Construct-Extract: An Effective Model for Building Bilingual Corpus
to Improve English-Myanmar Machine Translation
May Myo Zin, Teeradaj Racharak and Nguyen Minh Le
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan
Neural Machine Translation, Myanmar Word Segmentation, Parallel Corpus Creation, Back-translation,
Siamese-BERT Network.
When dealing with low resource languages such as Myanmar, using additional pseudo parallel data for train-
ing machine translation systems is often an effective approach. As a pseudo parallel corpus is generated by
back-translating target monolingual texts into the source language, it potentially contains a lot of noise includ-
ing translation errors and weakly paired sentences and is thus required cleaning. In this paper, we propose
a noisy parallel-sentences filtering system called Construct-Extract based on cosine similarity and Siamese
BERT-Networks based cross-lingual sentence embeddings. The proposed system filters out noisy sentences
by extracting high score sentence pairs from the constructed pseudo parallel data to finally obtain better syn-
thetic parallel data. As part of the proposed system, we also introduce an unsupervised Myanmar sub-word
segmenter to improve the quality of current English-Myanmar translation models that are potential to be used
as backward systems for back-translation and often suffer from Myanmar word segmentation errors. Experi-
ments show that the proposed Myanmar word segmentation could help the backward system to construct more
accurate back-translated pseudo parallel data and using our extracted pseudo parallel corpus led to improve
the performance of English-Myanmar translation systems in the two directions.
Sentence-aligned parallel corpus is a prerequisite re-
source for building statistical and neural machine
translation (SMT and NMT) systems. Generally, us-
ing large quantity parallel sentences to train a ma-
chine translation (MT) system enables to produce bet-
ter translation results. However, for low-resource
languages such as Myanmar, parallel corpora remain
scarce due mainly to the cost of their creation. Find-
ings in the literature show that there are two methods
that support the construction of comprehensive paral-
lel corpora. The first one is to extract nearly paral-
lel sentence pairs from available topic-aligned paral-
lel documents, called comparable corpora (Gr
and Langlais, 2018; Hangya and Fraser, 2019). The
second one is to use an automatic back-translation
model trained on existing parallel data for creating
new pseudo parallel corpus from the available target
monolingual text (Xu et al., 2019).
It is worth noting that Myanmar is a resource-poor
language and only small amount of English-Myanmar
parallel sentence pairs are currently available to build
baseline MT systems. Moreover, topic-aligned doc-
uments (i.e. comparable corpora) that contain an
amount of semantically similar sentence pairs are not
yet available. However, there are plenty of English
monolingual data, which are in various domains and
are accessible easily. Available monolingual English
language data can be automatically backward trans-
lated into the Myanmar language for creating addi-
tional parallel corpus for training MT models.
This paper proposes the use of the target-side
data (monolingual English sentences) throughout the
back-translation approach for improving both source-
to-target MT model (a.k.a. a forward model) and
target-to-source MT model (a.k.a. a backward
model). Indeed, we construct a pseudo parallel corpus
and further extract only high quality sentence pairs
from the constructed corpus. We apply the back-
translation approach to construct English-Myanmar
synthetic parallel data as a pseudo parallel corpus
from collected in-domain English monolingual texts,
in which the collected English monolingual sentences
and existing training data are in the same domain.
Then, the English-to-Myanmar MT model is used as
a backward model. Apart from increasing the size of
a corpus, word segmentation has been shown to be
Zin, M., Racharak, T. and Le, N.
Construct-Extract: An Effective Model for Building Bilingual Corpus to Improve English-Myanmar Machine Translation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010318903330342
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 333-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
helpful for improving translation tasks (Zhao et al.,
2013). If the word segmentation step has many er-
rors, a high accuracy translation task of the backward
model may not be as expected. Existing Myanmar
word segmentation tools produce massive rare words
in MT tasks. In order to improve the performance of a
backward model, we specifically propose an unsuper-
vised Myanmar word segmentation approach based
on the NFKC
normalization and byte pair encoding
(BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016b) mechanisms. The pro-
posed segmentation approach can learn itself to adapt
the current MT domain and significantly reduce the
out-of-vocabulary (OOV) rate.
Although a back-translation approach can gener-
ate a large amount of synthetic parallel data, there
is no guarantee of its quality. Data generated with
the back translation might have noisy target transla-
tions (from monolingual data). Data quality plays an
essential role in training both statistical and neural
machine translation models. Especially, NMT mod-
els are very sensitive to noise in inputs. Therefore,
using a constructed pseudo parallel corpus without
filtering low-quality noisy sentences pairs may lead
NMT systems to the performance degradation. Re-
garding synthetic data filtering, we propose a simple
but effective approach called Construct-Extract that
extracts only high-quality parallel sentence pairs from
our constructed corpus. Our approach is based on
the sentence-level cosine similarity of any two sen-
tence vectors, i.e., vector representations of the back-
translated synthetic source (Myanmar) sentence and
the monolingual target (English) sentence. We cal-
culate the sentence vectors on each sentence using
Siamese BERT-Networks with an additional MEAN
pooling layer.
The contribution of this paper is that we demon-
strate the feasibility of improving performance on
the Myanmar-English machine translation task by
developing a neural-based bilingual corpus creation
framework called Contruct-Extract. There are three
important outcomes. First, we introduce a sim-
ple but effective unsupervised Myanmar word seg-
mentation approach for improving the generated re-
sults of MT models that are potential to be used
as back-translation models in pseudo parallel cor-
pus construction. Second, we construct English-
Myanmar pseudo parallel data from English monolin-
gual texts by applying back-translation approach us-
ing improved English-to-Myanmar backward model.
Third, we propose a Siamese BERT-Networks based
approach to high-quality parallel sentences extrac-
tion (from our constructed corpus). Experiments on
English-Myanmar translations demonstrate the effi-
1 equivalence.
cacy of the proposed Myanmar word segmentation on
improving current MT models that are potential to be
used as backward systems in back-translation tasks,
and our constructed-extracted pseudo parallel corpus
on enhancing performance of the final MT models for
bidirectional translation tasks.
Our neural-based framework for building Myanmar-
English bilingual corpus comprises two main mod-
ules for (1) pseudo parallel corpus construction and
(2) high-quality parallel sentences pairs extraction.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the system contain-
ing these components. Briefly, Figure 1 (a) depicts
the first module containing the following two steps:
improving the backward NMT system with the pro-
posed Myanmar word segmentation and generating a
pseudo parallel corpus through back-translation. Fig-
ure 1 (b) depicts the second module which uses the
Siamese BERT-Network architecture for extracting
high-quality sentence pairs from the corpus generated
by the first module.
For Figure 1 (a), we construct more parallel trans-
lated texts through back-translation (Sennrich et al.,
2016a) using a volunteer translator, i.e. an automatic
back-translation of the 150k in-domain target mono-
lingual English text into the source Myanmar lan-
guage using pre-trained English-to-Myanmar back-
ward MT model. To select a volunteer backward
translator, we conduct experiments on the choice of
SMT and NMT with the available parallel datasets.
As a result, NMT generates more accurate and flu-
ent translation outputs than SMT in both direc-
tions; thereby we choose it as our choice in the
pipeline. However, NMT still suffers from the out-of-
vocabulary (OOV) issue due to the weakness of the
current Myanmar word segmentation model. Hence,
we also propose and apply a Myanmar word seg-
mentation model for improving the performance of
the backward NMT system. Our proposed Myanmar
word segmentation model learns only on the current
training data to segment the text that fits with the cur-
rent MT domain. We train our segmentation model as
First, the model treats Myanmar sentences as raw
streams of Unicode characters and normalizes
them into canonical forms;
Then, we apply the idea of byte pair encoding
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(BPE) on normalized corpus to construct the ap-
propriate vocabulary.
We explain each step of our proposed segmentation
model in detail in Section 2.1.
Our constructed (back-translated) pseudo parallel
corpus might have noisy target translations in Myan-
mar language. NMT suffers more sensitivity to noisy
data compared to SMT. In some works, using addi-
tional back-translated data to train NMT will cause
translation performance to deteriorate (Du and Way,
2017) or the performance will not be as good as ex-
pected. To investigate and overcome this problem, we
present an extraction model that incorporates Siamese
BERT networks with cosine similarity to filter only
high quality sentence pairs. The whole extraction
process is shown in Figure 1 (b), in which Siamese
BERT network is applied to indicate similar sentence
embeddings between sentence vectors u, v with co-
sine similarity to threshold only good quality sentence
pairs. If the similarity score is greater than or equal to
a decision threshold p, we add that pair into the train-
ing data as a good quality sentence pair.
Figure 1: The proposed Construct-Extract framework for
English-Myanmar parallel corpus creation.
2.1 Myanmar Word Segmentation
Our Myanmar word segmenter consists of three com-
ponents: a normalizer, a trainer, and a tokenizer. In-
put sentences are treated as raw Unicode character
streams, including the space as a use character. Fig-
ure 2 presents an overall architecture of the proposed
Myanmar word segmenter.
Firstly, the normalizer (indicated by the first blue
box) employs the Unicode NFKC normalization to
normalize semantically equivalent Unicode charac-
ters into canonical forms. NFKC, which is the Uni-
code standard normalization form, has been widely
used in many NLP applications recently because of
its better reproducibility and its strong support on the
Unicode standard. Secondly, the trainer (indicated by
the second blue box) trains the segmentation model
using the byte-pair-encoding (BPE) algorithm (Sen-
nrich et al., 2016b) from the normalized corpus to
build up a word vocabulary based on sub-word com-
ponents. The trained segmentation model helps learn-
ing a vocabulary that provides a good compression
rate of the text. Lastly, the tokenizer module (in-
dicated by the dashed box) internally executes the
normalizer to normalize the input text and tokenizes
it into a sub-word sequence with the segmentation
model trained by the trainer.
Figure 2: The proposed Myanmar word segmenter.
2.2 Back-translation
Back-translation approach (Sennrich et al., 2016a)
is an effective data augmentation method leveraging
target side monolingual data. We tried the back-
translation to construct parallel translated sentence
pairs from collected monolingual English texts. To
perform back-translation, we first train English-to-
Myanmar NMT (the backward system) with our pro-
posed Myanmar word segmentation on the parallel
data shown in Table 1, and use it to translate collected
150k English monolingual sentences to construct syn-
thetic source side Myanmar texts. After the back-
translation process, we constructed 150k English-
Myanmar pseudo parallel sentence pairs. The noisy
sentence pairs from the constructed corpus are then
Construct-Extract: An Effective Model for Building Bilingual Corpus to Improve English-Myanmar Machine Translation
removed with our proposed extraction module.
2.3 Sentence Embeddings
Sentence-BERT (SBERT) (Reimers and Gurevych,
2019), a modification of the pretrained BERT net-
work that uses Siamese and triplet network structures
(Schroff et al., 2015), has set a new state-of-the-art
performance on various sentence classification, clus-
tering and sentence-pair regression tasks such as se-
mantic textual similarity. Currently, there are an in-
creasing number of state-of-the-art pretrained mod-
els that support more than 100 languages including
Myanmar and English. These models were trained
based on the idea that a translated sentence should
be mapped to the same location in the vector space
as the original sentence. Therefore, they can gener-
ate aligned vector spaces, i.e., similar inputs in dif-
ferent languages are mapped closely in a vector space
(Reimers and Gurevych, 2020).
In our experiments, we used the pre-trained
model, i.e., distilbert-multilingual-nli-stsb-quora-
ranking to derive semantically meaningful sentence
embeddings between English sentences and back-
translated Myanmar sentences. Then, we applied the
cosine similarity to indicate how much an input sen-
tence pair is semantically similar to each other. In our
model, we threshold the similarity between each sen-
tence pair at 0.77. If the similarity score between each
sentence pair is greater than or equal to the thresh-
old, the model decides to add that pair into the ex-
isting training data as a good quality parallel sen-
tence pair. From 150 thousands parallel translated
sentences, our model extracted only 92,111 sentence
pairs. We examined the performance of SMT and
NMT on existing datasets, with an additional 150k
constructed dataset, and with an additional 92,111 ex-
tracted dataset to judge whether our proposed model
can be effective or not. We elaborate this in more de-
tails in the next section.
This section describes the datasets and baseline MT
systems that we have used in this work.
3.1 Datasets
We collected around 224 thousand manually created
English-Myanmar parallel sentence pairs including
bilingual sentences from text books, Myanmar local
news, and the ALT Corpus (Riza et al., 2016) for
training. The development and test sets are only from
the ALT corpus. Data statistics are shown on Table 1.
For the task of creating additional machine-translated
pseudo parallel data, we additionally gather 150
thousands monolingual English sentences from the
internet. These sentences nearly match the domain
of the ALT corpus, which primarily contains news
originated from English sources.
Table 1: Statistics of parallel datasets.
Type Data Source
Local News and Textbooks 204,535
ALT 18,082
Dev ALT 1,000
Test ALT 1,017
3.2 Baseline MT Systems
We evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed word
segmentation model and the proposed Construct-
Extract framework for construction and extraction of
English-Myanmar parallel corpus by performing ma-
chine translation experiments.
3.2.1 Statistical Machine Translation
We trained phrase-based SMT (PBSMT) system us-
ing Moses toolkit (Koehn et al., 2007). GIZA++
(Och and Ney, 2003) is used to implement the word
alignment process. For phrases extraction and lexi-
calized word reordering, we applied grow-diag-final
and msd-bidirectional-fe heuristic. For tuning PB-
SMT, we applied the default parameters of Moses.
Moreover, the 5-gram language models were trained
on Myanmar and English monolingual sentences with
Kneser-Ney smoothing using KenLM (Heafield et al.,
3.2.2 Neural Machine Translation
We trained the Transformer-based NMT models with
PyTorch version of the OpenNMT project, an open-
source (MIT) neural machine translation framework
(Klein et al., 2018). The Transformer experiments
were run on NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU with the fol-
lowing parameters listed in Table 2.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Parameters for training Transformer models.
-layers 6 -rnn size 512 -word vec size 512
-transformer ff 2,048 -heads 8
-encoder type transformer
-decoder type transformer
-position encoding true -train steps 200,000
-max generator batches 2 -dropout 0.1
-batch size 4,096 -batch type tokens
-normalization tokens -accum count 2
-optim adam -adam beta2 0.998
-decay method noam -warmup steps 8,000
-learning rate 2 -max grad norm 0
-param init 0 -param init glorot true
-label smoothing 0.1 -valid steps 1,000
-save checkpoint steps 1,000
-world size 1 -gpu rank 0
In this paper, both of our proposed models are eval-
uated by performing statistical and neural MT sys-
tems: PBSMT and Transformer. Bilingual Evaluation
UnderStudy (BLEU) score is used as the evaluation
metric. The scores are computed using the multi-bleu
script from Moses toolkit.
4.1 Effect of Word Segmentation
A lot of work has been done on the problem of Myan-
mar word segmentation and many word segmentation
methods have been proposed. These segmentation
methods can be roughly classified into dictionary-
based or rule-based, statistical, machine learning and
hybrid approaches (Pa and Thein, 2008; Ding et al.,
2016; Phyu and Hashimoto, 2017; Oo and Soe, 2019).
In the dictionary-based methods, only words that are
stored in a pre-defined dictionary can be identified
and the performance of the segmentation depends to
a large degree upon the coverage of the dictionary.
Increasing the size of the dictionary is not a good so-
lution to the out of vocabulary word (OOV) problem
because new words appear constantly. On the other
hand, although the statistical approaches can some-
how solve the problem of unknown words by utilizing
probabilistic or cost-based scoring mechanisms, these
methods also suffer from some drawbacks. The main
issues are that they require large amounts of data for
training, also with an amount of the processing time;
and the difficulty in incorporating linguistic knowl-
edge effectively into the segmentation process (Tea-
han et al., 2000). For low-resource languages such
as Myanmar, there are only corpus-based, dictionary-
based, rule-based, and statistical word segmentation
methods freely available for being used as a tempo-
rary solution. Current Myanmar word segmentation
tools can support to obtain better results for some
Myanmar language processing tasks, such as part of
speech (POS) tagging, word sense disambiguation,
text categorization, information retrieval, text summa-
rization, and etc. However, they may probably pro-
duce massive rare-words in both SMT and NMT. The
segmentation error would cause translation mistakes
directly especially in English-to-Myanmar transla-
tion. Although it is not a serious issue in Myanmar-to-
English translation in general, weak Myanmar word
segmentation tools can lead SMT to generate un-
known source words as target translated words be-
cause they cannot find the corresponding target trans-
lation in the phrase table. The same problem also oc-
curs in NMT.
Figure 3 illustrates some translation mistakes gen-
erated by the current English-to-Myanmar MT sys-
tems with currently available Myanmar word seg-
mentation tools. These mistakes include: (i) miss-
ing words or phrases in the target Myanmar transla-
tion, (ii) translating English words into wrong Myan-
mar words, and (iii) generating both English words
and their translated Myanmar words together in the
translation results. Even in short sentence transla-
tion in a Myanmar-to-English direction as in Figure
4, it shows a problem of SMT that only generates an
unknown Myanmar source word (in red) as a target
English word and NMT misses to translate this word
completely in translation. Note that this Myanmar
source word (in red) should be translated as “fifteen”
in the target English. This Myanmar word is formed
by combining the two words (one word in green and
another word in blue). The word (in green) is “fif-
teen” in English and the other word (in blue) is nu-
merical classifier; it has no special meaning in English
and is used only in Myanmar language that follows a
number to show what type of thing that the number
is referred to. This is because the current segmenter
can only segment words based on their trained na-
ture, corpus and dictionary that may not be fit with the
available training corpus intended to use in MT tasks.
In this case, Myanmar sentences are segmented using
UCSYNLP word segmenter
that implements a com-
bined model of bigram with word juncture and works
by longest matching and bigram methods trained on
a pre-segmented corpus of 50,000 words collected
manually from Myanmar text books, newspapers, and
journals (Pa and Thein, 2008).
Construct-Extract: An Effective Model for Building Bilingual Corpus to Improve English-Myanmar Machine Translation
Figure 3: Translation errors of both statistical and neural English-to-Myanmar MT systems due to the Myanmar word seg-
mentation weakness.
Figure 4: Translation errors of both statistical and neural Myanmar-to-English MT systems due to the Myanmar word seg-
mentation weakness.
Our Myanmar word segmentation model does not re-
quire any linguistic resources and manual works. The
only one requirement is to convert the text to segment
into Unicode encoding. Currently, the Myanmar Uni-
code converters are freely available online and offline.
The proposed model is able to learn on current MT
corpus and thus it can produce the most suitable seg-
mentation results. We analyse the effectiveness of
our segmentation model in the MT experiments by
checking the translated results and in terms of BLEU
In our experiments, we used Moses tokenizer and
truecaser for English texts. For Myanmar, UCSYNLP
word segmenter is used as a baseline model. As ex-
plained in Subsection 2.1, our segmentation model
consists of three components: a normalizer, a trainer,
and a tokenizer. For our normalizer and trainer, we
applied the same modules of Unicode NFKC Nor-
malizer and BPE Trainer provided by SentencePiece
(Kudo and Richardson, 2018). In the trainer process,
we use a vocabulary size of 32,000 BPE sub-words.
Our tokenizer module internally executes the normal-
izer to normalize the input Unicode character streams
and tokenizes them into the word sequences with the
segmentation model trained by the trainer.
Based on the proposed segmentation approach,
the performance of MT systems are quite different.
The results reported in Table 3 and Table 4, show-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 5: Example of translations in English-to-Myanmar direction using SMT and NMT. The translation performance of
both MT systems improved with our segmentation model compared to the baseline UCSYNLP segmenter. NMT with our
segmentation approach generates more accurate and fluent translation outputs.
Table 3: BLEU scores of English-to-Myanmar translation
systems on two segmentation models (baseline and ours).
UCSYNLP Segmenter Our Segmenter
SMT 4.15 7.63
NMT 5.25 8.11
Table 4: BLEU scores of Myanmar-to-English translation
systems on two segmentation models (baseline and ours).
UCSYNLP Segmenter Our Segmenter
SMT 9.41 9.19
NMT 10.24 11.59
ing that our unsupervised segmentation model can
help the SMT and NMT systems to largely outper-
form the previous baselines. Our results have large
gains on both MT systems in both directions. For
the English-to-Myanmar task, SMT and NMT ob-
tained a BLEU score of 7.63 and 8.11, respectively,
with our proposed Myanmar word segmenter, which
outperforms the previous best result by +3.48 and
+2.86 points. For the Myanmar-to-English direction,
NMT still surpasses the baseline score by 1.35 BLEU
points. In this direction, the score of SMT is slightly
decreased from 9.41 to 9.19. This is because we did
not specifically care about names and numbers dur-
ing the word segmentation process. Some of the rare
names and numbers in the text are separated into two
or three words, and is thus led to a little weakness
only in the word alignment procedure of Myanmar-
to-English PBSMT.
For investigating the OOV words issue, we used a
copy mechanism in all experiments. The copy mech-
anism first tries to substitute OOV words with target
words that have maximum attention weight accord-
ing to their source words (Luong et al., 2015). When
the words are not found, it copies the source words to
the position of the not-found target words (Gu et al.,
Construct-Extract: An Effective Model for Building Bilingual Corpus to Improve English-Myanmar Machine Translation
Figure 6: A sample of constructed parallel sentences (monolingual English sentences and their corresponding back-translated
Myanmar sentences). The Google translation of the back-translated Myanmar sentence in English is also provided. The score
of how likely the sentences are semantically similar is calculated with cosine similarity. Only the first two sentence pairs that
have similarity score of greater than 0.77 are extracted as the good quality sentence pairs.
2016). A detailed study of our results in English-
Myanmar bi-directional translation tasks showed that
the number of OOV words decreased considerably
with our proposed Myanmar word segmentation. Fig-
ure 5 shows some example sentences generated by the
English-to-Myanmar MT systems with the baseline
(UCSYNLP segmenter) and with ours. Both SMT
and NMT systems with our segmentation could han-
dle the problem of OOV words than the outputs with
baseline segmentation. The blue colored parts of the
sentences in the figure are the correct translation parts
in Myanmar language. It demonstrates that the NMT
system leads to better translation accuracy and flu-
ency than SMT. This part of experiments is done only
on the existing parallel corpus. After obtaining the
result, in all cases, we concluded that NMT with our
segmenter is the best that can generate more accurate
and fluent outputs. Therefore, for the next step of
our back-translation in the parallel corpus construc-
tion task, we choose English-to-Myanmar NMT that
was trained on existing corpus with our segmentation
model as the volunteer pre-trained backward MT sys-
4.2 Constructed-Extracted Data and
Translation Results
The construct module of our proposed Construct-
Extract model created 150k English-Myanmar pseudo
parallel data by back-translating 150k monolingual
English sentences into Myanmar language using
English-to-Myanmar NMT (the backward system).
After mixing these constructed corpus with the ex-
isting dataset, we have more training data to train
on all MT systems from scratch. Generally, more
training data help MT systems to improve the per-
formance. However, there is one known challenge of
NMT with low-quality noisy sentences. Some sen-
tences in the back-translated corpus are low in quality.
To investigate and overcome this challenge, we pro-
posed the high-quality sentence pairs extraction mod-
ule. Here, the extract module of our proposed model
that are based on Siamese BERT-networks indicated
only 92k high-quality parallel sentence pairs from the
constructed corpus.
To evaluate the performance of our proposed ap-
proach, we manually looked at generated sentences
and have done a qualitative analysis. In Figure 6,
we can see the qualitative accuracy for some English-
Myanmar parallel sentences constructed by using
the back-translation approach. The back-translated
Myanmar sentences have been translated into English
using Google Translate, so as to facilitate a compari-
son with the original monolingual English sentences.
Only the first two sentence pairs that have similar-
ity score more than 0.77 are extracted as high-quality
sentence pairs.
Table 5 and Table 6 illustrates the quality of the
corpus created by the proposed Construct-Extract on
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: BLEU scores for English-to-Myanmar MT systems.
Training Data Total Sentences SMT NMT
Existing Parallel Corpus 204,535 7.63 8.11
+Constructed Corpus +150,000 8.92 8.37
+Extracted Corpus (p 0.77) +92,111 8.61 8.51
Table 6: BLEU scores for Myanmar-to-English MT systems.
Training Data Total Sentences SMT NMT
Existing Parallel Corpus 204,535 9.19 11.59
+Constructed Corpus +150,000 9.43 12.21
+Extracted Corpus (p 0.77) +92,111 9.38 12.41
the machine translation experiments. In these tables,
we report the BLEU scores of SMT and NMT systems
on three different data size settings: only on existing
corpus, on existing corpus plus constructed data (all
back-translated sentence pairs), and on existing cor-
pus plus extracted data (high-quality sentence pairs
from constructed data). In both directions, SMT sys-
tems gain an increase on the performance with more
additional data. On the other hand, NMT systems
trained using the extracted pseudo-parallel corpus as
additional data returned the best translation perfor-
mance. These findings suggest that translation accu-
racy of the NMT systems depends on both the size and
quality of the training data. In this scenario, the pro-
posed Construct-Extract mechanism can be the most
useful for obtaining an improved pseudo-parallel cor-
The motivation of this work is our expectation of
improving the translation performance on the cur-
rent English-Myanmar MT systems with the avail-
able limited resources. To set this goal, we present
our two main contributions. The first one is Myanmar
word segmentation model trained on the idea of Uni-
code NFKC normalization and the byte-pair-encoding
mechanism. Our segmentation model is aimed to
improve the performance of the backward system in
pseudo parallel corpus construction task using a back-
translation mechanism. The second one is a paral-
lel corpus extraction methodology developed with the
idea of Siamese-BERT-Networks-based sentence em-
bedding and the cosine similarity. We validated the
performance of these proposed models by performing
SMT and NMT experiments.
Unlike traditional Myanmar segmenters that make
use of manually prepared resources such as large-
scale training data, dictionaries, etc, this proposed
segmentation model does not need any manual work
and any knowledge about Myanmar language. The
model only requires converting Myanmar text written
in other fonts into Unicode fonts with the use of freely
available tools. Using our proposed segmenter on
the preprocessing step of NMT systems, their trans-
lation performance improved quite a lot. On the other
hand, the constructed and extracted parallel dataset is
demonstrated to facilitate a significant improvement
in MT quality when compared to a generic system as
shown in our experimental results.
Overall, both of our Myanmar word segmenter
and the parallel corpus extraction model are indeed
beneficial for all MT systems to achieve a remarkable
percentage which increases in the BLEU scores of the
Myanmar-English low-resource problems, although
the constructed corpus is less effective to support MT
for yielding a significant BLEU score. We hypothe-
size that this is due to the lack of coverage on the sen-
tence categories in the training and test datasets. More
specifically, the training and test sets used by MT
models in our experiments contains sentences from 13
different categories: crime and law, culture and enter-
tainment, disasters and accidents, economy and busi-
ness, education, the environment, health, obituaries,
politics and conflicts, science and technology, sports,
Wackynews, and weather. However, our constructed
pseudo parallel corpus only covers 40 percent out of
these categories. In the future, we plan to collect more
monolingual corpus in different categories and extend
Construct-Extract: An Effective Model for Building Bilingual Corpus to Improve English-Myanmar Machine Translation
the proposed framework with a generative adversarial
network for synthesizing high quality sentence candi-
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Ed-
ucation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
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