Temporal Transfer Learning for Ozone Prediction based on
Tuo Deng
, Astrid Manders
, Arjo Segers
, Yanqin Bai
and Hai Xiang Lin
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
TNO, Climate Air and Sustainability, Utrecht, 3584 CB, The Netherlands
Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
Short-term Ozone Prediction, Transfer Learning.
Tropospheric ozone is a secondary pollutant which can affect human health and plant growth. In this paper,
we investigated transferred convolutional neural network long short-term memory (TL-CNN-LSTM) model to
predict ozone concentration. Hourly CNN-LSTM model is used to extract features and predict ozone for next
hour, which is superior to commonly used models in previous studies. In the daily ozone prediction model,
prediction over a large time-scale requires more data, however, only limited data are available, which causes
the CNN-LSTM model to fail to accurately predict. Network-based transfer learning methods based on hourly
models can obtain information from smaller temporal resolution. It can reduce prediction errors and shorten
run time for model training. However, for extreme cases where the amount of data is severely insufficient,
transfer learning based on smaller time scale cannot improve model prediction accuracy.
Tropospheric ozone is formed by the chemical reac-
tion of precursors rather than directly emitted, so it
is classified as a secondary pollutant (McKee, 1993).
Studies have shown that tropospheric ozone will seri-
ously affect human health (Council et al., 1992) and
plant growth (Iglesias et al., 2006). Therefore, it is
very important to make short-term forecasts for ozone
concentration in the troposphere.
However, it is very difficult to accurately predict
ozone even in the short term. The formation of ozone
is determined by complex chemical reactions. Mean-
while, ozone concentration is easily affected by ozone
precursor emissions (Placet et al., 2000). Common
ozone precursors include nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. Various in-
dustrial activities, vehicular traffic, and agricultural
activities generate a large amount of ozone precur-
sors, which can make large changes in ozone concen-
tration in a short time. At the same time, the ozone
concentration is also affected by many meteorologi-
cal factors, such as temperature, wind direction, wind
speed, humidity, solar radiation, etc (Council et al.,
1992). The day-to-day variability in meteorology and
precursor emissions makes it difficult to predict ozone
Currently, there are two main approaches to pre-
dict ozone concentration. The first approach is based
on Chemical Transport Models (CTM). For instance,
Lotos-Euros chemical transport model was used to
simulate ozone concentration over Europe (Curier
et al., 2012). The agreement (temporal correlation co-
efficient) between in-situ and modeled ozone concen-
tration is good. However, it is difficult for the model
to capture the ozone peak during the experiment and
it turns to underestimates the daily ozone maximum.
Besides, CTMs also have limitations. It implies that
some other important errors such as the errors in at-
mospheric chemistry mechanism can not be ignored
(Tang et al., 2011). In addition, the resolution is lim-
ited so it cannot resolve all local factors.
At the same time, CTMs often need to simulate
complex physical and chemical processes, which con-
sume a lot of time in calculations. Therefore, some re-
searchers use another approach to predict ozone. The
second approach is to ignore the complex chemical
process in the formation of ozone and directly predict
ozone through data-based machine learning methods.
For instance, regression tree (Zhan et al., 2018) and
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) (Feng et al., 2019) are
studied for short-term ozone forecast.
Long short-term memory (LSTM) is a widely
used machine learning model (Hochreiter and
Deng, T., Manders, A., Segers, A., Bai, Y. and Lin, H.
Temporal Transfer Learning for Ozone Prediction based on CNN-LSTM Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0010301710051012
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 1005-1012
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Schmidhuber, 1997) which can be used in time series
problems. It can capture long-term dependencies in
time-series forecast problems, such as ozone predic-
tion (Eslami et al., 2019). At the same time, Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) is also used by some
researchers in air pollution prediction due to its excel-
lent performance in feature extraction (Sayeed et al.,
2020). It can extract important features in the input
data and improve the performance of model. Many
research also combine CNN with LSTM to extract
temporal and spatial features. CNN-LSTM has been
used in many fields, such as natural language process-
ing (Wang et al., 2016), medical field (Oh et al., 2018)
and industrial area (Zhao et al., 2017).
However, data-based machine learning models re-
quire large amounts of data to train the model. For
large temporal resolution air pollution data sets, it is
often difficult to obtain sufficient data. Transfer learn-
ing (TL) can be a good way to solve this problem. TL
is a research problem in machine learning that focuses
on storing knowledge gained while solving one prob-
lem and applying it to a different but related problem
(Tan et al., 2018). There are few studies in air pol-
lution using transfer learning. Ma (Ma et al., 2019)
used transfer learning to predict particulate matter on
different time scales in China. Compared with par-
ticulate matter, ozone has a more obvious periodicity,
which also provides a basis for our experiments.
This paper aims to use CNN-LSTM to predict
ozone concentration and use Transfer Learning to fit
the new model for larger temporal resolution. We first
use CNN-LSTM to fit hourly ozone prediction model.
Compared to other commonly used models in previ-
ous studies, the CNN-LSTM model has smaller pre-
diction errors and it can predict the trend of ozone
well. For daily ozone prediction model, we do not
have sufficient data from daily data set to get accu-
rate result from CNN-LSTM model. With the hourly
model as a basic model, we use transfer learning to
get new daily ozone prediction model, i.e., TL-CNN-
LSTM model. Compared with the LSTM and CNN-
LSTM model, our TL-CNN-LSTM has significantly
improved the prediction in terms of root mean square
error, Pearson correlation coefficient and run time for
model training. It implies that transfer learning can
obtain knowledge from a smaller temporal resolution
model and improve model prediction accuracy.
In this section, we describe the processing and anal-
ysis of data. We use interpolation to fix the miss-
ing data and merge the two data sets on different
time scales. Then we conduct correlation analysis for
ozone concentration. For the particularity of time se-
ries, we also need to reconstruct the input data.
2.1 Data Description
The air pollution data that we used is provided by
German environmental agency (UBA). Specifically,
we use the air pollution data of Eisenh
uttenstadt sta-
tion ’DEBB032’ from 2014 to 2018, which contains
43824 hourly observations. This site was selected in
the experiment because the site has less missing data,
which can reduce the error caused by interpolation.
Each set corresponds to hourly measurements, includ-
ing CO, NO
, NO, NO
, O
, PM
, PM
and SO
The description of station DEBB032 is in Table 1. To
understand the distribution of ozone, we plot a bar
chart with ozone concentration. We use intervals of
10 µg/m
and show the distribution of ozone in Figure
1. We can see that ozone is concentrated in the range
of 40 to 80 µg/m
. There are only a few cases where
the ozone concentration is higher than 100 µg/m
Figure 1: Distribution of ozone concentration.
In order to simulate the impact of meteorology on
ozone concentration, we also selected the correspond-
ing meteorological data in the E-OBS data set as a
supplement (https://www.ecad.eu/). E-OBS data set
is an ensemble dataset based on gridded observa-
tion of national meteorological institutes and avail-
able on a 0.1 and 0.25 degree regular grid. It covers
the area: 25N-71.5N x 25W-45E. In the experiment,
five meteorological features were selected, including
the elements daily mean temperature TG, daily min-
imum temperature TN, daily maximum temperature
TX, daily precipitation sum RR and daily averaged
sea level pressure PP. In 0.25°*0.25° data set, we se-
lect the meteorological data of the grid point closest to
the station (52.125°N,12.625°E) at the corresponding
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Station Description.
No. of station Lat Lon Airbase station type Airbase station ozone classification
DEBB032 52.146264 14.638166 industrial suburban
2.2 Data Interpolation and Merging
Due to instrument malfunction and other reasons,
there are missing values in the air pollution data set.
The missing rate of each features is less than 0.5%.
In the experiment, since there is little missing data at
the station, we choose the temporal nearest neighbor
interpolation method to fix the missing value. The
interpolation is implemented through python package
We then need to unify two different data set be-
cause they have different time scales. Our experiment
requires ozone prediction models for next hour and
next day, so we obtain two different temporal resolu-
tion data set, namely hourly and daily data sets. We
can unify them through the following steps.
Step1: For the daily meteorological data in E-
OBS, we repeat the daily data 24 times and map it
to the hourly air pollution data for that day.
Step2: For hourly ozone concentration data, we
calculate Mean values of the daily maximum 8-h av-
erage (MDA8), which is a commonly used ozone con-
centration evaluation indicator and has a clear thresh-
Step3: For other hourly air pollution data except
ozone, we calculate the daily 24-hour average and
map it to the daily meteorological data.
Through the above three steps, two data sets on
different time scales are obtained. Comparing the size
of the two data sets, the hourly data set has 43824 sets
of data, while the daily data set has only 1826 sets of
2.3 Data Analysis
We use the autocorrelation function to measure the
correlation among ozone on different time scales.
Cov(X(t), X(t + k))
where X (t) and X(t + k) represent the ozone of one
time series with k time steps difference.
Figures 2 shows the autocorrelation of ozone con-
centration on different time scales. It can be seen that
hourly ozone and daily ozone concentrations are both
periodic. The autocorrelation of hourly ozone con-
centration reaches a peak every 24 time steps, which
matches the daily periodicity. Similarly, we can also
find that the daily ozone concentration has a weekly
(a) Hourly ozone
(b) Daily ozone
Figure 2: Autocorrelation coefficient of ozone.
cycle. Although the periods are different, the hourly
ozone and daily ozone concentrations are both peri-
odic and have the same trend. It provides us with a
basis for transfer learning on different time scales.
2.4 Data Transformation in Time Series
In a time series forecast problem, the data is trans-
formed into the following structure.
·· · x
·· · x
·· · x
·· · x
where {x
, x
, x
, · ·· } is time series data in our exper-
iments, t is the time-step we use in the input and d
is the time-step ahead we want to predict. Each row
is a sample to be trained in the forecast model, and n
rows in the matrix represent a total of n sets of data.
Temporal Transfer Learning for Ozone Prediction based on CNN-LSTM Model
The first t columns are used as input features, and the
last column is the output features that need to be pre-
dicted. In the experiment, the number of input time
steps t is determined by actual problems, while the
time step d that needs to be predicted is determined
by requirements.
In this section, we introduce the basic principles of
the CNN-LSTM and Transfer Learning. At the end
of this section, we define the evaluation criteria of the
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a feedforward
network, which is widely used in the fields of natural
language processing and image processing. The spe-
cial structures of CNN are convolutional layers and
pooling layers. With these layers, main features of
input data are extracted and the parameters required
for model fitting will be greatly reduced. It can solve
the under-fitting problem when the amount of data is
Long short-term memory (LSTM) is a special
RNN model. Compared with RNN, LSTM can solve
the problem of gradient vanish during long-term se-
quence training. A common architecture of LSTM is
composed of a cell and three gates: an input gate, an
output gate and a forget gate. The gates determine
whether the information is discarded or retained.
The basic structure of the CNN-LSTM model in-
cludes CNN layers, pooling layers, LSTM layers and
a final fully connected layer. First, the features of in-
put time series are extracted through the CNN layers,
and then the pooling layer is used to retain the main
features while reducing the parameters. The LSTM
layers are trained to find the dependence between dif-
ferent time steps in the time series. Finally the output
is predicted through the fully connected layer.
3.2 Transfer Learning
Transfer learning (TL) is a research problem in ma-
chine learning which aims to get knowledge from a
different but related problem. It can solve the prob-
lem of insufficient data in some fields. The structure
of transfer learning can be seen in Figure 3.
Given a learning task based on target domain, we
can get knowledge from similar task based on source
domain (Tan et al., 2018). Transfer learning can im-
prove the performance of model in target domain, es-
Figure 3: Transfer Learning.
pecially when the amount of data is insufficient. It
is widely used in image recognition and natural lan-
guage processing problems. At present, there are few
studies on transfer learning related to air pollution
In our experiments, network based deep transfer
learning is used (Tan et al., 2018). It can reuse the
partial network of basic model that has been trained
in the source domain, such as structures and param-
eters. These information can be transferred into the
model in target domain. In network-based deep trans-
fer learning models, front-layers can be treat as fea-
ture extractor and the remaining layers are the predic-
tor of target task.
In our experiment, hourly ozone prediction model
is used as basic model trained in source domain and
daily ozone prediction model is in target domain.
Knowledge from small time scale is transferred to a
larger time scale. In our CNN-LSTM model, the front
CNN layers and part of LSTM layers are retained
as feature extractors and additional LSTM layers are
added to train the new model.
3.3 Evaluation Criterion
We use root mean squared error (RMSE) and Pear-
son correlation coefficient to evaluate both the hourly
and daily models. For daily ozone prediction model,
we also compare the training time of different model,
which is also an advantage of transfer learning.
For Mean values of the daily maximum 8-h av-
erage (MDA8), there is an evaluation threshold from
World Health Organization (WHO), which is 100
. Ozone exceedances can be quantified through
this threshold. There is no formal threshold for low
ozone concentration, but previous studies have also
found that low ozone concentrations are also harm-
ful to health. Here we select 60 µg/m
as another
threshold. In order to verify whether the model can
accurately predict ozone to the range it belongs to, we
used the above two thresholds to divide the ozone into
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
three categories. Confusion matrix is used to show
the result. The approximate ratio of the three cate-
gories from low to high is 4:5:1. It means that sam-
ples over 100 µg/m
only account for 10% of the total
data, which brings difficulties to accurate predictions.
In this section, we will introduce in detail the exper-
iments. First, we use CNN-LSTM to predict ozone
concentration for next hour and compare the result
with other commonly used ozone forecast machine
learning models. After that, we use the daily data
set to predict MDA8 for next day. In this case, the
amount of data in this data set is insufficient, which
makes it difficult for the CNN-LSTM model to accu-
rately predict the ozone concentration. Therefore, we
investigate using the hourly model as a basic model
for transfer learning to improve the forecast result.
4.1 One-hour Ozone Prediction
CNN-LSTM is used to train the model for one-hour
ozone forecast. For evaluation, we compare the result
of CNN-LSTM to other commonly used ozone pre-
diction machine learning models in previous studies.
Only hourly data set is used to train the model.
There are still some hyper parameters about neu-
ral networks that need to be determined before model
fitting. As described in Section 2.3, the hourly ozone
concentration is periodic. The ozone concentration
every 24 hours shows a strong autocorrelation. There-
fore, we select the data of past 24 hours as input and
the ozone concentration for the next hour as output.
For each set of inputs, we use all 13 elements as fea-
tures, including 8 air pollution elements and 5 mete-
orological elements. The number of layers and neu-
rons in forecast model is determined through cross-
validation. We set the number of layers of CNN and
LSTM to 1 to 5 and neurons in each layer to 40,
60, 80 and 100, respectively. Through 5-fold cross-
validation, 2 CNN layers with 100 neurons per layer
and 4 LSTM layers with 60 neurons per layer are
finally selected. Dropout layers are used between
LSTM layers to prevent overfitting. One max-pooling
layer is added to the model after CNN layers. At the
same time, we add a fully connected layer contain-
ing a neuron before the output layer. Meanwhile, relu
function is selected as activation function and adam
is selected as optimizer.
In the hourly data set, we select the first 20,000
sets of data as the training set, and the remaining data
as the test set to evaluate the model. We can see the
prediction results of the CNN-LSTM model in Figure
4. In Figure 4, we only show the result of last 120
hours in test set. The dotted line is the observation
of ozone concentration, and the red line is the predic-
tion result of CNN-LSTM. From the figure, we can
see that the red line and the dotted line basically coin-
cide, which means that the CNN-LSTM model can fit
the overall trend of ozone concentration well. At the
same time, the CNN-LSTM model can also simulate
the daily periodic changes of ozone.
Figure 4: CNN-LSTM for 1-h ozone forecast.
We mainly compared CNN-LSTM with three differ-
ent models which are commonly used in previous
studies, namely, Random Forest (Feng et al., 2019),
MLP (Sayeed et al., 2020) and LSTM (Eslami et al.,
2019). The RMSE and Pearson correlation coefficient
of each model are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Performance of different model for ozone forecast.
RMSE 9.05 11.91 13.81 13.25
Corr 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.90
It can be seen from Table 2 that all four models can
simulate the trend of ozone well. Among them, the
prediction result of the random forest method (500
regression trees) has the lowest correlation coeffi-
cient with the observation, only 0.90. Comparing the
RMSE of four models, we can find that CNN-LSTM
can get the smallest RMSE, only 9.05. It can get more
accurate prediction results than the other three mod-
Besides, we also compared with other ensemble
methods, such as gradient boosting (500 regression
trees). Their performance is similar to the random for-
est, so we did not list them in Table 2. We also com-
pared our model with the python package ’Prophet’,
which is commonly used in time series prediction
Temporal Transfer Learning for Ozone Prediction based on CNN-LSTM Model
problem (Taylor and Letham, 2018). However, since
the input for ’Prophet’ only contains ozone data, the
model can only simulate the general trend of ozone
and cannot accurately predict the ozone concentra-
tion. Its RMSE is above 20, much larger than our
Figure 5: Prediction of different models.
In order to compare the three models with similar re-
sults, namely MLP, LSTM and CNN-LSTM, we show
the ozone peak part of the day in Figure 5. Although
all three models tend to underestimate the daily max-
imum value of ozone concentration, the CNN-LSTM
model still performs the best among them. In com-
parison, CNN-LSTM has obvious advantages in the
prediction of daily ozone peaks.
4.2 Transfer Learning based Daily
Ozone Prediction
It is shown in the previous section that CNN-LSTM
is effective for 1-hour ozone prediction. In the fol-
lowing, we use daily data set to fit new models for
daily ozone prediction. However, a larger time scale
will result in greater changes in ozone at adjacent time
steps. Meanwhile, less data are available for training.
From section 2.2, we can know that the hourly data
set has more than 40,000 sets of data, while the daily
data set has only 1826 sets of data. In this section,
we use houly CNN-LSTM ozone prediction model
as a basic model to train the daily ozone prediction
model through transfer learning, namely TL-CNN-
LSTM ozone prediction model.
For the daily ozone concentration data set, al-
though MDA8 do not have the same cycle as the
hourly ozone concentration, the overall trend are sim-
ilar. At the same time, the CNN-LSTM model can
effectively extract the features in the time series. It
makes it possible for us to retain features extracted
from front-layers of hourly model and use transfer
learning to improve the performance of daily model.
We select the first 1200 sets of data in the daily data
set as the training set, and the remaining data as the
test set. In order to show the effect of transfer learn-
ing, we keep the parameters the same as the hourly
model in the experiment.
In the training process of TL-CNN-LSTM model,
one new parameter is the number of frozen layers ex-
tracted from the basic model. It determines how many
layers of the base model needs to be retained. Starting
from the first CNN layer, the parameters in the hourly
CNN-LSTM model are retained layer by layer. At the
same time, up to 4 LSTM layers are added to the new
model after frozen layers. Table 3 shows that when 2
CNN layers and 2 LSTM layers are retained, the pre-
diction result obtained by transfer learning model is
the best. They have the least RMSE and the largest
correlation coefficient. It suggests that too many or
too few retained features can both make the target
model perform worse in transfer learning. The result
of TL-CNN-LSTM model is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: TL-CNN-LSTM for 1-day ozone forecast.
We also compare TL-CNN-LSTM with LSTM and
CNN-LSTM, which perform well in the previous
hourly forecast models. From Table 4, we can
find the negative impact of insufficient data on the
above model. All three models have big RMSE in
the daily model, while TL-CNN-LSTM performs the
best. Compared with CNN-LSTM, the RMSE in the
prediction results of TL-CNN-LSTM is reduced by
21%, and the correlation coefficient is increased by
13%. At the same time, the training time of daily
model is also greatly reduced through transfer learn-
ing. The run time to train TL-CNN-LSTM is only
about half of CNN-LSTM. It implies that the features
in the hourly CNN-LSTM model can be extracted and
transferred by transfer learning, which can improve
the predictive performance of the target model with
larger time scale.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Result of TL-CNN-LSTM with different frozen layers.
Frozen layer CNN-1 CNN-2 LSTM-1 LSTM-2 LSTM-3 LSTM-4
RMSE 20.54 18.40 15.55 14.92 15.08 16.82
Corr 0.71 0.72 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.74
Table 4: Comparison of different model.
RMSE 19.14 18.83 14.92
Corr 0.70 0.71 0.81
Time(s) 306 168 75
However, the model still has shortcomings in the daily
peak forecasting due to the serious lack of data in this
part. As described in Section 3.3, we divide MDA8 in
the test set into three classes. We evaluate the model’s
prediction accuracy for the range of ozone concentra-
tion through confusion matrices, which can be seen in
Figure 7.
In general, events of high ozone concentration are
particularly important which require our attention, be-
cause these have direct impact on human health. It
can be seen from Figure 7 that for low and medium
ozone concentrations, the CNN-LSTM model can al-
ready predict its range accurately. Whereas, the CNN-
LSTM model do not predict ozone concentrations
higher than 100µg/m
at all, while TL-CNN-LSTM
can accurately predict 29% of this part of the data.
As mentioned in section 3.3, only around 10% of
ozone data is higher than 100µg/m
, which means
only around 2000 samples in the hourly data set and
100 samples in the daily data set in this class. Nei-
ther the transfer learning method nor the CNN-LSTM
model can effectively extract relevant features.
For transfer learning, it is difficult to improve the
prediction accuracy of extreme events, that is, ozone
exceedances in our experiments. For this problem,
one possible solution is to simulate more high daily
ozone concentration data through methods such as re-
sampling, which has been proven to be effective in
visibility prediction (Deng et al., 2019). However,
ozone data simulation will be more difficult because
the ozone concentration is periodic.
We use two data sets with different time scale to
predict ozone concentration with CNN-LSTM model
and network-based transfer learning methods. CNN-
LSTM is used to predict ozone concentration for next
hour with hourly data set. Compared with three com-
monly used models in previous studies, namely, RF,
Figure 7: Confusion Matrix.
MLP and LSTM, CNN-LSTM performs the best in
both overall trend and accuracy. In particular, for the
prediction of peak ozone concentration, CNN-LSTM
performs significantly better than other models. It
shows that CNN-LSTM model can be used in hourly
ozone prediction problems and performs well.
We also used daily ozone data set to predict ozone
for next day. CNN-LSTM model is used and the re-
sult is improved through the transfer learning method
based on hourly CNN-LSTM model. In a daily
time scale, the number of samples is greatly dimin-
ished. Insufficient training data leads to the CNN-
LSTM model with a large error in daily ozone pre-
diction problem. The network-based transfer learn-
ing method can obtain the extracted features from the
CNN-LSTM model of a smaller time scale and im-
proves the performance of target model. Compared
to daily CNN-LSTM model, TL-CNN-LSTM model
Temporal Transfer Learning for Ozone Prediction based on CNN-LSTM Model
can reduce the RMSE by 21% and training time by
In current practice, we still need to use the tra-
ditional chemical transport model to predict ozone,
because it is more accurate in case of high ozone
concentrations. Compared to the chemical transport
model, our TL-CNN-LSTM model is more flexible
and can be applied to various local problems, such as
ozone concentration prediction at a single site. At the
same time, the machine learning method greatly saves
the time and resource consumption of model training.
However, in the case of ozone exceedances, the severe
lack of relevant samples makes even transfer learn-
ing model can not predict accurately. Network-based
transfer learning only enables the target model to ob-
tain main features from similar models, and a certain
amount of data corresponding to cases of interest is
still needed to train the new model with different pa-
rameters. To solve this problem, we can add more
input samples by re-sampling or other methods. In fu-
ture research, we will investigate adding other ozone-
related elements to the input data, such as predicted
future temperature, to increase the accuracy of model
predictions. At the same time, our current experiment
is only based on the data from one site. We will use
data from more sites to train and optimize the model
through spatial transfer learning.
We thank the German environmental agency for the
air pollution data which is used in the case study for
training the neural network models.
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