An Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability Management System based on
Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain
Angelo Marchese and Orazio Tomarchio
Dept. of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Agri-Food Supply Chain.
Consumers are nowadays very interested in food product quality and safety. It is challenging to track the prove-
nance of data and maintain its traceability throughout the whole supply chain network without an integrated
information system. For this purpose, Agriculture and Food (Agri-Food) supply chains are becoming complex
systems which are responsible, in addition to track and store orders and deliveries, to guarantee transparency
and traceability of the food production and transformation process. However, traditional supply chains are
centralized systems, mainly depending on a third party for trading and trusting purposes. In this paper we
propose a fully distributed approach, based on blockchain technology, to define a supply chain management
system able to provide quality, integrity and traceability of the entire supply chain process. A prototype based
on Hyperledger Fabric has been designed and developed in order to show the effectiveness of the approach
and the coverage of the main use cases needed in a supply chain network.
The problem of agri-food supply chain management
is gaining more and more importance given the re-
cent attention for food quality and safety (Ray et al.,
2017; Li et al., 2014). One of the main problems is
to guarantee the traceability of products, providing
a complete view of the different phases of their har-
vesting, processing and distribution (Olsen and Borit,
2018; Dabbene et al., 2014; Bosona and Gebresenbet,
2013). Current supply chain management systems al-
low to automate the monitoring and collection of in-
formation related to the various activities within the
supply chain. In this way, the set of traceability in-
formation of a product allows the future consumer to
know the provenance of that product and the events
related to its entire life cycle from harvesting to retail.
However, most of today’s supply chains are man-
aged by centralized systems: members of such supply
chains rely on a centralized authority, more specif-
ically an information supervision center, to trans-
fer and share their information. These centralized
systems are often non-transparent, monopolistic and
asymmetric information systems. This can pose a
serious threat to the security and reliability of the
traceability information and make fraud, corruption
and data falsification easier. Furthermore, such cen-
tralized systems have limited scalability and a single
point of failure.
To deal with such issues, the usage of blockchain
technology in this domain has recently been proposed
to support the management of supply chain traceabil-
ity (Zhao et al., 2019; Antonucci et al., 2019; Galvez
et al., 2018). Blockchain technology in particular
offers cryptographic primitives to store data within
a distributed ledger, guaranteeing their immutability
and authenticity. This eliminates the need for sup-
ply chain members to trust a single entity to manage
their traceability information. Furthermore, being a
distributed system, the blockchain can solve the prob-
lems of limited scalability and single point of failure.
In this work we propose a complete model of a
blockchain based agri-food supply chain traceabil-
ity system and provide an implementation of a sys-
tem prototype to show the applicability of blockchain
technology in this domain. The proposed system in
particular allows supply chain members to store and
manage product-related traceability information in a
distributed and immutable way. An important compo-
nent of this system is the smart contract, a blockchain
primitive that allows to automate some of the man-
agement operations related to supply chain activities.
This smart contract offers some operations that al-
low to store and update traceability information and
to reconstruct a complete history of the transactions
Marchese, A. and Tomarchio, O.
An Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability Management System based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain.
DOI: 10.5220/0010447606480658
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 648-658
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
related to a product during its life cycle within the
supply chain. The implemented system also makes
it possible to associate rules with supply chain prod-
ucts, allowing the expression of product specific qual-
ity control mechanisms and to verify in an automated
way the regulatory compliance of products at runtime.
This last aspect has been taken into consideration in
our work, because in the context of agri-food supply
chains the regulatory aspects are of fundamental im-
portance to ensure food safety and quality, also tack-
ing into account that these aspects vary from a case to
another one and dynamically evolve over time (Chen
et al., 2015).
Our system was implemented using the Hyper-
ledger Fabric
blockchain, an emerging open-source
technology widely used also in other proposed ex-
amples of supply chain management systems (Wang
et al., 2018). In addition, the components of our sys-
tem are deployed in a cloud environment within a Ku-
cluster, showing that, although our system
is a prototype, it can be easily migrated to a scalable
production environment.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we provide a background of technologies
exploited for this work and present related works.
Section 3 presents the overall architecture of our
framework and provides some implementation details
about system components and the operations offered
by the smart contract. Section 4 discusses about an
example of usage of our system in a prototype envi-
ronment. Finally, Section 5 concludes the work.
This section provides some background information
about the technologies exploited in our work, such as
the blockchain technology and in particular the Hy-
perledger Fabric system. Then, after briefly outlin-
ing the advantages that would derive from their use to
support agri-food supply chain traceability systems,
some related work in the literature are discussed.
2.1 Blockchain Technology and
Hyperledger Fabric
Blockchain technology represents a particular class
of distributed systems and as such was born with the
aim of overcoming some of the problems related to
centralized systems (Kolb et al., 2020; Gamage et al.,
2020). The application area in which the blockchain
was initially introduced is that of transactional sys-
tems, in particular electronic payment systems. That
is the case, for example, of the Bitcoin blockchain
(Nakamoto, 2008). However, today blockchain tech-
nology is increasingly being adopted in a lot of differ-
ent application domains.
In general, operations within a blockchain are car-
ried out by nodes connected to each other through a
peer-to-peer network. In public blockchains, like Bit-
coin, every node can participate in network operations
and can decide to exit at any time. Each node partic-
ipating in the blockchain maintains a local copy of
a distributed ledger which contains a set of append-
only logs that encode the status information of the
blockchain. More specifically, an ordered sequence of
blocks is stored inside the ledger. Each block consists
of an header and a body that contains an ordered list
of transactions which are validated and executed by
the peers of the network. To guarantee the immutabil-
ity and reliability of the data in the ledger, each block
of the sequence contains a cryptographic hash of the
previous block within a header field. In this way, a
malicious attempt to change the content of a block
would require to correspondingly modify the header
of all the following blocks in the sequence, which is
a computationally expensive task thanks to the non-
invertibility property of hash functions.
Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source blockchain
platform, which falls within the category of permis-
sioned blockchains (Androulaki et al., 2018). In a per-
missioned blockchain, only authorized peers can par-
ticipate in blockchain operations. Hyperledger Fab-
ric is a distributed operating system that runs appli-
cations written in general purpose programming lan-
guages, such as Go, Java, JavaScript, and Python.
It introduces the execute-order-validate blockchain
model for transaction processing unlike other tradi-
tional blockchain systems that use the order-execute
model. Like some other blockchains, Hyperledger
Fabric offers the smart contract primitive. A smart
contract is a combination of data and code that en-
codes a set of transformations on that data. It ex-
poses a set of operations that can be invoked by the
users of the blockchain with the aim of changing the
state of the distributed ledger. The concept of smart
contract therefore makes this kind of blockchain a
distributed execution environment of general purpose
programmable logic.
Thanks to the aforementioned properties,
blockchain technology is a good candidate to address
some of the actual problems related to traditional
centralized agri-food supply chain traceability sys-
tems. In particular, it can guarantee the transparency,
An Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability Management System based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain
verifiability and immutability of traceability data,
simplifying the information sharing between the
supply chain entities often belonging to distinct ad-
ministrative organization. In this way the traceability
of the supply chain products can be guaranteed,
allowing the consumer to reconstruct the entire
product’s life cycle within the supply chain and to
verify its origin and authenticity. Finally, smart
contracts can be used to automate the supply chain
management and product quality control operations.
2.2 Related Work
In the literature there is a variety of works that pro-
pose the use of blockchain technology to build agri-
food supply chain management systems and in some
cases implementations of such systems are also pro-
posed. Some of these works are briefly described be-
In (Malik et al., 2018) a permissioned blockchain
system, called ProductChain, is proposed. The sys-
tem is administered by a consortium of entities par-
ticipating in a generic food supply chain, including
governmental and regulatory entities. It stores prod-
uct traceability information made accessible to con-
sumers. The authors propose the use of a three-
tier sharded architecture that ensures reliability and
availability of data for consumers and scalability with
respect to transaction execution throughput. They
also propose the use of a transaction vocabulary and
the implementation of access control mechanisms to
manage read and write privileges on the blockchain.
(Wang et al., 2019) propose a product traceabil-
ity system based on the Ethereum blockchain and the
smart contract primitive. The system stores informa-
tion related to the products life cycle and also pro-
vides for the implementation of event-response mech-
anisms to verify the identities of both parties of all
transactions at the time of their submission, so that
their validity is guaranteed. All the events are kept in
the system permanently, so that any disputes can be
managed and the responsible for certain actions can
be traced.
In (Caro et al., 2018) the AgriBlockIoT is pro-
posed, a totally distributed and blockchain-based sup-
ply chain management system, able to integrate mul-
tiple IoT devices that collect and produce digital data
along the supply chain. To efficiently evaluate Agri-
BlockIoT, the authors defined a use case based on
the from-farm-to-fork model. This use case was then
implemented using two different blockchain systems,
namely Ethereum and Hyperledger Sawtooth.
(Casino et al., 2019) propose a distributed func-
tional model based on blockchain to create distributed
and automated traceability mechanisms for a generic
agri-food supply chain. To evaluate the feasibility of
the proposed model, a use case is presented. The ap-
plicability of the model is also illustrated through the
development of a fully functional smart contract and
a private blockchain.
(Feng Tian, 2017) propose a food supply chain
traceability system for real-time food tracing based
on HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Points), blockchain and Internet of Things, which
provides a platform that ensures openness, trans-
parency, neutrality, reliability and security for trace-
ability information. The proposed system uses
BigchainDB, which combines the key benefits of dis-
tributed databases and blockchain.
(Biswas et al., 2017) propose a blockchain-based
system to achieve the traceability of the activities that
occur within the supply chain related to wine produc-
tion. The proposed traceability system uses Multi-
Chain to implement a private blockchain.
Like the aforementioned research works, in our
work we propose a complete solution of a blockchain-
based agri-food traceability system, providing in par-
ticular a description of the architectural components,
the information model and the business logic of this
system. A distinctive contribution of our work, is the
capability to allow the specification of custom regula-
tions for supply chain products at runtime and to au-
tomate the validation of these regulations. Our frame-
work has addressed this aspect considering the hetero-
geneity of product regulations among supply chains
and the fact that these regulations change over time.
This section first provides a high-level description
of our blockchain-based system for agri-food supply
chain traceability, the objectives that guided its design
and its general architecture. Then the business logic
of the system is described, focusing on the smart con-
tract operations. Finally some implementation details
of the developed prototype are provided.
3.1 General Architecture
The proposed system is designed to manage the trace-
ability information of products and activities related
to one or more agri-food supply chains. The main
objective is to allow to reconstruct the entire flow of
activities and transactions related to a certain product
from origin to the end consumer. The system has to
automate all those operations related to product qual-
ity control and regulatory compliance. It has to be
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Typical agri-food supply chain scenario.
able to dynamically adapt to changes in laws and reg-
ulations. It should also be scalable, able to handle
an ever-increasing amount of information. Finally,
the system has to guarantee reliability and availabil-
ity, especially when dealing with environments char-
acterized by continuous flows of transactions.
The fundamental part of the framework consists of
a permissioned blockchain, implemented through the
Hyperledger Fabric framework. In this blockchain,
the core of the system’s business logic is executed in
the form of a smart contract. The smart contract of-
fers several operations that allow users of the system
to add and modify information in the blockchain in
a secure and traceable way. Users of the system are
the supply chain members and the regulatory depart-
ments. The former add and modify information re-
lated to their products, while the latter deal with the
management and regulation aspects of supply chains.
More specifically, the entities participating in the sys-
tem operations are user organizations, where each
user is identified by a certificate issued by a certifi-
cation authority associated with the organization to
which the user belongs. Since the blockchain is per-
missioned, only a well-defined set of organizations
can participate in the system operations. The inter-
action between users and the blockchain takes place
through a client application that runs within an appli-
cation server and the interaction with the latter takes
place through a frontend application that is hosted by
a web server. Each organization has its own applica-
tion server and web server.
Each organization has its own role. This role de-
fines the interactions of this organization with the sys-
tem and the operations it can perform. According to
common models of agri-food supply chain described
in literature (Wang et al., 2019; Feng Tian, 2017) we
consider the following roles:
Producer: organization that requires the registra-
tion of one or more primary products (i.e. prod-
ucts whose batches do not derive from any other
batch). If a registration request is accepted, this
organization can register batches associated with
the registered product or products in the system.
Manufacturer: organization that requires the reg-
istration of one or more derived products (i.e.
products whose batches derive from batches of
other primary or derived products). If a registra-
tion request is accepted this organization can reg-
ister batches associated with the registered prod-
uct or products in the system, specifying a list of
batches from which the registered batch derives.
Deliverer: organization that buys batches from
organizations and resells them to other organiza-
Retailer: organization that sells products to con-
Regulatory Department: organization that man-
ages and monitors the activities within the vari-
ous supply chains. More specifically, an organiza-
tion with the role of Regulatory Department adds
product types to the system, associating them with
rules and assigning roles to the various organiza-
In the following, while describing the behaviour
of our framework, we refer to a scenario involving five
organizations, one for each of the roles listed above,
which is depicted in Figure 1.
3.2 Information Model
Figure 2 shows a domain model of the system’s busi-
ness logic. In this context, when we discuss about the
system’s business logic we refer to the business logic
layer performed by the smart contract that is located
within the blockchain. This business logic is exposed
to the users of the system through operations that can
be requested and executed. Client and frontend ap-
plications are nothing more than interfaces through
which users interact with the smart contract. Conse-
quently, from a functional point of view, it is possible
to represent the interaction between users and smart
contract as a direct interaction and assume that the
user directly invokes a smart contract operation.
Each Organization of the system is identified by
a unique identifier and can be associated with a Role-
Set, which represents a list of roles. A RoleSet associ-
ated with an organization defines the set of smart con-
tract operations the organization can invoke. An or-
ganization playing the role of Regulatory Department
can register one or more product types in the system.
A ProductType is uniquely identified by a name and
can be either primary or derived. In case the product
An Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability Management System based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain
Figure 2: Domain model of the business logic.
type is derived, it has a list of product types ingredi-
ents which it is derived from. This means that any
Batch associated with this product type must have a
list of batches ingredients whose respective product
types are in the list of product types ingredients. It is
possible to associate one or more rules to a product
type, where each Rule represents a set of conditions
that have to be respected when registering batches as-
sociated with that product type. At the moment of
a batch registration these rules are validated using a
A ProductType may be associated with one or
more Products, for each of which an owner organi-
zation requires the registration in the system. A re-
quest for the registration of a product can be accepted
by an organization playing the role of Regulatory De-
partment and from that moment the organization that
owns the product can register batches of that product
in the system. A product is uniquely identified by a
A Product may be associated with one or more
Batches that are registered by the organization that
owns that product. A batch is uniquely identified by
an ID and a set of parameters as specified at registra-
tion time. When registering a batch associated with a
derived product type, it is necessary to specify a list
of batches ingredients from which this batch derives.
This list must be consistent with the list of product
types ingredients associated with the product type of
the registered batch. A batch can be transferred from
one organization to another one and an organization
that owns a batch can use that batch as an ingredient
when registering a new batch. The domain model de-
picted in Figure 2 also shows that each resource in the
system has a state. It provides information on the cur-
rent conditions of that resource, determines the oper-
ations that can be performed on it and the subsequent
states in which it can transit.
3.2.1 Smart Contract Operations
In this Section we describe more in detail the opera-
tions provided by the smart contract, which are sum-
marized in Figure 3, together with the state transitions
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Smart contract operations.
of the different resource types caused by the execution
of these operations, shown respectively in Figures 4,
5, 6 and 7.
A new product type can be registered by an orga-
nization with role of Regulatory Department with the
operation addProductType() and initially it starts from
the state Blocked. In this state all the products related
to this product type are also blocked and no organi-
zation can request the registration of a new product
for this product type. From the state Blocked a prod-
uct type can be unblocked by an organization with
role of Regulatory Department with the operation un-
blockProductType(), causing it to pass to the state Un-
A new rule, associated with a product type, can
be registered by an organization with role of Regu-
latory Department with the operation addRule() and
initially it starts from the state Disabled. In this state,
at the moment of registration of a new batch of the
product type with which this rule is associated, the
rule is not validated. From the state Disabled a rule
can be enabled by an organization with role of Reg-
ulatory Department with the operation enableRule(),
causing it to pass to the state Enabled. The ability
to add, enable and disable custom rules for a prod-
uct type and to do it at runtime allows to implement
product-specific quality control mechanisms that can
change over time. This aspect is of fundamental im-
portance due to the requirement of today’s agri-food
supply chains to establish products specific regula-
tions that can frequently evolve over time.
Organizations with role of Producer and those
with role of Manufacturer can request, calling the op-
eration requestProductRegistration(), the registration
of a new product associated with a primary and de-
rived product type respectively. An organization with
Figure 4: State diagram of resource type ProductType.
Figure 5: State diagram of resource type Rule.
Figure 6: State diagram of resource type Product.
Figure 7: State diagram of resource type Batch.
role of Regulatory Department can accept the regis-
tration request for a new product with the operation
acceptProductRegistration(), causing the product to
switch to the state Unblocked, or it can reject the re-
quest with the operation refuseProductRegistration(),
causing the product to switch to the state Refused. A
product can be directly blocked by the owner organi-
zation or by an organization with role of Regulatory
Department with the operation blockProduct(). While
a product is blocked all the batches related to it are
also blocked and no new batch for this product can be
The owner organization of a product can register,
An Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability Management System based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain
with the operation registerBatch(), new batches as-
sociated with it. A new registered batch starts from
the state Unblocked. An organization that wants to
purchase a batch can submit a transfer request for
this batch with the operation requestBatchTransfer(),
causing it to pass to the state Pending. The owner or-
ganization can reject the transfer request with the op-
eration refuseBatchTransfer() or it can accept the re-
quest with the operation acceptBatchTransfer(), caus-
ing the batch to change owner. A batch can be used
as an ingredient for another batch and in this case it
passes to the state Processed. A batch can be directly
blocked by the owner organization or by an organi-
zation with role of Regulatory Department with the
operation blockBatch(). While a batch is blocked it
cannot be transferred to other organizations and can-
not be used as an ingredient for another batch.
Finally, the operation getBatchHistory() allows to
obtain a complete history of the state transitions re-
lated to a batch. In this way any organization can view
the entire batch life cycle and the chain of its owners.
3.3 Implementation Details
The designed framework has been implemented and
a prototype has been deployed within a Kubernetes
cluster in order to emulate the distributed nature of the
whole system, and to increase its portability and in-
teroperability with existing organization IT systems.
Figure 8 shows the system architecture in terms of
the main components composing our framework: in
particular, it shows the components for each organi-
zation of the scenario presented in Section 3.1, plus a
set of components making up the Hyperledger Fabric
Each of the participating organizations runs a peer
node that maintains information about its local copy
of the distributed ledger in a dedicated CouchDB
database node. The management of blockchain trans-
actions ordering is handled by an Orderer node. Each
organization runs its own certificate authority that is-
sues certificates for that organization’s users and peer
nodes. In addition, each organization runs an applica-
tion server which executes the client application logic
to submit transactions to the blockchain, a MongoDB
database where the application server keeps user data
and a web server that hosts a frontend application that
allows users to interact with the application server.
The system also runs a certificate authority that issues
TLS certificates. These certificates are used by users
and system nodes to secure communications. Each
component of the system runs on a Docker container
inside a Kubernetes Pod that is managed by a Kuber-
netes Deployment. Each Pod is exposed to the re-
maining components of the cluster through a specific
Kubernetes Service.
The core of the system’s business logic is repre-
sented by a smart contract. This smart contract was
implemented using the Node.js Fabric SDK. Figure 9
shows a simplified class diagram of the smart con-
tract. The SupplyChainContract class extends the
Contract class, which is part of the SDK, and repre-
sents a controller class for the smart contract itself.
Indeed, this class implements methods that, except
for the init() method, represent the smart contract op-
erations that have been illustrated previously in Sec-
tion 3.2.1. These operations allow users to create and
modify resources in the blockchain ledger. The init()
method is the first method of this class that is invoked
as soon as the smart contract is deployed and allows
to inizialize it. The SupplyChainContract class has
a reference to an object of the SupplyChainContext
class, which extends the SDK Context class. This ob-
ject allows to read and modify the ledger state and to
retrieve information about a transaction, such as the
identity of the user who submitted that transaction.
More specifically, it has a reference to the RoleSetList,
ProductTypeList, RuleList, ProductList and BatchList
classes. These classes extend the StateList class and
represent repositories that allow to create, modify and
retrieve objects of the RoleSet, ProductType, Rule,
Product and Batch classes respectively. These latter
classes extend the State class and represent an abstrac-
tion layer to interact with the corresponding resources
in the ledger. Finally the SupplyChainContract class
has a reference to the RuleEngine class which imple-
ments the getJsonRuleFromString() and verifyJson-
Rule() methods. The first is called during the exe-
cution of the addRule() method of the SupplyChain-
Contract class and starting from the string represen-
tation of a rule, validates the rule string format and
returns the corresponding JSON object of that rule
which then is stored in the ledger. The latter is called
during the execution of the registerBatch() method of
the SupplyChainContract class and validates a rule on
the parameters of a batch at the time of its registration.
This section illustrates an example of usage of our
system in the context of the scenario presented in Sec-
tion 3.1 and depicted in Figure 1 where ve differ-
ent organization (one for each of the defined role) are
The use case demonstrates the system’s ability to
automate supply chain operations, maintain traceabil-
ity information and provide a complete life cycle his-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 8: System components architecture.
Figure 9: Smart contract class diagram.
tory of each batch. Figures 10 and 11 summarize all
the steps of this use case and show how resources
are created and updated within the blockchain ledger.
For each resource type, different resources are shown
(each one in a different row). For each resource, rep-
resented by a box in the Figures, the main attributes
and their values are shown. Each step is associated
with a number and a colour and the boxes with that
colour represent the state of the corresponding re-
sources after the execution of that step.
First of all, when the smart contract is initialized,
the role of Regulatory Department is associated with
An Agri-Food Supply Chain Traceability Management System based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain
Figure 10: Use case steps from 0 to 7.
Figure 11: Use case steps from 8 to 17.
the organization RegulatoryDepartmentMSP (step 0).
With this role the organization RegulatoryDepart-
mentMSP can perform administrative operations.
The RegulatoryDepartmentMSP organization reg-
isters the primary product types orange and sugar
(step 1). These product types are initially in the state
Blocked. So in this state no organization can request
the registration for a product related to these product
types. Then the RegulatoryDepartmentMSP organi-
zation unblocks the two product types causing them to
pass to the state Unblocked (step 2). After registering
the product types orange and sugar the Regulatory-
DepartmentMSP organization can register the derived
product type orange-juice, specifying the two primary
product types as ingredients (step 3). Also in this case
the product type orange-juice starts from the state
Blocked and after the RegulatoryDepartmentMSP un-
blocks it, this product type passes to the state Un-
blocked (step 4).
The RegulatoryDepartmentMSP organization
then registers a new rule associated with the product
type orange-juice (step 5). This rule requires that
batches related to this product type contain, among
the parameters, a temperature parameter with a
value that must fall within a specific range. The
rule is initially in the state Disabled and in this state
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the rule is not activated for batch validation. The
RegulatoryDepartmentMSP organization enables the
rule causing it to pass to the state Enabled (step 6).
The RegulatoryDepartmentMSP organization
then associates the ProducerMSP, ManufacturerMSP,
DelivererMSP and RetailerMSP organizations with
the roles of Producer, Manufacturer, Deliverer
and Retailer respectively (step 7). In this way the
ProducerMSP and ManufacturerMSP organizations
can request the registration for a primary and derived
product respectively. Moreover the DelivererMSP
organization can buy and resell batches from and to
other organizations and the RetailerMSP organization
can only buy batches.
After having gained the role of Producer, the Pro-
ducerMSP organization requests the registration of
the products orangeX and sugarX associated with the
product types orange and sugar respectively (step 8).
This products are initially in the state Pending and
after the RegulatoryDepartmentMSP organization ac-
cepts the registration requests they pass to the state
Unblocked (step 9). In the same way the Manufactur-
erMSP organization, after having gained the role of
Manufacturer, requests the registration of the product
orange-juiceX associated with the product orange-
juice (step 10). This product is initially in the state
Pending and after the RegulatoryDepartmentMSP or-
ganization accepts the registration request it pass to
the state Unblocked (step 11).
The ProducerMSP organization then registers two
batches associated with the products orangeX and
sugarX respectively (step 12). These batches are ini-
tially in the state Unblocked. The ManufacturerMSP
organization submits a transfer request for the two
batches causing them to pass to the state Pending (step
13). After the ProducerMSP organization accepts the
transfer requests, the ManufacturerMSP organization
becomes the new owner of the two batches and these
return to the state Unblocked (step 14). The Manufac-
turerMSP organization can then register a batch asso-
ciated with the product orange-juiceX, using the new
acquired batches which pass to the state Processed
(step 15). In the registration operation the Manufac-
turerMSP organization specify a value for the temper-
ature parameter compatible with the range specified in
the rule associated with the product type orange-juice.
The DelivererMSP organization then submits a
transfer request for the new registered batch and the
ManufacturerMSP organization accepts the request
causing the DelivererMSP organization to become the
new owner (step 16). Finally in the same way the
RetailerMSP organization submits a transfer request
for the same batch and the DelivererMSP organiza-
tion accepts the request causing the RetailerMSP or-
ganization to become the new owner (step 17).
The realization of the use case, demonstrates that
the proposed system supports all the basic lifecycle of
an agri-food product, from its origin to the end con-
sumer. The simple rules implemented, also show the
flexibility of the framework to add any kind of rule at
runtime in order to cope with specific quality control
strategies needed by any of the organization involved
in the supply chain.
In this work we proposed a complete model of a
blockchain-based agri-food supply chain traceability
system, also providing a prototype implementation.
The use of blockchain technology eliminates the need
for supply chain members to trust a single entity to
manage supply chain activities and store traceabil-
ity information. Furthermore, this fully distributed
approach solves the problems of limited scalability
and single point of failure. The proposed system al-
lows to automate supply chain management opera-
tions and maintain traceability information in a se-
cure and immutable way. Moreover, the possibility
to add rules at runtime allows the implementation of
product-specific quality control mechanisms in a flex-
ible way. Finally, the system provides a complete
view of the different phases of harvesting, process-
ing and distribution to which batches of product are
subject allowing to reconstruct the entire life cycle of
each batch and obtain provenance information.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems