Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2
and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting
Andreea Ancuta Corici, Olaf Rode, René Wiegmann Rollet and Max Bureck
Institute of Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany
Keywords: eHealth, SARS-CoV-2, FHIR, Authentication, LDTv2, OAuth2.0, Mutual TLS.
Abstract: In each country, there is a set of pathogens that require the laboratories to announce the results to local au-
thorities. The current systems based on Fax technologies are overwhelmed with the numerous results that
laboratories have to communicate for SARS-CoV-2. For enabling the upgrade of the infrastructure in terms
of communication technology employing security, data protection and routing of notifications towards the list
of corresponding entities, a digital communication system was developed during the DEMIS SARS-CoV-2
project. In this paper, we present the design and implementation, the testbed used for development and the
performance test results, as well as rollout status and the lessons learned.
As the number of infections with SARS-CoV-2 are in
the attention of the public health authorities, it is most
valuable to convey the needed information about the
undergone tests and their results to the institutions in
charge of counselling the patients and taking
decisions. It is clear that the initial system based on
Fax communication, although widespread and well
known, tend to a low quality of acquired data due to
sending per hand information from one system to
another remote system.
At the same time, using Fax technology when
handling the tremendous number of positive results
while the teams handling the reports also go through
a rapid increase in work force and extra work hours,
can lead to a poor accounting of the positive cases.
Loosing track of an infected person due to human
error can lead to serious negative impacts on that
person health and their contacts.
Taking into account these aspects, a digital system
for allowing accounting and efficient communication
of the reported cases between entitled parties was
initiated together with multiple stakeholders
including the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) during
the DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 project (see Figure 1 and
Homepage of DEMIS project). The project started in
Spring 2020, as a follow-up of a research project
initially carried out for enabling doctors to report the
pathogens that are compulsory to notify to the local
health authorities. During the currently running
project, the nation-wide network of laboratories are
being digitally upgraded in order to accurately send
the legally required information about the positive
cases of SARS-CoV-2. The next phase of the project
rollout, that will start in Spring of 2021, will cover
also other pathogen notification, starting with
In this paper, we present the state of the art and
background technology in section 2, an overview of
the requirements in section 3 and the description of
the derived system implementation in section 4.
Section 5 presents the performance tests for the
component handling the dispatching logic and the
first phase rollout insights in section 6. Section 7
closes the article with the conclusion and future work.
Figure 1: DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 approach compared to the
old three steps procedure for centralizing the results.
Corici, A., Rode, O., Rollet, R. and Bureck, M.
Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2 and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting.
DOI: 10.5220/0010433800170025
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2021), pages 17-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-506-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Fast Healthcare Interoperability
Resources (FHIR)
FHIR (see HL7, FHIR standard) is a standard defined
by HL7 for electronic health records exchange
defining data objects and the operations that can be
performed upon them. Stored data objects (e.g.
Observations, DiagnosticReports, Patients,
Organizations) can reference each other, creating
complex resource trees. The standard uses a RESTful
approach for creating, updating, deleting and
retrieving data objects. What is notable is the retrieval
of big amounts of data, where the mechanism of
Paging is recommended, in order to split the results
into chunks. Another important aspect is the
standardized search function, in which resource field
values can be used to filter the results. The JSON,
XML and RDF encoded payloads is transported using
2.2 Authentication Mechanisms
A best practice for securing the traffic between the
system components, such as those between the
backend services and the end users (laboratories and
public health institutions) of the DEMIS SARS-CoV-
2 project, is to employ strong authentication
mechanisms like those from the OAuth2.0 framework
(see D. Hardt, 2020), JSON Web Tokens (JWT) (see
M. Jones et al., 2015) and mutual TLS for generating
the tokens using the certificates of the end users. The
OAuth2.0 was defined in order to enable delegated
access to protected resources by introducing a token
access retrieval from an authorization server before
requesting the access to the protected resource.
Mutual TLS was recently finalized in the IETF
RFC 8705 (see B. Campbell at al., 2020) in order to
define a mechanism in which both client and server
hosting the protected resource can authenticate to
each other, having a result a much stronger data
security than authenticating only the server via TLS.
2.3 Laboratory Data Transfer (LDT)
In Germany, the standard LDT (Laboratory Data
Transfer) (see QMS und KBV) was employed as
early as the 1990s for encoding and sending the
laboratory results. The encoding is using labels for the
type of grouped elements of the notification, with
each element being Tag-Length-Value encoded. The
file structure consists of a header, a set of records and
a closing label. The microbiology and laboratory
reports are those used primarily to communicate
pathogen test results. Each record can hold one or
more pathogen tests. Using Jokerfields one can
extend the semantics of the LDT and introduce new
fields that are needed but not yet standardized.
2.4 Deployment Tools
Running an application inside a container translates
into executing the application in an instance of the
hosting operating system, in comparison to
mechanism of running the application in a virtual
machine, executing on its own operating system.
OpenShift (see Openshift platform) is a PaaS
(platform as a service) for the development and
deployment of applications within containers. The
software is based on the container virtualization tool
Docker (see Docker tool) and the orchestration tool
Kubernetes (see Kubernetes tool). Some of the
functionalities of Kubernetes are container grouping,
auto-scaling, load-balancing or self-healing. As a
result, the features of OpenShift are that of a full-
fledged development platform, like automated
installation and updates, a webinterface, command
line tools, support of continuous integration and
deployment, logging- and monitoring support.
The DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 system has to respond to a
wide range of functional as well as non-functional
requirements. These are:
Notification Validation: All notification about
positive SARS-CoV-2 test results that are send
by laboratories must conform to the HL7 FHIR
based information model defined by RKI. The
system must reject non-conformant
Notification Enrichment: The system must
add contextual information to inbound
notifications. This includes, e.g. a timestamp,
the verifiable identifier of the sender as well as
information regarding the receiver of the
Automatic Receiver Calculation: The
receiver of the notification (a specific public
health office) must be computed by the system
using information that is included in the
notification. Relevant information include, e.g.
the address of the infected person as well as the
address of the sender of the specimen.
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Generation of Notification Receipts: For
every notification that is send by a laboratory a
receipt must be generated that includes
information regarding the content of the
notification itself as well as information on the
calculated receiving public health office (e.g.
contact information). The receipt should be
encoded in the portable document format
(PDF). In addition selected information should
be returned in a machine processable format as
Support for the Detection of Duplicate
Notifications: The system must support the
detection of notifications that where
accidentally sent by a laboratory multiple times
or notifications that are send by different
laboratories but that refer to the same case
(person and pathogen). As it is forbidden to
store unencrypted personal data within the
system the functionality must be implemented
using pseudonymized notification data.
Receiver Oriented Encryption of Personal
Data in Notifications: Personal data of
patients will not be stored unencrypted.
Therefore the system must encrypt
notifications as soon as the pre-processing has
been finished. The implemented encryption
mechanism must guarantee that only the
receiving public health office is able to decrypt
the notification.
Derivation of Epidemiological Information
from Notifications: The system must extract
information from the notifications for getting
an overview about the current epidemiological
situation for the whole country. Personal data
must not be included or must be replaced by
pseudonyms. This information should be
accessible by the RKI.
Extensibility to Support Additional
Pathogens in the Future: The first version of
DEMIS will only support SARS-CoV-2
notifications. Nevertheless, the system must be
designed in a way that additional pathogens can
be supported with ease.
Usage of Strong Authentication and
Authorization Means: The system must use
an authentication mechanism based on X.509
certificates. After an initial authentication with
the corresponding cryptographic keys, derived
security tokens may be used to access the API
for sending or receiving notifications. An
access control framework must guarantee that
the APIs of the business services are only
accessible when all access requirements are
met and therefore a positive access control
decision will be rendered. Attributes for the
rendering of the access control decision must
be extractable from the used security tokens
(e.g. role information) as well as from the
request or response payload (e.g. the
notification itself).
Adaption of a Widely Used Laboratory Data
Transfer Protocol to Support a Fast Rollout:
Implementing the HL7 FHIR based data format
natively within the laboratory information
system or within the connected communication
servers might lead to delay in the planned
rollout, as laboratories do not employ currently
such technology. Therefore an adapter must be
provided during a period of transition that is
able to map LDTv2 based laboratory reports
(that are widely used withing Germany) to HL7
FHIR based SARS-CoV-2 notifications.
In this section we provide a system overview of both
the backend services and the frontend components,
followed by the description of the implementation
during the first phase of the project in which only
SARS-CoV-2 tests were handled and the currently
under development extension for supporting multiple
4.1 System Overview
4.1.1 Backend Services
On the server side of the system, the functional
requirements were clustered around the entry point
for the messages that are send by laboratories, the
DEMIS Notification API. One of the main
functionalities of this component is the validation of
message (notifications) against a defined set of rules
and as well as the routing to entitled parties (see
Figure 2).
Further responsibilities of this component are:
The enrichment of the message with additional
attributes, such as the time of message receipt
or the ID of the sending service provider
the generation and persistence of pseudonyms
using the DEMIS Pseudonym Calculation
Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2 and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting
Service and the DEMIS Pseudonym Storage
the generation of report receipts with the help
of the DEMIS PDF Generation Service,
the generation of non-named reports
(information objects for better evaluation of the
current epidemiological situation) for the RKI,
encryption of the notification
the transfer of the notifications and the
generated information objects to the DEMIS
Notification Clearing API
Furthermore, on the DEMIS Notification
Clearing API both the encrypted notification and the
information objects required for the evaluation of the
current epidemiological situation are persisted in a
database (DEMIS Notification Clearing DB) by the
DEMIS Notification Clearing API and held for
retrieval by the respective authorized agencies.
The service thus functions primarily as a retrieval
point for the corresponding notifications and
information objects and, in this context, implements
the access rules defined indirectly via the health law.
Although for a detailed assessment of the
epidemiological situation, it is helpful to identify all
SARS-CoV-2-related reporting events for a person in
the data set and to consider them accordingly. For
good reason, the infection protection act allows only
the respective competent health authorities to access
personal information, such as the name of an affected
person. A centralized search, for persons reported
multiple times on a central database with personal
information available in plain text, is thus explicitly
not allowed. For this reason, the DEMIS Pseudonym
Calculation Service creates special pseudonyms via
selected personal characteristics (first name, last
name, date of birth) in the course of pre-processing
the reports. These pseudonyms later make it possible
to recognize all SARS-CoV-2 related reporting
processes for a person in a defined time interval
without revealing the identity of the respective person
Figure 2: Demis SARS-CoV-2 system overview.
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
In order to be able to recognize all SARS-CoV-2-
related reports or reporting processes for a person
within a defined time interval, the DEMIS Duplicate
Detection Engine was developed. The DEMIS
analysis tools can pass a pseudonym to this service
and have it check whether the pseudonym has more
than one reporting procedure associated in the
system. The implemented pseudonymization
procedure also supports a fuzzy search, i.e. if desired,
reporting procedures for persons in the database with
a very similar name are also matching, for supporting
the case of typing error).
All access to the central specialized services of
the DEMIS infrastructure is protected by an access
control system. In order to be able to call the
operations required for the respective use case, the
client must include a standardized security token in
the header of the call. The DEMIS Token Provider
issues these security tokens after successful
authentication of the respective user. The
authentication of the user is certificate-based. The
DEMIS Token Provider also manages the user
accounts. Corresponding information is persisted in a
database (DEMIS Token Provider DB).
4.1.2 Frontend Components
For the first expansion stages of the DEMIS a highly
specialized software component (DEMIS Adapter)
is offered to the reporting laboratories. It fulfils the
following tasks:
Loading of LDT messages supplemented by
Jokerfields from a data transfer directory
Transforming LDT information into the data
format defined by the RKI for the presentation
of SARS-CoV-2 notifications (based on HL7
Authenticating the laboratory against the
DEMIS Token Provider
Secure sending of notification message to the
DEMIS Notification API
Creation of audit logs for tracing the processing
Saving the notification transaction receipt
(PDF) returned by the DEMIS Notification
In coordination with the producers of software for
public health office, the DEMIS Importer was
developed for the first expansion stages of the system.
It serves as a reference implementation for the
adaptation of the various processes and will also be
used in selected health offices for a transitional
period. The DEMIS Importer fulfils the following
tasks, among others:
Authentication of the respective health office
against the DEMIS Token Provider
Retrieval of encrypted notification messages
via the DEMIS Notification Clearing API
Decryption and storage of the messages in the
file system
The actual processing of notification content is
implemented in the various software products (e.g.
SurvNet@RKI) that is used by the different public
health offices.
For future versions of the system it is envisioned
that neither the DEMIS Adapter nor the DEMIS
Importer will be used any longer. The corresponding
functionality is planned to be implemented by the
vendors of the respective sending and receiving
information systems by then.
4.2 Implementation
To guarantee a good portability of the DEMIS
services and components, only Java-based software
published under an Open Source licence was selected
or developed. In this context especially the extensive
use of Hapi FHIR library (see UHN, Hapi FHIR
library) should be mentioned.
The FHIR profiles are publicly available so that
all involved participants can access them. Especially
that some of the laboratories have decided to
implement the last hop component in order to have a
deep integration with the DEMIS platform and
system. The profiles, code systems (for country code,
material, method, postal codes) and value sets (test
code values) have been published on the platform
In the initial design, the DEMIS Adapter had also
the role to verify the values received in the LDT file.
The advantage of this solution was to have a fast
feedback on possible errors due to the input values
and not overload the system with error notifications.
In the end it was decided to have the validation only
at the Notification API, in order to have a uniform
approach in technical support for laboratories that use
the DEMIS Adapter or their own software.
The following sections will only focus on selected
implementation aspects for the first and second
development phase of the system.
Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2 and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting
4.2.1 First Phase: SARS-CoV-2 Only Tests
During the first phase of development the backend
service had to go into maintenance mode quite often,
e.g. to rollout new versions of the software.
Therefore, special care was needed for detecting the
maintenance and handling the error codes received by
the frontend components from the DEMIS Token
Provider (see Table 1) as well as the DEMIS
Notification (Clearing) API (see Table 2).
Both the DEMIS Adapter and DEMIS Importer
assume that there is an established internet connection
when starting. This is why timeouts by connecting are
considered as configuration failure, or in the case of
DEMIS Adapter a misconfiguration of the proxy.
When designing the error handling in the case of
the responses from the Notification API, it was also
included the case that a component called by the
Notification API, like the Notification Clearing API
for example, would return error to the Notification
API, thus a retransmission is necessary, similar to the
maintenance state.
As the pandemic situation progressed, it was
decided to include more information than the positive
diagnostic and that encompasses information about
the virus variant and the genomic information.
Currently only the support for the case when the
laboratory itself has the necessary analysis devices.
The next step is to enable correlation between
primary laboratories that receive the probes and the
secondary laboratories that provide the genomic
information or even invalidate the initial positive
4.2.2 Second Phase: Multi Pathogen Tests
During the development of the system it became clear
that the DEMIS information model, especially certain
ValueSets (e.g. test codes), had to be updated from
time to time. Therefore, a functionality was
developed that downloads the most recent versions
from the FHIR data model server. Nevertheless, to
implement the support for additional pathogens (e.g.
influenza virus) this mechanism needs to be refined.
Both the DEMIS Adapter and the DEMIS
Notification API have to be extended in order to be
able to programmatically download, process and
interpret not only updated ValueSets and
CodeSystems but complete FHIR profiles (including
StructureDefinition resources (see Figure 3).
While loading the profile into memory, the
DEMIS Adapter implementation will be extended in
order to build generic classes and factories that can
model the notifications elements. A new input
information element Pathogen Code will be added in
order to retrieve the GenericPathogenFactory object
from the internal mapping built during the loading of
profiles. Using this GenericPathogenFactory, the
input values that have an associated FHIR ValueSet
are validated and the correct Profile URL is set in the
notification elements that depend on the pathogen.
The DEMIS Notification API inherits the
validation mechanism from the HAPI FHIR library
validator that needs the profiles downloaded
Table 1: Token Provider response codes processing.
Type of
Token Provider DEMIS
Could not
Signal misconfiguration and
resource path
Maintenance Retry after a specific interval
All ok Save token for sending the FHIR
Table 2: Notification API and Notification Clearing API er-
ror response codes handling at the DEMIS Adapter and
DEMIS Importer respectively.
Type of Response Action
Notification API
& Notification
Clearing API
Could not connect
Signal misconfiguration and
Unknown resource
Input Data invalid Move input
file to error
Internal Error
Retry after a specific interval
All ok Move input
file to
folder and save
the Report
Save data in
the local
beforehand. Thus, downloading of the profiles is
decoupled from the validation of notification so that
the profiles download occurs during packaging and
the validation during runtime. Although the FHIR
Profile Loader has slightly different usage in the two
components, the shared functionality of profiles
download is quite important, especially that some
special handling was needed because some aspects
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
related to snapshot download from the publicly
available FHIR data model server of are
not yet available.
There were several tests carried out in a laboratory
setup, from which here selected are those related to
the performance tests of the Notification API, the
system entry component.
In the setup, depicted in Figure 4, the VMware
ESXi, 6.7.0 hypervisor was deployed on a
PowerEdge MX740c hardware with an Intel(R)
Xeon(R) Gold 6126 CPU @ 2.60GHz processor. The
VMware configuration included twenty-four logical
processors and three network cards.
The Token Provider keycloak and the Postgres
database of the Notification Clearing API were
dedicated each a virtual machine of 4 virtual CPUs
and for the rest of the system components the number
of CPUs was increased starting from scenario A with
4 CPUs and finishing with scenario C with 16 CPUs.
The simulator for generating the requests was
developed based on the Scala based gatling test load
generator (see Gatling Toolkit) and it was used to
simulate 20, 40, 80 and 160 parallel laboratories.
In Figure 5 the measurement results regard the
mean response time and the associated standard
deviation on the enfolded scenarios.
Figure 4: Test setup.
One can observe that the response time is
decreasing when the number of allocated CPUs
increase. At the same time, in scenario C,80 the
highest mean speed is reached at about 49 000
requests per second and there are error response codes
encountered. It was concluded that the Notification
API is the bottleneck and an adjustment of the setup
using load balancing between multiple instances of
the Notification API has proven to extend the
performance of the system as a whole.
Figure 3: Support for multiple pathogens.
Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2 and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting
In order to prepare for the productive system, the
development team deployed a replica of the DEMIS
platform on an internal network Openshift testbed in
order to have preliminary validation of the releases.
Another replica was used for the most recent develop
version as stub test system.
A replica of the productive system was deployed
for testing purposes, so that both laboratories and
local health authorities can test their settings and
The rollout of the system took place gradually,
starting with the first validated release of the project
and only a small number of laboratories and public
health offices in July 2020. By now (January 2021)
more than 250 laboratories and all public health
offices (375) are using the system (see Figure 6).
During the rollout numerous workshops took
place for familiarizing the laboratories and local
health authorities’ workers with the new platform.
Their feedback was used to adapt the system and
build the roadmap for future releases. For example,
on the side of the laboratories, some of them decided
to have a deep integration, with their primary
information system, either implementing the
interfaces towards the DEMIS Token Provider and
DEMIS Notification API from scratch or using the
code from DEMIS Adapter. Others, due to lack of IT
resources, decided to continue the use of the DEMIS
Figure 6: Number of laboratory notifications sent per day
via the DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 platform.
Adapter and asked to include additional
functionality, e.g. support for an alternative input
format (proprietary JSON), a monitoring interface,
multiple test results in a single notification as well as
the support for multiple notifications within one LDT
An important feature request from RKI has been
to support the transfer of information that is
associated with a molecular surveillance system for
SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens. This functionality
was already implemented and rolled out.
Figure 5: Test results.
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
The DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 project included a broad
set of stakeholders in the domain of laboratory tests
that ranged from hospitals to laboratories of all sizes,
including mobile test sites and even veterinary
laboratories that decided to help by performing
SARS-CoV-2 tests. Their feedback and engagement
have contributed tremendously to the success of the
project and upgrade of the infrastructure in a matter
of a few months.
The next milestone will be the support for the other
more than 50 notifiable pathogens defined within the
German Infection Protection Act. This major
extension - as well as many other smaller
improvements - will make the DEMIS platform even
more powerful and ready to be adapted to other
countries that need to improve their reporting
DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 was financed by the German
Ministry of Health (BMG). The functional
requirements as well as the data model were defined
by the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI), Fraunhofer
FOKUS was responsible for the design and
development of the system, gematik GmbH and RKI
accompanied the design and development process
and coordinated the test, operation and rollout.
RKI, Homepage of DEMIS project,
HL7, FHIR standard,
D. Hardt, 2012, OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, RFC
6749, IETF
M. Jones, J. Bradley, N. Sakimura, 2015, Json Web Token
(JWT), RFC 7519, IETF
B. Campbell, J. Bradley, N. Sakimura, T. Lodderstedt,
2020, OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication
and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens, RFC 8705,
QMS and KBV, LDT Standard (Labordaten-Transfer),
Openshift Platform,
Docker tool,
Kubernetes tool,
RKI, Homepage of SurvNet tool, DE/
University of Health Network (UHN), Hapi FHIR library,
Gatling Corp, Gatling Toolkit,
Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2 and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting