Deepfake Detection using Capsule Networks and Long Short-Term
Memory Networks
Akul Mehra, Luuk Spreeuwers and Nicola Strisciuglio
Data Management and Biometrics Group, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Deepfake Detection, Face Video Manipulation, Capsule Networks, Long Short-Term Memory Networks.
With the recent advancements of technology, and in particular with graphics processing and artificial intelli-
gence algorithms, fake media generation has become easier. Using deep learning techniques like Deepfakes
and FaceSwap, anyone can generate fake videos by manipulating the face/voice of target subjects in videos.
These AI synthesized videos are a big threat to the authenticity and trustworthiness of online information and
can be used for malicious purposes. Detecting face tampering in videos is of utmost importance. We propose
a spatio-temporal hybrid model of Capsule Networks integrated with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) net-
works. This model exploits the inconsistencies in videos to distinguish real and fake videos. We use three
different frame selection techniques and show that frame selection has a significant impact on the performance
of models. The combined Capsule and LSTM network have comparable performance to state-of-the-art mod-
els and about 1/5
the number of parameters, resulting in reduced computational cost.
Deepfake technology has been applied recently to
tasks like de-aging people, lip-sync, and face-
swapping. These applications are successful espe-
cially in the media industry, e.g. using lip-sync for
dubbing a movie into another language while keep-
ing it realistic and entertaining for the viewers. Sev-
eral deepfake videos available on the web usually
involve the face of a famous movie actor that has
been swapped onto the face of another actor in other
movies. Figure 1 shows an example frame from a
deepfake video generated by Facebook on making
pour-over coffee.
Although the advancement in deep learning and
deepfake technology has many beneficial applications
in daily life, business, and the film industry, it can
also serve malicious purposes. In a recent example
of an application of the lip-sync technology (Peele,
2018), where Barack Obama, the former president
of the USA, was used to make an unpleasant state-
ment about the current president Donald Trump. This
video was an impersonation done by the famous ac-
tor/comedian Jordan Peele and deepfaked. It showed
how deepfake technology can produce realistic videos
and how it can influence the general public opinions
when used with wrong motives. Deepfakes have al-
ready been used for fraudulent use-cases: in (Dami-
Figure 1: Deepfake video: how to make pour-over Coffee.
ani, 2019), the authors described the first case where
deepfake audio was used to scam the CEO of a UK-
based energy firm and rob e220,000. Due to the rise
of deepfakes, it is easier to cause misinterpretation of
videos, spread lies, and misinformation. This kind
of fake news is causing individuals to lose trust in
what is real and what is not. Hence, there is a need
to provide robust algorithms that can detect deepfake
content and help in preventing them before they can
spread misinformation.
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the
identification of deepfake videos, based on the com-
bination of a Capsule Network (CapsuleNet) for
frame-level representation with long short-term mem-
ory (LSTM) networks for the creation of a spatio-
temporal hybrid model. We also analyze the im-
pact of the selection of frame sequences on the de-
Mehra, A., Spreeuwers, L. and Strisciuglio, N.
Deepfake Detection using Capsule Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010289004070414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tection of fake videos. By visualizing the activa-
tion of capsules, we also explain what image incon-
sistencies are detected by Capsule Network to clas-
sify a sample as fake or real. We compare the re-
sults that we achieved with the proposed model with
those obtained by state-of-the-art approaches. With
the vast amount of video data available on the Inter-
net, the efficiency of the fake video detection algo-
rithm is of utmost importance. The combined Capsule
and LSTM network have comparable performance to
state-of-the-art models and about 1/5
the number of
parameters, resulting in reduced computational cost.
The paper is organized as follows. We present the
related work about deepfake detection in Section 2,
and the proposed methods in Section 3. In Section
4, we describe the data-set, the performance metrics,
and the evaluation protocol that we used in the exper-
iments. We present and discuss the results that we
achieved in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, we con-
clude with our findings.
2.1 Fake Media Detection
The earlier generation of deepfake videos was not as
realistic as the actual ones and was easier to detect.
They normally produced videos that showed various
kinds of physical inconsistencies, such as no eye-
blinks, missing reflections, or distorted parts of the
faces, and earlier detection models took advantage of
these inconsistencies to discriminate between fake
and real videos.
XceptionNet classifier is a traditional CNN with
pre-trained weights of ImageNet. (R
ossler et al.,
2019) provides an overview of the detection perfor-
mance, where multiple models using steganalysis
and CNN based networks are evaluated on the FF++
(FaceForensics++) data-set. XceptionNet performs
best in all face manipulation techniques and achieves
the state-of-the-art accuracy of 96.36%.
ConvolutionalLSTM (Guera and Delp, 2018) and
RecurrentConvolutional (Sabir et al., 2019) are
temporal-aware pipelines to identify deepfakes. The
proposed model consists of a combination of a CNN,
for frame feature extraction combined with an LSTM
for temporal sequence analysis. As the deepfakes
are generated frame-by-frame, each frame has a
new face generated which will have inconsistencies
when compared to every other frame and therefore,
lacks temporal awareness between frames. These
temporal inconsistencies such as flickering in frames
and inconsistent choice of illuminants are used to
detect deepfakes and result in an accuracy of ~97%
on their data-set in ConvolutionalLSTM and 96.9%
on the FF++ data-set in RecurrentConvolutional.
The difference with ConvolutionalLSTM is that they
use pre-trained CNNs while RecurrentConvolutional
models are trained end-to-end.
Capsule (Nguyen et al., 2019) uses capsule structures
for deepfake detection. The architecture is based on a
previous paper that used capsule networks for forgery
detection and forensics (Nguyen et al., 2018). The
model uses the VGG19 network as the backbone for
deepfake detection. Although CapsuleNet achieves
92.17% accuracy and XceptionNet achieves 94.81%
for deepfakes in multi-class classifications, Capsu-
leNet has a more balanced performance for all labels
in the FF++ data-set.
2.2 Capsule Network
Although CNNs perform well in the domain of com-
puter vision, they have limitations when applied
to inverse graphics. The pooling layers in CNNs
cause loss of information and have local translation-
invariance, which does not allow to describe the po-
sition of one object relative to another. (Hinton et al.,
2011) addressed these limitations and proposed the
capsule architecture to overcome these drawbacks.
With the recent developments of dynamic routing and
expectation-maximization routing algorithms, cap-
sule networks have been implemented with remark-
able results and outperform CNNs on several object
classification tasks. In (Sabour et al., 2017), a capsule
network achieved 79% accuracy on an affine test set
whereas the traditional CNN model achieved 66% ac-
curacy. These developments introduced 1) dynamic
routing-by-agreement and replaced the max-pooling
of CNN, and 2) squashing that replaced the scalar out-
put feature detectors of CNN with vector output cap-
sules. The agreement between capsules that preserves
the pose information enables the capsule networks to
enclose more information than a CNN with less train-
ing data required.
Capsule networks are also used for forensics and
forgery detection. In (Nguyen et al., 2019), the author
proposed an improved capsule-forensics network for
detecting fake videos. The method achieved equiva-
lent or better scores in comparison to state-of-the-art
methods while using fewer parameters and hence, less
computational cost. These advancements in several
domains have motivated us to study and work with
capsule networks for deepfake detection.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Deepfake algorithms tamper with faces in the video
by performing modifications frame-by-frame. The
modified face in a frame might be different from those
in other frames as the generation algorithms do not
keep track of previous faces. This creates temporal
inconsistencies between frames and can be exploited
as a sign of tampering for deepfake detection. We
thus combine the spatial description power of Cap-
suleNet with a recurrent neural network, to train a
model to detect these temporal inconsistencies and
identify deepfakes. We propose a spatio-temporal hy-
brid model that will exploit and detect the inconsisten-
cies in both the spatial domain and temporal domain
and identify a video as a deepfake or not.
3.1 Pre-processing
3.1.1 Frame Selection
We select 10 frames from each video to be used to
train and evaluate the models. We use three different
methods for frame selection and compare the perfor-
mance of the proposed model. The three frame selec-
tion methods that we use are the following:
1. First-10: extract the First-10 frames from each
video (see Figure 2a).
2. Equal Interval: extract 10 frames from each
video with a 1-sec interval as shown (see Fig-
ure 2b).
3. Most Changes: select the interval of the video,
of duration one second, that contains the most
changes of visual appearance. The method con-
sists of the following steps:
(a) select 10 frames from a video at intervals of
one second, compute a measure of the struc-
tural similarity (SSIM) between two consecu-
tive frames among the 10 selected frames, and
select the pair of frames that has the least SSIM;
(b) select ten equally-spaced frames from the se-
lected interval including the start and endpoint
(see Figure 2c).
The First-10 method captures the first ten frames
where the difference between the consecutive frames
is least. The Most Changes method captures the tran-
sition between the most changing frames in an inter-
val one second long and the difference between frame
i and frame i + 1 is large, which may highlight incon-
sistencies due to the tampering. The Equal Interval
method selects 10 frames at equal intervals and the
difference between frame i and frame i + 1 is bigger
than both the First-10 and Most Changes method.
Figure 2: Frame selection methods: (a) First-10 (b) Equal
Interval (c) Most Changes: ten frames extracted between
frame 150 and frame 180 having the least similarity score.
3.1.2 Face Detection and Cropping
As the deepfake generation algorithms focus on the
face area to perform video manipulation, we only de-
tect the face region by performing face detection and
cropping. However, we include in the crop also the
pixels surrounding the face, which helps in capturing
the spatial inconsistencies around the face boundaries.
We use pixel padding equal to 0.7 of the face crop
size, such that the total width of the cropped region is
1.7 times the actual cropped face. Finally, we resize
all images to 224x224 pixels.
For face detection, we use a detection algorithm
based on a deep network, namely Mobilenet SSD as
it has high performance with low computational cost.
In case more than one person is present in the video, at
each frame we select and crop the face that is detected
with higher confidence in the first frame.
3.1.3 Data Augmentation
As augmentation makes the model robust, we per-
form additional augmentations provided by Albumen-
tations (Buslaev et al., 2020). We perform one of the
augmentations: rgbshift, random brightness/contrast,
random gamma, hue saturation value shift with a
probability p = 0.1665 and jpeg-compression with
p = 0.334 on 33% of the training data. Additionally,
we perform Horizontal Flip with probability p = 0.5.
We normalize the images using mean=(0.485, 0.456,
0.406) and standard deviation=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225).
3.2 Proposed Model
We propose a method that combines a CapsuleNet
with an LSTM network and aims at finding spatio-
temporal inconsistencies in sequences of frames of
deepfake forged videos. The method can be split into
two parts: the CapsuleNet, which acts as a feature ex-
tractor and identifies spatial inconsistencies in a single
frame, and the LSTM, which takes a sequence of fea-
ture vectors extracted by CapsuleNet from a sequence
Deepfake Detection using Capsule Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Figure 3: Detailed Architecture: CapsuleNet + LSTM Model.
of frames as input and identifies temporal inconsisten-
cies across the given sequence of frames. The motiva-
tions behind using capsule networks are twofold. On
the one hand, CapsuleNets are more robust, preserve
pose information, and are equivariant in parameters
like translation, rotation, scale, etc. solving some of
the limitations of convolutional networks. It does not
only detect features but also estimates their orienta-
tion and the spatial relation among them.
On the other hand, a CapsuleNet requires fewer
parameters than a CNN while achieving similar per-
formance. This is made possible by the squashing
function and the dynamic routing-by-agreement al-
gorithm for training. Spatial inconsistencies in deep-
fakes are usually blurred and flickering of faces, and
no reflection in the eyes. Therefore, training a deep
learning model to detect these inconsistencies will
help in identifying deepfakes. In this paper, we in-
vestigate the use of CapsuleNet as an alternative to a
traditional CNN for detecting spatial inconsistencies.
For the CapsuleNet part of our architecture, we
use the capsule forensics model (Nguyen et al., 2019)
and remove the output capsules to extract feature vec-
tors as output. The model uses part of the pre-trained
VGG-19 (until the third max-pooling layer) as a fea-
ture extractor and is equivalent to the CNN part of the
original capsule network architecture. After the fea-
tures are extracted from the CNN, they are passed to
multiple capsules, each with different weights initial-
ized from a normal distribution.
Using too few capsules limits the extent of de-
tectable features (Nguyen et al., 2018). From our ex-
periments, we observed that a large number of cap-
sules induces the model to overfit the training sam-
ples. Therefore, we configure our model to use 10
capsules. Each capsule consists of a 2D convolution,
a statistical pooling, and a 1D convolution. The sta-
tistical pooling layer was demonstrated to be effective
for improving the performance of network training on
forensics and forged video detection task. The statis-
tical pooling layer includes mean and variance filters,
respectively computed as follows:
ki j
HxW 1
ki j
where H and W are the height and width of the fil-
ter respectively, k is the layer index, and I is the 2-
dimensional filter array. The output of the statisti-
cal pooling layer is 1-dimensional, which is then pro-
cessed with a 1D convolution. The output of a capsule
is an 8-dimensional feature vector. Using 10 capsules
and flattening their outputs determine an output fea-
ture vectors of 80 elements that encode a spatial de-
scription of the input face image. These features help
in detecting spatial inconsistencies in a given frame.
We perform the feature extraction process using
a CapsuleNet on 10 frames of a video to get 10 fea-
ture vectors of size 80 each. These vectors are then
given as an input to a single layer LSTM model with
512 hidden units that captures the temporal incon-
sistencies across multiple frames. The output of the
last LSTM cell is then passed through a fully con-
nected layer of output size 256, followed by ReLU
activation and a dropout layer with a coefficient of
0.5, which helps to avoid overfitting. Subsequently,
the output of the dropout layer is further processed
with a second fully connected layer and a softmax
function that provides a probability score between 0
(real) and 1 (fake). The second fully connected layer
contributes to achieving better classification perfor-
mance. A cross-entropy loss function and an AdamW
optimizer are used to train the model parameters, with
a learning rate of 10
and a weight decay of 10
The proposed method thus uses both spatial and tem-
poral features to identify a given sequence of frames
from a video as real or fake. The detailed model ar-
chitecture is shown in Figure 3.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
4.1 Data Set
We carried out experiments on the DFDC data
set (Dolhansky et al., 2020), constructed by AWS,
Facebook, Microsoft, and the Partnership on AI along
with other academic partners. The data set is part of
the Deepfake Detection Challenge, which aims to de-
velop machine learning models that can help to detect
real and manipulated media content.
The dataset contains over 470GB of videos
(19,154 real videos and 100,000 fake videos),
recorded using 486 actors. Each video has a dura-
tion of about 10 seconds and is generated using 4 dif-
ferent deepfake generation techniques, namely Deep-
fake Autoencoder, MM/NN face swap, Neural Talk-
ing Heads, and Face Swapping GAN. No data aug-
mentations are performed. Additionally, a test set
is available that is used for performance compari-
son on Kaggle, namely for the Public Leaderboard.
The Public Test Set is collected in the same way as
DFDC and contains 4,000 videos (2,000 real videos
and 2,000 fake videos) from 214 actors who do not
perform in the DFDC data-set. The major differences
with respect to the DFDC dataset are that it includes
videos generated with one additional deepfake gen-
eration technique, namely StyleGAN, combined with
heavy data augmentation.
We pre-process the dataset and prepare the video
samples for our experiments as follows. First, we per-
form a subsampling. As the dataset is imbalanced
with 100,000 fake videos and 19,154 real videos, we
randomly subsample the fake videos such that the fi-
nal data-set is balanced with 19,154 fake and 19,154
real videos. Subsequently, we split the dataset into
training and test sets. As the DFDC data-set is pro-
vided in 50 parts, we perform folder-wise split to
avoid mixing of actor videos across multiple folders,
so that we ensure the test videos do not contain actors
that are in the training videos. We use folders 0-39 for
Training, 40-44 for Validation, and 45-49 for Testing.
4.2 Performance Metrics
For evaluating our model performances, we compute
two metrics, namely accuracy and the area under the
ROC curve (AUC). The accuracy is the ratio of cor-
rectly classified observations to all classification out-
puts. The AUC is a measure used for comparing the
performance of classifiers. AUC is equal to the prob-
ability that the classifier will rank a randomly sam-
pled positive example higher than a randomly sam-
pled negative example.
4.3 Baseline Models
We compare the performance of the proposed archi-
tecture with that of the following approaches:
CapsuleNet: we use the Capsule Forensics ap-
proach (Nguyen et al., 2018), which we refer to as
CapsuleNet. We configure the number of capsules
as in the backbone of our model, i.e. 10 capsules.
The input is a single frame and the output is the
probability of it being real or fake.
XceptionNet: the XceptionNet network (R
et al., 2019) achieved the highest performance on the
benchmark data-sets for deepfake detection. We use
the pre-trained model and replace the last layer with a
set of custom layers: we deploy a sequence of a con-
nected layer (2048 to 512 units), and a final fully con-
nected layer that transforms a 512-dimensional output
into a scalar number.
4.4 Experiments
We carried out different experiments to evaluate the
impact of different frame selection strategies on the
performance of the proposed method in comparison
with those of the methods mentioned in Section 4.3
and validate the influence that they have on the quality
and generalization capabilities of the trained models.
We compare the XceptionNet model with the Cap-
sule Network when they are trained using a single
frame selected from each video: we focused on the
contribution that spatial features only have for the de-
tection of fake videos. We also compare the perfor-
mance results of XceptionNet and CapsuleNet when
using the frame-by-frame selection strategy (i.e. Av-
erage): the models are trained on multiple frames
taken from each video to learn the spatial features.
In the test phase, the predictions on multiple frames
of a video are averaged to classify a test video as real
or fake. To train the spatio-temporal model, i.e. Cap-
suleNet+LSTM, we deploy a multiple frame strategy:
the models are trained on sequences of frames taken
from the training videos to learn spatio-temporal fea-
tures of the deepfake inconsistencies. In the test
phase, test sequences are classified at once by the
LSTM part of the networks.
We performed further experiments to provide in-
sights about the regions of the frames that the net-
works focus on to perform the classification. We pro-
vide the CapsuleNet+LSTM model with sequences
extracted from real and deepfake videos and visual-
ized the activation maps of the capsule units using the
open-source tool Grad-CAM (Ozbulak, 2019).
Deepfake Detection using Capsule Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
5.1 Results
In Table 1, we report the results of the proposed meth-
ods and compare them with those achieved by ex-
isting methods. The combined CapsuleNet+LSTM
model achieves an accuracy value, on the DFDC test
set, of ~5% higher than that of the CapsuleNet model
that classifies fake and real videos on a single frame.
When compared to the CapsuleNet that uses an aver-
age of multiple frames, it achieved an accuracy higher
by about ~2-2.5%. The LSTM contributes to extend
the capability of the CapsuleNet model to detect spa-
tial inconsistency by taking into account the temporal
characteristics of such artifacts.
When compared to the baseline XceptionNet
model, our model achieved lower performance on the
DFDC test set. The performance gap between the
two models is, however, small: the difference in accu-
racy is ~3.3% in the case of the CapsuleNet + LSTM
model vs XceptionNet (average of multiple frames).
On the public test set, the proposed spatio-temporal
model achieved an accuracy value of 78.38%, which
is the same as that obtained by the XceptionNet.
In general, we observed that the proposed Capsu-
leNet and CapsuleNet+LSTM models are relatively
more robust than Xception-based models when tested
on data with characteristics not included in the train-
ing data. The drop of accuracy observed when test-
ing the considered models on the public test set is, in-
deed, relatively lower for the CapsuleNet-based mod-
els with respect to that of the XceptionNet model. The
reason for these results may be due to the augmenta-
tions and the use of an additional deepfake technique
applied for the generation of the public test set. This
shows that our model is more robust towards unseen
deepfake generation techniques and heavy augmenta-
tions and achieves similar performance to the state-
of-the-art model.
5.2 Impact of Frame Selection
When using a single frame extracted from a video to
train the models and subsequently detect deepfake al-
terations in videos, it can be observed that Xception-
Net outperforms CapsuleNet (by ~6% in accuracy).
Similar results are achieved when selecting an aver-
age of 10 frames, with a slight improvement of accu-
racy achieved by both models.
In general, the selection of random frames does
not take into account in which parts of the video the
inconsistencies occur. Hence, there is a chance that
one may select a real frame from a deepfake video
Figure 4: Output of CapsuleNet on a real and a fake video.
and the single-frame model will classify it as a real
video. In Figure 4, we show the results of using the
CapsuleNet on a real video and a deepfake video to
predict if every single frame is fake or not. As can be
seen, the model for the deepfake video predicts some
frames as real. Hence, it is better to consider a se-
quence of frames in comparison to a single frame to
detect deepfake videos.
We report the results that we achieved using dif-
ferent frame selection strategies in Table 1. The
Equal Interval frame selection method consistently
contributes to achieving higher performance results
than First-10 and Most Changes methods for all the
considered models. We observe that, in the case of se-
lecting the First-10 frames, the impact of the frame se-
lection method is negligible, i.e. an increase of ~0.1-
1.6% in accuracy for the baseline models, while for
the temporal based model, i.e. CapsuleNet+LSTM,
the impact is larger. CapsuleNet+LSTM has a higher
increase of ~5.6% from First-10 and ~1.9% from
Most Changes in accuracy in comparison to Equal In-
terval. Similarly, when comparing the performance
of frame selection methods on the public test set, the
Equal Interval selection method impacts positively
on the performance of all the models and contributes
to achieving higher results in comparison to First-10
and Most Changes selection techniques. Hence, the
models better detect spatial and temporal inconsisten-
cies in videos when using Equal Interval frames. The
frame selection method for detecting fake videos is
an important aspect and the proposed Equal Interval
approach achieves the best performance.
We show the ROC curves that we achieved using
different frame selection methods on the public test
set using the CapsuleNet + LSTM model in Figure 5.
This analysis confirms that Equal Interval has the best
performance, followed by Most Changes and then the
First-10 method for each data-set.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of the results of CapsuleNet- and XceptionNet-based models on the DFDC test set and public test set.
Model Frame Selection
DFDC Test Public Test
Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC
CapsuleNet Single Frame 78.49% 0.8516 71.65% 0.7837
XceptionNet Single Frame 84.48% 0.8883 75.50% 0.8153
CapsuleNet First-10 (Average) 79.36% 0.8684 71.63% 0.7997
XceptionNet First-10 (Average) 85.50% 0.9359 76.83% 0.8674
CapsuleNet + LSTM First-10 77.77% 0.8599 72.73% 0.8059
CapsuleNet Equal Interval (Average) 80.96% 0.8996 73.63% 0.8241
XceptionNet Equal Interval (Average) 86.78% 0.9571 78.99% 0.8863
CapsuleNet + LSTM Equal Interval 83.42% 0.9115 78.38% 0.8567
CapsuleNet Most Changes (Average) 79.27% 0.8774 72.28% 0.8096
XceptionNet Most Changes (Average) 86.27% 0.9460 77.34% 0.8744
CapsuleNet + LSTM Most Changes 81.54% 0.8873 74.67% 0.8308
Figure 5: ROC curves achieved by the proposed Cap-
suleNet+LSTM model that uses different frame selection
techniques on the public test set.
5.3 Computational Complexity
Although XceptionNet-based models achieve slightly
better results on the DFDC test set and comparable
on the public test set, the proposed CapsuleNet +
LSTM network is much smaller in size than Xcep-
tionNet, requiring fewer parameters to be tuned dur-
ing training. As shown in Table 2, the number of
parameters of CapsuleNet + LSTM is about 1/5
that of XceptionNet, while in the case of size, Capsu-
leNet + LSTM is 1/4
of that of XceptionNet. Hence
making it lighter and with reduced computational re-
quirements. The much smaller number of parameters
and comparable performance results are indications
that the proposed model is less prone to overfitting
and generalizes better on unseen data. The proposed
model required fewer resources and power and can be
used in distributed systems or integrating into online
social media platforms for real-time identification of
deepfakes at a lower computational cost.
Table 2: Comparison of the size of the models.
Model Params Size
CapsuleNet 2.79 M 6.3 MB
CapsuleNet + LSTM 4.03 M 21.1MB
XceptionNet 21.86M 87.8MB
5.4 Visualization of Spatial Features
We visualize the response maps of the feature learned
in the capsules of the proposed spatio-temporal mod-
els for real and fake video, and show the results in
Figure 6, where we report the input image (a) and the
corresponding feature response maps (b)-(g).
In Figure 6a, (b) focuses below the mouth region,
(c) focuses outside the eyes and nose region, (d) fo-
cuses on eyes and nose, (e) focuses on the whole
face excluding the eyes, (f) and (g) are the output of
Guided Grad X Image in grayscale and color. The
capsules mostly focus on the facial regions of the
whole face when classifying the given sequence of
frames as fake. In Figure 6b, (b) focuses below the
eyes region, (c) focuses on the lower face, (d) focuses
on the eyes, (e) focuses on the region around the eyes,
while (f) and (g) are the output of Guided Grad X Im-
age in grayscale and color. The capsules mostly focus
on facial regions around the eyes, nose, and mouth
when identifying the given sequence of frames as real.
Most capsules focus on facial areas while some
capsules fail to detect the manipulated regions. How-
ever, with multiple capsules, these features are col-
lected and combined as spatial features. Combining
these features across multiple frames to get temporal
features, the LSTM-augmented models learn to over-
come issues of the spatial-only features and detect in-
consistencies across spatial and temporal domains.
Deepfake Detection using Capsule Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
(a) Fake frame
(b) Real frame
Figure 6: Capsule visualizations: (a) is the input image.
(b)-(g) are the Grad-CAM visualizations.
This paper presents a spatio-temporal model based
on a CapsuleNet integrated with an LSTM network
for deepfake detection. We observed that the cap-
sules learn different facial features in the regions of
the eyes, outside eyes, nose, mouth, and whole face
excluding eyes for both real and fake videos, focus-
ing on areas where spatial inconsistencies due to the
deepfake alterations occur. The LSTM network com-
bines spatial features over time and focuses on tem-
poral inconsistencies of local features.
On the DFDC test set, our model achieves an ac-
curacy of 83.42%, which is ~3.3% lower than the
state-of-the-art model. On the contrary, on the public
test set, the proposed CapsuleNet+LSTM model and
XceptionNet achieve similar accuracy (~78%). The
substantial drop in the performance of XceptionNet is
attributable to a lack of generalization of data that has
undergone a heavy augmentation process in the pub-
lic test set. The proposed CapsuleNet+LSTM model
is able to generalize better on data with unseen modi-
fications and fake videos created with new tampering
techniques. The frame selection method has a signif-
icant impact on performance. Equal Interval achieves
the best performance, followed by Most Changes and
First-10 in each data-set.
The model we propose has around 1/5
ber of parameters (~4M) as compared to XceptionNet
(~22M parameters), achieving comparable accuracy
while requiring a lower computational cost. Hence,
the proposed model is more suitable to be used in dis-
tributed systems and online social media platforms.
Future work could include an ensemble of models
and different frame selection techniques for the im-
provement of deepfake detection.
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications