Using EEG and Gamified Neurofeedback Environments to Improve
eSports Performance: Project Neuroprotrainer
Jose L. Soler-Dominguez
1 a
and Carlos Gonzalez
2 b
Instituto de Investigaci
on e Innovaci
on en Bioingenieria (I3B), Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
Applied Computing for Learning & Well-being, Unidad TIC, Florida Universit
aria, 46470, Catarroja, Spain
eSports, Gamification, Neuroscience, Neurofeedback Training.
Human performance has permanently been an objective for society and, specifically, for researchers. Tradi-
tional sports, board games, video games... A wide diversity of domains have recall the attention on the reasons
why top players perform better than the rest. eSports can be defined as competitive multiplayer video games.
Nowadays, eSports have a huge impact on society with billions of people playing or consuming related content.
Being a relatively new universe, there is a wide gap when talking about applying scientific principles to per-
formance analysis and improvement on eSports. This paper tries to establish a new research topic, introducing
Virtual Reality and neuroscience as main frameworks to pursue a double objective: evaluate psycho-cognitive
characteristics of eSports players aiming to profile them and, additionally, using that profile to create custom
psycho-cognitive training plans. Neuroscience and EEG data from players have the ability of explaining the
complex decision making procedures that involve an individual action while playing. Neurofeedback training
(NFT) is a neuro-behavioral technique that will allow using real-time EEG data to drive a gamified environ-
ment aiming to adapt their brain activity to the optimum performance mode. This project aims, for the first
time, to use neurofeedback within a gamified training environment in order to improve individual performance
on eSports.
From chess (De Groot, 2014; Simon and Chase, 1988;
Chase and Simon, 1973) to air-pistol shooting (Cheng
et al., 2017), going through other massive (like foot-
ball (Savelsbergh et al., 2002)) or non-massive sports
(like squash (Abernethy, 1990)) have been object of
research aiming a double goal: (a) Identify and iso-
late psychological, cognitive and motor traits of best
performers (experts) and (b) Try to implement these
characteristics into non-expert through training pro-
For those researchers following the cognitive ap-
proach, a skilful performance in sport is tradition-
ally linked with the combination of a skilful percep-
tion and a skilful action (Craig and Watson, 2011;
Williams et al., 1999). Additionally other psycholog-
ical perspectives like decision-making (Chamberlain
and Coelho, 1993; Araujo et al., 2006) or risk tak-
ing (Pain and Pain, 2005; Kontos, 2004) have been
studied as relevant factors related to sports for the last
With the bloom of neurosciences and EEG acces-
sibility and affordability, several labs started to intro-
duce this neuronal component to the usual psycho-
logical, cognitive and motor dimensions. Brain plays
an important role on sport performance and attending
to this is needed to study its implications on the 21st
century massive sport: competitive video games, the
so called eSports.
In recent years, there has been a growing inter-
est in the research potential of the application of elec-
troencephalography (EEG) to the analysis of cortical
activity in the most relevant phases of action in vari-
ous sports: preparation and execution (Vernon, 2005;
Perry et al., 2011; Park et al., 2015; Xiang et al.,
The main goal of this project is to implement a
roadmap in order to transfer this previous work on
traditional sports and the potential benefits of neuro-
science and neurotraining on individual performance,
to eSports.
Soler-Dominguez, J. and Gonzalez, C.
Using EEG and Gamified Neurofeedback Environments to Improve eSports Performance: Project Neuroprotrainer.
DOI: 10.5220/0010314502780283
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Aiming to this, it will be needed to:
1. Identify which EEG signals have the ability of de-
scribing an expert eSports player (for different eS-
2. Design and develop a gamified environment
where neurofeedback could be implemented, sup-
porting the training of players.
3. Develop a NFT program in order to evaluate the
real outputs over the individual performance.
2 eSports RESEARCH
Social interest on eSports is continuously growing,
even surpassing the popularity of some traditional
sports (BusinessTelegraph, 2020), having for exam-
ple, more audience than the rest of professional
leagues except the National Football League.
In parallel, the research production on eSports is
also acquiring some relevance, as shows the last sur-
vey paper (Reitman et al., 2020) on eSports research.
Since the first work on eSports was written on 2002
(Bryce and Rutter, 2002), Google Scholar currently
returns more than 30.000 articles with the key word
Even when the research approach to eSports could
come from different domains like Sports Science,
Cognitive Science, Law, Sociology, Business, Media
Studies or Informatics (Reitman et al., 2020), this pa-
per tries to introduce a new approach, using the neu-
roscience lens.
Following the Guttman’s taxonomy of modern
sports (Guttman, 1992), as it is visible on Fig.1, eS-
ports will fall inside the Intellectual Contests class.
Intellectual here could be understood as ”leaded by
mind” but it is impossible to separate cognition from
psycho-motor relevance in eSports.
There is a reduced amount of papers focused on
understanding the characteristics that distinguish and
the ones which make similar eSports and traditional
sports (Railsback and Caporusso, 2018).
By the same way, most eSports are collective
games where teamwork and global strategy and tac-
tics play a relevant role in the final result. This project
is focused on improving the individual contribution of
each player. More accurately, is focused on improv-
ing performance of each single action executed within
a match.
Attending to the different types of eSports, fol-
lowing a taxonomy genre-leaded, it is possible to es-
tablish some main categories such as MOBA (Multi-
player Online Battle Arenas) like League of Legends
or Dota 2, FPS (First-Person Shooters) like Valorant
or Rainbow Six, RTS (Real Time Strategy) like Star-
craft 2 or Age of Empires, CCG (Collectible Card
Games) like Legends of Runeterra or Hearthstone or
Sports games like NBA, NHL or FIFA.
Even considering the particular differences be-
tween each main genre, all of them have some com-
mon traits: they are collective competitive games
(mainly) and they divide the gameplay in two dimen-
sions, micro (each individual action, short-term con-
sequences) and macro (mid/long-term strategy, team-
work). This project aims to improve micro perfor-
mance using NFT.
As Xiang et al. (2018) summarized on their meta-
analysis about neurofeedback training for sport per-
formance, expertise on a certain sport is linked to a
superior cognitive-motor processing and this, with the
reduction of task-irrelevant processes and the increase
of task-relevant processes.
Some authors analyzed the importance of physi-
cal abilities and demostrated that motor skills are a
intrinsical part of eSports (Hilvoorde and Pot, 2016).
There is a relevant corpus of works where these
findings are explained (Xiang et al., 2018):
Expert practitioners of different visuomotor based
activities like golf, archery, and target shooting
evidenced lower cerebral cortical activation when
compared with beginners (Hung et al., 2008).
This lower cortical activity has also been found
jointly with a lesser activation in the language
zones of the left hemisphere (Hatfield et al.,
In elite athletes, preparation of precise visuo-
motor performance is related to a low cortical ac-
tivation (Del Percio et al., 2009).
The neuroProTrainer project aims to establish a
translation from this findings within the sports do-
main to the eSports, focusing on the micro-gameplay.
Micro-gameplay represents the individual perfor-
mance in single actions in front of macro-gameplay,
a concept that defines the more strategic, long-term
performance of a team, normally.
Using EEG and Gamified Neurofeedback Environments to Improve eSports Performance: Project Neuroprotrainer
Figure 1: Guttman’s modern sports taxonomy.
This research is based on a basic but with a high level
of ecology BCI (Brain Computer Interface) which is
the Emotiv Insight (Fig. 2). It is a 5-channel dry sen-
sors EEG device that measures activity from all corti-
cal lobes of the brain, providing in depth information.
This BCI delivers six performance metrics that
will help to establish a neural profile of players, both
resting and playing. The set of metrics consists of
(Emotive, 2019):
Stress (FRU) represents a measure of comfort
with a certain activity. Higher stress levels are
related to negative implications, feeling over-
whelmed or simply not being able to make a par-
ticular action due to adverse consequences of fail-
ing. Low level of stress could foster performance
but a higher level could have terrible effects on
Engagement (ENG) quantifies how immersed is
the player on the tasks he is involved. ENG
could be expressed as a combination of atten-
tion and concentration. It’s the opposite of bore-
dom. This metric presents an increased physio-
logical arousal, beta waves presence and low al-
pha waves.
Interest (VAL) is the degree of attraction or aver-
sion to the current stimuli, environment or activ-
ity. In the psychological domain is called Valence.
The interest is related with the enjoyment of the
current task, normally throwing higher values of
interest when the user is enjoying the task and
lower values when he/she is disliking the activ-
ity. Medium Interest values usually show a neutral
feeling about the task.
Excitement (EXC) is an awareness or feeling of
physiological arousal with a positive value. The
detection of this performance metric is designed
to detect short-term changes on excitement, usu-
ally within a few seconds.
Focus (FOC) is a measure of fixed attention to
one specific task. A high level of attention is usu-
ally accompanied by a low level of task switching
which correlates positively with low level of focus
and distraction.
Relaxation (MED) quantifies the ability to achieve
a calm state of mind. It also represents a metric
of the ability to reduce activation levels, rest and
recover from intense concentration.
Establishing a neuro-profile of players will pro-
vide relevant information about individual character-
istics of those who better perform on a video game
and the differences with those of lower performance.
With this information, a customized training plan
could be designed.
Additionally, following the works listed previ-
ously, NFT will be applied in order to get perfor-
mance metrics to their optimum level. NFT could be
defined as a specific paradigm based on operative con-
ditioning, in which the individual learns how to influ-
ence the electrical activity of his brain through differ-
Figure 2: Emotiv Insight.
GRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
ent mental states (Kerick et al., 2001; Pop-Jordanova
and Demerdzieva, 2010; Hammond, 2011).
NFT could be based on different frequencies,
coming from different cortical areas (Fajardo and
an, 2016; Xiang et al., 2018). Different corti-
cal areas of the brain produce different rhythms:
1. Delta (1Hz-4Hz): It is a wave associated with
sleep that is present in states of muscle relaxation,
so it is very useful in stretching and sports warm-
ups (Behncke, 2004).
2. Theta (4Hz-8Hz): This frequency has been linked
to pre-competition stress. Additionally it corre-
lates also with positive moods. (Thompson et al.,
3. Alpha (8Hz-12Hz): This wave promotes focus-
ing, diminishing emotions, toughts and distrac-
tions (Beauchamp et al., 2012).
4. SMR (Sensorimotor Rhythm, 12Hz-15Hz): This
rhythm is related to body movement and concen-
tration. A higher sensorimotor signal during the
last instant before an action initiation has been
demonstrated to be linked to better performance
(Gruzelier et al., 2010; Cheng et al., 2017).
5. Beta (13Hz-30Hz): Is associated with the muscle
contractions that happen in isotonic movements
and are suppressed prior to and during movement
changes (Baker, 2007). Also related to states of
wakefulness and mental activity, states of alert-
ness and active concentration (Beauchamp et al.,
Relevance and contribution of each wave have
to be evaluated aiming to create a subset of cortical
rhythms that have influence on eSports players per-
formance. Jointly, this subset of waves and the per-
formance metrics given by the BCI, will compose the
NeuroScorecard (NS) for each individual. Attending
to their current level and the pre-fixed goal for each
parameter of the NS, a customized NFT plan will be
NFT will be delivered by a gamified training en-
vironment (GTE), not defined yet, with a simple de-
sign premise: Correct feedback (contributes to the
pre-defined goal) will be translated into a positive ac-
tion within the gamified environment and wrong feed-
back (that one on the contrary sense of the pre-defined
goal) will represent a negative action in the gamified
As an example, if the GTE is similar to a ”Flappy
Bird” game (Fig. 3), when an individual successfully
tunes its cortical activity as expected, the main char-
acter should elude the obstacles of the level. But, if
the tuning is wrong, the avatar will collide with an
obstacle, loosing some health or one life.
Figure 3: Flappy Bird, by .GEARS Studios, as a reference
for the GTE.
This GTE should be responsive to users’ activity,
changing values like timing, difficulty or sounds at-
tending to current performance. Different levels of
intensity of training could be configured. Introducing
machine learning elements at design level could fos-
ter a procedural GTE (PGTE) that will be dinamically
set up for each user, taking into consideration his/her
starting point and evolution.
Aiming to determine if NFT is effective, the train-
ing program will be delivered to three different groups
with three different feedbacks:
Right feedback.
Wrong feedback.
No feedback.
Following this experimental design it will be pos-
sible to isolate the influence of NFT on individual per-
The purpose of this paper is to provide a solid founda-
tion and methodology for an innovative field of study:
the application of the NFT to eSports.
Starting from the extensive previous work apply-
ing EEG and NFT on sports and due to the strong sim-
ilarities between certain actions on traditional sports
and other actions on competitive video games, the
working hypothesis of this project is that NFT could
help players to improve their micro (individual per-
formance on direct actions).
Using a mix of cortical signals: (i) Performance-
metrics delivered by the BCI; (ii) Direct waves inter-
pretation it will be possible to establish a cortical ac-
tivity reference for expert players that, additionally,
will serve as road-map for aspirants.
Once the pro-players cortical profile has been de-
fined, a PGTE will be developed. It will be used to
deliver a NFT program in order to develop their neu-
ral control in order to increase performance within the
Using EEG and Gamified Neurofeedback Environments to Improve eSports Performance: Project Neuroprotrainer
game, trying to mimic pro-players cortical activity.
If both the PGTE and the NFT obtain positive re-
sults, this tools could be used by professional and am-
ateurs eSports teams as a valuable development re-
Next steps of this project will be related to estab-
lishing a link between complementary physiological
signals and performance, using like eye tracking or
electro-dermal activity (EDA).
This project has been funded (2020 and 2021) by
the Regional Government, Generalitat Valenciana,
through the Conselleria de Innovaci
on, Universi-
dades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital department, under
the Emergent Research Groups (ERG) program.
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and
intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it
for publication.
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Using EEG and Gamified Neurofeedback Environments to Improve eSports Performance: Project Neuroprotrainer