Integrating Shared Information into the Sensorial Mapping of
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Filipo Studzinski Perotto, Stephanie Combettes, Valerie Camps, Elsy Kaddoum,
Guilhem Marcillaud, Pierre Glize and Marie-Pierre Gleizes
IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
filipo.perotto, stephanie.combettes, valerie.camps, elsy.kaddoum,
Multi-Agent Coordination, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Cooperative Perception.
A connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) needs to dynamically maintain a map of its environment. Even
if the self-positioning and relative localization of static objects (roads, signs, poles, guard-rails, buildings,
etc.) can be done with great precision thanks to the help of hd-maps, the detection of the dynamic objects
on the scene (other vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, casual objects, etc.) must be made by the CAV
itself based on the interpretation of its low-level sensors (radars, lidars, cameras, etc.). In addition to the need
of representing those moving objects around it, the CAV (seen as an agent immersed in that traffic environ-
ment) must identify them and understand their behavior in order to anticipate their expected trajectories. The
accuracy and completeness of this real-time map, necessary for safely planning its own maneuvers, can be
improved by incorporating the information transmitted by other vehicles or entities within the surrounding
neighborhood through V2X communications. The implementation of this cooperative perception can be seen
as the last phase of perception fusion, after the in-vehicle signals (coming from its diverse sensors) have al-
ready been combined. In this position paper, we approach the problem of creating a coherent map of objects
by selecting relevant information sent by the neighbor agents. This task requires correctly identifying the posi-
tion of other communicant agents, based both on the own sensory perception and on the received information,
and then correcting and completing the map of perceived objects with the communicated ones. For doing so,
the precision and confidence on each information must be taken into account, as well as the trust and latency
associated with each source. The broad objective is to model and simulate a fleet of vehicles with different
levels of autonomy and cooperation, based on a multi-agent architecture, in order to study and improve road
safety, traffic efficiency, and passenger comfort. In the paper, the problem is stated, a brief survey of the
state-of-the-art on related topics is given, and the sketch of a solution is proposed.
Road traffic accidents cause approximately 1.3 mil-
lion deaths worldwide per year, and between 20 and
50 million non-fatal injuries (Chen et al., 2019).
The promise is that the arrival of connected and au-
tonomous vehicles (CAVs) will help to reduce those
war-like numbers considerably (Litman, 2020). There
are important and growing investments both in indus-
trial and academic research aiming to develop such
technologies, and almost all the giants of automo-
bile construction and information technology are in-
volved. The estimated value of this billionaire CAV
global market is projected to increase exponentially
* This work is supported by the C2C project, financed
by the French Regional Council of Occitanie.
in the next coming years (Jadhav, 2018). But if
this boom is relatively recent, the building blocks
for modern autonomous vehicles started to appear
several decades ago, with anti-lock brakes, traction
control, power assisted steering, adaptive cruise con-
trol, etc., when mechanical components have been re-
placed by electrical, then by electronic successors.
Now, as these components are being successfully
tied together, along with lidar, radar, cameras, high-
definition mapping, pattern recognition, and AI-based
control and navigation mechanisms, the car is becom-
ing a kind of thinking machine.
In the literature, it is usual to classify CAVs ac-
cording to their level of autonomy, ranging from fully
manual (level 0 on the SAE taxonomy) to fully auto-
mated vehicles (level 5) (Terken and Pfleging, 2020).
Due to legal and especially technological limitations,
Perotto, F., Combettes, S., Camps, V., Kaddoum, E., Marcillaud, G., Glize, P. and Gleizes, M.
Integrating Shared Information into the Sensorial Mapping of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles.
DOI: 10.5220/0010387604540461
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 454-461
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
no commercial vehicle is currently capable of au-
tonomously performing all the driving tasks without a
minimum of supervision, not even the most advanced
prototypes. In the perspective of automobile manu-
facturers, the last level of autonomy should be reached
soon, but in fact several locks are still to be lifted be-
fore it happens, which include: preparing people and
cities for the arrival of new and smart transportation
modes, defining a legal and regulatory framework at
national and international levels, adapting telecom-
munication networks to support the amount of data
exchanged by CAVs, improving the technology on
sensors while reducing costs, and above all, increas-
ing the robustness and reliability of the AI algorithms
that control these vehicles.
For safety and fault-tolerant reasons, CAVs must
ensure their essential driving capabilities without any
communication. However, their behavior can be
greatly improved by the possibility of exchanging in-
formation with other connected vehicles and road in-
frastructures in the neighborhood (Sharif et al., 2018).
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are sponta-
neous wireless networks of vehicles, generally orga-
nized according to vehicle-to-everything (V2X) com-
munication architectures, with the objective of help-
ing navigation and providing diverse roadside ser-
vices (Sommer and Dressler, 2014). In addition to
that dedicated short-range communication (DSRC)
network, the tendency is that V2X will heavily relay
on the 5G cellular network (which allows low latency
and large data bandwidths), in a vehicle-to-network-
to-everything (V2N2X) flavor (Hakeem et al., 2020).
To be able to drive autonomously, a CAV needs
to dynamically construct and update a map of its en-
vironment: based on its low-level sensors (radars,
lidars, cameras, etc.), the agent represents the ob-
jects around (identity, position), their current trajec-
tories (speed, direction, acceleration), and supposed
itineraries (road driving steps) (Arnold et al., 2019).
In addition to identifying the roads and lanes, and
estimating its self-position with centimeter precision,
the map of detected moving objects is necessary for
planning the CAV trajectory and for choosing adapted
maneuvers. An accurate perception of the surround-
ing environment is necessary to ensure a reliable be-
havior, which implies transforming sensory data into
semantic information. 3D object detection is a funda-
mental function of this perceptual system.
Supposing that standard and common communi-
cation protocols should be established among differ-
ent car constructors and road traffic authorities, CAVs
will be able to constantly share their own percep-
tions with other surrounding agents, communicating
their high-level updated map of detected objects and
Figure 1: The image represents a CAV perceiving its sur-
rounding environment. Based on its low level sensors (cam-
eras, radars, lidars, etc.) and hd-maps, the vehicle identifies
roads, lanes, and its own position on the street, and projects
a map with the objects perceived in the scene and their re-
spective trajectories.
Figure 2: The vehicle and the neighbor entities that it can
detect and identify, given the range of its sensors and its
field of view.
corresponding estimated dynamics. Another alterna-
tive is the transmission of low-level signals, with the
drawback of requiring both very large (then expen-
sive) data transfer bandwidth, and intense processing
effort of the ego-vehicle to interpret its own sensors
and, in addition, the other agents communicated sig-
nals. Since self-driving is a real-time safety-critical
decision problem, and a CAV needs to be able to an-
swer rapidly to unexpected events, the possibility of
adopting the first alternative (sharing high-level infor-
mation) should be preferred.
In this paper, we approach the problem of creat-
ing a coherent map of objects by selecting relevant
and reliable information given by the neighbor agents.
The task implies to correctly identify the position of
other communicant agents based both on the own sen-
sory perception and on communicated geolocation in-
formation, then correcting and completing the pro-
jected scene based on matching the objects (perceived
and communicated), and eventually finding the un-
perceived ones. This procedure can offer two advan-
Integrating Shared Information into the Sensorial Mapping of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Figure 3: The image represents the map of objects projected
by a CAV, where the blue arrows indicate the positions and
trajectories of objects estimated by the agent, and the or-
ange arrows, the ones communicated by another agent in
the neighborhood. This information can be used, if trusted,
to improve the precision of the map, and to anticipate the
presence of unperceived objects.
tages: increasing the precision of the reconstructed
map of objects by correcting the estimated positions,
and also helping to incorporate non-detected objects.
This functioning is exemplified in Figures 1 to 3.
Since the CAV network constitutes an open con-
nected environment, the possible presence of non-
cooperative or even malicious agents, which send in-
correct data, cannot be ignored. In this case, the trust
on the source, and the confidence on the information
must be considered. When several connected agents
receive and interpret the same signals, a possible solu-
tion to that issue is estimating reliability by measuring
local inconsistencies. In the rest of the paper, Section
2 presents the validation strategy, Section 3 exposes
an overview on the state-of-the-art, Section 4 intro-
duces the proposed solution, and Section 5 concludes
the paper.
Once reliable CAVs will be available, it will be essen-
tial to study how a fleet will be able to interact in order
to maximize collective safety, passenger comfort, and
produce intelligent mobility. Indeed, it is important
to identify the underlying barriers to human accept-
ability of CAVs (Fraedrich and Lenz, 2016), in order
to ensure the proper deployment of this new mode of
transportation. Between humans, in a context of road
interaction, body and facial cues are sent back and
mutually interpreted. A CAV will not provide humans
with such clues, making it more difficult for them to
understand the decisions made by the AI and to adopt
appropriate behavior.
In this work, we would like to include this er-
gonomic dimension into the evaluation of the pro-
Figure 4: CompactSim, using SCANeR Studio (AVS),
adapted to simulate the situation where a human is trans-
ported by a CAV.
posed model, tackling two complementary objectives:
(i) to study the problem of coordinating a collective
of VACs in mixed traffic; (ii) to study their accept-
ability and appropriation by the various human road
users with whom those VACs interact. The use of
an immersive simulation tool is an acceptable alter-
native (Sovani, 2017) to perform preliminary tests
with humans. For this work, a physical simulator in-
tegrating the SCANeR Studio software (Fig. 4) will
be used to implement our validation tests. SCANeR
Studio is one of the high-end simulators currently
available, implementing microscopic traffic simula-
tion, such as SUMO (Lopez et al., 2018), GAMA
(Taillandier et al., 2019), or MATISSE (Torabi et al.,
2018). The platform simulates object detection tasks
performed by the CAV, artificially introducing impre-
cision, false-detection, and confidence estimates, like
shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Self-positioning, object and road detection, en-
dowed by the SCANeR Studio simulation platform.
In this way, in addition to classic metrics (Friedrich,
2016) into which the performance of the proposed
model is compared to the performance of road traffic
without it, considering average time-travel, and aver-
age number of dangerous or damaging events (acci-
dents, emergence breaks, etc.), the proposed model
will also be tested through the use of simulation to
perform ergonomic experiments with humans trans-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ported by VACs in order to measure and under-
stand the situations and behaviors that can cause dis-
comfort or fear. From the results of these experi-
ences, machine-human communication strategies can
be proposed, tested, then validated using the simula-
tor, with the aim of explaining the actions taken by
the AI and thus promoting acceptability. Moreover,
this human evaluation of the system as a whole can
enable a subjective metric to compare the efficiency
of different cooperation strategies.
The exchange of local sensing information with other
vehicles or infrastructures via wireless communica-
tions by which the perception range can be extended
or augmented up to the boundary of connected vehi-
cles is called cooperative perception. It can provide
oncoming traffic information beyond the line-of-sight
and field-of-view of the ego-vehicle, helping the CAV
on its decision making and planning tasks by improv-
ing vehicle awareness on the road, which can promote
safer and smoother autonomous driving (Kim et al.,
2015). The recent literature is rich in examples of the
use of cooperative perception applied to self-driving
problems, and an exhaustive survey is not in the scope
of this paper. Instead of it, we would like to present
in this section some illustrative samples.
Several overviews on the state-of-the-art concern-
ing CAVs have been published recently, such as (Yurt-
sever et al., 2020; Marcillaud et al., 2020; Cavazza
et al., 2019), concerning a domain that is evolving
fast. Roughly speaking, current CAV research on co-
operative models focus on two different sets of prob-
lems: (a) managing the flow of vehicles to maintain
a smooth traffic, and (b) road and lane trajectory co-
ordination. The first topic concerns meso and macro-
traffic organization, and approaches problems such as
the reduction of the average travel time, reduction
of congestion, reduction of consumption, itinerary
re-planing to balance traffic density, etc. The sec-
ond topic concerns maneuvers such as overtaking,
lane merging, roundabout merging, road intersection
crossing, etc.
Traffic jams and slowdowns are problems that
concern several cities in the world, and several stud-
ies focus on the use of CAVs and learning mecha-
nisms to reduce them (Barthelemy and Carletti, 2017;
Mouhcine et al., 2018), both based on local data
(low volume of communication shared among near
agents), and on global (city-scale) data (diffused by
central traffic authorities) (Marcillaud et al., 2020).
The presence of accidents, obstacles, or blocked vehi-
cles reduces the number of available lanes, which can
also lead to traffic jams. If the vehicles can commu-
nicate and take into account such events during their
decision processes, disseminating the information and
coordinating actions, such jams can be reduced (Kor-
donis et al., 2020).
Another particular approached problem concerns
reducing shock waves using communication. A shock
wave is often the result of exceptional actions, such
as emergency braking (Marcillaud et al., 2020), which
can cause slowdowns and increase traffic density. The
occurrence of shock waves can be reduced with the
help of multiagent coordination (Vaio et al., 2019).
CAV agents use the information exchanged with
neighbor vehicles to adapt their speed and maneu-
vers. More generally, anticipating events also enables
to avoid accidents, save fuel, and reduce car wear (Ka-
mal et al., 2015b).
Many slowdowns and jams are caused by the pres-
ence of intersections with dense traffic, which put ve-
hicles in conflict, increasing the chances of having an
accident (Marcillaud et al., 2020). To avoid collisions,
intersections are regulated by traffic rules and infras-
tructures that determine priority. However, in case
of heavy traffic, the distribution of vehicles at inter-
sections can also be uneven, causing slowdown and
stress. Through the use of intelligent coordination,
CAV agents can decide to change route (Lin and Ho,
2019), allowing a better distribution of vehicles over
the different possible itineraries, or even influence the
behavior of traffic lights.
Vehicle-intersection coordination (Kamal et al.,
2015a; Gaciarz et al., 2015) allows to obtain a more
fluid traffic and to reduce fuel consumption. Each
CAV optimizes its trajectory after accepting its pas-
sage order. When well-coordinated, the number of
situations into which the vehicles must stop at inter-
section can be greatly reduced. As a traffic light in an
intersection controls the flow of vehicles in the axes,
anticipating the state of an intersection managed by a
traffic light helps to avoid unnecessary stops and in-
tensive braking. Communicating traffic lights can in-
form when they will change their states, allowing the
CAVs to anticipate those events and then adapt their
actions (Almannaa et al., 2019). At limit, given cer-
tain conditions, traffic light-free intersection control
can be envisioned, only based in communication and
intelligent coordination (Zhang et al., 2020).
Another situation that a CAV must be able to
handle is lane merging, which requires fine speed
adaption to the other vehicles. The merging zone
of two lanes may be managed through infrastruc-
ture (Rios-Torres and Malikopoulos, 2017) or by self-
organization (Wang et al., 2018; Mosebach et al.,
Integrating Shared Information into the Sensorial Mapping of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
2016). If a CAV detects other vehicles, it slows down
and calculates a trajectory to cross the merging point
without collision. The involved vehicles can com-
municate their intentions in order to better coordinate
their actions.
The work presented in (Vasic et al., 2016) intro-
duces an overtaking decision algorithm for networked
intelligent vehicles based on cooperative tracking and
sensor fusion. The ego-vehicle is equipped with lane
keeping and lane changing capabilities, and with a
forward-looking lidar sensor which feeds a tracking
module that detects other vehicles, such as the vehi-
cle that is to be overtaken (leading) and the oncoming
traffic. Based on the estimated distances to the lead-
ing and the oncoming vehicles and their speeds, a risk
is calculated and a corresponding overtaking decision
is made. The performance of that overtaking algo-
rithm, in which it fuses object estimates received from
the leading car, which also has a forward-looking li-
dar, overcomes the case when the ego-vehicle only
relies on its own individual perception.
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for the
safe operation of CAVs. They allow a CAV to de-
termine its exact position in real time, ensuring self-
localization, helping to detect fixed objects and terrain
details by matching collected data and stored data. It
liberates the CAV to concentrate its efforts on detect-
ing the dynamic objects on the scene. GPS, radar,
ultrasonic technology, and normal cameras combine
with lidar sensors to create a centimeter accurate 3D
image, required for safe navigation. An additional se-
mantic layer is superimposed onto the 3D image. Se-
mantic maps include information such as lane bound-
aries, speed limits, turn restrictions, and stopping
points (Badue et al., 2021).
Like the human perception, which relies on dif-
ferent senses (vision, hearing, touching, etc.), a CAV
needs to fuse data provided by different sources for
obtaining coherent information. The sensors that
equip a CAV work in a collaborative way: the analy-
sis of a specific sensor could not be sufficient to make
a decision and should be coupled with the analysis of
other sources. A lidar sensor, for example, is good at
calculating distances, but cannot see colors. A video
camera would bring this missing information to lidar.
In a general scheme, the interaction between several
sensors can occur at different stages of the process
(Elmenreich and Leidenfrost, 2008): point, feature,
or detected object level, like shown in Fig. 6. Com-
prehensive reviews of the state-of-the-art of CAV per-
ception technology concerning sensing, localization
and mapping methods can be read in (Van Brumme-
len et al., 2018; Rosique et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020).
Depending on the configuration, data from differ-
Figure 6: The fusion of data coming from different sensors
can present interactions from the low to the high-level anal-
ysis (Elmenreich and Leidenfrost, 2008).
ent sources can be fused in complementary, compet-
itive, or cooperative combinations (Elmenreich and
Leidenfrost, 2008). A fusion is called complementary
if the information are independent, but can be com-
bined in order to create a more complete model of the
environment, providing a spatially or temporally ex-
tended view. Generally, fusing complementary data
can be made by addition, or juxtaposition (e.g. the
employment of multiple cameras to build up a 360 de-
grees picture of the environment). Competitive fusion
is used for fault-tolerant systems, where each sensor
delivers independent measurements of the same tar-
get, providing redundant information. In this case,
a more robust information can be achieved by cor-
recting erroneous sources (e.g. reduction of noise by
combining two overlaying camera images). Finally,
cooperative fusion provides an emerging view of the
environment by combining non redundant informa-
tion, but the result is sensitive to inaccuracies coming
from any of the sources (i.e. the combined model can
present decreased accuracy and reliability).
Exchanging information is necessary to implement
cooperation between vehicles. In this work, we are
not searching to integrate data from the raw sensors of
other cars, but rather high-level information: e.g. the
presence of a pedestrian or a vehicle in an invisible
segment, emergency braking impossible to detect lo-
cally, etc. Communication can significantly improve
vehicle perceptive capabilities, working as an addi-
tional sensing, combining information collected from
multiple cars in a cooperative perspective.
However, extracting good information from the
data communicated by other agents can be challeng-
ing as the agent may receive uncertain information
from unknown agents (Cholvy et al., 2017). One so-
lution is, based on a priori trusted information, to rank
the agents and representing reliability through a total
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 7: Diagram of modules which compound a con-
nected and autonomous vehicle.
preorder. The overall communication set is first eval-
uated with the help of inconsistency measures. Next,
the measures are used for assessing the contribution
of each agent to the overall inconsistency of the com-
munication set.
Techniques for merging raw information have
been studied extensively. Two different approaches
exist: the first one considers sources (i.e. agents) in an
equal way and merging techniques such as majority
merging, negotiation, arbitration merging or distance-
based merging for solving conflicts raised by contra-
dictory information. The second one takes sources re-
liability into account, providing weights for discount-
ing or ignoring pieces of information whose source
is not sufficiently reliable. This factor can be used
to weaken the importance of information provided by
unreliable sources (Cholvy et al., 2017).
In the proposed approach, a CAV must: (1) inte-
grate the information received via V2X into its own
high-level perception of the scene; (2) assess the rele-
vance of the information to be communicated to other
vehicles; and (3) send to other vehicles its own inten-
tions, and receive the other vehicles intentions, to co-
ordinate actions. Such elements are shown in Fig. 7.
In this paper, we offer a reflection on the first two
problems. The first one concerns how can a VAC
combine its own perceptual data (interpreted from
camera, radar, lidar) with communicated information
from multiple nearby cars using self-localization to
build an improved perception. Many data can be un-
certain and inaccurate. In other words, the problem
is how to combine information from multiple agents,
given the potential uncertainty and inaccuracy of the
information, and based on the trust and reputation ac-
corded to the sources. The second question concerns
how critical or important each isolated piece of infor-
mation from each neighbor vehicle can be in assisting
the vehicle, and how the information can be hierarchi-
cally set up to provide the critical information to the
vehicles, minimizing data transfer.
Even if the industry works with the perspective
of sharing raw sensors data from different neighbor
Figure 8: The information coming from different sources
must be integrated into the vehicle’s model of the scene,
creating an additional fusion stage.
vehicles, it can be very complicated for each vehicle
to fuse all this data, assessing confidence and trust.
The approach proposed in this paper concerns a high-
level integration: each CAV realizes its own interpre-
tation concerning self-localization, environment de-
tection, and mobile objects detection, and shares this
interpreted information. The bandwidth necessary to
do so is then greatly reduced, but the agent must still
make choices concerning how the communicated in-
formation can be integrated into its own interpretation
of the scene, dealing with inconsistency, imprecision,
and confidence factors.
One of the difficulties in fusing data from multiple
vehicles involves their relative localization. The cars
need to be able to know precisely where they are in
relation to each other as well to objects in the vicinity.
For example, if a single pedestrian appears to differ-
ent cooperating cars in different positions, there is a
risk that, together, they see two pedestrians instead
of one. Using directly other cars raw signals is very
hard due to the amount of data that must be processed
in real time, while the vehicles is in motion and tak-
ing decisions. We can list some different sources of
positioning information which must be treated in dif-
ferent levels of confidence: (a) my position given by
an hd-map, (b) my position given by the gps or de-
duced from proprioception, (c) my position accord-
ing to the view of other agents and communicated to
me, (d) the position of other vehicles or pedestrians
according to my own sensory interpretation, (e) their
position according to their own self-positioning meth-
ods and communicated to me, (f) the position of other
vehicles or pedestrians informed by another VACs or
When detecting a given object j, a set of prop-
erties θ
is also perceived (type, position, direction,
speed, etc.), and the agent can assess the confidence
on its own detection w
0, j
. From the point of view
of the ego-vehicle (i = 0), and based on the history
of recent interactions, a trust measure t
can be as-
sociated to each of the neighbor vehicles i. Then,
an aggregation function selects the answer follow-
ing a simple weighted majority rule, calculated by
Integrating Shared Information into the Sensorial Mapping of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
i, j
: i, j, where s
is the score of can-
didate answer for object j, and m is the number of
vehicles communicating in the considered time.
Those simple scheme can be improved by includ-
ing the known reputation of the sources on the weight-
ing function, which must be informed by recognized
road authorities. Another possibility is to consider the
different fields of perception of the sources (e.g. an
agent giving information about detected objects in an
area outside the field-of-view of the ego-vehicle). Fi-
nally, the sources and pieces of information can be
filtered, labeled as inlier or outlier, depending on how
distant they are from the majority, or from a priori re-
liable data, ensuring that bad sources of information
will not disturb the projected map of detected objects.
Concerning the relevance of a given information
to a given vehicle, we consider that each detected ob-
ject is a piece of information that can be communi-
cated. Two evidences can be used to rank the set of
possible messages in terms of relevance in three pref-
erence categories: (1) if the vehicle directly asks for
the information related to a given portion of the space
where the object was detected, (2) if the neighbor ve-
hicle judges that the information is important to the
ego-vehicle (because it anticipates a possible colli-
sion), and (3) the other objects. When an agent ex-
presses a need of information, it is suggesting a first
criterion to assess usefulness. The degree of useful-
ness of a piece of information is, however, a multi-
faceted notion which takes into account the fact that
it represents potential interest and trustability (Saurel
et al., 2019). Another straightforward metric to de-
termine relevance of a detected object is given by
its probability of intercepting the ego-vehicle’s trajec-
tory, and the distance from the current position to the
intercept position. For example, a vehicle that is near,
but which is moving away, is less important to pay
attention than a vehicle that is farther, but which is
In this article, we investigated how cooperative per-
ception can impact decision making and planning of
autonomous vehicles. Particularly, we proposed the
sketch of a model for fusing the list of detected objects
detected by neighbor vehicles into the list of detected
objects of the ego-vehicle. We also suggested how a
validation strategy can include humans in the loop in
order to contemplate an ergonomic metric for evaluat-
ing the comfort produced by a solution, in addition to
other metrics focused in reducing overall travel time
and accidents.
Beyond safety and comfort, cooperation can be
used to optimize trajectories, save energy, and im-
prove traffic flows. Another important opportunity
made possible by vehicle communication is the shar-
ing of intentions, which allows the agents to find ar-
rangements and negotiated solutions to their eventual
conflicts, leading to an increased collective perfor-
mance. The next steps of this research include pre-
cising and refining the aggregation method in order
to consider source reputation and local trust, informa-
tion reliability given by the source, and the confidence
on it estimated by the ego-vehicle depending on the
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