A Comparison among Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Bluetooth, and Bluetooth
Low Energy Discovery Procedures for Enabling Massive Machine Type
Abel Rodriguez Medel and Jose M. Camara Brito
National Institute of Telecommunications INATEL, Santa Rita do Sapucai, MG, Brazil
IoT, mMTC, D2D.
The exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices bring the necessity to support massive Ma-
chine Type Communications (mMTC) for the Next-Generation networks. One of the enablers for mMTC is
the Device-to-Device (D2D) communications. Since it is not possible to reduce the number of devices in mas-
sive communications, all the effort for collision and power consumption reduction should be applied to the
discovery algorithm of the D2D technologies. The principal D2D technologies are Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Blue-
tooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). However, most of these technologies were not originally designed
to support massive communications. The main goal of this work is to assess Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Bluetooth,
and BLE performances in terms of number of collisions, energy consumption, and discovery latency, in order
to check out the more suitable technology for mMTC scenarios. The results show that Classic Bluetooth is
faster than Wi-Fi Direct during the devices’ discovery, accelerating network access for the devices in massive
communications. Besides, BLE incurs fewer collisions, less energy consumption, and less time for devices’
discovery than Classic Bluetooth. Thus, BLE is the more suitable D2D technology—out of the three analyzed
in this work—to enable mMTC.
IoT is a new technology paradigm capable of offering
data analytics and insights, prediction models, and re-
mote monitoring and surveillance. IoT enables count-
less applications like forecasting upcoming network
behaviors through the data retrieved by pools of sen-
sors; establish energy-efficient machine-to-machine
communications to achieve low power Wide Area
Networks (WAN); enable device-to-device communi-
cations to share network resources and locate nearby
devices; empower autonomous vehicles communica-
tions between cars and with the road infrastructure;
monitor equipment health and performance, and pro-
tecting physical infrastructure. Therefore, IoT has
emerged as the principal enabler for the majority of
the large-scale services that will be offered by future
networks. All these services require a great number of
interconnected devices to collect the big data used for
the processing. The higher the number of devices, the
higher the network’s resources to offer access to ev-
ery device. However, the current networks by them-
self have limited resources and they cannot attend
the millions of devices. Besides, the IoT devices are
resource-constrained especially in terms of energy.
Therefore, D2D communications have arisen to effi-
ciently manage the mobile network’s resources and
overcome link budget problems for ultra-low power
devices (Ali et al., 2015).
The D2D communications include short-range
wireless technologies like Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Blue-
tooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (Ali et al., 2015).
In all of them is present a discovery procedure where
devices find each other to establish a communication
in a specific frequency of the spectrum. During the
discovery procedure, every device has two possible
roles: inquirer or scanner. An inquiring device peri-
odically sends signals in different frequencies to ad-
vertise nearby devices that an inquiring device is look-
ing for some peers to establish communication. A
scanning device periodically listens to the signals sent
by the device executing the discovery. The scanning
device then sends back another signal to let the inquir-
ing device know that the scanning device is available
to communicate in the frequency the inquiring device
is transmitting the discovery signal. The only way
the devices communicate is that the device executing
the inquiring task and the device scanning for incom-
Medel, A. and Brito, J.
A Comparison among Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy Discovery Procedures for Enabling Massive Machine Type Communications.
DOI: 10.5220/0010399001640169
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2021), pages 164-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-504-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing discovery signals transmit and receive the discov-
ery signal in the same frequency, respectively. How-
ever, the transmission of the discovery signal and the
reception of the acknowledge signal are conditioned
by other discovery procedures. The more discovery
procedures happening simultaneously in the same lo-
cation, the greater the collision probability and more
discovery delay. Therefore, the D2D technology em-
ployed in massive communications should address the
great number of collisions and high-power consump-
tion experienced by the devices. This paper describes
the discovery algorithms of the principal D2D tech-
nologies and compares the performances of Wi-Fi Di-
rect, Classic Bluetooth, and BLE, in order to select
the more suitable D2D technology to enable massive
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the discovery procedures of the prin-
cipal D2D technologies. In section 3, the Classic
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct discovery performances
are compared by analyzing the behavior of the two
technologies with a developed app. Section 4 de-
scribes the details of an additional back-off imple-
mented for Classic Bluetooth to reduce both the num-
ber of collisions and the elapsed times during devices’
discovery in mMTC scenarios. In section 5, the per-
formances of Classic Bluetooth and BLE are com-
pared by simulating their discovery procedures. Then,
section 6 concludes the paper.
Since the discovery procedure of the D2D tech-
nologies concerns a lot of signaling, it captures all
the attention, especially in massive communications.
Therefore, this section describes the algorithms em-
ployed by every D2D technology during the discovery
In the case of Wi-Fi Direct, every device has two
states: searching state and listening state. Both states
have a random duration of N time units (102.4 ms),
where N {1, 2, 3, ...}. Figure 1 shows the discov-
ery procedure for Wi-Fi Direct. In the searching state,
devices broadcast probe requests (discovery requests)
in one of the three social channels: 1, 6, 11 in the
2.4 GHz band (Camps-Mur et al., 2013)(Khan et al.,
2017). In the same searching interval, the device lis-
tens to probe request replies. In the listening state,
devices only listen to probe requests in one of the so-
cial channels and send back responses in the corre-
sponding cases. The selected channel in the listening
state remains constant during the entire discovery pro-
cess. In this state, devices do not listen to responses of
their own past probe transmissions (Sun et al., 2016).
In conclusion, a device only discovers a remote de-
vice when it receives probe request responses in the
searching state.
Figure 1: Wi-Fi Direct discovery procedure between two
devices (Camps-Mur et al., 2013).
For Bluetooth, the device that starts discovering
nearby devices is called an inquiring device. It broad-
casts inquiry packets in 32 of 79 possible frequencies.
The 32 frequencies are previously agreed upon. The
inquiring device keeps sending inquiry packets for
two time-slots of 312.5 µs in two different frequen-
cies generated by an internal 28-bit clock, as is shown
in Figure 2. The device then listens in the next two
subsequent time slots in the same frequencies it sent
inquiry packets before. After the listening interval, if
the inquiring device does not receive a reply to the in-
quiry packets, it starts the inquiry packets’ broadcast
again in two other frequencies. The scanning device
uses the 28-bit clock to generate the frequency that the
scanning device will use to listen to inquiry packets.
The timing used by the scanning device is depicted in
Figure 3 (Duflot et al., 2006).
Figure 2: Classic Bluetooth inquiring device’s behavior
(Duflot et al., 2006).
Figure 3: Classic Bluetooth scanning device’s behavior
(Duflot et al., 2006).
In the case of BLE, there are only three channels
used for the discovery procedure. These channels are
A Comparison among Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy Discovery Procedures for Enabling Massive Machine
Type Communications
the 37, 38, and 39. Figure 4 (a, b) summarizes the
BLE discovery procedure. On the one hand (Fig-
ure 4a), an advertising device sends advertising PDUs
over the three channels during an Advertising Event.
Between two consecutive advertising events, there is
a variable Ta time, composed by a fixed advInterval
and a pseudo-random advDelay. On the other hand
(Figure 4b), a scanning device periodically scans the
same three channels to look for advertising signals
during a scanWindow, which is within a scanInter-
val. In every scanWindow, the scanning device scans
a different channel from the three channels. The BLE
standard states that the advInterval should be an in-
teger multiple of 0.625 ms in the range of 20 ms to
10.24 s, the advDelay should be within the range of
0 ms to 10 ms, and the scanInterval and scanWindow
shall be less than or equal to 10.24 s (Liu et al., 2012)
(Cho et al., 2016).
Figure 4: BLE discovery procedure: a) Advertising process
and b) Scanning process (Liu et al., 2012).
We developed two Android apps to test the Clas-
sic Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct elapsed times during
the devices’ discovery and incoming data processing.
The apps were tested on the same two devices: Sam-
sung Galaxy S8+ cell phone and a Huawei P9 cell
phone. After ten measurements, which is sufficient
for the obvious difference in results, the average dis-
covery time for Wi-Fi Direct was 8164 ms. This re-
sult is almost five times greater than the Classic Blue-
tooth discovery time, as shown in Table 1. Therefore,
Classic Bluetooth is best suitable to be employed as
the D2D technology for enabling mMTC scenarios.
However, the Classic Bluetooth discovery procedure
can be applied to Wi-Fi to obtain a larger communica-
tion range. This means that the Classic Bluetooth dis-
covery algorithm would be used but using the trans-
mission power of Wi-Fi.
The two apps used for Classic Bluetooth and Wi-
Fi Direct in this comparison were developed in Qt
Creator and Android Studio using the Bluetooth and
Wi-Fi Application Programming Interfaces (APIs),
respectively. The apps can be found here https://
Table 1: Elapsed times in milliseconds for Classic Blue-
tooth and Wi-Fi Direct to find a remote device in short-
range in 10 attempts.
Attempts Bluetooth (ms) Wi-Fi Direct (ms)
1 649 8346
2 2659 8630
3 1600 6405
4 898 6335
5 2137 13176
6 4366 7329
7 530 6176
8 3196 9630
9 823 6000
10 373 9613
Mean 1723.1 8164
Std 1269.16 2130.51
Since Classic Bluetooth has a shorter elapsed time
when discovering nearby devices in comparison to
Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth is studied for improvement to
apply for the discovery procedure in mMTC scenar-
ios. It was simulated an environment where a set of
devices (inquiring) tries to find another set of devices
on discoverable mode (scanning). In Classic Blue-
tooth, if more than one device wants to discover other
devices and perform the inquiring task and start in-
quiring with the same sequence of frequencies, their
transmissions will collide in every attempt, and they
never will find a remote device. Therefore, a back-
off is proposed to be added every 11.25 ms (the time
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
needed by a scanning device to listen to incoming dis-
covery messages). The back-off is computed as a ran-
dom value from [0, 1, . . . , 10]×312.5 mus where the
maximum value is 10×312.5 mus = 3.125 ms. The
proposed back-off avoids transmissions at the same
moment in the same frequency for a discrete simu-
lated environment with a resolution of 31.25 mus and
a communication latency of 0 ms. In real scenarios,
the back-off needs to be calculated depending on the
expected latency.
We simulated the behavior of the Classic Blue-
tooth discovery algorithm with the modifications pro-
posed in this work and the BLE discovery proce-
dure. The simulation was deployed by SimPy, a
process-based discrete-event simulation Framework
used through the Python programming language, us-
ing an MSI laptop with a Core i7 processor, a 16
GB RAM, and a 16 GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
video card. The scripts used for the simulation can
be found here: https://github.com/Abel1027/Classic-
Bluetooth-vs-BLE.git. The results of the simulation
are shown below after computing the average of 10
simulations by variating the random seed in the range
Figures 5-8 show the simulation when the number
of inquiring devices augments from 10 to 100 in steps
of 10 devices, and the number of scanning devices re-
mains the same, in this case, 10 devices. Figures 9-12
show the simulation when the number of inquiring de-
vices remains the same (10 devices), and the number
of scanning devices augments from 10 to 100 in steps
of 10 devices. The x-axis of the figures shows the
number of inquiring/scanning devices. For example,
10/20 means that there are 10 inquiring devices and
20 scanning devices.
Figure 5 shows fewer collisions during the BLE
discovery procedure than the Classic Bluetooth dis-
covery procedure. Therefore, the energy consumption
and the discovery time are expected to be lower in the
case of BLE than in Classic Bluetooth.
The energy consumed by the devices is computed
E =
P × m
where E is the consumed energy in every trans-
mission given in J, P is the transmission power in mW,
m is the number of bits of the transmitted message,
and R
is the bit rate.
The energy consumed by the inquiring devices
is calculated from Eq.(1) with P=6.31 mW, m=68
bits, and R
=1 Mb/s for Classic Bluetooth; and with
P=6.31 mW, m=128 bits 8 bits (Preamble) + 32
bits (Access Address) + 64 bits (Connectable Undi-
rected Advertising packet) + 24 bits (Cyclic Redun-
dancy Check - CRC), and R
=1 Mb/s for BLE. The
energy consumed by the scanning devices is calcu-
lated from Eq.(1) with P=6.31 mW, m=286 bits
72 bits (Access Code) + 54 bits (Header) + 144 bits
(Payload) + 16 bits (CRC), and R
=1 Mb/s for Clas-
sic Bluetooth; and with P=6.31 mW, m=176 bits 8
bits (Preamble) + 32 bits (Access Address) + 112 bits
(Connectable Directed Advertising packet) + 24 bits
(CRC), and R
=1 Mb/s for BLE.
From Figure 6, the energy consumed by the in-
quiring devices is less for the BLE case than for the
Classic Bluetooth case. The same occurs for the en-
ergy consumption of the scanning devices (see Figure
Figure 8 shows that the total time elapsed during
the discovery procedure is less for the BLE case than
for the Classic Bluetooth case. In the BLE case, the
discovery time is below 10 seconds while the discov-
ery time for the Classic Bluetooth case is above 10
From Figure 9, there are fewer collisions during
the BLE discovery procedure than the Classic Blue-
tooth discovery procedure. Therefore, the energy con-
sumption and the discovery time are expected to be
lower in the case of BLE than in Classic Bluetooth.
The energy consumed by the inquiring devices is
less for the BLE case than for the Classic Bluetooth
case, as it is depicted in Figure 10. The same occurs
for the energy consumption of the scanning devices
(see Figure 11).
Figure 12 shows that the total time elapsed during
the discovery procedure is less for the BLE case than
for the Classic Bluetooth case. In the BLE case, the
discovery time is below 1 second when the number
of scanning devices is greater than 20 while the dis-
covery time for the Classic Bluetooth case is always
above 10 seconds.
The D2D communication technologies have arisen
as the enablers of the massive communications for
the Next-Generation networks. Most of the available
A Comparison among Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy Discovery Procedures for Enabling Massive Machine
Type Communications
Figure 5: Total number of collisions during the discovery
procedure when the number of inquiring devices increases
and the number of scanning devices remains the same.
Figure 6: Total energy spent by the inquiring devices during
the discovery procedure when the number of inquiring de-
vices increases and the number of scanning devices remains
the same.
Figure 7: Total energy spent by the scanning devices during
the discovery procedure when the number of inquiring de-
vices increases and the number of scanning devices remains
the same.
Figure 8: Total elapsed time for all inquiring devices to find
a scanning device during the discovery procedure when the
number of inquiring devices increases and the number of
scanning devices remains the same.
Figure 9: Total number of collisions during the discovery
procedure when the number of inquiring devices remains
the same and the number of scanning devices increases.
Figure 10: Total energy spent by the inquiring devices dur-
ing the discovery procedure when the number of inquiring
devices remains the same and the number of scanning de-
vices increases.
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 11: Total energy spent by the scanning devices dur-
ing the discovery procedure when the number of inquiring
devices remains the same and the number of scanning de-
vices increases.
Figure 12: Total elapsed time for all inquiring devices to
find a scanning device during the discovery procedure when
the number of inquiring devices remains the same and the
number of scanning devices increases.
D2D technologies were not originally conceived to
support such a massiveness of devices trying to con-
nect with each other. Other D2D technologies were
born to handle mMTC scenarios, but they are not stan-
dardized yet. Therefore, it is useful to analyze, test,
and assess the available D2D technologies to check
out the technology with the best performance during
the discovery procedure, which is the process with
more signaling.
In this work we compared the discovery pro-
cedures’ performances of Wi-Fi Direct and Clas-
sic Bluetooth. Then, we compared Classic Blue-
tooth with BLE. The results show that Classic Blue-
tooth was 5 times faster than Wi-Fi Direct during the
devices’ discovery. However, Classic Bluetooth is
slower than BLE. BLE also experiences fewer col-
lisions and consumes less energy than Classic Blue-
tooth during the devices’ discovery. BLE allows that
around 100 inquiring devices find at least 1 scanning
device out of 10 scanning devices in less than 10 sec-
onds. BLE also allows that around 10 inquiring de-
vices discover at least 1 scanning device out of 100
scanning devices in less than 1 second, in contrast
with the 10 seconds the Classic Bluetooth takes to
do the same task. Therefore, BLE is faster and con-
sumes less energy than Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi by tran-
sitivity. For these reasons, BLE is one of the most
promising D2D communication technologies—out of
the three analyzed in this work—for enabling mMTC
in the Next-Generation networks. However, BLE is
a very short-range D2D technology, and it has some
security vulnerabilities during the pairing procedure
which can be overcome by other D2D technologies
like LTE-Direct.
This work was partially supported by
RNP, with resources from MCTIC, Grant No.
01250.075413/2018-04, under the Radiocommuni-
cation Reference Center (Centro de Refer
encia em
oes - CRR) project of the National
Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional
de Telecomunicac¸
oes - Inatel), Brazil.
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A Comparison among Wi-Fi Direct, Classic Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy Discovery Procedures for Enabling Massive Machine
Type Communications