Relative Strengths of Teachers and Smart Machines: Towards an
Augmented Task Sharing
Michael Burkhard, Sabine Seufert and Josef Guggemos
Institute for Educational Management and Technologies, University of St. Gallen,
St. Jakob-Strasse 21, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Education, Human Augmentation, Comparative Advantage, Role of the Teacher, Smart Machine,
Social Robot, Chatbot.
Abstract: In education, smart machines (e.g., chatbots or social robots) have the potential to support teachers in the
classroom in order to improve the quality of teaching. From a teacher's point of view, smart machines also
pose a challenge because the presence of smart machines in the classroom questions traditional teacher and
student roles. This paper presents a theoretical basis for the use of smart machines in education. It describes
the relative strengths of teachers and smart machines and presents them in a framework, which makes a pro-
posal for an augmented task sharing. In light of human augmentation, the framework proposes ways in which
teachers can position themselves with regard to smart machines in a complementary and mutually reinforcing
way. It also has implications for knowledge that is necessary for teachers to play an active role in the digital
The society, economy, and the labor market are on the
threshold of a major transition phase. Widely used la-
bels for this phase are: The fourth industrial revolu-
tion (Braga et al., 2019), the second machine age
(Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014), the second wave of
digitalization (Wahlster, 2017), artificial intelligence
(AI) revolution (Makridakis, 2017), and globotics
(globalization and robotics) (Baldwin, 2020). Tech-
nological developments in robotics combined with
machine learning and AI underscore the importance
of a better understanding of the human-machine rela-
tionship, as humans and machines may become part-
ners in learning and problem solving (Brynjolfsson &
McAfee, 2014; Jarrahi, 2018). Humans and smart ma-
chines engage in task sharing and combine their indi-
vidual strengths.
These technological developments also have an
influence on classrooms. Teachers become
increasingly part of a digital classroom ecosystem.
Such smart classrooms are equipped with tools that
facilitate the transfer of knowledge (e.g., by means of
more efficient communication or automated
assessment/feedback), with the goal to enhance the
teaching and learning experience (Saini & Goel,
2019, pp. 1-2).
As part of a digital classroom ecosystem, a smart
machine can be defined as a cognitive computer
system that can, to a certain extent, make decisions
and solve problems without the help of a human being
(Pereira, 2019). This is achieved by advanced
technology (e.g., AI, machine learning), which
enables the machine to process a large amount of data
and make decisions based on these data.
Chatbots (e.g., Apple´s Siri) or social robots can
be regarded as important manifestation of smart
machines, provided that these smart machines are
capable of learning from the environment and build
on capabilities based on that knowledge (Pereira,
Smart machines are increasingly used in everyday
life due to advances in sensor and actuator
technology. During the last ten years, the use of smart
machines has been increasingly extended to the field
of education, starting with the use as an aid in STEM
education (Belpaeme et al., 2018). “Socially
conscious” robots interact for example with children
in language learning classes (Van den Berghe,
Verhagen, Oudgenoeg-Paz, van der Ven & Leseman,
2019). According to Reich-Stiebert, Eyssel and
Hohnemann (2019, p. 5) such robots can be used as
assistants to teachers or personal tutors for students:
“provide information on specific topics, query
Burkhard, M., Seufert, S. and Guggemos, J.
Relative Strengths of Teachers and Smart Machines: Towards an Augmented Task Sharing.
DOI: 10.5220/0010370300730083
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 73-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learned lessons, give advice to the learning process,
correct errors, or provide feedback on students’
progress” (Reich-Stiebert et al., 2019, p.5).
Unlike the digital classroom ecosystem (e.g.,
projectors, cameras, interactive white boards), smart
machines are perceived as more than just a tool. Due
to their nature, they act as someone (personality) and
not as something (tool).
A teacher has many different tasks to perform.
These are for example to plan lessons, to teach, to
coach, to create assignment and homeworks, to
conduct and correct exams, to manage the classroom,
and to activate students.
From a teacher's point of view, the additional
presence of a smart machine could be beneficial as
the smart machine can engage in task sharing and
take over selected duties of the teacher. However,
smart machines (respectively the inherent technology
of AI) have also the potential to replace white-collar
jobs (see e.g, Baldwin 2020, p. 9). Hence, the smart
machine could also be perceived as a threat, because
the presence of the smart machine in the classroom
challenges the traditional role of teachers and
At the moment, there is a gap between the
available technological capabilities and their
utilization for educational purposes (Luan et. al.,
2020, p. 3). Even though the education industry has
developed various AI applications, they may not be
guided by theoretical frameworks and research
findings from psychology of learning and teaching
(Luan et. al., 2020, p. 3). There seems to be a disparity
between the technology readiness and its application
in education (Macfadyen, 2017).
To tackle this issue, it might be important to gain
a better understanding of the relative strengths of
teachers and smart machines. Afterwards, based on
the theory of comparative advantages (Ricardo, 1891;
Ruffin, 2002; Landsburg, n.d.), ways could be
pointed out in which teachers can position themselves
in relation to smart machines in a complementary and
mutually reinforcing way.
In light of the identified research desideratum, the
following research questions should be addressed:
What are the relative strengths of teachers and
smart machines within the classroom?
How can both parties engage in an augmented,
mutually reinforcing way of task sharing?
The objectives of the paper at hand are therefore
Elaboration of the theoretical foundations for
the use of smart machines in education, in order
to investigate underlying assumptions, goals,
methods, and empirical results for the design
and evaluation of teaching;
Development of a conceptual framework from
the teacher´s perspective on augmentation
strategies of teachers in relation to smart ma-
From a theoretical point of view, our conceptual
framework can serve as starting point for future
empirical research, as it highlights important concepts
and variables related to the relative strengths of
teachers and smart machines.
From a practical standpoint, our conceptual
framework might be useful for designing use cases; it
could serve as a guideline in the implementation
process of new technologies. Overall, the conceptual
framework at hand might act as a stepping stone for
coming researchers who might uncover further
potential of the technology in more detail, e.g., how
to ensure a smooth adoption of social robots, as a
concrete manifestation of smart machines, in
To this end, we lay the foundation for our
framework in section 2 and 3. Since comparative
advantages of smart machines may depend on the
environment and context of use, we will point out the
relationship of smart machine and the digital classroom
ecosystem in section 2. Section 3 discusses relative-
strength profiles of teachers and smart machines based
on the theory of comparative advantages and evaluates
them with regard to specific teaching tasks. Section 4
lays out our own extended framework, and section 5
concludes with some final remarks.
According to Floridi (2016), we are in transition to a
new era in which we will become increasingly de-
pendent from our own technical achievements. ICT is
not only used to record and transmit data, but also to
process it more and more autonomously.
Floridi (2013, pp. 6-7) coined the term “in-
fosphere”, i.e., an information environment compara-
ble to, but different from, cyber space, which is be-
coming increasingly blurred with our everyday life.
The infosphere is constituted by all informational en-
tities (biological as well as digital agents/smart arte-
facts). A digital classroom ecosystem can also be seen
as such a form of an infosphere and is often referred
to as smart classroom (see e.g., Saini & Goel, 2019).
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Source: Based on Lehmann & Rossi (2019, p. 36) and own contributions.
Figure 1: Changes in interaction due to smart machines.
Biological agents (teachers and students) as well as
digital artefacts (e.g., tools such as interactive white-
boards, laptops, smartphones) interact in an ecosys-
tem according to a syllabus.
Digital classroom ecosystems have the potential to
facilitate the transfer of knowledge from teacher to stu-
dents in various ways (Saini & Goel, 2019). It can sup-
port the teacher in content creation, content presenta-
tion, and content distribution (Saini & Goel, 2019, pp.
6-12) promote interaction between different biological
agents (Saini & Goel, 2019, pp. 12-14) and provide au-
tomated assessment and feedback as well as some
background functions (e.g., temperature control inside
the classroom) (Saini & Goel, 2019, pp. 15-20). Due to
the nature of an infosphere, the digital classroom eco-
system can be seen as an advanced tool (like a car) that
helps the teachers to better achieve their goals. It sup-
ports teachers to get from A to B more quickly, but
teachers still have to steer and to drive.
In contrast, smart machines rather play a collabo-
rative role because they are perceived as a form of
digital personality and to a certain extent can make
decisions and solve problems without the help of the
teacher. Smart machines are not just a tool (some-
thing), but someone, who in certain cases could also
be sitting in the driver’s seat. This leads to changes in
the classroom interaction as Figure 1 illustrates.
In the context of smart machines, Lehmann and
Rossi (2019) propose an enactive robot assisted di-
dactics (ERAD) approach, where robots act as inter-
mediaries and catalysts between teacher, students,
and context (see Figure 1). Smart machines can per-
form such a role because they generate attention and
expectations in both teachers and students, which en-
ables them to influence and adapt the behaviour of
their human counterpart.
The presence of the smart machine in the class-
room changes the situation in teaching. From the
teacher's point of view, new questions arise. Some of
these questions could be: What role does the smart
machine play in relation to the learners? For which
parts of the curriculum is the smart machine suitable
to provide support? What role do I play as a teacher
when the smart machine is suddenly present? These
questions can cause stress or even lead to anxiety
about being replaced by the robot.
Since the smart machine is perceived as a form of
digital personality, possible roles that the smart ma-
chine can play are important. In education, according
to Sharkey (2016) four main roles exist:
1. Smart machines as teachers (e.g., to take over
selected teacher duties in the classroom);
2. Smart machines as companions and peers
(e.g., to work collaboratively with students);
3. Smart machines as care-eliciting companions
(e.g., supporting students with disabilities);
4. Smart machines as telepresence teachers
(e.g., online teaching through digital technol-
ogies along the lines of teachers in distance
On the one hand, these different role models show
that smart machines (respectively the inherent tech-
nology of AI) tend to contain a disruptive potential,
because the machine is perceived on a par with the
teacher. Unlike digital classroom ecosystems in gen-
eral, the inherent role of the smart machine confers a
certain authority that could challenge the authority
and competence of the human teacher. Table 1 com-
pares smart machines and the digital classroom eco-
system to clearly point out the differences.
Smart machines could offer a learning experience
tailored to the learner, support and challenge students,
and free up precious time for human teachers through
ways currently unavailable in our educational environ-
ments (Belpaeme et. al, 2018, p. 7). In addition, as an
adapter between the digital and analogue world, smart
machines would be ideally suited to manage the digital
classroom ecosystem according to teachers’ needs.
Tea che r
Tea che r
Relative Strengths of Teachers and Smart Machines: Towards an Augmented Task Sharing
Table 1: Comparison between a smart machine and a digital classroom ecosystem.
Factors Characteristics of a smart machine Characteristics of a di
ital classroom ecos
Perception Digital personality,
igital agent Tool, digital environment, artefact
ole Someone
can also be in co-role or lead
an advanced tool
Representation Generic chatbots, social robots
The connected eco-system of technology inside the
classroom (e.g. interactive whiteboards, projectors,
rinters, smart-
AI, machine learning, ICT Information and communication technology (ICT)
Nature of work
Make decisions and solve problems without
the help of a human being
Data collection- and decision-support-system
Disruptive (potential to substitute the
Incremental (human teacher required)
Both chatbots and social robots are manifestations
of smart machines. In addition to chatbots, social ro-
bots also have a physical presence. A new field of re-
search is currently emerging: Human-Robot-Interac-
tions or social robots in education (Belpaeme et al.,
2018; Byrne, Rossi & Doolan, 2017; Chua & Chew,
2015; Flynn, 2017). The emerging use of robots is
changing human augmentation, as these smart ma-
chines have a physical presence. In the field of hu-
man-computer interactions, a robot is not only a com-
puter-based machine, but also a physical and autono-
mous agent, whose physical form and degree of au-
tonomy influences the relationship to humans
(Thimm et al., 2019).
In the field of education, there are several studies
where robots have been used to teach groups of sub-
stantial size (e.g., Abildgaard & Scharfe, 2012;
Cooney & Leister, 2019; Guggemos, Seufert &
Sonderegger, 2020; Masuta et al., 2018) but also to
teach smaller workshop-like (e.g., Bolea, Grau, &
Sanfeliu, 2016) or even one-on-one interactions (e.g.,
Gao, Barendregt, Obaid, & Castellano, 2018).
According to Belpaeme et al. (2018, p. 7), smart
machines such as social robots have the potential to be-
come part of the educational infrastructure, just as pa-
per, white boards or computer tablets. In their meta-
analysis they gathered results from a wide range of
countries and took different robot types and ap-
proaches into account. They conclude that robots show
great promise when teaching restricted topics, with ef-
fect sizes on cognitive outcomes almost matching
those of human tutoring (Belpaeme et al., 2018, p. 7).
If smart machines may become part of the educa-
tional infrastructure in the future, ways must be found
to enable smart machines and teachers to collaborate in
the classroom for mutual benefit. With the goal of cre-
ating a meaningful task sharing in the classroom, we
will therefore take a closer look at the relative strengths
of teacher and smart machine in the next section.
Among the many effects, digitalization will have on
our way of working and living, the augmentation of
human skills is the most central (Davenport & Kirby,
2016). Davenport and Kirby (2016) draw attention to
the mutual complementation and task sharing that
they call “augmentation: People and computers sup-
ported each other in the fulfilment of tasks” (p. 2).
According to Jarrahi (2018) augmentation can be un-
derstood as a “Human-AI symbiosis” meaning that
interactions between humans and AI can make both
parties smarter over time (p. 583).
Figure 2 illustrates this relationship. On the one
hand, people have to train machines to perform cer-
tain tasks. They have to explain the results of those
tasks to other stakeholders and ensure the responsible
use of machines. On the other hand, smart machines
help people by enhancing their cognitive strengths,
relieving them from repetitive tasks, and expanding
their physical abilities.
To investigate the relative strengths of the teacher
and the smart machine, we use as a foundation the
theory of comparative advantage, which originates
from the field of economics (Ruffin, 2002; Lands-
burg, n.d.). Ricardo (1891) was first able to show with
his theory, why two countries A and B engage in
trade, even if one country is in absolute terms supe-
rior to the other regarding the production of all goods
in the economy. He was able to explain, why coun-
tries specialize on the production of certain goods and
trade them. He showed that not the absolute ad-
vantage matters (being better at producing all goods),
but the relative advantage instead (having lower op-
portunity costs).
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Source: Own representation based on Wilson & Daugherty (2018).
Figure 2: Human Augmentation.
When we apply the concept of comparative ad-
vantages to the classroom, teacher and smart machine
can be seen as countries A and B. In the classroom dif-
ferent tasks have to be carried out (production of
goods). For example, two of these tasks could be to
provide feedback to homework or to individually sup-
port students. To illustrate the comparative advantage,
we assume the task times of teacher and smart machine
depicted in Table 2. Differences in task quality are im-
plicitly reflected in longer task times.
Table 2: Comparison of the task time (absolute).
Task-time needed Teache
Smart machine
Individual Coachin
10 min 15 min
Provide Feedbac
5 min 15 min
As it can be seen in Table 2, in absolute terms, the
teacher is better in both tasks coaching and feedback
(lower task times). The question is: Can it be benefi-
cial for the teacher to shift tasks to the smart machine?
According to the theory of comparative ad-
vantages it can, because not the absolute but the rela-
tive advantages matter. Table 3 shows the opportunity
costs for our scenario.
Table 3: Comparison of the opportunity costs (relative).
costs Teache
Smart machine
Individual Coaching
10/5 = 2
15/15 = 1
Provide Feedback
5/10 = 0.5
15/15 = 1
As the smart machine is equally fast in both tasks,
for every unit of coaching, the smart machine cannot
produce a unit of feedback. Hence their opportunity
costs are 1 for both coaching and feedback.
However, as the teacher is much faster providing
feedback than coaching, the opportunity costs for
coaching are very high, as for each coaching he or she
cannot give two units of feedback.
Each party (teacher and smart machine) should do
the tasks where they have lower opportunity costs com-
parted to their counterpart. In the example at hand, the
teacher will specialize on providing feedback (0.5 < 1)
and the smart machine will do coaching (1<2).
Our example shows, that smart machines can be
useful even if they are inferior to humans in absolute
terms. On a more general level, smart machines have
comparative advantages over the teacher in certain
fields. Hence, it is beneficial that they take over spe-
cific tasks for the teacher. This means that a given set
of tasks can be carried out in less time (costs) or
within a given time (costs), the number of carried
tasks (quality) can be increased.
As it has been shown, the crucial point is the rela-
tive strengths of teachers and smart machines. Jarrahi
(2018) created relative strength-profiles of humans
and AI regarding their core skill set along three di-
mensions: uncertainty, complexity and equivocality
(Jarrahi, 2018, p. 583), see Figure 3.
When assessing the threat posed by technology to
a particular profession, Latham and Humberd (2018,
p. 12) point out that it is important to look at the core
skill set, but also at how the value of the core skill set
is delivered (value form). Latham and Humbert
(2018, p. 13) grounded the value form in consumer
preferences, task diversity and wage differences, on
the basis of which we created the three dimensions
Relative Strengths of Teachers and Smart Machines: Towards an Augmented Task Sharing
preferences, variety and attractivity. Figure 3 summa-
rizes the created relative strength-profile of teachers
and smart machines along the two categories core
skill set and value form as well as the six dimensions
uncertainty, complexity, equivocality, preferences,
variety and attractivity.
Jarrahi (2018, pp. 580-581) characterizes uncer-
tainty as a lack of information about all alternatives
or their consequences, which makes interpreting a sit-
uation and making a decision more difficult. He ar-
gues that for situations, which there is no precedent,
an intuitive style of decision making may be more
helpful. According to Jarrahi (2018, pp. 580-581) in
the dimension of uncertainty, humans have a relative
advantage over AI due to their ability of intuitive de-
cision making (e.g., Harteis & Billett, 2013). Smart
machines can still help to reduce uncertainty by
providing access to real time information, but as ma-
chines are mostly incapable of capturing the inner
logic and subconscious patterns of human intuition,
humans tend to keep their comparative advantage in
situations that require holistic and visionary thinking
(Jarrahi, 2018, p. 581).
In the classroom, uncertainty may occur through
different channels. On the one hand, students may ask
surprising questions or give inputs, that require some
forms of intuitive thinking or creativity in order to an-
swer the question. On the other hand, classroom dy-
namics itself are to a certain degree unpredictable and
uncertain as students are individuals with their own
needs. Students do not behave the same way every
day, and sometimes they may not even show up. How
to react to these situations requires intuition and can-
not be solved by a fixed rule alone.
Complexity is characterized by an abundance of
elements or variables, that demand the processing of
masses of information. AI has a comparative ad-
vantage in handling complexity due to their ability of
collecting, curating, processing, and analyzing large
amounts of data (Jarrahi, 2018, p. 581).
In the classroom, complexity increases with the
number of students as the same assignments, exer-
cises and exams are conducted for more people. With
more students, it gets more difficult to keep an over-
view over the learning success of each student. Espe-
cially in large classes, smart machines can be a valu-
able research if they support the teacher in providing
automated feedback for homework and exams.
Equivocality is characterized by the presence of
several simultaneous but divergent interpretations of a
decision domain and often occurs due to the conflicting
interests of stakeholders, customers, and policy makers
(Jarrahi, 2018, p. 581). It means, that there is not al-
ways one objective solution to a problem, but multiple
different and subjective views about an issue. Even
though smart machines may be able to analyse senti-
ments and represent diverse interpretations, humans
have a comparative advantage, when it comes to han-
dling equivocality as they are better in negotiating and
coalition building (Jarrahi, 2018, p. 582).
In the classroom, equivocality may occur due to
different circumstances. One the one hand, the sylla-
buses of certain school subjects may be more subjec-
tive than others. While subjects like accounting or
mathematics provide clear guidance on “true” and
“false”, this line is more difficult to draw in subjects
such as history or literature. On the other hand, stu-
dents often also have different opinions and there is a
need for a teacher who can work out a common con-
sent during discussions.
A smart machine and a human teacher are very
different by nature. Hence, for certain tasks it will de-
pend simply on the preferences
of the students, who
they address with their problems.
In the classroom, preferences depend primarily on
social norms and informal social rules between hu-
mans. In human conversation, there are informal rules
that have to be followed (e.g., be friendly), which are
time consuming and can make communication
Source: (1) Latham & Humberd (2018), (2) Jarrahi (2018) and own contributions.
Figure 3: Relative strength-profiles of teachers and smart machines.
(e.g. correction of
operating costs of
smart machines
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Augmentation strategies of teachers in relation to smart machines.
Added value to the smart machine
Relative strength
of the teacher
Step In
To train the smart machine and shift
tasks to it.
To automate correction of assign-
ments. To decide on the appropriate
content and su
ervise trainin
Step Up
To manage the classroom and its play-
ers, keep an overview, evaluate, decide
on the ethical use of a smart machine.
To decide on how to proceed if
homework has not been done. To
decide on appropriate tasks for the
smart machine.
Step Forward
To participate in the content develop-
ment and data analysis of the smart
To develop new teaching content
for a smart machine, to check and
correct for data biases.
Step Aside
To take on tasks that go beyond infor-
mation processing or require tacit
To coach the students, engage with
them in creative problem solving, to
motivate and consult.
Step Narrowly
To perform tasks that cannot be per-
formed well by smart machines (e.g.
non-repetitive tasks).
Variety To maintain the smart machine.
inefficient. Since those rules do not apply to smart ma-
chines, students can ask any question and they do not
have to be afraid of asking a “stupid” question or act-
ing socially inappropriately. Smart machines can also
repeat answers as often as needed (e.g., in language
learning) without getting tired, which makes them a
cooperative learning partner. Teachers may be reluc-
tant to answer the same question several times.
For other tasks, the variety is decisive. If a task
varies from student to student, it will be more difficult
to automate and harder to solve by a smart machine.
However, if a task is repetitive, it can be more easily
automated as the smart machine can be better trained
on it.
In the classroom, variety is task dependent. Espe-
cially the correction of written assignments is repeti-
tive, because the same work steps have to be carried
out for each student. Other tasks like an individual
discussion with a student about his or her research
project differ from student to student and from project
and cannot simply be taken over by a smart machine.
Last but not least, the attractivity to automate
tasks also has an influence if a certain task is shifted
from a human teacher to a smart machine. The attrac-
tivity depends largely on the wage costs of the human
teacher in relation to the operating costs of the smart
The attractivity depends also on the type of smart
machine. As chatbots have lower operating costs than
social robots, it may be more attractive to offer human
teachers chatbots as a companion rather than social ro-
bots, unless the physical presence is a critical element.
In summary, smart machines may have three compar-
ative advantages compared to teachers.
First, smart machines can handle complexity very
well due to their ability to collect, curate, process and
analyse large amounts of data. No matter how many
students or simultaneous inputs, the smart machine
does not forget and can serve the teacher by providing
analytical decision support. In addition, smart ma-
chines are, due to their nature, ideally suited to regu-
late, control, and manage the digital classroom eco-
system on behalf of the teacher.
Second, smart machines are good at tasks with a
low variety, because it is easier to train smart ma-
chines on tasks which are repetitive. In the classroom,
such repetitive tasks could be for example the correc-
tion of assignments or exams. For human teachers
those tasks are often boring and they may make mis-
takes over time. A smart machine does not get bored
and can correct all exam questions which are not char-
acterized by uncertainty or equivocality.
Third, smart machines have a high attractivity to
take over selected classroom tasks, because the wage
costs of human teachers in industrialized countries are
high compared to the operating costs of smart ma-
chines. In particular, chatbots as representatives of
smart machines are attractive, as they are cheaper than
robots due to their lack of a physical presence.
To put it another way: For a given budget, the quality
of teaching can be improved by realising comparative
Relative Strengths of Teachers and Smart Machines: Towards an Augmented Task Sharing
Source: Based on Davenport & Kirby (2016); Daud et. al. (2017) and own contributions.
Figure 4: Augmentation strategies of teachers in relation to smart machines.
Against this backdrop, the question is: How
should teachers position themselves in relation to
smart machines to be able to engage in an augmented,
mutually reinforcing way of task sharing?
According to Davenport and Kirby (2016), five
augmentation strategies are possible, which are perti-
nent to different occupational groups, but especially
to knowledge workers. Table 4 shows an adaptation
of the five augmentation strategies to the teaching
profession and indicates how teachers could position
themselves in relation to smart machines; teachers
have various options to engage with smart machines
in an augmented task sharing.
According to the Step In strategy, teachers could
train the smart machine and shift tasks to it. This cre-
ates added value because the smart machine can re-
lieve the teacher of work. The human teacher is
needed for this training process as it involves to some
degree uncertainty and equivocality. Only the teacher
can decide on the appropriate training tasks and
measures to be applied.
The Step Up strategy is similar to the concept of
Dillenbourg (2013), who introduced the concept of
“orchestration” of learning activities as real time
management for distributed activities over the class-
room ecosystem. In the Step Up strategy, the teacher
could concentrate on higher level tasks inside the
classroom. Similar to a conductor of a concert (Shah-
moradi et al., 2020), the teacher orchestrates and man-
ages the classroom and its players. He or she keeps an
overview, evaluates and decides on the ethical use of
a smart machine. As these tasks involve a high degree
of uncertainty, complexity and equivocality, a human
teacher is needed. The smart machine can support the
teacher in this process, by serving as an interface to
the functions of the classroom ecosystem. The smart
machine further amplifies the cognitive strengths of
the human teacher by making recommendations and
providing decision support.
Human teachers could also Step Forward and par-
ticipate in the content development and the data anal-
ysis of the smart machine. They could control for data
biases of the smart machine and share content with
other teachers. Through this, they could contribute to
a long-term improvement of the smart machine and
its applications. In this process, positive and negative
aspects have to be weighed against each other, which
is why the process is characterized by uncertainty and
According to the Step Aside strategy, teachers
could take on tasks that go beyond information pro-
cessing (complexity) or require tacit knowledge.
Teachers could increasingly take on the role of a
coach, who communicates the learning content pro-
vided by the smart machine in a didactically appeal-
ing way and assists the learners in an advisory role.
The teacher is supported in this process by the smart
machine, for example through the means of learning
analytics. From the smart machine, students could
also receive additional prompts to plan their own
learning processes more effectively and improve their
metacognitive learning strategies (Bräuer, 2003). The
Smart machine
(digital, autonomous and intelligent)
Regulation, control and management
of the Classroom ecosystem on behalf
of the teacher
To show discovered knowledge,
to check and correct for data biases
To show recommendations
Step Aside / Narrowly
To use, interact, participate, and communicate
Step Forward / In
To design, develop and train
Teachers as Content-Developers
Teachers as Data Scientists
To give recommendations
To evaluate recommendations
Teachers as Coaches
Teachers as Managers
To orchestrate the classroom and its players,
to decide on the ethical use of smart machines
Step Up
Uncertainty, Complexity, Equivocality
Uncertainty, Equivocality
Complexity, Variety, Attractivity
Equivocality, Preferences, Variety
Classroom Ecosystem
(Content preparation, -presentation and
distribution, interaction and engagement,
automated evaluation)
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Step Aside approach is characterized by equivocality
(e.g., discussing), but also by preferences (e.g., moti-
vating), which is why a human teacher is needed.
Finally, in the Step Narrowly strategy, the teacher
could perform tasks that cannot be performed well by
smart machines (variety). This could include non-re-
petitive tasks as the individual coaching of students
with different needs or the maintenance of the smart
Figure 4 summarizes the conceptual framework
with the different augmentation strategies of teachers
in relation to smart machines. It is important to point
out, that teachers can follow multiple strategies and
do not have to choose just one. For example, during
the lecture, teachers could use the Step Up and Step
Aside strategy and switch between their roles as man-
agers and coaches.
With our framework, we provide a guideline for
an augmented task sharing based on the relative
strengths of teachers and smart machines. We high-
light ways how teachers could collaborate with smart
machines, and how they may leverage their capabili-
ties through smart machines.
Our conceptual framework is based on the theory of
comparative advantage. Drawing from this, we have
shown ways how an augmented task sharing based on
relative strengths of teachers and smart machines
could look like.
How the task sharing in the classroom will look
like in the future is ultimately an empirical question;
relative strengths heavily depend on student percep-
tions that could be empirically investigated. With our
framework, we want to contribute to a better under-
standing of the concepts and variables that should be
considered when investigating task sharing of teach-
ers and smart machines. In a next step, empirical re-
search could further investigate the relative strength
dimensions to get a better understanding of which
tasks could be assigned to smart machines.
AI has currently triggered a second wave of digi-
talization, in which data is not only stored and pro-
cessed digitally (first wave) but also automatically in-
terpreted and actively used by intelligent algorithms
(Wahlster, 2017). While schools and teachers are still
absorbing and integrating the first wave of digitaliza-
tion (Whalster, 2017) into their curriculum, another
wave of digitalization is already rolling in. Due to the
novelty and complexity of the topic, there is a risk that
teachers will be overwhelmed by smart machines and
will not know how to use them in teaching. To pre-
vent this, prospective teachers should be equipped
with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to
see the opportunities in the use of smart machines ra-
ther than dangers. Teachers should be enabled and
supported to sit in the driver seat for shaping their
school in the current major transition phase.
AI transformation does not mean that less teachers
are needed (Dillenbourg, 2016). However, the role of
the teacher may change. Just as paper, white boards
or computer tablets – smart machines have the poten-
tial to become part of the educational infrastructure,
delivering a learning experience tailored to the learner
and relieving the burden on teachers where necessary
(Belpaeme et al, 2018, p. 7). Such individual support
could particularly be beneficial for disadvantaged
learners. Currently, the use of smart machines in ed-
ucational institutions may be limited due to technical
and logistical challenges (Belpaeme et al., 2018, p. 7),
but as technology becomes cheaper and better, the use
of smart machines in education is likely to increase.
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better understanding of the digital transformation
from a teacher perspective. However, as many pre-
service and in-service teachers are not ready to sup-
port and adopt new technologies related to AI, effec-
tive teacher education and continuing education pro-
grams have to be designed and offered to support the
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2020, p. 7). There is a need for more robot-proof skills
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Relative Strengths of Teachers and Smart Machines: Towards an Augmented Task Sharing