Automated Infant Monitoring based on R-CNN and HMM
Cheng Li
1 a
, A. Pourtaherian
1 b
, L. van Onzenoort
and P. H. N. de With
1 c
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Maxima Medical Center, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Automated Infant Monitoring, R-CNN, HMM, GERD Diagnosis.
Manual monitoring of young infants suffering from reflux is a significant effort, since infants can hardly ar-
ticulate their feelings. This work proposes a near real-time video-based infant monitoring system for the
analysis of infant expressions. The discomfort moments can be correlated with a reflux measurement for
gastroesophageal reflux disease diagnose. The system consists of two components: expression classification
and expression state stabilization. The expression classification is realized by Faster R-CNN and the state
stabilization is implemented with a Hidden Markov Model. The experimental results show a mean average
precision of 82.3% and 83.4% for 7 different expression classifications, and up to 90% for discomfort detec-
tion, evaluated with both clinical and daily datasets. Moreover, when adopting temporal analysis, the false
expression changes between frames can be reduced up to 65%, which significantly enhances the consistency
of the system output.
Young infant expression analysis is a difficult and im-
portant task within the field of pediatrics, since the
verbal ability of young infants is limited or not yet
even developed. Over the years, pain assessment tools
of infants have been developed based on subjective
descriptors such as facial expressions. However, these
systems require practitioners to observe infants over
time, which is laborious and time-consuming. Like-
wise, continuous monitoring and nursing of infants
by professionals would also be too expensive. To
address this, an automated video-based infant mon-
itoring system could analyze expressions as an aux-
iliary assessment tool. This approach would differ-
entiate from other methods, such as heart-rate mon-
itoring, since video-based expression analysis has a
non-interventional character. Besides, the discomfort
moments detected by such a system can be corre-
lated with disease diagnosis. For example, gastroe-
sophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common dis-
ease for young infants and is visible by unexpected
vomiting of the infant, which causes discomfort and
sometimes pain. Such an event can be measured and
combined with the generic monitoring for diagnostic
purposes, which is attractive by pediatricians. How-
ever, to design such a system, several challenges have
to be resolved.
First, for automated infant observation, the sys-
tem should perform face detection, even when the in-
fant has large deviating head poses far away from the
camera view. Second, facial expressions of infants are
significantly different from those of adults. Hence,
most of the state-of-the-art face detection and expres-
sion analysis methods are trained with adult datasets
and therefore typically fail in pediatric applications.
As a result, a specific approach is required for infants.
Third, public infant datasets are rare in contents, so
that training a deep learning-based classifier with lit-
tle data will not yield reliable results and may become
over-fitted. Fourth, the trained classifier should be
able to detect expressions when faces are partially oc-
cluded by objects. Finally, a steady expression-state
output of a system is also important, since a false
alarm can bring misleading information to caregivers
and doctors for disease diagnosis. Moreover, frequent
false chirps of an infant monitoring system are also
bothering, and therefore make the system perceived
as less reliable, even when the discomfort detection
accuracy is overall high. To overcome the aforemen-
tioned challenges, we propose to use CNN networks
because they have proven to be successful in multiple
detection problems offering a high accuracy and they
Li, C., Pourtaherian, A., van Onzenoort, L. and N. de With, P.
Automated Infant Monitoring based on R-CNN and HMM.
DOI: 10.5220/0010299605530560
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can be robust when properly trained (Mueller et al.,
2017; Long et al., 2015). From these CNNs, we con-
sider that an automated infant monitoring system can
be constructed using Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2017),
which can handle the variation from the above chal-
lenging situations. Faster R-CNN was adopted be-
cause it requires less memory than LSTM (Donahue
et al., 2017) and the processing is less complex. Ad-
ditionally, instead of expensive LSTM, we employ a
dynamic Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in combina-
tion with Faster R-CNN which models changes of the
expression over time, so that the frame-based dynam-
ics of the expression classification become more sta-
ble and avoid drastic changes. This combination en-
ables near real-time operations and provides both reli-
able detection and temporally stable behavior, which
is novel extension to this application.
In this work, we make the following contributions
to automated infant observations.
1. Multi-facial Expression Classification: Infant
expressions are subtle and instinctive, which ex-
plains why we distinguish infant expressions into
seven states, instead of a binary detection.
2. Hybrid CNN Model: We propose to combine
Faster R-CNN with HMM to model the dynamic
changes of the infant expression between video
frames over time, which improves the robust-
ness of expression classification and reduces time-
domain complexity considerably.
3. Large-scale Validation: The discomfort detec-
tion system is evaluated with large-scale datasets,
which encompass the datasets collected from both
clinical environments and normal daily life.
4. Consistent Expression Status: To our best knowl-
edge, the temporal status consistency of an infant
monitoring system output is for the first time eval-
uated in this work. The experimental results show
a significant improvement of the discomfort de-
tection accuracy as well as the output consistency
when using Faster R-CNN and HMM.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 briefly introduces some related work.
Afterwards, the design details of the system are ex-
plained in Section 3. The experimental results for in-
fant expression analysis are provided in Section 4. Fi-
nally, Section 5 presents conclusions.
The absence of regular pain assessment for infants
makes pain for infants normally under treated. Un-
fortunately, no gold standard or universal approach
for infant pain assessment is available in pediatric
fields. For decades, researchers have paid significant
attention to devising multiple validated pain scoring
systems for facilitating the objective measurement of
pain. A thorough introduction of pain assessment
methodologies for neonates is provided in (Witt et al.,
2016). These assessment tools use facial expressions
as a main indicator, such as the revised FACES pain
scale (Hicks et al., 2001), FLACC (Jaskowski, 1998),
the Wong-Baker Faces scale, neonatal facial coding
system (NFCS) (Witt et al., 2016) and the 10-cm vi-
sual analog scale, and are widely used in healthcare
settings to assess patient pain.
Inspired by these pain assessments, some auto-
mated pain detection systems for neonates have been
studied based on facial expression analysis. In (Fo-
tiadou et al., 2014), a semi-automated system is pro-
posed for discomfort detection, which adopts an Ac-
tive Appearance Model (AAM) for facial appearance
modeling. Zhi et al. (Zhi et al., 2018) proposed an au-
tomatic pain detection for infants by using geometric
features. After that, a Support Vector Machine (SVM)
is utilized to distinguish pain from no pain. In (Li
et al., 2016), it is proposed to exploit an automated
classification model, based on appearance features
extracted by local binary patterns. Sun et al. (Sun
et al., 2018) presented a discomfort detection system
based on a template matching method, in which neu-
tral faces of the specific subject are used as a tem-
plate. Frames containing different expressions com-
pared with the template are classified as discomfort.
However, all these mentioned methods can only han-
dle situations where infants show their frontal faces
without occlusions, hence giving limited robustness.
Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) have become prevalent because of their
increased performance. Tavakolian et al. (Tavako-
lian and Hadid, 2018) proposed a pain expression
intensity estimation based on CNNs and a binary
coding. Lin et al. (Lin et al., 2018) have proposed
a CNN-based expression classifier trained with data
augmentation for adults, which is similar to our
work. However, these works targeted on adults
are not applicable to infants as already mentioned.
Therefore, we propose an infant expression analysis
algorithm using Faster R-CNN and a temporal
model for realizing temporal stability in decision
making. Although CNNs can also applied in the
temporal domain, this approach is hampered by the
high intrinsic complexity. Therefore we explore an
alternative, since our aim is to implement a real-time
automated infant monitoring system suitable for
clinical practice.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Faster R-CNN Stabilization
Last Convolutional
RoI Pooling
Fully Connected
Figure 1: Flowchart of the system design for infant discomfort analysis based on Faster R-CNN and HMM.
3.1 R-CNN for Expression Detection
For expression detection and classification, the Faster
R-CNN (Ren et al., 2017) framework combined with
a VGG-net architecture (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014) is adopted, since Faster R-CNN yields state-of-
art performance for object detection. The training in-
put of the expression detection network is represented
as a tuple (I
, g
, cls), where I
is the full-image frame
containing the infant face and background, g
the ground truth of a bounding box encompassing the
infant face and cls indicates the ground-truth label for
expressions of that bounding box. In this application,
cls corresponds to one of the following expression
states: Discomfort/pain, Unhappy, Neutral, Sleep,
Joy, Open mouth and Pacifier, defined as in (Sulli-
van and Lewis, 2003). For training, the Regions of
Interests (RoIs) that have an intersection over union
(IoU) with the ground-truth bounding box larger than
a specific threshold (IoU> 0.5), are assigned with the
corresponding ground-truth expression label cls (pos-
itive samples), while other RoIs are assigned as back-
ground (negative samples). To keep the training im-
ages balanced, we randomly sampled negative RoIs
from labeled background RoIs. The total number of
positive and negative RoIs should not exceed N = 128
for computing platform reasons. These positive and
selected negative RoIs are formed into a minibatch for
stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We adopt the same
loss function as Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2017). For
data augmentation purposes, we flipped all images in
the horizontal direction in our infant expression train-
ing dataset.
3.2 Stabilization
Experiments have shown that a considerable num-
ber of false classifications occur between two cor-
rectly classified frames. Therefore, a Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) for modeling the dynamics of expres-
sion changes in a video sequence is utilized, to reduce
false positives and enhance the monitoring stability.
In our application, we model seven expressions of in-
terest and the background as states of the HMM. Be-
cause of limited video data availability with infants,
our HMM is trained separately from the CNN ex-
pression classifier. The transition probability between
two states is obtained by analyzing training sequences
with the ground truth of states. The expression esti-
mation updated by the HMM is calculated with a for-
ward method, which is computed in two steps: pre-
diction and update. In this work, we only use and
discuss below a first-order HMM, meaning that the
actual state only depends on the previous frame state.
Prediction. Given the observation sequence O =
, ..., o
}, the purpose of detecting and classifying
the expression of a frame at time t (abbreviated as
frame t) is to find the maximum a-posteriori proba-
bility of the state p(q
). In our problem, o
responds to the union of all proposed RoIs in each
frame, denoted as o
= {b
, ..., b
} with bounding
boxes b
, where n is the total number of RoIs in
frame t and d that number for frame t 1. For each
individual RoI with index u denoted as b
in frame
t 1 (1 u d), the posterior state probability of that
RoI for frame t can be estimated by
) =
). (1)
Here, k denotes the total number of states. This prob-
ability should be computed for all RoIs in frame t 1.
Update. For each RoI b
in frame t, where 1
Automated Infant Monitoring based on R-CNN and HMM
v n, the posterior probability p(q
) is found by
) =
Ov(v, u)p(b
where the binary overlap function Ov(v, u) indicates
when there is an IoU overlap of RoI b
and b
of more than at least 70% or more. In case there is
no overlap, the contribution becomes zero, because
Ov(v, u) = 0.
4.1 Datasets
Public datasets containing only infants are rare, and
datasets with ground-truth annotations for infant ex-
pressions are virtually not available. To our best
knowledge, only two public datasets exist (Zamzmi
et al., 2018) for infant pain/discomfort analysis,
which are COPE/iCOPE collected (Brahnam et al.,
2006) and another dataset collected from YouTube
videos described in (Harrison et al., 2014). How-
ever, none of these two datasets can be used for
our purpose. To solve this, we have manually col-
lected a dataset consisting of 16, 165 infant images
from the Internet, and expressions are manually la-
beled by bounding boxes. After the dataset augmen-
tation, the total number of images used for training
achieves 32, 330. Moreover, to evaluate the infant
monitoring system both clinically and practically, we
have first randomly selected 11 from 45 video se-
quences of different infants up to 2 years old with
challenging situations, such as large head-pose devi-
ation and object occlusions, which were denoted as
Clinic for validating the clinical usage. The rest of the
video sequences is used to train the HMM. All these
videos were recorded at the Maxima Medical Cen-
ter (MMC), Veldhoven, the Netherlands, satisfying
the ethical standards of the institution, allowing us-
age after obtaining a written consent from the parents.
Videos for infant discomfort expression are captured
when experiencing pain from a heel prick, placing an
intravenous line, or a vaccination, whereas other ex-
pressions are captured when infants stay at the hospi-
tal for medical care. All selected videos last at least
2 minutes, which is the required time for professional
observation and pain scoring. Besides this dataset,
similar to (Harrison et al., 2014), we have also col-
lected 72 video sequences from Youtube denoted as
Youtube. The purpose of this dataset is to validate
for a practical application and for benchmarking with
state-of-art methods. Here, each video sequence con-
Figure 2: Examples of infants collected from Internet in
the training dataset. Different color bounding box annotates
each corresponding expression.
tains one different infant. All videos were uploaded
by Youtube users, therefore video qualities are quite
different (varying between good and poor) because of
variable conditions. Moreover, these video sequences
also contain certain frames without infants, which can
be utilized to evaluate the reliability of all methods.
Videos in both testing datasets are fully annotated.
The method of annotating the ground truth of each
frame is identical to images in the training dataset.
All ground-truth annotations of both train and test sets
are given by professional practitioners at the MMC.
The number of frames for each expression in both test
datasets are depicted in Table 1. As shown, the num-
ber of frames in each dataset exceeds 10,000 images,
which is much larger than experimental data of the
previous work (Sun et al., 2018; Zhi et al., 2018).
4.2 Metrics
In order to evaluate the accuracy of infant expres-
sion detection, the VOC2007 metrics (Everingham
et al., 2010) are utilized in all the evaluational exper-
iments, since VOC2007 is specifically designed for
detection and classification tasks. By definition, the
Average Precision (AP) indicates the detection accu-
racy of each expression, while the mean Average Pre-
cision (mAP) shows the overall performance of seven
expressions of interest. For analyzing the consistency
of the system output, the frequency of the False Ex-
pression Changes (FEC) is computed for each dataset.
A false expression exchange is defined as an occur-
rence of an expression change between one frame to
the next neighboring frame, that does not correspond
to the exchange indicated by the ground truth. This
can happen due to the false expression classification
and the localization of bounding boxes with false de-
tections. In addition to computing the frequency of
the FEC, a second metrics is introduced, defined as
the reduction rate, for analyzing the temporal stabil-
ity. This analysis applies to the system only using
R-CNNs and our proposed with temporal consistency
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Total number of frames within video sequences showing respective expressions in both test datasets.
Discomfort Neutral Sleep Joy Open mouth Unhappy Pacifier All
Clinic 3,523 7,940 2,587 166 1,462 1,246 1,399 18,323
Youtube 3,499 4,622 631 2,592 1,046 1,185 821 14,396
processing. The reduction rate is defined as:
R =
, (3)
where F
represents the frequency of occurrence of
false changes when temporal analysis is used, and F
denotes the count of false expression changes without
temporal processing.
4.3 Experimental Results
This section first provides results regarding the ex-
pression detection robustness using VOC2007 met-
rics (Everingham et al., 2010). Then, the consistency
analysis of the system output is evaluated with the
metrics discussed above.
A. Accuracy Evaluation. The performance of discom-
fort detection achieved by our multi-class network
is compared with conventional methods, such as (Li
et al., 2016) (Sun et al., 2018), which adopted HOG
and LBP features as facial descriptors. Tables 2 and 3
present the experimental results of multi-class classi-
fication, based on CNN features evaluated with Clin-
ical and Youtube datasets. The scores clearly indi-
cate that the conventional methods using descriptors
such as HOG and LBP, can hardly distinguish subtle
facial expressions, such as Joy, Open mouth and Un-
happy. Moreover, these methods are only capable of
detecting Discomfort and Neutral with a low preci-
sion, which is not sufficient for implementation in an
infant monitoring system. In contrast, the proposed
CNN-based framework achieves an attractive score
for the mAP of 82.3% and 83.4% for overall perfor-
mance in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. For discomfort
detection, it obtains an AP of 89.0% evaluated with
Clinic, and an AP of 90.3% with the Youtube set. It
can be observed that the accuracy and robustness of
discomfort detection using CNN architectures are sig-
nificantly increased compared with the conventional
When combining an HMM model with the detec-
tion, the overall system outperforms solely Faster R-
CNN (Ren et al., 2017) by 4.9% and 0.1% with the
Clinic and Youtube sets, respectively. Here, it can be
noticed that an increase in the AP occurs for Discom-
fort by 1% and 0.3% for the same datasets, respec-
tively, compared to only using Faster R-CNN (Ren
et al., 2017). This gain occurs because the trained R-
CNN classifier performs less accurate in ambiguous
expressions between Unhappy and Joy, and the com-
bination of Discomfort and Unhappy. However, by
adopting a dynamic model (HMM), the performances
for these expressions are enhanced, due to the stabi-
lizing information of the previous frame. In addition,
the benefit of using HMM for Youtube is limited com-
pared to that for Clinic. This is explained by the du-
ration of video sequences in Youtube being shorter (a
few seconds) and consistent expressions occurring in
each sequence. Therefore, it is difficult for HMM to
improve the performance further. Fig. 3 shows exam-
ples of the expression detection obtained by the pro-
posed method evaluated with Clinic.
B. Output Consistency Evaluation. To improve the
accuracy of expression detection for infant monitor-
ing, the consistency of the proposed system is eval-
uated when using the HMM compared to solely us-
ing R-CNNs. Fig. 4 shows a bar plot of the false
changes between expressions (Discomfort, Unhappy
and others) occurring in both testing datasets. Dis-
comfort and Unhappy are mainly taken into consider-
ation for this experiment, because these two expres-
sions carry more clinical information for facilitating a
diagnosis. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the false
exchanges are significantly reduced, especially be-
tween Unhappy and other expressions. Furthermore,
Table 4 provides the reduction ratios of FEC within
Discomfort, Unhappy and others. It can be noticed
that the FECs are overall reduced, while the reduction
rate is preserved up to 65%. Specifically, the false
changes between Discomfort and other expressions,
which is the main reason of causing false chirps for
an infant monitoring system, are significantly reduced
by 64.9% and 35.2% for Clinic and Youtube, respec-
tively. Fig 5 portrays an exemplary sequence of ex-
pression detections with and without the HMM. Com-
paring the two figures, it can be readily seen that after
using the HMM, the detection becomes less noisy, re-
sulting into a more stable and reliable performance.
C. Discussion: Although a high consistency is ob-
tained by using an HMM, certain drawbacks are still
noticeable. For example, the detection score of each
class updated by an HMM highly depends on the per-
formance of the trained classifiers. When HMM is
combined with a less accurate classifier, the detection
will be stuck at false positives. However, by jointly
training Faster R-CNN and HMM in an end-to-end
fashion, these false positives can be further reduced.
Automated Infant Monitoring based on R-CNN and HMM
Table 2: Average precision for 7 expressions and the corresponding mAP for each method evaluated with Clinic. Boldface
numbers indicate the highest score.
Discomfort Neutral Sleep Joy Open mouth Unhappy Pacifier mAP
LBP+SVM 0.349 0.245 0.341 0.007 0.017 0.068 0.045 0.153
HOG+SVM 0.254 0.154 0.608 0.077 0.095 0.026 0.033 0.178
F. R-CNN 0.880 0.838 0.873 0.578 0.811 0.534 0.907 0.774
F. R-CNN + HMM 0.890 0.870 0.883 0.728 0.854 0.633 0.906 0.823
Table 3: Average precision for 7 expressions and the corresponding mAP for for each method evaluated with Youtube. Bold-
face numbers indicate the highest score.
Discomfort Neutral Sleep Joy Open mouth Unhappy Pacifier mAP
LBP+SVM 0.201 0.513 0.091 0.433 0.037 0.054 0.001 0.190
HOG+SVM 0.129 0.377 0.091 0.466 0.162 0.048 0.045 0.188
F. R-CNN 0.900 0.752 0.969 0.846 0.720 0.742 0.904 0.833
F. R-CNN + HMM 0.903 0.783 0.983 0.831 0.608 0.713 0.902 0.834
Figure 3: Examples of expression detection obtained by the proposed algorithm evaluated with Clinic.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Frequency of the false expression changes (FECs) between the expressions of interest. (a) Clinic; (b) Youtube.
Figure 5: Examples of expression detection for an exemplary sequence. Left: detection by Faster R-CNN without HMM, right:
detection with HMM. Red lines represent ground-truth information, blue lines denote detection by proposed algorithms.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 4: Reduction rate of false expression changes (FECs)
between frames of R-CNN framework with the adoption of
HMM compared to solely Faster R-CNN. Boldface num-
bers indicate the highest score.
Clinic Youtube
Discomfort - Unhappy 0.337 0.474
Unhhappy - Discomfort 0.409 0.563
Discomfort - Other 0.649 0.352
Other - Discomfort 0.610 0.325
Unhappy - Other 0.587 0.489
Other - Unhappy 0.651 0.483
In our experiment, the algorithm is executed on
a GTX-1080ti GPU, which achieves a frame rate of
7 fps. It can be assumed that with a more advanced
GPU, or combining a tracking method, the computa-
tion speed will increase, and therefore allows model
usage in a real-time infant monitoring system.
This paper has proposed a near real-time video-based
infant monitoring system, using Faster R-CNN com-
bined with a Hidden Markov Model. The HMM in-
creases the stability of decision making over time
and reduces the noise in expressions. Differentiating
from the conventional methods applying face detec-
tion and expression classification separately, we have
trained a ConvNet detector that directly outputs the
expressions. The experimental results have shown an
AP achieving up to 90.3% for discomfort detection,
which provides a dramatic accuracy increase com-
pared to conventional methods (larger than 50%). The
high-accuracy discomfort detection can be combined
with some disease analysis such as GERD. In addi-
tion, the consistency of the system output is evalu-
ated, and the experimental results have shown that the
false expression changes between frames can be sig-
nificantly reduced with a temporal analysis. In the
future, as more video sequences of infants become
available, we will train our expression classifier and
temporal analysis end-to-end.
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications