In Search of a Conversational User Interface
for Personal Health Assistance
Mathias Wolfgang Jesse
, Claudia Steinberger
and Peter Schartner
Digital Age Research Center, University of Klagenfurt, Universitätsstraße 65-67, Klagenfurt, Austria
Department of Applied Informatics, University of Klagenfurt, Universitätsstraße 65-67, Klagenfurt, Austria
Keywords: Health Technologies, Innovative Interfaces, Conversational User Interface, Voice Assistant, Ehealth, AAL.
Abstract: Conversational user interfaces (CUI) cause a paradigm shift in the interaction between user and machine. The
machine is operated via structured dialogues or partly or entirely via human language. Voice assistants that
understand and process spoken natural language are increasingly being used. The currently available conver-
sational technologies (CTs) for voice assistants range from well-known commercial technologies to quite
well-known open source platforms. The suitability of a CT for a particular application domain depends heavily
on its specific requirements. In this paper, we focus on the selection of CTs for the development of CUIs for
the elderly to assist them in their health management. We (1) propose criteria for CT selection in the domain
of personal health management for the elderly, (2) analyze commercial and open source representatives ac-
cording to these criteria and (3) we evaluate the most suitable candidates for CUI development.
Language is one of the most powerful forms of com-
munication between people. Technological develop-
ments in recent years, especially in the field of artifi-
cial intelligence (AI), natural language processing
(NLP) and pervasive computing, have opened new
possibilities to realize human-to-computer interfaces.
New functions and tools have emerged that are essen-
tial for computer-aided processing of spoken natural
language. Conversational user interfaces (CUIs)
caused a paradigm shift in the human-to-computer in-
teraction (Hoy, 2018; Këpuska & Bohouta, 2018; Sid-
dike et al., 2018).
Particularly intensive work was done on technol-
ogies to understand and process spoken language
(Kinsella & Mutchle, 2019; Olson & Kemery, 2019;
Siddike et al., 2018; SUMO Heavy Industries, 2019).
Currently available conversational technologies
(CTs) for voice assistant development and deploy-
ment span from familiar commercial representatives
like Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant or
Microsoft Cortana to quite well-known open source
technologies like Rhasspy or Mycroft. These CTs
have developed rapidly in recent years and they offer
different development possibilities and features.
Nowadays, one can use these technologies to extend
existing or build own voice assistants and offer these
functionalities on various platforms.
Voice assistants can be helpful to the user in dif-
ferent ways. The users who benefit most are those
who are restricted to use a graphical user interface
(GUI). This group includes disabled persons or per-
sons in special working or living situations, users with
low digital skills or users simply preferring to use
their voice to control applications. Furthermore, the
use of voice enables novice users to directly interact
with a device without having to adapt to a GUI. More
experienced users can utilize a CUI for a faster and
more direct interaction (Huang et al., 2001).
In addition, in comparison to a GUI the interaction
with a CUI can be made more dynamic and flexible,
adapting better to the cognitive abilities of the user
(Siddike et al., 2018; Wolters et al., 2015). However,
not every technology is equally suitable for every
problem. The appropriateness of a CT depends on the
requirements of an application domain. The scope of
Jesse, M., Steinberger, C. and Schartner, P.
In Search of a Conversational User Interface for Personal Health Assistance.
DOI: 10.5220/0010384907240732
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 724-732
ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
this paper lies within the scope of active assisted liv-
ing (AAL) support for the elderly. The focus is on an-
alyzing available CTs to develop CUIs for personal
health assistance for the elderly. The paper investi-
gates the applicability of CTs in this domain with spe-
cial requirements e.g. on data protection and security,
multimodality and special needs of the target group.
The contribution of this paper is to (a) propose cri-
teria for the evaluation of CTs for the eHealth appli-
cation domain, to (b) analyze representatives of com-
mercial CTs, open source CTs and open source text-
to-speech and voice recognition components availa-
ble on the market to these criteria and (c) to evaluate
their suitability to develop and deploy multimodal so-
lutions for the personal eHealth management for the
The paper is structured as follows: Chapter 2 in-
troduces the research methodology applied in this
work. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the state of
art in CTs. Chapter 4 outlines our evaluation criteria
and explains how they were determined. Chapter 5
selects technologies for further evaluation. Chapter 6
evaluates selected CTs against the defined evaluation
criteria and proposes the most appropriate for the
scope of personal health assistance for elderly people.
Chapter 7 summarizes the results and gives an out-
look on further work.
To obtain an overview of the state of the art in CT, a
literature review was conducted. We used the key-
words “language assistant”, “voice assistant”,”voice
interface”, “cognitive assistants”, “intelligent per-
sonal assistants”, and “conversational user interface”
combined with “comparison” and “analysis” to
search for papers in Google Semantic Scholar,
Springer Link, IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect. In ad-
dition, we searched relevant conference series and
journals for articles that fall within the scope de-
scribed above. Furthermore, we used references of the
retrieved articles to find further works on the topic.
The research also had to be extended to the official
websites and tutorials of relevant CTs. This resulted
in a set of around 50 sources.
The next step was to pre-select, group, install and
test the identified CTs with basic use cases. The goal
was to get a basic understanding how to use these
As domain experts, we performed a qualitative
analysis and selected relevant categories and criteria
for our domain. The CT candidates were then evalu-
ated qualitatively.
Rapidly evolving technologies make CTs a constantly
changing field. Recent industry studies conducted by
Sumo Heavy Industries (2019), Olson & Kemery
(2019), and Siddike et al. (2018) provide an insight of
commercial CT representatives. Voice commerce is
becoming increasingly important for companies. The
market leaders in this field are Amazon’s Alexa and
Google Assistant with the highest amount of market
share (Sumo Heavy Industries, 2019). The most fre-
quently mentioned commercial representatives are
Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, Mi-
crosoft’s Cortana and Samsung’s Bixby. In addition
to these commercial providers, there are open source
providers on the market like Mycroft, Snips and
Rhasspy. In contrast to commercial providers, these
open source solutions can be analyzed more thor-
oughly (Kinsella & Mutchle, 2019).
In addition, there are open-source text-to-speech
and speech recognition libraries such as CMUSphinx,
MaryTTS, and Kaldi that can be used by developers
to create CTs from scratch (Gaida et al., 2014). A dis-
advantage of these libraries is that they do not offer
any development environment nor predefined func-
tionalities. Therefore, although a comparison with in-
tegrated CTs is incomplete with respect to some cri-
teria, we include them in our analysis.
Only few research papers are focusing the devel-
oper’s point of view on a CT. Studies conducted by
SUMO Heavy Industries (2019), Siddike et al. (2018)
or Olson & Kemery (2019) pay special attention to
the end-user's perspective. But from the developer’s
point of view, many factors of a CT can influence the
selection, implementation and deployment process.
In the context of our literary research we could not
find any work which focuses on the application do-
main and the end-user needs and follows a criteria-
based approach to select an appropriate CT. Besides
security and privacy also aspects like the required end
user language, trust in the provider or costs are rele-
vant. This paper contributes to fill this gap and shows
criteria which are applicable and evaluable for the ap-
plication domain of AAL support for the elderly.
In order to find suitable criteria, the criteria from
other studies (e.g. Bedford-Strohm (2017), Candid
(2017), Kinsella & Mutchle (2019), Olson & Kemery
(2019), Siddike et al. (2018) and SUMO Heavy In-
dustries (2019)), and the criteria for health applica-
tions (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, 2020) were gathered
In Search of a Conversational User Interface for Personal Health Assistance
and combined to remove duplicates. These criteria
were then clustered into three main categories: usa-
bility for the users, alignment with the needs of the
target group and implemented or available security
and privacy mechanisms. After briefly introducing
the category, each criterion is described in the follow-
ing in more detail. The resulting list of criteria is not
exhaustive, but serves as a tool for selecting CTs for
the problem domain.
4.1 Usability
Criteria that focus on the usability of the complete ap-
plication life cycle are necessary to measure how con-
venient the interactions between the user and the ap-
plication are. Without a high usability, any interaction
with it will turn out to be tedious and not optimal for
any user. This category focuses on the convenience
and comfort that is given by the different voice assis-
tants. As such all the criteria, except for “Intelli-
gence” (U6), were deduced with the help of existing
literature (Capgemini, 2018; Claessen et al., 2017;
Kinsella & Mutchle, 2019; SUMO Heavy Industries,
2019; Wolters, 2015). These, to some extent, already
implement such categories, but never consider all of
them at the same time.
U1 Ease of Installation: This criterion checks
the effort of commissioning a voice assistant by ana-
lyzing both the installation as well as then configura-
tion of the device. The easier the process is designed,
the better the voice assistant is rated compared to the
U2 – Extensibility: After the initial configuration
and installation have been finished, users may want to
extend the existing functionality (e.g. stores) in an in-
tuitive and easy way. When comparing the CTs, the
intended ways of adding functionality are analyzed
and ranked according to their difficulty.
U3 Comfort of Dialogues: The biggest benefit
of a conversational user interface is that they enable
interaction through voice, whereas “classical” CT is
based on text, which has to be typed. For the voice
interaction to be as natural and intuitive as a normal
human-to-human conversation, certain characteristics
have to be achieved.
U4 – Dynamic Interaction: Without flexibility in
the process of developing an application, voice assis-
tants cannot be as dynamic as they need to be. An ex-
ample for such a restriction is that only the user – and
not the voice assistant is able to start a conversation.
The more difficult it is to achieve the desired out-
comes, the less likely a voice assistant will turn out to
be the most usable from the user’s point of view.
U5 Accuracy of Queries: When users interact
with the conversational user interface, accuracy is
necessary to enable the best experience. Especially, in
a field like eHealth, if spoken information is misinter-
preted, this can cause severe problems that eventually
threaten life.
U6 Intelligence: Intelligence in this context is
understood as the ability of a conversational user in-
terface is to react correctly to a wide range of situa-
tions. In this case, intelligence was measured in a
way, where assistants were asked a set of questions.
The results are evaluated with respect to the correct
understanding of the sentence and if a suitable answer
was provided.
U7 – Multimodality: With this criterion the capa-
bility of a voice assistant to handle more than one way
of interaction and representation is evaluated. Graph-
ical user interfaces (GUIs) will not be completely re-
placed by CUIs in the foreseeable future. On the con-
trary, user tests (Këpuska & Bohouta, 2018) made it
obvious that many things can be controlled much
more easily with the help of a GUI than only with
speech input and output. Multiple forms of interaction
(e.g. by means of a microphone, a camera or a dis-
play) can significantly increase the usability of a
voice assistant, specifically in the case of entering
larger amounts of data or by providing additional vis-
ual aid (Këpuska & Bohouta, 2018) or for applying
different authentication methods. Therefore, the score
increases with the number of ways of interaction.
4.2 Target Group: The Elderlies
Criteria for this category were derived from a persona
that was specific to the mentioned target group. The
underlying observations are described here shortly.
Based on the demographic changes, the amount of el-
derly people in the population increases constantly.
Additionally, the amount of age-related diseases rises
and therefore also the number of caretakers which are
needed. With many positions in this field being unoc-
cupied or underpaid, this could create a situation in
which a shortage of caretakers becomes inevitable.
Patients want to stay autonomous and want to stay in
their own homes as long as possible. Providing assis-
tive technology can help to fulfill this desire and even
more can enable the patients to take actively part in
the care-taking process. With the help of unobtru-
sively integrated voice assistants, it is possible to give
the elderlies more control and a way to naturally par-
ticipate in eHealth related fields. With this infor-
mation it was possible to select the following criteria:
T1 – Costs: The aspect of costs must be covered.
The target group is defined in a way that they strife
HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics
for a reasonable price for the assistant. To ensure, that
all costs are compared on the same basis, they will be
analyzed over a timespan of a year, as reoccurring
costs need to be considered as well.
T2 Language Support: Speaking and under-
standing the language most commonly spoken in the
target group is very important concerning the ac-
ceptance of voice assistant technology. In the best
case, this allows the target group an unproblematic in-
teraction with no misunderstandings because of lan-
guage barriers.
T3 – The Companies’ Trustworthiness: The
trust, users have in the company deploying the CUI
has found a lot of attention (Kinsella & Mutchle,
2019). Without trust, the users are reluctant to pur-
chasing or even using a specific voice assistant. As it
is difficult to measure how trustful a company is in
the eyes of a user of the target group, this criterion
focuses on the active contributions of the companies
to reduce trust issues.
T4 – Smart Home Integration: Although, CUIs
come with a wide array of functionality, the imple-
mentation itself can be limiting. As such it is of inter-
est, if the voice assistant technology is capable of be-
ing integrated in already existing smart homes, or if it
is possible to build a smart home with the assistant as
a base. This benefits the target group, as other smart
devices can be integrated as well.
T5 Number of Applications: The number of
applications reflects the range of different uses the
voice assistant can have. The term “applications” in
this context means software that can be installed be-
forehand or after setting up the voice assistant. For
analysis, the number of predefined applications in the
corresponding app-market is counted. Besides the
number of applications, the variety of these is the sec-
ond factor positively influencing the score.
T6 Support of Other Devices: This criterion
covers all the possible ways for deploying the CUI.
Every form of end-device is considered, such as
smartwatches, smart TVs, smartphones and proprie-
tary devices. The greater the diversity, the better the
assistant is rated in terms of this criterion.
4.3 Security and Privacy
As applications in the area of eHealth and AAL pro-
cess personal, and especially medical data (i.e. critical
data with respect to GDPR, (European Parliament,
2016, Article 9), special attention must be paid to the
security and the privacy of this data. Besides laws and
regulations, security and privacy of medical infor-
mation have a high priority, as users do not want their
data to be leaked, misused or even sold (Kinsella &
Mutchle, 2019). In order to address these concerns,
the following criteria focus on some of the main is-
sues gathered throughout the literature research (e.g.,
Alepis & Patsakis (2017), Candid (2017), Gong &
Poellabauer (2018), Kang et al. (2019), Kinsella &
Mutchle (2019), Olson & Kemery (2019) and Tiro-
panis et al. (2015)). Again, these criteria are to some
extent already observed by these papers and are reoc-
curring across them. Nonetheless, never are all cate-
gories considered at the same time.
S1 Domain Specific Infrastructure: To ensure
the highest control over the processed data, the use of
personal infrastructure is recommended. This adds a
layer of security, as permissions, authentication, and
hardware can be controlled by the user itself, or a
trusted admin. The necessary interfaces must be pro-
vided by the voice assistants, as well as no restrictions
by the system must be mitigating the overall control
of the infrastructure. Specifically, the location of the
database is checked and evaluated.
S2 - Location of Voice Commands: When a user
issues a command, this command may be stored in the
process. Possible locations for the stored data may be
locally on the device, on a server or in a (vendor-spe-
cific) cloud. As it is personal/medical data, the pre-
ferred outcome would be that information is not
stored permanently. Ideally, the temporary data is de-
leted, after the request has been processed.
S3 - Location of Intelligence: Obviously, natural
language queries issued by the user must be digitized
to be processed. To achieve this, a voice assistant can
either directly process the query on the device or
transmit the voice data to an external infrastructure,
where an additional way for attacks is created.
S4 – Security of Data Transmission: Ideally, no
data is sent to remote services, and all data is pro-
cessed in the local infrastructure or the CUI itself. But
if data is sent over the (untrusted) internet to remote
devices (e.g. cloud-based infrastructure), it must be
protected in terms of confidentiality, integrity and au-
thenticity. Otherwise, the data can be exfiltrated, ma-
nipulated or forged by attackers.
S5 Access to Stored Information: This crite-
rion focuses on the data intruders would have access
to, if they are able to physically seize the assistant.
Forms of extracting data would be to use the inter-
faces that allow direct access to stored data or by
speaking to the assistant and receiving information
that way.
S6 – Authentication: As not every person should
have complete access to all a voice assistant’s func-
tionality, this criterion checks the ways of authentica-
tion, a voice assistant offers. Typically, passwords or
In Search of a Conversational User Interface for Personal Health Assistance
PINs are used, but it is also possible for a voice assis-
tant to distinguish between different voices.
S7 Compliance with GDPR: With the GDPR
taking effect in 2018, it is necessary to consider if the
voice assistants align with the current law.
Although not every aspect of a technology can be
covered with these criteria, a basis for domain-spe-
cific evaluation has been established with these crite-
ria. The extension by more criteria could increase the
benefits even further. In addition, it may be necessary
to weight different criteria for specific use cases,
which is explained in more detail in Chapter 6.
Elderlies typically have moderate digital literacy, are
often not very financially resilient, sensitive to their
personal data and do not want to constantly change
the used technology.
Before analyzing the CTs mentioned in chapter 3
to the criteria stated in chapter 4, we checked them
against the hard criteria “costs” and “sustainability on
the market”. As not every technology fits into the
scope of this paper, this selection was necessary. In
addition, not enough information could be obtained
on all the technologies mentioned, so that a repre-
sentative set of CTs had to be found for an analysis:
Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant prove to
have the highest usage rate. They therefore had to be
considered as they are sustainably represented in the
market, affordable and quite well documented.
Apple’s Siri and Microsoft Cortana make up a
high volume of devices compared to other providers.
But Cortana is not further analyzed in depth as Mi-
crosoft announced in early 2019, that they will not
compete with other voice assistant providers any
longer (Novet, 2019) and have no intention to develop
their voice assistant in the future. Siri on the other
hand has a different drawback. Apple is still compet-
ing with other CT providers but restricts the devices
Siri and her extensible functionality can be developed
and deployed on (Apple, 2020b). With a modular and
open system in mind, the users cannot be constrained
to use a singular form of device type. Apple devices
also tend to be relatively expensive, whereas Google
and Alexa both offer cheaper solutions (Amazon,
2020a; Apple, 2020a; Apple, 2020b; Google, 2020b).
Samsung’s Bixby only runs on Samsung devices
and occupies only a very small market share. This
limits the applicable end devices too much and there-
fore Bixby is not further investigated in this study.
Can open source CTs compete with commercial
providers? To answer this question Mycroft and
Rhasspy were added to the study, though they occupy
only a small market share. Mycroft was chosen, as it
is one of the only open-source solutions, which comes
with an already build-in hardware. The special feature
of Mycroft is that all the natural language components
are modular and allow the developer to change them
independently (Mycroft, 2020b).
Rhasspy on the other hand offers no prebuilt
hardware and only comes in the form of a set of ser-
vices which can be freely changed. The advantage of
Rhasspy is that it is open source software that allows
the developer to create an assistant that runs entirely
locally on an end device. This fact makes it interest-
ing for use in eHealth and thus included in the com-
parison. Note that Snips was previously analyzed in
the work of Jesse (2019) but is not freely available
anymore and not considered anymore.
In addition, to these complete technology pack-
ages for the development of CUIs, also the speech-
recognition toolkit CMUSphinx and the text-to-
speech library MaryTTS have to be mentioned. Both
offer a lot of freedom, but they are not integrated de-
velopment technologies and must be configured and
built into a solution by a developer. MaryTTS itself is
not recommended to be run on low-end computers
(e.g. Raspberry Pi) and therefore must be installed
separately on a server (CMUSphinx, 2020a; DFKI,
It has turned out that Kaldi, CMUSphinx and
MaryTTS are used as a component of Rhasspy. Hence
Kaldi was not pursued further, and the focus was laid
on CMUSphinx and MaryTTS as to minimize redun-
dancies in the study (Coucke et al., 2018).
In order to be able to compare CMUSphinx and
MaryTTS in combination with the complete technol-
ogy solutions, a demo assistant was developed to sim-
ulate how the two libraries would perform. The spec-
ification of the demo voice assistant was taken from
Jesse (2019) and used to evaluate the criteria.
This chapter describes the evaluation results of the se-
lected voice assistants based on the set of criteria pro-
posed in Chapter 4. Important results are described in
more detail in order to provide the necessary infor-
mation why a certain result was achieved. More gen-
eral findings are only discussed briefly but depicted
in the Tables 1, 2 and 3. The evaluation is based on
the work of Jesse (2019) and put into a new perspec-
tive. Note, that for some criteria an implementation of
CMUSphinx and MaryTTS was used (combination).
This is because without the fictional application no
HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics
evaluation of CMUSphinx and MaryTTS could have
been conducted. Overall, the same basis is used, and
a smart speaker is compared where necessary.
A scoring system was applied, which ranked the
different voice assistants on a scale from 1 (optimal
solution) to 5 (being the worst out of the observed
technologies). Criteria, where no ranking was needed,
were evaluated on the criterion being meet () or not
(). If no suitable information was obtainable or
could be found a dash (-) was used.
6.1 Results on Usability
Table 1: Results on usability.
Usability U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7
Alexa 1 2 2 2 3
Google Assistant 1 2 2 1 2
Mycroft 3 2 - - 1
Rhasspy 2 1 1 - 1
Combination - - 1 - - 1
U1 – Ease of Installation: Alexa, Google Assistant,
and Mycroft offer a more user-oriented approach in
comparison to the other assistants. Rhasspy has a
quite complicated installation process, which has to
be performed by a technically skilled person. Con-
cerning CMUSphinx and MaryTTS, no reasonable
evaluation was possible because the libraries do not
define the process of installation.
U2 Extensibility: As seen before, Alexa,
Google Assistant and Mycroft try to be as user-cen-
tered as possible and therefore allow them to add
functionality. On the other hand, Rhasspy and
CMUSphinx and MaryTTS do not allow for any func-
tionality to be added after the initial setup.
U3 Comfort of Dialogue: Alexa and Google
Assistant offer a high level of comfort during conver-
sations. Rhasspy offers a similar functionality but has
no follow-up mode, so that the wake-word must be
repeated for every step in a dialog. Mycroft misses a
multitude of these features. Concerning the combina-
tion, no reasonable evaluation was possible, as it is
defined through the implementation of the developer.
U4 – Dynamic Interaction: As Klade (2019)
showed, all commercial CTs come with the same
amount of restrictions. They do not allow an out-of-
the-box initiation of a conversation by the assistant
itself. The user must trigger each conversations and
reminder become cumbersome. Rhasspy and the two
libraries have an advantage, as they do allow for the
application to be designed by the developer. There-
fore, it is possible to initiate a conversation by those.
U5 – Accuracy of Queries Understood: Finding
a comprehensive study that covers all selected CTs
was not possible, therefore the one covering the most
assistants were selected. The study of Coucke et al.
(2018) covered the NLP components offered by
Snips, Google, Alexa, Facebook and Microsoft. The
results point towards Snips being the most accurate,
which is also implemented in Rhasspy.
U6 Intelligence: The study conducted by
Loupventure (2018) ranked the Google Assistant as
the CTs with the highest intelligence. They tested the
assistants on the correct interpretation of a phrase and
on providing suitable answers. A study testing all ob-
served CUIs could not be found.
U7 Multimodality: All mentioned CTs allow
for multimodality. Open source approaches offer a
higher number of possible interfaces than proprietary
ones. Actually, open source solutions can be used to
create any interaction the developer can imagine, pro-
vided the developer is able implement it. If the natural
language components of the Google Assistant are
used, they also enable a multitude of possible interac-
tions. Alexa on the other hand is more restrictive in
the offered ways of interaction.
6.2 Results on the Target Group
Table 2: Results on target group.
Target group T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Alexa 1 3 1 1 1
Google Assistant 2 3 1 2 1
Mycroft 4 2 2 3 3
Rhasspy 3 1 2 4 2
Combination 5 1 2 - 2
T1 – Costs: The commercially available low-end
smart speakers are cheaper than any open-source
smart speaker solution. Rhasspy and the two libraries
require a Raspberry Pi and additional hardware. This
hardware cumulates a significant amount of money
and they are therefore ranked lower.
T2 Language Support: In order to fulfill this
criterion in this study, German must be supported.
Studies using this analysis may adjust the selected
language according to their needs. All conversational
interfaces, except for Mycroft, work with German.
Mycroft does not officially support German.
T3 The Companies’ Trustworthiness: In com-
parison to Alexa and Google Assistant, which collect
information on the user to improve their services, My-
croft, Rhasspy, and CMUSphinx and MaryTTS do
not per default. However, Mycroft offers an opt-in
policy that allows users to decide, whether their data
can be used to train the technology.
T4 Smart Home Integration: When a CT is
deployed on an end device, it is possible to combine
In Search of a Conversational User Interface for Personal Health Assistance
and connect other technology (applications) to it. My-
croft, Rhasspy, and CUI libraries enable this tenden-
tially better, as they are developed with an open-
source approach in mind. There can be changes made
to the main application and the interfaces
(CMUSphinx, 2020a; Mycroft, 2020b, Rhasspy,
2020). This enables the creation of CTs that are much
more flexible than proprietary solutions.
T5 Number of Applications: The better known
a technology is, the more applications are in its mar-
kets. Hence, the market leaders offer a higher variety
and number of applications to be installed than other
open-source or less known solutions.
T6 Support of Other Devices: In terms of sheer
amount of deployable end devices, Alexa and Google
Assistant offer the biggest variety of already finished
solutions. As they sell a variety of different devices,
they outperform the other CUIs in that regard. These
other CUIs (Mycroft, Rhasspy, etc.) mainly focus on
providing the means for developers to create a CT.
6.4 Results on Security and Privacy
Table 3: Results on security and privacy.
Security S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Alexa 4 3 2 1 1
Google Assistant 3 4 2 1 1
Mycroft 2 2 2 2 2
Rhasspy 1 1 1 2 2
Combination 2 2 1 2 2
S1 – Domain Specific Infrastructure: All observed
CUIs allow the integration of infrastructure. Open-
source solutions pose an inherently more difficult
process than the other ones, as everything must be im-
plemented by the developer.
S2 Location of Voice Commands: Rhasspy is
the only solution that can fully processes the voice
commands on the device and never transmits or stores
requests. Mycroft and CMUSphinx and MaryTTS do
not store voice commands explicitly, but do transfer
them to a remote system for processing. Alexa and
Google Assistant use the received voice commands
and store them for later use and training.
S3 Location of Intelligence: As seen before,
Rhasspy can process everything locally, which makes
it the best choice for this criterion. Mycroft needs to
send data to a remote system for certain NLP compo-
nents to work. Alexa provides basic functionality
without using remote services, but otherwise sends all
voice data to a cloud. Google Assistant needs to send
all information to a server because it cannot process
any of them on the device.
S4 Security of Data Transmission: Like the
two previous criteria, Rhasspy does not require any
security measures for data transmission because no
information is transmitted. The other CTs encrypt and
secure their data transfers appropriately (SSL/TLS),
but still do not have the ability to work fully on the
device to remove a potential point of attack. There-
fore, they must be ranked lower than Rhasspy for this
S5 Access to Stored Information: Alexa and
Google Assistant mainly use proprietary devices with
no accessible local storage. Any application associ-
ated with such a commercial solution must be author-
ized by the user. Open source solutions have the dis-
advantage that they have a base like a Raspberry Pi.
S6 Authentication: Concerning Authentica-
tion, Alexa and Google Assistant stand out, because
they both have a built-in way of authentication but
can be extended with others (Auth0, 2020). Hence,
they are rated higher. The open-source technologies
do not offer any built-in authentication, but it can be
implemented by developers.
S7 – Compliance with GDPR: All CTs claim to
align with GDPR and other laws concerning the pro-
tection of personal data. It can be emphasized that
Rhasspy mentions its offline functionality directly on
their landing page, whereas other technologies do not
mention if they align to the GDPR. Therefore, it was
necessary to analyze their security statements and
policies, in which this information could be found.
In this article, we have defined evaluation criteria to
select the most appropriate dialogue-oriented AI tech-
nology for the area of personal health management of
the elderly. Based on these criteria, we evaluated and
ranked the leading commercial and open source CTs
for this application domain.
At a first glance, Alexa and Google Assistant per-
form very well in this evaluation. But in terms of sen-
sitive health data, security and data protection in the
application domain under consideration, they are not
an alternative for our problem domain. Overall,
Rhasspy showed to be superior in regard to the crite-
ria of “Accuracy of understood queries” (U5), “The
companies’ trustworthiness” (T3), “Location of voice
commands” (S2), “Location of intelligence” (S3) and
“Security of transmission” (S4). This suggests that
Rhasspy is the best choice, especially in terms of se-
curity and data protection. Since the technology is
able to work completely “out of the cloud”, no other
analyzed technology can outperform Rhasspy in our
HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics
eHealth domain. This makes Rhasspy the best CT
choice to create a voice assistant focused on working
with critical health data.
Nevertheless, criteria like “Ease of installation”
(U1), “Extensibility” (U2) and “Number of applica-
tions” (T5) show the downside of Rhasspy. Here, it is
clearly outperformed by Alexa and Google Assistant.
However, since the functionality and the functioning
of these technologies are constantly changing, it is
necessary to carry out regular re-evaluations.
The research presented in this paper was carried
out as part of the AYUDO project (FFG Projektdaten-
bank, 2020), which is intended to help the elderly im-
proving or preserving their health using a CUI. Be-
yond that project the criteria can also form a basis for
the evaluation of CTs to be used in other application
domains. Here, some specific criteria will have to be
added to the existing categories, and/or the weight of
single criteria has to be adapted to the requirements
of the application domain.
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