Hallucinating Saliency Maps for Fine-grained Image Classification for
Limited Data Domains
Carola Figueroa-Flores
, Bogdan Raducanu
, David Berga
and Joost van de Weijer
Computer Vision Center, Edifici “O” - Campus UAB, 8193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universidad del B
ıo B
ıo, Chile
Fine-grained Image Classification, Saliency Detection, Convolutional Neural Networks.
It has been shown that saliency maps can be used to improve the performance of object recognition systems,
especially on datasets that have only limited training data. However, a drawback of such an approach is that it
requires a pre-trained saliency network. In the current paper, we propose an approach which does not require
explicit saliency maps to improve image classification, but they are learned implicitely, during the training
of an end-to-end image classification task. We show that our approach obtains similar results as the case
when the saliency maps are provided explicitely. We validate our method on several datasets for fine-grained
classification tasks (Flowers, Birds and Cars), and show that especially for domains with limited data the
proposed method significantly improves the results.
Fine-grained image recognition has as objective to
recognize many subcategories of a super-category.
Examples of well-known fine-grained datasets are
Flowers (Nilsback and Zisserman, 2008), Cars
(Krause et al., 2013) and Birds (Welinder et al., 2010).
The challenge of fine-grained image recognition is
that the differences between classes are often very
subtle, and only the detection of small highly lo-
calized features will correctly lead to the recogni-
tion of the specific bird or flower species. An ad-
ditional challenge of fine-grained image recognition
is the difficulty of data collection. The labelling of
these datasets requires experts and subcategories can
be very rare which further complicates the collection
of data. Therefore, the ability to train high-quality im-
age classification systems from few data is an impor-
tant research topic in fine-grained object recognition.
Most of the state-of-the-art general object classi-
fication approaches (Wang et al., 2017; Krizhevsky
et al., 2012) have difficulties in the fine-grained recog-
nition task, which is more challenging due to the fact
that basic-level categories (e.g. different bird species
or flowers) share similar shape and visual appearance.
Early works have focused on localization and classi-
fication of semantic parts using either explicit annota-
tion (Zhang et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2015; Zhang et al.,
2016a; Ding et al., 2019; Du et al., 2020) or weak la-
beling (Zheng et al., 2017; Fu et al., 2017; Wang et al.,
2020). The main disadvantage of these approaches
was that they required two different ’pipelines’, for
detection and classification, which makes the joint op-
timization of the two subsystems more complicated.
Therefore, more recent approaches are proposing end-
to-end strategies with the focus on improving the fea-
ture representation from intermediate layers in a CNN
through higher order statistics modeling (Cai et al.,
2017; Wang et al., 2018a).
One recent approach which obtained good fine-
grained recognition results, especially with only few
labeled data is proposed in (Flores et al., 2019). The
main idea is that a saliency image can be used to
modulate the recognition branch of a fine-grained
recognition network. We will refer to this technique
as saliency-modulated image classification (SMIC).
This is especially beneficial when only few labeled
data is available. The gradients which are backprop-
agated are concentrated on the regions which have
high saliency. This prevents backpropagation of gra-
dients of uninformative background parts of the im-
age which could lead to overfitting to irrelevant de-
tails. A major drawback of this approach is that it
requires an explicit saliency algorithm which needs to
be trained on a saliency dataset.
In order to overcome the lack of sufficient data for
a given modality, a common strategy is to introduce
a ’hallucination’ mechanism which emulates the ef-
Figueroa-Flores, C., Raducanu, B., Berga, D. and van de Weijer, J.
Hallucinating Saliency Maps for Fine-grained Image Classification for Limited Data Domains.
DOI: 10.5220/0010299501630171
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Step I: Training on Imagenet
Step II: Finetuning on a fine-grained dataset
Finetuned layers
Frozen layers
Initialize weights:
Random initialization
Pretrained network
Approach A Approach B
Figure 1: Overview of our method. We process an RGB input image through two branches: one branch extracts the RGB
features and the other one is used to learn saliency maps. The resulting features are merged via a modulation layer, which
continues with a few more convolutional layers and a classification layer. The network is trained in two steps.
fect of genuine data. For instance, in (Hoffman et al.,
2016), they use this ’hallucination’ strategy for RGB-
D object detection. A hallucination network is trained
to learn complementary RGB image representation
which is taught to mimic convolutional mid-level fea-
tures from a depth network. At test time, images are
processed jointly through the RGB and hallucination
networks, demonstrating an improvement in detection
performance. This strategy has been adopted also for
the case of few-shot learning (Hariharan and Girshick,
2017; Wang et al., 2018b; Zhang et al., 2019). In this
case, the hallucination network has been used to pro-
duce additional training sample used to train jointly
with the original network (also called a neta-learner).
In this paper, we address the major drawback of
SMIC, by implementing a hallucination mechanism
in order to remove the requirement for providing
saliency images for training obtained using one of the
existing algorithms (Bylinskii et al., ). In other words,
we show that the explicit saliency branch which re-
quires training on a saliency image dataset, can be re-
placed with a branch which is trained end-to-end for
the task of image classification (for which no saliency
dataset is required). We replace the saliency image
with the input RGB image (see Figure 1). We then
pre-train this network for the task of image classifica-
tion using a subset from ImageNet validation dataset.
During this process, the saliency branch will learn
to identify which regions are more discriminative.
In a second phase, we initialize the weights of the
saliency branch with these pre-trained weights. We
then train the system end-to-end on the fine-grained
dataset using only the RGB images. Results show that
the saliency branch improves fine-grained recognition
significantly, especially for domains with few training
We briefly summarize below our main contribu-
we propose an approach which hallucinates
saliency maps that are fused together with the
RGB modality via a modulation process,
our method does not require any saliency maps
for training (like in these works (Murabito et al.,
2018; Flores et al., 2019)) but instead is trained
indirectly in an end-to-end fashion by training the
network for image classification,
our method improves classification accuracy on
three fine-grained datasets, especially for domains
with limited data.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II is
devoted to review the related work in fine-grained im-
age classification and saliency estimation. Section III
presents our approach. We report our experimental
results in Section IV. Finally, Section V contains our
2.1 Fine-grained Image Classification
A first group of approaches on fine-grained recogni-
tion operate on a two-stage pipeline: first detecting
some object parts and then categorizing the objects
using this information.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
The work of (Huang et al., 2016) first localizes
a set of part keypoints, and then simultaneously pro-
cesses part and object information to obtain highly
descriptive representations. Mask-CNN (Wei et al.,
2018) also aggregates descriptors for parts and objects
simultaneously, but using pixel-level masks instead of
keypoints. The main drawback of these models is the
need of human annotation for the semantic parts in
terms of keypoints or bounding boxes. To partially
alleviate this tedious task of annotation, (Xiao et al.,
2015) propose an weakly-supervised approach based
on the combination of three types of attention in or-
der to guide the search for object parts in terms of
’what’ and ’where’. A further improvement has been
reported in (Zhang et al., 2016b), where the authors
propose and approach free of any object / part anno-
tation. Their method explores a unified framework
based on two steps of deep filter response picking.
On the other hand, (Wang et al., 2020) propose an
end-to-end discriminative feature-oriented Gaussian
Mixture Model (DF-GMM) to learn low-rank feature
maps which alleviates the discriminative region diffu-
sion problem in high-level feature maps and thus find
better fine-grained details.
A second group of approaches merges these two
stages into an end-to-end learning framework which
optimize simultaneously both part localization and
fine-grained classification. This is achieved by first
finding the corresponding parts and then comparing
their appearance (Wang et al., 2018a). In (Xie et al.,
2017), their framework first performs unsupervised
part candidates discovery and global object discovery
which are subsequently fed into a two-stream CNN in
order to model jointly both the local and global fea-
tures. In (Chen et al., 2019), they propose an approach
based on ’Destruction and Construction Learning’
whose purpose is to force the network to understand
c¸¡‘the semantics of each region. For destruction, a re-
gion confusion mechanism (RCM) forces the classifi-
cation network to learn from discriminative regions.
For construction, the region alignment network re-
stores the original region layout by modeling the se-
mantic correlation among regions. A similar idea
has been pursued in (Du et al., 2020), where they
propose a progressive training strategy to encourage
the network to learn features at different granularities
(using a random jigsaw patch generator) and after-
wards fuse them together. Some other works intro-
duce an attention mechanism. For instance, (Zheng
et al., 2017) propose a novel part learning approach by
a multi-attention convolutional neural network (MA-
CNN) without bounding box/part annotations. MA-
CNN jointly learns part proposals (defined as multi-
ple attention areas with strong discrimination ability)
and the feature representations on each part. Simi-
lar approaches have been in reported in (Sun et al.,
2018; Luo et al., 2019). In (Ding et al., 2019), they
propose a network which learns sparse attention from
class peak responses (which usually corresponds to
informative object parts) and implements spatial and
semantic sampling. Finally, in (Ji et al., 2020), the au-
thors present an attention convolutional binary neural
tree in a weakly-supervised approach. Different root-
to-leaf paths in the tree network focus on different
discriminative regions using the attention transformer
inserted into the convolutional operations along edges
of the tree. The final decision is produced as the sum-
mation of the predictions from the leaf nodes.
In another direction, some end-to-end frameworks
aim to enhance the intermediate representation learn-
ing capability of a CNN by encoding higher-order
statistics. For instance in (Gao et al., 2016) they cap-
ture the second-order information by taking the outer-
product over the network output and itself. Other
approaches focuses on reducing the high feature di-
mensionality (Kong and Fowlkes, 2017) or extract-
ing higher order information with kernelized mod-
ules (Cai et al., 2017). In (Wang et al., 2018a), they
learn a bank of convolutional filters that capture class-
specific discriminative patches without extra part or
bounding box annotations. The advantage of this ap-
proach is that the network focuses on classification
only and avoids the trade-off between recognition and
Regardless, most fine-grained approaches use the
object ground-truth bounding box at test time, achiev-
ing a significantly lower performance when this in-
formation is not available. Moreover, automatically
discovering discriminative parts might require large
amounts of training images. Our approach is more
general, as it only requires image level annotations
at training time and could easily generalize to other
recognition tasks.
2.2 Saliency Estimation
Initial efforts in modelling saliency involved multi-
scale representations of color, orientation and inten-
sity contrast. These were often biologically inspired
such as the well-known work by Itti et al. (Itti et al.,
1998). From that model, a myriad of models were
based on handcrafting these features in order to ob-
tain an accurate saliency map (Borji and Itti, 2013;
Bylinskii et al., 2015), either maximizing (Bruce and
Tsotsos, 2005) or learning statistics of natural images
(Torralba et al., 2006; Harel et al., 2007). Saliency
research was propelled further by the availability of
large data sets which enabled the use machine learn-
Hallucinating Saliency Maps for Fine-grained Image Classification for Limited Data Domains
ing algorithms (Borji, 2018), mainly pretrained on ex-
isting human fixation data.
The question of whether saliency is important for
object recognition and object tracking has been raised
in (Han and Vasconcelos, 2010). Latest methods
(Borji, 2018) take advantage of end-to-end convolu-
tional architectures by finetuning over fixation predic-
tion (K
ummerer et al., 2016; ?; ?). But the main goal
of these works was to estimate a saliency map, not
how saliency could contribute to object recognition.
In this paper instead, we propose an approach which
does not require explicit saliency maps to improve im-
age classification, but they are learned implicitly, dur-
ing the training of an end-to-end image classification
task. We show that our approach obtains similar re-
sults as the case when the saliency maps are provided
Several works have shown that having the saliency
map of an image can be helpful for object recognition
and fine-grained recognition in particular (Murabito
et al., 2018; Flores et al., 2019). The idea is twofold:
the saliency map can help focus the attention on the
relevant parts of the image to improve the recogni-
tion, and it can help guide the training by focusing
the backpropagation to the relevant image regions. In
(Flores et al., 2019), the authors show that saliency-
modulated image classification (SMIC) is especially
efficient for training on datasets with few labeled data.
The main drawback of these methods is that they re-
quire a trained saliency method. Here we show that
this restriction can be removed and that we can hal-
lucinate the saliency image from the RGB image. By
training the network for image classification on the
imageNet dataset we can obtain the saliency branch
without human groundtruth images.
3.1 Overview of the Method
The overview of our proposed network architecture
is illustrated in Figure 1. Our network consists of
two branches: one to extract the features from an
RGB image, and the other one (saliency branch) to
generate the saliency map from the same RGB im-
age. Both branches are combined using a modula-
tion layer (represented by the × symbol) and are then
processed by several shared layers of the joint branch
which finally ends up with a classification layer. The
RGB branch followed by the joint branch resembles
a standard image classification network. The novelty
of our architecture is the introduction of the saliency
branch, which transforms the generated saliency im-
age into a modulation image. This modulation image
is used to modulate the characteristics of the RGB
branch, putting more emphasis on those characteris-
tics that are considered important for the fine-grained
recognition task. In the following sections we pro-
vide the details of the network architecture, the op-
eration of the modulation layer, and finally, how our
saliency map is generated. We explain our model us-
ing AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) as the base clas-
sification network, but the theory could be extended
to other convolutional neural network architectures.
For instance, in the experimental results section, we
also consider the ResNet-152 architecture (He et al.,
3.2 Hallucination of Saliency Maps
from RGB Images
The function of the visual attention maps is to fo-
cus on the location of the characteristics necessary to
identify the target classes, ignoring anything else that
may be irrelevant to the classification task. There-
fore, given an input RGB image, our saliency branch
should be able to produce a map of the most salient
image locations useful for classification purposes.
To achieve that, we apply a CNN-based saliency
detector consisting of four convolutional layers
(based on the AlexNet architecture)
. The output
from the last convolutional layer, i.e. one with 384
dimensional feature maps with a spatial resolution of
13 × 13 (for a 227 × 227 RGB input image), is fur-
ther processed using a 1 × 1 convolution and then a
function of activation ReLU. This is to calculate the
saliency score for each ”pixel” in the feature maps of
the previous layer, and to produce a single channel
map. Finally, to generate the input for the subsequent
classification network, the 13 × 13 saliency maps are
upsampled to 27 × 27 (which is the default input size
of the next classification module) through bilinear in-
terpolation. We justify the size of the output maps by
claiming that saliency is a primitive mechanism, used
by humans to direct attention to objects of interest,
which is evoked by coarse visual stimuli. Therefore,
our experiments (see section IV) show that 13 × 13
feature maps can encode the information needed to
detect salient areas and drive a classifier with them.
We vary the number of convolutional layers in the ex-
perimental section and found four to be optimal.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3.3 Fusion of RGB and Saliency
Consider an input image I(x, y, z), where z = {1, 2, 3}
indicate the three color channels of the image. Also
consider a saliency map s(x, y). In Flores et al. (Flo-
res et al., 2019), a network h (I, s) was trained which
performed image classification based on the input im-
age I and the saliency map s. Here, we replace the
saliency map (which was generated by a saliency al-
gorithm) by a hallucinated saliency map h(I, ˚s(I)).
The hallucinated saliency map ˚s is trained end-to-end
and estimated from the same input image I without
the need of any ground truth saliency data.
The combination of the hallucinated saliency map
˚s , which is the output of the saliency branch, and the
RGB branch is done with modulation. Consider the
output of the i
layer of the network, l
, with dimen-
sion w
× h
× z
. Then we define the modulation as
(x, y, z) = l
(x, y, z) · ˚s(x, y), (1)
resulting in the saliency-modulated layer
. Note that
a single hallucinated saliency map is used to modulate
all i feature maps of
In addition to the formula in Eq. (1) we also intro-
duce a skip connection from the RGB branch to the
beginning of the joint branch, defined as
(x, y, z) = l
(x, y, z) · (˚s (x, y) + 1) . (2)
This skip connection is depicted in Figure 1 (+ sym-
bol). It prevents the modulation layer from com-
pletely ignoring the features from the RGB branch.
This is inspired by this work (Flores et al., 2019) that
found this approach beneficial when using attention
for network compression.
We train our architecture in an end-to-end manner.
The backpropagated gradient for the modulation layer
into the image classification branch is equal defined
· ( ˚s (x, y) + 1) , (3)
where L is the loss function of the network. We can
see that the saliency map modulates both the forward
pass (see Eq. (2)) as well as the backward pass in the
same manner; in both cases putting more weight on
the features that are on locations with high saliency,
and putting less weight on the irrelevant features. We
show in the experiments that this helps the network
train more efficiently, also on datasets with only few
labeled samples. The modulation prevents the net-
work from overfitting to the background.
Figure 2: Graph shows the classification accuracy on Flow-
ers for various number of layers in the saliency branch. Best
results are obtained with four convolutional layers. Baseline
refers to the method without saliency branch.
Before Pool-2
After Pool-2
After Conv-3
After Conv-4
Figure 3: Graph shows the classification accuracy on Flow-
ers. Various points for fusing the saliency and RGB branch
are evaluated. Best results are obtained when fusion is
placed before the pool-2 layer. Baseline refers to the
method without saliency branch.
3.4 Training on Imagenet and
Fine-tuning on a Target Dataset
As can be seen in Figure 1, the training of our ap-
proach is divided into two steps: first, training on Im-
agenet and second, fine-tuning on a target dataset.
Step 1: Training of Saliency Branch on Imagenet.
As explained above, the aim of the saliency branch is
to hallucinate (generate) a saliency map directly from
an RGB input image. This network is constructed by
initializing the RGB branch with pretrained weights
from Imagenet. The weights of the saliency branch
are initialized randomly using the Xavier method (see
Figure 1, left image). The network is then trained se-
lectively, using the ImageNet validation set: we allow
to train only the layers corresponding to the saliency
branch (depicted by the surrounding dotted line) and
freeze all the remaining layers (depicted through the
continuous line boxes).
Step 2: Fine-tuning on a Target Dataset. In this
step, we initialize the RGB branch with the weights
Hallucinating Saliency Maps for Fine-grained Image Classification for Limited Data Domains
Table 1: Classification accuracy for Flowers, Cars, and Birds dataset (results are the average over three runs), using AlexNet
as base network. Results are provided for varying number of training images, from 1 until 30; K refers to using the number
of training images used in the official dataset split. The rightmost column shows the average. The
indicates that the method
requires an explicit saliency method. Our method (Approach B) obtains similar results as SMIC but without the need of a
pretrained saliency network trained on a saliency dataset.
#train images 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 K AVG
Baseline-RGB 31.8 45.8 53.1 63.6 72.4 76.9 81.2 85.1 87.2 87.8 68.3
Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL 34.3 48.9 54.3 65.9 73.1 77.4 82.3 85.9 88.9 89.1 70.0
SMIC (Flores et al., 2019)
37.6 51.9 57.1 68.5 75.2 79.7 84.9 88.2 91.2 92.3 72.7
Approach A 36.9 51.3 56.9 67.8 74.9 78.4 82.9 88.1 90.9 92.0 72.0
Approach B 37.3 51.7 57.2 68.7 75.6 78.7 83.8 88.4 91.7 92.5 72.6
Baseline-RGB 4.1 7.8 11.7 17.3 25.5 31.1 38.5 42.2 47.2 60.0 28.5
Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL 5.9 10.7 14.4 19.1 27.4 32.9 38.5 44.0 48.7 61.5 30.3
SMIC (Flores et al., 2019)
9.3 14.0 18.0 22.8 30.0 34.7 40.4 46.0 50.0 61.4 32.7
Approach A 9.3 14.3 17.4 22.3 28.4 35.3 39.7 45.7 50.1 61.9 32.4
Approach B 9.8 15.1 18.4 22.9 28.8 35.1 39.9 45.8 49.7 62.9 32.8
Baseline-RGB 9.1 13.6 19.4 27.7 37.8 44.3 48.0 50.0 54.2 57.0 34.8
Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL 10.4 14.9 20.3 28.3 38.6 43.9 46.9 48.4 50.7 55.7 35.8
SMIC (Flores et al., 2019)
13.1 18.9 22.2 30.2 38.7 44.3 48.0 50.0 54.2 57.0 37.7
Approach A 11.8 18.3 22.1 29.3 39.1 44.4 47.8 49.7 53.1 56.5 37.2
Approach B 12.9 18.7 22.7 29.7 39.4 44.1 48.2 49.9 53.9 57.7 37.7
pre-trained from Imagenet and the saliency branch
with the corresponding pre-trained weights from Step
1. The weights of the top classification layer are ini-
tialized randomly, using the Xavier method. Then,
this network is then further fine-tuned on a target
dataset, selectively. We distinguish two cases:
Approach A. We freeze the layers of the saliency
branch and we allow all the other layers layers in
the network to be trained. This process is depicted
by the continuous line surrounding the saliency
branch and the dotted line for the rest (see the Fig-
ure 1, middle image).
Approach B. We allow all layers to be trained.
Since we consider training on datasets with only
few labels this could results in overfitting, since it
requires all the weights of the saliency branch to
be learned (see the Figure 1, right image) .
In the experiments we evaluate both approaches to
training the network.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Datasets. To evaluate our approach, we used three
standard datasets used for fine-grained image classifi-
Flowers: Oxford Flower 102 dataset (Nilsback
and Zisserman, 2008) has 8.189 images divided
in 102 classes.
Birds: CUB200 has 11.788 images of 200 differ-
ent bird species (Welinder et al., 2010).
Cars: the CARS-196 dataset in (Krause et al.,
2013) contains 16,185 images of 196 car classes.
Network Architectures. We evaluate our
approach using two network architectures:
Alexnet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) and Resnet-
152 (He et al., 2016). In both cases, the weights were
pretrained on Imagenet and then finetuned on each
of the datasets mentioned above. The networks were
trained for 70 epochs with a learning rate of 0.0001
and a weight decay of 0.005. The top classification
layer was initialized from scratch using Xavier
method (Glorot and Bengio, 2010).
Evaluation Protocol. To validate our approach,
we follow the same protocol as in (Flores et al.,
2019). For the image classification task, we train
each model with subsets of k training images for
k {1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, K}, where k is the to-
tal number of training images for the class. We keep 5
images per class for validation and 5 images per class
for test. We report the performance in terms of accu-
racy, i.e. percentage of correctly classified samples.
We show the results as an average over three runs.
4.2 Fine-grained Image Classification
Optimal Depth and Fusion Saliency Branch. First
we evaluate the saliency branch with a varying num-
ber of convolutional layers. The results are presented
in Figure 2. We found that four convolutional layers
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Classification accuracy for Flowers, Cars, and Birds dataset (results are the average over three runs), using ResNet152
as base network. Results are provided for varying number of training images, from 1 until 30; K refers to using the number
of training images used in the official dataset split. The rightmost column shows the average. The
indicates that the method
requires an explicit saliency method. Our method (Approach B) obtains similar results as SMIC but without the need of a
pretrained saliency network trained on a saliency dataset.
#train images 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 K AVG
Baseline-RGB 39.0 60.1 68.0 82.5 89.0 92.0 92.1 93.3 94.2 95.4 80.3
Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL 40.1 63.8 69.7 83.9 89.7 91.9 92.9 93.8 95.1 97.1 81.8
SMIC (Flores et al., 2019)
42.6 64.2 70.9 85.5 90.9 92.7 94.0 95.0 97.0 97.8 83.1
Approach A 42.4 64.5 70.7 85.2 90.3 92.4 93.3 94.3 96.5 97.9 82.8
Approach B 42.7 64.5 71.0 85.1 90.4 92.5 93.1 94.7 96.8 98.1 82.9
Baseline-RGB 30.9 45.8 53.1 62.7 70.9 73.9 79.9 88.7 89.2 90.7 68.6
Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL 33.8 46.1 54.8 63.8 71.7 74.9 80.9 88.1 89.1 91.0 69.4
SMIC (Flores et al., 2019)
34.7 47.9 55.2 64.9 72.1 75.8 82.1 90.0 91.1 92.4 70.6
Approach A 34.1 47.0 56.3 64.7 71.9 75.3 81.7 89.0 90.8 91.7 70.2
Approach B 34.0 47.5 55.4 64.7 71.8 75.5 81.9 89.3 91.0 92.1 70.3
Baseline-RGB 24.9 35.3 44.1 53.3 63.8 71.8 75.7 79.3 82.9 83.7 61.5
Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL 26.3 36.1 45.2 53.9 64.3 72.1 76.3 79.9 83.1 83.4 62.1
SMIC (Flores et al., 2019)
28.1 37.9 46.8 55.2 65.3 73.1 77.0 82.9 84.4 86.1 63.7
Approach A 26.9 36.9 46.1 54.2 64.9 72.8 77.1 81.4 83.4 84.8 62.9
Approach B 27.1 37.0 46.2 54.9 65.4 72.8 77.1 81.3 83.8 85.1 63.1
led to a significant increase in performance. In addi-
tion, we look at the best RGB branch layer to perform
the fusion of the saliency branch and the RGB branch.
The results are presented in Figure 3. It is found to be
optimal to fuse the two branches before the Pool-2
layer for AlexNet
. Based on these experiments, we
use four convolutional layers in the saliency branch
and fuse before the second pool layer for the remain-
der of the experiments and for all datasets.
Evaluation on Scarce Data Domain. As described
in section III, we consider two alternative ways to
train the saliency branch on the target dataset: keep-
ing the saliency branch fixed (Approach A) or al-
lowing it to finetune (Approach B). In this section,
we compare these two approaches with respect to
the Baseline-RGB and Baseline-RGB + scratch SAL
(where Saliency branch is initialized from scratch
without pretraining on Imagenet). In addition, we
compare to the SMIC method of Flores et al. (Flo-
res et al., 2019) who also reports results for small
training datasets. We do not compare to other fine-
grained methods here, because they do not report
results when only considering few labeled images.
The experiments are performed on Flowers, Cars and
Birds datasets and can be seen in Table 1. The aver-
age improvement of accuracy of our Approach A and
B with respect the Baseline-RGB is 3.7% and 4.3%,
respectively for the Flowers dataset; 3.9% and 4.3%,
respectively for the Cars dataset; and 2.4% and 2.9%,
respectively for the Birds dataset. Our Approach B
is especially advantageous when we compare it with
In a similar study, we found that for Resnet-152 the
optimal fusion is after the forth residual block.
the SMIC approach, where an additional algorithm is
needed to generate the salience map. It is therefore
advantageous to also finetune the saliency branch on
the target data even when we only have a few labeled
images per class.
In Table 2, we show the same results but now for
ResNet152. One can see that the results improve sig-
nificantly, especially for Cars results improve a lot.
The same general conclusions can be drawn : Ap-
proach B obtains better results than Approach A and
the method obtains similar results as SMIC but with-
out the need of a pretrained saliency network.
Qualitative Results. Table 3 shows some qualita-
tive results for the case when the pretrained version of
our approach predicts the correct label, meanwhile the
Baseline-RGB fails. Alternatively, in Table 4 depicts
the opposite case: the Baseline-RGB predicts the cor-
rect label of the test images, meanwhile the pretrained
version of our approach fails. In both cases, the
saliency images have been generated using our Ap-
proach B. A possible explanation for the failures in
this latter case could be that the saliency images are
not able to capture the relevant region of the image
for fine-grained discrimination. Thus, the salience-
modulated layer focuses on the wrong features for the
In this work, we proposed a method to improve
fine-graned image classification by means of saliency
maps. Our method does not require explicit saliency
Hallucinating Saliency Maps for Fine-grained Image Classification for Limited Data Domains
Table 3: Some success examples on Flowers: when the pre-
diction done by Baseline-RGB fails to infer the right label
for some test images, but the prediction by our approach
is correct. Example image contains image of the wrongly
predicted class.
Input Image Our Saliency Example Image
Predicted (Baseline-RGB): StemlessGentian
Predicted (Our Approach B): Moonkshood
Ground Truth: Moonkshood
Predicted (Baseline-RGB): Watercress
Predicted (Our Approach B): Primula
Ground Truth: Primula
Predicted (Baseline-RGB): Sweet Pea
Predicted (Our Approach B): Snap dragon
Ground Truth: Snap dragon
Table 4: Some failure examples on Flowers: when the pre-
diction done by our method fails to infer the right label for
some test images, but the prediction by Baseline-RGB is
correct. Example image contains image of the wrongly pre-
dicted class.
Input Image Our Saliency Example Image
Predicted (Baseline-RGB): Thorn Apple
Predicted (Our Approach B): Arum Lily
Ground Truth: Thorn Apple
Predicted (Baseline-RGB): Foxglove
Predicted (Our Approach B): Sweet Pea
Ground Truth: Foxglove
maps, but they are learned implicitely during the
training of an end-to-end deep convolutional network.
We validated our method on several datasets for fine-
grained classification tasks (Flowers, Birds and Cars).
We showed that our approach obtains similar results
as the SMIC method (Flores et al., 2019) which re-
quired explicit saliency maps. We showed that com-
bining RGB data with saliency maps represents a sig-
nificant advantage for object recognition, especially
for the case when training data is limited.
The authors acknowledge the Spanish project
PID2019-104174GB-I00 (MINECO). and the
CERCA Programme of Generalitat de Catalunya.
Carola Figueroa is supported by a Ph.D. scholarship
from CONICYT (now ANID), Chile.
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