Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Programming:
A Systematic Review
Ricardo Sol
, Elci Alcione Santos
, Manuel C. Reis
and Lucas Pereira
ITI, LARSyS, Polo Cientíco e Tecnológico da Madeira, floor-2, 9020-105 Madeira, Portugal
Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering, University of Madeira, Madeira, Portugal
Department of Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Programming, Educational Technology, Reviews.
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present the current evidence relative to the effectiveness of computer
supported collaborative learning as a pedagogical tool in teaching programming. A systematic literature
review in the IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and ACM Digital Libraries was performed with studies that
investigated factors affecting the effectiveness of computer supported collaborative learning for students
learning programming and studies that measured the effectiveness of computer supported collaborative
learning for students learning programming. Twelve papers were used in the analysis. The results showed that
the object oriented programming languages are the ones that have been most frequently adopted by educators
who use computer-supported collaborative learning as tools to teach programming, that course critique
surveys and questionnaires are the most frequently reported methods used to assess the effectiveness of
computer-supported collaborative learning interventions, and that the amount of participants who have taken
part in research to evaluate the value of computer-supported collaborative learning in teaching programming
varies notably between studies. Finally, in total, 83.3% of the included papers report that computer supported
collaborative learning is an effective teaching tool and can help programmers in their studies.
Learning programming can be a difficult task. Many
references can be found in literature, all over the
world, pertaining to the difficulties numerous
students have in understanding and learning
programming courses. A miscellaneous collection of
reasons has been identified as the difficulties
demonstrated by these students. Some authors
highlight that a preexisting mental model of
knowledge can affect the acquisition and use of
programming concepts. The literature identified
numerous bugs that are made by learners who can
show a sort of negative influence from natural
language or rudimentary models of how a process
works (Gray et al., 1993).
Customarily, the teaching of initial programming
has highlighted the writing of programs from the
outset. The daily analysis of matters is clearly planned
in relation to the technology, not the cognitive growth
of the learner. These methods start from the fifth and
sixth stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational
Objective, when these last two stages are contingent
upon proficiency in the previous four stages (Lister,
2000). The programming task crosses the Learning
Style Inventory environments (Kolb, 1985),
depending on whether a learner is trying to solve a
problem (a symbolically complex environment),
employing abilities (behaviorally complex),
recognizing and understanding the association
between notions (perceptually complex). This may
imply that diverse learning styles come to the fore
throughout the whole programming procedure (Byrne
and Lyons, 2000). Constructivism applied to
programming in practice has certainly not obeyed
theoretical foundations. Instead of an improvised
Sol, R., Santos, E., Reis, M. and Pereira, L.
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Programming: A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010407001840191
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 2, pages 184-191
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
attitude to planning and applying transformation, a
strict research outline is needed in order to improve
transformations grounded on meaningful theoretical
understanding (Bruce and McMahon, 2002). Focused
upon the ability of learners to consistently execute
code are aspects of programming on which educators
should assess learners. Also, to emphasize
exclusively upon those parts of programming is to
emphasize upon the three inferior stages of the SOLO
taxonomy (Collis & Biggs, 1979): the pre-structural,
unistructural, and multi-structural levels. From think-
aloud responses, the researchers found that teachers
tended to show a SOLO relational response on minor
reading issues, while learners leaned towards
showing a multi-structural response (Lister et al.,
2006). It was found that there are at least two
cognitive factors that show themselves as
opportunities that may make learning of
programming problematic, being those of learning
style and of motivation (Jenkins, 2002).
The results of a survey about programming
concepts presented to 500 learners worldwide
confirm that the most difficult concepts to learn are
the ones that need understanding of greater entities of
the program as opposed to just details. The results
also sustained the notions that abstract concepts like
pointers and memory handling are hard to learn. The
results also exposed a set of topics (e.g., language
libraries, input and output) that would perhaps need
additional attention, since understand them was not
related to understand the essentials of programming
(Lahtinen et al., 2005). An empirical study was
motivated by the idea that diverse people create
diverse outlines of information in any new learning
process and proven that how each learner deals with
problems in a singular way is grounded on their
mental model. The preliminary study implies that
accomplishment in the first phase of an introductory
programming course is anticipated, by observing
steadiness in use of mental models that learners apply
to a initial programming problem even earlier than
they have had any interaction with programming
(Dehnadi, 2006).
Nevertheless, the biggest problem of beginner
programmers does not seem to be the understanding
of basic concepts but instead learning to use them.
However, research shows that learners of
programming operating collaboratively beat solo
programmers (Nosek, 1998). Over a qualitative and
quantitative analysis, collaborative practices showed
encouraging results on fundamental characteristics of
learning programming skills, i.e., learning and
motivation. Indeed, as far as learning is concerned,
the quantitative analysis showed that it outperformed
solo programming, because the programmers inserted
less code anomalies (Estácio et al., 2015).
The results of several studies do not back the
impression that cognitive styles are fixed traits and
give more support for the plasticity of cognitive
styles, in those occasions where learners are helped
by computer-supported systems (Angeli et al., 2016).
An intelligent tutoring is a computer system that
targets to offer instruction or feedback to students and
is more successful than the customary classes,
learning is faster and foments better performance on
tests (Reiser et al., 1985).
We hope that this article will make clear which
claims of computer supported collaborative learning
are supported by scientific studies. We aim to present
the prevalence of these claims within a systematic
sample. Specifically, the objective of the review is to
answer five research questions stated in the
The method that has been implemented in this
Systematic Literature Review is described in depth in
Section 2 where the research questions are presented,
while Section 3 is dedicated to the results of the
literature review search. In Section 4, a discussion
takes place in an attempt to answer the five research
questions and in regard to different aspects of the
literature review. This is followed by a conclusion
from the literature review in Section 5.
2.1 Research Questions
This literature review is influenced by the work of
Kitchenham and Charters (2010) that proposed
guidelines for performing Systematic Literature
Reviews in Software Engineering. An initial protocol
was developed as part of this literature review. The
primary focus of this literature review is to
understand and identify computer-supported systems
for collaboratively learning for programming. The
following research questions were formulated in
order to achieve this goal:
1. What computer languages are being taught?
2. What are the characteristics of the learners being
3. What types of research studies are performed to
investigate the computer supported collaborative
4. What is the number of participants in studies that
are being performed by researchers?
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Programming: A Systematic Review
5. Do studies suggest that using computer supported
collaborative learning for programming is
2.2 Search
Within the field there are several expressions that
relate to programming education, collaborative
learning and tutoring systems. It was used a Boolean
search string that included synonyms:
(“collaborative learning” OR “cooperative
learning”) AND (“intelligent tutor*” OR “adaptive
tutor*" OR “cognitive tutor*" OR “smart tutor*”)
AND programming AND (novice OR beginner OR
introductory OR teaching OR learning OR CS1 OR
“first time”).
The systematic sample was retrieved from the
IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and ACM Digital
Libraries. Whenever a paper was found suitable, it
was added to the list of papers qualified for the
synthesis. Web of Science was the last to be looked
at, and thus it only returned duplicate studies.
2.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to
guaranty that only significant literature was added to
the literature review. In order to determine whether
articles met the inclusion or exclusion criteria
abstracts were read.
2.3.1 Inclusion Criteria
1. Publications that have tutoring systems used by
students learning programming collaboratively.
2. If papers reported the same study, only the latest
was added.
3. Papers were added independently of their date of
4. Relevant grey literature is accepted.
2.3.2 Exclusion Criteria
1. Publications that do not report a system.
2. When only the Abstract and not the full text is
3. Publications with Systems that are only partially
4. Position papers, editorials, and letters were all
2.4 Study Quality Assessment
To aid the data extraction process, a form was created,
which was used to collect evidence relating to the
research questions and measure the quality of the
primary studies. When designing the quality checklist
of the study, the eleven criteria discussed by Dyba
and Dingsøyr were used, (Dyba and Dingsøyr, 2008)
that were based in the Critical Appraisal Program
(Gilb, 2005). The checklist was comprised of eleven
general questions to measure the quality of both
quantitative and qualitative studies according to the
following ratio scale: Yes = 1 point, Partially = 0,5
point, and No = 0 points. Ranging the resulting total
quality score for each study between 0 (very poor)
and 11 (very good).
The eleven criteria used to assess the quality of each
publication are quoted as follows:
1. Is the paper based on research or is it a lessons
learned’ report based on expert opinion?
2. Is there a clear statement of the aims of the
3. Is there an adequate description of the context in
which the research was carried out?
4. Was the research design appropriate in order to
address the aims of the research?
5. Was the recruitment strategy appropriate with
regards to the aims of the research?
6. Was there a control group with which to compare?
7. Was the data collected in a way that addressed the
research issue?
8. Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?
9. Has the relationship between researcher and
participants been considered to an adequate
10. Is there a clear statement of findings?
11. Is the study of value for research or practice?
The first two of these criteria represent the minimum
quality threshold that was observed during this
literature review. The following nine criteria are
intended to determine the rigor and credibility of the
research methods employed as well as the relevance
of each paper in relation to the literature review.
2.5 Data Extraction
When publications were identified as meeting the
criteria for inclusion, the full text was read. Then in
order to answer the research questions the following
data were extracted from each publication included in
the literature review:
Publication type;
Publication aims and objectives;
Methodology of the publication;
Number of participants in a study;
How data was gathered and analyzed during the
Characteristics of the learners being tutored;
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Programming languages taught by the tutor;
Did the system(s) include task related to learners
generated program planning or visualizations;
Did the system(s) use visualizations or plans as
instructional resources?
One reviewer extracted all data during the first
semester of 2020. In order to validate the extraction
process, a random sample comprising of 20% of the
total number of primary studies had their data
extracted by a second reviewer. These results were
then compared. Whenever the data extracted differed,
where differences never surpassed more than 7%,
such differences were discussed until consensus was
reached. The data extraction strategy was deemed to
be appropriate. All extracted data was stored in a
spread sheet.
In this section the synthesis of the literature review is
presented, beginning with the analysis from the
literature search results. During the selection process,
the IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and ACM Digital
Libraries were chosen as the baseline databases due
to its reputation.
3.1 Search Results
The initial phase of the search process identified two
hundred and four publications matching the search
string. Of these, only thirty-seven were potentially
relevant based on the screening of titles and abstracts.
Each of these thirty-seven studies was filtered
according to the exclusion and inclusion criteria
before being accepted in the literature review list. If
titles and abstracts were not sufficient to identify the
relevance of a paper, full articles were read. It was
also checked if there were any very similar studies or
duplicate studies that were published in more than
one publication.
Based on the search, 12 studies (32,4% of the 37
studies) were accepted in the literature review list
after a detailed assessment of the abstract, full text,
and exclusion of duplicates. In the following section,
it is presented the quality assessment results are
presented (see the Appendix for the list of studies
used in this literature review).
3.2 Quality Assessment Results
Each study had been assigned a quality score out of
eleven. Only two of the articles included in the list
were not based on research or presented a “lessons
learned account “, but offered some description of the
context in which the research was carried out. All
articles clearly stated the aims of the research;
however only one had an adequate relationship
between participants and researchers.
More than half of the studies had an adequate
recruitment strategy. None of the studies included in
the literature review was awarded the maximum score
of 11, with the highest score awarded being 9.5. The
average quality score of publications included in the
literature review was 8.29 with standard deviation of
1.2. The lowest score that articles were awarded was
1.5. Because the average quality score of the included
publications varied, it was decided to maintain all
papers due to the small number of publications
selected. In the following section, we present the
results for the literature review research questions.
3.3 Research Questions Results
Answers to the research questions outlined in Section
2.1 will now be discussed.
3.3.1 What Computer Languages Are Being
When analyzing the studies included in the literature
review, three different categories were established
regarding the programming languages used: Object
Oriented, Non Object Oriented, and Dedicated.
Object oriented languages were the largest
contributor to the literature review having been the
main programming language used in seven papers.
Evidence was collected that stresses how efforts have
been made to use designed programming languages
in order to teach programming principles, as LeJOS
[NOGUEZ07]. LeJOS is an open-source project
created to develop a technological infrastructure to
develop software to robots using Java technology.
Evidence was also collected that stresses how efforts
have been made to use web-programming languages
in order to teach programming principles
3.3.2 What Are the Characteristics of the
Learners Being Taught?
The diverse context of each study was scrutinized in
order to determine the characteristics of the students
that have been taught programming. Two different
groups were established as a result of this and these
were ‘University’, and ‘various’. Out of the 12 papers
8 reported on the use of technology in a university
setting. Three discussed the implementation in
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Programming: A Systematic Review
multiple environments [GUO15, JENKINS12,
3.3.3 What Types of Research Studies Are
Performed to Investigate the
Computer Supported Collaborative
The use of surveys and questionnaires was equally
commonly found method by which the reviewed
studies evaluated their findings and proposals (six
papers reported the use of such methods). Log and
video record also have been described (each in one
paper). Analysis of student grades has also been
reported in one paper that also examined the impact
that computer-supported tools had upon retention
rates [DING17]. In addition, comparative analysis
has also taken place; this has included contrasting the
effect on the learners of learning with computer-
supported tools to learning without (one paper). Two
papers included in the literature review were ‘lessons
learned’ [JOVANOVIC15, LEUNG07].
3.3.4 What Is the Number of Participants of
Studies That Are Being Performed by
There are two papers included in the review that have
examples of ‘lessons learned’ or experience style
reports, whereas six papers offer evidence that an
empirical study took place. The scale of studies
included in the review varied notably. These ranged
from small-scale studies that contained 6 participants
through to larger studies that reported sample sizes
with more than 600 participants. Ten papers report the
exact number of participants that took part in the
research performed. In contrast one paper discusses
conducting experiments or collecting information
from participants but did not state the precise number
of participants involved [LEUNG07].
3.3.5 Do Studies Suggest That using
Computer Supported Collaborative
Learning for Programming Is
After analyzing the papers included in the literature
review, it is possible to show an analysis on whether
the included publications report the use of computer-
supported collaborative learning (CSCL) to be an
effective intervention in the learning of programming.
Of the 12 papers included in the literature review, 10
papers report that the use of CSCL is effective when
learning introductory programming concepts.
One paper was identified to be “unclassifiable”
because it did not provide a measure of the
effectiveness of CSCL when used in such context.
3.4 Limitations of the Review
The most important limitation of the validity of the
literature review is the fact that it was performed only
in IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and ACM Digital
Other important limitations of the validity of the
literature review are in relation to bias in the selection
of papers and imprecise data extracted. Search strings
were devised as the literature review employed
exclusively the electronic resources of IEEE Xplore,
Web of Science, and ACM Digital Libraries. These
were established after applying trial searches.
Notwithstanding this, it is not possible to assure that
all studies in the IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and
ACM Digital Libraries relevant to the topic under
consideration were returned and there is a fare risk
that some studies may have been omitted due to the
search terms used. Furthermore, the phenomena
where ‘negative’ results are less likely to be
published, known as ‘publication bias’ may also have
had a fair impact on the findings of the literature
review, though it is difficult to determine whether this
was the case. The data extraction procedure can also
have been undesirably impacted by bias when
choosing publications. This is due to the fact that data
extraction procedure has been performed by only one
reviewer. In addition, it is possible that the inclusion
and exclusion criteria may have unintentionally
disqualified some relevant publications. This is
because the applied criteria stopped being of added
papers that contained no lessons learned’ element.
Finally, non-English language and abstract only
papers were excluded from addition to the literature
review. However, no papers were found that were
written in another language probably due to the
search string. Furthermore, by excluding the
publications where only the abstract of the paper is
available, one could have unintentionally avoided
acceptable publications from being included in the
literature review.
In this section aspects of additional analysis that has
been assumed to corroborate the results of the
literature review are presented. Furthermore, a
discussion regarding the findings of the literature
review is also portrayed.
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
It was noted throughout this process that of the 12
papers included in the literature review 9 were
published in Conference Proceedings, and 2 in
Journals. Of the 9 papers published in conference
proceedings 2 were short papers.
Several interpretations can be made as a result of
the literature review. When looking at the original
quality score, with the average being 8.29 out of 11,
it is accepted that this number is satisfactory. A high
proportion of publications contained in the initial set
of 12 required fundamental experimental features like
a control group, whereas the relationship between
researcher and participants was often considered to be
of a poor standard. This is due to 2 of the 12 papers
included in the review being ‘lessons learned’ or
experience workshop reports. Such papers do not
score well in the quality assessment criteria that has
been used.
Two large-scale comparative studies were
included in the literature review. Only one paper
reported a semester long experiment that compared
the results of more than 600 participants. Usually, a
large study may be considered to offer far more
compelling evidence than the results of small non-
comparative studies. However, two small studies
describe the results of an experiment that compared
the results from the participants on tests from both
computer-supported collaborative learning and non
computer-supported collaborative learning
programming sessions.
Five research questions were created in order to
determine the value of using CSCL when teaching
programming. Several findings and tendencies,
regarding the learning of programming using CSCL,
can be noticed as a result.
These comprise the observations that:
The object-oriented programming languages are
the ones that have been most frequently adopted
by educators.
Course critique surveys and questionnaires are the
most usually described methods used to assess the
effectiveness of CSCL sessions.
The amount of participants who have taken part in
research to assess the value of CSCL in learning
programming varies a lot between studies.
In general, the findings of the literature review imply
that the use of CSCL can be an effective learning tool
when used in a programming course. This is evident
as 10 of the 12 papers included in the literature review
clearly state that computer-supported collaborative
learning is valuable when used in such a way.
This review has examined the effectiveness of using
CSCL to teach programming by using a systematic
literature review methodology. After employing a
search strategy, 12 papers were initially included in
the literature review. The findings of the literature
review show how the use of CSCL can be an effective
learning tool when used in programming courses.
Definitely, 83.3% of the publications included in the
review reported this.
Several findings and tendencies, with regards to
the teaching of programming using CSCL, have been
noticed as a result of the literature review. These
comprise the detection firstly of object-oriented
programming languages as the ones that have been
most frequently adopted by educators who use CSCL
as tools to teach programming. Secondly, that course
critique surveys and questionnaires are the most
frequently reported methods used to assess the
effectiveness of CSCL interventions. Thirdly, that the
amount of participants who have taken part in
research to evaluate the value of CSCL in teaching
programming varies notably between studies.
The most significant finding of the literature
review, which researchers should have in account,
nevertheless, is that there is an obvious need for large-
scale and high-quality research to be undertaken in
order to discover the true effectiveness of CSCL as a
programming teaching tool.
Due to the fact that the included publications
utilize a broad variety of methods to collect data, in
combination with the samples size, statistical analysis
methods have not been used during this study and so
these results are not statistically significant. As a
consequence, additional research is needed in order to
establish the true effectiveness of CSCL that can be
used to support the teaching of programming.
However, this work emphasizes that there is a lot of
potential for future work of researchers within the
field to build upon the body of existing knowledge
documented in the literature review.
Upon completion of this first study, the
identification of relevant literature will continue with
the second search phase. During the second phase, all
of the references in the papers identified in the first
phase will be reviewed.
This systematic literature review shows that there
is a clear need for large-scale and high-quality
research to be done in order to determine the true
effectiveness of computer supported collaborative
learning as a programming teaching tool. From this
study, it is also possible to find numerous areas of
relevance that future research may pursue and
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Programming: A Systematic Review
investigate. A theme that future researcher could also
follow is the study of the advantages of using diverse
types of programming languages, in order to teach the
participants. A research of this nature may uncover
whether one computer language in particular is the
most appropriate for use with CSCL tools. Finally, an
analysis of the wider hypothesis of using CSCL as
programming teaching tools is more effective than
other non-computer-supported collaborative learning
approaches would also be important and could help to
both enlighten and enhanced future teaching.
This research received funding from the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under
grant LARSyS - UIDB/50009/2020.
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Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Programming: A Systematic Review