From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology
Adoption by Older Adults
Cosmina Paul
and Luiza Spiru
Ana Aslan International Foundation, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Gerontographics, Older Adults, New Technologies, Technology Acceptance, Perceived Usefulness.
Abstract: Research conducted on the topic of new technologies and gerontechnology acceptance and adoption by older
adults is in its early development and poses challenges regarding the wholistic understanding of older adults’
technology adoption’s drivers and barriers. This study aims at contributing to the understanding of
technologies’ relevance and usage by older adults with a high accuracy ascertainment and increased
simplification and effectiveness, starting from the gerontographics segmentation. For doing so, the study
interviewed 125 older adults from three countries: Romania, Slovenia and Cyprus. Our research categorized
these older adults in to four gerontographics groups according to their reported psychological and physical
well-being. We found significant differences in the actual usage: perceived usefulness, the ascribed meaning
of technology and their acceptance and/or rejection of the new technologies by the four gerontechnologies.
These findings emphasized that the relation of older adults with technology and the barriers which arose are
differently experienced by segments with dissimilar physical and psychological well-being. Nevertheless,
they constitute powerful evidence of the value of the gerontographics in conceptualizing, developing and
marketing new technologies and gerontechnologies.
The aging of the population has led to an older
adults’ market where various business opportunities
have arisen and attracted investment in technologies
of health and medical care, insurance, entertainment
and education for older adults. Hence, recent
developments show that older adults are no
longer seen as a supplementary market. They are
seen as belonging to a large group with various
abilities, needs and preferences which the
technology industry is seeking to meet. Our
study aims at contributing to meet these needs
through a simple and effective model of
technology acceptance for older adults.
Data show that older adults’ technology
acceptance and usage is still slow and lags
behind expectations (Wildenbos, 2019; Friemel,
2016; Ramón-Jerónimo et al, 2013), although older
adults are today more prepared to adopt to new
technology because of the technology familiarity and
pre-retirement computer use. Motivational
indifference or the lack of relevance and deficient
knowledge are at the core of technology rejection or
limited use of technology, while cost is not a key
factor anymore (Peacock, 2007; Juznic, 2006). An in-
depth understanding of adoption or rejection of the
new technology by older adults, the barriers and
facilitating factors, is becoming more and more
important as the older adult population increases.
For a deeper understanding of the factors
affecting technology adoption or rejection by older
adults, researchers and professionals started to refer to
the now classic technology acceptance models’ and
to generate and tailor-made new ones based on
specific technologies, i.e. internet, mobile phones
(Macedo, 2017; Arenas Gaitán et al, 2015; Golant,
2017; Mitzner et al, 2010). Currently, a universal,
accurate, effective and easy to apply understanding
for technology acceptance for older adults is
needed to accelerate technology marketing and
further our understanding of the relationship between
technology and late adulthood.
Paul, C. and Spiru, L.
From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology Adoption by Older Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0010395701210129
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2021), pages 121-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-506-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We developed a new understanding while
conducting three pilot cycles within the project
Senior-TV (see acknowledgements). The sample
project aimed at developing a platform for providing
formal and informal care giving services to older
adult citizens that live alone and that focuses on the
active prevention and the maintenance of
relationships with friends, family, and the
community. The previous two pilot cycles were
constructed on the TAM and UTAUT models and the
research results show that there is a sharp difference
in the technology adoption between the dependent
and independent older adults and that the last tend to
reject many of the gerontechnologies because of age-
stigmatizing. The third pilot cycle, whose results are
presented here, aimed at developing a new model for
an in-depth understanding of the elderly adoption and
actual usage of new technologies.
This new understanding can inform and support
the introducing of new technology and
gerontechnology in a gradual way, in order to support
a progressive familiarity with technology along the
diversifying of their needs with age. For example, the
projects Ella4Life aims at offering a new
technological solution adapted for people in various
stages of their life, thus being customized to the
specific issues of each group; from younger
customers (55+) at risk of loneliness, sedentary
behaviour and loss of independency, or with a desire
or need for extra comfort or safety (because of slight
physical or cognitive abilities) and moving to elderly
customers / patients (70+) with slight to moderate and
then moderate to severe diminishing of their physical
or cognitive abilities. iCan is an inclusive online
platform that will aid its users in various ways in their
everyday life. How the iCan Solution can be accepted
by the elderly aged over 70 years in order to increase
their self-dependency and management is a challenge,
especially for the countries whose cultures do not
encourage preventive approaches in health and life
styles. Therefore, these research findings are of great
relevance for the Ella4Life and iCan mentioned
projects for learning about how to increase
acceptances and actual usage of the new technologies.
The present study shed light on the intriguing
phenomenon of technology adoption through
emphasizing the diversity of older adults and their
relation with technology not through the lens of age,
but through the inherent features of late adulthood in
order to understand barriers and facilitators to
technology acceptance. Age per se deceives research
for that it may induce over-comparativeness to other
younger groups, by emphasizing the have nots of
the older adults rather than their needs, habits and
preferences. The constant comparison with the
younger generations may limit the understanding of
the specific needs, wants and preferences of the older
adults and refrain research from studying the
diversity within the older adults’ group.
The category stereotyping of ‘older adults drives
industry, decision makers and others to think about
older adults as being a homogeneous group in needs
and preferences, which, it is not. Older adults
are a more diverse group than younger
generations because their differences and diversity
have increased with age. And older adults’ attitudes
towards old and new technology are also
heterogeneous (e.g. age, culture, emotional state of
health, cognitive abilities). Therefore, an age-based
definition of the older adults or the distinction
between young and older adults is of insufficient use-
effectiveness (Nimrod, 2013; Sthienrapapayut et al,
2018). The lack of the true understanding of the
make-up of the older adults’ market coupled with
the lack of experience in working with and for older
adults also prompts older adults to reject modern
technology for that that does not respond to their call.
Age matters but it does not decide on
technology acceptance (Moschis 2019; Paul et al
2019; Steenstra 2015). There is invariable some
decline which comes with ageing, but
large variance remains within the group. For
example, somebody at 65 years old may exhibit the
same state of health as somebody at 75 years old
and vice-versa. Mallenius et al. (2007) suggest
functional capacity, referring to the physical,
psychological and social aspects as factors which
facilitates technology adoption. Sharit, et al, 2009)
show that chronological age can be replaced by
variables such as cognitive abilities and
knowledge when predicting information seeking on
the internet by older adults. McCloskey (2008) found
that age does not significantly affect the perception
of usefulness and it may have an indirect effect
on the technology acceptance through ease of use.
Gerontographics suggest that rather than
considering age per se, more accurate and relevant
data are to be obtained when accounting for physical
and psychological state of the older adults.
Geronthographics is an approach developed by
Moschis (1996) and it is employed in marketing
and consumer behaviour. It proved to be
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
extremely efficient in predicting older adults’
consumer activity or, going beyond the trite
understanding of the concepts of biological and
cognitive age (Nimrod, 2013; Sthienrapapayut et al,
2018). It aims at revealing the individual differences
in aging processes in late life in all respects and
it assumes that these differences are the outcome of
1) The individual differences in ageing, and 2) the
variances in the life experiences which influence
psychographics factors. According to Moschis, the
life experiences of the older adults’ influence on the
psychological factors, which ultimately, influence
their needs and wants.
Moschis refers to four categories of older adults
which are selected based on their state of health on a
continuum from independency towards dependency,
as healthy indulgers, ailing out goers, healthy hermits
and frail recluses (Moschis and Mathur 1993;
Moschis 1996, 2003;). The approach is based on the
assumption that older adults manifest similar
behaviour consumer activity as long as they
had encountered similar circumstances,
experiences and past events, based on the type of
aging experience. The first group are those people
who exhibit physical and psychological wellbeing and
adapted well to life’s challenges. Their good health
conditions support their psychological and social
aging. The second group is still independent and
socially active in spite of a decline in health. Against
their low-level of physical well-being, they manifest
a high-level of psychological well-being. The third
group are those who present a quite well health
condition, but due to the accumulated experiences of
negative encounters, they insulate themselves
socially and “feel” being old. Hence, they are those
who have a quite good physical well-being but a
low psychological well-being. The fourth group are
people with chronic health conditions and who
encountered negative life events. They show a
relatively low physical and psychological well-being
Because we considered the terms ascribed by
Moschis derogatory, such as frail recluses or healthy
hermits, we will further use the four categories
without name reference: 1) the first group, those
in good health and active, ph+ps+ (physically
and psychologically well), 2) the second group, those
in poor health and active, ph-ps+ (physically not well
but psychologically well), 3) the third group, those in
good health but without a social life, ph+ps-
(physically well but psychologically not well), and
4) the fourth group, those bound due to poor health,
ph-ps- (physically and psychologically not well).
The four categories better reveal why some
technologies are adopted while others are rejected
by older adults. Some technologies are meant to
serve a medical or utility purpose, while some
other are designed for more hedonistic experiences.
But utility and hedonism or information and
entertainment have different meanings to people
based on their state of health and irrespective of
their age. For example, active and independent
older adults do not perceive Health Technologies
and Gerontechnologies to be useful for them and
prefer to adopt technologies of a more universal use
(Spiru et al; 2019). Arning and Ziefle (2007) found
that older adult users do not take into account the time
and effectiveness of the new technologies but they
put value on the results.
For understanding technology acceptance by older
adults, research employs either the classic models
largely deployed for adult working population and for
youth (Venkatesh et al, 2003; Venkatesh et al.,
2012) or those developed especially for older
adults. The first refer to Technology Acceptance
Model’ (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance
and the Use of Technology’ (UTAUT and UTAUT2)
(Guner and Acarturk, 2020; Macedo, 2017) while the
second refer to The Senior Technology Acceptance
Model (STAM), which was proposed by Renaud and
Biljon (2008) and the Gerontechnology Acceptance
Model proposed by Chen and Chan (2013).
The models’ limit is seen in inspecting into the
‘Behavioural Intention to Use’ without inquiring
into the ‘Actual Usage’ (Bouwhuis et al, 2008) as the
‘Perceived Usefulness’ does not equal adoption. They
proved insufficiently relevant due to the specific
characteristics of older adults and of limited
relevance due to the fact that they have been tested on
specific technologies, i.e. mobile phone adoption
(Renaud and Van Biljon, 2008). More, some
studies refer to older adults as ‘people over 55’,
which increases the heterogeneity within the old aged
group and affects the findings with respect to the
levels of adoption and effective usage of new
technologies (Arenas Gaitán et al, 2015).
The models so far developed are complex, cost
timing, and require sophisticated proficiency for
interpretation. All these constitute barriers for the
researchers to scale the models or for the marketers
From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology Adoption by Older Adults
to endorse these models, when new technologies and
gerontechnologies are to be tested.
We employed a survey methodology because this
approach affords the comparative analysis among the
four gerontographics groups providing insight into
the details of actual usage and the perceived meanings
associated to technology, hence ‘perceived
usefulness’. This study was not aiming at testing
models of technology acceptance (e.g. TAM), but to
contribute to a better understanding of what is
‘perceived usefulness’ for each of the four
gerontographic groups. The central question was ‘Are
technologies ascribed different meanings based on
individual factors or do they hold different meanings
based on the groups characteristics?’
The study was based on a survey conducted in
Romania, Cyprus and Slovenia over the course of
February and April, 2019. The end-users survey had
a convenient sample of members. The sample size is
moderate, comparative to those samples which served
as basis for the studies conducted by (Ma et al., 2016;
Li et al 2018).
In order to recruit participants, the project
coordinator of each country contacted the
administrators of nursing homes, day centers,
hospitals and retirement homes and older adults at
home and asked for their permission to test the Senior
TV product. All study participants provided informed
In the case of Romania, out of the 52 respondents,
20 withdrew from the trial section. There were two
main motivations for the high drop-out rates: 1) the
perception of an intrusive nature of the testing, as the
Senior-TV device needed to be installed on their own
private television set and the testing should have been
placed in their own homes and 2) the irrelevance of
the product to their current interests and lifestyle.
Members’ physical and psychological wellbeing
is estimated by asking respondents to answer to the
short version of the Health Survey (SF12), a scale to
indicate the physical and psychological state of the
respondents, and which ultimately led us to employ
the gerontograhics segmentation. We have included
the “Verbal Fluency Test” (VFT) which is an
instrument for cognitive assessment that was
administrated at the very beginning of the testing
period by the field-operators along SF12.
The third cycle pilot included a total of 125
primary end-users who were distributed as following:
52 from Romania, 30 from Cyprus and 43 from
Slovenia. Chi-square tests of homogeneity were
conducted to determine if there were significant
differences between category frequencies. For the
case of Romania, there were 52 older adults pre-trial
interviewed and the drop-out rate was of 20 seniors.
One third of the older adults were living at home
independently, while the rest were residing in nursing
homes and sanatoriums. The 125 respondents were
57-90 years old, and the average was 73, while the
most frequent age was 70. The third group, physically
well but psychologically not well (ph+ps-),
constituted the largest group among the sample,
comprising 49% of respondents. Half of them live in
Slovenia and the other half is equally distributed
across Romania and Cyprus. The first group (ph+ps+)
accounted for 15% of the sample and they are the
older adults at home who have been interviewed in
Romania. The fourth group, those physically and
psychologically not well, ph-ps- (30%) are equally
distributed across Romania, Cyprus and Slovenia.
The smallest group, (6 persons) are those physically
not well, but psychologically well, ph-ps+.
Our research shows a clear distinction between the
early usage of technology of the now older adults,
which indicates that the current actual usage of
technology is much dependent on the ‘relevanceor
‘perceived usefulness’ that is ascribed to a specific
technology. Older adults who are now
psychologically well, encountered much earlier the
four main technologies which radically changed
information access, communication and
entertainment at a global scale: TV, Mobile,
Computer and Internet, comparative to the two
categories of older adults who are not psychologically
These last two categories encounter technologies
such as computer and internet, on average, with
between 10 and 25 years later. Their late interest in
technologies runs counter to the popular narrative of
an existence of a negative relationship between age
per se and technology usage.
The results also emphasize that the current usage
of technology does not depend on the starting age of
using technology, as the ageing process may change
the habits of usage of various technologies.
With respect to the ‘actual usage’, sharp
differences are noted among the four categories
coupled as those who do psychologically well
(ps+ph+ and ps+ph-) and those who do not (ps-ph+
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
and ps-ps-) in using the TV services. The below table
shows that none of those who are psychologically
well use any of these TV services. Research findings
clearly indicates that for older adults not
psychologically well, there is a high incidence of
usage of TV Smart Application (Pearson R=.484) and
also high correlations for the cases of TV Images
(Pearson’s R=.369).
We inquired if each of the four gerontographics
groups ascribe different meanings or ‘perceived
usefulness’ to technology. We noticed that watching
TV does not share many mentally associations for
those psychologically well, while there are plenty of
mentally associations attributed to TV watching by
those psychologically not well, irrespective of their
physical state, as shown in table 1.
If information and social integration, along
enjoyment prevail for the first two categories who are
psychological well, the last two categories who are
not psychologically well associate TV watching with
decreasing loneliness and companionship to a high
degree. From those in good health and active
(ps+ph+) the majority (62.5%) and the many of them
(42.9%) appreciate TV for ‘Information’ and ‘Social
Integration’, respectively. Those in poor health and
active (ps+ph-) along ‘Information’ (66.7%) and
‘Social Integration’ (50%) also appreciate
‘Enjoyment’ (66.7%).
Notable differences may be found also among the
last two categories, which need to be accounted by the
technology developers, designers and marketers:
those in good health but without a social life, ps-ph+
and thouse bound due to poor health (ps-ph-). If the
overwhelming majority of those in good health but
without a social life associate TV watching with
decreasing loneliness (83.6%) while also looking for
information (80.3%), those who are bound due to
poor health look first for enjoyment (89.5%) and
decreasing loneliness (76.5%)and companionship
equally (75%).
Nevertheless, TV watching is associated with
‘Social Integration’, which matters for each category
of older adults, though it increases in significance
from those independent to those dependent, namely
form those socially active who also have other means
for social integration to those who lack that (42.9% to
60.6%) TV maybe being the only or one of avery few
vehicles for their sense of belonging to society after
Table 1: The most frequent age of starting to use technologies based on the gerontographics segmentation.
Table 2: The actual use of new technologies for Tv from a Gerontographics Perspective.
uent a
uent a
uent a
uent a
Started Watching TV 10 yrs 25 yrs 20 yrs 15 yrs
Started Phoning from
50 yrs 50 yrs 60 yrs 60 yrs
Started Accessing
40 yrs 45 yrs 60 yrs 65 yrs
Started Navigating on
60 yrs 45 yrs 70 yrs 65 yrs
on TV
on TV
on TV
TV Images
on TV
TV Video
on TV
ph-ps- 7.7% 20.5% 69.2% 56.4% 43.3%
16.1% 16.1% 71.4% 51.8% 37.5%
ph-ps+ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
ph+ps+ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology Adoption by Older Adults
Table 3: The associations of meaning of TV watching based on the gerontographics segmentation.
Table 4: The Relation between the Gerontographics Segmentation and the Perceived Usefulness and Social Influence Variable
in the Framework of Gerontographics Technology Adoption by Older Adults (G-TAO).
What made some of the older adults to explore a
new technology and prevent others from a new
technology experience in spite of their openness to
participate into the study? In our research, the
dropout rates occurred only for the older adults
psychologically well, which indicate that the
‘Perceived Usefulness’ (PU) is key for these 2
categories (physically well or unwell, while
psychologically well). The ‘Perceived Usefulness’
gives the incentive towards the exploration and
experimentation stage, which afterwards confirm or
infirm the ‘Perceived Usefulness’ of the product or
service and, in the end, it translates into the
acceptation or rejection of the new technologies. That
confirms the results presented by Moschis (2003;
2019) which show that independent seniors avoid
opting for gerontechnologies and any technology
services which age-stigmatize, preferring to opt
instead for universal technologies. Our research
shows that for the case of the older adults bound due
to poor health (ps-ph-), the ‘Perceived Usefulness’
variable is not of relevance, as they are influenced by
formal and informal carers in their openness
towards new technologies and gerontechnologies
exploration and adoption. The situation of the group
in good health but without a social life (ps-ph+) is
similar, as they are influenced by their informal
entourage, more specifically by their relatives or
informal carers.
Social Influence (SI) stays for the degree to which
an individual believes that what others feel if he or
she should use a particular technology and it has been
identified as a relevant factor in accepting technology
(Or and Karsh, 2009; Venkatesh et al., 2003;
Thompson et al., 1991; Lee, 2007; Mallenius et al.,
2007). We have found that social influence matters
only with respect to older adults who are
psychologically unwell, for the groups ph+/- ps -.
Therefore, Social Influence’ (SI) is considered here
in tandem with ‘Perceived Usefulness.
The table above presents the detailed explanation
of the findings and summarizes the relation of each
gerontographics category with technology, the
predisposition and the perceived usefulness for older
Information Enjoyment
ph+ps- 62.5% 37.5% 18.8% 31.3% 42.9% 36.0%
66.7% 66.7% 16.7% 33.4% 50.0% -
ph+ps- 80.3% 54.5% 83.6% 52.8% 57.7% 61.5%
ph-ps- 72.9% 89.5% 76.5% 75.0% 60.6% 48.6%
The actual usage of new technologies
related to Tv
Perceived Usefulness/
Social Influence
1.No usage
2.No predisposition for new technologies
3.Watching TV Meaning:
Information & Enjoyment (strong emphasis on
ment for
1. Perceived usefulness: New Information
(No redundancy of TV, smart phones
&Internet Services)
2. Perceived usefulness: New Information
& En
1. Diverse usage of the new technologies
2. Predisposition for new technologies
3. Watching TV Meaning: Information, Decrease
loneliness & Ritual
1.secondary beneficiaries/ Informal carers
1. Diverse usage of TV Services
2. Predisposition for new technologies
3.Watching TV meaning: Enjoyment, Decrease
Loneliness, Companionship, Information & Social
1 nursing professionals 2.Secondary
beneficiaries support
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
adults psychologically well, or social influences for
older adults psychologically unwell, in the case of
new technologies. ‘Social Influence’ and ‘Perceived
Usefulness’ should not be considered as predictors
per se, but based on the gerontographics
differentiation, these variables should apply to older
adults based on the degree of (in)dependency.
The sharp differences between the two categories
psychologically well and the two categories
psychologically not well, shows us that 1) the last
two categories, those who are psychological not
well, are the target market for new technologies
and gerontechnologies. In spite of their
chronological age, they manifest a late interest in
technology predisposition and usage, which is not
shared by the other two categories in their old
adulthood. Their late interest in technologies runs
counter to the popular narrative of an existence of a
negative relationship between age per se and
technology usage; 2) the current usage of technology
does not depend on the starting age of using
technology, as the ageing process changes the habits
of usage of various technologies. An explanation for
that might be that those psychologically well,
irrespective of their current physical state, encounter
technology in their professional and social life prior to
retirement. For those older adults, the life changes
which occur after retirement decrease the necessity
for technology adoption. On the contrary to that,
those psychologically not well have a decreased
interest in the newness of technology prior to
retirement but, when their life after retirement
radically change into more isolation and loneliness,
their interest in technology increases as technology
becomes the only source for meeting social and
personal basic needs; 3) we are also entitled to
hypothesized that the predisposition of using
technology might be an early indicator or predictor
of the state of health and of the gerontographics type
of the individual ageing process.
Our study found that access to information is of
value to the older adults who are physically and
psychologically well, while all the other value
technologies which support them in decreasing
loneliness, ritual, companionship or enjoyment.
Those who are psychologically well do not use
anymore the old technologies and have a limited
adoption of new technologies. They started the
relation with mobile, computer and internet earlier
on average but did not continue to endorse new
technology after retirement. We found that the first
reason for the limited relevance of new
technologies for older adults psychologically well
is the redundancy or duplication of services in
communication, information and others, such as
agenda, video-call, alarm notifications, weather, news
or health monitoring and information. Therefore,
when conceptualizing new technologies which target
older adults their participation in the project idea
development is as important as their participation
in the design of the project.
The Older adults Technology Adoption Model
Revisited. Our aim was to advance a new model for
technology adoption by older adults which is
simplified comparative to the existent models and
which has a better prediction power. We adapted the
most frequent theoretical models and validated a new
universal comprehensive understanding for older
adults’ technology adoption, starting from the
gerontographics segmentation. Gerontographics gave
us a more in-depth understanding of the relation
between the older adults’ technology habits and the
predisposition towards the usage of new technologies
or gerontechnologies. Our contribution refers to the
already mentioned two conceptual models designed
for older adults. We found that in the case of older
adults psychologically well, the ‘Perceived
Usefulness’ of a new technology determines the
acceptance or rejection of a technology, while in the
case of those psychologically unwell, the influence of
the formal and/or informal caregivers is decisive.
Once that the technology is accepted, the perceived
ease of use will lead to the adoption or rejection of
that technology, though that might preserve a limited
usage of the technology in case, based on the
relevance of that technology ascribed in one’s life.
The ascribed relevance is a dynamic process which
change in time in close relation with the physical and
psychological individual changes.
Based on the research findings, both E4L and
iCan projects would learn how to enter into the silver
market. The new technologies should target those
psychologically well differently from those
psychologically not well, who will be actually
targeted through their informal carers. Those
physically and psychologically well will opt for new
technological solutions as long as these avoid age-
stigmatizing and emphasize on the added value of
informational aspects, which give them the 'perceived
usefulness'. For those physically not well, but still
psychologically well, entertainment along
information is of equal value. Those psychologically
not well have a predisposition towards new
technologies in the sense that they expect from them
From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology Adoption by Older Adults
Figure 1: The Framework of Gerontographics Technology Adoption by Older Adults (G-TAO).
companionship, to ritualize their day and to increase
their sense of being socially integrated. Though, their
formal and informal carers much influence their
perceived usefulness and decision in the adoption of
new technologies.
In conclusion, this is, to our knowledge, the first
study which inquires and considers the mentally
ascribed meanings of technology as factors
influencing the acceptance of technology. The high
diversity of the older adult population, the variety of
their unmet needs and motivations (Valk et al 2018;
Golant, 2017; Schomakers et al 2018) need to
be accounted for when proposing new
technologies and gerontechnologies to older adults.
Our findings are valuable for their increased
simplification and effectiveness due to the
employment of gerontographics segmentation. Our
model shows that the relation of older adults with
technology and the barriers which arose are
differently experienced by segments with dissimilar
physical and psychological well-being and
support the value of the gerontographics in
conceptualizing, developing and marketing new
technologies and gerontechnologies to the older
adult population.
This work was performed in the frame of the EU project
Senior-TV (AAL/Call2014/171), with implementation
period Nov-2015 -April 2019, Ella4Life
(AAL/Call2017/035/2017, with implementation period
June 2018 - May 2021), and iCan (AAL/2019/182) funded
by the AAL Programme and co-funded by the European
Commission and the National Funding Authorities of the
partner countries.
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Bouwhuis, D.G., Meesters, L.M. and Berentsen, J., 2008.
Technology acceptance models in gerontechnology.
In the 6th International Conference of the International
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From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology Adoption by Older Adults