Microlearning Method for Building Learning Capsules for Older
Priscila Cedillo
, Daniel Gómez
, Daniela Prado-Cabrera
, Alexandra Bermeo
and Lourdes Illescas
Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Keywords: Microlearning, Micro-content, Method, Learning Capsules, Older Adults.
Abstract: Education is a universal process that acts on human beings throughout their existence, including their aging
stage. In this sense, older adults can learn, communicate, and exchange information through technological
applications. However, learning platforms often do not address the specific requirements and special needs of
older people. Therefore, it is necessary to have methods and tools that allow the creation of software artifacts,
so this sector of the population can acquire new knowledge according to its learning needs. Given these
considerations, this document proposes a method for creating learning capsules in the field of microlearning,
taking into account accessibility criteria and andragogic techniques that support the learning process of the
older adult; it also considers a diffusion plan for apprentices to know and access structured micro-contents.
Besides, to show this proposal's use, the step-by-step of creating a learning capsule to be used by older adults
is presented.
Currently, technological progress has allowed
professionals and researchers in the computer science
area to find, develop, and innovate solutions for
society's different problems. These are oriented to
different domains, including access to learning
content, information exchange, communication, and
relationships with people online (Sanchez & Luján,
2013). However, in the education area, technological
developments do not usually consider the specific
needs of older adults in developing teaching-learning
methods and techniques that allow obtaining artifacts
that consider the needs of this sector of the population
(García & Bermejo, 2004). The Pan American Health
Organization (2019) states that services must be
adapted to older people's needs in today's society.
This population requires much more effective
management, which improves their survival and
maximizes their functional capacity, and reduces the
years of dependence on others.
In the learning field, it is necessary to emphasize
that education is a process that acts on the human
being throughout their entire existence, counting on
the necessary tools to face its challenges day by day
(Girón, 2014). Education focused on the elderly can
give way to new opportunities for economic security,
health, and social participation, which promote active
aging and the improvement of the quality of life in the
social, cultural, economic, and political spheres
(Ojeda, 2018). In this sense, there is a series of
andragogic techniques, defined by Knowles (1980) as
the art and science of helping adults to learn,
providing the opportunity for older adults to
participate in their educational process actively and to
intervene in the planning, programming, conducting
and evaluating learning activities on an equal footing
with fellow participants and instructors. Those
andragogic techniques can be included in
technological support tools for the teacher, the same
ones that integrate modes of interaction with the
Cedillo, P., Gómez, D., Prado-Cabrera, D., Ber meo, A. and Illescas, L.
Microlearning Method for Building Learning Capsules for Older Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0010449201870194
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2021), pages 187-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-506-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
elderly and contemplate aspects and themes to
improve their lives.
In this context, the problem is evident when the
elderly use online learning tools because they face
existing barriers in terms of accessibility, intention to
use, and the adoption of information and
communication technologies (ICT) (Luna, Mendoza,
& Álvarez, 2015). Thus, it is necessary to generate
technological learning spaces that allow the
generational digital gap to be reduced, so older people
acquire new knowledge through tools that allow them
to adapt and integrate into the digital society (Moral,
2015; Sunkel & Ullmann, 2019).
Thus, this paper presents the first step towards a
methodological approach in software engineering
with instructional considerations, that allows the
construction of learning capsules focused on older
people. This method allows designers to build
learning capsules under the concept of microlearning.
To show how the methodology works, a learning
capsule has been built, in the topic of measures of
prevention for COVID-19 for older adults.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents fundamentals and related work; Section 3
addresses the microlearning method and its activities
and tasks; Section 4 illustrates the implementation of
a learning capsule using the proposed method. Lastly,
the conclusions and further work are included in
Section 5.
Microlearning refers to a didactic approach that uses
digital means to deliver short-topics, coherent, and
autonomous educational content for learning
activities in a short time (Göschlberger & Bruck,
2017). Among the materials most used to implement
these capsules are educational videos, infographics,
educational packages and online courses, which allow
the transmission of knowledge in a reduced time
(Perrusquia, 2006). They consider andragogic
techniques (Knowles, 1980) and accessibility
characteristics focused on the elderly, which
intervene in: i) the brevity of the solution, ii) the
approach of the thematic and additional
characteristics of the learning capsules, and iii) the
availability of these capsules (Jahnke, Lee, Pham, He,
& Austin, 2019).
There are applications of technologies that were
created for education and learning fields, such as
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) or Learning
Management System (LMS). There are several
solutions proposed to create learning platforms for
older adults (Beltran, Cedillo, Rodriguez-Ch, &
Bermeo, 2018; Sanchez & Luján, 2013; Tutoky,
Babič, & Wagner, 2013). They are oriented to the
analysis of specific accessibility considerations when
using online courses for older adults; also have
created the need to have tools with usability and
accessibility options specific for this age range
(Sanchez & Luján, 2013). However, these solutions
are applied in online courses for older adults, but do
not address micro-content creation through learning
capsules. These capsules refer to media and/or tools
that are used to impart short-term academic content
on a specific topic (Ledo, Vialart, Sánchez2, &
González, 2019). Moreover, most research published
in microlearning has been done for an academic
environment and groups of users, mostly adolescents,
adults under 65, and the general public. Therefore, it
is needed to generate new research and microlearning
contributions focused on older adults (Baldauf,
Brandner, & Wimmer, 2017; Dearman & Truong,
2012; Horst & Dörner, 2019; Jahnke et al., 2019).
The difference of this research with previous
proposals is in the extension and the purpose;
characteristics that will allow the generation of
limited learning capsules, with a short theme and
duration. These capsules are aimed at older adults,
taking into consideration the specific characteristics
needed for reaching this population.
To construct learning capsules oriented to older
people, it is necessary to present a guide that contains
the required steps to follow. According to Zelkovitz,
Shaw, & Gannon (1979), software engineering is "the
study of principles and methodologies for developing
and maintaining software systems." Also,
Sommerville (2011) defines software engineering as
"an engineering discipline that is interested in all
aspects of software production, from the initial stages
of the system to the maintenance of the system." This
study's purpose is to create software artifacts oriented
to learning techniques for older adults. Therefore, the
method proposed has been designed to consider the
mix of software engineering guidelines with
instructional aspects that can support older people's
learning process. According to Bruner (1969),
instructional design deals with planning, preparing,
and designing materials and environments needed to
carry out a learning process. There are several
instructional models, such as the Successive
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Approximation Model (SAM) and the ADDIE model
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluation).
First, the SAM model proposes to perform
different versions of the learning products until it
reaches the desired version (Rimmer, 2016), while the
ADDIE model performs this process through an
iterative flow (Aldoobie, 2015). Due to the
characteristics of the learning capsule, based on
microlearning concepts, the proposed methodology is
aligned to a hybridized version of the ADDIE model,
with specific characteristics of the SAM model,
which allows an iterative workflow between its
phases, with the option to test the design of the
learning capsule through a prototype. Thus, the
proposed method considers the inclusion of
andragogic techniques, accessibility criteria, and
multimedia elements, also called micro-contents, to
elaborate a capsule as a solution for a specific context.
They are included to support older people's learning
process in their aging phase and as a source of
microlearning for the fundamental processes and
activities of today's society. This method presents a
flexible solution adapted for any specific situation.
The activities in this method, its tasks, and each of
its components is presented below. Also, the context
of the learning capsules, objectives, andragogic
strategies, development, and evaluation.
3.1 Activities of the Method
This section presents each activity, input, output, and
guideline that is part of the method. An overview of
the general method is illustrated in Figure 1.
3.1.1 Analysis
This activity (shown in Figure 1, part 1) aims to
describe the problem to be addressed and propose the
solution to be implemented to generate a
requirements specification document. Its sections are
i) the learning capsule context, which includes a
description of the problem to be addressed, the
proposed solution, the apprentice's description as an
older adult, and the environment of use. The Project
Coordinator performs this task, along with the
Instructional Designer and the Subject Matter Expert;
ii) instructional analysis, performed by the
Instructional Designer; the learning requirements of
the older adult, the andragogic definition in terms of
techniques and strategies are defined; and, iii)
technological analysis, the functional and non-
functional requirements needed for the learning
capsule are defined. The Software Engineer is
responsible for performing this task, along with the
Project Coordinator and Subject Matter Expert.
3.1.2 Design
For this activity, the following aspects are considered
(Figure 1, part 2): i) the Instructional Designer and the
Subject Matter Expert, with the supervision of the
Project Coordinator, establish the objectives and
learning outcomes, under the instructional analysis
included in the requirements specification document,
ii) definition of the learning capsule, which is
performed by the Instructional Designer and the
Subject Matter Expert, the learning capsule and its
sections is described, also, the self-assessment
process for the apprentice; iii) for the definition, the
Subject Matter Expert, with the help of the Media
Specialist identify the multimedia elements that will
allow representing the contents of each of the sections
of the learning capsule; iv) a prototype of the learning
capsule, which is done through a computer prototype
design software, with the Software Engineer and
Media Specialist's teamwork. Here, the accessibility
criteria, following the requirements, is also identified.
Finally, v) all the personnel analyse the generated
prototype to validate the design. The main difference
of this method against traditional design is the
consideration of accessibility criteria for older adults,
a guide to the most commonly used multimedia
elements in the context of microlearning, and the
generation of a prototype to evaluate the design.
3.1.3 Development
This activity, shown in Figure 1 (part 3), aims to
implement the result of the Analysis and Design
stages to produce microlearning contents. This
activity contains: i) establishing the production plan,
meaning how the learning content will be produced;
ii) selection and preparation of production
technologies (e.g., cameras, microphones, computer
editing programs) depending on the type of
multimedia materials to be defined; and, iii)
production and post-production of multimedia micro
contents. The Media Specialist carries out these tasks
in collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the
Instructional Designer. The Media Specialist may
include additional people to the development team to
produce microlearning content.
3.1.4 Implementation
This activity's objective, shown in Figure 1 (part 4),
is to structure the learning capsule according to the
micro-contents elaborated in the development
Microlearning Method for Building Learning Capsules for Older Adults
Figure 1: Main Microlearning Method to Building Learning Capsules for Elderly People. Source: Own elaboration.
activity and install it on the target platform selected
in the Analysis activity. For these purposes, this
activity contains i) preparation of the deployment
environment, where the Software Engineer, with the
Project Coordinator's supervision, prepares the
hardware and software resources to deploy the
learning capsule, according to the type of device and
platform to be used; ii) organization of multimedia
micro-content, where the Media Specialist with the
collaboration of the Software Engineer, structure the
content according to the definition of the learning
capsule; and, iii) deployment of the learning capsule,
where the Software Engineer displays the structured
content on the selected platform. Depending on the
selected technologies for deployment, in some cases,
websites or mobile applications must be developed,
or platforms configured for the deployment of content
to form the learning capsule.
3.1.5 Evaluation
This activity is shown in Figure 1 (part 5); here, the
main task corresponds to the learning capsule's
verification and validation. The beta version of the
learning capsule will be evaluated so that it complies
with the requirements established in the requirements
specification document and validates the learning
capsule with the participation of the elderly. This
activity is supported by the Project Coordinator, the
Instructional Designer, the Subject Matter Expert,
and the Software Engineer.
3.1.6 Diffusion
The last activity for the construction and deployment
of learning capsules focused on older adults
corresponds to diffusion. This phase (Figure 1, part 6)
Requirements template
Andragogic principles
Matter Expert
Lear ning platforms and
technologies guide
Catalog of multimedia
materials in microlearning
Accessibility criteria
Objectives and
Definition of
the capsule
out out
Coordinato r
Beta version of the
learning capsule
Gold version of the
in in in
Matter Expert
12 3
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
includes: i) publishing the constructed learning
capsule, so it is available to the selected population;
and, ii) disseminate the learning capsule by applying
a diffusion plan, or external marketing plan, thus that
the learners can learn about the existence of the
learning capsule and access it.
3.2 Method Artifacts
In addition to its activities, the method is composed
of artifacts or work products, which correspond to
inputs used to perform a task or activity, and outputs
The involved artifacts are described, beginning
with those included in the Analysis activity: i)
Information Collected, which is an input artifact with
a series of data previously collected about the context
and purpose of the capsule to be developed. This data
is the basis for defining requirements in the Analytics
activity; ii) the requirements document contains the
requirements to define, design, and create the learning
micro-content included in the capsule to be
developed. These requirements will also help
implement, deploy, and evaluate the learning capsule
at the software level. The requirements document is
the input for the next activity.
The Design activity produces the following
artifacts: i) Objectives and results of the learning
outcomes. This artifact contains learning objectives
and outcomes, where objectives describe trainees'
expected performance or behavior within the learning
process. In contrast, the outcomes are statements of
what an apprentice is expected to know, understand,
and/or be able to do at the end of a learning process.
ii) The definition of the capsule. This report features
information on the sections and micro-contents to
include in the learning capsule. Also, it provides the
specification of self-assessment and/or feedback for
learners. This artifact will be useful for prototyping
the learning capsule and some tasks in the
Development and Implementation activities; iii) the
prototype report of the capsule, which is a design or
sketch made on a computer, it visually indicates how
the microlearning contents will be organized
according to the definition of the learning capsule; iv)
Prototype report. This report includes a description of
the learning capsule prototype. It presents
information about how learning micro-contents and
accessibility considerations within the capsule will be
structured at the design level, according to the
learning capsule's definition report.
As the output of the Development activity, the
multimedia micro-contents developed artifact is
obtained. It includes the multimedia materials
produced (e.g., images, videos, animations, podcasts,
flashcards), which will be included in the learning
capsule. Also, all the artifacts involved in the
Development activity constitutes the input of the
Implementation activity.
As the output of the Implementation activity,
there is a beta version of the learning capsule. This
version constitutes the selected platform with
structured and deployed micro-contents. With this
artifact, the corresponding tests can be performed in
the Evaluation activity on the learning capsule. The
beta version is also the input for the Evaluation
The evaluation activity output is (i) the
Verification and Validation Report (V&V Report).
This report contains the results of the tests performed
by all those involved in the Evaluation activity on the
learning capsule's beta version; also, ii) the Gold
version of the learning capsule, which is the final
version of the learning capsule. This version meets all
the requirements set out in the requirements
specification document. With this artifact, the
learning capsule can be published and disclosed in the
Diffusion phase.
Therefore, the Diffusion phase provides, on the
one hand, the published learning capsule, which is the
final version that allows the older adult to use it; and
on the other hand, the diffused learning capsule that
results from applying an external methodology about
content marketing, allowing publicizing the built
learning capsule.
3.3 Method Guides
The method guides encompass all forms of content
intended to provide additional information and
supporting illustrations. Given this contextualization,
the guides that support this method for the
construction of older adult-oriented learning capsules
are presented below:
3.3.1 Requirements Template
This guideline is a base template for performing the
requirements specification document in the Analysis
phase. In the studies reviewed for the elaboration of
this methodology, no such templates have been found
for the context of microlearning that considers
instructional aspects and software engineering
activities. Thus, it is proposed to those involved in the
project that this document included sections: 1)
Context Specification, 2) Instructional Analysis, and
3) Technological Analysis, considering the standard
document for the requirements specification of the
Microlearning Method for Building Learning Capsules for Older Adults
Department of Electrical and Electronical Engineers
(IEEE) software requirements and the analysis
section of Piskurich's (2015), Guide to Instructional
3.3.2 Andragogic Principles
This guide is one of the main advantages of this
method for building learning capsules for older
adults. This guide presents a few techniques used in
different contexts to support the older adult's learning
process effectively. Table 1 shows andragogic
techniques to develop professional development
knowledge, according to Attebury (2015).
3.3.3 Learning Platforms and Technologies
For a technological analysis task that allows
establishing the requirements specification
document's functional and non-functional
requirements, it is necessary to consider the
platforms, software, and hardware requirements
within the non-functional requirements. In this
regard, this guide provides a list of the learning
platforms and hardware devices commonly used in
3.3.4 Catalogue of Multimedia Materials in
When defining the learning capsule in the Design
phase, which allows structuring the sections and
materials to be used, it is necessary to consider those
materials to represent the learning micro-content.
This guide provides a list of multimedia materials
commonly used in microlearning to use. Thus, those
involved in this activity can analyse the most
appropriate materials to transmit the apprentices'
3.3.5 Accessibility Criteria
Nowadays, there is a need to ensure that technological
advances are accessible to all people on the spectrum
of capabilities (Ballantyne, Jha, Jacobsen, Scott
Hawker, & El-Glaly, 2018). One of this method's
aggregate values corresponds to the inclusion of
accessibility criteria that considers the older adult's
possible limitations (e.g., vision loss, hearing loss,
memory and learning difficulties, cognitive
limitations). Therefore, it is essential to consider the
POUR principles (Perceivable, Operate,
Understandable, Robust) established by the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (2008) for both web
and mobile applications, as well as the analyses of
Sanchez-Gordon & Luján-Mora (2016), and
Ballantyne et al. (2018) for this guide.
Table 1: Andragogic techniques. Source: (Attebury, 2015).
Theory Description
Learning is performed through the
phases initiated by the "disorienting
dilemma." This dilemma leads to
Communities of
Community-owned apprentices
increase their knowledge and skills
through discussion and reflection.
This discussion can increase
knowledge at the group and
individual level.
This approach provides a systematic
approach to professional
development through an
instructional process—for example,
the ADDIE instructional model:
Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation.
The essence of learning is supported
through experiences. This process is
based on adults learning better when
they are direct "experimenting,"
setting aside memorization processes
and book definitions.
Table 2: POUR Accessibility Principles (Perceivable,
Operate, Understandable, Robust). Source: (World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C), 2008).
Principle Description
Perceivable User interface information and
components must be presentable to
users in ways they can perceive. The
main senses in this category
correspond to the senses of vision and
Operate User interface and navigation
components must be operable. In this
case, for operable needs, users
normally use the keyboard and mouse
to enter information, navigate, and
interact with the contents.
Understandable The information and operation of the
user interface should be
understandable. Users can easily
understand the content presented or
manage a graphical user interface.
Robust The content must be robust enough to
be reliably interpreted by a wide
variety of user agents, including
assistive technologies. This principle
also indicates that users can access
content with technologies of their
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
For this process, the six activities of the proposed
method have been followed to build a mobile-
accessible learning capsule that in a didactic manner
presents to the older adult importance of self-care
biosecurity measures at home during COVID-19.
These activities have been established from a high-
level perspective; however, future research provides
an in-depth analysis of each method's activities. The
steps followed for the construction of this learning
capsule are presented in Annex-Figure 1a-f.
The annex with the steps taken to build the
learning capsule is located in the following link:
The method proposed in this paper to build learning
capsules has been designed considering the
fundamental principles of microlearning, focused on
the older adult. Instructional characteristics have been
considered with instructional aspects and specific
processes belonging to the field of software
engineering. This method also showed the need to
develop a diffusion plan, according to a learning
capsule's objectives, so that the target audience can
know the learning materials generated and acquire
new knowledge through them.
A learning capsule's anatomy may vary depending
on the context in which it was developed or according
to the multimedia micro-contents used for the
learning process. However, these capsules generally
include three cognitive activities: learning,
practicing, and evaluating; each capsule's size is small
and autonomous.
The method is an adaptable and flexible solution,
as it can be applied to create a learning capsule for
any context aimed at the older adult. The work
products generated from this method can give way to
new opportunities for economic security, health, and
social participation, all these activities aimed at
education in older adults allow to foment active aging
and promote the improvement of the quality of life in
the social, cultural, economic and political spheres of
today's society.
In future work, each of the proposed activities will
be studied to expand and detail each of the associated
activities and artifacts within the microlearning area.
On the other hand, it is proposed to carry out an
evaluation process with a sample of software
engineering professionals to refine the proposed
method for a particular case. It is also proposed to
evaluate the learning capsule developed on COVID-
19 prevention measures in older adults, considering
the constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) methodology: perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, and intention of future use.
This work is part of the following research projects:
“Fog Computing applied to monitor devices used in
assisted living environments; case study: platform for
the elderly people”, “Design of architectures and
interaction models for assisted living environments
aimed at older adults. Case study: playful and social
environments” and “Integration of New Technologies
for the Design of Cognitive Solutions in Ambient
Assisted Living for Elderly People: Evaluation of
Attention and Memory Areas”. Therefore, we thank
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Principles of Software Engineering and Design.
Prentice Halls.
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health