Is Your Chatbot Perplexing?: Confident Personalized Conversational
Agent for Consistent Chit-Chat Dialogue
Young Yun Na
1, a
, Junekyu Park
2, b
and Kyung-Ah Sohn
2,3, c
Department of Media, Ajou University, Suwon, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Ajou University, Suwon, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea
Department of Software and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea
These authors contributed equally,
Corresponding author
Chatbot, Dialogue, Personalized, Confidence, Natural Language Processing.
Chatbots are being researched and employed not only in academic settings but also in many fields as an
application. Ultimately, conversational agents attempt to produce human-like responses along with dialogues.
To achieve this goal, we built a novel framework that processes complex data consisting of personalities
and utterances and fine-tuned a large-scale self-attention-based language model. We propose a consistent
personalized conversational agent(CPC-Agent) for the framework. Our model was designed to utilize the
complex knowledge of a dataset to achieve accuracy and consistency. Together with a distractor mechanism,
we could generate confident responses. We compared our model to state-of-the-art models using automated
metrics. Our model scored 3.29 in perplexity, 17.59 in F1 score, and 79.5 in Hits@1. In particular, the
perplexity result was almost four times smaller than that of the current state-of-the-art model that scored
16.42. In addition, we conducted a human evaluation of each model to determine its response quality because
the automatic evaluation metrics in dialogue tasks are still considered insufficient. Our model achieved the
best rates from the voters, which indicated that our model is adequate for practical use.
The need for automatic-response generation in
machine-to-human interaction is increasingly being
emphasized. However, few studies have achieved a
sensible quality of auto-generated responses. Con-
ventional chatbots, which are human interactive
response-generating machines, are built based on
tree structures that can only produce pre-scripted re-
sponses. To train chatbots that generate abstractive
and human-like responses, recent studies have em-
ployed not only deep-learning approaches but also
different dataset formats. Since the appearance of
the transformer-based models (Vaswani et al., 2017),
such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and GPT (Rad-
ford et al., 2018), deep-learning-based language mod-
els have been successful in most natural language
processing(NLP) fields. However, the dialogue-
generation task is considered one of the tasks that
have yet to be mastered. Recent deep-learning-based
chatbot models are trained with an utterance text
dataset. However, training the model using only ut-
tered text can make it generate style-impersistent re-
sponses and suffer from the lack of long-term context
In this paper, we propose a contextually consis-
tent GPT-based chatbot model that uses PERSONA-
CHAT dataset (Zhang et al., 2018) that contains an
additional personality as consistency information. An
example of a dialogue is shown in Figure 1. For ex-
periments, we evaluated the model using F1, perplex-
ity(PPL), and Hits@1 as automated metrics and con-
ducted a human evaluation on the quality of the auto-
generated responses. The main contributions of our
model are as follows:
We built a GPT-based deep trainable conversa-
tional agent that could generate abstractive re-
sponses and engage in interactive dialogue.
We fine-tuned a dialogue-dedicated model that
was pre-trained using a large-scale conversational
We carefully designed a training mechanism to
process personality and utterance input and com-
Na, Y., Park, J. and Sohn, K.
Is Your Chatbot Perplexing?: Confident Personalized Conversational Agent for Consistent Chit-Chat Dialogue.
DOI: 10.5220/0010385312261232
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 1226-1232
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: CPC-Agent chit-chat sample. CPC-Agent is a
chatbot that generates responses when a user inputs sen-
tences. it can also keep track of the conversation history.
As a result, CPC-Agent can generate consistent and person-
alized sentences.
pared our model to the state-of-the-art models
through automatic evaluation and human evalua-
tions. Consequently, our model outperformed the
state-of-the-art models in terms of PPL score and
human evaluation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
In section 2, background of natural language gener-
ation and works related to the dialogue task are re-
viewed. Section 3, describes the details of the model
framework proposed. Section 4, discuss the personal-
ized dataset and model analysis using both automatic
metric and human evaluation. Lastly, the conclusion
comes in section 5.
Deep learning-based language models in a dialogue
task, are trained to generate interactive responses.
Language models are mainly divided into mod-
els before and after the appearance of the trans-
former. The models before the transformer are mainly
based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs), such as
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) and GRU
(Chung et al., 2014). By employing the large capac-
ity of RNN-based models, (Vinyals and Le, 2015)
demonstrated acceptable responses in open-domain
settings and (Serban et al., 2016; Miao et al., 2016;
Sordoni et al., 2015) utilized the latent state from
RNN models to generate abstractive responses.
More recent language models that adopted the
transformer architectures have demonstrated domi-
nant performance in most NLP tasks. (Mazar
e et al.,
2018) incorporated additional data from the ‘Red-
dit’ dialogue chit-chat to train a transformer-based
model. (Wolf et al., 2019a) proposed a fine-tuned
transformer-based language model and illustrated ex-
tended generative experiments. In the case of an
open-domain dialogue, these models are incapable
of generating accurate responses because there is no
fixed topic across the conversation.
To further train the conversational model, (Zhang
et al., 2018) presented a problem in which the dataset
is the one that needs to be handled. A novel
PERSONA-CHAT dataset was also proposed. In con-
trast to a mere utterance dataset, the PERSONA-
CHAT dataset contained additional personality of
each speaker, which could make the model gener-
ate consistent responses. To facilitate the personality
information, (Golovanov et al., 2020) fine-tuned the
GPT model pre-trained on manually labeled ‘Daily-
Dialog’ using transfer learning. P
Bot, which was
proposed by (Liu et al., 2020), underwent an ad-
ditional reinforcement learning approach. The P
Bot processed the personality information using the
BERT architecture that learned from word-piece rep-
resentation and processed the utterance-based con-
versational information using the GPT architecture
which learned from sentence-piece representation.
This separate processing pipeline required the model
to share the context through reinforcement learning.
The encoding methods in each processing pipeline
also differed. Thus, sharing the context of each
propagated input was difficult. In contrast to P
Bot, Trans f erTrans f o model which was proposed
by (Wolf et al., 2019b), employed a different ap-
proach to process the personalities along with the ut-
terances. Trans f erTrans f o obtained a higher accu-
racy by training the GPT model with a distractor by
using other candidate utterances but simply used the
embedding form of persona with utterances of agents
as an input. However, this form of input did not con-
sider the dialogue history. Thus, it still suffers from
limitation in terms of remembering long-term mem-
We propose a framework to train the generative model
for a dialogue task. Our model is designed to process
complex data information in a sophisticated and ef-
ficient manner. To profoundly train the model, we
adopt the GPT-based model which utilizes a self-
attention mechanism. Overall, we train the model
through two combined losses using the property of
distinct contexts gathered in the encoded embedding.
Is Your Chatbot Perplexing?: Confident Personalized Conversational Agent for Consistent Chit-Chat Dialogue
Figure 2: Overall structure of CPC-Agent. The CPC-Agent is trained using the PERSONA-CHAT dataset, which contains
additional personality information. The inputs are the concatenated form of personalities, history of utterances, and utterances
on both true and false responses that should be generated. The input is processed using the GPT-based model with two
combined losses; generation and distraction losses. The training proceeds as a total loss plus generation loss and distraction
loss. training The blocks in the model are transformer units.
This structure is shown in Figure 2. The CPC-Agent
is implemented using three different components as
explained below.
3.1 Training with Personality
We propose to train the model using a complex dataset
consisting of personalities and utterances. Personali-
ties can be defined as the persona of each agent and
the utterances represent the dialogue of two different
agents A and B. In the case of Trans f erTrans f o,
used input that can be formulated as a concatenation
of each vector which does not consider about history;
[p, u
, u
Unlike Trans f erTrans f o, the CPC Agent
model takes the utterance history into account as ad-
ditional input information and processes the whole in-
put using an integrated single model to facilitate con-
text sharing. To fully understand and process the en-
tire context from the given information, because the
input format is x
with n
response generation, we
consider the persona and history of dialogue and ut-
terance of the agent B as one response using the gen-
erated sentence and distraction d
which we will ex-
plain in Section 3.3. This input format is described as
= [p, h
, u
, d
, u
github link :
where n is the number of pairs of utterances from the
conversational agents so far, and h denotes the his-
tory of conversation before n. History provides the
whole text of the dialogue sequences. By processing
the given input format, the model can take the best ad-
vantages of the persona and all of the conversational
3.2 Generative Loss
The GPT-based models have been showing the best
performance in most NLP fields. In particular, they
demonstrated remarkable results in the field of text
generation. As a result, DialoGPT was introduced by
(Zhang et al., 2019) as a pre-trained model to generate
interactive responses. For the structure of the model,
we fine-tuned the model of the DialoGPT structure
with the pre-trained weights. By utilizing the ad-
vantages of the models that used the self-attention
mechanism, we were able to introduce x
into a com-
bined form of embedding from p, h
and u
by us-
ing special tokens < SP1 > and < SP2 > as separa-
tors. For training, the CPC-Agent processed the input
using a self-attention mechanism with the embed-
ding dimension size dim. The model obtained out-
put o
, which was a vector for a word i with
the context from the persona, dialogue history, and
utterance of agent B. The next layer was a regress-
ing layer for generation that yielded q
, where
v is the size of the vocabulary. Finally, the sigmoid
values are taken from a regression distribution q
, and
the k highest values are extracted from the probability
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
distribution. Denoting M as the number of generated
words to consist dialogue
and N as the number of
generated dialogue
to consist Dialogue
, the objec-
tive function for generating the complete dialogue is
as follows:
P(Dialogue) =
) =
The reason for extracting the final output in the prob-
ability distribution of top k rather than extracting the
highest one is that the model was designed to look
and learn from the top k different candidates. Finally,
we used the cross-entropy loss to train the model in
which generative loss, L
is defined as:
[log pred
· label
], (3)
where pred
is the next prediction of the model and
as is the target word to generate at iteration i.
3.3 Distraction Loss
In the open-domain-dialogue tasks, a problem came
up when sentences that have nothing to do with the
previous conversations were generated. Inspired by
(Zhang et al., 2018), we added distracting factors dur-
ing the training to resolve the inconsistency issue by
training CPC-Agent to distinguish the distraction and
true utterance. For the distraction calculation, we
used the binary cross-entropy loss as follows:
· log pred
+(1 label
) · log(1 pred
where pred
is the model prediction of whether u
and d
are either distraction or real response utter-
ance, and label
is the ground truth of the prediction.
For the total loss L
for training the whole learn-
ing sequence, the model is trained by the combined
generation and distraction losses as follows:
= L
+ α · L
, (5)
where α is a hyperparameter as a regulating fac-
tor. From these generation and distraction losses, we
could train the model using complex input informa-
Chatbot models for chit-chat go through the phe-
nomenon of getting lost and generating irrelevant re-
sponses during a spoken conversation process with-
out a particular topic. For consistency of conver-
sation, the PERSONA-CHAT dataset was proposed
by (Zhang et al., 2018), which could personalize
the model when generating responses. Therefore,
we trained our model using a PERSONA-CHAT
dataset. The PERSONA-CHAT dataset was first
used for training the model in ConvAI2 Competition,
which created the PERSONA-CHAT dataset bench-
mark data, and we were able to compare our model
with the scores claimed by the models trained using
the persona data. The PERSONA-CHAT dataset con-
sisted of 1,155 personalities where each described at
least five sentences. For training, a total of 162,024
utterances in 10,907 dialogues were used. For test-
ing, a total of 15,024 utterances over 968 dialogues
were used.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we
conducted automatic and human evaluations. In the
automatic evaluation, we tested the models with mul-
tiple automatic metrics. In addition, as in the human
evaluation method of (Liu et al., 2020), we conducted
an experiment with 200 voters above-university ed-
ucational level to determine how consistently CPC-
Agent would respond to the persona. We also exam-
ined how the automatic evaluation results varied by
adjusting the values of hyperparameter α. Since test-
set of PERSONA-CHAT dataset is unavailable all test
is conducted by using dev-set of PERSONA-CHAT.
4.1 Automatic Evaluations
We used three different automatic metrics; F1 score,
perplexity(PPL), and Hits@1 for automatic evalua-
tions of the models. The perplexity score represents
the measurement of the negative log likelihood of the
correct sequence output by the model. This score in-
dicates the number of words the model considers for
the prediction of the next words. The Hits@1 score
represents the probability-based measure that ranks
the real response from the highest according to the
model. The F1 score represents the harmonic mean
of word-level precision and recall.
The comparison results of CPC-Agent with those
of the prior models tested on the same data under
the same setting are listed in Table 1. Our model
approach was comparable to all the baselines and
advanced models. Particularly we achieved a new
state-of-the-art performance on PPL scoring at 3.29,
achieving a huge improvement, which was the low-
Is Your Chatbot Perplexing?: Confident Personalized Conversational Agent for Consistent Chit-Chat Dialogue
Table 1: Automatic evaluation of the models tested using the PERSONA-CHAT dataset; perplexity is denoted as PPL.
Seq2Seq + Attention denotes the baseline in ConvAI2 Competition. All models are evaluated in terms of perplexity, F1,
and Hits@1 as generated-response-quality measurements. Our model outperforms every other model in terms of perplexity.
Model PPL(Perplexity) F1(%) Hits@1(%)
BOT 15.12 19.77 81.9
Trans f erTrans f o 17.51 19.09 82.1
Lost In Conversation 17.3 17.79 17.3
Seq2Seq + Attention 35.07 16.82 12.5
CPC-Agent(ours) 3.29 18.89 79.5
Table 2: Human evaluation of the models tested using PERSONA-CHAT dataset. Each output of the models is rated in four
different degrees, namely, basic, good, better, and excellent, through human voting. The average scores are calculated as
averaged ratings from each degree. Our model scored the best in terms of excellent grade and average of ratings.
Voting rate (%) Score
Basic: 1 Good: 2 Better: 3 Excellent: 4 Average
BOT 18.9 26.3 28.6 26.2 2.621
Trans f erTrans f o 41.7 25.3 28.7 4.3 1.956
Lost In Conversation 26.3 48.7 22.0 3.0 2.017
CPC-Agent(ours) 19.1 26.5 23.5 30.9 2.662
est among the compared models. It was more than
10 times smaller than the baseline PPL score. Apart
from the other metrics, the reason that PPL appeared
particularly good was first, a large-scale pre-trained
representative mode was used, and second, the model
itself was more robust with the insertion of a distrac-
tor during the training. This result verified that our
model exhibited better confidence in deciding the next
words. The F1 score of our model was 18.89, which
was competitive with that of the comparing models,
but performed better than the Lost In Conversation
and baseline models. In terms of Hits@1, our model
scored 79.5, which largely differed from that in
Lost In Conversation and the baseline models. It did
not outperform the score of 81.9 from p
Bot and 82.1
from Trans f erTrans f o but the differences were an
acceptable limit.
4.2 Human Evaluation
In particular, in the dialogue task, even if the model
obtained a good score on the automatic metric, it does
not mean the performance of the model was much bet-
ter. Automatically evaluating polyphonic or fluency
was very difficult. For example, “I love my dog” and
“puppy is liked by me” mean almost the same thing
for a human. However, neither F1 nor Hits@1 con-
sidered them to have the same meaning. As an ex-
ample of this, Table 1 lists that Trans f erTrans f o and
Lost In Conversation occupied the first and second
places, respectively, in the NeurIPS 2018 dialog com-
petition ConvAI2. Trans f erTrans f o was rated as a
better model than Lost In Conversation in all scores.
but the human evaluation of these models showed op-
posite results. Hence, we conducted an additional hu-
man evaluation on our model.
Table2 lists the human evaluation of the compared
models using the PERSONA-CHAT dataset. We re-
quested people who had a higher university education
level to evaluate our model. In the survey, each option
was labeled as follows:
Basic(1): The response is good only in terms of
grammar and sentence structure.
Good(2): Not only B’s response is consistent but
also the response is coherent with the context.
Better(3): B’s response is coherent meanwhile in-
teresting and informative, instead of just a simple
response like ”Yes.
Excellent(4): The response of B is consistent with
the persona.
Average: Average of each score multiplied by the
rating portion.
Trans f erTrans f o received the most votes of 41.7%
on the “basic(1)” which indicated the generated re-
sponses from the model might be good but in-
consistent. In terms of “good(2)”, the score of
Lost In Conversation was 48.7% of votes, which was
highest among the compared models. p
Bot did not
obtain the highest in any of the options. In terms
of the “excellent(4)” option, our model obtained the
30.9% of votes from the survey, which implied that
the responses generated by our model were consis-
tent with the personality of the chatbot. Therefore, the
best model for the PERSONA-CHAT dataset criterion
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
was closer to “excellent(4)”. Thus, our model demon-
strated performance beyond p
Bot with a significant
difference. The “average” score also illustrated that
the performance of our model exceeded that of the
other compared models, which meant that human felt
most natural when they interacted with CPC-Agent.
4.3 Distraction Factor Adjustment
We recorded the score of the automatic metric accord-
ing to the change in the α value to evaluate the change
in the model performance with respect to the weight
of the model influence of L
. The value of α was
set to 0.0(never used), 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0.
Figure 3: Hits@1 score curve along different each α value
of our model. The x-axis represents the alpha value. The y-
axis shows the score for Hits@1. The score represents the
maximum when the α value is 3.0.
Figure 3 shows that the larger the α value is, the
better is the result of Hits@1 until it reaches the max-
imum. When the α values were exactly 0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
3.0, and 5.0, the Hits@1 values were 60.32, 65.85,
75.37, 79.51, and 76.23, respectively. In particular,
even if our model did not use a distractor, we could
observe that the performance was good with a large
difference between the existing attention mechanism
and Lost In Conversation. The best performance was
achieved when the α value was set to 3.0. However, it
decreased when α value exceeded 3.0.
Figure 4 shows that PPL was most affected by the
α value. In the case of the F1 score, the difference
was insignificant. When the alpha values were 0.0,
0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0, the values of PPL were 20.41,
18.23, 5.65, 3.29 and 4.23 respectively, and the F1
values were 16.75, 16.90, 17.06, 18.89 and 17.23 re-
spectively. Even when the distractor was not used, it
easily surpassed the existing baseline. In particular,
when α was 1.0, PPL exhibited the best performance
improvement, and when α was 3.0, it demonstrated a
maximum value. However, when it exceeded 3.0, the
performance decreases. In terms of F1, it appeared
Figure 4: F1 and perplexity score curve along each different
α value of our model. The x-axis represents the α value.
The y-axis shows the perplexity and F1 scores. Both scores
represent the maximum when the α value is 3.0.
that the influence of distractor is smaller than the other
two metrics. However, the best performance was the
same when α was 3.0.
We took advantage of the pre-trained representative
model, which is known to perform well in the NLP
tasks, and proposed a new GPT-based chatbot model
that could serve as a consistent personalized con-
versational agent. By using a distractor mechanism
in the model, for automatic evaluation, PPL demon-
strated a large performance difference from the exist-
ing state-of-the-art models. Our model also demon-
strated the best performance in human evaluation.
The F1 and Hits@1 scores of our model showed per-
formance comparable to the state-of-the-art models.
Overall, our model can be considered as a state-of-
the-art model on a conversational agent trained us-
ing personality information. However, we have not
achieved weight reduction of the model. During the
experiment, we found out that the number of param-
eters of transformer-based model (e.g, GPT, BERT)
was too large, and in a general environment, it would
be difficult to upload only the GPT model itself, even
if not training GPT. In our future studies, in order to
alleviate the model size problem, a lightweight model
such as distill-gpt2 or distilled BERT or LSTM will
be used to create a model whose parameters are much
lighter than those of the current model.
This research was supported by the MSIT(Ministry
of Science and ICT), Korea, under the ITRC
Is Your Chatbot Perplexing?: Confident Personalized Conversational Agent for Consistent Chit-Chat Dialogue
(Information Technology Research Center) support
program(IITP-2020-2018-0-01431) and also under
the National Program for Excellence in SW (2015-
0-00908) both supervised by the IITP(Institute for In-
formation & Communications Technology Planning
& Evaluation).
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