Strengthening Low-resource Neural Machine Translation through
Joint Learning: The Case of Farsi-Spanish
Benyamin Ahmadnia
, Raul Aranovich
and Bonnie J. Dorr
Department of Linguistics, University of California, Davis, CA, U.S.A.
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), Ocala, FL, U.S.A.
Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Neural Machine Translation, Low-Resource
Languages, Joint Learning.
This paper describes a systematic study of an approach to Farsi-Spanish low-resource Neural Machine Transla-
tion (NMT) that leverages monolingual data for joint learning of forward and backward translation models. As
is standard for NMT systems, the training process begins using two pre-trained translation models that are it-
eratively updated by decreasing translation costs. In each iteration, either translation model is used to translate
monolingual texts from one language to another, to generate synthetic datasets for the other translation model.
Two new translation models are then learned from bilingual data along with the synthetic texts. The key dis-
tinguishing feature between our approach and standard NMT is an iterative learning process that improves the
performance of both translation models, simultaneously producing a higher-quality synthetic training dataset
upon each iteration. Our empirical results demonstrate that this approach outperforms baselines.
A major difference between Neural Machine Transla-
tion (NMT) (Cho et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2015)
and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) (Koehn
et al., 2003; Chiang, 2007) is the way monolingual
data are used in these two paradigms. SMT seam-
lessly integrates very large Language Models (LMs)
trained on millions of sentences, while NMT is best
supported by the generation of artificial (synthetic)
parallel data (Ahmadnia et al., 2018). Making ef-
fective use of monolingual data is particularly crit-
ical under low-resource conditions, where the bilin-
gual dataset is generally assumed to be small in com-
parison to available monolingual texts. Monolin-
gual datasets are usually much easier than bilingual
datasets to collect, and have been attractive resources
for improving corpus-based MT models. Indeed,
monolingual data play a key role in training data-
driven MT systems. However, NMT systems rely
heavily on high-quality bilingual datasets and, in fact,
perform poorly when such datasets are small or un-
This paper describes an approach that addresses
this shortcoming by leveraging monolingual data
from both source and target sides to jointly optimize
forward and backward models. In an iterative process,
each translation model helps the other, as in the pro-
cess of back-translation (where translated text is in-
terpreted back to the original language). Specifically,
the backward model uses target monolingual data to
generate synthetic data for the forward model, while
the forward model employs source monolingual data
to generate synthetic data for the backward model. A
key advantage over prior work (Zhang et al., 2018)
is that iterative training yields further enhancements
and, after each iteration, both models are expected to
improve with additional synthetic data. That is, each
iteration yields better synthetic data with the two en-
hanced models than on the prior iteration.
Noisy translations are minimized through the use
of a learning objective that assigns weights to the
newly generated sentence pairs. Initial bilingual sen-
tence pairs are all weighted as 1, while synthetic sen-
tence pairs are weighted via the normalized model
output probability. Weighting plays an important role
in augmenting the final translation quality. The over-
all iterative training process essentially adds a joint
Expectation-Maximization (EM) estimation over the
monolingual data to the Maximum Likelihood Esti-
mation (MLE) over bilingual data. For example, the
E-step estimates the expectations of translations of the
monolingual data, while the M-step updates model
parameters with the smoothed translation probability
Ahmadnia, B., Aranovich, R. and Dorr, B.
Strengthening Low-resource Neural Machine Translation through Joint Learning: The Case of Farsi-Spanish.
DOI: 10.5220/0010362604750481
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 475-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
estimation. Our experimental results show that this
joint learning approach not only outperforms baseline
systems but also significantly strengthens translation
quality of both the forward and backward model.
Our motivation for choosing Spanish and Farsi as
the case-study is the linguistic differences between
these languages, which are from different language
families and have significant differences in their prop-
erties, may pose a challenge for MT. Following (Ah-
madnia and Dorr, 2019), low-resource languages, also
known as resource poor, are those that have fewer
technologies and datasets relative to some measure
of their international importance. In simple words,
the languages for which parallel training data is ex-
tremely sparse, requiring recourse to techniques that
are complementary to standard MT approaches. The
biggest issue with low-resource languages is the ex-
treme difficulty of obtaining sufficient resources. Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP) methods that have
been created for analysis of low-resource languages
are likely to encounter similar issues to those faced by
documentary and descriptive linguists whose primary
endeavor is the study of minority languages. Lessons
learned from such studies are highly informative to
NLP researchers who seek to overcome analogous
challenges in the computational processing of these
types of languages.
MT has proven successful for a number of lan-
guage pairs. However, each language comes with its
own challenges, and Farsi is no exception. Farsi suf-
fers significantly from shortage of digitally available
parallel and monolingual texts. It is morphologically
rich, with many characteristics shared only by Arabic.
It makes no use of articles (a, an, the) and no distinc-
tion between capital and lower-case letters. Symbols
and abbreviations are rarely used. As a consequence
of being written in the Arabic script, Farsi uses a set
of diacritic marks to indicate vowels, which are gen-
erally omitted except in infant writing or in texts for
those who are learning the language. Sentence struc-
ture is also different from that of English. Farsi places
parts of speech such as nouns, subjects, adverbs and
verbs in different locations in the sentence, and some-
times even omits them altogether. Some Farsi words
have many different accepted spellings, and it is not
uncommon for translators to invent new words. This
can result in OOV words.
Spanish utilizes the Latin alphabet, with a few
special letters, vowels with an acute accent (
ı), u with an umlaut (
u), and an n with a tilde (
n). Due
to a number of reforms, the Spanish spelling system
is almost perfectly phonemic and, therefore, easier to
learn than the majority of languages. Spanish is pro-
nounced phonetically, but includes the trilled r which
is somewhat complex to reproduce. In the Spanish
IPA, the letters b and v correspond to the same sym-
bol b and the distinction only exists in regional di-
alects. The letter h is silent except in conjunction with
c, ch, which changes the sound into tf. Spanish lan-
guage punctuation is very close to English. There are
a few significant differences. For example, in Span-
ish, exclaim and interrogative sentences are preceded
by inverted question and exclamation marks. Also,
in a Spanish conversation, a change in speakers is in-
dicated by a dash, while in English, each speaker’s
remark is placed in separate paragraphs. Formal and
informal translations address several different charac-
teristics. Inflection, declination and grammatical gen-
der are important features of Spanish language.
A number of divergences (Dorr, 1994; Dorr et al.,
2002) between low-resource (e.g., Farsi) and high-
resource (e.g., Spanish) languages pose many chal-
lenges in translation. In Farsi, the modifier precedes
the word it modifies, and in Spanish the modifier
follows the head word (although it may precede the
head word under certain conditions). In Farsi, sen-
tences follow a “Subject”, “Object”, “Verb” (SOV)
order, and in Spanish, the sentences follow the “Sub-
ject”, “Verb”, “Object” (SVO) order (Ahmadnia et al.,
2017). Such distinctions are exceedingly prevalent
and thus pose many challenges for machine transla-
Prior approaches to monolingual data-driven NMT
fall into three categories: (1) integration of LMs
trained with monolingual data; (2) generation of
pseudo-sentence pairs from monolingual data; and (3)
joint training of both sourcetarget translation mod-
els by minimizing reconstruction errors of monolin-
gual sentences.
In the first category, a LM is separately trained
with monolingual data and then integrated into the
NMT model. In the work of (G
ulc¸ehre et al., 2015),
monolingual LMs are trained independently, and then
integrated during decoding through rescoring or by
adding the LM’s recurrent hidden state to the decoder
state of the encoder-decoder network. An additional
controller mechanism is used, to control the magni-
tude of the LM signal.
In the second category, translation models trained
from bilingual sentence pairs are applied to mono-
lingual data. Sentences from the original monolin-
gual data are then paired with their translated coun-
terparts to form a pseudo parallel corpus for a larger
training set. A successful approach is that of (Sen-
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
nrich et al., 2016), wherein target monolingual data
are leveraged to generate artificial parallel data via
back-translation. This approach has proven effective,
but generated pseudo bilingual sentence pairs yield
limited performance gains over the use of monolin-
gual data alone.
In the third category, monolingual data are re-
constructed with both source-to-target and target-to-
source translation models, and the two models are
jointly trained (Ahmadnia and Dorr, 2019). (He et al.,
2016) treats the forward and backward models as the
primal and dual tasks, respectively. (Cheng et al.,
2016) uses both source and target monolingual data
for semi-supervised reconstruction where two NMTs
are employed, one that translates the source monolin-
gual data into target translations, and the other that re-
constructs source monolingual data from target trans-
(Currey et al., 2017) trained a NMT system to both
translate source text and copy target text, thereby ex-
ploiting monolingual corpora in the target language.
Specifically, they created a bilingual corpus from the
monolingual text in the target language so that each
source sentence is identical to the target sentence.
This copied data is then mixed with the parallel cor-
pus and the NMT system is trained like normal, with
no metadata to distinguish the two input languages.
In fact, their method proves to be an effective way
of incorporating monolingual data into low-resource
(Luong et al., 2015) adopted a simple auto-
encoder or skip-thought method (Kiros et al., 2015) to
exploit the source monolingual data, but no significant
BLEU gains are reported. Also, (Zhang and Zong,
2016) investigated the usage of the source large-scale
monolingual data in NMT and they aimed at greatly
enhancing its encoder network so that they could ob-
tain high-quality context vector representations. They
proposed the self-learning algorithm to generate the
synthetic large-scale parallel data for NMT training
as well as the multi-task learning framework using
two NMTs to predict the translation and the reordered
source-side monolingual sentences simultaneously.
Our work transcends issues described above by
using source monolingual data to augment reverse
NMT models. We adopt EM to iteratively update
bidirectional NMT models. We exploit either source
and target monolingual data and demonstrates im-
provements over the use of target monolingual data
(Ramachandran et al., 2017) adopted pre-trained
weights of two language models to initial the encoder
and decoder of a sequence-to-sequence NMT model,
and then fine-tune it with labeled data. Their approach
is complementary to ours by leveraging pre-trained
language model to initial bidirectional NMT models,
and it may lead to additional gains.
Joint learning expands the task setting from solely en-
hancing the forward NMT model training with a tar-
get monolingual dataset to enhancing the model with
a paired dataset. This approach aims at jointly opti-
mizing either a forward or a backward NMT model
with the help of a monolingual dataset from both
source and target languages.
Given a set of sentences Y = y
, y
, ..., y
in tar-
get language, and a set of sentences X = x
, x
, ..., x
in source language. First, the initial forward and
backward neural TMs are pre-trained with a bilingual
dataset D, defined as:
, y
where N denotes the number of sentences in D. At the
beginning of the next iteration, the two TMs are used
to translate monolingual datasets X and Y , yielding
two synthetic training datasets (Y
and X
). Either the
forward or the backward model is then trained on the
updated training dataset by combining Y
and X
The k-best translations from a NMT system are
weighted with the translation probabilities from the
NMT model. In the next iteration, the aforementioned
process is iterated. However, the synthetic training
dataset is re-generated through the updated forward
and backward models. The learned forward and back-
ward models are enhanced over the first iteration (it-
eration 0). The joint learning approach adds an EM
process over the monolingual data in both source and
target languages. However, the training criteria on D
still uses MLE.
Y be monolingual target-language corpus:
We derive the new learning objective for joint learning
e.g., the learning objective is to maximize the likeli-
hood of the monolingual dataset as well as the bilin-
gual dataset as follows:
C =
) +
logP( ˆy
) (1)
Strengthening Low-resource Neural Machine Translation through Joint Learning: The Case of Farsi-Spanish
denotes the likelihood of bilingual dataset, and
logP( ˆy
represents target monolingual dataset likelihood.
We define the source translations as hidden states
for the corresponding target sentences and decompose
) as follows:
logP( ˆy
) = log
P(x, ˆy
= log
W (x)
P(x, ˆy
W (x)
where x represents a latent variable of the source
translation of target sentence, W (x) is the approxi-
mated probability distribution of x, P(x) represents
the marginal distribution of sentence x. W (x) must
satisfy the following condition:
f =
P(x, ˆy
where f is a constant and does not depend on y. Given
W (x) = 1, W (x) is defined as follow:
W (x) =
P(x, ˆy
P(x, ˆy
We use P(x| ˆy
) given by backward TM as Q(x) and
combine Equations (1) and (2):
f orward
logP(x| ˆy
)logP( ˆy
|x) (4)
is the same as MLE training estimated in the E-step,
logP(x| ˆy
)logP( ˆy
is optimized via EM and maximized in the M-step.
The E-step uses the forward NMT model to gener-
ate the source translations as hidden variables, which
are paired with the target sentences to build a new
distribution of training data together with D. Thus,
maximization of C is approximated by maximizing
the log-likelihood on the new training data. The trans-
lation probability is utilized as the weight of the syn-
thetic sentence pairs, which helps with filtering out
low-quality translations.
Back-translation (Sennrich et al., 2016) is a suc-
cessful exploitation method of monolingual data
where an NMT system is first trained in the reverse
direction (backward) and is then used to translate tar-
get monolingual data back into the source language.
The resulting sentence pairs constitute a pseudo bilin-
gual dataset to be added to the initial training data to
learn a forward model.
It is easy to verify that back-translation is a spe-
cial case of the formulation of C
f orward
in which
P(x| ˆy
) = 1 because only the best translation from
the backward NMT model is used
f orward
logP( ˆy
| ˆy
) (5)
Similarly, the likelihood of the backward model can
be derived as follows:
|y) (6)
where y is a target translation (hidden state) of x
The overall learning objective is the sum of likelihood
in both directions (C
= C
f orward
). Dur-
ing the derivation of C
f orward
, we use the translation
probability from the backward model as the approx-
imation of P
(x| ˆy
). When P(x|ˆy
) gets closer to
(x| ˆy
), we get a tighter lower bound of C
f orward
gaining more opportunities to improve the forward
We applied joint learning to FarsiSpanish transla-
tion. We selected the training data from Tanzil col-
lection (Tiedemann, 2012), which consists of 50K
parallel sentence pairs. We randomly selected 0.5M
Farsi sentences as well as 0.5M Spanish sentences
extracted from Opensubtitles2018 (Lison and Tiede-
mann, 2016) as the monolingual datasets. In all cases,
any sentence longer than 50 words is removed from
the training dataset. As the validation dataset, we used
5K parallel sentences from Tanzil corpus. We also
used the 10K parallel sentences from Tanzil corpus
as our test dataset. We limited the vocabulary size to
contain up to 50K most frequent words, and convert
remaining words into the <UNK> token.
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Source sentence            
Reference cuando sonó el silbato del árbitro, la capital Española
de Madrid rugió
Translations [iteration 0]: la capital española de madrid estaba
rugiendo con el madrid
[iteration 2]: la capital española de madrid estaba
rugiendo con el sonido del final de la puerta
[iteration 4]: cuando sonó el silbato del árbitro, la
capital española de madrid estaba rugiendo
Figure 1: Example translations of a Farsi sentence in different iterations.
For the implementation we utilize Transformer
(Vaswani et al., 2017) on top of PyTorch, which uses a
6-layer LSTM encoder-decoder and the hidden layer
of 1024 in our experiments. The training uses a mini-
batch of 256 and the Stochastic Gradient Descent
(SGD) (Robbins and Monro, 1951) with an initial
learning rate of 0.01. We set the size of word em-
beddings layer to 512. We also set dropout to 0.1.
We use a maximum sentence length of 50 words. We
also set a beam size of 8, and the model continues for
20 epochs (in both training and test steps) on a single
GPU. We employed Bilingual Evaluation Understudy
(BLEU) (Papineni et al., 2001) (higher is better) and
Translation Error Rate (TER) (Snover. et al., 2006)
(lower is better) as the evaluation metrics.
For building the synthetic bilingual texts, we set
the beam size to 4 to speed up the decoding process.
We first sort all monolingual data according to the
sentence length and then 128 sentences are simulta-
neously translated with parallel decoding implemen-
tation. As for model training, 10 EM iterations are
found to be sufficient for convergence.
Joint learning (NMT-JL) is compared to standard
attention-based NMT system trained on bilingual cor-
pora (NMT-baseline), round-tripping (NMT-RT) (Ah-
madnia and Dorr, 2019), and unsupervised-learning
(NMT-UL) (Artetxe et al., 2019). Tables 1 and 2 show
performance results on FarsiSpanish translations.
It is worth noting that more iterations lead to bet-
ter evaluation results consistently, which validates the
hypothesis that joint training of NMT models in two
directions boosts translation quality.
Figure 1 shows Farsi-Spanish translation results
in different iterations. Specifically, iteration 0 corre-
sponds to the scored baseline from Table 1, and obvi-
ously, the first few iterations gain most, especially for
Iteration 2.
After three iterations (0, 2, and 4), no signifi-
Table 1: The Farsi-to-Spanish translation results (the “Fa”
denotes Farsi and the “Es” denotes Spanish).
Translation Model BLEU TER
Fa-Es NMT-baseline 33.12 53.04
Fa-Es NMT-RT 35.66 50.83
Fa-Es NMT-UL 36.19 49.39
Fa-Es NMT-JL 38.53 47.29
Table 2: Spanish-to-Farsi translation results (the “Fa” de-
notes Farsi and the “Es” denotes Spanish).
Translation Model BLEU TER
Es-Fa NMT-baseline 31.02 55.64
Es-Fa NMT-RT 33.97 52.35
Es-Fa NMT-UL 35.06 51.24
Es-Fa NMT-JL 35.88 49.41
cant improvements are observed. As the target-source
model approaches the ideal translation probability, the
lower bound of the cost is closer to the true cost and
there is a smaller potential for gain. Since there is a
lot of uncertainty during the training, the performance
sometimes drops a little, generally yielding little (or
no) net gain.
NMT-JL can be considered a general version of
NMT-RT where any pseudo sentence pair is weighted
as 1. NMT-JL slightly surpasses NMT-RT on all
test datasets, which confirms that the weight can lead
to better performance. This approach assigns a low
weight to synthetic sentence pairs with poor transla-
tions, so as to punish their effect on model updates.
The translation is improved in subsequent iterations.
Strengthening Low-resource Neural Machine Translation through Joint Learning: The Case of Farsi-Spanish
We have applied a joint learning approach to integrat-
ing the training of a pair of TMs in a unified learn-
ing process with the help of monolingual data from
both source and target sides. A joint-EM learning
technique is employed to optimize two TMs cooper-
atively. The resulting framework enables two models
to jointly boost each other’s translation performance.
Translation probabilities associated with each model
are used to compute weights that estimate the transla-
tion accuracy and punish the low-quality translations.
As a future work, we are interested in extend-
ing the present method to jointly learn multiple NMT
systems for several languages employing massive
amount of monolingual datasets.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valu-
able feedback and discussions. We also would like to
acknowledge the financial support received from the
Linguistics Department at UC Davis (USA).
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Strengthening Low-resource Neural Machine Translation through Joint Learning: The Case of Farsi-Spanish