LAMV: Learning to Predict Where Spectators Look in Live Music
Arturo Fuentes
1,2 a
, F. Javier S
1 b
, Thomas Voncina
and Jorge Bernal
1 c
Computer Vision Center and Computer Science Department, Universitat Aut
onoma de Barcelona,
Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vall
es), 08193, Barcelona, Spain
Lang Iberia, Carrer Can Pobla, 3, 08202, Sabadell, Spain
Object Detection, Saliency Map, Broadcast Automation, Spatio-temporal Texture Analysis.
The advent of artificial intelligence has supposed an evolution on how different daily work tasks are performed.
The analysis of cultural content has seen a huge boost by the development of computer-assisted methods that
allows easy and transparent data access. In our case, we deal with the automation of the production of live
shows, like music concerts, aiming to develop a system that can indicate the producer which camera to show
based on what each of them is showing. In this context, we consider that is essential to understand where
spectators look and what they are interested in so the computational method can learn from this information.
The work that we present here shows the results of a first preliminary study in which we compare areas of
interest defined by human beings and those indicated by an automatic system. Our system is based on the
extraction of motion textures from dynamic Spatio-Temporal Volumes (STV) and then analyzing the patterns
by means of texture analysis techniques. We validate our approach over several video sequences that have been
labeled by 16 different experts. Our method is able to match those relevant areas identified by the experts,
achieving recall scores higher than 80% when a distance of 80 pixels between method and ground truth is
considered. Current performance shows promise when detecting abnormal peaks and movement trends.
The commercial segment of the production of live
performances is undergoing a transformation due to
the growing automation of work tools. More fre-
quently, television studios are incorporating the use
of robotic cameras and replacing the camera opera-
tors for automation managers. This offers greater ver-
satility and provides more complete motion control.
In addition, its use also implies a saving in the costs
related to the production, as a single operator can con-
trol several cameras.
This is different to what is being done currently,
where a camera operator is required for each of the
cameras installed. Nevertheless, these advances have
a counterpart as the absence of human operators could
lead to a loss of additional and subjective information
that operators could bring to the filmmaker.
The scope of our work is the automatic live pro-
duction of cultural events, in this case we focus on
music concerts. This kind of projects has already been
tackled by other researchers in different domains,
such as the works of (Chen et al., 2013) where they
aim at the live production of soccer matches, simi-
lar to the system that Mediapro uses when broadcast-
ing Spanish National Soccer League. Outside cultural
events, the work of (Pang et al., 2010) deals with the
automatic selection of the camera to show in video-
conferences so the speaker is always on screen.
The domain in which our work can be enclosed
has the advantage of having additional sources of in-
formation that can help in building the automatic sys-
tem; we can integrate both video and audio analysis to
determine which areas of the image should be shown
in the main screen. It has to be noted that we aim to
go beyond simple frame selection, our objective is to
develop a system that can also generate a dynamic in
terms of take selection, composition and length. Such
a system, apart from its potential commercial future,
allows us to generate knowledge related on how au-
diovisual narrative should work from a computational
perspective which could be potentially extended to
another domains.
Fuentes, A., Sánchez, F., Voncina, T. and Bernal, J.
LAMV: Learning to Predict Where Spectators Look in Live Music Performances.
DOI: 10.5220/0010254005000507
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Related to this, we cannot forget the spectator,
which is the one that receives the information; this
information should contemplate both enuntiative and
explicative components so the viewer can understand
what is happening and the way the information is ex-
plained can generate in the spectator some kind of en-
gagement. Our first approach, named Live Automa-
tion of Musical Videos (LAMV), deals with the enun-
tiative analysis of the action.
We rely on the use of texture descriptors along
several patches of the image along several frames to
search for those signatures that allows us to identify
those image areas where big changes (associate to
movements) are produced.
The objectives of this paper are two-fold: 1/ Iden-
tify where spectators look and 2/ Signature search.
The first one deals with the acquisition of several an-
notations by experts and their integration to define
which areas of the image are more relevant from an
expert point of view. The second part is related with
the analysis of texture information to define those sig-
natures that can be attained to relevant image areas.
The first part of our system must deal with finding
what is important in the image. In this case, we should
not only look for what is relevant under a computa-
tional point of view; we also have to consider what
would be important for a given person.
This is covered in the literature under the research
domain known ans visual saliency (Cazzato et al.,
2020). The salience (also called saliency) of an item
-be it a an object, a persona, a pixel, etc. -is the state
or quality by which it stands out from its neighbors.
Saliency detection is considered to be a key at-
tentional mechanism that facilitates learning and sur-
vival by enabling organisms to focus their limited per-
ceptual and cognitive resources on the most pertinent
subset of the available sensory data. When attention
deployment is driven by stimuli, it is considered to be
bottom-up, memory-free, and reactive. Conversely,
attention can also be guided by top-down, memory-
dependent, or anticipatory mechanisms.There are sev-
eral computational saliency models already proposed
in the literature, such as the works of Itti et al. (Borji
et al., 2012; Itti et al., 1998), Tsotsos et al (Bruce and
Tsotsos, 2009) or Seo et al. (Seo and Milanfar, 2009),
just to mention a few of them.
In our case we must deal with the difficulty of
defining which are the salient regions in an image
where all elements (i.e. music performers) look alike.
To solve this, we propose to incorporate the defini-
tion of visual differences between frames to our def-
inition of saliency. The use of this type of saliency
has already been proposed in the literature, as shown
in the works of Rudoy et al. (Rudoy et al., 2013). In
this case, the authors use the fixations from previous
frames to predict the gaze in the new frame. The nov-
elty here is the combination of within frame saliency
with dynamics of human gaze transitions.
As mentioned before, we will also have to deal
with temporal coherence of system output. The in-
corporation of temporal information has attracted the
attention of several researchers of different domains,
from the analysis of colonoscopy sequences (Anger-
mann and Bernal, 2017) to tracking moving objects
(such as driving lanes) in the development of assisted
driving systems (Sotelo et al., 2004).
Regarding the domain of application, one of
things to take into account is that the events we are
dealing with are live. This means that, despite the
fact that there is a lot of rehearsals (their amount de-
pends on available resources) there is always a certain
amount of improvisation associated with making de-
cisions in very short periods of time and the necessity
of adapting to unexpected events.
There are several available solutions in the sports
domain such as the Multicamba system (Yus et al.,
2015) used for instance in sailing to track the boats.
With respect to soccer matches Mediapro has devel-
oped Automatic TV
, a complete commercial solu-
tion that allows to select the best shot and send it di-
rectly to the viewers.
It has to be noted that the context we are dealing
with presents some differences with the sports one.
The technical director in front of a live concert has
to integrate both video and audio information which
adds more complexity to the task.
As LAMV will also integrate music channel pro-
cessing, works regarding polyphonic music recogni-
tion (Gururani et al., 2018; Toghiani-Rizi and Wind-
mark, 2017; Costa et al., 2017; Costa et al., 2011)
score image recognition (Dorfer et al., 2016) natu-
ral synchronization of the visual and sound modalities
(Zhao et al., 2018) should be taken into account.
We expose in this section the two main parts of this
contribution: the definition of the relevant areas of
image as a result of the analysis of the income pro-
vided by several experts and the automatic extraction
LAMV: Learning to Predict Where Spectators Look in Live Music Performances
Figure 1: Flow chart of our first approach of LAMV, which shows the process followed to evaluate the minimum distance
between the selected areas by the subjects with respect to our candidate.
of relevant features from the video sequence to esti-
mate the key areas to look at.
The whole pipeline of our methodology can be ob-
served in Fig. 1. As it can be seen, we have two dif-
ferent sources of data: selected areas by subjects and
the input video. With respect to the former, we ana-
lyze a 5 seconds interval and we calculate the mean
vertical value of the selections, which will be used as
a seed in the image analysis module.
The second source of data is based on two modes
of 5 seconds long input video -original frames and
a difference of these frames (t, t-1) - whereby the
two STT 125 pixels height are generated and analyzed
through GLCM considering two descriptors: contrast
and dissimilarity. The point candidate is represented
by the maximum value of each descriptor -the X value
-, and by the Y value - the pre-calculated mean value-
. The minimum distance between the candidate and
the closest ground truth candidate is considered to as-
sess the performance of LAMV system.
3.1 Where Do Spectators Look at?
To gather as much useful information as possi-
ble, we ran an online experiment (available at in which several
experts were asked to observe different sequences
(extracted from real music concerts) and indicate
which image are was more relevant to them.
We established two different scenarios. The first
one already proposed the participants five predeter-
mined regions of interest whereas the second one al-
lows them to freely browse the scene to search for the
area that attracted their attention.
In both cases, the subject had to move a green box
over the image and locate it over the area of interest,
making the spectator act as a live producer. The vol-
unteers were required to select a box (or a position)
at least once every 10 seconds. Contrary to the au-
tomatic system, the participants also had the help of
the audio channel to assist them in their decision. In
our case, we are only interested (as of now) in finding
those visual cues that could also be attractive to the
attention of the potential spectator.
The aggregation of the selections made by the in-
dividual experts is the basis to generate the ground
truth which will be used to assess the performance of
our method. In this case, we add each individual fix-
ation as an individual box over the image and we se-
lect as the relevant area in the image the one in which
more of these individual selections coincide.
3.2 Defining Signatures
Still frame analysis can be useful to detect which ar-
eas are more salient in an individual image but, in our
case, we are more interested on those sudden changes
in the image that could be associated, for instance, to
an instrument that has just started to be played or any
unprecedented happening in the plateau.
To build this automatic relevant region extraction
module, we propose to use the so-called Spatio Tem-
poral Texture (STT) slices. To generate them first we
set a vertical position in the image, which can be used
as reference. This position is set (in this experiment)
as the mean y-value of the participant selections for
this particular set of frames but the analysis that we
present in this work could be easily extended for any
given vertical position. Anyway, as selections fixa-
tions can vary over time (and they should do, as rele-
vant events can appear in other image positions), we
recalculate this vertical position each 5 seconds.
Once this vertical position is set, we generate next
the slice by rendering the information of the pixels
along the horizontal axis; the concatenation of this in-
formation over time generates the final slice. It has
to be noted that we generate two types of images, de-
pending on the source of information.
The first one directly renders the grey scale values
of the pixels that share the same vertical coordinate;
before doing this, contrast of the image is adjusted
previously so the dynamic range of the image is re-
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Graphical example on the automatic extraction of image patches. Image at the top shows the five predetermined
regions that were shown to the volunteers. The blue horizontal line represents the mean value for the vertical coordinate of
the selections over 5 seconds of video. The image in the middle represents the SST volume whereas the image in the bottom
displays the 27 uniformly distributed patches over the volume.
duced. The second one uses as source information the
difference between consecutive frames; apart from
the previously mentioned contrast adjustment, Gabor
filtering is applied to improve efficiency and motion
fidelity (Hao et al., 2017). While our method has sim-
ilarities to this work, we add as novelty the calculation
of the slice image from difference of frames.
Considering these two different sources, we build
our hypothesis over the fact that those image regions
that present higher variation over time would corre-
spond to the most interesting regions in the opinion
of the volunteers. It has to be noted that, if we ana-
lyze the STT slices vertically, we are able to explore
variations over time in a specific region in the image.
To assist us on the definition of image signatures
we propose the use of Grey Level Co-occurrence Ma-
trix (GLCM) (Gao and Hui, 2010), as it is meant to
be useful on detecting information levels with high
semantic content, which is the one we are looking for.
In this case GLCM does not suffer from illumination
changes as the lighting of the scene is uniform for the
whole scene; we are dealing with pre-recorded musi-
cal concerts where the illumination conditions have
been previously set and tested properly to allow a
clear view of the music sheets by the musicians.
From the several descriptors that could be used,
we have chosen dissimilarity and contrast as the ones
that could lead us to easily determine areas with high
change (and, therefore, to be prone to attract the at-
tention of the viewer). It has to be noted that dissimi-
larity increases linearly with differences on grey level
whereas contrast has an exponential increase.
We apply these descriptors over predetermined re-
gions of the STT; in our experiments we have defined
27 different patches of size 50x50 that are spread
equally over the slice. We calculate both descriptors
for each of the patches and we select as final rele-
vant region proposal the one where their maxima is
achieved. We show in Fig. 2 a graphical example on
how these patches are created.
We validate our first iteration of the LAMV system by
comparing the regions of interest that it automatically
provides with the ones labelled by the participants in
the online experiment.
Volunteers had two sets of sequences to analyze:
one containing predetermined RoIs and another one
where they could freely explore the image. The to-
tal length of the video was of 5 minutes and 30 sec-
onds; spectators should indicate a region in the image
at least once every 10 seconds.
It is important to mention that both sets were
extracted from different music concerts, recorded at
April 2019 and January 2020 at Auditori Sant Cugat
and L’Auditori de Barcelona, respectively.
Each of these selections was saved with a time
stamp. The ground truth generation experiment was
performed with the support of p5js Javascript library.
As of now, 16 different individuals have taken part
in the annotation experiment. We show in Fig. 4 an
example of ground truth creation for a given frame.
LAMV: Learning to Predict Where Spectators Look in Live Music Performances
Figure 3: Example of the annotation experiment. Image at the top shows an annotation task where the user has to place the
box (in green) over five predetermined boxes. The red box represents a selection by the user. The image at the bottom presents
a full scene, using the same notation to display user selection.
Figure 4: Example of ground truth creation from the annotation experiment.
We propose as validation metric the use of Re-
call, defined as the percentage of correct RoI detection
over the total of RoIs in the sequence. We calculate
the RoI provided by LAMV as follows: we select 125
lines of the STT slice which correspond to 5 seconds
of the video sequence. Over this sub-volume, we de-
fine the before mentioned 27 50x50 patches and we
calculate dissimilarity and contrast descriptors over
them (using as the source image the original one and
the difference of images).
The comparison of the values of the descriptors
over these 27 patches provides a candidate. To assess
Figure 5: Performance of LAMV system over video se-
quences with predetermined Regions of Interest.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Performance of LAMV system over video se-
quences without predetermined Regions of Interest.
if this candidate correspond to the actual RoI defined
by the expert, we calculate the euclidean distance be-
tween the centroids of the candidate and maxima of
the ground truth for this particular set of frames. To
label a detection as a True Positive we set a distance
threshold that should not be surpassed.
Given that we analyze temporal frames of 5 sec-
onds, the maximum number of TP over a video se-
quence will be equal to max
P =
, where the video
length (vl) should be expressed in seconds.
Figures 5 and 6 shows overall performance of the sys-
tem. Several conclusions can be extracted by the anal-
ysis of these graphs.
First, it appears that there is a big difference in
performance associated to the way information is pre-
sented to the experts. Surprisingly the method is able
to match better the ground truth when free selection
of the region of interest is prescribed to the experts.
It has to be noted that the sequences were differ-
ent in complexity, being easier to determine a sudden
change in the scene when we have the whole picture.
In the predetermined region analysis, a small change
in a reduced region in the image weights more than in
the full image, benefiting isolated sudden and small
changes rather than actual changes in the scene.
This difference in complexity affects also the re-
call scores and the impact of the different descrip-
tors. We associate this to the following: when dealing
with predetermined regions where small changes af-
fect more, the value of the contrast descriptor is more
sensible to these slight changes as its value has an ex-
ponential profile whereas, for the analysis of the full
images, these small changes tend to be mitigated.
We do not appreciate remarkable differences
among descriptors and between image source though
it is interesting to observe the increase of relevance
of the dissimilarity descriptor when higher distances
between centroids are allowed.
As can be seen from these results and, though the
performance is promising, there are some cases in
which our method fails to correctly determine the re-
gion of interest. We show in Fig. 7 an example of
a patch which shows a trivial, routine movement of
a wind instrument. In this case the system mislabels
the preparation movement of the musician (just before
starting to actually play the instrument) with an ac-
tual relevant movement in the scene. This shows that
more effort should be made to incorporate semantics
(and also to characterize particular movements such
as the one shown in the example) in order to improve
the performance of LAMV.
Figure 7: Example of one of the erroneous detection pro-
vided by the system.
We want to highlight some of the findings that we
have observed by the analysis of the fixations pro-
vided by the volunteers.
Fig. 8 shows the difference in how selections are
performed depending on the content of the video se-
quence, more precisely, depending on the intensity of
the movements/actions that are happening in different
time intervals during a same concert.
The blue distribution of selections is associated
with an interval of the concert where the level of
action is low whereas the orange distribution corre-
sponds to a part of the concert when lots of move-
ments are happening at once (for instance, a certain
part of the musicians start to play the instrument).
The image on the left shows the amount of clicks
during both periods; we can observe that the distri-
butions present clear differences being the number of
clicks higher for the more intense interval. By look-
ing at the image on the right we can clearly make an
association between the number of those clicks and
the image area covered by them.
With respect to clicks occurrences, our hypoth-
esis was that when the music is more intense, it is
reflected with a more complex scene under a visual
LAMV: Learning to Predict Where Spectators Look in Live Music Performances
Figure 8: Example of the difference in the distribution of the number of selections and their coverage over the scene in two
different time intervals.
point of view so a higher number of different areas
are selected. We tested this using a paired sample t-
test and the results confirmed our initial assumption,
yielding a p-value < 0.05.
Regarding selection distribution over the image,
our hypothesis was that, apart from a higher number
of selections, these selections would be more spread
over the image. Again we tested this using a paired
sample t-test and the results showed that, in fact,
there are statistically significant differences between
the two distributions (p-value < 0.05).
6.1 Main Conclusions
We have presented in this paper our first module of
the LAMV system. This system aims to assist techni-
cians when doing a live production of a music concert.
The objective of the system is to indicate which areas
of the image are more relevant (not only in terms of
visual information) in order them to be broadcasted.
Though the complete system would incorporate
audio information, key in this context, we wanted first
to explore if the analysis of pure image information
could be useful to indicate those relevant image areas.
To do so we have prepared a first experiment
which compares the areas provided automatically by
our system with those indicated by several volunteers
that took part in an online experiment. LAMV system
determines the area of interest by integrating image
information over time using a STT volume and then
extracting features from several patches.
Preliminary results show good correspondence
between LAMV system and the ground truth though it
also shows that semantic information should be added
to improve its performance.
6.2 Future Work
With respect to the following steps in the develop-
ment of the LAMV system, it has to be noted that
the work in this article corresponds to one of the parts
that compounds the LAMV system, specifically the
pre-attentional analysis of the scene which is capable
of detecting rapid changes that may arise on the scene
as well as the unbalance between image areas, spe-
cially those with low activity.
At its current stage, the system works with using
as starting seed for the analysis a vertical position cal-
culated from the acquired ground truth. In the final
system this seed will not be provided and several val-
ues for the vertical position will be considered.
Preliminary results show that LAMV is a good
candidate to point out where to add more processing
in specific areas of the scene but its current analysis
is mainly based on changes over time. However, we
cannot forget the role that audio information might
have played in ground truth generation by experts. We
have observed that experts tend to correctly select the
areas where musicians are playing the predominant
instruments, which can be clearly heard in the audio
channel but that cannot be easily seen.
This clearly indicate us that part of the effort
in the next steps should be devoted to the selection
of descriptors with greater semantic feature structure
which can help to locate the instruments even if they
are not completely visible. This, for sure, would re-
quire of more advanced image processing techniques
to perform a more accurate object detection.
In this context, we plan to study the incorpora-
tion of trending techniques such as those Convolu-
tional Neural Neworks integrating optical flow esti-
mation such as FlowNet (Dosovitskiy et al., 2015).
We would also like to explore the potential of recent
methodologies such as LSTM or RNN, paying spe-
cial attention to Transformers architecture and Vision-
Transformers for image recognition
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Finally, we would also like to build a robust vali-
dation framework for the whole pipeline which would
requiere acquiring and annotatting more concerts.
This work was supported by the Secretaria
d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de
Catalunya (SGR-2017-1669), by the Ag
encia de
o d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
through the Doctorat Industrial programme and by
CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya.
The authors want to thank Auditori de Sant Cugat
and L’Auditori de Barcelona for granting us access to
recordings of music concerts.
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LAMV: Learning to Predict Where Spectators Look in Live Music Performances