Masked Hard Coverage Mechanism on Pointer-generator Network for
Natural Language Generation
Ting Hu and Christoph Meinel
Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany
Natural Language Generation, Coverage Mechanism, Pointer-generator Network.
Natural Language Generation (NLG) task is to generate natural language utterances from structured data.
Seq2seq-based systems show great potentiality and have been widely explored for NLG. While they achieve
good generation performance, over-generation and under-generation issues still arise in the generated results.
We propose maintaining a masked hard coverage mechanism in the pointer-generator network, a seq2seq-
based architecture that trains a switch policy to produce output sequences by partially copying from input
structured data. The proposed mechanism can be regarded as the inner controlling module to keep track of
the copying history and force the network to generate sentences accurately covering all information provided
in structured data. Experimental results show that our coverage mechanism alleviates the over-generation and
under-generation issues and achieves decent performance on the E2E NLG dataset.
Natural Language Generation (NLG) is converting
structured data, like Mean Representations (MRs),
into meaningful sentences in the form of natural lan-
guage. An MR is an unordered set of attribute(slot)-
value pairs, where the attribute is a string, and the
value is a sequence of words, or rather, keywords. For
instance, in the restaurant domain, an MR and the cor-
responding reference are as follows.
MR: name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffe shop], cus-
tomerRating[1 out of 5].
Reference: The Blue Spice coffee shop has a cus-
tomer rating of 1 out of 5.
In the MR, name[Blue Spice] is a typical at-
tribute[value] pair, and words Blue Spice, coffee shop,
1 out of 5 are considered as keywords. NLG sys-
tems are supposed to produce fluent and coherent ut-
terances that cover all the information provided in the
Traditional NLG systems are mainly templates-
based (Smiley et al., 2018) and rules-based (Nguyen
and Tran, 2018), which usually require mined or man-
ually designed templates and handcrafted rules. Data-
driven sequence-to-sequence models (Chen et al.,
2018; Gong, 2018) become the mainstream on NLG
tasks. These models can generate fluent and diverse
utterances, whereas large amounts of data are sup-
posed to be available for training. In the case of in-
sufficient data, other strategies like data augmentation
are utilized.
The recent emergence of pre-trained models (Rad-
ford et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019) in the NLP
field has provided us with new possibilities. The
pre-trained models have yet been trained on massive
amounts of text data and have robust inferencing ca-
pability. Based on them, only a small amount of data
in a specific domain is required for fine-tuning and
good results can be obtained on downstream tasks.
Chen et al. (2019) propose a few-shot NLG system
with the pre-trained GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) as
the decoder of a seq2seq framework. They train a
switch module so that the model learns when to copy
from the input MR and when to generate words by the
decoder, similar to other pointer-generator networks
(Gu et al., 2016; See et al., 2017). Though based
on the powerful pre-trained GPT-2 model, it still suf-
fers from over-generation and under-generation prob-
lems like other NLG systems. Over-generation means
that some keywords repeat themselves in the gener-
ated sentences, or unspecified keywords are generated
in the utterances. Under-generation means the gener-
ated sentences’ incomplete coverage of the informa-
tion given in MRs.
We analyze that the reason is the lack of a pre-
cise internal control mechanism to record the cover-
age history of attribute-value pairs during decoding
and to constrain the model to have all given informa-
Hu, T. and Meinel, C.
Masked Hard Coverage Mechanism on Pointer-generator Network for Natural Language Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010341211771183
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 1177-1183
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion exactly covered in generation results. This paper
proposes introducing a masked hard coverage mech-
anism into the few-shot pointer-generator network
(Chen et al., 2020) to impose robust coverage con-
trol on slot-value pairs. We borrow the term “masked”
from pre-trained models, indicating the coverage con-
trol is merely exerted on these keywords of the in-
put MRs. “Hard” demonstrates that the computation
of the coverage control at each slot is hard, that is,
all or nothing. Moreover, one additional loss term is
brought in the loss function to penalize inappropri-
ate sentence-level coverage. We show that the pro-
posed coverage mechanism and the additional loss
term effectively mitigate over-generation and under-
generation issues, and yield better generation results
on E2E NLG dataset compared with the original few-
shot pointer-generator network.
NLG Systems. Manually designed rules or tem-
plates mined from data are indispensable in tradi-
tional NLG systems (Mille and Dasiopoulou, 2017;
Nguyen and Tran, 2018; Smiley et al., 2018; Puzikov
and Gurevych, 2018). They can generate sentences
covering all information in the MRs, yet with a lack
of diversity. Recent neural-based seq2seq systems
sek and Jur
cek, 2016; Juraska et al., 2018; Chen
et al., 2018; Agarwal et al., 2018) are widely explored,
for example, in the E2E NLG challenge. These sys-
tems achieve good generation results on automatic
evaluation metrics and human evaluation, while large
amounts of training data are the necessities. Under
the circumstances of small amounts of training data,
Elsahar et al. (2018) propose zero-shot learning to
generate questions from knowledge graphs, wherein
many training instances are required before entering
the transfer learning stage. Chen et al. (2020) put
forward a few-shot learning NLG framework with a
pre-trained language model, where a small number of
training instances contribute to good generation qual-
ity on the WIKIBIO NLG task.
Coverage Mechanism. Neural Machine Transla-
tion systems suffer from the common problem of the
lack of coverage; namely, not all source words are
covered or translated in target sentences. Tu et al.
(2016) propose a coverage mechanism to alleviate
over-translation and under-translation problems. A
coverage vector is maintained during the decoding
process to facilitate future generation decisions and
significantly improve the alignment between source
and target sentences. See et al. (2017) propose a more
straightforward method of accumulating the coverage
vector and define an additional coverage loss to penal-
ize attention repetition in text summarization. Con-
sidering that some words are allowed to appear multi-
ple times when generating summarizations, their cov-
erage loss is not strict enough for our NLG task, in
which all essential information in input MRs should
be exactly covered.
Our work is based on the framework of Chen et al.
(2020). The differences lie in that: (i) We apply a
masked hard coverage mechanism on all keywords in
the MRs. To be specific, “masked” means the cover-
age vector is only updated when keywords appear in
generation result. “Hard” means each element’s value
in the coverage vector is 0 or 1, with no other values
in between. (ii) We employ one additional loss term
in the loss function to force the model to cover all the
given information and avoid repeated coverage. Our
coverage loss term is a more robust constraint than
that of See et al. (2017).
The original framework (Chen et al., 2020) consists
of a field-gating table encoder with dual attention (Liu
et al., 2018) and a pre-trained language model GPT-
2 (Radford et al., 2019) as the decoder. We list one
example of the input and the expected output of the
framework in Figure 1. The attribute-value pairs and
the relative position information of these keywords
are concatenated and fed into the encoder. The in-
put of the decoder is the reference, together with the
keywords’ attribute and relative position information.
The model aims to train a switch module to control
when to copy keywords from input MRs and when to
let the decoder generate tokens independently.
At each time step t, the switch policy controlled
by p
is computed by
= σ(W
+ b)
Where h
denotes the context vector, which is the
weighted sum of all encoder hidden states {h
}, s
is the decoder hidden state, and x
is the decoder in-
put. The dual attention weight distribution γ
is the
element-wise production between word-level atten-
tion weight α
known as vanilla attention (Bahdanau
et al., 2014) and attribute-level attention weight β
(Liu et al., 2018),
= α
· β
. (2)
Meanwhile, a coverage vector is maintained to record
which keywords have been copied. Assume all key
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The architecture of the employed pointer-generator network. The inputs and expected output of the model are within
three red dashed boxes, respectively. Some connections are omitted for clarity. The coverage vector c is only updated at the
positions where the words in the reference are from the given MRs.
words in the given MR is x = [x
, x
, x
, x
]. The ini-
tial coverage vector is c
= [0, 0, 0, 0] indicating that
no keyword has been copied. For the next time step,
if word x
is copied, the coverage vector turns to
= [1, 0, 0, 0], or if the generated word is not from
the input MR, the coverage vector keeps unchanged
= [0, 0, 0, 0]. In general, the masked hard coverage
vector is updated as:
= c
+ onehot(argmax(γ
)) m
where m
with a value of 1 or 0 is the mask denoting
whether the word belongs to keywords or not, respec-
tively. The coverage vector indicating copying history
also affects how dual attention weight γ
is obtained
= tanh(W
+ b
= γ
· g
where g
is coverage penalty that has further impact
on the switch policy through Eq. 1. In other words,
to pay attention to the same keywords of input MR is
to be penalized. Hence, the switch module actually
make a decision to copy or to generate with the past
copy history taken into consideration.
Furthermore, In order to force the model to at-
tend to all key words in input MRs and avoid copying
the same words, we employ one additional coverage
loss term in the loss function to constrain the cover-
age vectors to be close to all-ones vectors, as the third
term in the loss function,
L = L
+ α
(1 p
) + β||c 1
where c denotes the final coverage vectors of all in-
stances, K denotes the set of all keywords in the MRs
that appear in output sequences, and weights α and β
are to be tuned. The first term is the reconstruction
loss between the input and output of the model, and
the second term is the switch policy, where p
maximized at the positions where keywords occur in
output sequences.
For comparison, we describe another coverage
mechanism of the pointer-generator network (See
et al., 2017) proposed for text summarization. Ac-
cording to the soft coverage mechanism, when em-
ployed in the current framework, the coverage vector
is accumulated by the dual attention distribution of
each decoder timestep
= c
+ γ
. (6)
In other words, the coverage vector is maintained to
record the copying history of all words. To penalize
repetitive attention to the same words, the coverage
loss of each timestep is
, c
). (7)
Apparently, for text summarization, the facts that
some words may even occur multiple times and uni-
form coverage is not required result in the above
soft coverage mechanism. By contrast, our masked
hard coverage mechanism offers more powerful con-
straints on keywords coverage for NLG tasks. In
the below experiments, the comparisons of these two
mechanisms are also provided.
Masked Hard Coverage Mechanism on Pointer-generator Network for Natural Language Generation
4.1 Datasets
We conduct experiments on the E2E NLG dataset,
where each instance is a pair of an MR and the corre-
sponding human-written reference sentences. Since
an MR could correspond to several references, we
take all different MRs in the training set. For each
MR, we randomly pick up one of its corresponding
references. The statistics of data used are listed in Ta-
ble 1. Compared with the total number of 42061 train-
ing instances in the original E2E NLG dataset, only a
small fraction of instances are used in our experiment.
To validate the proposed masked hard coverage
mechanism, we conduct experiments on TV and
Laptop NLG datasets. Each instance is a pair of
Dialogue Act (DA) and corresponding natural lan-
guage realization. One example of the format of
instance is: DA: inform no match(type=television;
pricerange=cheap; hdmiport=2; family=l2); Ref:
There are no cheap televisions in the l2 family with
2 hdmi ports. In total, there are 14 different DAs in
each dataset. To have DA information attached in the
input, we take DA strings, such as inform no match,
as the prompt input of the GPT-2 decoder. The re-
maining slot-value pairs and references are used as
the input of encoder and decoder, respectively. The
statistics of these datasets are documented in Table 1.
Table 1: The statistics of three NLG datasets.
E2E Laptop TV
Training set 4862 7944 4221
development set 547 2649 1407
Test set 630 2649 1407
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
For the E2E NLG dataset, we compare with other
models using several automatic n-gram overlap eval-
uation metrics, including BLEU, NIST, METEOR,
. For the Laptop and TV NLG
datasets, we evaluate our generation results on metrics
and BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2019).
ERR is computed by the number of erroneous slots in
generated utterances divided by the total number of
slots in given MRs. Unlike BLEU that merely mea-
sures n-grams overlap, BERTScore computes token-
wise similarity using contextual embeddings for can-
The evaluation script is provided by
The tool is from
didate sentences and references, which correlates bet-
ter with human judgments.
4.3 Results and Analyses
For the E2E NLG dataset, evaluation results are listed
in Table 2. TGen (Du
sek and Jur
cek, 2016) is the
strong baseline system that no other single system
could outperform on all evaluation metrics. The best
previous results on different metrics are reported by
Roberti et al. (2019), Du
sek et al. (2018), Puzikov and
Gurevych (2018), Zhang et al. (2018), Gong (2018),
respectively. “Original” is the framework (Chen et al.,
2020) on which our mechanism is built. “Origi-
nal+covloss” is the original model with the soft cov-
erage mechanism (See et al., 2017).
Compared with the original framework, our
model’s generation results have most of the evaluation
results improved. Further comparison with the soft
coverage mechanism demonstrates the validity and
powerful copying constraint of our masked hard cov-
erage mechanism. Considering the best previous re-
sults are separately achieved by different models, our
models yield fairly well and balanced results regard-
ing all metrics, and outperforms the baseline model
TGen on metrics BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE-L, and
We list two groups of sentences produced by the
original framework and our model in Table 4. For
the first example, over-generation occurs in the utter-
ances generated by the original framework and orig-
inal framework with soft coverage mechanism (See
et al., 2017); that is, the keywords “coffee shop”
appear twice. In the second group, other systems
produce utterances without covering the information
“Japanese” food. In contrast, sentences produced by
our model have all the information included. Appar-
ently, over-generation and under-generation are elim-
inated in the examples.
To further validate the proposed coverage mech-
anism, experimental results on Laptop and TV NLG
datasets are displayed in Table 3. HDC (Wen et al.,
2015a) is a handcrafted generator capable of covering
all the slots. SCLSTM (Wen et al., 2015b) is a base-
line model, a statistical language generator based on a
semantically controlled LSTM structure. “Ori+Cov”
is the original framework (Chen et al., 2020) with soft
coverage mechanism (See et al., 2017).
In terms of BLEU, SCLSTM surpasses all oth-
ers; however, the comparable results of BERTScore
among different models demonstrate that all of them
generate sentences similar to the references. Regard-
ing ERR, our model outperforms SCLSTM in the
Laptop domain shows its potentiality for more ap-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Evaluation results on the test set of the E2E NLG task. The best previous results are from Roberti et al. (2019),
sek et al. (2018), Puzikov and Gurevych (2018), Zhang et al. (2018), Gong (2018), respectively.
TGen 0.6593 8.6094 0.4483 0.6850 2.2338
Best Previous Results 0.6705 8.6130 0.4529 0.7083 2.2721
Original (Chen et al., 2019) 0.6215 8.1044 0.4213 0.6421 1.6848
Original + Covloss (See et al., 2017) 0.6238 8.1101 0.4262 0.6424 1.7570
Ours 0.6610 8.4690 0.4486 0.6873 2.2426
Table 3: Evaluation results on Laptop and TV datasets.
“Ori+Cov” is the original framework with soft coverage
mechanism (See et al., 2017).
HDC 0.3761 0.00% 0.95
SCLSTM 0.5116 0.79% 0.94
Ori 0.4776 1.31% 0.95
Ori + Cov 0.4865 1.25% 0.95
Ours 0.4983 0.42% 0.95
HDC 0.3919 0.00% 0.95
SCLSTM 0.5265 2.31% 0.95
Ori 0.3818 14.57% 0.93
Ori + Cov 0.3852 14.11% 0.93
Ours 0.4183 4.34% 0.95
plications. We notice that the generated results are
much better in the TV domain. The reason lies in that
in few-shot learning, the model’s performance is par-
tially affected by training data size. The number of
training instances in the TV domain is fewer than that
in the Laptop domain, leading to worse performance.
To further analyze the results, we list two groups
of sentences generated by different models in Table 5.
In both groups, the slot “hasusbport” is not correctly
covered in the sentences generated from our model,
which is part of the reason why our model reach a
higher ERR than others. In fact, the slot “hasusbport”
is a ternary slot with three possible values: true, false,
and dontcare, and they are preprocessed as “hasusb-
port”, “hasnousbport” and “dontcare”. These values
might be inconsistent with their counterparts in the
training references, for example, “hasusbport=true”
may correspond to the phrase “does not have a usb
port”. Consequently, they are not labeled and in-
cluded in the coverage mechanism when training, and
are produced by the decoder when generating. Conse-
quently, they are not labeled and included in the cov-
erage mechanism when training and are produced by
the decoder when generating. The powerful coverage
constraint is not applied at the keywords correspond-
ing to the slot hasusbport. To figure out how to cope
with ternary slots more appropriately is one part of
our future work.
This paper presents a masked hard coverage mech-
anism on a seq2seq-based pointer-generator network
for the NLG task. The system employs a pre-trained
language model GPT-2 as the decoder, and just small
amounts of training data result in decent generation
performance. Based on the original framework, we
maintain a coverage vector to track the coverage of
attribute-value pairs in input MRs. Moreover, we con-
strain the model to strictly cover all the given informa-
tion through an additional loss term in the loss func-
tion. Experimental results show that our mechanism
mitigates the over-generation and under-generation
issues compared with the original framework and pro-
duces high-quality generation results and fewer slot
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name:Zizzi, near:Burger King, eatType:coffee shop, customer rating:high
Near Burger King is a highly rated coffee shop called Zizzi.
Zizzi is a coffee shop near Burger King. It has a high customer rating and is a coffee shop.
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Zizzi is a coffee shop near Burger King. It has a high customer rating.
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Green Man is a pub near Express by Holiday Inn in the riverside area.
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Green Man is a pub near Express by Holiday Inn in the riverside area.
A Japanese pub called Green Man is located in the riverside area near the Express by Holiday Inn.
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inform count(count=38;type=television;hdmiport=dontcare;hasusbport=dontcare)
count 38 television number of hdmi port dontcare has usb port dontcare.
there are 38 televisions if you don’t care about the number of hdmi ports and if you don’t care about
whether it has usb port or not.
there are 38 television -s if you do not care about the number of hdmi port -s if you do not care about the
number of hdmi port -s.
if you don’t care about the number of hdmi ports there are 38 televisions available with no usb ports.
inform(name=morpheus 93;type=television;hasusbport=false;hdmiport=3;screensize=48 inch)
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morpheus 93 is a television which does not have any usb ports, has 3 hdmi ports, and has a 48 inch screen
the morpheus 93 television has a 48 inch screen, 3 hdmi port -s and no usb port -s.
the 48 inch morpheus 93 television has 3 hdmi ports as well as a usb port.
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Masked Hard Coverage Mechanism on Pointer-generator Network for Natural Language Generation