Domain Adaptation Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Mitigating
Unintended Bias in Toxic Language Detection
Farshid Faal
, Jia Yuan Yu
and Ketra Schmitt
Concordia Institute for Information System Engineering, Canada
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Toxic Language Detection, Unintended Bias, Multi-task Learning, Domain Adaptation, Deep Neural
Network, Contextual Language Model.
As online communities have grown, so has the ability to exchange ideas, which includes an increase in the
spread of toxic language, including racism, sexual harassment, and other negative behaviors that are not tol-
erated in polite society. Hence, toxic language detection within online conversations has become an essential
application of natural language processing. In recent years, machine learning approaches for toxic language
detection have primarily focused on many researchers in academics and industries. However, in many of these
machine learning models, non-toxic comments containing specific identity terms, such as gay, Black, Muslim,
and Jewish, were given unreasonably high toxicity scores. In this research, we propose a new approach based
on the domain adaptation language model and multi-task deep neural network to identify and mitigate this
form of unintended model bias in online conversations. We use six toxic language detection and identification
tasks to train the model to detect toxic contents and mitigate unintended bias in model prediction. We evaluate
our model and compare it with other state-of-the-art deep learning models using specific performance metrics
to measure the model bias. In detailed experiments, we show our approach can identify the toxic language in
conversations with considerably more robustness to model bias towards commonly-attacked identity groups
presented in online conversations in social media.
Identifying potential toxicity within online conversa-
tions has become an essential topic for social media
platforms. Social media has become a viable route
for people to express their views, and this has been
a boon to large numbers of people, including minori-
ties, who are able to connect with one another, share
experiences and organize. While expressing oneself
on these platforms is a human right that must be
respected, inducing, and spreading toxic speech to-
wards another group is an abuse of this privilege.
Toxicity in online conversations is defined as tex-
tual comments with threats, insults, obscene, disre-
spectful or rude content, or racism. In the last few
years, there have been several studies on applying ma-
chine learning methods to detect toxic language in
online content (Burnap and Williams, 2015; David-
son et al., 2019; Kumar et al., 2018). With the recent
growth in the use of machine learning methods for
the toxic language detection task, several researchers
have identified that these classifiers have been shown
to capture and replicate biases common in society
(Wiegand et al., 2019; Borkan et al., 2019). A spe-
cific problem found in these classifiers is their sensi-
tivity to frequently attacked identity groups such as
gay, Muslim, Jewish, and Black, which are only toxic
comments when combined with the right context. The
source of this bias is the unbalanced representation of
identity terms in a training dataset: terms like ”gay”
were often used in toxic comments; hence the mod-
els are over-generalized and learned to associate those
terms with the toxicity label unfairly (Borkan et al.,
2019; Dixon et al., 2018; Park et al., 2018).
In this research, our primary focus is to ex-
plore and propose a method for mitigating the un-
intended model bias in toxic language detection
task. We propose a multi-task deep neural network
(MTDNN) framework based on a domain adapta-
tion language model that detects and identifies toxic
language within online conversations. Recent stud-
ies demonstrate that multi-task learning can improve
performance on various natural language understand-
ing tasks while revealing novel insights about lan-
Faal, F., Yu, J. and Schmitt, K.
Domain Adaptation Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Mitigating Unintended Bias in Toxic Language Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0010266109320940
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 932-940
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
guage modeling (Suresh et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019).
Furthermore, we consider a large-pretrained trans-
former model introduced by (Devlin et al., 2019) for
our MTDNN as the language model, and we con-
tinue its pretraining on our dataset to have a domain-
specific language model that tuned for the toxic lan-
guage detection task. For evaluating our proposed
approach on real data, we use the ”Unintended Bias
in Toxicity Classification” dataset published by the
Google Jigsaw team (Google, 2019), which contains
1,804,874 comments from the Civil Comments plat-
form. Google Conversation AI Team extended anno-
tation for this dataset by human raters for different
toxic conversational attributes. In our work, we con-
sider evaluation metrics specifically designed to mea-
sure bias in the toxic detection model and compare it
with other state-of-the-art deep learning models.
Research in the field of safety and security in social
media has grown substantially in the last few years.
A particularly relevant aspect of this research is of-
fensive language detection in social networks. Previ-
ous studies have looked into various aspects of offen-
sive languages, such as the use of abusive and aggres-
sion language (Kumar et al., 2018), bullying (Dad-
var et al., 2013), hate and toxic language (David-
son et al., 2019; Burnap and Williams, 2015; Borkan
et al., 2019). To this end, various datasets have been
created to benchmark progress in the field (Wulczyn
et al., 2017; Dixon et al., 2018; Google, 2019).
Recent studies introduced different machine
learning methods for toxic language detection task
(Mishra et al., 2019; Wulczyn et al., 2017; Dixon
et al., 2018). The best performing systems introduced
in these studies used deep learning approaches such
as LSTMs and CNNs and Transformers (Dinan et al.,
2019; Kumar et al., 2018). The unintended biases
related to race, gender, and sexuality that yield high
false-positive rates are investigated in recent studies
(Burnap and Williams, 2015; Thomas et al., 2017).
Furthermore, (Waseem, 2016) studied the correlation
between annotation schemes, the annotators’ identity,
and reducing the effect of bias in machine learning
models. A recent work (Dixon et al., 2018) investi-
gated biases in the ”Google Perspective API” classi-
fier and revealed that several ”social identity terms”
are disproportionately represented in the dataset la-
beled as toxic, and this false-positive bias is caused
by the model over-generalizing from the training data.
In addition, recent works introduced metrics to quan-
tify these unintended bias according to specific defi-
nitions (Friedler et al., 2019; Kleinberg et al., 2016;
Menon and Williamson, 2018) and the importance of
these metrics in evaluating the machine learning mod-
els is demonstrated in (Brennan et al., 2009; Buo-
lamwini and Gebru, 2018). Among these works,
Google conversation AI Team (Borkan et al., 2019)
proposed metrics that are threshold agnostic, robust to
class imbalances in the dataset, and provide more nu-
anced insight into the types of unintended bias present
in the model. In our work, we use these particular
evaluation metrics to evaluate the quality of our pro-
posed approach in mitigating the model bias. The
structure of our multi-task learning is influenced by
Transformers-based multi-task learning frameworks
introduced by (Liu et al., 2019). In (Liu et al., 2019),
the author introduced a Multi-Task Deep Neural Net-
work for learning representations across multiple nat-
ural language understanding tasks and demonstrate
that multi-task learning leads to create more general
representations to help adapt to new tasks and do-
In this work, for unintended bias evaluation on real
data, we use the ”Unintended Bias in Toxicity Clas-
sification” dataset published by the Google Jigsaw
(Google, 2019). This dataset contains 1,804,874 com-
ments from the Civil Comments platform made avail-
able at the end of 2017 to understand and improve on-
line conversations. Google Conversation AI Team ex-
tended annotation for this dataset by human raters for
different toxic conversational attributes. This dataset
includes individual comments that are used to detect
toxicity. Each comment in the dataset has a toxicity
label with fractional values (between 0 and 1), rep-
resenting the fraction of human raters who believed
the attribute applied to the given comment. The com-
ment with a label greater or equal to 0.5 will be con-
sidered the toxic class; otherwise, it is considered a
non-toxic class. The total number of toxic comments
in this dataset is 144334, which is 8% of all the com-
ments are toxic comments. While all of the comments
were labeled for toxicity, a subset of the dataset that
includes 405130 comments has also been labeled with
various identity attributes (non-exclusive), represent-
ing the presence of identities in the comments. Table
1 demonstrates all these identities with the number of
toxic and non-toxic comments related to each one.
In our work, for training the MTDNN model, we
create six tasks from the dataset. The first task, which
is also the main task in our work, is toxic comment
detection, which has two labels: toxic and non-toxic.
Domain Adaptation Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Mitigating Unintended Bias in Toxic Language Detection
Table 1: Identities presented in the dataset with the number of toxic and non-toxic comments by each identity.
Identity Group Identity attributes Non-Toxic Toxic
Female 63264 10426
Male 68382 11797
Transgender 5038 1082
Other gender 2296 427
Christian 55915 5445
Jewish 9290 1615
Muslim 21007 5643
Hindu 1361 196
Buddhist 1204 162
Atheist 1974 279
Other religion 14710 2022
Race or Ethnicity
Asian 9746 1229
Black 14097 5466
White 22135 7813
Latino 5813 1123
Other race or ethnicity 16169 2698
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual 2735 718
Homosexual-gay-or-lesbian 11459 3848
Bisexual 2800 530
Other sexual orientation 3697 811
Physical disability 2779 448
Intellectual or learning disability 1823 825
Psychiatric disability or mental illness 8253 2412
Other disability 3088 457
Since all the comments were labeled for toxicity, we
consider all the data for this task. The goal of the
first task is to detect whether the comment is toxic or
non-toxic. Furthermore, we want to reduce the model
bias towards the specific social identities in non-toxic
comments. For this purpose, we create five more tasks
to help the model to reduce identity bias in the toxicity
prediction task. Since the dataset includes five iden-
tity groups in which each group consists of different
identity attributes (Table 1), we create a task for each
identity group to predict the identity attributes related
to its identity group. For this purpose, we only con-
sidered the comments labeled for subgroup identities;
hence the size of data for each task varies. It is impor-
tant to note that these ve tasks are multi-label text
classification tasks, and more than one label may as-
sign to a single comment in each task. Table 2 demon-
strates these ve tasks with the number of toxic and
non-toxic comments in each task.
In this section, we discuss our proposed approach
for toxic language detection model. The training
procedure of our proposed model consists of two
stages: Domain adaptation masked language model
pre-training and multi-task learning, discussed in de-
tail in the following section.
4.1 Language Model Domain
The first step in the training of our model is domain
adaption for language modeling. We continue the pre-
training of the language model on our dataset prior
to classification tasks in this step. Recent studies
showed that further pretraining on the related domain
corpus could further improve the ability of the lan-
guage model and achieved the state of the art per-
formance on several text classification datasets (Sun
et al., 2019). In this work, we use the BERT model
architecture as a pretrained language model. BERT
model is a stack of 12 Transformer encoder layers
with 12 attention heads, a hidden size of 768, and to-
tal parameters of 110M. The BERT is pretrained on
two semi-supervised tasks: masked language model-
ing (MLM) that predicts randomly masked input to-
kens and next sentence prediction (NSP) that predicts
if two input sentences are adjacent to each other (De-
vlin et al., 2019). The BERT model is pretrained on
general domain corpus; the BooksCorpus with 800M
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Distribution of data for each toxic identification task.
Task Number of labels Non-Toxic Toxic
Gender identification 4 106526 18060
Religion identification 7 80145 11340
Race or Ethnicity identification 5 51555 13199
Sexual Orientation 4 15890 4644
Disability 4 13243 3582
words (Zhu et al., 2015) and English Wikipedia with
2500M words. The data distribution for the toxicity
detection task is different from BERT general domain
corpus. Hence, we further pretrain BERT with MLM
and NSP tasks on our domain-specific dataset. For
this purpose, we continue pretraining BERT on the
training set that we prepared and discussed in sec-
tion 3. The Transformer encoder’s parameters are ini-
tialized by the pretrained BERT model, and then two
semi-supervised prediction tasks, MLM and NSP, are
utilized to continue pretraining the model parameters.
The pretraining details and the model hyperparame-
ters will discuss in section 5.
4.2 Multi-task Learning Framework
In machine learning, we usually train a single model
or an ensemble of models on the desired dataset to op-
timize the model for a specific metric. This approach
studies extensively and generally gives good results
on a single task; however, when we focus on a single
task, we ignore the information from the training sig-
nals of related tasks. We can enable our model to bet-
ter generalize our original task by sharing representa-
tions between all related tasks in a multi-task learn-
ing approach. In this work, we explore and propose
a method for training on multiple tasks to eventually
produce separate parameter settings that perform well
on each specific task. As discussed in section 3, we
consider six tasks in our multi-task learning frame-
work: One task for toxic comment detection and ve
tasks for group identity detection. The model jointly
trained on these tasks to mitigate the bias in model
prediction towards commonly attacked identities in
the toxic classification task.
The architecture of our MTDNN model is shown
in Figure 1. The model includes two main parts:
shared layers that shared the domain-adaptive BERT
model parameters across all tasks and task-specific
layers that are unique for each task and produce out-
put for each task separately. The shared layers’ input
is constructed by summing the corresponding token
embeddings, segment embeddings, and position em-
beddings for a given input token. The BERT model
is the shared representation across all tasks, and in
a multi-task learning model, it learns the represen-
tations using multi-task objectives and the pretrain-
ing. The task-specific layers of the multi-task learning
model include six separate modules dedicated to each
task, where each module contains a feed-forward neu-
ral network with the number of outputs equals to the
number of labels in each task. During training, each
task-specific module takes the contextualized embed-
dings generated by BERT layers from input sequences
and produces a probability distribution for its target
labels. Different factors, such as the size of a dataset
and the task’s complexity, must be considered to set
the proportion of data for training of each task. Fur-
thermore, in multi-task learning, achieving good per-
formance on one task can hinder the performance of
other tasks (Raffel et al., 2019; McCann et al., 2018).
Given these concerns, exploring a proper strategy for
setting the proper proportion of data for each task is
A recent study (McCann et al., 2018) showed that
in multi-task training for natural language process-
ing application, the anti-curriculum schedules strat-
egy (Bengio et al., 2009) provides better results com-
pared to the fully joint sampling strategy. Among our
six tasks, toxic detection with two labels (task-1) is
a less complicated classification task than the other
five group identification tasks with multiple identity
labels. We use the anti-curriculum schedules strat-
egy, and we start the training with five group identi-
fication tasks (task-2 to task-6); then, after the model
train for two epochs, we add the first task and con-
tinue the training with all six tasks in a fully joint
sampling strategy for four epochs. For training our
multi-task neural network, first, we randomly initial-
ized the task-specific model parameters. Then, for the
first two epochs, a mini-batch is selected among five
group identification tasks (task-2 to task-6), and the
model is trained according to the task-specific objec-
tives. After two epochs, for the rest of the training,
task-1 will be added, and the training with all six tasks
in a fully joint sampling strategy continues. In our
work, the cross-entropy loss is used as the objective
for all tasks. Since the toxic detection task (task-1)
is a binary classification task, the toxic detection loss
is defined as:
Domain Adaptation Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Mitigating Unintended Bias in Toxic Language Detection
Figure 1: The architecture of the multi-task deep neural network model.
log ˆy
+ (1 c
)log(1 ˆy
)] (1)
Where c is ground-truth labels, ˆy
is the probability
predicted by the model as class c and N is the number
of training data. The loss function for identity detec-
tion tasks (task-2 to task-6) is defined as:
logσ( ˆy
) + (1 c
)logσ(1 ˆy
)] (2)
Where σ(.) is the Sigmoid function. The total model
loss L
is calculated as L
where L
is the loss for each task, and T is the total number of
tasks (T = 6 in our work). The anti-curriculum sched-
ules strategy for training the MTDNN is summarized
in Algorithm 1, and the fully joint sampling strategy
is summarized in Algorithm 2.
In this section, we first describe the hyperparameters
of our model and then compare the performance of
our model to three other baseline models that we will
discuss in the following.
5.1 Experimental Settings
We follow the settings prescribed for pretraining
BERT by (Devlin et al., 2019) to continue pretraining
on our training dataset. We continue pretraining the
BERT with a batch size of 32 and maximum tokens
of 512 for two epochs over the training set. We use
Adam algorithm with weight decay fix (Loshchilov
and Hutter, 2018) with learning rate of 5e 5, Adam
Algorithm 1: Multi-task training with anti-
curriculum schedules strategy.
Initialize the model parameters θ randomly ;
Initialize the shared layers for all five identity
detection tasks (task-2 to task-6) with
domain-adaptive pretrained BERT ;
Pack the dataset of five tasks into
mini-batches of D
, D
, D
, D
and D
for two epochs do
Merge mini-batches to create D
= D
foreach mini-batch in D
Compute task-specific loss based on
Equation 2 ;
Compute total loss L
as sum of all
losses from each task: L
Update the model parameters based
on total loss ;
beta weights of β
= 0.9, β
= 0.999, Adam epsilon
of 1e 6 and weight decay of 0.01. The dropout
probability of 0.1 is used on all layers.
The implementation of our multi-task learning
is based on the PyTorch implementation described
in (Liu et al., 2019). For multi-task training, we
use AdamW algorithm with learning rate of 2e 5,
Adam beta weights of β
= 0.9, β
= 0.999, Adam
epsilon of 1e 6 and weight decay of 0.01. The
maximum number of epochs was set to 6 with a batch
size of 32. we also set the dropout rate of all the
task-specific layers as 0.1. Furthermore, we use the
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 2: Multi-task training with fully joint
Initialize the model parameters Θ from
anti-curriculum schedules strategy
(Algorithm 1) ;
for four epochs do
Merge mini-batches to create D
= D
foreach mini-batch in D
Compute task-specific loss based on
Equation 1 and 2 ;
Compute total loss L
as sum of all
losses from each task:
Update the model parameters based
on total loss ;
wordpieces tokenizer with the maximum sequence
length of 256 tokens. In our experiments, we perform
6-fold cross-validation on the dataset. In each fold,
90% of the training data is set aside for training, and
10% is used for validation.
5.2 Comparison Models
We compare our proposed model with two other deep
learning models that are described as follows:
BERT + Fine-tuning: This model was intro-
duced in (Devlin et al., 2019) and considered
as the current state-of-the-art workflow for fine-
tuning the BERT for a specific single task. In
this model, we use pretrained BERT as a language
model, and for each task, we fine-tune the BERT
separately and independently.
Domain-adaption BERT + Fine-tuning: In this
model, we continue pretraining BERT on the
training dataset, and then we fine-tuned BERT for
each task independently. We name this model
as Adaptive-BERT-fine-tuning in our evaluations.
We compare the state of the art baseline (BERT-
fine-tuning) with this model to observe the model
performance improvement yields through lan-
guage model adaptation in our task.
5.3 Evaluation Metrics
In our work, we consider two groups of evaluation
metrics. The first group includes Precision, Recall,
and F1-scores metrics, and the second group of eval-
uation metrics is unintended bias evaluation metrics
introduced and specified by the Google conversation
AI team (Borkan et al., 2019). Google Jigsaw
introduced three metrics to measure mitigation of
unintended bias by a model, namely Subgroup AUC,
Background Positive Subgroup Negative (BPSN)
AUC, and Generalized Mean of Bias AUCs (GMB-
AUC). To calculate these three metrics, we divide the
data by identity subgroup and the metrics compare
the subgroup to the rest of the dataset, which we
call the ”background” data. By dividing the dataset
into background and identity subgroups, four distinct
subsets were created: negative (non-toxic) examples
in the background, negative examples in the sub-
group, positive (toxic) examples in the background,
and positive examples in the subgroup. Hence, three
AUCs are defined to measure negative and positive
misordering between these four subsets. Let D
the negative examples in the background set, D
the positive examples in the background set, D
the negative examples in the identity subgroup, and
be the positive examples in the identity subgroup.
We can define four bias identification metrics as
The Subgroup-AUC is defined as follows:
+ D
calculates AUC using only the examples
from the subgroup and indicates an understanding of
the model within a specific subgroup. A High value
represents that the model can distinguish between
toxic and non-toxic comments in the subgroup.
The BPSN-AUC is defined as:
+ D
A model with a high BPSN-AUC score is capable of
reducing biases towards a specific subgroup identity,
and it is less prone to confuse non-toxic comments
that mentioned the identity subgroup with toxic
comments that did not mention.
The GMB-AUC combines the per-subgroup bias
AUCs into one overall metric and defined as follows:
) =
where M
is the p th power-mean function, m
the bias metric calculated for subgroup s and N is the
number of identity subgroups.
Domain Adaptation Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Mitigating Unintended Bias in Toxic Language Detection
5.4 Results Analysis
The performance of our proposed model for tox-
icity detection (task-1) is summarized in Table 3.
The Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN model outperforms all
other baselines in all four metrics. As we can observe
from Table 3, the Recall and Precision both have im-
proved in Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN, which means the
model can identify more toxic comments in a dataset
with less false-positive rates. The GMB-AUC metric
in Table 3 indicates how much the model can distin-
guish valid toxic comments from non-toxic comments
that contain specific subgroup identities. Hence, in
our work, the improvement in the value of this metric
indicates an improvement in reducing the unintended
bias in model prediction, which is our primary goal in
this work. The results in Table 3 indicate that our pro-
posed approach is capable of classifying toxic com-
ments and distinguish non-toxic comments from toxic
comments with any identities presented in the com-
ments better than other states of the art baselines. Fur-
thermore, when we compare the multi-task learning
approach with single-task learning approaches, it is
observed that utilizing the multi-task learning frame-
work improved the quality of the model to distin-
guish between toxic and non-toxic comments when
the specific identities appear in the context. By com-
paring the improvement obtained between the multi-
task learning approach and the domain-adaptation
language model method, we can conclude that the
multi-task learning approach has a much more signif-
icant impact on metrics improvement than the domain
adaptation language model. However, combining the
domain-adaptation language modeling with the multi-
task learning approach brings the best improvement
for toxic identification and bias mitigation in toxic
language detection task.
Table 4 indicates the average Subgroup-AUC met-
ric, and Table 5 indicates the average BPSN-AUC
metric related to each identity group. We calculate
these two metrics by averaging all Subgroup-AUC
and BPSN-AUC values in each identity group. As
the results in Table 4 indicate, the Adaptive-BERT-
MTDNN outperforms the BERT-fine-tuning for all
identity groups except the ”Disability” group, which
there is no improvement for this group; and also the
most significant improvement belongs to the ”Race
or Ethnicity” identity group with 1.1% improve-
ment. For average BPSN-AUC values in Table 5, it
observed Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN outperforms the
BERT-fine-tuning for all identity groups, where the
most significant improvement belongs to the ”Sexual
Orientation” identity group with 2.6% improvement.
Figures 2 demonstrate the Subgroup-AUC and BPSN-
AUC values for each identity obtained with our ap-
proach, and Figure 3 demonstrates these two metrics
for the BERT-fine-tuning model for comparison. As
we can see from these two figures, the most signifi-
cant improvement in the BPSN-AUC metric belongs
to ”homosexual gay or lesbian” subgroup with 2.9%
improvement and, for the Subgroup-AUC metric, the
most significant belongs to ”bisexual” with 4.5% im-
provement. As we discussed earlier, the amount of
data in multi-task learning is a critical factor for this
approach; hence in subgroups with a higher propor-
tion of data, the improvement is more stable than sub-
groups with much fewer data. Overall, the results
show that learning multiple group identification tasks
in parallel improved the shared language model be-
tween tasks and mitigated the unintended model bias,
which was our main goal in this work.
Figure 2: The Subgroup-AUC and BPSN-AUC metrics ob-
tained from Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN for each identity sub-
We introduce a new approach for mitigating the unin-
tended model bias towards commonly attacked iden-
tities in the toxic language detection task based on
a multi-task deep neural network and a domain-
adaptation language model. We show that the multi-
task deep neural network classifier that is jointly
trained on multiple identity detection tasks is in-
deed more robust to unintended model bias towards
commonly attacked identities in online conversations.
Furthermore, we demonstrate that continuing pre-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Binary classification performance of all models on toxic detection task.
Model Precision Recall F1-score GMB-AUC
BERT-fine-tuning 0.8533 0.7293 0.7864 0.9499
Adaptive-BERT-fine-tuning 0.8586 0.7622 0.8075 0.9508
Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN 0.8708 0.8995 0.8849 0.9567
Table 4: The average Subgroup-AUC metric for each identity group.
Model Gender Religion Race or Ethnicity Sexual Orientation Disability
BERT-fine-tuning 0.938 0.939 0.924 0.924 0.947
Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN 0.947 0.946 0.935 0.93 0.947
Table 5: The average BPSN-AUC metric for each identity group.
Model Gender Religion Race or Ethnicity Sexual Orientation Disability
BERT-fine-tuning 0.94 0.946 0.933 0.926 0.944
Adaptive-BERT-MTDNN 0.959 0.958 0.948 0.952 0.954
Figure 3: The Subgroup-AUC and BPSN-AUC metrics ob-
tained from BERT-fine-tuning for each identity subgroups.
training the language model on domain related to the
task dataset gives improved model performance in the
toxic detection task. To evaluate our approach, we
choose the dataset that includes more than 1.8 mil-
lion online comments released by Google Jigsaw, and
we compare our approach with another state-of-the-
art deep learning model in terms of specific metrics
designed to measure the unintended bias. The eval-
uation results demonstrate that our approach brings
state-of-the-art results in toxic language detection
task and mitigates the unintended biases in a model
without harming the overall model quality.
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