Balancing Performance and Effort in Deep Learning via the Fusion of
Real and Synthetic Cultural Heritage Photogrammetry Training Sets
Eugene Ch’ng
, Pinyuan Feng
, Hongtao Yao
, Zihao Zeng
, Danzhao Cheng
and Shengdan Cai
NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
Digital Heritage Centre, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
Keywords: Digital Heritage, Deep Learning, Object Detection, Data Augmentation, Photogrammetry, Fusion Dataset.
Abstract: Cultural heritage presents both challenges and opportunities for the adoption and use of deep learning in 3D
digitisation and digitalisation endeavours. While unique features in terms of the identity of artefacts are
important factors that can contribute to training performance in deep learning algorithms, challenges remain
with regards to the laborious efforts in our ability to obtain adequate datasets that would both provide for the
diversity of imageries, and across the range of multi-facet images for each object in use. One solution, and
perhaps an important step towards the broader applicability of deep learning in the field of digital heritage is
the fusion of both real and virtual datasets via the automated creation of diverse datasets that covers multiple
views of individual objects over a range of diversified objects in the training pipeline, all facilitated by close-
range photogrammetry generated 3D objects. The question is the ratio of the combination of real and synthetic
imageries in which an inflection point occurs whereby performance is reduced. In this research, we attempt
to reduce the need for manual labour by leveraging the flexibility provided for in automated data generation
via close-range photogrammetry models with a view for future deep learning facilitated cultural heritage
activities, such as digital identification, sorting, asset management and categorisation.
One of the key advancements that led to an increased
interest-driven amateur 3D recording of cultural
heritage objects can be said to be a critical progress
made within the field of Digital Heritage. This critical
progress in combined technology and approach is
close-range photogrammetry in its many
implementations, methods and use (Ch’ng et al.,
2019; Luhmann et al., 2006; Mudge et al., 2010;
Yilmaz et al., 2007). Its advent has opened up
possibilities for both digitisation and digitalisation
due to its ease of use and accessibility and thus, is a
catalyst for the widespread recording of objects
within cultural heritage. The ability to record true
appearances of objects can open up many
possibilities; it removes barriers such as the effort and
cost of 3D laser scanning and closes the gap between
visual representations of authentic cultural heritage
objects that can populate virtual environments (Cai et
al., 2018; Ch’ng et al., 2019; Li et al., 2018). We see
further potentials for the use of photogrammetry-
based objects, and that is the use of such models for
generating complementary data that could be used for
augmenting datasets meant for identifying cultural
relics. We believe that, for the fact that the 3D
recorded objects are 1) digital, and that these objects
can be 2) manipulated within a virtual space, and that
many facets of each object can be generated as
images, and across many collections of objects.
Therefore, a dataset composed of sythetic imageries
can be used as training datasets that complements
existing databases. We have since created such a
dataset named DeepRelic. What we are unsure of is,
if training datasets can be entirely virtual, i.e.,
photogrammetry-based imageries, or if there is a ratio
whereby an inflection point can be found where
additional virtual imageries will no longer increase
deep learning performances in terms of object
identification. We therefore ask the question can
Ch’ng, E., Feng, P., Yao, H., Zeng, Z., Cheng, D. and Cai, S.
Balancing Performance and Effort in Deep Lear ning via the Fusion of Real and Synthetic Cultural Heritage Photogrammetry Training Sets.
DOI: 10.5220/0010381206110621
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 611-621
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Workflows in our data augmentation pipeline describing the source of the photogrammetry modells, data processing,
data fusion, the creation of deep learning training sets, and object detection.
virtual images compliment real images and, if so,
what is the right combination as measured by the
average ratio of a collection of objects with variable
appearances? Our hypotheses are as follows:
: There is no difference in performance
between different combinations of ratios of computer-
generated images as compared to real images.
: There is a difference in performance if
computer-generated images are combined with real
Our aim is to test our hypotheses, and if the
alternate hypothesis is true, to discover a ratio and,
associated with that ratio, further seek for an
inflection point where the insertion of virtual
imageries will degrade performances using fusion
machine learning datasets.
The article is written as follows – we first review
literatures related to our core ideas before proceeding
to describe our method and approaches in how we
manage the fusion of data and design experiments.
Within our expriments, we describe the process of
creating our DeepRelic dataset, through to the
training process, and our testing of the performance
of deep learning algorithms based on the dataset. The
workflow diagram in Figure 1 illustrates our method.
The article is then followed by the results of our
hypotheses testing, and finally we conclude our study
with future work.
The genericity of the utility value of AI, and in
particularly machine learning and deep learning are
pervasive across many different fields. This is true
within the many activities of digital heritage, where
AI has been employed for various purposes. Deep
learning and object detection is one such area for they
can be used for assisting, facilitating and
complementing human labour for archives and
collections, for education and audience engagement
within museums. Here, we review relevant
approaches that fit our research intention prior to
delving into the literatures of related works.
2.1 Object Detection
Object detection, the process of identifying objects in
an image along with localisation and classification,
has drawn significant benefits from the introduction
of deep learning techniques over the past several
years. Compared with traditional object detection
methods, modern object detection algorithms have
made significant improvements in accuracy, speed
and memory, and thereby have become pervasive in
a wide range of applications. Some examples are
malaria image detection (Hung et al., 2017),
automobile vision system (Chen et al., 2018) weed
detection (Sivakumar et al., 2020), and etc.
There are two groups of principles behind object
detection in deep learning – single-stage and double-
stage approach. Single Shot Multi-Box Detector
(SSD) (Liu et al., 2016) and YOLO (Redmon et al.,
2016) are typical examples of the single-stage
approach, which classifies objects as well as their
locations within a single step. For double-stage
approach, Fast Region-based Convolutional Network
method, i.e., Fast R-CNN (Girshick, 2015) is a
Online Images
3D Modeling
Training set
Tes ti ng se t
Data split
Real-world Image set
Hybrid Training Set
Object Detector
Photos taken from museums
Image set
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Figure 2: Samples of augmented images.
representative, which creates a set of high-probability
regions that surround objects, and then conducts the
final localisation and classification steps by taking
these regions as input. Fast R-CNN’s performance is
similar to SSD in comparison with F1 score, recall,
precision and IoU, but it might have higher
generalisation than the SSD in weed detection
(Sivakumar et al., 2020). The SSD algorithm supports
low-level computational platforms with ~ 99.3%
accuracy and adequate speed when used for detecting
vehicle. The YOLO algorithm on the other hand
focuses on real-time object detection and performs
well on objects.
In our experiment, SSD algorithm was used
within our training framework. SSD is capable of
directly finding the bounding boxes of objects and is
able to predict classes from feature maps in a single
shot. This can enable us to speed up the training
process. Its performance is able to achieve a level of
accuracy adequate for object identification in our
training datasets. Our research attempts to balance the
trade-off between performance and usefulness and
therefore SSD as our choice of algorithm for
hypotheses testing.
2.2 Data Augmentation
Deep learning is dependent on large volumes of data
for achieving best performances. However, obtaining
adequate amounts of data for acceptable performance
is challenging for many domains. This is especially
true in the field of cultural heritage considering the
limited access to museum collections and the fragility
of cultural heritage objects. A viable approach is to
use data augmentation. Data augmentation maximises
the utilisation of small datasets whilst achieving
acceptable performance, and it provides a diverse
viewpoint and scale coverage to generate more
images with minimal effort (Dwibedi et al., 2017).
The most common approach is the transformation of
existing datasets by flipping, rotating, scaling,
cropping, translation and noise injection (Shorten &
Khoshgoftaar, 2019). Dataset transformation are
based on adequate real-world images. Cultural
heritage objects are often well-preserved in the
archives or encased in display glass, which makes it
difficult to acquire multi-angled pictures of an object
that would become composites of a good training
dataset. Cultural heritage objects for image-based
resources are limited as such, and also that relics are
uncommon, unique and often unpublished and
inaccessible in the public domain. Therefore, in order
to resolve this issue, our study documents and
reconstructs relics as 3D models through close-range
photogrammetry technniques, and makes use of the
3D nature of objects for automatically generating
imageries that represent the different facets of each
object, and across many different objects for data
2.3 3D Reproductions of Cultural
The significance of digital documentation and
reconstruction of cultural heritage has been
emphasised (Alker & Donaldson, 2018). Digitisation
can be said to be the prerequisite towards the full
Balancing Performance and Effort in Deep Learning via the Fusion of Real and Synthetic Cultural Heritage Photogrammetry Training Sets
Table 1: Our choice of cultural heritage objects used in this research and their metadata.
Item Full Name ID Sample Image Year Museum
Gilt Bronze Bull
Western Xia Dynasty
Ningxia Museum
Tri-coloured Camel
Tang Dynasty
Nanjing Museum
Kneeling Archer
Qin Dynasty
(221-206 BC)
Mausoleum Site
Ox-shaped Bronze Lamp
Eastern Han Dynasty
Nanjing Museum
Bronze Mask
Shu Kingdom
(circa 2800-1100BC)
Sanxingdui Museum
Bronze Owl-shaped Zun with
Inscription of Fuhao (Xiaozun)
Shang Dynasty
Henan Museum
Pottery Figure of a Standing Lady
Tang Dynasty
National Palace
Museum, Taipei
Celadon Glazed Porcelain Zun
with Design of a Monster
Western Jin Dynasty
Nanjing Museum
potentials of the digitalisation of cultural heritage. 3D
repositories such as Sketchfab have provided a
platform for the sharing of cultural heritage. While
there are methods that provide scientific and
archivable copies (Mudge et al., 2007), methods for
capturing directly from museums (Ch’ng et al., 2019),
and the more expensive laser scanning and even a
combination of close-range photogrammetry and
laser scanning techniques (Hess et al., 2015), in
reviewing literatures, and in having practically
captured over 200 artefacts, we think that any
leisurely methods that can capture true appearances
(Ch’ng, 2021), i.e., copies that retains the overall
identity of the object will be adequate for data
Our main goal is to augment our cultural heritage
image dataset with synthetic imageries so as to test
our hypotheses. We began with a dataset of 100% real
images and incrementally adds synthetic images
consisting of photogrammetry-based 3D objects that
is automatically generated via 360° rotations and
positioning using Blender Scripts, in combination
with different backgrounds. We selected cultural
heritage datasets within our photogrammetry object
repository, and made the choice of object structure
and appearance to increase the variability of our
dataset as a simulation for scalability in future work.
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
The dataset we created consisted of 800 real-
world images and 800 synthetic images in 8
categories (Table 1). The size of images is 416 x 416
x 3 (RGB). Some real-world images were patially
downloaded from the Web, while others were
manually photographed at different museums.
Professional annotators have been adopted to ensure
that bounding boxes are tightly encapsulating the
bounding edges of the target objects. We resized
images with the original aspect ratio and then added
paddings to avoid distortion to the image contents.
In our experiment, we randomly combined real-
world images and synthetic images to form a training
set of 800 object images based on different image
proportions. We further created a testing set
consisting of real-world images for performance
3.1 Data Preparation
This section describes our data preparation pipeline,
which consists of how 3D objects are managed and
how imageries generated from the objects in
combination with background images can be used for
augmenting our training dataset.
3.1.1 Photogrammetry Objects
We used a combination of close-range
photogrammetry objects, captured from museums
and processed via RealityCapture. These processes
align images and generate point-cloud and polygon
data, and additional effort was needed to remove
access data that are not part of the model (e.g.,
pedestals, visitors, labels, and etc.). Additional
processing and editing were conducted within
Blender to position and scale the model. Images
generated from the 3D models were used for
extracting features which will then be used for
recovering the positions of surface points. Images of
facets of the models are then sorted and categorised
together with real-world object data. Details of how
we digitise museum objects are available (Ch’ng et
al., 2019).
3.1.2 Automated Data Augmentation
Instead of synthesising images through re-scaling,
rotating, cropping, and etc., we adopted the “Model-
To-Image” methodology to enlarge our dataset. We
considered our data augmentation approach to be a
further step from traditional approaches in that we
have considerably increased the diversity of the
To speed up the production of our dataset, we
exported our model from RealityCapture to Sketchfab
and used a standard plugin that imports models
directly from Sketchfab into Blender to save time
from having to remodel our 3D objects within
Blender. We added an object constraint property to
the camera in Blender, so that objects are always
within the viewport. An additional step was to affix
the trajectory of the camera to a spherical object
surface and establishing a mathematical correlation of
its coordinates in three-dimensional Euclidean space.
When the camera is setup, we randomly modified the
camera positional coordinates so that we can capture
images from all sides of the object. We set the
background as transparent in the rendering pipeline of
so that we can overlay the object images on
background images. Through the steps above, we
automated the image generation process and created
projections of models with consistent resolution and
transparent backgrounds across all objects. This
increases the diversity of imageries, and saves
considerable effort in the need for manual labour.
The next step is to use Python with image
processing package to encase bounding boxes around
the target objects by detecting pixel values in each
image and the location of object-pixel edges. In the
process, we generated the documents that record the
coordinates of the bounding box and the
corresponding labels that we use for inputs for the
machine learning training model. The completion of
our pipeline yielded a preliminary dataset containing
images of objects surrounded by bounding boxes and
corresponding documents containing the coordinates
of the boxes (Figure 1).
We employed existing open-source datasets, i.e.,
“Indoor Scene Recognition” created by MIT
(Quattoni & Torralba, 2009) of background images as
they are established datasets that meet our criteria for
backdrops that contains indoor scenes. We automated
the placement and scaling of objects in random
locations on the background images. Based on the
position and the size of each object’s boundary box in
the projection image, we calculated the new
coordinates of the bounding box in the synthetic
picture and record the related training information
into annotation files. By repeating the preceding
steps, we were able to generate a new dataset
containing the synthetic images and the documents
from the annotated information.
We now have a series of datasets with the same
magnitude but with different stepped proportions of
synthetic images (10% incremental). In each dataset,
images were evenly divided into diverse parts with
each part corresponding to a specific heritage artefact.
Balancing Performance and Effort in Deep Learning via the Fusion of Real and Synthetic Cultural Heritage Photogrammetry Training Sets
In selecting the eight sample cultural heritage
artefacts, we have considered a range of properties
which includes cultural backgrounds, texture and
size. We set the magnitude of a single dataset to be
800 images. We have valid reasons for the size as it
is difficult to obtain images of rare artefacts, and that
every cultural heritage objects are unique. This was
also the reason for the size of our dataset in the
present, initial research. We made sure that have the
same proportion of synthetic images in each dataset.
For different datasets, the ratio of synthetic images
spans from 0% to 100% set at an incremental interval
of 10%. When an inflection point is found in the
performance data, we generated smaller incremental
intervals of 1% so that we could determine the trend
of the performance as it descends in line with the
increase of synthetic images.
3.2 Experiment
3.2.1 Hardware and Software
We used a light workstation with GeForce RTX 2080
Super, with 64GB of RAM and Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-
9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHz. The
training process is conducted using Tensorflow deep
learning framework.
Figure 3: Average precision for all datasets (top), and precision graphs for each relic. The precision (y axis) were plotted
against the incremental percentage of synthetic images in the dataset.
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Figure 4: Precision difference plot, showing where precision has diverged. The threshold for divergence is set at T=0.08 (red
vertical line).
3.2.2 Model and Algorithm Selection
Given that the size of the current dataset is small, we
selected a light-weight neural network architecture
MobileNet to avoid excessive learning on the training
set. Rather than training from scratch, we further
leveraged transfer learning to fine-tune the model on
our dataset to avoid overfitting.
We hope to seek an appropriate training
configuration so that the results can reflect the trend
with the incremental interval percentage of synthetic
images that we gradually added to the dataset.
Through repeated training with different object
detection algorithms with the increase of ratio of
synthetic images, we found that the performance
(mean average precision for each object) of SSD
ranges from 20% - 95%, while the performance of the
other algorithms were generally over 90%. With high
variance of the results obtained from SSD, we can
easily see the distribution plots and observe the
relationship between the change of ratio and how it
influences performance. Therefore, the SSD
framework satisfies our requirements.
3.2.3 “Hybrid Training” Setup
In the training process, we leveraged the SSD
framework with MobileNet V2 backbone pre-trained
on MS COCO dataset. To test our hypotheses and to
investigate if synthetic images can influence the
performance of cultural heritage object detection, we
adopted the “Control Variable” methodologies to
train different training sets and observe how different
combinations of real and synthetic data can affect the
learning performance. With the same training
configuration, we train models on the datasets, and
evaluated the object detection performance based on
the same testing dataset. For model hyper-parameters,
we fine-tune each deep learning model for 20K
iterations using Adam Optimizer with a step-based
learning rate schedule. This starts from the learning
rate of 0.001, proceeding to the warming up steps
until 0.003, and cosine annealing decay were
Balancing Performance and Effort in Deep Learning via the Fusion of Real and Synthetic Cultural Heritage Photogrammetry Training Sets
Figure 5: Object detection results of “Soldier”, “Cattle”, “Mask” and “Camel” based on our fusion dataset.
performed, before gradually decreasing the moving
step that approaches the minimum. To minimise the
probability of outliers in our results for each ratio, we
trained the model three consecutive times in order to
validate that they are in alignment with each other.
Our results reported an Average Precision (AP) at
IOU of 0.5 for each dataset. We trained each deep
learning models using the fusion datasets we have
generated separately, each yielding a result measured
as a precision value. Figure 3 shows the result of the
incremental percentage of synthetic images added to
the dataset in each cycle of training. The x axis shows
the percentage of synthetic images, and the y axis the
average precision value across all eight artefacts. We
can visually identify that between the range of 80%
and 100% is a change in precision where the
inflection point is (red line). When a visual inflection
point is found, and for the subsequent datapoints
toward 100% synthetic images, we reduced the
granularity of our incremental percentage to 1% so
that we are sure that the trend is actually descending.
Therefore, there are more datapoints within the range
of 80% and 100% in our dataset.
We calculated the difference between each
subsequent precision data point (see Figure 4) with a
threshold T=0.08 where the difference begin to
matter. The graph with 72 datapoints shows where the
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Figure 6: Object detection results of “Owl”, “Lamp”, “Lady” and “Monster” based on our fusion dataset.
precision diverged from stability and begin to degrade
over time. The red vertical line shows the calculation
of the inflection point. The value at the threshold was
used to identify the inflection point for the average
precision graph (Figure 4, red vertical line).
We queried the precision of each 3D model
dataset for the purpose of investigating if there are
general trends. Figure 3 is the precision (y) and
incremental percentage (x) of synthetic images added
to the fusion dataset for each artefacts. A similar trend
be observed. In Figure 3, we noted that artefact “Owl”
has more volatility and lesser precision. In inspecting
the 3D model (Figure 2), we realised that the contrast
of light and shadow of the environment where the
relic was captured was not ideal, thus contributing to
darker areas that have no features. This indicated that
the quality of capture is important in the dataset, and
that care should be taken to ensure appropriate
lighting conditions were met before including the data
into the training set.
In reviewing our original research questions: ‘Can
virtual images compliment real images?’ and, if so,
‘what is the right combination as measured by the
average ratio of a collection of objects with variable
appearances?’, we can confirm that they have been
answered via the testing of the hypotheses we
formulated at the beginning of the article (H
and H
There is no difference in performance between
different combinations of ratios of computer-
generated images as compared to real images.’ is
false, and therefore the alternate hypothesis H
is a difference in performance if computer-generated
Balancing Performance and Effort in Deep Learning via the Fusion of Real and Synthetic Cultural Heritage Photogrammetry Training Sets
images are combined with real images.’ is true. The
inflection point for our present DeepRelic dataset is
81%, indicating that up to 80% synthetic images
could be used for augmenting the training set without
performance tradeoffs.
Our research began from exploring how we may
combine deep learning with digitalisation activities,
such as the use of deep learning algorithms for object
recognition, and for identification and augmentation
in mixed reality developments within our range of
digital heritage activities. We then looked at a
combination of algorithms, datasets and devices for
that purpose, and projected that there will be tradeoffs
between what types of deep learning algorithms we
use, and the devices, i.e., smartphones, AR headsets
that are able to support digitalisation endeavours. As
with any deep learning developments, one of the
greatest challenges in venturing into new areas is the
effort needed to acquire data. Within the field of
digital heritage, this challenge is amplified by the
rarity of cultural heritage object image datasets, and
that relics are uncommon, unique and often
unpublished and inaccessible in the public domain.
This limitation, together with our experience of close-
range photogrammetry prompts us to probe if fusion
datasets would work, which led to our research
enquiry into the possibility of a level of performance
in object detection that could be facilitated by an
initially limited dataset, that could be augmented by
synthetic imageries generated from photogrammetry
data. We hypothesised that there would be a
difference in performance if computer-generated
images are combined with real images, and also asked
where the inflection point would be.
We created a workflow to test our hypotheses,
resulting in a dataset which we termed DeepRelic, and
conducted experiments in order to determine where
the inflection point if any would be. We discovered
based on our fusion dataset that up to 80% of virtual
images could be used without significant
performance tradeoff and thereby have answered our
research questions. Of course, as data increases, and
particular collections of cultural heritage objects
become diverse, the inflection point and
consequently, the ratio may change. Nevertheless,
collections of artefacts that are used for digitalisation
are often bounded to particular exhibits and therefore,
the size of the dataset may not increase that much. It
does matter when digitalisation activities are
expanded to an entire city.
This research has led to some questions which we
will be probing for the future. Presently, we are
interested to know if the precision and percentage of
synthetic data will be similar in all cases, across
collections, since this may be influenced by factors
such as the size of the dataset, the content of the
images, the quality of synthetic images, and etc. Our
aim is to continue our initial exploration and
hypotheses testing by expanding our DeepRelic
dataset with models from different collections that
may contain similar forms so as to explore limits for
the fusion approach which we have discussed in this
In summary, the creation of new datasets are
challenging on many fronts, but our experiments have
demonstrated the potentials of fusion datasets that
have composites of both real and synthetic images.
We strongly believe that imageries of 3D models
generated by close-range photogrammetry can
complement real-world datasets, and thus can
tremendously increase the magitute of datasets, but
also considerably reduce human effort.
This work is part of an annual summer internships
carried out at the NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed
Reality, at the University of Nottingham’s China
campus. The authors acknowledge the financial
support from the Ningbo Science and Technology
Bureau (2017D10035) that has made this research
work possible. We would like to especially thank
RealityCapture for the tremendous support which has
made this and other exciting, investigative research
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