Challenges Women in Software Engineering Leadership Roles Face:
A Qualitative Study
Karina Kohl and Rafael Prikladnicki
School of Technology, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Software Engineering, Management, Leadership, Empathy, Women, Qualitative.
Software engineering is not only about technical solutions. To a large extent, it is also concerned with orga-
nizational issues, project management, and human behavior. There are serious gender issues that can severely
limit the participation of women in science and engineering careers. It is claimed that women lead differently
than men and are more collaboration-oriented, communicative, and less aggressive than their male counter-
parts. However, when talking with women in technology companies’ leadership roles, a list of problems
women face grows fast. We invite women in software engineering management roles to answer the questions
from an empathy map canvas. We used thematic analysis for coding the answers and group the codes into
themes. From the analysis, we identified seven themes that support us to list the main challenges they face in
their careers.
Software engineering is not only about technical so-
lutions. It is, to a large extent, also concerned with or-
ganizational issues, project management, and human
behavior (Wohlin C., 2003).
Diversity is being discussed intensively by differ-
ent knowledge areas of society, and these discussions
in Software Engineering are increasing as well. Dif-
ferent people form software development teams, and
lately, it is being discussed that we have underrep-
resented groups as, for instance, gender, ethnic, cul-
tural, and others. Page (Page, 2007) defines cogni-
tive diversity as the differences in how we interpret,
reason, and solve, how we think and, identity diver-
sity is determined by affiliation with a social group
as gender, culture, ethnicity, religion, sexual orienta-
tion, etc. Cognitive diversity is linked to better out-
comes in two main types of tasks: problem-solving
and prediction. Identity diversity creates collective
benefits when connects to cognitive diversity and con-
nects these diverse talents to relevant problems.
Gender diversity often refers to an equitable or
fair representation of people of different genders. It
commonly refers to an equal ratio of men and women
but may also include people of non-binary genders
(Sytsma, 2006). Non-binary is a spectrum of gender
identities that are not exclusively masculine or femi-
nine, outside the gender binary (Usher, 2006).
Page (Page, 2007) says identity attributes cause us
to construct different sets of cognitive tools. Iden-
tity differences lead to experiential differences that
create tool differences. We can see this in the con-
text of gender differences. Because we treat men and
women differently, we provide them different expe-
riences. As a result, they learn to think about situa-
tions differently. The effects of identity on experience
and opportunities are hard to measure. Ideally, society
would not discriminate based on identity characteris-
tics. But even if society did not, policies that encour-
age or mandate identity blindness could not immedi-
ately overcome the residue of past biases.
Frize (Frize, 2005) says there are serious gender
issues that can severely limit women’s participation
in science and engineering careers, which are simi-
lar in many parts of the world. One main obstacle
to women’s retention or participation is that women’s
contributions and abilities are less valued than men’s,
and women are generally ignored in mainstream his-
tory. A systemic bias against women arose and was
perpetuated for thousands of years by philosophers
and thinkers. Aristotle’s (384-322 BC) writings make
his position clear: The female is as it were a de-
formed male. The male is by nature fitter for the com-
mand than the female... The justice of a man and a
woman is not the same; the courage of a man is shown
in commanding a woman obeying. In men, qualities
or capacities are found in their perfection, whereas
Kohl, K. and Prikladnicki, R.
Challenges Women in Software Engineering Leadership Roles Face: A Qualitative Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0010413602050212
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 205-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
women are less balanced, more easily moved to tears,
more jealous; she is also more false of speech [and]
more deceptive. Plato (429-347 BC), however, ar-
gued that women, like men, could rule and that those
who showed such talents ought to be given access to
education. If they are to become rulers, women must
have equal access to education and training as men
do. Plato advocated education for women so that they
could participate equally in society (Frize, 2005).
Jetter et al. (Jetter et al., 2013) mention that lead-
ership style, the manner and approach of providing
direction, implementing plans, and motivating peo-
ple , has a significant impact on team performance
and the achievement of organizational goals. A par-
ticipative leadership style was positively related to
highly functional teams and fostered team innova-
tion. Gender is a factor that has been investigated
in leadership style studies. It is sometimes claimed
that women lead differently than men and are more
collaboration-oriented, communicative, and less ag-
gressive than their male counterparts.
Jetter and Walker (Jetter and Walker, 2017) say
it has almost become a stylized fact that, on aver-
age, women are more likely to avoid competition,
under-perform in competitive environments, and ex-
hibit higher risk aversion than men. Persistent so-
cial phenomena, such as the gender wage gap or the
under-representation of women in highly competitive
occupations and job positions, have been linked to
such observations. One prominent hypothesis to ex-
plain this phenomenon relates to the idea that the
gender of one’s opposition could influence compet-
itive behavior. More generally, people may behave
differently when competing against adversaries from
the opposite sex. If true, this would imply wide-
ranging consequences in a number of settings. For
instance, numerous work environments are character-
ized by persistent under-representation of one gen-
der. Women are especially under-represented in jobs
that are generally associated with high-pressure en-
vironments and large stakes, such as financial man-
agement (the share of females at Wall Street remains
at approximately 10 percent) or CEO positions in the
US (2.5 percent). Other areas with low female em-
ployee shares include IT- and math-related occupa-
tions, where women usually occupy less than 20 per-
cent of positions.
Eagly and Carli (Eagly and Carli, 2003) say any
female advantage in leadership style might be offset
by disadvantage that flows from prejudice and dis-
crimination directed against women as leaders. Prej-
udice consists of an unfair evaluation of a group of
people based on stereotypical judgments of the group
rather than its members’ behavior or qualifications.
When people hold stereotypes about a group, they ex-
pect that group to possess characteristics and exhibit
behavior consistent with those stereotypes. They also
say, consistent with role incongruity theory, stereo-
type research reveals that people do consider men to
be more agentic than women and women to be more
communal than men. Also, the communal qualities
that people associate with women, such as warmth
and selflessness, diverge from the agentic qualities,
such as assertiveness and instrumentality, that peo-
ple perceive as characteristics of successful leaders.
In contrast, the predominantly agentic qualities that
people associate with men are similar to the qualities
perceived to be needed for success in high-status oc-
cupations, including most managerial occupations.
Novielli and Serebrenik (Novielli and Serebrenik,
2019) said that the interest in the power of emotions
stimulated efforts to study the link between emotions
and developers’ productivity and understand the trig-
gers for emotions during software development and
related activities, and assess the impact of emotions
on the developers’ well-being. They say that a team
manager or the scrum master can benefit from under-
standing the developers’ emotions. Such an under-
standing can, for example, inform retrospective anal-
ysis that considers emotions for identifying and cor-
recting uneven task distribution or for providing just-
in-time support to a team member stuck in dealing
with a programming task.
Considering the context of women in software en-
gineering leadership roles, we used the empathy map
canvas technique applied in the format of a survey to
understand three women’s perceptions and emotions
in different management roles in a technology com-
pany (project/product managers, people managers,
scrum masters, etc.). Our main goal is to answer the
following research question:
RQ. What are the challenges women in Soft-
ware Engineering leadership/management
roles face?
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents background about Empathy. Section
3 summarizes the methodology we use in this study.
Section 4 presents the results we found and discus-
sions. Section 5 concludes the paper.
Decety and Cowell (Decety and Cowell, 2014) say
empathy is the ability to share in and understand oth-
ers’ experiences vicariously. There is broad con-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sensus that empathy is a fundamental component of
our social and emotional lives. Indeed, empathy has
a vital role in social interaction, including under-
standing others’ feelings and subjective psychological
states. Empathy-related processes are thought to mo-
tivate prosocial behavior (e.g., sharing, comforting,
and helping) and caring for others, inhibit aggression,
and provide the foundation for care-based morality.
Henschel et al. (Henschel et al., 2020) say em-
pathy corresponds to the ability to understand others’
minds, feel their emotions outside our own, and re-
spond with kindness, concern, and care to their emo-
tions. It is a multidimensional construct encompass-
ing an affective component (i.e., tendencies to feel
compassion and concern for others) and a cognitive
component (i.e., an ability to understand the reasons
for another person’s emotions and imagine different
viewpoints beyond one’s own).
Cameron et al. (Cameron et al., 2019) suggest em-
pathy may not be easy in many cases, particularly
with strangers, it may require cognitive work. Em-
pathy may seem less taxing for loved ones or in en-
vironments that scaffold empathy with social rewards
and may be selected rather than suppressed. People
may set the limits of empathy based on how hard they
want to work. A study from Weisz and Zaki (”Weisz,
2018) suggests that people want to empathize with
those most relevant to them. This tendency goes be-
yond group membership; people are motivated to em-
pathize with those who look like them, those who are
kind to them, and those close to them.
Dave Gray created the empathy map technique in
2009 to help teams develop deep, shared understand-
ing and empathy for other people. People use it to im-
prove customer experience, navigate organizational
politics, design better work environments, and host
other things. The original goal of the empathy map
is to gain a deeper level of understanding of a stake-
holder in your business ecosystem, which may be a
client, prospect, partner, etc., within a given context,
such as a buying decision or an experience using a
product or service (Gray, 2017).
In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), empathy
appears in different works as in Bennett and Ros-
ner (Bennett and Rosner, 2019) that studied empathy
around disability. Gonzales et al. (Gonz
and Ort
ız, 2017) used the empathy map as a tool to
analyze Human-Computer Interaction in the elderly.
Ferreira et al. (Ferreira et al., 2015) used a combina-
tion of personas and empathy maps to enhance user
In the context of Software Engineering, we opted
to use the technique experimentally in a different situ-
ation, so we used the Empathy Map Canvas technique
to collect the data through our survey. We consider it
essential to connect with the participants’ experiences
and their emotions for this sensitive subject. It was
a valid experience once two respondents mentioned
that the survey touched them, and it got them think-
ing about their professional journey.
Given (Given, 2008) says survey research refers to the
set of methods used to gather data systematically from
a range of individuals, organizations, or other units
of interest. Specific methods may include question-
naires (on paper or online), interviews (conducted by
any method; e.g., individual interviews done face to
face or via telephone), focus groups, or observation
(e.g., structured observations of people using internet
access stations at a public library).
This work’s data collection began when people in
Brazil were around four months in social distancing
due to the COVID-19 pandemics. The original idea
was to perform a focus group with three women in
leadership/management roles using the empathy map
canvas questions to guide the discussion. However,
the pandemics forced us to change the plans, and we
opted to adapt the empathy map canvas to an online
survey. Two were the main reasons to send the empa-
thy map to respond as a survey instead of running a
focus group using online conference call tools:
1. Schedule: the professionals’ agendas are busier
than before COVID-19. People report that they
have more meetings than usual, even after office
hours, which leads them to exhaustion.
2. People are reporting higher sensitivity to their
emotions and difficulties in expressing them in a
Given the situation, after a brief conversation with
the women who were going to participate in the fo-
cus groups, we opted for sending the empathy map in
an online survey format so they could respond asyn-
chronously and in the most comfortable moment for
Given (Given, 2008) says the defining element of
focus groups is the use of the participants’ discussion
as a form of data collection. In particular, there is no
requirement to reach a consensus or produce a deci-
sion; instead, it is the participants’ conversation about
the research topic of interest. Once, initially, the focus
group would be guided by the empathy map canvas
questions, we entirely mapped the questions as open-
questions to the online survey. Given (Given, 2008)
also says open-ended questions provide greater free-
Challenges Women in Software Engineering Leadership Roles Face: A Qualitative Study
Table 1: Demographics of the Participants of the Study.
Answer Age Gender
in IT
Years in
current job
Self Evaluation
on experience
#1 34 Woman White 10 1 Scrum Master IT Manager
(+3 years)
#2 43 Woman White 19 2
Product Owner
People Manager
(+3 years)
#3 35 Woman White 16 2 IT Coordinator
(1 - 3 years)
Avg 37.3 15 1.7
dom to the researcher in terms of how to frame the
question, as well as granting greater freedom to re-
spondents in the ways they choose to answer. Open-
ended questions may challenge respondents because
they are more demanding and time-consuming to an-
swer; however, the data obtained are typically richer
than that generated from closed questions. Consider-
ing this, we understood that we could lose the con-
versation between the participants, but we still would
have rich qualitative data to analyze.
Below, we list the high-level questions of the em-
pathy map as defined by Dave Gray (Gray, 2017), and
we included in the survey:
1. Who we are empathizing with?
Who is the person we want to understand?
What is the situation they are in?
What is their role in the situation?
How will we know they were successful?
2. What do they need to do?
What do they need to do differently?
What tasks do they want or need to get done?
What decisions do they need to make?
3. What do they see?
What are they watching and reading?
What kind of tasks are they exposed to daily?
Who are their friends?
What kind of problems they face?
4. What do they say?
What have we heard they say?
What can we imagine they saying?
5. What do they do?
What do they do today?
What behavior have we observed?
Whats can we imagined they doing?
6. What do they hear?
What are they hearing others saying?
What are they hearing from friends?
What are they hearing from colleagues?
What do they hear second hand?
7. What do they think and feel?
Pains: What are their fears, frustrations, and
Gains: What are their wants, needs, hopes, and
3.1 Participants
We invited three women in Software Engineering
leadership/management roles to answer our ques-
tions. They work in the same tech company in
Brazil, but they have different career paths. They
have worked for different companies and have differ-
ent work and life experiences. Table 1 presents the
demographic data of those women. We did not pro-
vide pre-filled gender and race/ethnicity lists, so re-
spondents could self-identify themselves.
3.2 Qualitative Data Analysis
Runeson and Martin (Runeson and H
ost, 2009) say
analysis of qualitative data is conducted in a series
of steps. First, the data is coded, which means that
parts of the text can be given a code representing a
certain theme, area, construct, etc. One code is usu-
ally assigned to many pieces of text, and one piece of
text can be assigned more than one code. Codes can
form a hierarchy of codes and sub-codes. The coded
material can be combined with the researcher’s com-
ments and reflections (i.e., ”memos”). When this has
been done, the researcher can go through the mate-
rial to identify a first set of hypotheses. For exam-
ple, these can be phrases similar in different parts of
the material, patterns in the data, differences between
sub-groups of subjects, etc. The identified hypothe-
ses can then be used when further data collection is
conducted in the field, i.e., resulting in an iterative
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
approach where data collection and analysis is con-
ducted in parallel as described above. During the it-
erative process, a small set of generalizations can be
formulated, eventually resulting in a formalized body
of knowledge, which is the final result of the research
attempt. This is, of course, not a simple sequence of
steps. Instead, they are executed iteratively, and they
affect each other.
We performed a thematic analysis with open cod-
ing on the responses from the empathy map. We read
and reread the data, looking for keywords, trends,
themes, or ideas to outline the analysis. This anal-
ysis identified themes across the questions from the
survey. Table 2 lists the codes, themes, and quotes.
The data collected through the empathy map applied
to three software engineering managers were coded
and grouped in themes, as shown in Table 2. We
identified 23 codes then we grouped them into seven
themes. The themes helped us answer the research
question proposed for this study, and we discuss them
in this Section.
4.1 RQ. What Are the Challenges
Women in Software Engineering
Middle Management Roles Face?
Permission to Occupy Authorized Spaces. As men-
tioned at the beginning of this work, Frize (Frize,
2005) says there are serious gender issues that can
severely limit women’s participation in science and
engineering careers, and these are similar in many
parts of the world. One main obstacle to women’s re-
tention or participation is that women’s contributions
and abilities are less valued than men’s, and women
are generally ignored in mainstream history. From the
answers we collected, it is possible to see that women
want to occupy positions that men traditionally occu-
pied. However, there is also a sensation that women
can occupy those roles when ”authorized. The po-
sitions occupied for those women are as they were
given the right to be there, and it is what they deserve.
Recognition and Equal Opportunities. The three
managers reported their desire for recognition. They
want to know that what they are doing is significant
and acknowledge by their peers and managers. The
recognition comes together with the desire for equal
opportunities to grow in their career as their men
Need to Go Above and Beyond. The managers men-
tioned they feel like they always need to put more ef-
fort and go beyond the men’s peers. There is the sen-
sation that the same work is praised when a man does
it, and it is suspicious when a woman does. Again,
women mention the high effort to prove their work is
good or even better than their male peers’ work.
Mental Wear and Tear. The efforts for recognition
and the high energy put into achieving it leads them to
exhaustion. The managers mentioned they feel tired
because they always need to have a strong opinion and
a solution for every problem shared with them.
Drama and Stereotypes. Eagly and Carli (Eagly and
Carli, 2003) say prejudice consists of an unfair evalu-
ation of a group of people based on stereotypical judg-
ments of the group rather than the behavior or qualifi-
cations of its members. When people hold stereotypes
about a group, they expect that group to possess char-
acteristics and exhibit behavior consistent with those
stereotypes. In our study, the surveyed women men-
tioned stereotypes about their physical appearance.
They said they are judged by what they wear, by the
makeup absence, and even for have opted for short
hair (”women with short hair are not women”). Also,
their mental state is always put in check. When shar-
ing concerns about keeping a healthy and psycholog-
ically safe environment, they use to hear that look for
it is an exaggeration and that they are doing ”drama.
They also listen to things as ”this woman is crazy.
Obstacles and Fears. The managers mentioned
structural sexism in different parts of the survey.
Sometimes they are afraid of talking about it once
their male peers or even their managers can scold
them. As a considerable obstacle, they see the broth-
erhood between men at all levels. They mentioned the
perception of the existence of ”a network of male pro-
tectionism, which prevents women from advancing to
strategic positions.
Hire and Education for Diversity. Besides the
heavy psychological load women carry out to con-
duct their daily activities, they are still concerned
about creating psychological safety for gender diver-
sity. As hiring managers, they use the opportunity
to build more diverse and inclusive environments
in technology. With that, they try to minimize
the challenges to the next generations of women
in leadership positions. However, they report low
support from peers and higher levels.
Besides the challenges, the three managers men-
tioned that even with the small representativeness,
they believe in paving the way for more women in
technology careers. They are supported by thoughts
of doing something meaningful to other people’s lives
Challenges Women in Software Engineering Leadership Roles Face: A Qualitative Study
Table 2: Results of the Thematic Analysis.
Codes Theme Quotes
Permission to Occupy
Technology Spaces
“I see in the company I work, an exact sample of the market:
women occupying “authorized spaces.” It seems that I have been
given the right to be where I am and that it is the part I deserve.
“The deconstruction of the thought that women are not able
to occupy positions that men predominantly occupy today.
Recognition and
Equal Opportunities
“Recognition and equity in opportunities.
“Recognition and opportunity to have more space.
“A plural and psychologically healthy professional
environment that provides equity in career development”
Need to Go
Above and beyond
“I often feel that I need to go beyond my peers in terms of training as if
I was never competent enough to achieve the results expected from me”
“I still see something very distant from diverse team structures.
I already see some diversity at the beginning of career. In development teams,
I don’t see a woman Specialist, for example.
“At the beginning of my career, I always thought that when I was 40 years old,
I would be someone in a strategic area that would make a difference in a scaled way.
I know it makes a difference, but it is not a universe in scale.
I often see that my potential is not used at their maximum.
Mental wear
and tear
“I feel tired because I want to make a difference, so
I put a lot of effort into thinking and planning before proposing something.
I feel they expect I need to have always a position about everything.
I can not exempt myself from an opinion.
“I would say that the biggest problem is the counteraction.
I always need to present hard proof of my suggestions and plans.
“Frequently, mental wear and tear for performing tasks in very different contexts.
“As a woman and mother, I need to prove myself much more.
If a man and a woman perform the same task and are successful,
the man will be praised and promoted for it,
while the woman will be criticized, and her outcome will be judged with suspicion.
Drama and
“I also imagine many teams saying that “everything is drama.
“Do I need to change my way of speaking and acting with that person then?”
“Women are dramatic and talk too much,
“I don’t know how to talk about it, I prefer not to talk,
“Women with short hair are not women,
“That woman is crazy, “etc.
Male Protectionism
and Fears
“A network of male protectionism, which prevents women from advancing
to strategic positions (or advancing with great difficulty, requiring
a certain masculinization for that).
“the partnerships that count a lot at all levels. Do not be a white man.
“Structural sexism and even to be scolded for trying to fight against it.
“To stay out of the standard behavior that companies expect from
the role that I find myself in today (software engineering manager)
for the sake of being myself.
“Once again humiliation”
Make Difference
Hire and Education
for Diversity
“I carry out actions to expand the hiring of women and black people.
It is also my goal to carry out education actions with my teams”
“Once I am the only woman in management in my area, the behavior
I seek is not to follow the established pattern. I seek to bring diversity to my teams.
“When hiring, I seek diversity and bring diversity.
I have a fortnightly meeting group with this diverse group where
we seek a supportive and safe environment. But my goal behind
this action is beyond that I want this diverse group to be the
next generation of leadership. At the base, it is challenging
to make the difference that needs to be made.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and changing the picture, even with small acts.
Additionally to the results, we considered using
the empathy map in this study as a valid experience.
Two respondents mentioned that the survey touched
them deeply, and it got them thinking about their pro-
fessional journey after answering.
4.2 Threats to Validity
Any empirical study is subject to several threats to
validity. This section is organized by classification of
the threats to validity in three classes: Internal, Exter-
nal, and Construct categories (Wohlin et al., 2012).
Internal validity is the extent to which the de-
sign and conduct of the study are likely to prevent
systematic error (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). It
concerns confounding factors that can influence the
obtained results. We assumed a causal relationship
between the perceptions through the entire set of an-
swers we coded and grouped in themes and the an-
swers with what is considered challenging for the
women that answered the survey.
External validity is the extent to which the ef-
fects observed in the study are applicable outside of
the study (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). The pre-
sented results are related to answers of three women
in roles of software engineering management work-
ing for the same company, so the results are only valid
in this context, and we cannot generalize them. How-
ever, this work does not intend to be a complete analy-
sis of women’s situation in software engineering man-
agement roles. It is only the first step of a study using
the empathy map to collect qualitative data. An exten-
sion of this work is needed to confirm our findings.
Threats to Construct validity focus on how ac-
curately the observations describe the phenomena of
interest. The coding process is subject to researcher
bias, as the process of grouping the codes in themes.
To minimize bias due to personal interpretation, the
process was reviewed by a second researcher.
This work does not intend to be a complete analy-
sis of women’s situation in software engineering mid-
dle management roles. We also cannot generalize
the results, and no intersectionality evaluation could
be done once the three women reported being white
women. Intersectionality is the theoretical framework
for understanding how aspects of a person’s social and
political identities (e.g., gender, sex, race, class, sex-
uality, religion, ability, physical appearance, height,
etc.) might combine to create unique modes of dis-
crimination and privilege, coined by Kimberle Cren-
shaw (Crenshaw, 1989). However, we intended to
bring some initial insights from applying the empa-
thy map technique to these women and raise aware-
ness of what impacts their careers, the challenges they
face, and show the distress they are exposed to. This
work is the initial step of a broader work where using
empirical strategies; we aimed to understand if a soft-
ware development team with greater gender diversity
performs better than a homogeneous team and which
factors may be the most impacted by this spectrum
of diversity. Data collection is happening in different
companies from the information technology industry
through surveys, interviews, and code repository anal-
ysis from other software development teams’ roles.
With that, we expect to reach a broader number of
women of different races/ethnicities, cultures, etc. So
we will be able to analyze the data from the point of
view of intersectionality.
This project is partially funded by FAPERGS, project
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