Heterogeneous Preferences and Patterns of Contribution in
Cybersecurity as a Public Good
Mazaher Kianpour
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Teknologivegen 22, 2815 Gjøvik, Norway
Cybersecurity Economics, Social Preferences, Public Goods, Agent-based Modeling.
This paper presents an agent-based model of contribution to cybersecurity as a participatory public good.
Ineffective cybersecurity measures pose serious threats and risks to the development and stability of infor-
mation societies in the world. Hence, different doctrines and thesis have been suggested to explore how this
domain should be treated by the public and private stakeholders. Cybersecurity as a public good is one of
these doctrines that accordingly, cybersecurity is non-rivalrous and non-excludable. In this paper, we present a
model of social preferences reflecting the concepts of altruism, individualism, aggressiveness, and reciprocity.
It describes an agent-based model simulating a repeated public goods game among a set of defenders that
are in an uncertain environment with incomplete and imperfect information. In the model, defenders have a
probability to choose contribution or being a free-rider, depending on their own preferences and facing with
revealed preferences of other defenders. This model implements a utility maximization that applies to each
individual, modeling the existence of free-riders, punishments, and interdependency of decisions on the social
context. The results of this simulation show that, over time, defenders update their preferences in reaction to
the behavior of other defenders and the experience of cyber-attacks. Moreover, they indicate a high level of
contribution to the provision of cybersecurity as a public good and the effectiveness of punishment on increas-
ing the contributions. This paper demonstrated how agent-based models can be used to examine this doctrine
and investigate whether this doctrine complies with the unique characteristics of cybersecurity.
Behavioral economics has discovered systematic hu-
man behavior in many domains including cybersecu-
rity. These behaviors, such as nonlinear probability
weighting, conditional cooperation, and loss aversion,
show that human behavior is inherently noisy and het-
erogeneous. Recent research gives a nuanced view of
the results from experimental games
in which the no-
tion that humans are purely self-regarded is rejected.
Although this is not a new discussion among exper-
imental economists, we believe that this notion has
not been studied in the context of cybersecurity eco-
nomics. The results from (Kianpour et al., 2019)
show that social preferences in cybersecurity decision
making is not insignificant and have a moderating ef-
fect on the behavior of actors.
The ultimatum game, the gift exchange game, trust
game and the public goods game are among the widely
replicated experimental games to build this evidence.
Cybersecurity covers a vast domain that includes de-
signing and development of robust systems against
attacks, deployment of methods to detect anomalies
and guarantee the system’s resilience, and defining
response and recovery mechanisms to attacks. All
these are essential requirements of societies that rely
on digital infrastructure. Moreover, it is estimated that
more than $5trillion assets will be at risk in the next
five years due to the rapid digitalization. Hence, in-
vestment in cybersecurity and how this domain should
be treated by the public and private sectors has been a
hot topic among the business leaders.
In 2011, Mulligan and Schneider proposes to
frame and manage cybersecurity as a public good
(Mulligan and Schneider, 2011). While Mulligan
doctrine demonstrates rational, defensible and legit-
imate arguments, it has not gone beyond an acknowl-
edgment that the benefits of cybersecurity are to some
degree non-rivalrous and non-excludable, and has not
explored the aspects of both cybersecurity and pub-
lic goods that contribute on efficiency and effective-
Kianpour, M.
Heterogeneous Preferences and Patterns of Contribution in Cybersecurity as a Public Good.
DOI: 10.5220/0010336204140421
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 414-421
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ness of cybersecurity provision. Accordingly, we are
not trying to provide normative justification for gov-
ernments to invest more heavily in cybersecurity as
a public good. Conversely, we aim to investigate
whether this idea matches the existing theories and
how this doctrine affects the resilience of such dy-
namic and uncertain environments like digital ecosys-
tems. Therefore, the aim of this study is to construct
an agent-based model that captures the main elements
of public goods theory (i.e. free-riders problem, ef-
fectiveness of punishment, and network effects) and
investigate whether it complies with the unique char-
acteristics of cybersecurity (i.e. dynamic and uncer-
tain environment with incomplete and imperfect in-
formation, and difficulty in assessing the cybersecu-
rity value and cyber risks). In this study, we look at
how agent-based modeling (ABM) can contribute to
exploring macro outcomes of collective contributions
of agents to provide cybersecurity as a public good
considering the heterogeneous social preferences of
agents. Introduction of social preferences into stan-
dard models in economic theory provides us with a
better understanding of different phenomena.
This paper proceeds first by reviewing cybersecu-
rity as a public good. Therefore, in Section 2, we re-
view the previous research on cybersecurity as a pub-
lic good. We present our ABM in Section 3. Section
4 demonstrates the results of the simulation and sen-
sitivity analysis. Finally, this paper is concluded in
Section 5 with suggestions for future work.
Samuelsen defines public goods as non-rival and non-
excludable goods in consumption (Samuelson, 1954).
The former implies that once the good is produced,
it can be consumed by other consumers at no addi-
tional cost. The latter, however, is sometimes added
and specifies that consumers cannot be excluded from
consumption of the good once produced. Goods with
these characteristics are often produced with some
form of public assistance (e.g. tax). Accurate pro-
duction and provision of these goods compared to
the level that would be best for society is the main
challenge of policy makers. Some public goods are
best created by direct government provisioning, while
other may be best created by the all beneficiaries as a
participatory public good. Participatory public goods
are created best by changing individuals and organi-
zations’ incentives through different policies and reg-
Consumption of a public good by an end-user does
not necessarily have to be free of charge, however, it
is essential that its costs do not become a discriminat-
ing factor, and consequently, determining access and
use of it. From an economic point of view, cybersecu-
rity has been treated as a club good, in that it is non-
rivalrous (i.e. it is not exhausted by its use), but ex-
cludable (i.e. its access is regulated by its cost). The
failure of the market to produce adequate investments
in cybersecurity is documented in (Rowe and Galla-
her, 2006; Etzioni, 2011) and addresses the challenges
of managing cybersecurity as a club good.
Taddeo argues that considering cybersecurity as a
public good will be a step in the right direction to
support policy and governance approaches that will
foster robust, open, pluralistic, and stable information
societies (Taddeo, 2019). She elaborates managing
cybersecurity as a public good brings the advantages
of systemic approaches to security, shared responsi-
bilities among different stakeholders; and facilitation
of collaboration. Asllani et al. also explores the
role of establishing an appropriate legal, social, and
ethical framework to enhance cybersecurity (Asllani
et al., 2013). The authors compare the cybersecurity
with safety and conclude that financing of cybersecu-
rity by taxes justifies the significant role of govern-
ments in enhancing cybersecurity. Comparison of cy-
bersecurity with other public goods is not limited to
public safety and other researchers also compared it
with public health. Sedenberg and Mulligan evaluated
different cybersecurity information sharing proposals
leaning on the analogous public good-oriented field of
public health, and proposed some recommendations
to orient cybersecurity policies adopt the doctrine of
public cybersecurity (Sedenberg and Mulligan, 2015).
Reviewing the literature shows that there are dif-
ferent arguments favoring treating cybersecurity as a
public good and the public goods theory plays a rel-
atively minor role in both cybersecurity policy and
practices. Although appraisal of these arguments are
beyond the scope of this research, we attempt to quan-
titatively analyze whether the context of cybersecurity
complies with this theory and employing this theory
maintains the robustness and resilience of the such dy-
namic and stochastic environment in presence of var-
ious externalities.
In the model, there are N 2 organization which each
of them has an initial resource R 0, expressed in
monetary units. The organizations simultaneously de-
cide on their respective contributions c
0 to invest
on security measures (SM). The total contributions to-
Heterogeneous Preferences and Patterns of Contribution in Cybersecurity as a Public Good
wards the cybersecurity provision using these mea-
sures is given by C =
. The monetary gain of
organization i N is given by
R c
+ (ROSI ×Cost
) W /O punishment
R c
+ (ROSI ×Cost
) Cost
i j
W / punishment
where Cost
is the annual cost of deployment and
maintenance of the security measure (SM), and ROSI
is the return on security investment by the all organi-
zations arising from implementation of security mea-
sures. In the public goods theory literature, this pri-
vate benefit is called the marginal per capita return
(MPCR). In our model, we calculate this variable as
ALE (ALE ×(1 RM)) AC
where ALE, RM and AC are the annual loss ex-
pectancy, mitigated risk by implementation of the se-
curity measure, and annual cost of it, respectively. On
the other side, the return on the conducted attack for
the attackers will be calculated by
EMG (EMG ×RM) Cost
where EMG and Cost
are the expected monetary
gain and cost of the conducted attack, respectively.
An experimental game played in western countries,
where the rule of law and the norm of civic co-
operation are high, shows that punishment of non-
contributors by contributors is common (Herrmann
et al., 2008). Hence, in Equation 1, we added inves-
tigate two situations; with and without punishment.
Punishment incurs expenses on both sides. There-
fore, it is likely that contributors ignore punishment
considering the cost of punishment (Cost
) and their
social preferences. For example, altruistic defenders
are willing less, in compare to aggressive defenders,
to punish the non-contributor.
Considering our discussion in introduction, so-
cial preferences models with risk aversion may break
down into two main elements of self-regarding and
other-regarding preferences. With this in mind, we
express our utility function as below:
) = g
,0] β
where α
and β
are constant elasticity of substitution
in this function to exhibit the elasticity of the ratio
of altruism and individualism, respectively. Figure 1
depicts these two elements. In our model 100
100 and 0 β
( )+
Figure 1: The value orientation ring with radius r = 100. The 24 possible choices are represented
by the 24 points on the ring, separated from each other by a
unknown subject during each treatment.
The two treatments
The basic game is the following. For each alternative of the ring test, we add two new steps.
Accordingly, the game is composed of 24 sets of 3 steps:
1. The first step consists of an initial ring test alternative (see sections 2.2 and 2.3). Two
allocations are proposed to the dictator who chooses one of the form (π
, π
2. In the second step, the dictator has the possibility to make additionally a transfer t to
the other player, the only constraint being that t 0.
3. The third step defines the way the transfer occurs and so, the treatment.
For the basic treatment (treatment 0), the transfer occurs so that players are
endowed with (π
t, π
+ t).
For the second treatment (treatment 1), the transfer is completed and matched by
the experimenters so that the final allocation vector is (π
t, π
+ 2 t).
Other treatments using uncertainty about the transfer are in discussion and could
be used in alternative experimental settings.
Specific features of the transfer game
Payoffs are expressed in points. The conversion rate from point to money is given at the
beginning of the experiment. The summary of initial endowments, transfers, final endow-
ments and the sum is only displayed at the end of the completed transfer game, i.e. after
the completion of both treatments.
Figure 1: Social Orientation Value Ring.
The static equilibrium of this game, when all the
quantities have unchanging values and organizations
are self-regarded, is zero contributions (i N : c
0). Furthermore, (Isaac et al., 1982) shows that the
social optimum will be achieved under i N : c
R. However, in presence of externalities and other-
regarding preferences which are highly feasible in our
study and the context of cybersecurity, these funda-
mental theorems need not hold. Assuming that the
preferences of all the agents are separable, Dufwen-
berg proposed a general equilibrium for the con-
ditions that other-regarding preferences exist in the
market, particularly if it is competitive (Dufwenberg
et al., 2011). Presence of externalities also does not
necessarily result in a socially desirable distribution
of resources. Therefore, to investigate all these pos-
sible conditions, we implement an agent-based model
to investigate the feasible development of outcomes.
3.1 Agent-based Model
The ABM presented in this paper models the impor-
tance of an agent’s social preferences on the decision
to cooperate or not cooperate in providing cyberse-
curity in the environment as a participatory public
good (i.e. requires the beneficiaries to participate in
creation of the good). In this model, defenders play
a standard public good game where in each period,
each defender makes the decision to contribute to im-
plement the security measures with specific cost and
applications. In case of attack, if the measure is im-
plemented adequately, the attack fails and at the end
of period, the calculated ROSI shares equally among
all the defenders. Otherwise, the impact of conducted
attack will be reduces of the attack target’s resource
and adds to the attacker resource.
Five cyber attacks with different levels of impact
occur in each period. These attacks and their corre-
sponding impacts and costs are extracted from (Bis-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: A screenshot of the implemented model using NetLogo 6.1.1.
sell et al., 2019). The attackers have no information
regarding the implemented measures and defenders.
However, defenders have the information regarding
the contributions of other defenders. Accordingly, to
store this information and introduce the reciprocity
behavior into the model, all the defenders have their
own memory which stores the attacks that have oc-
curred to them, the defenders that they have punished
and the defenders that were punished by.
The model is written in NetLogo (see Figure 2)
and each step of the simulation represents one day and
the simulation period is 365 steps, equivalent with one
year. The probability of cooperation of each defender
in each period is based on personal motivation, level
of resource, and experience. The defenders do not
know the contribution probability of the other defend-
ers and the attack likelihood, however, the are able to
observe if any contribution is made or any attack has
occurred. Thus, the game is implemented with incom-
plete and imperfect information among the agents.
This section discusses the results of the implemen-
tation of our ABM. The results show that the model
replicates the general features of public goods theory
and presents the outcomes of the players decision in
the game focusing on their social preferences. Firstly,
we look at pure social preferences (Reciprocity Ratio
= 0) with and without punishment. Figure 3 shows the
average contributions made by the defenders to pro-
tect their environment and maintain their robustness
in 15 years. The figure shows that punishment dra-
matically promotes contribution. It also shows that
altruistic preferences increases over time whereas the
individual and and aggressive preferences reach to a
constant level of contribution after first five periods of
the simulation.
Reciprocity affects the choice of those who choose
later. Figures 5 and 4 show the results of simula-
tion run in cooperative and competitive modes, re-
spectively, with different reciprocity ratio. As we
observe, the possibility of punishment alters the re-
sults in both modes. In cooperative mode with pun-
ishment, increase in reciprocal behavior increases the
average contribution. In contrast, without punish-
ment, increase in reciprocal behavior decreases the
contributions among the defenders. The reason of this
phenomenon is inequity aversion which is described
in (Fehr and Schmidt, 1999; Bolton and Ockenfels,
2000). Inequity aversion is the preference for fairness
and resistance to incidental inequalities. With higher
reciprocity ratio, defenders care more about interper-
sonal comparisons of their own payoff and the payoffs
of others. Therefore, increase in contribution moti-
vates them more to contribute and vice-versa. More-
over, these results show that despite the heteroge-
neous preferences among the agents, they gradually
change to a homogeneous behavior to contribute in
provision of cybersecurity and maintain the resiliency
of the environment. To put it more generally, we ob-
serve that in a dynamic and stochastic environment,
logic at the level of the system can not be easily in-
ferred from logic at the level of the agents.
Heterogeneous Preferences and Patterns of Contribution in Cybersecurity as a Public Good
6 No Author Given
Average Contribution
Social Preferences
Alt - OFF
Ind - OFF
Agg - OFF
Alt - ON
Ind - ON
Agg - ON
Fig. 2. Social Preferences with punishment (ON) and without punishment (OFF)
probability of cooperation of each defender in each period is based on personal
motivation, level of resource, and experience. The defenders do not know the
contribution probability of the other defenders and the attack likelihood, how-
ever, the are able to observe if any contribution is made or any attack has
occurred. Thus, the game is implemented with incomplete and imperfect infor-
mation among the agents.
4 Results
This section discusses the results of the implementation of our ABM. The results
show that the model replicates the general features of public goods theory and
presents the outcomes of the players decision in the game focusing on their social
preferences. Firstly, we look at pure social preferences (Reciprocity Ratio = 0)
with and without punishment. Figure 2 shows the average contributions made by
the defenders to protect their environment and maintain their robustness in 15
years. The figure shows that punishment dramatically promotes contribution. It
also shows that altruistic preferences increases over time whereas the individual
Figure 3: Social Preferences with punishment (ON) and without punishment (OFF).
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 7
Average Contribution
Recip 0 - OFF
Recip 0.5 - OFF
Recip 1 - OFF
Recip 0 - ON
Recip 0.5 - ON
Recip 1 - ON
Fig. 3. Cooperation with punishment (ON) and without punishment (OFF)
and and aggressive preferences reach to a constant level of contribution after
first five periods of the simulation.
Reciprocity affects the choice of those who choose later. Figures 4 and 3 show
the results of simulation run in cooperative and competitive modes, respectively,
with different reciprocity ratio. As we observe, the possibility of punishment al-
ters the results in both modes. In cooperative mode with punishment, increase
in reciprocal behavior increases the average contribution. In contrast, without
punishment, increase in reciprocal behavior decreases the contributions among
the defenders. The reason of this phenomenon is inequity aversion which is de-
scribed in [8, 4]. Inequity aversion is the preference for fairness and resistance to
incidental inequalities. With higher reciprocity ratio, defenders care more about
interpersonal comparisons of their own payoff and the payoffs of others. There-
fore, increase in contribution motivates them more to contribute and vice-versa.
Moreover, these results show that despite the heterogeneous preferences among
the agents, they gradually change to a homogeneous behavior to contribute in
provision of cybersecurity and maintain the resiliency of the environment. To
put it more generally, we observe that in a dynamic and stochastic environment,
Figure 4: Cooperation with punishment (ON) and without punishment (OFF).
4.1 Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis (parameter variability) technique
consists of changing the values of the inputs and pa-
rameters of a model to determine the effect upon the
model’s behavior or output. We used the quantita-
tive approach to investigate both direction and mag-
nitudes of the outputs. The outputs that we examined
in this study are the number of free-riders, resource
difference between defenders and attackers, and the
spending on punishments by contributors. Figure 6
show the result of our analysis on the number of free-
riders in cooperative mode, with and without punish-
ment. As this figure shows, the number of free-riders
increases with the increase in reciprocity ratio if con-
tributors do not punish the non-contributors. We ob-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
8 No Author Given
Average Contribution
Recip 0 - OFF
Recip 0.5 - OFF
Recip 1 - OFF
Recip 0 - ON
Recip 0.5 - ON
Recip 1 - ON
Fig. 4. Competition with punishment (ON) and without punishment (OFF)
logic at the level of the system can not be easily inferred from logic at the level
of the agents.
4.1 Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis (parameter variability) technique consists of changing the
values of the inputs and parameters of a model to determine the effect upon the
model’s behavior or output. We used the quantitative approach to investigate
both direction and magnitudes of the outputs. The outputs that we examined in
this study are the number of free-riders, resource difference between defenders
and attackers, and the spending on punishments by contributors. Figure 5 show
the result of our analysis on the number of free-riders in cooperative mode, with
and without punishment. As this figure shows, the number of free-riders increases
with the increase in reciprocity ratio if contributors do not punish the non-
contributors. We observed the same trend in competition mode. As we pointed
out earlier, this shows the change of preferences in this highly interdependent
and dynamic environment.
Figure 5: Competition with punishment (ON) and without punishment (OFF).
served the same trend in competition mode. As we
pointed out earlier, this shows the change of prefer-
ences in this highly interdependent and dynamic en-
In our model, resource difference between defend-
ers and attackers shows the resilience of the environ-
ment against the cyber attacks, in that positive value
means that defenders were able to maintain the ro-
bustness of their systems by taking advantage of the
implemented security measures, and negative value
means attackers were successful in breaching into the
defenders’ systems. Our sensitivity analysis shows
that cooperation mode with medium reciprocity ra-
tio has the best results to maintain the environment
resilient. Furthermore, punishments arise out of dis-
satisfaction towards the contribution of other defend-
ers and imposes cost to both sides (See equation 1).
Therefore, defenders can choose whether they are
willing, and they are able to punish those who under
contribute less in each period. Spending on the pun-
ishments in aggressive mode with lowest reciprocity
behavior has the highest value in our repeated games.
These results show the importance of reciprocal be-
havior in interactions among defenders and change of
preferences based on the experience and behavior of
other peers.
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 9
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
11 11
8 8
5 5
4 4 4 4
14 14
13 13
16 16
Reciprocity Ratio
With Punishment Without Punishment
Fig. 5. Impact of reciprocal behavior on the number of free-rider in cooperative mode
(N = 20)
In our model, resource difference between defenders and attackers shows the
resilience of the environment against the cyber attacks, in that positive value
means that defenders were able to maintain the robustness of their systems
by taking advantage of the implemented security measures, and negative value
means attackers were successful in breaching into the defenders’ systems. Our
sensitivity analysis shows that cooperation mode with medium reciprocity ratio
has the best results to maintain the environment resilient. Furthermore, pun-
ishments arise out of dissatisfaction towards the contribution of other defenders
and imposes cost to both sides (See equation 1). Therefore, defenders can choose
whether they are willing, and they are able to punish those who under contribute
less in each period. Spending on the punishments in aggressive mode with lowest
reciprocity behavior has the highest value in our repeated games. These results
show the importance of reciprocal behavior in interactions among defenders and
change of preferences based on the experience and behavior of other peers.
4.2 Validation
The model validation is a process of assessing the degree to which the model is a
reasonable representation of the real world from the perspective of the model’s
intended applications. A clear understanding of the phenomena to be described
by the model and the testing the simplest behavior rules are the key to reliable
ABM validation [15]. Validation has a rigorous-relevance issue. The most rigorous
validation is data based, however, in order to conduct a rigorous validation for
such a complex problem, we require collection of data for many years. Therefore,
we employ other methods of validation in this study. Sargent proposed different
Figure 6: Impact of reciprocal behavior on the number of
free-rider in cooperative mode (N = 20).
4.2 Validation
The model validation is a process of assessing the
degree to which the model is a reasonable represen-
tation of the real world from the perspective of the
model’s intended applications. A clear understand-
ing of the phenomena to be described by the model
and the testing the simplest behavior rules are the key
to reliable ABM validation (Ormerod and Rosewell,
2006). Validation has a rigorous-relevance issue. The
most rigorous validation is data based, however, in
order to conduct a rigorous validation for such a com-
plex problem, we require collection of data for many
years. Therefore, we employ other methods of vali-
dation in this study. Sargent proposed different meth-
ods of validity for simulation models (Sargent, 2013).
Heterogeneous Preferences and Patterns of Contribution in Cybersecurity as a Public Good
This paper mainly studies the result of framing and
managing cybersecurity as a public good, rather than
specifically predicting the agents behavior in the envi-
ronment. Therefore, we only test replicative validity
(i.e. comparison to other models and determining the
internal stochastic variability in the model).
There are four levels of model performance for
replication validity (Axtell and Epstein, 1994). Since,
it would not be realistic to achieve the highest level
(i.e. the model behavior is in quantitative agreement
with empirical micro-structures, actual human behav-
ior) due to inherent uncertainty in human behavior
and the random events in reality, we satisfy the crite-
ria of the third level which is quantitative agreement
with empirical macro-structures. The results of this
simulation model are compared with empirical data
from previous studies (Falk and Fischbacher, 2001;
Fischbacher and Gachter, 2010; Lacomba and L
erez, 2015). The evidence shows that the agents be-
havior in this model under all the conditions (i.e. with
punishment, without punishment and reciprocity) is
in line with the empirical data.
This study shows that agent-based modeling of com-
plex socio-technical systems can be valuable for test-
ing fundamental theories which are difficult to in-
spect mathematically and experimentally. We pre-
sented a model to explore the interdependence of in-
dividual decisions in a repeated public goods game
that treats cybersecurity as a public good. This model
maps agents’ preferences to choices of contribution
and punishment. Repeated interactions among the de-
fenders that are able to remember their experience of
cyber attacks, punishments and contributions by oth-
ers lead to a convergence of individual preferences
and emergence of a cooperative behavior as a result.
Heterogeneity of agents is represented by heteroge-
neous social preferences with different reciprocal be-
havior, various level of resources and different source
of incentives. All these parameters affect on the prob-
ability of the contribution and punishment of non-
We acknowledge that numerous externalities in
the context of cybersecurity and difficulty in assess-
ing the cybersecurity value and cyber risks cause mis-
aligned incentives and information asymmetry which
all contribute to poor cybersecurity investment and
management. However, this study suggests that the
theory of public goods should play a more significant
role in how we treat cybersecurity in the fast devel-
oping societies to maintain robust and resilient digital
ecosystems. Moreover, it shows that the maintaining
the resilience of the systems promotes the collective
actions among the defenders to combat the future at-
tacks. This highlights the importance of experience
and strongly interdependent decisions that changes
the status of the environment radically.
This is the first implementation of a public goods
game in the context of cybersecurity to investigate
whether the theory of public goods complies with this
domain. This study is meant as a starting point for
research in quantitatively analysis of the doctrine of
public cybersecurity. In future, we investigate the dif-
ferent types of economic efficiencies in this domain
and explore the factors that define the efficient situa-
tions in this context.
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