A State Saturation Attack against
Massively Multiplayer Online Videogames
Blake Bryant and Hossein Saiedian
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Information & Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC),
The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.
Videogames, Videogame Networking, Videogame Security, Performance Measurement, Videogame QoS,
Videogame Cheating.
Online videogames have enjoyed a recent surge in popularity due to increased work-from-home policies, the
popularization of high-reward game tournaments, and the prospect of players earning decent wages from
streaming online content. The viability of leveraging online gaming as a source of primary or supplemental
income places higher stakes on the security and suitability of the network and underlying protocols used
to transport game related data. A common technique used in videogames known as “animation canceling”
has been used for decades to improve player performance in competitive game play. This paper reviews the
potential impact of animation canceling in terms of network traffic generated and degradation to the player
experience. The paper lays the conceptual groundwork for networked videogames by describing common
network architectures that facilitates competitive videogame play. Finally, a AAA gaming title is selected as a
case study, using the principles established within this paper, to evaluate the effects of animation canceling on
competitive game play. This paper introduces a new term ”state saturation” to describe a potential lag-based
attack that may be implemented via animation cancelling to starve client-server based networked videogame
command messages and game a competetive edge during game play.
A thriving economy of computer-based videogames
has existed for well over four decades. However,
a drastic spike in the popularity of highly competi-
tive multiplayer games has propelled the industry into
a new economic tier, on par with that of traditional
spectator sports. Notable gaming titles, such as Fort-
nite, Defense of the Ancients 2 (DotA 2) and Coun-
terstrike GO (CSGO), now offer tournament pots in
the tens of millions of dollars (Webb, 2019). Several
content streamers on the videogame oriented Twitch
steaming service now earn seven figure salaries, with
some boasting net worth in the tens of millions of dol-
lars (Hanson, 2019). The astronomical rewards of-
fered in such tournaments, or stream viewership, will
naturally motivate unscrupulous individuals to seek
opportunities to exploit the growing esports ecosys-
tem. Within this context, the networking protocols
used to facilitate online multiplayer games should be
evaluated for their feasibility in a semi-trusted or con-
tested environment.
This paper provides a brief overview of the tra-
ditional TCP and UDP protocols used in networking
and evaluates their suitability for use as a “gaming”
protocol. Following this overview, current network
frameworks within the videogaming industry are re-
viewed and evaluated for their suitability within a
semi-trusted or contested environment. Finally, this
paper concludes with a brief case study of a pop-
ular AAA videogame, “The Elder Scrolls Online,
known to exhibit exploitable features within its net-
code which may afford competetive players a distinct
advantage over others.
Fiedler’s work provides an overview of the three dom-
inant approaches toward encoding videogame data to
synchronize physics engines between hosts (Fiedler,
2015). The primary goal of each of these approaches
is to synchronize representations of the virtual envi-
ronment between remote systems participating in the
game simulation. Each approach proposed by Fiedler
makes use of the UDP protocol to avoid RTT delays
and congestion management features of TCP, prefer-
Bryant, B. and Saiedian, H.
A State Saturation Attack against Massively Multiplayer Online Videogames.
DOI: 10.5220/0010302002170225
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 217-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ring to implement reliability through the mechanisms
inherent to the network approaches. The three ap-
proaches are: deterministic lockstep, snapshot inter-
polation and state synchronization. Each of these ap-
proaches impact the bandwidth requirements for syn-
chronizing physics engines between hosts, as well as
their ability to tolerate network latency.
2.1 Deterministic Lock-step Networking
The deterministic lockstep approach requires the least
amount of data as it merely passes user input instruc-
tions to a remote host running an identical simulation
synchronized with the sending hosts. However, this
smaller packet size comes at the expense of an in-
crease in both server and client-side processing. One
critical limitation of this approach is that the extreme
processing demands placed on the server drastically
limits the number of clients that may participate in
networked games. According to Fiedler, the recom-
mended maximum number of connections is limited
to four clients to one server (Fiedler, 2015). The
Unreal Engine documentation also cites lack of per-
sistence, lack of player scalability and lack of frame
rate scalability as critical limitations of this approach
(Epic Games, 2012). Additionally, this approach re-
quires games to be constrained to identical platforms
due to difficulty in maintaining a deterministic state
between different operating systems, hardware and
The deterministic lock-step approach achieves re-
liable data transmission by requiring the client to send
consecutive packets containing all unacknowledged
user inputs. This effectively communicates the client
packet buffer to the server until it is acknowledged,
at which point, the client buffer is reduced to merely
unacknowledged inputs. However, unlike the func-
tion of TCP acknowledgment packets, the client is not
throttled by the lack of server acknowledgments. The
advantage of this approach over TCP is obvious in
that the client may continue to update its buffer and
the server without incurring an additional round trip
time (RTT) delay. It is also worth noting that sim-
ulations running on the server must wait until input
instructions are received from the client before it may
proceed with the simulation. This is one of the key
differences between this approach and state synchro-
nization discussed later.
2.2 Snapshot Interpolation
The snapshot interpolation technique adopts a slightly
different approach and sends a representation of the
current state of the simulation between hosts. Typi-
cally, the server sends only the objects a client must
draw to depict a frame representing the game world,
then the client processes user input commands and
sends the newly rendered state of objects previously
sent from the server. This exchange will undoubt-
edly require more information than simply replicat-
ing user inputs. As such, bandwidth requirements
increase, and games are less tolerant of network la-
tency. Furthermore, bandwidth requirements with
snapshot interpolation are dependent upon the num-
ber of game objects that must be updated making this
a poor choice for simulations with many object inter-
actions. Snapshot interpolation overcomes the unre-
liable nature of UDP by assuming that some packets
will occasionally be lost, but gaps in data may be ad-
dressed by mathematically inferring a trend line be-
tween the two states received. For instance, if the
recipient receives snapshots for state 1 and state 3,
but not state 2, the recipient can simulate a transition
between the two states received and avoid waiting to
receive state 2.
An unfortunate side effect of this approach is the
need to buffer multiple state snapshots prior to send-
ing packets. This buffering introduces additional de-
lay on top of network delay and is dependent upon
the simulation framerate in the form of the equation
latency=R/B; where R represents the framerate and
B represents the number of packets to be buffered.
Typically, networked games operate on a standard 60
frames per second refresh rate, meaning a buffer of
three snapshots would incur a delay of 50 millisec-
onds in addition to the network
Despite its limitations, snapshot interpolation
overcomes the issues associated with the determin-
istic lockstep approach, namely head-of-line block-
ing waiting on packets to arrive and requirements
for strict control over client and sender hard-
ware/software configurations.
2.3 State Synchronization
The state synchronization approach effectively builds
upon the advances made from the previous two tech-
niques. Namely, simulations are run on both client
and server systems which render simulations in re-
sponse to inputs generated on the client and are sent
to the server. However, unlike the deterministic lock-
step approach, the server does not wait for inputs if
they do not arrive, but rather predicts what would hap-
pen based on previous inputs and reconciles differ-
ences if/when client inputs arrive. Additionally, the
client-side rendering is subject to modifications based
on state updates sent from the server’s representation
of the game world. However, unlike snapshot inter-
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
polation, wherein the entire game world is sent, only
a subset of object updates must be sent to the client
for rendering. Which objects are sent in updates is
based on a priority queue. Fiedler devised a technique
known as a priority accumulator that tracks the prior-
ity of objects persistently between frames and accrues
additional priority based on how stale the object is,
meaning objects that have not been sent recently will
naturally move to the front of the queue and ensure
they are eventually sent (Fiedler, 2015).
The priority accumulator essentially maintains the
status of objects that must be rendered in each frame
whilst applying cumulative weights to objects that are
most impactful on the gaming experience. For in-
stance, player character objects will have a high prior-
ity, projectiles in shooting games will have the high-
est priority (even above player characters), and static
objects will have the lowest priority. The priority ac-
cumulator is an effective bandwidth reduction tool in
that it may selectively send only the most important
objects and defer less critical objects for future up-
dates. This also allows this technique to adhere to
strict bandwidth limitations imposed by the game en-
gine, potentially to ensure fairness amongst clients.
The background section of this paper described
the unique networking challenges and approaches
videogame developers apply to delivering simulated
experiences. This section evaluates potential ap-
proaches attackers may use to exploit vulnerabilities
in networked videogame implementations.
3.1 Client-side Exploits
Documentation associated with each of the example
implementations of the deterministic lock-step and
state synchronization aproaches cited concerns with
unethical players attempting to modify client-side bi-
naries to gain an unfair advantage during game play
(Carmack, 1996; Valve, 2017; Valve, 2019; Van Wa-
veren, 2006). One of the critical weaknesses of these
two approaches is that they rely on broadcasting com-
plete state data to all clients. As such, unethical play-
ers may modify their systems to remove intended re-
strictions on client interpretation of state data.
For example, the real time strategy game Starcraft
II, and other similar titles, implement a “fog of war”
effect, wherein players may only see a certain por-
tion of the map that would be visible to units within
their control. However, client-side modifications to
the way in which the player’s version of the game
renders state data could result in disclosure of the en-
tire map, giving one player a marked advantage over
others. First-person-shooter client-side exploits could
include aimbots or trigger bots that generate “hit” no-
tifications on behalf of a player once they are within
range of a competitor’s character.
3.2 Timing Exploits
Snapshot interpolation and state synchronization ap-
proaches implement client-side prediction models and
lag compensating techniques that allow for the queu-
ing of player inputs and replaying of past server-side
state models to detect “would be” collisions from de-
layed player input (Epic Games, 2012; Valve, 2019).
This feature may be exploited by modifying the times-
tamp associated with player input updates, or merely
adjusting the client clock time during play. This was
specifically cited as a concern within the Epic Un-
real Engine networking documentation (Epic Games,
2012). Unfortunately, as all of the networking ap-
proaches described in this paper rely on best effort
delivery, precise timing is impossible due to the pos-
sibility of lost packets.
3.3 State Saturation
The state synchronization approach may be suscep-
tible to a novel exploit presented in this paper known
as “state saturation. State saturation refers to the pro-
cess of intentionally stimulating an excessive amount
of objects to be rendered within the scope of an-
other player’s simulation. As state synchronization
approaches operate under the premise that only a por-
tion of simulation world objects must be rendered by
clients, and therefore consume bandwidth in periodic
updates, and further more objects are determined to be
in scope based on the visual perspective of a player’s
virtual character, an unethical player could attempt to
force a disproportionately larger number of objects to
be generated on a victims machine than on their own.
A notional scenario wherein this could occur
would be something akin to causing an environmental
avalanche, or detonating several graphically intensive
explosions within a victim’s view, while simultane-
ously out of the attackers view. In theory, the rapid
introduction of new objects that must be rendered by
the victim would adversely effect priority scheduling
for the victim’s state updates and either exhaust their
bandwidth available to process moves, or inhibit their
ability to render the attacker’s actions in a timely man-
ner, effectively reducing their available reaction time.
This could give one player a marked advantage over
A State Saturation Attack against Massively Multiplayer Online Videogames
another during a competition, but would be highly de-
pendent upon the game’s state scoping model and po-
tentially simulation specific environmental factors.
3.4 Volumetric Denial of Service
All network based game models are susceptible to
bandwidth exhaustion associated with volumetric de-
nial of service attacks. However, surprisingly, the
oldest networking approach, using strict determinism,
may be the best approach for thwarting such attacks.
Deterministic lock-step networking approaches force
the simulation to halt and await input from each client
prior to progressing. An attacker attempting to ex-
haust a victim’s bandwidth to introduce lag into their
simulation could unintentionally introduce lag into
their own experience as well. However, the effec-
tiveness of this technique will vary between game im-
plementations, depending on whether the networking
model enforces strict determinism or allows for input
The Elder Scrolls Online is a AAA massive multi-
player online role-playing game which claims to have
accrued more than 15 million players between its
launch in 2014 and January of 2020 (Talbot, 2020).
The Elder Scrolls Online impacts multiple game-
oriented revenue generation models. The game client
software requires a one-time purchase with free ac-
cess to online servers. In addition, players may op-
tionally choose to pay a monthly subscription fee to
access select desirable features of the game, which
include unfettered access to periodic releases of dis-
crete downloadable content (DLC) or quality of life
improvements. Players may also choose to refrain
from the subscription model and purchase select items
through in game rewards. Furthermore, players may
exchange real-world currency for virtual currency to
purchase content.
4.1 Analysis of Social Media Data
The Elder Scrolls Online exhibits a healthy social
community of players who host content on private
websites or stream content via outlets such as Twitch
or Mixer, all of which benefit from ad revenue asso-
ciated with viewership. Actual subscriber numbers
are not known to the public; however, active player
counts may be extracted from statistics contained
within the Steam content delivery service. Steam-
charts.com reports concurrent player count typically
fluctuates between 20,000 to 30,000 players online at
a given time, with a peak volume of 49,000 concur-
rent players (Steamcharts, 2020).
A web scraping program was developed to gather
data from the official user forums and support tradi-
tional SQL based relational queries to draw inferences
from forum posts (The Elder Scrolls Online Forum,
2020). A total of 3.2 million messages, representing
164,000 distinct conversations, were analyzed. Refer-
ences to player action priority or mentions of a client-
side exploit were of particular interest for this study.
Analysis of social media data indicates the Elder
Scrolls Online fosters an active and vocal competitive
player-versus-player (PVP) community. 6.75% of all
forum topics analyzed were dedicated to discussion
of PVP gameplay and 35.2% of all discussion top-
ics containing at least one message referring to PVP
activities. 34.03% of discussions contain a reference
to game fairness, balance, or relative difficulty ad-
justments for player characters. The player commu-
nity also comment on tactics or techniques used to
improve performance within the game indicated by
15.6% of discussion topics containing at least one
reference to the damage-per-second (DPS) statistic
used to measure player performance within the game.
The community also comments on the game’s per-
formance, with 3.2% of discussions referencing game
performance or network lag.
DPS is often determined through skillful execu-
tion of player actions within an optimal sequence, re-
ferred to as a parse or rotation. References to this
prioritized action sequence occurs in 6.2% of dis-
cussions, and a concept known as “animation can-
celling, which will be expanded upon later in this
paper, occurs in 3.98% of discussions.
Analysis of message composition for specific top-
ics pertaining to DPS performance indicates that “ro-
tation” or “parse” appears in 16.79% of messages that
also contain the term “DPS”. Furthermore, 10.96% of
messages that reference “parse” or “rotation” also ref-
erence animation cancelling. Interestingly, 9.77% of
topics pertaining to animation cancelling also contain
at least one reference to “bugs” in the Elder Scrolls
code. Forum discussions such as these ultimately ex-
posed the presence of exploitable features within The
Elder Scrolls Online game client that may be used by
players to bypass player input throttling mechanisms
covered in the following section of this paper.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
4.2 Exploiting Client Side
Validation- Animation Canceling
and Weaving
The previous section of this paper introduced refer-
ences to animation canceling. Many expert and com-
petitive players in The Elder Scrolls Online commu-
nity laud this technique as one of the important el-
ements of high-performance game play. One of the
earliest references to the concept of animation cancel-
ing, within the official Elder Scrolls Online forums,
dates back to May 2015 (Uberkull, 2015), which in
itself references a quoted response from the game de-
veloper in 2014 stating that animation canceling was
not intended, but isn’t something that the developer
intends to fix. YouTube personalities began referenc-
ing the technique as early as October of 2014, six
months after the game was released to the public (Del-
tia, 2014). A Zenimax endorsed player representative
known as Alcast”, published a player guide on his
website pertaining to animation canceling in August
of 2019, wherein he explains how to execute the tech-
nique as well as potential performance gains of a 50%
improvement to player DPS (Naranarra, 2019).
Essentially, animation canceling relies upon play-
ers exploiting client-side validation of controller input
prior to sending messages to the game server. This
is made possible through The Elder Scrolls Online’s
“reactive” gameplay approach wherein players may
input different types of actions with varying priori-
ties. This priority-based system allows for interrupts
to occur within a sequence of actions resulting in the
highest priority actions being executed prior to the
natural completion of the preceding action. The in-
tended purpose is to allow players to reactively block
or dodge actions of other characters within the simu-
lation. However, player offensive actions are intended
to be throttled by the game client to prevent players
from merely rapidly pressing keys or clicking buttons
and flooding servers with player input messages.
A control mechanism called a “cooldown” timer
is implemented to prevent the same action from being
executed more than once within a one-second update
cycle. The cooldown timer is a hard-throttling mech-
anism that the player may not bypass. However, an
additional “soft-throttling” mechanism is employed in
the form of character animations associated with ac-
tions. For instance, a player swinging a sword typi-
cally takes longer to animate than the actual process-
ing of the input message or the period of the action
cooldown timer. The game client restricts player input
from being accepted for the same type of input while
an animation for the type is being executed. Figure 1
illustrates data flow for processing player input data
on the game client.
Savvy players eventually learned that each player
input belonged to one of the categories discussed
above and could potentially be used to interrupt the
animation sequence of a lower priority input. Note,
this interruption did not cancel the previous input
message, it merely removed the soft-throttling mech-
anism associated with the player waiting for an ani-
mation to conclude prior to submitting an additional
input message to the server. The intended behavior of
the client-side throttling mechanisms was for players
to submit 1 attack action per second, with the possi-
bility to interrupt said action with a defensive move
in response to other characters. However, as multi-
ple input types may be used as attacks, and multiple
input types may be used as defenses, potential combi-
nations of inputs could result in a continuous stream
of alternating input types resulting in four times more
attack messages than originally intended.
4.3 Animation Canceling Impact on
Network Performance
The Wireshark protocol analyzer software was used
to capture network packets during game play of the
Elder Scrolls Online. Based upon the packet capture
analysis, The Elder Scrolls Online makes use of TCP
traffic exclusively. Overreliance on the TCP protocol
to handle all client and server communication within
the Elder Scrolls Online could be partially respon-
sible for the challenges Zenimax Online Systems is
facing in improving the network performance of their
game, as reflected by player dissatisfaction with net-
work performance in the official online forums.
Additional Wireshark packet captures were col-
lected to measure variations in network traffic volume
due to player actions in the game. Comparisons be-
tween player driven input were conducted within a
player character “housing” instance, where no other
player characters would be sending commands pro-
cessed by the server. A Logitech G600 programmable
mouse was used to store macros of input commands
associated with various player input command se-
quences. 50 millisecond delays were interwoven be-
tween command inputs resulting in approximately 10
actions being sent to the game client per second.
The Elder Scrolls Online game client generates an
average of 4.14 packets per second when sending state
updates to the game server. Player movement, such
as walking or running also exhibits this same traffic
pattern. Rapid and persistent mouse clicks, indicat-
ing repetitive input commands for a “light attack” se-
quence, exhibit a slight increase of traffic sent to an
average of 4.2 packets sent by the game client and
A State Saturation Attack against Massively Multiplayer Online Videogames
Figure 1: Elder Scrolls Online Player Input Processing.
Figure 2: Elder Scrolls Online Intended Input Throttling Behavior.
4.89 packets received from the game server. This is
a negligible 1.4% increase in packets sent and 18.1%
increase in packets received. The increase in pack-
ets received from the server may be due to updates
from the game server indicating random bonus dam-
age inflicted by chance events associated with player
actions. This mild increase in network traffic indi-
cates that the intended game throttling mechanisms
are functioning and limiting the 10 actions per second
to a single player input per update cycle.
Scenarios where multiple types of offensive player
inputs are alternated resulted in an average of 4.96
packets sent by the game client and 5.66 packets re-
ceived from the game server. This is a 19.81% in-
crease in packets sent and 36.71% increase in packets
received. Scenarios where multiple types of offen-
sive player inputs are alternated with defensive inputs
generated an average of 11.4 packets sent by the game
client and 10.9 packets received from the game server
per second. This marks a 175.36% increase in packets
sent and 163.29% increase in packets received over
the update baseline. The latter scenario is most likely
to occur in player-versus-player (PVP) type activity
where players are reacting to unpredictable stimulus.
4.4 Animation Canceling Impact on
As alluded to in the previous sections, implement-
ing animation canceling techniques may increase the
number of messages that are sent to, and therefore
must be processed by, the game server. Analysis
of official forum discussions indicates that player
concerns pertaining to network performance are re-
flected within 35% of discussions about competitive
player-versus-environment (PVE) gameplay and 60%
of PVP game play discussions. PVP game play is ex-
pected to have a larger negative impact on network
performance due to its use of alternating offensive
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: Elder Scrolls Online Unintended Throttling Behavior.
and defensive inputs, which appears to explain the in-
creased occurrence of complaints by players within
that sub community.
The Elder Scrolls Online also hosts a special
player-versus-player (PVP) environment, named Cy-
rodiil, where hundreds of players may compete
against one another. The official claim from Zeni-
max Online Systems regarding the number of play-
ers allowed within this environment is 1,800 players
(roughly 600 for each of the three possible teams or
alliances in the game) (Elder Scrolls Online Forum,
2015). However, it appears that the number of avail-
able simultaneous players have been adjusted over the
years to account for complaints of network perfor-
mance issues. It is currently estimated by the player
community to be approximately 200 players per fac-
tion, for a total of 600 players at a time (Elder Scrolls
Online Forum, 2016). Not surprisingly, 61% of player
discussions pertaining to PVP activities on the Cy-
rodiil servers contain references to negative network
4.5 Comparing the Case Study to
Theoretical Network Models
Though the exact innerworkings of The Elder Scrolls
Online network communication layer is unknown,
Zenimax Online Systems publicly stated that early
development of the game made use of the publicly
available game engine known as the HeroEngine plat-
form (Biessener 2012). The official HeroEngine doc-
umentation outlines the inter server communication
model used to send updates between its component
servers (HeroEngine (2012) . Game client informa-
tion is replicated to area servers which serve as load
balancers for communications to the master game
server. As players’ characters traverse the game
world, their character model information is replicated
between area servers and handoff is performed during
a brief loading screen presented to the game client and
HeroEngine documentation indicates that band-
width optimization techniques, similar to those de-
scribed in Fiedler’s state synchronization approach,
are employed to decrease the size of each replica-
tion message sent between game clients as well as be-
tween area proxy servers and the master game server.
Area servers track player character position informa-
tion to be implemented as a factor in determining
spatial awareness and determining object priority for
replication. Objects that are further away from a
player character object will have a lower priority in
replication and may be throttled to decrease replica-
tion bandwidth. Furthermore, replication messages
are optimized with bit packing so only byte streams
are sent between the client and servers with special bit
offsets mapped to data fields in lookup tables on game
servers. This drastically decreases bandwidth con-
sumption but makes reverse engineering of the pro-
tocol problematic.
The bandwidth optimization techniques appear to
be effective in setting hard limits on player client
communication rates. Client data rates are limited to
the maximum amount of information the client may
A State Saturation Attack against Massively Multiplayer Online Videogames
communicate within a one second burst, not to ex-
ceed 40,960 bytes. Furthermore, the size of individ-
ual replication messages may not exceed 4,096 bytes.
This indicates that only 10 maximum size replication
messages may be sent between the game client and
the game servers in a single second.
Zenimax Online Systems may have implemented
a custom game engine between 2012 and 2014, the
period between their leasing of the HeroEngine and
the release of The Elder Scrolls Online game, how-
ever analysis of pcap data collected via Wireshark
indicates there are several similarities between the
Zenimax Online Systems game engine and the Hero-
Engine. The Zenimax Online Systems engine imple-
mented in The Elder Scrolls Online appears to im-
plement several different servers that the game client
communicates with, as indicated by the variety of IP
addresses contained within their communication. Fur-
thermore, these IP addresses change when a player’s
character transitions between different areas of the
game. Additionally, the number of updates messages
sent between the client and the server increase in pro-
portion to the number of dynamic game objects (such
as other player characters) within proximity to the
current game client-controlled character. The game
engine used in The Elder Scrolls Online also makes
exclusive use of the TCP protocol, like the Hero-
This paper provided a brief overview of historical
and contemporary approaches toward the implemen-
tation of networked multiplayer videogames. Three
general approaches toward networked game develop-
ment were presented: deterministic lockstep, snap-
shot interpolation, and state synchronization. Secu-
rity concerns associated with potential player cheat-
ing were discussed within the context of these three
general networking approaches. It is apparent that
each game’s exposure to security issues is dependent
upon the chosen approach to implementing network-
The AAA videogame title the Elder Scrolls On-
line was used as a case study for evaluating the poten-
tial impacts of a client-side videogame exploit known
as “animation canceling. Experimental data gener-
ated from replicating common “animation cancelling”
scenarios indicates that the developers of the Elder
Scrolls Online appear to have optimized their net-
work code for the most popular scenarios used in
player-versus-environment (PVE) gameplay, but have
not yet addressed drastic network performance im-
pacts from a common “animation cancelling” sce-
nario used in player-versus-player (PVP) gameplay.
The combination of allowing client-side input inter-
rupts, and the need to process defensive actions, such
as player “block” commands by the game server, re-
sult in the possibility of increasing player generated
network traffic by more than 175%.
Though analysis of social media data indicates
“animation cancelling” resides in a small subset of
discussions within official player forums, hardcore
gaming personalities have demonstrated the ability to
achieve up to 50% increased performance in damage-
per-second (DPS) scores through skillful implemen-
tation of the technique. Furthermore, the subset of
gameplay within the Elder Scrolls Online associated
with PVP activity exhibits an increased frequency of
complaints about network performance. It is likely
that the increased occurrence of defensive interrupts
within player input commands within the PVP envi-
ronment, similar to actions described in section 4.3 of
this paper, may be partially to blame for this subopti-
mal network performance.
However, the Elder Scrolls Online implementa-
tion of TCP based networking protocols may also
be a key contributing factor in its degraded network
performance within highly populated player areas.
TCP based networking decreases the benefits of im-
plementing some of the data loss and delay avoid-
ance techniques described within section 2 of this
paper. This may be especially relevant to the Elder
Scrolls Online as it is most suited to the state syn-
chronization approach. Furthermore, section 4.5 out-
lines data flow limitations implemented by the Hero-
Engine framework, which shaped the early develop-
ment of the Elder Scrolls Online. These data flow lim-
itations may be exploited through increased state syn-
chronization size and velocity, referred to in this paper
as ”state saturation, ultimately starving game clients
from sending player input information and contribut-
ing to player perceived lag spikes.
Ultimately, the authors assess that the use of “an-
imation canceling” poses both a distinct competitive
advantage to skilled players, and a considerable threat
to network stability. The case study indicates that ef-
fective client validation may be used to minimize the
impact “animation cancelling” may have on the net-
work; however, failure to account for all potential user
inputs and priority interrupts could result in drastic in-
creases in network traffic for games based on the state
synchronization framework.
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A State Saturation Attack against Massively Multiplayer Online Videogames