Machine Learning and Optimization for Predictive Maintenance based
on Predicting Failure in the Next Five Days
Eman Ouda
, Maher Maalouf
and Andrei Sleptchenko
Research Center of Digital Supply Chain and Operations, Department of Industrial and System Engineering,
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Condition-based Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Machine Learning, Optimization.
This study proposes a framework to predict machine failures using sensor data and optimize predic-
tive/corrective maintenance schedule. Using historical data, machine learning (ML) models are trained to
predict the failure probabilities for the next five days. Multiple algorithms, including feature extraction tech-
niques, selections, and ML models (both regression and classification based) are compared. The machine
learning models’ output is fed to an optimization model to propose an optimized maintenance policy, and we
demonstrate how prediction models can help increase system reliability at lower costs.
With the rise of digitization, Artificial Intelligence
(AI) implementation in companies can help them be-
come more efficient and competitive. One applica-
tion of AI is through the integration of machine learn-
ing and maintenance. Companies rely on three types
of maintenance for their machines (Carvalho et al.,
2019; Lee and Scott, 2009):
1. Run to failure, also called corrective maintenance,
is when maintenance is conducted only when the
machine fails. This causes a longer downtime pe-
riod and has a high cost because it causes lags in
the processes and the tasks of the machines.
2. Preventive maintenance, also called time-based
maintenance and scheduled maintenance, is when
maintenance follows a schedule periodically. Al-
though failures are prevented, maintenance is
done before the machine fails and it may be un-
3. Predictive maintenance uses predictive tools to es-
timate when maintenance is necessary. It mon-
itors the machine health continuously over time
and allows for early detection of failures based on
historic data.
The significance of predictive maintenance has in-
creased in the last decades with advances in sensoring
and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The main
advantage of the predictive maintenance that it can
minimize the downtime and related costs, can help to
increase the lifespan of the equipment.
There are multiple techniques that can facilitate
predictive maintenance. One technique is relying on
historical data by analyzing it using machine learning
(ML) methods and tools. ML methods nowadays are
faster when compared to ordinary statistical survival
analysis, due to the greater availability of computing
power for sensors and failure data collected in the last
This study applies feature engineering techniques
and machine learning models on sensor data to pre-
dict the failure probabilities up to five days in ad-
vance. Different machine learning models from the
literature are compared to find the highest accuracy.
The obtained failure probabilities are used further in
the proposed optimization model to create the opti-
mum maintenance schedule. In this way, the machine
learning methods, big data, and optimization models
are put together to create an efficient predictive main-
tenance policy. To the best of the authors’ knowl-
edge, a simplified optimization model that uses the
failure probabilities of multiple machines from ma-
chine learning algorithms has not been formulated.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 includes a literature review on ma-
chine learning methods for predictive maintenance
Ouda, E., Maalouf, M. and Sleptchenko, A.
Machine Learning and Optimization for Predictive Maintenance based on Predicting Failure in the Next Five Days.
DOI: 10.5220/0010247401920199
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2021), pages 192-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-485-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and mathematical models used. Section 3 introduces
a methodology to define the libraries and models uti-
lized in this paper. Section 4 presents the results, and
the conclusion demonstrating the findings is given in
Section 5.
Researchers categorize machine learning models into
three types (Cai et al., 2018): supervised learning, un-
supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Su-
pervised learning includes both regression and classi-
fication problems. On the other hand, unsupervised
learning uses clustering and association to find the in-
herent groupings in the data and detect rules to de-
scribe it. This part of the review covers the different
methods to use machine learning for predictive main-
tenance in literature. The utilization of ML in pre-
dictive maintenance can help in using different strate-
gies. These include regression models to predict the
remaining useful life (RUL) and classification models
to predict failure in a given time window.
Regression is used when problems are needed to
predict results based on continuous input and contin-
uous output. Hence, various studies use it to predict
the RUL of machines. One of the studies is a compar-
ative analysis for regression is done for predicting the
RUL (Yurek and Birant, 2019). Two methods are used
to calculate the RUL from The Commercial Modu-
lar Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (C-MAPSS)
dataset before running the regression models. The
first approach uses the difference between the current
time of the machine and the fault time is calculated.
In the second approach, the running time is calculated
which is the maximum value of RUL for each fail-
ure. The author used Azure Learning Machine to ap-
ply multiple feature selection methods and different
machine learning algorithms. The study included 72
different models with different feature selection meth-
ods and machine learning models combinations. The
author compared the results and concluded that the
Decision Forest Regression achieves the least predic-
tion error.
Classification is used in machine learning to clas-
sify faults and predict their probability. One study
uses the Azure Machine Learning tool to train a Mul-
ticlass Decision Forest model (Paolanti et al., 2018).
The authors achieved an accuracy of 95% on data
from a cutting machine. The proposed method esti-
mated parameters ahead of time. The predicted value
is at time t +dt where t is the time of the readings and
dt is the time ahead. Another research also uses this
method for vibration signals (Amihai et al., 2018).
The authors form a supervised learning problem by
having features and creating labels. Moreover, the
values are of readings are at certain points in time
and the labels are ahead of time. Further, the au-
thors used Python and R for data processing, anal-
ysis, and modeling. Additionally, another research
also uses Python to classify faults in wind turbines
using machine learning models (Hsu et al., 2020).
With 92.7% accuracy for the decision tree model and
91.9% for the random forest model.The authors test it
using K-fold cross-validation to verify the model and
decrease the probability of false alarms. Moreover,
Kusiak and Verma also used condition-based mon-
itoring tools to identify potential faults (Kusiak and
Verma, 2012). Additionally, another study performs a
comparative analysis of the classification of four dif-
ferent classes. It uses five different machine learning
algorithms. (Neural Network, Support Vector Ma-
chine, Random Forest, Boosting Tree, and General
Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector). The data
used is from large wind farms with 17 wind turbines.
It proved that Random forest algorithm model pro-
duces the best accuracy of 98%. Another study also
generates models using the Random forest approach
with number of trees = 40 and maximum depth = 25
(Canizo et al., 2017). The values were chosen based
on the trial and error of several predictive models and
methods to find the best values. The study uses Big
Data and processes it to generate predictive models.
The Pearson correlation for feature selection is used
and the accuracy produced reached 82.04%. Using
Python to process the data and build a model is fea-
sible. When it comes to predicting faults and clas-
sifying them, the decision tree models produced the
highest accuracy in the studies reviewed.
Although the majority of the aforementioned pa-
pers concluded that the decision tree algorithm pro-
vides high accuracy, other feature engineering meth-
ods can be used to boost accuracy. One is a di-
mension reduction method done for classification
(Aremu et al., 2020). The authors used the Machine
Learning Dimension Reduction framework (MLDR-
framework) and produced higher accuracy. This ex-
plains how researchers can use feature selection meth-
ods to increase the accuracy of results. Another
study uses AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Aver-
age (ARIMA) to predict failures and classify faults
(Kanawaday and Sane, 2018). The ARIMA model
was used to predict future data points. They use data
collected from a slitting machine. The four mod-
els used are Na
ıve Bayes, Support Vector Machine,
CART, and Deep Neural Network. Accuracies were
96%, 95%, 94%, and 98% respectively. Moreover,
Machine Learning and Optimization for Predictive Maintenance based on Predicting Failure in the Next Five Days
other studies have implemented unsupervised learn-
ing algorithms. The authors in (Amruthnath and
Gupta, 2018) use unsupervised learning on exhaust
fan vibration data for predictive maintenance and pro-
pose a method using R programming. They conclude
that clustering algorithms are best for fault detection
under different levels. Overall, when studies use the
right techniques, unsupervised models may perform
better than decision trees. However, due to its sim-
plicity, only supervised models are studied in this re-
Condition-based monitoring that depends on op-
timization models is widely available in the litera-
ture. Literature reviews usually focus on single com-
ponents (Alaswad and Xiang, 2017; Sakib and Wuest,
2018). Due to the limitations of complexity, the study
of multiple component systems in predictive main-
tenance in literature is not widely covered. The de-
pendence of the components and their level makes it
harder to construct an effective model. For illustra-
tion, a single component mathematical optimization
model is studied for condition-based maintenance
(Tian et al., 2012). For single-component models, as
the reliability increases, the cost increases. Reliability
is the probability of preventive maintenance. Hence,
the objective function is to minimize the cost for opti-
mum maintenance. Moreover, another research stud-
ies multiple components into consideration (Einabadi
et al., 2019). The indices were the number of parts,
periods, and machines. Different costs were consid-
ered such as the cost of repair, renewing, and purchas-
ing. The decision variables include timings of when
a component must be replaced and the time of main-
tenance. These additional features helped in this re-
search to put together an optimal maintenance sched-
Another type of research refers to a threshold
to compare the probability of failure (Nichenametla
et al., 2017). Once a component exceeds the thresh-
old, maintenance is required. The higher the probabil-
ity of failure of the machine, the higher the priority of
inspection. The authors establish threshold targets by
probability plots and reliability comparisons. Further-
more, another study presents a unique model called
Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Problem with In-
terval Costs (PMSPIC) with an objective to minimize
maintenance costs. (Bangalore and Patriksson, 2018).
It takes into consideration both age-based and cost-
based failure rates. A different cost model takes into
consideration repair costs, downtime cost, and set-up
costs performed an opportunistic PdM strategy (Hu
et al., 2012). However, the maintenance strategy is
to put the machines in groups. The strategy suggests
that maintenance may be executed in groups and it de-
creases costs as low as possible. Additionally, another
study also groups the machines (Vu et al., 2020). The
authors in the research use Genetic Algorithm with
Memory (GAM) to group the machines into groups in
certain time slots to decrease the costs. Figures 1 and
2 show the original maintenance plan and the modi-
fied one. Since maintenance is implemented groups
in the same time period, it produces a lower cost. In
conclusion, the method of grouping machines to per-
form maintenance is an efficient method to decrease
the cost as much as possible.
Figure 1: Original schedule before grouping components.
Figure 2: Schedule after grouping components.
The methodology section focuses on two parts. First,
the machine learning phase which consists of the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Historical data selection: Selection of sufficient
historical data to process.
2. Data preprocessing: The data is modified through
feature engineering to be suitable to be fed into
the model.
3. Model selection: A suitable model is chosen to
based on the given dataset and the application.
4. Model training and model validation: The data
is fed into the machine learning model and vali-
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
The second phase consists of the mathematical model
to minimize the cost of the overall maintenance of the
machines. The full model diagram is shown in Figure
3. Sensor data is the input to the model and the final
output is a decision of the number of machines to be
Figure 3: Proposed model diagram.
3.1 Proposed Machine Learning Model
3.1.1 Data Preprocessing - Format and Label
The data used has to be relevant, sufficient, and of
high quality. Therefore, understanding the data is cru-
cial. During the data preprocessing step, feature engi-
neering was used to frame the problem appropriately.
Feature extraction is a part of feature engineering and
is used to generate features from the existing data by
changing and transforming it. Moreover, feature se-
lection is useful to eliminate unnecessary data from
the dataset (Cai et al., 2018). It reduces the dimen-
sions which can give us better models for machine
learning. In supervised learning, this is usually done
The dataset in this study is obtained from the
datasets used by Fidan Boylu Uz in “Predictive Main-
tenance Modelling Guide” (Uz, 2016). It contains
sensor readings from 100 machines. Originally, five
different datasets are given and a sample of each one
is shown in Table 1. Moreover, these are merged into
one big dataset and the columns are considered the
features. However, feature engineering plays a role
here and other features are extracted from the original
dataset. The important additional features are shown
in Table 2. The final features are then used to feed
the machine learning model and predict failures in ad-
From the features, it is important to have suffi-
cient data to answer the question the machine learn-
ing model output is expected to answer. The data is
measured in time stamps. Hence, some of the times-
tamps may not have recorded data. Therefore, han-
dling the missing data is important. The average of
each over 24 hours is taken, this feature engineering
step eliminates the problem of having missing data.
Moreover, decreases the data points from 876,100 to
36,600 readings eases data handling. The last feature
in Table 2 represents the labels of the dataset. In ev-
ery model, a different column is targeted as the label
feature. Parameter dt ranges from 1 to 5 and each
number represents the number of look-ahead days to
be predicted.
3.1.2 Machine Learning Algorithms
In this study, three machine learning algorithms are
used to predict the failures, namely, Logistic Regres-
sion, Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Classi-
fier. The Scikit-learn library was used for predictive
analysis and machine learning models. The machine
learning model is used to predict the failure days in
advance. Depending on dt, the number of days in ad-
vance, the label is predicted. Different machine learn-
ing models are trained every time to predict the differ-
ent days. The label is either a 0 or 1; 1 is a prediction
that failure will happen after dt days. The probabil-
ity of every class can also be extracted. Hence, we
achieve the probability that a failure will occur.
The data is then split into testing and training. The
dataset consists of data for one whole year. The first
three quarters of the year are used to train the model.
The last quarter was used for testing. The lowest test-
ing accuracy of the two classes is recorded.
Machine Learning and Optimization for Predictive Maintenance based on Predicting Failure in the Next Five Days
Table 1: The given datasets.
Dataset Given Columns/Features
Telemetry datetime machineID volt
1 176.21
vibration pressure rotate
45.087 113.078 418.50
Errors datetime machineID error ID
1 error1
Machines machineID model age
1 model3 18
Maint datetime machineID comp
1 comp2
Failures datetime machineID failure
1 comp
3.2 Optimization Model
The proposed mathematical model reduces mainte-
nance costs. Costs are split into different parts. In-
cluding costs of labor, repairing, renewing, or replac-
ing. The costs depend on what state the machine is
at. At each state s = 0, . . . , S, the probability of failure
decreases until it reaches state 0 which is the failure
mode. At failure mode, it is assumed that the machine
would need replacement and the cost would be high-
t Days Index (t = 1, ..., T ).
s State Index (s = 0, ..., S).
M Minimum number of working machines in
day t.
Cost of fixed maintenance for one machine
from state s.
Probability of moving to state s to s
Decision variables:
Number of machines maintained at state s in
day t.
Number of machines in state s at day t.
Table 2: Additional features added to the dataset.
Feature Explanation
Volt 24hr mean
The Average of
the voltage over
the past 24 hours.
Volt 24hr std
The standard deviation
of the voltage over the
past 24 hours.
Volt Moving Av
The average voltage
within a time window.
The time window is two
days used for this study.
Volt Moving Std
The average voltage
within a time window.
The time window is two
days used for this study.
Volt Expanding Av
The average of all voltage
readings since
last maintained.
Volt Expanding Std
The standard deviation of
all voltage readings
since last maintained.
Total Errors
The total number of errors
in the past 24 hours.
Last failure
Number of days since
the last failure occurred.
Last maintenance
Number of days since the
last maintenance occurred.
Failure (T + dt)
1= Failure
0= No failure
dt is time that needs to
predicted ahead of time.
Optimization Model formulation:
s.t. Y
= (Y
, s < S (2)
= Y
M (4)
< Y
0 (6)
In this formulation, objective (1) is set to mini-
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
mize the cost of maintenance, where C
is the cost of
repairing machines in state s to the fully operational
Constraints (5) ensure that the number of ma-
chines repaired in a certain state must be less than
the total number of machines in that state. Constraints
(6) ensure that the number of machines remaining in a
certain state (Y
) or being repaired from a certain state
) must be non-negative. Constraints (2) ensure
that the total number of machines at each state at a
certain point in time considers the previously repaired
machines and the probabilities of failure. Constraints
(3) are similar to constraints (2). However, they only
apply to the final state and include all the previously
repaired machines. Constraints (4) ensure that the
number of machines working at a certain point in time
is greater or equal to M. M is the minimum number
of operating machines required.
The number of machines that should be main-
tained from different states on the next t number of
days is decided. This is the predictive maintenance
decision. We can consider the costs to be corrective
maintenance if we wait till the machine reaches fail-
ure mode and then repair or replace it. Hence, com-
paring both approaches is the methodology adopted
in this research.
4.1 Input Data
In this section of the results, the input data to the ma-
chine learning model and the optimization model are
defined. First, the data used to train and test the ma-
chine learning model is the same dataset analyzed in
Section 3. Then, the obtained predicted probabilities
are extracted and used in the optimization model.
In this study case, there are initially 100 machines
at the fully operational state and are then classified
into three states:
1. Failure state
2. Suspicious Failure state
3. Fully Operational state
At each state, the average of all the machines’ prob-
abilities is calculated. The Suspicious Failure state
probability to the Failure state is extracted from ma-
chines with a probability of failure greater than 80%.
The Fully Operational state to the Suspicious Fail-
ure state probability is resulted from machines with
a probability of failure between 20% and 80%. The
Fully Operational state to the Failure state probability
is assumed to be 10%, because of the uncertainty in
the model and that there is always a chance of sudden
Furthermore, the distribution of the maintenance
costs in this study case shown in Figure 4 is based on
justifiable assumptions. The costs of repair at Fully
Operational state and Suspicious Failure state are as-
sumed to be 1 unit and 3 units respectively. As men-
tioned in Section 3, we expect the Failure state to cost
more than other states an this why it assumed to cost
6 units per machine. The cost of repair at a fully oper-
ational state and is considered low because it includes
inspection costs.
Additionally, we assume that M, the minimum
number of machines operating, is 80. The mainte-
nance decision of the next f ive days is made.
Figure 4: (a) Predictive maintenance cost distribution.
(b) Corrective maintenance cost distribution.
4.2 Results
In this section, the results of both the machine learn-
ing model and the optimization model are illustrated.
Three machine learning models, Logistic Regres-
sion, Random Forest Classifier, and Gradient Boost-
ing Classifier, are used to calculate the probability of
failure. Since the output is classified to be either 0
or 1, the class with the lowest accuracy is recorded.
The accuracy also corresponds to the recall score and
the lowest recall score is noted. Figure 5 shows the
results of the three models in predicting failure in the
next five days. Gradient Boosting classifier appears
to produce the best result in all five days. The proba-
bility of failure of each machine is predicted from the
gradient boosting classifier. Using the assumptions
mentioned in Section 4.1, the machines are split into
three different states based on the probability values.
At each state, the average of the probabilities is cal-
culated and the results are listed below.
Fully Operational state to the Suspicious Failure
= 0.3
Suspicious Failure state probability to the Failure
Machine Learning and Optimization for Predictive Maintenance based on Predicting Failure in the Next Five Days
state = 0.9
The probabilities of failure are then fed into the opti-
mization model presented in 3.2 along with the inputs
discussed in Section 4.1. A linear program solver is
used and the model maintenance policy suggests that
within the next 5 days, the total number of machines
inspected or repaired at each state is as follows:
1. Failure state – 17 machines.
2. Suspicious Failure state – 87 machines.
3. Fully Operational state – 0 machines.
Given this predictive maintenance approach, the total
cost of keeping 80 machines operating is 363 units.
However, when using the corrective maintenance ap-
proach, the machines are repaired only at Failure state
and inspected at the Fully Operational state. Hence,
the Suspicious Failure state is not accounted for and
all machines in this state are assumed to reach the
Failure state. This further justifies Figure 4. Accord-
ing to the predicted probabilities of failure, in total,
104 machines should be maintained. Further, as men-
tioned in Section 4.1, the corrective costs are 6 units.
The addition of all costs outputs the costs of correc-
tive maintenance; 104 × 6 = 624 units. In compar-
ison with the 363 units calculated by the proposed
maintenance policy, this is close to a 50% increase in
cost. The prediction model calculated a lower cost be-
cause 87 out of 104 machines could be repaired early
and avoid high corrective maintenance costs. Hence,
the predictive maintenance model achieves the same
goals at lower costs and is solved within a few sec-
onds, on a consumer’s laptop. The proposed model
can be applied to more than three states and achieve
efficient maintenance policies.
Figure 5: Accuracy comparison between different machine
learning models.
In conclusion, this study develops a framework to re-
duce maintenance costs using both a machine learn-
ing model and an optimization model. Three differ-
ent machine learning models were compared on the
given dataset and the gradient boosting classifier pro-
duced the highest prediction accuracy reaching 99%
for one day in advance prediction. Moreover, the sug-
gested maintenance policy was applied and compared
to a conventional corrective policy. It displayed how
having a predictive maintenance policy can increase
system reliability and decrease costs.
This study faces two main limitations. First, the
dataset is imbalanced. The number of failures is the
minority in the dataset. Hence, feature engineering
techniques must be used to balance out the dataset
before feeding it into the machine learning models.
Another limitation in this study was the costs of main-
tenance. They were given assumed values due to not
having sufficient and exact data about the cost of re-
pair at each state.
For the prediction model, future works may in-
clude other feature engineering techniques to produce
higher accuracy. Big data may also be used along with
other regression models to predict the remaining use-
ful life of the machine. Moreover, deep learning can
be implemented on the dataset used in this research to
avoid feature selection. For the mathematical model,
future works may include maintenance decisions per
machine rather than taking an average and expand the
schedule to suggest maintenance decisions for more
days in advance.
This publication is based upon work supported by the
Khalifa University of Science and Technology under
Award No. RC2 DSO.
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Machine Learning and Optimization for Predictive Maintenance based on Predicting Failure in the Next Five Days