level of
The experimental sample includes 20 students in the
experimental group and 21 in the control group. The
groups were balanced for prior level of reading per-
formance (p-value for pre-test = 0.711 > 0.05) and
age (p = 0.808 > 0.05). Analyses were performed in
First, the perceived level of usability was calcu-
lated for both matched and standard variants of the
RESD system. The usability scores for the matched
version of the system based on reading skill level (M
= 96.25, SD = 3.39) and the standard version (M =
84.76, SD = 12.09) were acceptable since their av-
erage score is greater than 70 (Bangor et al., 2008).
Thus, both versions of the system were assessed as us-
able and valuable in the learning process, and the stu-
dents with dyslexia were generally satisfied and found
them easy to use.
The two versions of the system (matched and stan-
dard) were also compared to get a deep insight into
their usability and to investigate whether the provi-
sion of matching content has any impact on usabil-
ity. Because data were not normally distributed, an
independent sample Mann-Whitney U test was con-
ducted to compare the two conditions. Distributions
of the usability scores for both versions were simi-
lar, as assessed by visual inspection. The results in-
dicated that there was a statistically significant differ-
ence between the overall usability score of the two
versions, U = 358, p = 0.0001. Therefore, the first
hypothesis is confirmed, and it can be concluded that
the matched version of the e-learning system based
on reading skill level of students with dyslexia yields
significantly higher levels of perceived usability than
a standard version.
When investigating differences among individual
items on the SUS tool, we found, for instance, that
children using the matched version provided higher
ratings to item 8 (“I found the website was very con-
venient to use”) than those using the standard version.
Thus, e-learning systems that detect and respond to
students’ characteristics elicit higher user satisfaction,
offer greater academic support, and enhance engage-
ment and satisfaction.
4.3 Perceived Level of Usability and
Learning Gain Correlation
A Spearman’s rank-order correlation was run to as-
sess the relationship between learning gain and per-
ceived level of usability of the experimental and con-
trol groups. The relationship between these two vari-
ables is monotonic, as assessed by visual inspection
of a scatterplot.
Among participants in the experimental group,
there was a moderate positive correlation between
perceived usability and learning gain, r = 0.517, p
= 0.02 < 0.05. By contrast, usability and learning
gain were unrelated among participants in the con-
trol group, r = -0.364, p = 0.105 > 0.05. Therefore,
usability was associated with greater learning gain
among students using the matched e-learning mech-
This work aimed to fill a research gap in evaluating
the perceived level of usability of an e-learning sys-
tem that matches the needs of students with dyslexia.
This work contrasts with other research on e-learning
that does not consider individual differences in learn-
ing among students with dyslexia (Al-Ghurair and Al-
naqi, 2019; Aljojo et al., 2018; Burac and Cruz, 2020;
Vasalou et al., 2017) or relied on teacher reports of
usability rather than student perception (Burac and
Cruz, 2020; Aljojo et al., 2018; Aldabaybah and Ju-
soh, 2018). Students have the most influential inter-
actions with the content (Gunesekera et al., 2019),
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: The experimental sample characteristics.
and so evaluating their perception of the usability and
their engagement, from their perspective, is an impor-
tant aspect to ensure the effectiveness and usefulness
of these tools (Plata and Alado, 2014).
Although both versions of the system had the
same user interface, this work suggests both factors
can be enhanced by programs which match students’
abilities and needs. The findings of this work are con-
sistent with previous research (Alghabban and Hend-
ley, 2020a; Alshammari et al., 2016) that shows stu-
dents engage with and enjoy products more when
they target their specific skills, needs, and attributes
and that those products are perceived as more usable.
Such satisfaction precipitates improved learning per-
formance by allowing students to focus on their learn-
ing rather than the functionality of the system (Or-
fanou et al., 2015).
Furthermore, this work’s findings yielded a pos-
itive correlation between perceived level of usability
and learning gain when the e-learning system matches
the students’ needs. These results parallel those from
previous studies (Ardito et al., 2006; Zaharias and
Poylymenakou, 2009), which found that student en-
gagement and satisfaction mediated the link between
usability and academic progress. Students recognise
the content that is useful (Holsapple and Lee-Post,
2006) and suits their needs (Alghabban and Hendley,
2020b; Alghabban and Hendley, 2020a; Sihombing
et al., 2020), resulting in higher satisfaction (Alghab-
ban and Hendley, 2020b; Holsapple and Lee-Post,
2006), perceived usability (Alghabban and Hendley,
2020a; Sihombing et al., 2020) and learning perfor-
mance (Alghabban and Hendley, 2020a; Alshammari
et al., 2016).
Because the system’s interfaces and layout were
otherwise identical, these group differences cannot be
attributed to the customization of the user interface.
Thus, students with dyslexia are more satisfied with
e-learning platforms when their content and learn-
ing activities are tailored to their reading skill level.
In addition, the results suggest that the skill level of
students is one significant characteristic in education
(Essalmi et al., 2010) that should be incorporated in
e-learning systems in order to enhance engagement
and students’ experience. This is in line with class-
room practice where, once the student’s reading level
has been determined, teachers select the most appro-
priate materials for each student (Dolgin, 1975). The
findings suggest that students notice when content is
tailored to their needs, and that this tailored content
increases perceived course quality. This is consistent
with previous research (Zaharias, 2009) that shows
that focusing on users’ needs makes them more ac-
tive in an e-learning course. Whilst they may not be
able to explicitly assess this match, they are, at least
subconsciously, aware of it, and this will be reflected
in their assessment of aspects of the system that do not
change between conditions (Alghabban and Hendley,
This research evaluated student perceptions of the us-
ability of an e-learning system and how this changes
when matching content to the needs of students with
dyslexia. We did this for two reasons. First, evaluat-
ing the perceived level of usability of e-learning sys-
tems is a critical task for researchers (H
ok, 2000),
and recently, it has become of great importance due
to increased use of e-learning technologies spurred
by the COVID-19 pandemic (Pal and Vanijja, 2020).
That is, a usable e-learning system leads to better en-
gagement and satisfaction, which in turn increases
the likelihood that it will help students achieve their
learning goals (Alghabban and Hendley, 2020a; Al-
shammari et al., 2016). Second, we believe that this
is an effective metric for assessing the effectiveness
of adaptation based on students’ needs. By compar-
ing two conditions (adapted and non-adapted) we can
measure the change in a student’s attitude to the adap-
tation. This can augment existing metrics (such as
learning gain) to give additional insight into whether
the adaptation is beneficial.
Student Perception of Usability: A Metric for Evaluating the Benefit When Adapting e-Learning to the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
An experimental evaluation of the e-learning sys-
tem’s usability was conducted with 41 elementary
school children with dyslexia, and it yielded signif-
icant results. Findings indicated that matching con-
tent to children’s reading skill level results in a higher
level of perceived usability than non-matched content.
Thus, when e-learning meets students’ needs, they re-
port that the tools are more usable and more engaging
and produce greater learning gains.
This research has, however, some limitations. The
research targeted dyslexia in the Arabic language.
The structure and orthography of Arabic are differ-
ent from other languages such as English. There-
fore, the manifestation of dyslexia in Arabic is dif-
ferent from dyslexia in English (Elbeheri and Everatt,
2007). Thus, further investigation is required to check
whether these results can be generalised to other lan-
guages, other age groups and male students. More-
over, further investigation may include other student
characteristics, such as learning style and personality.
Although this research’s findings are promising,
further exploration of outcomes associated with the
use of e-learning tools is needed. Education through
computer-based platforms is complex, involving stu-
dent self-efficacy, the quality of the learning content,
ease of use (Li et al., 2012), the extent to which the
tools suit students’ different characteristics (Sihomb-
ing et al., 2020), the user interface design, interac-
tivity and engagement (Plata and Alado, 2014). The
perceived level of usability is one element of the over-
all user experience that this research evaluated, while
further research may focus on other aspect of user ex-
This work was supported by University of Tabuk,
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. Special thanks to the Min-
istry of Education in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for giv-
ing the permission to undertake this study in different
schools. In addition, many thanks to all participating
students and teachers.
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