An Evolution-based Approach towards Next-Gen Defence HQ and
Energy Strategy Integration
Ovidiu Noran
and Peter Bernus
IIIS Centre for Enterprise Architecture Research and Management, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: 5
Generation Headquarters, Energy Strategy, Architectural Evolution, Life Cycle, Renewable Energy,
Hydrogen, Energy Security.
Abstract: There is an increasing worldwide impetus towards a ‘nil emissions’ industry and energy production. While
new technologies and materials have made the concept of renewable energy viable, there are still significant
challenges in regards to the transition process in view of balancing the economic, security and environmental
aspects. At the same time, the advent of the Internet of (Every)thing/s paradigm and the increasingly dynamic
balance of power manifesting itself in various parts of the world have brought about the stringent need to
evolve military defence doctrines, starting at the headquarters (command and control) level. As energy and
national security clearly display a strong connection, it would be highly advisable to maintain this bond along
the life of these two aspects, e.g. by evolving them observing similar principles and in a synchronised manner.
This paper describes challenges faced by the two aspects and proposes a way forward that preserves and
enhances the symbiosis necessary for a planned energy transition and effective national defence. Thus, while
each region and nation will face specific geo-political issues, this paper initiates the process of elaborating a
guiding framework (which can then be customised) meant to maintain the above-mentioned critical bond
during the various possible transition stages, in a holistic and life cycle-based manner.
New technologies and materials have made viable the
concept of renewable energy, giving an increasing
worldwide impetus to achieving a ‘nil emissions’
industry and energy production. However, there are
still significant challenges in regards to the transition
process in view of balancing the ‘triangle’ of
economic, security and environmental aspects
(Umbach, 2012; Weiss, Pareschi, Georges, &
Boulouchos, 2021).
On the other hand, the rise of the Internet of
(Every)thing/s paradigm (Zdravković, Trajanović, &
Panetto, 2014) and the changes in the balance of
power worldwide have called for the evolution of
military defence doctrines, starting with the
headquarters (command and control) level. Energy
and national security clearly display a strong
connection (Blackburn, 2018; Flaherty & Filho,
2013; Hughes & Long, 2015), which should be
sustained along the entire life of these two areas. This
can be achieved by evolving them in a synchronised
and coordinated manner, while observing similar
architectural principles.
This paper aims to initiate the process of creating
a framework (customizable for specific geo-political
settings) meant to maintain the critical symbiosis
during the various possible stages of transition, in a
holistic and life cycle-based manner so as to ensure a
planned energy transition in sync with an effective
transition to a next-generation national defence.
This paper uses Energy Transition as an important
example of the fact that effective national defence is
not possible unless the country maintains a resilient
and agile critical infrastructure (which includes
multiple systems, such as various energy systems,
communication and cyber, manufacturing, logistics,
transport, etc.). The transition model presented in
Section 2 is intended to generalise over all of these
systems, including defence (Section 3).
Noran, O. and Bernus, P.
An Evolution-based Approach towards Next-Gen Defence HQ and Energy Strategy Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0010411506890698
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 689-698
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Discovery of new, cleaner and more efficient energy
sources and the required transition based on new
technologies of production and use have always been
present throughout history. Currently, the transition
encompasses fossil sources of energy giving way to
so-called renewables, which underpin the solution to
tackle climate change and water and air quality, as
well as to build a more resilient sovereign capability
to meet demand.
2.1 State of the Art and Challenges
Ambitious energy transition targets have been
proposed by governments worldwide; while global
action is paramount as we all share the same
environment, each region faces different geo-political
and economic issues. Therefore, generic high-level
tools and roadmaps such as those proposed by the
World Economic Forum (WEF, 2018) and the
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA,
2018a) translate into a variety of strategies applicable
in view of the economic development level of regions
and the nature of the energy infrastructure
(Edenhofer, 2011).
Importantly, energy transition becomes an
increasingly complicated endeavour as it moves
between progressively more complex levels of energy
production, storage and use, and thus must be
supported by more involved technology and also
policies surrounding this change. This is an expected
effect, long recognised as the ‘requisite (and higher)
variety that must be displayed by a system controlling
another complex system (Ashby, 1958) so as to be
able to cope with its possible states. In addition,
energy transition can now more than ever evolve in a
non-linear but also unpredictable manner due to
factors such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
fragmentation of the energy system (WEF, 2017) and
mobility transformation. Moreover, certain local
factors may determine an accelerated transition in
some areas (IRENA, 2018b). We therefore witness a
change to an energy System of Systems (SoS).
2.1.1 Hydrogen
Hydrogen as a contemporary energy disruptor
deserves a special mention. Thus, the (re-)appearance
of hydrogen as a viable source of energy in the
context of technological advances has brought
additional complexity to the energy transition
challenge from multiple points of view such as
political, economic, geo-strategic etc (Staffell et al.,
2019). This is because hydrogen holds the promise of
a renewable, clean and efficient source of energy
(IEA, 2019) which could give the economic and
military edge to a region or nation (Pointon &
Lakeman, 2007). The typical phenomenon of
innovations in the military domain spearheading
application in the industry (with varying degrees of
delay (Buzan & Sen, 1990) is already manifesting in
the hydrogen area (Narayana Das, 2017).
The transition to a hydrogen-based economy
presents some specific opportunities and challenges,
such as the ubiquitous availability of the raw material
or the decision on whether to use existing
infrastructure with some authors calling on a ‘fresh
start’ so as to avoid inheriting systemically ill-
designed energy infrastructure paradigms
(Blackburn, 2018; Steen, 2016).
All of the above facts clearly spell out a
requirement for adequate strategies based on flexible
methods and architectures appropriate for various
local conditions. This strategy must ensure a steady
supply of suitable short-term steps that contribute to
a stable long-term change path. The main challenge
to energy transition is an out of control random
transition in leaps and bounds.
2.2 Transition Planning: An Enterprise
Architecture Approach
The design of the future integrated Energy System of
Systems structure must take a holistic perspective,
considering how the life cycles of contributing
systems relate to each another. One must consider two
essential relationship types in this perspective; firstly,
there are the operational relationships enabling the
independently controlled participating systems to
work together so as to fulfil a joint mission. This
encompasses the necessary functions of the energy
SoS and the required non-functional requirements.
Secondly, one has to analyse the relationships
allowing the systems in question and their socio-
technical environment to influence each other’s
evolution in time.
This leads to the need to a) adopt a life cycle-
based, enterprise reference architecture which
includes a comprehensive modelling framework
(MF) and b) to clearly distinguish between the
concepts of atemporal life cycle phases and a time-
based life history. This is necessary in order to be able
to represent all necessary decision-making aspects as
views of a comprehensive repository of system
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
models, covering both recurrent and unique
relationships across the SoS of interest. The manner
the above endeavour can be performed is described in
the following section.
2.2.1 Modelling of the Transition
Modelling a system of interest during its entire life (as
deemed desirable in this case) may be performed
considering each ‘phase’ of its life cycle at various
levels of abstraction, depending upon the level of
concrete detail required. In this context, a ‘phase’ is
understood as a set of activity types necessary to
develop these models and their descriptions. This
paper makes use of ISO15704’s (2019) architecture
modelling framework constructs featuring intrinsic
life-cycle phase representations so as to depict
perspectives reflecting typical stakeholder concerns.
This MF differentiates between the mission
fulfilment and the management and control tasks of a
system, whether partially or fully automated (see
Figure 1). This feature is very well suited for both
domains to be modelled, namely energy transition
management and Defence Command and Control.
Figure 1: Modelling scope of an entity of interest vs typical
stakeholder categories (perspectives, based on ISO15704
Annex B (ISO/IEC, 2019)).
The MF generally abstracts from the flow of time;
instead, it represents the fact that various aspects of
the entity of interest must be defined by some
stakeholders. Importantly, if all stakeholders are
internal, then the modelled system is able to
completely (re)design itself and its management is in
full control of the system’s destiny.
Typically, the redesign capability (and thus the
system’s agility (Dove, 1999)) is limited or non-
existent, as its management has multiple constraints
(policies and laws, internal or external capability
limitations, and so on). It is therefore important to
model and understand the desired responsibilities and
authorities (and juxtapose these against capabilities
necessary for one entity to influence or dictate one or
more of these aspects of other entities). The range and
role of the various constructs available must be
understood in order to ensure the feasibility of a long-
term energy transition strategy and plan.
2.2.2 Dynamic Business Model
The modelling constructs covering the entire scope of
the entity of interest’s life cycle (see Figure 1) can be
used to create a ‘dynamic business model’
representing life cycle relationships underpinning a
transition strategy and plan a transition of the present
business architecture (‘AS-IS’) to the envisioned
future state (‘TO-BE’). In order to do this, one must
first identify the entities or systems of interest in the
transition planning, which will populate the business
model. Such entities may be (using for example the
Australian electricity energy market):
1. Regulators:
- Federal Government
- National Energy Regulator (NER)
- Australian Energy Market Commission
(AEMC, including former COAG Energy
Council functions)
- Energy Security Board (ESB)
2. National Electricity Market (NEM)
- Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
- Energy Production, Transmission, Delivery and
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency
- Producers, Consumers (note that some may be
both, i.e. prosumers (Leal-Arcas, Lesniewska, &
Proedrou, 2018)).
These entities and their life cycle relationships are
then represented using the construct defined in
Section 2.2.1 and Figure 1, as depicted in Figure 2.
Note the important fact that a Programme and its
Projects are treated as ‘first class’ entities in this
Management& Cont
An Evolution-based Approach towards Next-Gen Defence HQ and Energy Strategy Integration
Figure 2: Coordination of transition policies and principles.
Figure 2 shows that the mechanism to coordinate the
multiple Projects involved in energy transition is
administered by a Transition Programme that decides
on supporting and coordinating them as they make
changes to the National Energy Market (NEM)
participants. The principal task of the Transition
Programme is to coordinate and synchronise the
investment, typically based on public-private
The spread of IoT and artificial intelligence (AI)-
based autonomous agents is having an increasingly
widespread impact, with the battlespace concept and
the Command and Control (C2) in charge being no
exceptions. Importantly, proven doctrines and
strategic theories may no longer work in a hybrid, AI-
enhanced environment (Benson & Rotkoff, 2011);
this calls for new and innovative concepts that are
likely to transform C2 into a socio-technical and
cyber-physical system-of-systems. For the above
reasons, it is imperative that the analysis of such a
transformation involves a construct that can
encompass and master technical but also social
aspects, and among others, is able to natively
represent the extent of automation, i.e. boundaries of
human and machine domains (essential e.g. in the
case of hybrid agents).
C2 failures, directions of improvement and future
trends have been investigated in the relevant
literature. Thus, Vassiliou et al. (2015) identify
(interrelated) failure pressure points, such as an
inappropriate C2 approach, inadequate systems
architecture, and a lack of agility, trust and
interoperability. These issues, already complex and
currently not properly addressed (ibid.), are likely to
be exacerbated in the context of the major changes
(Producer, Transport &
Distribution Entities)
An a rrow re p resentsth ero leo fon e
e n ti tyi nthel ifecycl eo fan othere n tity
De fi nelaws ,p o l icies,ru les &p rin ciples
De f i nemandate&s co pe
cha ngeprojects
D e s ign &EPCo f
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ahead and thus should form part of the requirements
in the quest for a new C2 paradigm. Thus, it may be
in fact the case that unresolved issues are carried on
to a next generation HeadQuarters (HQ) before being
addressed. This is typical of an accelerating pace of
technological advances that increasingly leaves the
legal, ethical (e.g. regulatory (Marchant, 2011)) and
social (such as trust (Brown, 2020)) aspects behind.
3.1 Next Gen HQ Defence Concepts
In the process of characterizing the future (TO_BE)
state for the 5
generation HQ, it would be very
helpful to define some important features for this
state. Yue et al (2016) have attempted to define
essential properties of an AI-enhanced HQ supporting
operations in a complex battlespace; this was called
Generation HQ, based on analogies made with
other related Defence areas. They have defined
managed cyber visibility, organisational agility,
advanced C2 decision systems, network information
fusion and versatility as essential characteristics. The
question is: how do these translate in terms of the
entities participating and interacting within the
transition to a 5
Generation HQ?
According to Yue et al. (ibid.), managed cyber
visibility in the case of HQ refers rather to security
and required footprint and less to stealth; this may
translate in advanced encrypting technology,
communications governance comprising a separate
evolvable and resilient network infrastructure,
properly managed and defended.
C2 agility becomes paramount as battlespace
complexity increases; thus, for any given scenario
there should be a matching organisational structure
able to manage it as per Mintzberg’s theory (1979),
also observing the above-mentioned requisite variety
requirement (Ashby, 1958). Hence a 5
gen HQ
should display organisational agility. This could e.g.
be based on a knowledge repository of possible
organisational forms out of which the suitable format
could be chosen, involving sudden transitions from
centralised to distributed C2.
In this sense both Operations and Missions are
‘Virtual Enterprises’ (VEs) (Camarinha-Matos, Pereira-
Klen, & Afsarmanesh, 2011) created and re-created on
demand. The VE is the organisational HQ structure
required, the Headquarters Joint Operations Command
(HQJOC). Notice the requirement for a double loop of
generating the requisite organisational structure both on
the HQJOC and missions’ levels (see Figure 3).
In theory, the missions are created as required
(including missions to project forces) (for simplicity
this is not shown in the figure): there are two things
to be created (by configuring platforms and personnel
for mission fulfilment, and by configuring mission
command – which of course would rely on pre-
designed ‘building blocks’). However, mission
command (which in the extended sense consist of all
agents involved in C2, down to the level of the
individual warfighter) is now in charge of negotiating
(possibly sudden) changes in C2 structure. The first
loop is this self-configuring ability, while the second
loop is the one between HQJOC and the Mission,
whereupon HQJOC has the ability to reconfigure the
mission (including the Mission Capability and
Mission Command).
Evolved Situation Awareness (SAW) (Niklasson
L. et al., 2008) is at the core of advancing C2 decision
systems both in HQJOC and Mission Command. As
the number of sensors and thus available data
increases and warfare is likely to increasingly become
accelerated, the time available for decision-making is
continuously contracting; therefore, appropriate
decision support systems are paramount. In addition,
established doctrines and theories may become
unable to cope with the new situations; hence, new
(or the re-consideration of existing) theories, logic
and SAW paradigms (Goranson & Cardier, 2013;
Noran & Bernus, 2018) is imperative, as technology
advancements alone are necessary but not sufficient
to enable ‘next generation’ leaps (Fletcher, 2015).
In the IoT environment, more and more objects
are designed with native networking capabilities.
Manipulating and storing information is paramount to
SAW, both for individual warfighters and the entire
battlespace. However, proliferation of the network-
enabled participants brings issues of (among others)
bandwidth, prioritisation, noise and interoperability,
which become essential enablers (or inhibitors) of the
required network information fusion. Ongoing work
on universal’ interoperability (interoperability as a
property, IaaP) (Noran & Zdravković, 2014) is rather
in its infancy and raises the important issue of security
(e.g. undesired / unintended interoperability with foe
devices). Interoperability at organisational level is
also a key enabler of agility or versatility, although it
may conflict with another desired non-functional
requirement, namely resilience, due to the link to the
need to maintain integration. Thus, a balance must be
designed into the future state whereby a balance is
achieved between integration, resilience and
interoperability for each specific battlespace scenario.
An Evolution-based Approach towards Next-Gen Defence HQ and Energy Strategy Integration
Figure 3: (Dynamic business model of the) relations between the entities relevant to 5
Gen HQ transition.
3.2 Transition Modelling: Dynamic
Business Model
Since the framework adopted allows natively
representing all the essential aspects in an integrated
manner, the authors use the same constructs
subsumed by it (see Figure 1). These are used to
create once more a dynamic business model featuring
life cycle relationships reflecting the desired systemic
properties previously described. The entities or
systems of interest populating the business model
could be in this case:
- Government / Defence HQ (including
Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group,
- The composing Forces and Platforms
- Joint Forces network
- Operations
- Missions
- Defence Logistics
- Other supporting Entities and Systems;
- Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) /
Maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) supply
Figure 3 shows a dynamic business model of the
relations between the entities relevant to a planned 5
Gen HQ transition.
The model assumes that preparedness building for
such agile C2 starts with the definition of
architectural policies and principles by Government
and ADF HQ, on the level of capability acquisition
and transformation programmes which in turn
enforce these through co-ordinated acquisition and
transformation projects. Some of these projects are
aimed at platforms and some at the transformation of
Defence Forces and HQJOC; the latter two are
implied but for simplicity not explicitly shown in
Figure 3, as the detailed exposition of this so-called
‘dynamic business model’ is beyond the scope of this
Acquisition &
Partners, EPC, MRO
Acquisiton &
Mi s sion
Mi s sion
Infrastructure &
Joint Def.Logistics
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.1 The Link between Next Gen HQ
and Energy Transition
The link between Defence Force evolution and
Energy transformation is symbiotic as Defence needs
energy to operate (Samaras, Nuttall, & Bazilian,
2019) and energy resources, production, storage and
distribution need protecting by Defence (Hinsch &
Komdeur, 2017). In the context of climate change and
shifting global balance of power, many countries and
regions re-assess their weaknesses in regards to either
energy resources, production, storage and distribution
and aim to correct the situation by achieving energy
independence in all aspects. Thus, some countries
produce raw fuel but no longer process it due to
various reasons (political, economic etc. (Blackburn,
2014)), while others import raw fuel and export the
processed products due to scarcity of fuel resources
(Parthemore & Rogers, 2010).
The above scenarios are fraught with danger as
there is a lack of resilience and preparedness
expressed through an independent complete supply
chain that can ensure a minimum energy supply to
survive and defend oneself at least temporarily. E.g.,
for the first scenario, minimal processing capabilities
should be available and kept on stand-by so as to be
activated when necessary (and properly defended).
Blackburn (2018) draws an analogy between
Defence and Energy approaches by using the
Generations Concept, whereby the latest (5
attempts to adopt an integrated Systems of Systems
(Maier, 1998) approach. This similarity is clearly
warranted, as national security (underpinned by an
operational Defence) is intimately linked to economic
and energy security and as such, proposed strategies
should promote their concerted evolution, as also
advocated by many authors (Foxon (2011),
Safarzyńska et al. (2012), Cherp et al.(2018), etc.).
Planning can be conceived as a type of command and
control materialised on various lengths of time (called
horizons by Doumeingts et al. (1998)). Hence one can
in fact reason about synchronizing planning and C2.
Importantly, adopting such a stance would have the
potential to turn energy transition planning into an
agile endeavour with all its components adapting to
technology advances and current situation here for
example, global / regional military balance.
In a side-by-side comparison of C2 evolution and
energy transition, one can observe the following:
- On the one hand C2 needs to adapt to- and adopt
new technologies and paradigms (e.g. autonomous
agents) to cope with- and out-perform adversary
manoeuvres (such as in their Observe-Orient-
Decide-Act (OODA) loop as described by Osinga
(2006)), so as to ensure operational and effective
defence and thus to achieve the desired Joint
Capability Effects (JCEs);
- On the other hand, similarly, energy transition
strategies need to adapt to new technologies in order
to cope with changes in the energy market,
‘prosumer’ (Leal-Arcas et al., 2018) usage habits,
mobility and importantly due to shifting economic
and military balance of power affecting the national
energy strategy. This will allow it to generate
effective directives forming short term (operational)
steps that contribute to a stable transformation path
(Noran, 2019). Note that energy provision (in its
various forms) is one of the main elements of the
Infrastructure and Joint Defence Logistics
supporting all of the entities listed in Figure 3.
As one can see from the above, there are clear
connections and overlaps between the aspects that
need to be heeded in the operation, but also in the
evolution of the two domains. This brings about the
need for an integrated approach along the entire life
of the participant entities, rather than limited to a
snapshot reflecting only a particular life cycle phase
of each.
While Section 2 was concentrating on electricity
energy transition (for illustrative purposes), a similar
transition model can be drawn up for the rest of the
energy sector, such as fuel (petrol, diesel, aircraft
fuel, hydrogen, etc) and for any other critical
4.2 Concerted Evolution Modelling
The authors will use the same modelling constructs as
previously in order to model a strategy to evolve
Energy towards a renewable form, and Defence HQ
towards a 5
generation paradigm. This is useful in
order to reason about and start the process of
concerted evolution; thus, decision-makers can see
clearly what entities (system components) are
involved and importantly, in which phase of their life
cycle, and whether this influences their command and
control- or product / service aspect.
In examining Fig 2 and Fig. 3, one may realise that
some entities in fact belong to a same type of
generalised entity (see Figure 4).
An Evolution-based Approach towards Next-Gen Defence HQ and Energy Strategy Integration
Figure 4: System of Systems depiction using the chosen
modelling construct.
Thus, for example the entity in Figure 2 subsumes
Producer, Transport and Distribution and the
Infrastructure and Defence Logistics entities in
Figure 3 are in fact of the same type that could be
defined as ‘critical infrastructure’ (see Figure 4) and
in that sense, the Critical Infrastructure entity is in
fact itself a System of Systems.
This applies to several sets of entities from the two
figures. Based on this acknowledgement, one can
start identifying the necessary interactions between
the ‘akin’ (belonging to the same type) entities
previously found. This is illustrated in
Figure 5
, where such entities are linked by a few
sample relationships which are desired in an
‘concerted evolution’ TO-BE state. Thus, for
example, Gov’t and ADF HQ influence the operation
of Regulator Entities and vice versa, so that the
development and regulation policies are developed in
an integrated manner. Similarly, the Energy
Transition Programme influences the 5
Acquisition and Transformation Programme and vice
versa. Note that the influence in this case manifests
itself from the operation of the originating entity to a
set of life cycle phases of the destination entity. This
signifies the fact that the (initial and re-) development
of the destination entity is accomplished taking into
account the issues brought in by stakeholders of the
originating entity. In contrast, in the first example the
influences manifested themselves only during
operation. This allows to reason and model necessary
interactions during the required life cycle phases.
Figure 5: Interactions between energy transition and next gen HQ entities (double headed arrows show reciprocal influence).
Water,R oads ,
Infrastructure &
Supply Chain
Distribution Entities
Partners,EPC,MR O
Capab Acq &
Platf orm(s)
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The above-described exercise is very useful in
allowing stakeholders to reason about, identify and
structure the necessary links enabling the required
concerted evolution of what are in fact subsystems of
the same ‘critical system of systems’ underpinning all
other aspects of contemporary life.
Technology is evolving at an accelerating rate,
making new sources of clean energy increasingly
feasible and promoting the introduction of AI-
enhanced autonomous agents in all aspects of life.
The transition to new forms of energy production,
storage and usage must be properly managed to
ensure security, sustainability and equity. Closely
linked to energy security strategies, Defence
spearheaded by its C2 must also evolve to take
advantage of the new AI technologies so as to cope
with a shifting global balance of power.
This paper has advocated a coordinated enterprise
architecture approach whereby the development of
the two areas is synchronised in a holistic manner
considering all necessary aspects and interactions, at
suitable abstraction levels and for each life cycle
Further work will seek case studies focused on
various areas in order to evolve and detail the
approach presented.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems