Towards Exploring User Perception of a Privacy Sensitive Information
Detection Tool
Vanessa Bracamonte
, Welderufael B. Tesfay
and Shinsaku Kiyomoto
KDDI Research, Inc., Saitama, Japan
Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Privacy Tools, User Perception, Privacy Sensitive Information.
Users reveal privacy sensitive information when they post on social media, which can have negative conse-
quences. To help these users make informed decisions, different tools have been developed that detect privacy
sensitive information (PSI) and provide alerts. However, how users would perceive this type of tool has not yet
been evaluated. In this position paper, we take the first steps to address this gap, by exploring user intention,
perceived usefulness and attitude towards a PSI detection tool. We designed an experiment and showed partic-
ipants examples of the PSI detection tool alerts, and quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated their response.
The results showed that participants perceived the PSI detection tool as useful, had positive interest, and a low
level of concern about it, although they had a neutral level of intention of using the tool. The participants’
open-ended responses revealed that they considered the PSI detection tool useful, but mostly for other people
and not for themselves. In addition, they were concerned about the privacy risks of using the tool and about its
effectiveness. The findings reveal the challenges that PSI detection tools have to overcome to gain acceptance
among users that would benefit from this type of privacy protection.
Over the last couple of decades, information technol-
ogy and digital services have become an integral part
of the online society. Always connected devices such
as the smartphone have fostered the transfer of many
offline services and activities to online. As a result,
internet users often release a huge amount of data
while using these services. As such, the user concerns
over the consequences of privacy and liberty have also
grown. To address these concerns, research efforts
have focused on devising privacy enhancing technolo-
gies, enacting data protection laws and studying user
information disclosure behaviours.
Regulations such as the EU General Data Pro-
tection Regulation (GDPR) aim to protect user’s pri-
vacy by enforcing different requirements. Privacy-by-
design and privacy default are among the key princi-
ples enshrined in the GDPR. In particular, Article 9
of the GDPR highlights that certain information types
need special care. Previous studies have demonstrated
that when users (un)intentionally divulge privacy sen-
sitive information (PSI), they often regret having done
so (Sleeper et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2011). Further-
more, Acquisti and Fong (2020) have shown that the
disclosure PSI such as information related to religious
affiliations and sexual orientation, can be utilized by
different parties to discriminate users, e.g., in job ap-
plications screening processes.
To help users make informed decisions with re-
spect to their PSI disclosures, Privacy Enhancing
Tools (PETs) such as Privacy Detective (Caliskan Is-
lam et al., 2014a) and PrivacyBot (Tesfay et al.,
2019) have been developed, which detect PSI in user-
generated unstructured texts. These tools have a
promising potential for empowering users; however,
users’ perception of these tools has not yet been eval-
uated. In this paper, our main objective is to explore
how users perceive a PSI detection tool, whether PSI
type and explanation information influences their per-
ception, and what are their most frequent comments
and concerns, in order to improve the design of these
This section gives an overview of the existing work
both in PSI detection in social networking sites, and
Bracamonte, V., Tesfay, W. and Kiyomoto, S.
Towards Exploring User Perception of a Privacy Sensitive Information Detection Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0010319706280634
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 628-634
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
user evaluations of Privacy Enhancing Technologies
(PETs) based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques.
2.1 PSI Detection
Detecting PSI, especially in social networking sites,
is a challenging yet growing area of research (Tes-
fay et al., 2016). Wang et al. (2011) presented two
models for the prediction of personally identifiable in-
formation (PII) in emails. Similarly, Bier and Prior
(2014) developed a process that focuses on the auto-
mated recognition of PII. The aim of their study was
to enable companies to uncover PII in incoming email
communication. Sokolova et al. (2009) focused on
health information. Their work presented a mecha-
nism to detect privacy sensitive health information.
Castillo and Chen (2016) proposed a transfer
learning approach to detect PSI in tweets. Mao et al.
(2011) demonstrated the application of classification
techniques to identify three types of privacy leaks
in tweets; namely, revealing dates of vacation plans,
tweeting under the influence of alcohol, and revealing
medical conditions. Tesfay et al. (2019) presented the
PrivacyBot PSI detection tool that identifies 14 differ-
ent information types that are defined in Art. 9 of the
EU GDPR and Caliskan Islam et al. (2014b)’s work.
2.2 User Evaluation of ML-based
Nudging PETs
When users navigate through different configurations
in online services, they encounter a large number
of decision points. These decisions often have a
big impact on their privacy. Nudging tools based
on machine learning algorithms for PSI detection in
unstructured texts could help users with these de-
cisions, but user evaluation remains unattended re-
search arena, and therefore we do not yet understand
how these tools may be perceived.
In general, however, nudging research has shown
promising results in influencing users towards more
informed privacy-related decisions (Acquisti et al.,
2017). Vishwamitra et al. (2017) studied the effect
of privacy-enhancing obfuscation such as “blurring”
and “blocking” on user perceptions measured by im-
age satisfaction, information sufficiency, enjoyment,
and social presence. Bracamonte et al. (2019) found
that users have a positive interest in PETs such as pri-
vacy policy summarization tools (Tesfay et al., 2018),
and that adding explanation information to the re-
sults of these tools, such as highlighting privacy pol-
icy segments, can increase perceptions of trustworthi-
ness and usefulness, as well as intention of use (Bra-
camonte et al., 2020).
These studies demonstrate that users, in general,
have a positive perception of PETs. However, to the
best of our knowledge, there is a limited research ef-
fort in applying similar user evaluation studies for PSI
detection tools.
3.1 Experiment Design
We designed the experiment to explore user percep-
tion of the PSI detection tool, as follows. We defined
two factors, Explanation and PSI type, with two lev-
els each. For Explanation, the levels were No Expla-
nation (Control) and Explanation. For PSI type, we
chose two types from the list defined by Tesfay et al.
(2019): Health and Family.
The combination of factors resulted in four exper-
imental conditions (between-subjects design), and we
prepared two examples of the PSI detection tool alert
for each of the conditions. The content of the social
media posts for the examples was related to Health
or Family, according to the definition by Tesfay et al.
(2019), and were taken from Twitter.
In the alert examples, we used highlighting of im-
portant words to simulate the explanation of the re-
sult of the PSI detection tool. Although existing PSI
detection tools do not currently provide explanations
for their results, the technique of keyword highlight-
ing for explanation visualization is commonly used
for text data. For the conditions with explanation, we
highlighted words in the text which were important
to its classification as privacy sensitive within its type
(Health or Family). The conditions without explana-
tion (Control) used the same texts, but without high-
lights. Figure 1 shows how the alert examples were
presented to the participants in the survey.
3.2 Questionnaire
After viewing the privacy alert examples, we asked
the participants questions regarding intention of use,
perceived usefulness and attitude (interest and con-
cern about the tool) regarding the PSI detection tool.
Table 1 shows the detail of the questions. We included
an open-ended response question for the participants
to indicate their opinion about the privacy alert tool
(”Please write your opinions, comments or concerns
about the privacy alert tool described.).
The questionnaire also included questions about
the participants’ social media use and social media
privacy concerns, to help characterize the sample.
We asked questions on frequency of social media
Towards Exploring User Perception of a Privacy Sensitive Information Detection Tool
Figure 1: Example of the privacy sensitive information de-
tection tool alert included in the questionnaire, correspond-
ing to the Health PSI type. (a) Base design (Control). (b)
Alert with highlighted words (Explanation).
Table 1: Questionnaire items for the main variables of inter-
est in this study. The responses are on a 7-point scale from
Strongly disagree to Strongly agree.
Variable Question
Intention I would use this tool to receive this
type of privacy alert.
Usefulness This tool would be useful to decide
whether to share privacy sensitive
Interest I am interested in trying out this tool.
Concern I have concerns about trying out this
use (”I use social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)”)
and personal information posting on social media (”I
post personal information on social media (Twitter,
Facebook, etc.)”) with a 7-point response scale rang-
ing from Never to Very frequently. We included
a question on privacy concerns when using social
media (”I worry about the consequences of posting
personal information on social media”) with a 7-
point response scale ranging from Strongly disagree
to Strongly agree, and a question on whether the par-
ticipants used any privacy tools (”Do you currently
use any tools for protecting your privacy on social
media?” (Yes/No)). For this last question, we asked
participants who had responded Yes to indicate which
privacy tools they used.
Finally, the questionnaire included an attention
check question, and age and gender questions.
3.3 Participants
We conducted the study on the Amazon Mechanical
Turk (AMT) platform, on October 14-15, 2020. AMT
workers with the following characteristics were re-
cruited: had worked a minimum of 1000 tasks in the
platform (HITs), had an 99% task approval rate, and
were from the USA, Canada, Australia or the UK. The
participants were compensated with $1.25 for com-
pleting the task. While running the study, we iden-
tified responses with answers which were completely
unrelated to the questions and which failed the atten-
tion check question. These responses were not ap-
proved and were not included in the data.
4.1 Sample Characteristics
The survey initially obtained 160 responses. We ana-
lyzed the response to the attention check question and
identified 4 cases with incorrect answers. These cases
were eliminated from the analysis, which resulted in
a valid sample of 156 participants.
The gender distribution of participants was as fol-
lows (number of participants in parentheses): female
38.7% (60), male 60.6% (94), 1 other and 1 NA. The
age distribution was: 20-29 y/o 21% (33), 30-39 y/o
52% (81), 40-49 y/o 17% (27), 50-59 y/o 7% (11),
60+ y/o 2% (3), with 1 NA.
4.2 Social Media Use and Social Media
Privacy Concerns
As Figure 2 shows, the majority of participants fre-
quently used social media, with the highest proportion
corresponding to a Very frequently response.
Figure 2: Distribution of responses to the questions about
the participants’ frequency of social media use and personal
information posting, social media privacy concerns and use
of privacy tools. Numbers indicate percentage.
On the other hand, the majority of participants
indicated that they seldom posted personal informa-
tion on social media. Participants indicated concern
about the consequences of posting personal informa-
tion on social media: the median of responses was 6,
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
significantly greater than the neutral point (Wilcoxon
signed-rank test, p<0.001). The vast majority of par-
ticipants did not report the use of any privacy pro-
tection tools. Of the participants that indicated the
use of a privacy protection tool, 7 mentioned the use
of privacy settings in the social media platform itself
(e.g. ”only the privacy settings in the actual apps. like
friends can see posts only..); 4 mentioned the use of
security settings (e.g ”password”); and 5 mentioned
the use of security/privacy tools (e.g ”VPN”, ”Norton
4.3 Perception of the Privacy Alert Tool
4.3.1 Quantitative Analysis
We used the non-parametric method Aligned Ranks
Transform ANOVA (Wobbrock et al., 2011) to test
whether the factors of Explanation and PSI type had
an effect on the variables of interest: intention of use,
perceived usefulness, interest and concern regarding
the PSI detection tool alert. The results of the analy-
sis indicated that there were no significant effects of
either of the factors for any of the variable.
We proceeded to analyze the whole sample. Fig-
ure 3 shows the distribution of responses.
Figure 3: Distribution of responses to the questions about
the participants’ intention of use, perceived usefulness, in-
terest and concern regarding the PSI detection tool. Num-
bers indicate percentage.
Figure 4 shows the box plots with the median for
each of the variables of interest; the dashed line indi-
cates the neutral point.
We conducted the non-parametric one-sample
Wilcoxon signed-rank test, to evaluate whether the
scores for intention of use, perceived usefulness and
interest were significantly greater than the neutral
score of 4. In the case of concern about the tool, we
tested whether the scores were significantly less than
the neutral score.
The results indicate that the participants had a pos-
itive perception and attitude towards the tool: use-
fulness (p<0.001) and interest in the tool (p=0.001)
Figure 4: Box plots for intention of use, perceived useful-
ness, interest and concern regarding the tool. The dashed
line indicates the middle point of the response scale (neu-
were significantly positive. In addition, participants
had a low level of concern about trying out the tool
(p<0.001). On the other hand, participants inten-
tion of use of the PSI detection tool was not positive
(p=0.11), with a median of 4 (neutral middle of the
scale) as can be observed in Figure 4.
4.3.2 Open-ended Comments
We qualitatively analyzed the content of the responses
to the open-ended question on the participants’ opin-
ions and concerns regarding the PSI detection tool.
We first reviewed each response and classified them
by whether they contained all positive, all negative
or both positive and negative comments. During the
review we also identified responses that did not corre-
spond to the question (which were classified as Other)
and blank responses. Table 2 shows the results by ex-
periment condition.
The results show that in all conditions, the propor-
tion of participants that gave an all positive comment
was similar than those who gave an all negative com-
ment. The exception is the case of the Control-Family
condition, where the number of all positive comments
was more than twice the number of all negative com-
ments. The number of participants that mentioned
both positive and negative aspects was similar for all
On the positive side, participants mentioned use-
fulness most frequently, followed by a general per-
ception of the tool being good or a good idea and in-
teresting (Table 3). With regards to usefulness, it is
interesting to note that participants frequently men-
tioned it as useful for others, not themselves.
On the negative side (Table 4), the aspects men-
tioned were more varied. Concern about the pri-
vacy risk of the PSI detection tool itself was most
frequently mentioned: participants were concerned
Towards Exploring User Perception of a Privacy Sensitive Information Detection Tool
Table 2: Classification of open-ended comments from par-
ticipants, by condition. The table includes the category
Other (unrelated comments) and Blank (no answer).
Condition n %
Control-Health Positive 15 38%
Both 8 20%
Negative 13 33%
Other 3 8%
Blank 1 3%
Explanation-Health Positive 15 38%
Both 6 15%
Negative 16 41%
Other 1 3%
Blank 1 3%
Control-Family Positive 20 53%
Both 8 21%
Negative 8 21%
Other 2 5%
Explanation-Family Positive 12 31%
Both 10 26%
Negative 13 33%
Other 3 8%
Blank 1 3%
Table 3: Positive aspects of the PSI detection tool men-
tioned by participants in the open-ended comments.
Type n Example
useful 56 ”I think that this tool would
be useful to get people think-
ing about the type of things
they post online.
good 22 ”I believe this is a good tool
to help those who are not
very aware of what sensi-
tive information they may be
posting online ”
interesting 11 ”I didn’t know it was a thing
so it’s interesting”
performance 2 ”Based on the examples, I’d
say this privacy alert tool is
doing its job.
about how the PSI detection tool would handle their
private data and what it might do with it.
Participants mentioned the PSI detection tool not
being useful as the second most frequent negative as-
pect; specifically, participants considered that the PSI
detection tool was not useful for themselves, because
they already took the necessary precautions to avoid
posting personal information on social media. This
type of comment was frequently accompanied by pos-
itive comments regarding the potential usefulness of
the PSI detection tool for other people. The categories
of others that participants consider might benefit from
Table 4: Negative aspects of the PSI detection tool men-
tioned by participants in the open-ended comments.
Type n Example
privacy 31 ” There is still worries about
that, if it analyses my data,
does it store it? If so the tool
itself is a privacy risk.
not useful 21 ”However I myself would
likely have no use for it as I
don’t post everything about
my life like some others.
too sensitive 14 ”If the tool were config-
urable to be less sensitive
when it makes sense, it
could be handy without hav-
ing too many warnings”
performance 12 ”Concerns that I have on the
tool include how effective
the tool is in detecting pri-
vacy information and how
and why the tool detects cer-
tain words as sensitive.
inconvenient 9 ”Also, I would find it annoy-
ing after awhile I think.
censorship 3 ”At first glance, it just seems
like another form of censor-
ship. A tool attempting to
get us to censor ourselves.
over-reliance 2 ”In fact, I’m kind of afraid
that having a reminder like
this might make me less
monitoring 2 ” I feel like it’s just monitor-
ing me, which I don’t like.
cost 1 ”(. . . ) but I would want to
know what I would have to
provide/download/etc to use
the PSI detection tool includes: children, young peo-
ple, older people, and in general people who are ”less
aware” of privacy risks on social media.
Next, participants were concerned about the PSI
detection tool being ”too sensitive”, and about the
general performance of effectiveness of the PSI de-
tection tool. In particular, the information related
to family and health was considered not sensitive by
some participants, and some of them made sugges-
tions about how the PSI detection tool could deal with
this issue. For example, they suggested having sensi-
tivity settings, whitelists or considering the context of
the post.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The quantitative results shows a positive perception of
the usefulness of the PSI detection tool, and the qual-
itative analysis, where usefulness was the most fre-
quent positive aspect mentioned, supports this result.
Comments about usefulness were often accompanied
by phrases that provide evidence of the nudging ef-
fect of the PSI detection tool: ”useful to get people
thinking”, ”It would give them a second to pause and
think about if it is a good thing to post or not.”. On
the other hand, usefulness was also mentioned in neg-
ative terms and the examination of the content of the
responses reveal a dual nature in the participants’ per-
ception of usefulness of the PSI detection tool. In
summary, participants considered the tool useful, in
particular for others but not so much for themselves.
This contradiction can also explain the finding that the
level of intention of use was neutral and not signifi-
cantly positive.
We cannot judge the accuracy of the participant’s
self-perceived privacy risk awareness, but this type of
response suggests that it would be beneficial for PSI
detection tools to provide information on historical
data. This could be done through calculating privacy
risk scores (Aghasian et al., 2017), or by detecting ex-
amples from the user’s past social media posts where
(or if) PSI had been disclosed.
Participant’s comments show that the foremost
concern is the privacy risk of the PSI detection tool
itself. This type of privacy tool relies on an important
assumption that the users’ will grant access to their
private information, and users rightly wish to have
assurances that their data will not be misused. The
trustworthiness of the PSI detection tool in terms of
security and privacy protection should be established,
through technical means or reputable providers for
example, in order to allow users to safely grant it ac-
cess to current or historical data.
Participants’ concern regarding the tool being ”too
sensitive” also poses an interesting challenge for the
design of PSI detection. Current tools have a predeter-
mined classification of what exactly constitutes ”sen-
sitive information”, but this classification may not be
compatible with the users’ own concept of PSI. Re-
gardless of whether the user is correct, this incom-
patibility could result in false alarms (as perceived by
the user) and annoyance. PSI detection tools should
consider how to offer some flexibility without com-
promising their goal.
Finally, we did not find a significant effect (pos-
itive or negative) of explanations or PSI type in the
perception of the tool. In the case of explanation, one
possibility may be that the explanations are superflu-
ous with such short texts. Future research will include
validation of these results.
5.1 Limitations
This study has the following limitations. First, the de-
sign of the study is not comprehensive, in the sense
that we did not include all possible PSI types as con-
ditions in the experiment. The main objective of the
study was to explore user perception and to identify
avenues of future research. Next, the data used to
construct the example alerts that we showed to par-
ticipants were taken from Twitter, a social media plat-
form that is characterized by short text length per post.
The responses from participants may be different for
alerts corresponding to longer or more complex so-
cial media posts, where the privacy sensitive informa-
tion contained in the text may be harder to judge at a
glance. Finally, we asked questions regarding opin-
ions and experience related to privacy sensitive and
personal information, but their exact definition may
be different for each participant. Future work will aim
to clarify and explore users’ understanding of these
In this paper, we conducted a study to explore user
perception about a privacy sensitive information (PSI)
detection tool for social media. We showed partici-
pants examples of the alert provided by the PSI detec-
tion tool, with and without explanation of the result,
which warned them that they might be posting PSI
about health or family. We quantitatively and qualita-
tively evaluated the participants’ response.
The results showed that participants perceived the
PSI detection tool as useful, had positive interest, and
a low level of concern about it. On the other hand, par-
ticipants were neutral regarding whether they would
use the PSI detection tool, and we did not find sig-
nificant effects of explanations or between health and
family type of PSI for any of the variables. The analy-
sis of the open-ended comments indicated that partic-
ipants thought that the PSI detection tool was useful
(although mostly for others and not themselves), but
were concerned about the privacy risks posed by the
use of the tool itself. The participants’ comments also
included suggestions on possible features of the PSI
detection tool, which suggests that there was a level
of engagement with the idea. Future work is planned
to quantitatively validate the influence of the factors
identified in this study, and to apply the findings to
the design of a PSI detection tool.
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