Towards a Data-Driven Requirements Elicitation Tool
through the Lens of Design Thinking
e Cezar de Souza Filho, Walter Takashi Nakamura, L
ıgia M
arcia Teixeira,
ogenis Pereira da Silva, Bruno Freitas Gadelha and Tayana Uch
oa Conte
Institute of Computing (IComp), Federal University of Amazonas, UFAM, Manaus, Brazil
Data-Driven Requirements Engineering, Design Thinking, User Reviews.
Data-Driven Requirements Engineering (DDRE) proposes that software requirements development goes be-
yond the application of traditional elicitation techniques (e.g., interviews and questionnaires) by considering
other sources of data, such as user reviews available on app stores, social networks, and forums. While many
studies are looking for requirements mining and automatic classification through machine learning, informa-
tion retrieval, and natural language processing algorithms, few studies investigate how to support software
practitioners who will use this knowledge in practice, for instance, through tools to support the process. In
this context, Design Thinking (DT) emerged as a promising approach to design user-centered solutions to this
problem. Thus, in this paper, we conducted an exploratory study to investigate how DT benefits the develop-
ment of a data-driven requirements elicitation tool. To do so, we applied the Double Diamond process, having
in mind Brown’s DT Cycles, supported by a set of DT techniques. Our results indicate that DT techniques can
be integrated into the development process, allowing a better understanding of the problem and supporting the
development of user-centered solutions. We provide the benefits and drawbacks of adopting DT as a toolbox
in the context of DDRE tools.
Advances in mobile technology led to a data increase
on the real use of software. Nowadays, online stores,
such as Google Play and Apple’s App Store, allow
users to report their experiences when using the ap-
plications by posting reviews in the platform. From
developers’ perspective, these reviews are a valuable
source of information that can support the identifica-
tion of missing features, bugs, improvement sugges-
tions, and experience reports (Guzman and Maalej,
2014), as well as a set of requirements that can drive
future releases (Carre
no and Winbladh, 2013).
Traditionally, Requirements Engineering (RE) in-
volves the use of techniques such as interviews, ques-
tionnaires, focus groups, and workshops. However,
RE has been changing the approaches to consider
other sources, such as reviews from social networks,
forums, and user reviews (Maalej et al., 2015), lead-
ing to a paradigm shift known as Data-Driven Re-
quirements Engineering (DDRE).
Some researchers have been working on the topic,
for example, investigating algorithmic solutions on
how to automate requirements mining and classifi-
cation by applying different machine learning, infor-
mation retrieval, and natural language processing al-
gorithms (Maalej et al., 2015; Lu and Liang, 2017).
However, few efforts have been made to understand
how to support software practitioners who will use
this knowledge in practice, for instance, through
tools. Therefore, we need to move forward in investi-
gating practitioners’ needs and eliciting requirements
to develop tools that support the DDRE process. To
support the development of such tools, we can use
Design Thinking (DT), a discipline that uses empa-
thy, collaboration, and experimentalism to understand
users’ needs and design solutions to a certain prob-
lem, focusing on achieving innovation (Brown, 2008).
This paper presents an exploratory study to inves-
tigate how DT can benefit the development of a data-
driven requirements elicitation tool. To do so, we ap-
plied the Double Diamond process (Design Council,
2015), having in mind Brown’s DT Cycles (Brown,
2008), supported by a set of DT techniques. With
this work, we provide the benefits and drawbacks of
adopting DT as a toolbox in the context of DDRE
tools, which can be useful for practitioners in select-
ing DT techniques to develop future software tools.
de Souza Filho, J., Nakamura, W., Teixeira, L., da Silva, R., Gadelha, B. and Conte, T.
Towards a Data-Driven Requirements Elicitation Tool through the Lens of Design Thinking.
DOI: 10.5220/0010443402830290
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 283-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Design Thinking is a discipline that adopts methods
and designers’ sensibility to develop people’s needs-
oriented products, combining what is technologically
feasible and business strategy to generate customer
value and market opportunity (Brown, 2008), and has
been investigated by recent works on RE. For in-
stance, Canedo et al. (2020) observed that DT con-
tributes to the improvement of requirements elici-
tation process and that it allows, through prototyp-
ing, the identification of errors in requirements under-
standing prior to implementation. Also, Hehn et al.
(2019) presented approaches for tailoring and inte-
grating DT and RE.
There are several DT processes in the literature.
One of the most known is Brown’s Design Thinking
Cycles (Brown, 2008), composed of three phases: in-
spiration puts designers in touch with circumstances
(e.g., a problem, an opportunity, or both) that moti-
vate the search for solutions; ideation is the phase of
generating, developing, and testing ideas that can re-
sult in solutions; and implementation is the process of
putting a viable idea on the market.
Another process is named Double Diamond (De-
sign Council, 2015), represented by two diamonds.
The first diamond explores a circumstance in a
broader or deeper way (divergent thinking) and has
two steps: discover involves collecting information
and insights from people affected by the circumstance
to gain an initial problem understanding; and de-
fine uses the insights obtained in the previous step
to achieve a deep problem understanding, identifying
the needs and opportunities to be solved. The sec-
ond diamond focuses on taking actions to problem-
solving (convergent thinking) and has two other steps:
develop, in which designers use the data collected and
work collaboratively to build different solutions for
the problem; and deliver, the time to validate the pro-
posed solutions, discarding those that did not work
and improving the most appropriate ones, i.e., it is the
moment to converge the solution to be delivered.
In this paper, we investigate how DT benefits the de-
velopment of a data-driven requirements elicitation
tool to support the automation of the requirements
elicitation process following the DDRE paradigm.
The tool, called Mining Reviews, mines user reviews
from a mobile application available in app stores, an-
alyzes them and summarizes the results by presenting
the most frequent terms mentioned by users and their
respective reviews, which requirements engineers can
use to proceed with requirements’ development and
management. The tool can contribute to improving
existing applications and creating new ones that seek
to solve the problems and gaps in competing applica-
tions according to users’ feedback.
To better understand stakeholders’ needs to de-
velop this tool, we applied the Double Diamond pro-
cess, having in mind Brown’s DT Cycles (Section 2),
supported by a set of DT techniques (Figure 1). From
that process, we obtained findings on the benefits and
drawbacks of DT techniques applied, guided by two
questions: (i) how did each DT technique contribute
to the tool development? and, (ii) if and how did each
DT technique cause the need to modify/improve the
artifacts generated by the other techniques?
Figure 1: DT process and selected techniques inspired
by Design Council (2015).
3.1 DT Techniques Selection
To support techniques selection, we consulted the De-
sign Thinking Assistant for Requirements Elicitation
(DTA4RE) tool
(Souza et al., 2020). This tool pro-
vides an repository about 27 DT techniques catego-
rized by their application in the different phases of
the DT process, presenting, for each technique, when
to use it, its pros and cons, and other information. We
analyzed the techniques suggested for each DT pro-
cess phase and selected the most appropriate ones ac-
cording to the applicability to the problem under in-
vestigation. In the next subsections, we detail each
technique selected.
3.2 Data Gathering Techniques
Stakeholder Map. The first step to develop a prod-
uct is to identify the key stakeholders that affect or
are affected by the project development. This infor-
mation may not be clear during initial-stage projects,
thus we needed a technique to support us in this pro-
cess. The Stakeholder Map is a technique that pro-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
vides a visual representation of the groups that are in-
volved in a project, making it possible to analyze and
map their relationships (Stickdorn et al., 2011). We
used a model that helps prioritizing the stakeholders
according to their influence and interest in the project
based on Mendelow (1981). Influence indicates the
power degree that a stakeholder has to hinder or ad-
vance the project. Interest indicates how interested
the stakeholder is in what is being developed.
Interviews. There are different types of interviews,
such as unstructured, structured, and semi-structured.
We conducted semi-structured interviews through a
set of predefined questions, in which the interviewer
has the flexibility to guide the conversation accord-
ing to the participant’s answers to obtain information
of interest (Fontana and Frey, 1994). It can be con-
ducted through online meetings, being suitable to the
context of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic sce-
nario. Before starting the interviews, the participants
signed an online consent form, stating that the partic-
ipants’ data would be treated anonymously, and we
would not publish any sensitive information.
We carried out the interviews through Google
Meet platform
with three participants from the group
identified in the Stakeholder Map as having high in-
terest in the project: a project manager, a software
tester, and a software developer. They work on indus-
try projects developing mobile applications and ana-
lyze user reviews to identify potential improvements
for those applications. We asked questions (available
in our technical report
) related to their main activi-
ties, the need for analyzing user reviews, and the main
challenges involved in this process. We also asked
their perceptions and expectations towards a tool that
could support their work.
3.3 Data Synthesis Techniques
Concept Map. It is a diagram that depicts suggested
relationships between concepts by representing ideas
and information as boxes that are connected with la-
beled arrows, often in a downward-branching hierar-
chical structure (Novak and Ca
nas, 2006). We chose
this method because it allows having a broad view of
the project and of the relationship between each idea
and information. First, we had a meeting at Google
Meet platform to discuss what would be the best way
to represent the ideas. Then, to build the concept map,
we used a web application called Lucidchart
, which
allowed us to work collaboratively.
Personas. Are a hypothetical representation of users
that provides an understanding of their characteristics,
needs, and goals, which can be used to guide the de-
velopment process (Castro et al., 2008). We used this
technique to have a better understanding of our target
group of stakeholders.
Personas were created based on the Personas Em-
pathy Map (PATHY) technique (Ferreira et al., 2018),
which provides a template with guiding questions that
help describe and create the persona, based, for in-
stance, on his/her experience with technology, needs,
and problems. As we only needed to know more
about who the persona is, we selected only the items
in the ‘who’ field. We filled the template to create two
personas: one male and one female. To avoid creat-
ing empathy with a persona with the same gender as
its creator, a male researcher was responsible to create
the female persona and vice versa.
Empathy Map. This method allows externalizing the
knowledge about users and supporting the decision-
making process. More than just demographic char-
acteristics, it allows understanding customer’s envi-
ronment, behavior, aspiration, and concerns (Ferreira
et al., 2015; Gray et al., 2010) to gain empathy with
a specific person (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010).
With this method, we aimed to decipher the stake-
holders’ minds by putting ourselves in their shoes and
to go beyond the creation of simple personas by giv-
ing them life through their pains and needs. we used
the template presented by Osterwalder and Pigneur
(2010), which is composed of 6 quadrants that address
what they do, see, hear, think and feel, as well as their
pains and gains.
3.4 Develop Technique
Bodystorming. It is a type of brainstorming that in-
volves active staging with simple prototypes (Haning-
ton and Martin, 2012), i.e., the researchers put them-
selves in the stakeholders’ shoes, staging situations
similar to what happens in their daily lives. We em-
ployed it to understand better how the use of our tool
could help our stakeholders. To perform customer ex-
perimentation with our tool, we followed two steps:
Script Creation and Bodystorming Video.
In Script Creation, we defined two scenarios, one
for each stakeholder represented by the personas we
created in the Data Synthesis phase. In these sce-
narios, the stakeholders would need to look among
several reviews to identify relevant features to be im-
proved, created, or removed. After creating and dis-
cussing the scripts, we followed to the Bodystorm-
ing Video step to simulate the meetings of stakeholder
1 with his bosses and stakeholder 2 with her friends
Towards a Data-Driven Requirements Elicitation Tool through the Lens of Design Thinking
through a video call.
At a given moment in the scenarios, we realized
that the stakeholders would need to interact with our
tool and provide feedback. To create a visual repre-
sentation of the tool, we applied Prototyping (Sec-
tion 3.5). Following the iterative nature of the DT
process, we performed the Script Creation before Pro-
totyping to understand the interaction scenarios better
and gain insights. Thus, we performed the Script Cre-
ation and Bodystorming Video until the scenes where
the stakeholders interact with the tool. Then, we de-
veloped the prototypes and went back to the bodys-
torming process to finish the scripts and recordings.
3.5 Deliver Technique
Prototyping. It allows validating the ideas produced
and can occur continuously and parallel to the previ-
ous phases. In this technique, a tangible artifact is cre-
ated to develop and test the ideas with project teams,
clients, and end-users (Hanington and Martin, 2012).
In this step, we, as a team, discussed how the interface
would look like and how we would show the results
to the stakeholders. To do so, we designed a high-
fidelity prototype developed in HTML and CSS3.
In this section, we present the results and artifacts cre-
ated with the techniques in each DT phase.
4.1 1st Diamond: Divergent Thinking
Stakeholder Map. Initially, we had a limited view of
the stakeholders. Some team members did not recog-
nize software practitioners as end-users of the tool,
but only the end-users of mobile applications from
which the reviews will be extracted. This technique
allowed us, as a team, to identify that we have a spe-
cific case of end-users since they will use the tool as
part of the development of new software products, go-
ing beyond the daily use of common software. It also
allowed us to identify stakeholders that we did not
think of until then (e.g., application investors).
Through a visual representation, we could analyze
the relationship between influence and interest of the
people involved in the project. As a result, we identi-
fied four different stakeholder groups (Figure 2).
1. Application Investors: a group of people who will
provide financial support to the project. As in-
vestors, they have their feet on the ground and are
cautious to spend their money. Usually, they seek
Figure 2: Stakeholder map.
to invest in business opportunities instead of fo-
cusing on the details of the application. In this
sense, they are the stakeholders with low interest
and influence in the project, as our tool will not
benefit them directly.
2. Requirements Engineers and Developers: the
stakeholders that will use our tool and will be di-
rectly benefited by the project. For this reason,
they have high interest and high influence in the
project, being necessary to always keep them in-
formed through active communication to evaluate
whether the tool is meeting their needs.
3. End-users: typically, mobile application end-
users are the main target of requirements engi-
neers and developers, which makes them very in-
fluential in the project. By contrast, our tool will
not benefit them directly, as it is being designed
for software practitioners. Instead, they will ben-
efit from the improvements brought by developers
and requirements engineers for the mobile appli-
cation through the use of our tool. Thus, they have
high influence but low interest in our project.
4. Application Owner/Company, Project Leaders,
and Managers: as their teams will use our tool
to improve the company’s products, their interest
in the project is high. However, they have low in-
fluence, as they will not use our tool directly.
Based on the results, we decided to focus on the two
groups with more interest in our project: i) develop-
ers and requirements engineers; and ii) project leaders
and managers.
Interviews. The results indicated that the three par-
ticipants have analyzed user reviews to improve the
company’s software. The software tester, for instance,
stated “currently, in our project group, it is necessary
at a certain time to look at user reviews about our ap-
plication to see the problems they reported and what
we can improve”. This indicates that the companies
are aware of the importance of user reviews for soft-
ware development and evolution.
Regarding the main challenges, two interviewees
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
pointed out the lack of constructive information in the
reviews, which hinders the identification of what as-
pects of the software to improve or fix. The software
tester, for instance, stated users sometimes do not
make a constructive criticism, they do not tell you
what should be improved in the application explic-
itly”. Two interviewees also pointed out the time re-
quired to read and analyze the reviews, which makes a
manual analysis unfeasible. The project manager, for
instance, stated [the problem is the] waste of time
reading lines and lines of feedback to transform them
into a few lines of technical terms”.
Finally, when asked about the helpfulness of an
automated analysis of user reviews and their expec-
tations about a tool designed for this task, all three
stakeholders were unanimous in saying that it would
contribute a lot to their work, especially to speed up
the development process. The software tester, for in-
stance, stated this would be very interesting. In addi-
tion to showing constructive comments, filtering what
we need would be very cool, [i.e., extracting] both
negative feedbacks, by which we could improve our
application, as well as positive feedbacks. This will
greatly automate our work”.
In summary, the results from the interviews re-
vealed that the problem under study is real and rel-
evant. We found that the automation of mining user
reviews could help them identifying the main issues
and speeding up the development process. It high-
lights the need for approaches that automate the anal-
ysis and provide relevant information for the develop-
ment team to improve the company’s software. Thus,
we proceeded to the next step to obtain more informa-
tion and expand our understanding of the problem.
Concept Map. The concept map helped us to or-
ganize, analyze, and understand the concepts of the
project. The visual representation (Figure 3) made it
easier to have a broad view of the project and iden-
tify the relationship between each concept. However,
this technique was not so useful to gain insights to
improve the project.
Figure 3: Concept map.
Personas. The creation of the personas allowed us
to identify what is the profile of the users we will
be dealing with, since some team members were ini-
tially unaware of this information. In this way, the
technique helped the team to recognize the different
needs, experiences, and the stakeholders’ behaviors.
We created two distinct personas for the group with
high priority identified in the Stakeholder Map, fo-
cusing on the need to use our tool (Figure 4).
Empathy Map. This technique helped us to create
empathy with the stakeholders and think about their
needs, feelings, and desires. We built two empathy
maps based on existing knowledge and data from the
personas created. Figure 5 presents the empathy map
for persona 2.
4.2 2nd Diamond: Convergent Thinking
Bodystorming. This technique enable us to represent
situations in which we put more attention on under-
standing the problem than on identifying a solution.
The application of bodystorming made it easier to un-
derstand and empathize with users by acting in dif-
ferent roles in the interaction within a short period of
time. Moreover, it allowed immediate feedback for
the ideas generated and provided a more precise un-
derstanding of the contextual factors of the project.
The scenarios created in the Script Creation step of
bodystorming for the stakeholders represented by per-
sonas 1 and 2 are available in our technical report.
Prototyping. Finally, we developed a high-fidelity
prototype of our tool with basic functionalities. It al-
lowed us to have a more accurate view of what we
will be delivering to the stakeholders. From the in-
terviews, we realized the need to summarize the in-
formation to be presented by the tool, since the par-
ticipants considered unfeasible the time necessary to
read and analyze the reviews manually. Therefore, we
needed to think about the information visualization
and the necessary functionalities to prototype the so-
lution. During the prototype development, we noticed
that the use of word clouds would be more intuitive to
the stakeholders, as it conveys the importance of each
term among the others according to their sizes on the
screen, instead of presenting an ordered list with the
most frequent terms as originally thought.
On the main screen, we decided to show a video
to encourage tool usage and a menu where the stake-
holder can select the app in which the reviews will be
analyzed. Figure 6 presents the developed prototype
representing the basic flow of the tool considering, for
instance, a food delivery application. After the user
of our tool chooses the desired application, the tool
mines its user reviews. The data are then analyzed to
identify the most frequent terms in the reviews, pre-
sented to the user through a word cloud (Figure 6a).
When navigating through it, he/she can click on one
of the terms to visualize its related reviews (e.g., the
Towards a Data-Driven Requirements Elicitation Tool through the Lens of Design Thinking
Figure 4: Left) persona 1 for a requirements engineer; Right) persona 2 for a businesswoman/developer.
Figure 5: Empathy map for persona 2.
term “service” in Figure 6b) and understand the feed-
back from the application users better. Finally, the
user can download the extracted data and start the
mining and analysis for another application.
The DT techniques provided valuable contributions to
the project development. We detail the main findings
and lessons learned from each DT phase, as well as
implications for practitioners.
5.1 1st Diamond: Divergent Thinking
The Stakeholder Map allowed us to have a more
comprehensive view of different stakeholder profiles.
Through the influence/interest graph, we could iden-
tify who would directly or indirectly benefit from the
Mining Reviews tool, as well as which of them should
be prioritized in the development process. Initially,
we had mobile application end-users as stakeholders.
By applying this technique, we still considered them
as stakeholders but realized that they are not directly
benefited by our tool, thus having low interest on it.
We identified that our main end-users are practitioners
who work directly with application development (e.g.,
software developers and requirements engineers), as
well as other stakeholders (e.g., project leaders, man-
agers, and application investors). By identifying the
most influential and interested group of stakeholders,
we could focus our efforts on this specific group and
plan the next steps accordingly.
Interviews played an important role to understand
how the tool would fit into the market. We identified
that users’ opinion is essential for the stakeholders
to identify potential issues and improvement oppor-
tunities to increase users’ satisfaction. However, they
spend a lot of resources and people to streamline the
process of adapting their products to their customers’
needs and desires, as there is a huge amount of re-
views to analyze, most of them not informative. This
finding is in accordance with Chen et al. (2014), who
identified that only 35.1% of the reviews contained
information that can directly support developers im-
proving their software applications. In this sense, the
results revealed that the problem under study is real
and there is a need to summarize useful information.
Thus, the tool proposed can benefit the stakeholders
with a more comprehensive view of the application’s
main issues, which can help them extract and identify
the requirements that should be prioritized.
The Concept Map helped representing our
knowledge about the problem in a structured way.
The visual representation allowed a better understand-
ing of the concepts involved in the project and the re-
lationships between them. However, this technique
was not so useful to get new insights. It is proba-
bly due to the limited amount of data available in this
initial stage of the project, which hinders the identifi-
cation of missing concepts and new relationships that
would not be seen before drawing the map.
The Persona technique was essential for all team
members to share a broad and common view on the
different needs, expectations, and stakeholders’ be-
haviors, as this information was not clear to some
members. By giving them personalities and concerns,
it was possible to understand how our tool would help
them, and what improvements we could make to min-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Prototype - a) word cloud as a result of the analysis for a food delivery application; b) viewing related reviews when
selecting a word cloud term.
imize their concerns.
Finally, the Empathy Map allowed us to go deep
into the stakeholders’ mind. By analyzing their feel-
ings and behavior, we could understand what our
client would think and feel about our tool.
Take Away Message: use the Stakeholder Map to
identify stakeholders that had not yet been assumed,
especially when the information is scarce. Apply
Interview to confirm the relevance of the problem
and to know their needs and challenges better. Use
Personas to share the same view with your team
about who are the users of your application. Apply
the Empathy Map to deepen empathy with stake-
holders, seeking to understand what they can per-
ceive in your application. These techniques are use-
ful for the initial project steps. The Concept Map
is more useful to larger projects, since it may not
provide new insights to identify new relationships
or entities in project with limited amount of data.
5.2 2nd Diamond: Convergent Thinking
The Bodystorming technique provided an innovative
way to put ourselves in the stakeholders’ shoes by in-
terpreting them and identifying how they can use the
tool proposed, which would not be possible through
the use of the traditional brainstorming technique.
During its application, the idea of using a Web ap-
plication emerged, as it would be the fastest and most
intuitive way for the stakeholders to read and analyze
user reviews. Despite its usefulness, we realized that
it requires mastering previous techniques. For exam-
ple, to generate a scenario and a script to simulate
what may be a problem and its solution, it is neces-
sary to have a good understanding of the stakehold-
ers, which may only be obtained by employing the
techniques presented previously.
Through Prototyping, we could identify new so-
lutions to previously seen problems, in addition to
new features that we could add to our final product.
Before building the prototype, for example, we did
not know the best way to present the results to the
stakeholders. At first, we thought of providing an
ordered list with the most frequent terms. However,
we realized that this approach lacks usability, as the
user has to scroll down the screen to see more terms.
Moreover, a simple list does not convey the relevance
of each term. After discussing, we reached a consen-
sus that a word cloud would be much more appealing,
informative, and usable to the user, as all terms are
presented in the same space with a variety of colors
and different sizes according to their frequency, high-
lighting the relevance of each term.
Take Away Message: use Bodystorming to deepen
your understanding of stakeholders by putting your-
self in their shoes and acting accordingly. Apply
Prototyping to rethink strategies to present summa-
rized information to users.
In this paper, we investigated how Design Thinking
benefits the development of a data-driven require-
ments elicitation tool, named Mining Reviews, based
on the extraction of user reviews. To do so, we carried
out an exploratory study by employing the Double
Diamond process (Design Council, 2015) supported
by a set of DT techniques that allowed us to deepen
our understanding of the problem and trace a path to-
wards a solution that meets the stakeholders’ needs.
In summary, through DT, we could understand how to
help with tooling support people who will use DDRE
knowledge in practice.
This study contributes to: (i) understanding the
benefits and drawbacks of adopting DT as a toolbox
for developing tools to support data-driven require-
ments engineering; and, (ii) understanding the useful-
ness of user review analysis for requirements develop-
ment and the needs and challenges faced in this con-
text by software practitioners, which are being con-
sidered in the development of Mining Reviews tool.
Towards a Data-Driven Requirements Elicitation Tool through the Lens of Design Thinking
Currently, we are developing the Mining Reviews
tool based on the solutions identified in this study, in
addition to verifying the suitability of the algorithms
indicated in the DDRE state-of-the-art. As future per-
spectives, we intend to analyze the benefits of other
DT techniques, such as those that observe stakehold-
ers in their work environment (e.g., Behavioral Arche-
ology and Behavioral Map). We also intend to carry
out empirical studies to evaluate the tool’s usefulness
with practitioners in the industry, as well as in the con-
text of requirements engineering education.
This research, carried out within the scope of the
Samsung-UFAM Project for Education and Research
(SUPER), according to Article 48 of Decree no
6.008/2006(SUFRAMA), was funded by Samsung
Electronics of Amazonia Ltda., under the terms
of Federal Law no 8.387/1991, through agreement
001/2020, signed with Federal University of Ama-
zonas and FAEPI, Brazil. Also supported by CAPES
- Financing Code 001, CNPq process 311494/2017-0,
and FAPEAM process 062.00150/2020. We thank the
USES research group for the support and practitioners
for their voluntary participation in the interviews.
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