An Integrated Dependability Analysis and Design Method for
Distributed Systems Engineering
Claus Pahl
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Dependability Engineering, Reliability, Availability, Safety, Security, Requirements Analysis, Design,
Architecture, Software Quality.
Dependability Engineering is a critical importance for the now huge number of software systems that are
directly linked to people (and can damage them be that physically or through security and data protection
issues) and that operate in open and distributed environments that expose them to reliability problems. We
present here an integrated dependability analysis and design methods for reliability, safety and security that
targets beginners and that can be applied without specific tools support. We introduce this analysis and design
method here in a concrete educational setting that is made up of beginners and works without tools. We will
look at this specifically in the context of Internet-of-Things data with realistic application cases.
Dependability quantifies several dimensions to pre-
dict how well and how long a system will operate.
These dimensions typically safety, security, reliabil-
ity and availability (ISO/IEC, 2011). Environments
such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), edge and cloud
systems are particularly reliant on dependability.
While these aspects have been investigated, a
comprehensive method that provides, firstly, an inte-
grated view across all concerns, secondly, is based on
a joined architecture perspective, and, thirdly, uses a
uniform mechanism for the dependability analysis de-
spite differences in the metrics and assessments being
involved. We introduce here an analysis and design
method for dependable systems in open distributed
systems such as cloud, edge and IoT environments.
Furthermore, we target a beginners setting not sup-
ported by specific tools to allow the methods to be
brought to non-experts. We report this here in a teach-
ing context, presenting our experience for a Master-
level course on dependable systems analysis and de-
sign. This setting demonstrates the need for a uni-
form methods that can be used within the constraints
of graduate computer scientists without deep experi-
ence and specific tools.
Reliability is one of the central dependability
properties, largely capturing that a system performs as
requested. Reliability starts with a non-functional re-
liability requirements analysis that then extracts func-
tional reliability requirements and a design build on
suitable reliability architecture patterns. Safety ad-
dress the impact of a system onto its environment
in terms of damages that can be caused. A haz-
ard/accident analysis is the first step, followed by a
corresponding risk analysis and a functional require-
ments and architecture steps. Security is concerned
with the impact of the environments on the system,
be that malicious or unintentional intrusions and their
negative consequences. Again, a non-functional re-
quirements analysis is following by a functional per-
spective and architectural design.
We present a method for dependable systems anal-
ysis and design for the three selected aspects. This has
been evaluated for a number of application systems in
the IoT and edge space. Key properties are the use of
a table format to have a uniform structure and repre-
sentation approach that does not rely on specific tools
and also a joint architecture approach based on com-
mon architecture patterns.
The methods takes into account the needs of a
non-expert setting. Here, the table-based analysis
approach allows a uniform approach that is easy to
convey. Also, architecture patterns as a common ap-
proach to address quality in software architectures is
a key ingredient. Thus, the aim is not to support fully
safety- or security-critical application development,
but to create a wider awareness of dependability needs
for less critical applications.
The remainder is organised as follows. Section 2
Pahl, C.
An Integrated Dependability Analysis and Design Method for Distributed Systems Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0010433102310238
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 231-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reviews the background on dependability concerns. In
Section 3, we review the state-of the-art, both from an
educational and technical perspective. The analysis
and design method is introduced in Section 4 and the
subsequently evaluated in Section 5. We conclude in
Section 6.
Reliability, safety and security are well explored con-
cepts (Mellor, 1992; Avizienis et al., 2004; Al-
Kuwaiti et al., 2009; Walter and Suri, 2003), which
is partly reflected in standards.
Security: ISO 27005:2018 (ISO/IEC, 2018) fo-
cuses on security requirements.
Reliability: IEEE Standard 1044-1993 (IEEE,
2010) is the IEEE Classification for Software
Anomalies that covers the reliability concepts
fault, error and failure.
In order to illustrate, but also to validate the proposed
solution, we refer to the following use cases:
Road Mobility and Automotive: here we con-
sider connected cooperative autonomous mobil-
ity (CCAM), specifically focusing in examples
on cars and other vehicles in a motorway setting
(Barzegar et al., 2020b; Barzegar et al., 2020a;
Gand et al., 2020; Le et al., 2019). This a techni-
cal setting that involves IoT infrastructure through
sensors and actuators in cars and road-side, but
also edge capabilities for local car coordination as
well as remote cloud processing. Since cars with
passengers are involved, reliability, safety and se-
curity are of highest importance.
Industry 4.0: automated production scenarios
equally require local coordination and processing,
e.g., for sensor-guided robots in production lines,
but also remote centralised processing of larger
volumes of data in clouds (von Leon et al., 2019;
Scolati et al., 2019; El Ioini and Pahl, 2018). As
business-critical activities, reliability and security
are important, as is safety of the operators and ma-
chines in the production process.
The importance of dependability and the need to con-
sider this in non-expert settings has been recognised
(Schoitsch and Skavhaug, ; Pahl et al., 2019). In this
paper, however, only a broad strategic perspective is
given. A concrete approach is lacking. In the wider
context of distributed systems, approach to teaching
and learning exist (Pop and Cristea, 2019). Here, the
need to cover IoT, cloud and edge scenarios through
architecture and also operations management is high-
lighted. Some works, such as (Michael et al., 2019),
go deeper on specific technologies. Here, model
checking is proposed a specific tool. However, we
are looking at a broader analysis and design process
There is somewhat more technical progress. Some
attempts have recently tried to integrate dependability
concepts. (Shan et al., ) survey the current literature
on all dependability aspects. In (Verma et al., 2019),
the authors address a combined safety and security
perspective. (Dobaj et al., 2019), specifically look at
risk assessment in these two aspects.
In general, the need for a joint treatment is recog-
nised (Serpanos, 2019), but not may integrated ap-
proach exist. The need for an integrated perspective
is recognised for specific domains such as the auto-
motive and mobility domain that we also focus on
(Much, 2016).
This is where we aim to present an integrated ap-
proach that (i) integrates reliability, safety and secu-
rity, but also (ii) requirements analysis with architec-
tural design. However, it should be understood that
our aim is to provide a method that covers all ma-
jor aspects, but might not include deeper details that
would be required for a professional industrial setting
(but are not feasible in an educational setting).
The presentation of the dependability analysis and de-
sign framework is presented in two parts: firstly, a
conceptual summary of the quality concerns, metric
and their meaning, followed by, secondly, a process
for analysis and design based on the common table
4.1 Conceptual Framework
For each of the three aspects reliability (including
availability), safety and security, we now present a
conceptual map defining the key concepts and the rel-
evant metrics.
4.1.1 Reliability
A basic conceptual map of the reliability aspect is pre-
sented in Figure 1 that follows (IEEE, 2010).
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Reliability - Conceptual Map.
Often, availability, which in itself is an important
concerns, is captured as part of the reliability concern.
We reflect this and cover availability as part of the
number o f f ailures
number o f requests
number o f f ailures
total elapsedtime
MT T F =
total elapsedtime
number o f f ailures
Note that these are numerical dimensions. Later
on in the security and safety aspects, we will also con-
sider categorical aspects. These metrics need to be
better explained in order to clarify the meaning and
when they should be used. For instance, POFOD is
suitable for rarely used functions such as emergency
systems, while ROCOF is suitable for regulary and
frequently used functions that are short in duration.
For functions with a long duration, the MTTF metric
is more suitable.
For availability, it needs to be noted that systems
with the same availability might have different outage
behaviours, see Figure 2. In many cases, many shorter
outages (below some threshold) are less critical than
one long one.
Figure 2: Graph Availability.
ROCOF captures the number of failures for fre-
quently occurring events.
MTTF captures the likely time until the next fail-
ure, which should ideally not happen during the func-
tion execution of a long-lasting function.
These graphs help to clarify the semantics of the
metrics. In addition, we provide information to the
users on measurements and requirements values. At
Figure 3: Graph ROCOF.
Figure 4: Graph MTTF.
least in generic terms, we explained the difference be-
tween orders of magnitude, e.g., between 0.9 and 0.99
for availability and how those translate into time peri-
ods (such as a day or a year).
4.1.2 Safety
We start again with a conceptual map, shown in Fig-
ure 5. The central concepts are hazards, which might
turn into accidents. Accidents if they happen cause
damage. The important task is to assess the risk that
a hazard becomes an actual accident. The risk is de-
fined through the severity and probability of the acci-
Figure 5: Safety - Conceptual Map.
In order to assess the safety criticality, the follow-
ing metrics severity level, probability level and risk
level with their respective value ranges are proposed
Risk: tolerable, ALARP (as low as reasonably
possible), intolerable)
Severity: low, medium, high
Probability: low, medium, high
Rather than being numerical, we assess these as a
classified metric. The concrete values are common
ones, but could be altered if needed.
4.1.3 Security
The conceptual map for security reflects threats and
how they could be exploited by an intruder, as shown
An Integrated Dependability Analysis and Design Method for Distributed Systems Engineering
in Figure 8. Starting with the assets to be pro-
tected, the individual security concerns such a expo-
sure, threat and vulnerability can causally linked. A
vulnerability can then be exploited by an attacker, but
countered with a control mechanism.
Figure 6: Security - Conceptual Map.
The relevant metric is here the security level,
which like in the safety example uses classified, or-
dered labels: low, medium, high.
4.1.4 Discussion
While for reliability we have used quantitative met-
rics, for security and safety quantitative metrics are
proposed. Reliability metrics are generally easy to
monitor and measure. The others however are influ-
enced by a multitude of factors that are more difficult
to quantify. For instance, security is the summary of
aspects such as integrity and confidentiality. Thus, la-
bels as broader categories have been suggested.
4.2 Analysis and Design Process
4.2.1 Non-functional Requirements Analysis
All three dependability aspects start with a non-
functional requirements perspective.
For Reliability, we propose a 2-step approach
consisting of a fault-failure analysis and a mapping
to corresponding metrics. The Fault-Failure Analy-
sis associates faults and possibly resulting failures to
each component:
Component | Fault | Failure
A concrete example of this for the automotive road
mobility use case is presented in Table 1. The ex-
ample focuses on hardware components as the more
likely sources of failures.
Table 1: Fault-Failure Analysis.
Component Fault Failure
sensor broken no data
camera dust incorrect data
5G antenna broker no data up/down
GPS no signal no position
The Dependability Mapping associates metrics
and their concrete values to the components and the
relevant dependability concern.
Component | Dep Concern | Metric | Value
In Table 2, the values reflect assumed realistic require-
Table 2: Reliability Analysis.
Component Dep Concern Metric Value
sensor reliability AVAIL 0.99
camera reliability POFOD 0.9
5G antenna reliability AVAIL 0.999
5G antenna reliability ROCOF 0.9999
GPS reliability AVAIL 0.999
For the next concern, Safety, we propose a 3-step
approach consisting of a hazard-accident analysis, a
risk analysis and a fault-tree based root cause analy-
sis. The Hazard-Accident Analysis identifies the rele-
vant hazards and possibly resulting accident. A con-
crete application of the analysis is given in Table 3.
Component | Hazard | Accident
Table 3: Safety Analysis.
Component Hazard Accident
external object on road crash (car/people)
antenna fail to communicate crash/system
edge overload car crash
external security attack car crash
The seconds step is the Risk Analysis, which asso-
ciates accident probability and severity, from which
an overall risk can be derived. A concrete example is
given in Table 4.
Hazard | Probability | Severity | Risk
Table 4: Safety Risk Analysis.
Hazard Probability Severity Risk
animal low high ALARP
truck medium high intolerable
antenna high high intolerable
The third step is the Fault Tree, which is a Root
Cause Analysis, presented in Figure 7.
The final dependability concern is Security. A
concrete example is shown in Figure 5. This starts
with a Security Risk analysis:
Asset | Exposure | Threat | Vulnerability | Attack |
Then, a Security Policy needs to be specified, for
which a concrete example is given in Table 6.
Asset | Level of Protection | responsibilities |
Procedures and Techniques
The analysis and design process shall now be sum-
marised, see Fig. 1
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 5: Security Risk Analysis.
Asset Exposure Threat Vulnerability Attack Control
DB data loss
accidental deletion
OR unauthorised user
no proper ac-
cess control
unauthorised user
accesses DB
sensor data manip-
unauthorised use no encryption packet spoofing
and manipulation
sensor data manip-
noise redundancy accidental encryption,
access control
sensor data leak-
unauthorised use no encryption packet spoofing
and manipulation
Figure 7: Safety - Fault Tree.
Table 6: Security Policy.
Asset Level of
and Tech-
car po-
high in transit: com-
munication in-
DB /
high DB manager access con-
trol and re-
4.2.2 Functional Dependability Requirements
and Architecture
Now, we change the perspective from non-functional
dependability requirements to functional dependabil-
ity requirements, i.e., requirements for system com-
ponents that help to prevent, detect or remedy (heal)
the dependability requirements identified. The gen-
eral objectives are avoidance, identification, reme-
diation. We outline here some sample architec-
tural strategies. In the context of this dependabil-
ity design, we need an architectural style. We spec-
ify the key principles and patterns of this architec-
tural style as follows: (i) Principles: redundancy,
diversity; (ii) Patterns: MAPE-K, Protection Sys-
tem, Multichannel Architecture. Figure 9 illustrates
the MAPE-K pattern. In the MAPE-K, K rep-
resents knowledge, for example rules of the form
if T > 20 then CloseValve else OpenValve for
T of type temperature and T = 20 for a self-adaptive
heating system. Figure 10 shows the protection sys-
tem pattern. Figure 11 shows the multi-channel ar-
chitecture, which proposes to carry out the same task
Figure 8: Analysis and Design Process.
using different mechanism, and let a selector decide
on the correctness of the result.
Figure 9: Layered ML Quality Management Architecture.
Figure 10: Protection System.
The patterns allow to select a concrete architec-
ture that realises the principles of redundancy and di-
versity (Barrett et al., 2006; Pahl et al., 2018), which
are known to aid dependability engineering. In order
to avoid, identify or remedy dependability risks, these
patterns can be utilised. For Reliability, the following
components could be suitable:
Reliability: a multichannel architecture to in-
crease reliability.
Availability: MAPE-K with with analysis and
planning components for instance to utilise
HADR (high availability and desaster recovery)
An Integrated Dependability Analysis and Design Method for Distributed Systems Engineering
Figure 11: Multi Channel Architecture.
functions as actions.
For Safety, the following architectural components
could be suitable: MAPE-K with monitoring to mea-
sure the relevant safety concerns such whether objects
in the vicinity are still intact and react with an emer-
gency shutdown in an accident situation (or even as
a prevention measure before the actual accident hap-
pens). For Security, a protection system against ex-
ternal attacks is a solution.
We now illustrate this stage. Examples are pre-
sented in Table 7. The concerns of this architectural
analysis and design step for security are as follows:
Layer of risk | Control | architectural solution type
Table 7: Architectural Design.
Layer of Risk Control Architectural
Solution Type
technology /
login protection
architecture /
partitioning distribution
asset / data / ob-
ject / record
encryption protection
Concrete functional components are firewall, en-
cryption or access control.
The methods targets a non-expert developer that
might not have access to dedicated tools. A sample
setting that matches these requirements is education.
The presented method has been used over 4 years in
the course Requirements and Design for Dependable
Systems as part of an M.Sc. in Software Engineering
where participants had a least a degree in computing,
partly with industrial development experience. Dur-
ing this period, around 15 students in average have
participated. Since this course is also catering for
part-time students, the proportion of students with in-
dustrial experience, either prior to enrolling or con-
currently experiencing, is more than 50 %.
For this context, the key evaluation criteria we
have chosen are: (i) relevance of the method, i.e., how
realistic and fit for purpose the proposed method is in
industrial practice, (ii) non-expert suitability, i.e., how
well the method is suitable for untrained developers
without dedicated tools.
5.1 Relevance
The relevance criterion assesses the technical ade-
quacy of the method, i.e., whether it reflects industrial
practice and aligns with common conceptualisations.
For the latter point, we already presented the align-
ment with standards regarding the conceptual scope
in the Background section earlier on. A more detailed
investigation of the criteria shows:
Concepts: validity (complete and necessary) is
given, 1) based on using standards and referring to
relevant literature on dependability concepts, and,
2) is verified in concrete experiments (application
scenarios) that we document below.
Process: effectiveness (i.e., is usable and achieves
the goals) has been demonstrated experimentally
by applying the method over 4 years in 4 different
application settings by more than 25 teams.
A number of domains have been selected, that vary in
terms of the distribution of the setting, the number and
form of people being involved, and the type of cyber-
physical system in terms of hardware/embedded sys-
tem components utilised. This is summarised in Table
Table 8: Application Scenarios in IoT Settings.
Properties Source
Road mobility Safety, Re-
EU H2020 Project
Industry 4.0 Reliability Microtec Scanning
Devices Wood
Health Safety Insulin Pump Case
Tourism Safety Dolomites Skiing
5.2 Suitability
While the previous section looked at the technical ad-
equacy of the method (in terms of relevance for indus-
trial practice), we now consider the suitability for the
non-expert setting. The requirements here were:
Comprehensibility, i.e., the the method is easy to
learn within a given time frame (e.g., that of the
course in question).
Tool support, i.e., the feasibility of applying the
method in a constrained setting without dedicated
analysis tools.
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
For comprehensibility, we created a uniform table-
based format for all dependability aspects that refers
to metrics and measurements of common types for
the analysis part. Equally, for the architecture part,
the starting point were architecture patterns, which as
industry practice are commonly used in software en-
gineering and software architecture teaching. Thus,
basing the method on common structures and mecha-
nism aided the learnability.
For tool support, here no specific software tools
were requires as only tables and block diagrams had
to be created. Here, the simple presentation allowed
open discussions and the use of blackboard in the val-
idation setting of classroom-based teaching.
In terms of acceptance and usability of the
method, from the student side, the high topicality of
the problem context as well as the chosen application
domains were appreciated. The method itself with
is presentation elements and its proposed process has
not caused problems. The difficulty here was more in
understanding domain knowledge.
The dependability of modern software systems is
due to their deep involvement not only in industrial
production or organisational administration, but also
in our everyday life of critical importance. Conse-
quently this needs to be taught to students as well.
For the classroom, we need a dependability engineer-
ing that takes on-board the critical concerns reliabil-
ity, safety and security, but also does so in in a for-
mat suitable for the constraints of teaching. We use a
table-based structure for analysis and integrated im-
portant metrics into it. The architectural design is
based on architectural patterns to steer the system de-
sign towards important quality criteria.
Overall, the method does not aim at support fully
safety or security-critical applications, but to provide
improved dependability and in particular an improved
awareness of the concerns for a wider range of appli-
cations. This is of particular importance for the de-
scribed training context. Here, the uniformity of the
modelling means should aid online presentation needs
(Kenny and Pahl, 2005; Pahl et al., 2004; Murray
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Fronza et al., 2019). We have taken a first step to-
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dependability analysis with the table structure (Fang
et al., 2016; Javed et al., 2013; Pahl, 2005), although a
full formalisation would enhance analysis quality. A
remaining challenge is the difficulty of providing do-
main knowledge is a suitable form. While a generic
method can provide for instance metrics and can give
guidance on what differentiates different measure-
ments in terms of orders of magnitude (e.g., 0.99 vs.
0.999), these need to be linked to concretely accept-
able figures that are often domain-specific. Here, we
still aim to improve the method using an industrial
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ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering