Tourism Forecast with Weather, Event, and Cross-industry Data
Simone Lionetti
1 a
, Daniel Pf
1 b
, Marc Pouly
1 c
, Tim Vor Der Br
1 d
and Philipp Wegelin
2 e
School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Suurstoffi 1,
6343 Rotkreuz, Switzerland
School of Business, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zentralstr. 9, 6002 Lucerne, Switzerland
Forecasting, Tourism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Feature Importance, Dataset.
The ability to make accurate forecasts on the number of customers is a pre-requisite for efficient planning and
use of resources in various industries. It also contributes to global challenges of society such as food waste.
Tourism is a domain particularly focussed on short-term forecasting for which the existing literature suggests
that calendar and weather data are the most important sources for accurate prediction. We collected and make
available a dataset with visitor counts over ten years from four different businesses representative for the
tourism sector in Switzerland, along with nearly a thousand features comprising weather, calendar, event and
lag information. Evaluation of a plethora of machine learning models revealed that even very advanced deep
learning models as well as industry benchmarks show performance at most on a par with simple (piecewise)
linear models. Notwithstanding the fact that weather and event features are relevant, contrary to expectations,
they proved insufficient for high-quality forecasting. Moreover, and again in contradiction to the existing
literature, performance could not be improved by including cross-industry data.
Substantial short-term demand fluctuations are com-
mon in the tourism industry. Therefore, tourism com-
panies such as accommodation, transportation, cater-
ing, and leisure facilities have a vital interest in pre-
cise forecasts of the number of customers. Such fore-
casts fulfill at least three purposes. First, they allow
efficient planning and use of resources, thereby pre-
venting misallocation, which may manifest as either
shortage or waste. Shortage can lead to overuse (ex-
hausted staff) and queuing (dissatisfied customers).
Waste occurs when unused services (empty bus rides,
unconsumed meals) expire worthless according to the
uno actu or no-stock-keeping principle. Second, pre-
cise customer forecasts allow companies to engage
in dynamic pricing and revenue management. Third,
forecasts can be used to inform potential customers,
for instance about crowding. Precise tourism fore-
casts thus provide immediate economic, societal, and
environmental benefits.
A number of companies in the tourism industry
like some hotels and airports can rely on advanced
booking for customer forecasts. To date, most other
tourism businesses base their forecasts on the intuitive
expertise of responsible managers, possibly comple-
mented with simple statistics such as some lagged
number of customers or an average over a certain time
period. One reason for this is that many tourism com-
panies are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
that lack financial resources and knowhow to imple-
ment sophisticated forecasting methods. While the
expertise is undoubtedly powerful, the use of statis-
tical methods can significantly improve demand fore-
casts and related decision making (Armstrong, 2001;
Hu et al., 2004). As competition in the tourism in-
dustry grows and additional challenges appear (e.g.
climate change or the Covid19 crisis), the industry
is pushed more than ever to optimize operations and
business models.
Several previous studies have dealt with forecast-
ing daily customer numbers in the tourism indus-
try, and have found significant explanatory power
of weather and event features. A pioneering work
(Dwyer, 1988) dealt with an urban recreation site in
the Chicago area, stressing the importance of weather,
Lionetti, S., Pfäffli, D., Pouly, M., vor der Brück, T. and Wegelin, P.
Tourism Forecast with Weather, Event, and Cross-industry Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0010323010971104
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 1097-1104
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
season, and day of the week. (Brandenburg and Arn-
berger, 2001) addressed forecasting for a national
park near Vienna, highlighting the importance of cal-
endar effects and temperature. Ski destinations in
the state of Michigan were considered in (Shih et al.,
2009; Shih and Nicholls, 2011), where temperature,
snow depth, holidays, and weekends were found to be
relevant. Other variables known to have an effect on
tourism include income, price, travel expenses, and
trends (Song et al., 2003).
It is to be noted that there is no common agree-
ment on the best quantity to measure the performance
of forecasting models in tourism. A possible reason
for this is that time series for different businesses have
significantly different properties such as mean value,
variance, seasonality, and number of zeros. Another
factor may be that the economic cost of errors highly
depends on the specific company under examination.
Because of this, extra care is needed when compar-
ing performance on different time series or evaluating
current practices.
In recent years, the state-of-the-art in forecasting
has seen a gradual shift from linear models and Ex-
ponential Smoothing (ES) to more sophisticated Ma-
chine Learning (ML) techniques. The most popu-
lar approaches include gradient boosting (Makridakis
et al., 2020b), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
such as DeepAR (Salinas et al., 2020), and Deep
Learning (DL) models based on attention (Lim et al.,
2019; Zhou et al., 2020), but also Prophet (Taylor
and Letham, 2018), a model based on time series sea-
sonal decomposition with changepoints and learnable
weights for holidays, which has emerged as a quasi-
industrial standard.
Massive efforts have also been conducted to un-
derstand the practical advantages of different ap-
proaches. The M4 competition considered 100,000
time series categorized in six domains and six reso-
lutions. 61 forecasting strategies submitted for M4
were analyzed in (Makridakis et al., 2020a). The top
performing method was a hybrid algorithm that com-
bined ES and RNNs with joint optimization (Smyl,
2020). A major result of M4 was the conclusion that
cross-series information is highly beneficial. The suc-
cessor competition M5 focussed on 48,840 time se-
ries for item sales of stores in various locations with
a 28-day forecasting horizon. M5 included explana-
tory variables such as calendar effects, selling prices,
and promotion events. Results were summarized in
(Makridakis et al., 2020b). The best performance was
achieved by training 220 LightGBM models and se-
lecting an ensemble of 6 of them for each series. Once
again, models that used cross-learning from multiple
series performed significantly better than the ones that
did not. Moreover, simple ML methods were found
to be superior to more sophisticated ones. In the SME
landscape, however, it is unfeasible to gather such a
large database to train robust forecast models.
In this paper, we consider four diverse companies
which operate in the tourism sector and are located in
the same region of Switzerland. These destinations
are of international relevance and great economic in-
terest given the importance of tourism in this coun-
try. More precisely, we address one-day-ahead fore-
casting of the total number of daily customers for the
ten years from 2007 to 2016. The dataset is anno-
tated with events and weather forecast variables, and
is made publicly available as part of this contribu-
tion. We claim that in this context, notwithstanding
the fact that date, event, and weather features are rel-
evant, contrary to expectations, they are not sufficient
for high-quality forecasting. Moreover, we also argue
that in the case at hand there is no significant bene-
fit from a joint forecasting of multiple time series of
similar nature.
The paper is structured as follows. In section 2
we describe the collected dataset, its main features
and how to access it publicly. Section 3 sets up the
evaluation procedure, a simple approximation of the
underlying stochastic process, and the ML models we
explored. In section 4 we present selected numerical
results and illustrate how they support our claims. We
then conclude in section 5 with more precise state-
ments and an outlook on further steps that are needed
to complete our investigation.
In this section we present a novel forecasting dataset
for tourism, which is made publicly available
as part
of this contribution (Pf
affli et al., 2020).
2.1 Target Variables
The four Swiss companies we consider consist of one
accommodation, two transportation, and one indoor
leisure businesses, all located in the same touristic re-
gion. The customer volume data has daily resolution
and features at worst minor interruptions of a few days
over a common period of ten years starting in 2007
and ending in 2016. The missing values for one trans-
portation and the indoor leisure company are masked,
and the masks are available as indicator variables. For
all evaluations reported in this work, forecasts on the
few missing values are ignored.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Statistical figures of the four individual datasets
and the combined dataset (removing duplicate features).
Company Features Target mean Target std
Accommodation 615 63 24
Transport 1 615 1106 937
Transport 2 468 2669 1654
Indoor leisure 430 1121 461
Combined 932 - -
2.2 Feature Variables
We include date variables for calendar effects, such as
e.g. the day of the week. Event data thought to be rel-
evant for understanding customer behavior includes
public and school holidays, free-time regional events,
as well as promotions or revisions for the facilities
under examination. The weather forecast features are
provided by the Federal Office of Meteorology and
Climatology (MeteoSwiss), and encode extended in-
formation about conditions in the locations of the four
businesses and neighboring regions. They consist
of data for temperature, sunshine, precipitation, and
wind, forecasted up to 3 days in advance. The dataset
thus constructed contains 562 variables both numer-
ical and categorical. Note that the weather forecast
model is updated regularly, and therefore many fea-
tures do not cover the entire period. Transformed into
a vector space model by means of one-hot encoding,
we count 932 features, four target and two mask vari-
ables. The number of features semantically associated
to each company after the transformation is summa-
rized in table 1; additional information can be found
in the download documentation.
In all experiments reported in this work, we ex-
plicitly include the targets with lags from 1 to 7 days
among features. We note that the number of features
is relatively large compared to the amount of avail-
able data to fit, which consists of a single number per
company for each of the 3653 days in the years 2007–
2.3 Publication
In the published version of the dataset, feature names
are replaced with pseudonyms but descriptions are
given to identify feature groups with similar meaning.
The content available for download consists of
data.csv, CSV format, 11.3 MB, 3654 rows and
562 columns with the time series data;
data-description.csv, CSV format, 36 KB,
563 rows and 12 columns with feature name and
short description, minimal statistics for cross-
checking, and indicator variables that specify to
which single-company datasets a feature belongs.
3.1 Evaluation
In order to assess fluctuations of performance scores
due to finite sample size and take full temporal depen-
dence into account, we rely on sequential validation.
More precisely, we create folds with n consecutive
years for training and the following year for evalua-
tion. We work with whole years to mitigate the influ-
ence of seasonality on the scores. We start from n = 4
to guarantee a sufficient amount of training data. The
five folds with n = 4 to 8 are used for cross-validation
and the one with n = 9 is kept out for testing.
As mentioned in section 1, the metric to evaluate
the performance of predictions is not uniquely defined
either by the problem or by convention. Given our
time series contain a significant amount of small inte-
ger values, including zeros which may be accidental
or systematic, we refrain from using precision errors.
Instead, we compare results using the coefficient of
determination R
. We observe that, up to rescaling
and shift, this metric is equivalent to Mean Squared
Error (MSE). When the evaluation time range is small
compared to the span of past values, R
is also approx-
imately equivalent to (Root) Mean Squared Scaled Er-
ror (Hyndman and Koehler, 2006).
3.2 Theoretical Bound
Customer turnout is the result of many binary (almost)
individual decisions based on external conditions. As-
suming these decisions obeys Bernoulli statistics, in
the limit of a large number of individuals N and small
turnout probability p, the outcome is described by a
Poisson distribution. On the one hand, potential cus-
tomers are represented by the local population and
travelling tourists, which is very high compared to
the turnout of all considered businesses on any given
day: the limit of N , p 0 with constant λ = pN
seems justified. On the other hand, it is clear that the
decision process is not the same for every potential
customer, the assumption of independence is violated
by small groups, and saturation effects are ignored, so
the model is only an approximation of reality.
Based on these considerations, the observed time
series can be modelled as a Poisson process where the
probability to observe a number of customers k on a
specific day is given by
p(k|λ) =
, (1)
where λ is a function of the features. For a given λ, the
prediction that minimizes the squared error on a given
Tourism Forecast with Weather, Event, and Cross-industry Data
day is the mean value of the distribution E[k|λ] = λ
and the expected squared error is E[(k λ)
|λ] = λ.
In practice, even a posteriori when observed values
are known, we do not have access to the distribution
itself but only to a single sample. Using an improper
uninformative prior p(λ) = 1 over the whole allowed
range λ [0, +), we obtain p(k, λ) = p(k|λ). The
best guess described above then gives
E[(k λ)
|k] =
dλ (k λ)
p(k, λ)
dλ p(k, λ)
= k + 2. (2)
This result represents the minimum forecast variance
that is expected when the number of customers fol-
lows a Poisson distribution with a mean that can be
exactly predicted using features. It can be used to es-
tablish a benchmark performance in an idealized case.
3.3 Models
We introduce some baselines for comparison with
more sophisticated ML models, i.e. we evaluate mod-
els which always predict the same number of cus-
tomers as 1, 7, 364, or 365 days before the target and
take the best score as a naive baseline for each dataset.
Additionally, we follow the approach in section 3.2 to
obtain an estimate of performance in an optimal, ide-
alized scenario. Finally, we gather a benchmark for
an up-to-date industry-ready approach to time-series
forecasting using Prophet.
As a first non-trivial ML approach, we consider
linear models fit on a hand-crafted feature set. This
feature set only considers a subset of weather and
event features and is based on the existing literature
(see section 1) plus extensive interviews with industry
representatives. It includes interaction terms to take
into account that the effect of features may depend on
each other, for instance weather may have a different
impact on demand on weekdays compared to week-
ends. These interactions are constructed among date
features (days of the weeks and months), and between
date and weather features.
We then progressively move to more sophisticated
models using all features along with regularization
to control overfitting. We use MSE as loss function
throughout because of the arguments outlined in sec-
tion 3.1. Since it is difficult to guess which represen-
tation of the exogenous features would give the best
results, pre-processing is kept to a minimum. More
specifically, all features are treated on the same level,
categorical variables are one-hot encoded, numeri-
cal ones are scaled between minimum and maximum
value or normalized using mean and variance where
appropriate, and no interaction terms are considered
in this phase.
The approaches evaluated include Lasso, Ridge,
and Gaussian process regression from scikit-learn
(Pedregosa et al., 2011), regression trees with gradi-
ent boosting from xgboost (Chen et al., 2015) and
lightgbm (Ke et al., 2017), simple dense multilayer
perceptrons, RNNs with LSTM and GRU units, and
RNNs with attention from tensorflow and keras
(Abadi et al., 2016). For Lasso and Ridge regression
we conducted a one-dimensional search over the regu-
larization parameter. For Gaussian process regression
we explored an RBF kernel with constant and white-
noise terms, and a dot kernel plus white noise. We
then performed a grid search to choose appropriate
hyper-parameters. The dot kernel performed consid-
erably better than the RBF kernel, but it was still not
competitive with the best models. The gradient boost-
ing family achieved a consistently good performance
across folds using default values, and since prelimi-
nary experiments with settings such as tree depth did
not improve scores significantly we did not tune these
models any further. For the DL models, instead, we
considered simple architectures with up to 4 layers
and 512 units, we tried optimization with different
learning rates using gradient descent with momentum
and Adam, and we explored several values for L
, L
and dropout regularization terms. We also investi-
gated switching to Poisson log-likelihood as a loss,
and generating pseudo-data with Poisson fluctuations
for each epoch as an additional form of regularization.
Since all options need to be evaluated for each of the
four datasets and 5 different folds, we did not conduct
a full grid search but limited ourselves to changing
one parameter at a time. Finally, since DL models
struggled to achieve consistently good scores across
all folds, we did not investigate even more complex
approaches such as DeepAR.
Table 2 and fig. 1 summarize the results of the base-
line, the theoretical upper bound, the linear models
with hand-crafted feature sets, the Prophet benchmark
and the best approach among all others. The scores
for Prophet and the best ML approach are reported
for several feature sets: one using only the date of the
observation (“date only”), one which uses all features
available as described in section 2.2 (“all feaures”),
and one where weather variables are summarized with
a few numbers (“basic weather features”). The latter
is constructed by considering forecasts only one day
in advance and picking a single variable for each of
the four main parameters (temperature, precipitation,
sunshine/cloud cover, wind) for each location. This
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Comparison of the R
sequential validation scores for selected models and feature sets.
greatly reduces the number of features to around 100.
Note that 7 lagged target values are always included.
For each model and company, we report the mean R
and its standard deviation computed on the 5 folds.
For a meaningful comparison of scores obtained
using different feature sets, we also report the results
of hypothesis tests for selected pairs of results. More
precisely, we compare the sample score distributions
over the 5 folds to detect significant differences of the
population means. These distributions are expected
to be significantly non-gaussian at least when R
close to 1 and when there are outliers due to overfit-
ting. Nevertheless, due to the low number of sam-
ples, we decided to perform both a two-tailed paired
t-test and a two-tailed paired Wilcoxon signed-rank
test. We report the corresponding p-values and the
sign of the difference in table 2. The conclusions that
can be drawn with these two types of tests are some-
what different in strength but identical in content.
4.1 Model Comparison
We observe that the best scores are obtained by ei-
ther linear models or gradient boosting based on deci-
sion trees. They are significantly better than the base-
lines and worse than the theoretical bounds. Prophet
is competitive with the best models if only the date
is used for prediction. Since in the accommodation
case including more features is not beneficial as ex-
plained in section 4.2, Prophet remains on the same
level of the other best models for this company. Note
that depending on the exact feature set used, the per-
formance difference of linear models with interaction
terms, LightGBM, and XGBoost can be significant.
DL models are not competitive in the settings we ex-
plored. In particular, we note that when all features
are used it is difficult to introduce the right amount of
regularisation that allows learning but prevents over-
fitting. As can be seen in the table, Prophet also some-
times struggles to deal with this issue.
4.2 Weather and Event Data
First we examine if weather and event data signifi-
cantly improve predictions. To this end, we compare
the best model scores obtained using all features to
the ones obtained using only the date. Note that this
means that sometimes we compare different models
on different feature sets; however, conclusions are es-
sentially the same if any of the two models is chosen
for both feature sets. At the 95% confidence level or
better, we can confirm that for the indoor leisure struc-
ture and for the two transportation companies weather
and event data improves predictions. The accommo-
dation company, instead, shows a preference for re-
gression using only the date. While this could be a
Tourism Forecast with Weather, Event, and Cross-industry Data
Table 2: R
validation scores for single-industry forecasting using different models and feature sets. The last two sections of
the table report p-values for testing the hypotheses described in section 4.2.
Company Accommodation Transport 1 Transport 2 Indoor leisure
Lag baseline 0.301 ± 0.118 0.524 ± 0.099 0.398 ± 0.093 0.331 ± 0.067
Best naive lag 1 1 1 364
Theoretical bound 0.850 ± 0.021 0.9987 ± 0.0002 0.9988 ± 0.0001 0.9949 ± 0.0001
Date only
Prophet 0.667 ± 0.066 0.667 ± 0.064 0.613 ± 0.057 0.635 ± 0.021
This work 0.642 ± 0.081 0.643 ± 0.045 0.630 ± 0.041 0.688 ± 0.065
Best model LightGBM LightGBM LightGBM LightGBM
Hand-crafted features
Linear model 0.677 ± 0.072 0.760 ± 0.039 0.661 ± 0.055 0.740 ± 0.038
Basic weather features
Prophet 0.662 ± 0.069 0.764 ± 0.051 0.609 ± 0.083 0.513 ± 0.646
This work 0.634 ± 0.082 0.818 ± 0.044 0.687 ± 0.037 0.844 ± 0.033
Best model LightGBM LightGBM LightGBM XGBoost
All features
Prophet -0.280 ± 2.048 0.734 ± 0.133 0.521 ± 0.293 0.798 ± 0.047
This work 0.630 ± 0.075 0.825 ± 0.046 0.677 ± 0.038 0.818 ± 0.062
Best model LightGBM LightGBM LightGBM XGBoost
Hypothesis testing: all vs. date only
t-test p-value 0.043 7 ×10
0.012 0.011
Wilcoxon p-value 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043
Relative sign < > > >
Hypothesis testing: all vs. basic weather
t-test p-value 0.060 0.088 0.020 0.120
Wilcoxon p-value 0.043 0.080 0.043 0.138
Relative sign < > < <
signal of a different underlying stochastic process, it
is also very likely that random fluctuations in smaller
customer numbers make it impossible to exploit addi-
tional data.
We then investigate if it is really beneficial to use
extended weather data such as weather forecasts up to
three days in advance and icons displayed on weather
forecast websites. For this purpose, we compare the
best model scores obtained using all features to the
ones obtained using basic weather data. For transport
1 and indoor leisure we observe differences which
are not significant at the 95% level, while transport 2
shows a preference for basic weather data, indicating
that the benefit of extra information is compensated
by the drawback of more severe noise. The accom-
modation scores just indicate that Prophet with basic
weather information is slightly superior to LightGBM
with all features, but this is less relevant since Prophet
can match the score just using dates.
4.3 Cross-Industry Data
According to the literature, data from different com-
panies can be leveraged for better predictions. This is
particularly interesting in the context of DL where the
additional information could be used to learn more ro-
bust high-level representations of external conditions.
Results of single- and cross-industry fits are reported
in table 3. We observe that in practice our DL mod-
els cannot efficiently exploit cross-industry data and
their performance remains inferior to other models.
Note that this holds across several weight options to
combine the loss functions of individual companies.
Moreover, from the p-values in table 3 and the rel-
ative sign of mean differences we deduce that there
is no significant performance variation when cross-
industry data is included. Although only numbers for
the best model–feature set combinations are reported,
this conclusion holds unaltered when model and fea-
ture set are kept fixed.
In this work, we considered one-day-ahead forecast-
ing of the total number of customers over a time
span of ten years for four companies operating in the
tourism sector in the same region of Switzerland. We
released a public pseudonymized dataset which con-
sists of the four time series of customer turnout plus a
rich set of event and weather features that are thought
to be relevant for the prediction task. We evaluated
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Comparison of the best R
validation scores obtained using single- and cross-industry data. The last section of the
table reports p-values for testing the hypotheses described in section 4.3.
Company Accommodation Transport 1 Transport 2 Indoor leisure
Best score 0.677 ± 0.072 0.825 ± 0.046 0.687 ± 0.037 0.844 ± 0.033
Best feature set Hand-crafted All Basic weather Basic weather
Best model Linear LightGBM LightGBM XGBoost
Best score 0.675 ± 0.072 0.845 ± 0.034 0.679 ± 0.037 0.822 ± 0.037
Best feature set Hand-crafted Basic weather Basic weather All
Best model Linear LightGBM LightGBM XGBoost
Hypothesis testing: cross-industry vs. single-industry
t-test p-value 0.32 0.077 0.27 0.12
Wilcoxon p-value 0.22 0.080 0.14 0.14
Relative sign < > < <
Table 4: R
test scores computed using the best models according to sequential validation.
Company Accommodation Transport 1 Transport 2 Indoor leisure
Best score 0.695 0.872 0.642 0.885
Best feature set Hand-crafted Basic weather Basic weather Basic weather
Cross-industry No Yes No No
Best model Linear LightGBM LightGBM XGBoost
a plethora of different models for forecasting on this
dataset, including an industry-standard benchmark,
traditional ML approaches such as linear models and
decision trees with gradient boosting, and a variety
of DL models. We found that weather and event data
do not improve forecasts for the accommodation busi-
ness but are relevant for the two transportation com-
panies and the indoor leisure facility. We observed
that in our setting extended weather data is not helpful
to improve predictions. Moreover, we showed that in
our setting cross-industry data, such as previous num-
bers of customers registered by other companies in
the same area and the corresponding events or pro-
motions, does not lead to a significant improvement
in forecasting. The scores on the 2016 test data are
reported in table 4 for the best combination of model
and feature set for each company.
We also derived theoretical bounds for scores un-
der the approximation of Poisson statistics and ob-
served that our best results, albeit significantly better
than baselines, are still far from matching this limit.
This gap has three possible explanations. First, it is
possible that the generating random process is not ac-
curately modelled by a Poisson distribution with vari-
able mean. Second, there is a chance that essential
inputs to the forecasting task such as the number of
foreign tourists in the region are still missing from
our feature set. Third, it is not to be excluded that the
issue lies in the learning procedure and the data is not
appropriately exploited by any of the approaches con-
sidered. We advocate that the mismatch between the-
ory and the real world should be understood in order
for ML practitioners to support businesses effectively.
Finally, we observe that the utility of customer
forecasts like the ones presented in this work highly
depends on the actual approaches in place and the
corresponding decision-making rules. Many compa-
nies base their resource allocation decisions primar-
ily on the expertise of responsible managers, possibly
complemented with simple statistics. When decision-
making rules are very simple, for instance depend-
ing on whether the expected number of customers
is above or below a fixed threshold, tourism compa-
nies might significantly benefit from complementing
their approach with more formal models, even if these
do not deliver excellent results in statistical terms.
For more advanced applications, however, ML mod-
els that include information from weather forecasts,
events, and other companies might still not be accu-
rate enough to be of practical use.
We would like to thank the anonymous companies
and MeteoSwiss for providing the data for this study
and consenting to pseudonymized publication. We are
also grateful to Lukas D. Schmid, Mirko Birbaumer,
and Alberto Calatroni for useful discussions.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence