A Systematic Review about Requirements Engineering Processes
for Multi-Agent Systems
Giovane D’Avila Mendonc¸a
, Iderli Pereira de Souza Filho
and Gilleanes Thorwald Araujo Guedes
Software Engineering Post-Graduation Program, Pampa Federal University, Av. Tiaraju, 810, Alegrete, Brazil
Requirements Engineering, Multi-Agent Systems, BDI Model, Systematic Review.
Requirements engineering is a crucial phase for the software development process, including multi-agent
systems. This particular kind of software is composed by agents, autonomous and pro-active entities which
can collaborate among themselves to achieve a given goal. However, multi-agent systems have some particular
requirements that are not normally found in other software. Taking this into consideration, this paper aims to
determine the actual state of the development processes which support requirements engineering for multi-
agent systems by means of a systematic review, highlighting the requirements engineering coverage and its
support to the BDI model.
Agents technology is a software paradigm that pro-
vides agents abstractions for distribute and heteroge-
neous open systems development (Gan et al., 2020).
An agent is an autonomous, flexible, and pro-active
process (Vicari and Gluz, 2007) that can act in its en-
vironment without being commanded by external en-
tities (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995). Thus, soft-
ware agents are characterized as being autonomous,
having social skills, reactivity and pro-activity (Haj-
duk et al., 2018). Moreover, agents can collaborate to
achieve their goals (Deloach and Wood, 2000).
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are composed by
a number of agents interacting among themselves
(Wooldridge, 2009). This kind of system has received
great attention from scholars in several areas, includ-
ing computer science and civil engineering, as a way
to solve complex problems, by dividing them into
smaller tasks (Labba et al., 2015) (Dorri et al., 2018).
The use of MAS is present in several applications,
such as complex systems modelling, intelligent net-
works, and computer networks (Dorri et al., 2018).
Adopting an agent-oriented world view demon-
strates that most problems demand or involve multiple
agents, because they represent multiple perspectives,
because its application defines a decentralized nature
of the problem, or because there are multiple areas of
actuation in the system (Jennings, 1999).
However, developing this kind of system brought
challenges to the software engineering. Thus, a new
area arose mixing features from both software engi-
neering and artificial intelligence areas, called AOSE
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. The goals of
AOSE include producing methodologies, processes,
techniques, modeling languages, and tools for MAS
development (Cervenka and Trencansky, 2007) (Sl-
houb et al., 2019), in order to increase the chances of
success in MAS development (Slhoub et al., 2019).
AOSE is also concerned in adapting requirements
engineering (RE) an area of software engineering
focused on eliciting, analysing, specifying, and vali-
dating software requirements to ensure the correct un-
derstanding of what needs to be developed (Fuentes-
andez et al., 2009). RE performs a crucial func-
tion to the development of any software, since, if
the software needs are not correctly understood, the
project will not satisfy those for whom it is intended.
According to (Dorri et al., 2018) software engi-
neering on MAS demands the specification of those
agent behaviors needed to provide documented re-
quirements to the project and implementation phases.
Rodriguez in (Rodriguez et al., 2011) also states that
the requirements modeling in MAS requires abstrac-
tions, techniques, and notations that had been partic-
ularly adapted for this kind of domain.
Mendonça, G., Filho, I. and Guedes, G.
A Systematic Review about Requirements Engineering Processes for Multi-Agent Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010240500690079
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 69-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Taking this in consideration, we are concerned in
how RE was specifically adapted to the development
of this kind of system. We are particularly interested
in how the RE was adapted to focus on requirements
relative to the BDI model (Bratman et al., 1987),
a model for programming intelligent agents that is
based on the beliefs, desires, and intentions of each
agent and that, according to (Singh et al., 2016) has
been widely used in MAS development.
Thus we performed a systematic review to de-
termine the state-of-art of RE for MAS. In this
review, we retrieved studies that propose pro-
cess/methodologies (or extensions of them) for MAS
development that involves RE in somehow. We intend
with this review to understand how RE is supported
by the existing processes and to determine its gaps, in
such a way to serve as a basis for future works.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
contains the background. Section 3 contains related
works. The research method is described in Section
4. In Section 5, the results are presented and dis-
cussed. Threats to the validity were described in Sec-
tion 6 and, in Section 7, we present the conclusion
and future works.
2.1 Requirements Engineering
According to (Berenbach et al., 2009), the RE goals
are: (I) to identify software requirements, (II) to anal-
yse requirements in order to classify them and to de-
rive additional requirements, as well as to solve con-
flicts among them (III) to document requirements, and
(IV) to validate the documented requirements.
In SWEBOK (Bourque et al., 2014) - a reference
book in the area - is stated that the RE process cover
four main subareas: (I) Requirements Elicitation; (II)
Requirements Analysis; (III) Requirements Specifica-
tion; and (IV) Requirements Validation.
Requirements elicitation investigates how to ex-
tract requirements and which are its origins. Re-
quirements analysis aims to detect and solve con-
flicts among the requirements, to discover the system
boundaries. Requirements specification, by its turn,
produce requirements documents that can be system-
atically reviewed, evaluated, and approved. Finally,
requirements validation evaluates requirements docu-
ments to ensure that the requirements be understand-
able, consistent, and complete.
2.2 Belief-Desire-Intention Model
The Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model is a soft-
ware model developed to programming intelligent
agents. It includes beliefs, desires, and intentions in
the agent architecture (Bratman et al., 1987).
Beliefs represent the information state the agent
owns, i. e., what he believes to be true about the en-
vironment, about itself, and about other agents. De-
sires represent the agents motivational state. They
represent the goals or situations the agent would like
to achieve. Finally, the intentions represent desires
the agent believes he can achieve and take actions to
achieve them (Rao and Georgeff, 1995).
This model allows to the agents a more com-
plex behavior than the reactive models, without the
computational overload of the cognitive architectures.
Moreover, it is easier to specify knowledge by means
of this model (Larsen, 2018).
According (Herzig et al., 2017), concepts of belief
and goal perform a central role in the conception and
implementation of autonomous agents. The concept
of BDI, consider mental attitudes to be fundamental to
the agents, where the beliefs are adapted to the envi-
ronment truths, while in the intentions, the agents try
to make the environment to correspond to its goals.
We discovered some studies that aimed to identify
and to evaluate methodologies/processes in the AOSE
area. However, these studies do not follow a system-
atic vision, they are informal literature reviews with
subjective comparison criteria.
The study of (Henderson-Sellers and Gorton,
2002) discusses the state of AOSE methodologies and
how to turn them into acceptable products for the in-
dustry. This study also present a methodology clas-
sification, dividing them in (I) independent of goal-
oriented methodologies and (II) extensions of goal-
oriented methodologies to give support to the agent
concepts. The study of (Sudeikat et al., 2004) eval-
uates agent-oriented software methodologies. The
work proposes a comparison frame with four selec-
tion groups: concepts, notations, process, and prag-
matics. This proposal was evaluated comparing the
methodology adequation and its development capac-
ity. For this comparison were used three methodolo-
gies, MaSE (an old version of O-MaSE), Tropos, and
Prometheus. Finally, the work of (Cernuzzi et al.,
2005) investigates the AOSE methodologies coverage
regarding software engineering concepts. However,
besides this work not following a systematic vision, it
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
does not present several methodologies and does not
have a wide coverage of requirements engineering.
Regarding systematic reviews, we found the study
of (Blanes et al., 2009a) that developed a review about
requirements engineering in multi-agent systems de-
velopment. However, this study tried to verify which
modeling techniques were applied in the requirements
engineering for MAS. On the other hand, our work
has as its goal to identify the coverage of the require-
ments engineering process regarding the SWEBOK
stages and its adequation to the BDI model.
A systematic literature review (SLR) is a research
technique whose purpose is identifying, selecting,
evaluating, interpreting, and summarizing the avail-
able studies considered relevant to the research theme
or phenomenon of interest (Kitchenham and Charters,
2007). This technique searches for primary studies
related to the theme and provides a deeper synthesis
about the data obtained from these studies (Kitchen-
ham and Brereton, 2013).
A SLR has as its basis a protocol previously de-
fined, that formalizes its execution, beginning by the
stipulation of the research questions, passing by es-
tablishing the studies inclusion and exclusion criteria,
selecting the digital basis for the extraction of works
related with the keywords applied during the search in
these basis, and concluding with the definition of how
the results will be presented (Biolchini et al., 2005).
Our review had as its goal to establish the state-
of-art of the process/methodologies for MAS devel-
opment that support in somehow requirements engi-
neering for this kind of system. Our main interest
is about how these processes identify and specify the
BDI model features in the requirements engineering
4.1 The Research Questions
We defined four research questions to this review. The
first research question (RQ1) aims to identify which
methodologies/processes support RE for MAS.
The second research question (RQ2) was defined
to identify the coverage of the RE by these method-
ologies. We believe that with this question we can
discover possible gaps in the area and that this will
allow for future research.
The third research question (RQ3) aims to verify
which methodologies support the BDI model. As we
stated before, this is a consolidated model in the MAS
development and we believe it aggregates better reli-
ability in using the methodologies that support it.
Finally, the fourth question (RQ4) has as its goal
to show a wider view of the area needs and to focus
on the points that can be approached in future works.
The four research questions are listed below:
RQ1: Which methodologies for the MAS devel-
opment support a specific requirements engineer-
ing (RE) life cycle to this kind of system?
RQ2: Which is the coverage of the requirements
engineering by these methodologies taking as a
basis the subareas defined by SWEBOK (Bourque
et al., 2014)?
RQ3: Which of these methodologies focus on the
BDI model during the requirements engineering?
RQ4: Which are the existing gaps in the method-
ologies that support RE for MAS?
4.2 Identifying and Selecting Primary
To recover relevant works for this study, we built a
String containing a set of keywords based on the re-
search questions. This String was adapted to the par-
ticularities of each bibliographic basis.
To perform this review, we used bibliographic
bases which (I) have a search mechanism based on
web; (II) have a mechanism able to use keywords;
(III) contain documents from the computer science
area; and (IV) their data bases are updated regularly.
It is important to highlight that we do not limited the
period in which the studies were published
In addition, we have included a book (Cossentino
et al., 2014) about methodologies for MAS, as well
as other classical and known studies. These studies
were manually selected by a specialist in the area be-
cause we considered that they would not be selected
in the search String as they do not present in its title,
abstract, and keywords topics related to the require-
ments engineering, since they are not processes fo-
cused on RE, though their life cycles encompass the
RE area.
In Table 1 we show the generic String used in the
basis. In addition to the search String, we used man-
ual filters in the bibliographic bases. We considered
necessary to apply these manual filters because, in
some bases, the results obtained were high and many
of the studies returned were outside the scope.
For ACM library it was used the filter “Ti-
tle/Abstract/keywords”; for Engineering Village,
“Subject/Title/Abstract”; for IEEE Xplore, All meta-
data, filters suggested by the base software “agents
A Systematic Review about Requirements Engineering Processes for Multi-Agent Systems
and multi-agent systems”; for Science Direct, “Sub-
ject/Title/Abstract” and “Title/Abstract/keywords”
and commands “multiagent OR multi-agent OR
agent-based”; for Scopus, “Title/Abstract/keywords”;
and for Springer Link it were applied the filters “Filter
of the area: Computer science”, “Filter of the subarea:
Software Engineering and Artificial intelligence”.
Table 1: String generic.
String Conector
(“multiagent” OR “multi-agent” OR “multi agent” AND
OR “agent-based” OR “agent society”
(“methodology” OR “method” OR “process”) AND
(“requirements engineering” OR “requirements
elicitation” OR “requirements modeling” OR
“requirements analysis” OR “requirements specification”)
4.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The selection criteria have as its goal to identify the
primary studies that provide contents to answer the
research questions. Thus, firstly the studies were anal-
ysed with basis on the title, abstract, and keywords. If
there were still doubts about the final classification of
a study in relation to the inclusion or exclusion crite-
ria, a specialist would be consulted. These criteria are
described in the Table 2.
Table 2: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.
Criterion ID Description
Inclusion IC1 Does the study presents a methodology or an
extension of a methodology for multi-agent
systems that contemplates at least one of
the requirements engineering subareas
defined in the SWEBOK?
Exclusion EC1 Studies that cover a methodology already
included in more recent work.
EC2 Studies that are not a paper or a chapter of book.
EC3 Studies with less than 6 pages.
EC4 Studies that boils down to a case study or
methodology evaluation.
EC5 Studies that boils down to a comparison of
EC6 Studies that do not present a methodology
(or extension of a methodology) for multi-agent
systems that contemplate at least one of
requirements engineering subareas
from SWEBOK.
EC7 Studies that concentrate in other areas of
Software Engineering.
EC8 Studies that boils down to the development of
a system.
EC9 Studies that present a methodology or extension
of a methodology created only to a kind of
specific application.
4.4 Studies Quality Assessment
We defined two quality criteria to evaluate the rel-
evance of the studies to the scope of this research.
These criteria were not used to the exclusion of stud-
ies, only for the ranking of studies more relevant.
Next we described the two qualitative criteria and the
score attributed for each criterion defined.
1. QC1: The work supports the BDI model?
Yes (Y): the work fully supports the BDI model;
Partly (P): the work supports at least one of the
features of the BDI model;
Not (N): the work does not support the BDI
2. QC2: the work applies some empirical study (ex-
periment, case study, etc.)?
Yes (Y): the study applies some empirical study;
Not (N): the study does not apply some empirical
To establish a quality general index of the selected
studies, we attributed scores to each criterion defined,
where Yes (Y) corresponds to 1 score, Partly (P) 0.5
score and Not (N) 0 score.
The Table 3, shows the score of each selected
study. We noticed that only three studies ((Jo and
Einhorn, 2005), (Mylopoulos et al., 2013), and (Mor-
reale et al., 2006)) reached the maximum ranking of
2 scores.
On the other hand, some studies got 0 score
((Alonso et al., 2004), (Hajer et al., 2009), (Bokma
et al., 1994), and (Gonz
alez-Moreno et al., 2014)),
though these studies did not achieve any score, they
were kept because the qualitative criteria were used
only for ranking the studies, not for eliminate them.
4.5 Data Extraction Strategy
When the studies selection process was concluded,
the basic information of each paper was registered for
data extraction. The extraction was performed using
the Google Spreadsheet to capture all the information
of each work included, allowing the posterior synthe-
sis. The data extracted from the included works were
analysed in order to answer the research questions. In
Section 5, these results were exposed and discussed.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Quality Indexes of the Studies.
(Ulfat-Bunyadi et al., 2018) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Abushark et al., 2016) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Ribino et al., 2013) 1.00 0.00 1.00
(Liu et al., 2011) 0.00 1.00 1.00
(Argente et al., 2011) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Sen and Hemachandran, 2010) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Blanes et al., 2009b) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Huiying and Zhi, 2009) 0.50 0.00 0.50
andez et al., 2009) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Rodriguez et al., 2009) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Bryl et al., 2008) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Lee and Lee, 2008) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Ranjan and Misra, 2006) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Lindoso and Girardi, 2006) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Shen et al., 2005) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Alonso et al., 2004) 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Jo and Einhorn, 2005) 1.00 1.00 2.00
(Mylopoulos et al., 2013) 1.00 1.00 2.00
(Marcio Cysneiros and Yu, 2003) 1.00 0.00 1.00
(Chiung-Hui Leon Lee and Liu, 2002) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Banach, 2010) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Morreale et al., 2006) 1.00 1.00 2.00
(Murray, 2004) 0.00 1.00 1.00
(Cossentino et al., 2010) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Bresciani and Donzelli, 2003) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Sen and Jain, 2007b) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Hsieh et al., 2008) 0.00 1.00 1.00
(Sutcliffe, 2001) 0.50 1.00 0.00
(Sen and Jain, 2007a) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Haumer et al., 1999) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Longbing Cao et al., 2004) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Wilmann and Sterling, 2005) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Wu et al., 2010) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Liu and Li, 2015) 0.00 1.00 1.00
(Hajer et al., 2009) 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Ashamalla et al., 2017) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Bokma et al., 1994) 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Hilaire et al., 2012) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Gaur and Soni, 2012) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Passos et al., 2015) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Wang et al., 2013) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Ronald et al., 2012) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Domann et al., 2014) 0.00 1.00 1.00
(Cernuzzi et al., 2014) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Cossentino and Seidita, 2014) 0.00 1.00 1.00
alez-Moreno et al., 2014) 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Bonjean et al., 2014) 0.00 1.00 1.00
(DeLoach and Garcia-Ojeda, 2014) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Padgham et al., 2014) 1.00 0.00 1.00
(Caire et al., 2004) 0.50 1.00 1.50
(Cao, 2015) 0.50 0.00 0.50
(Glaser, 1997) 1.00 0.00 1.00
(Iglesias et al., 1998) 1.00 0.00 1.00
(Lind, 2001) 0.00 1.00 1.00
4.6 Conducting the Review
The conduction of this systematic review was per-
formed between the months of February and May of
2020. We defined four stages for the studies selec-
tion: (I) executing the search String in the biblio-
graphic bases; (II) removing the duplicated studies;
(III) applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria to
the works; and (IV) reading and extracting the infor-
mation of the remaining studies of the Stage (III). The
studies were read by two reviewers in consultation
with a specialist in the area.
In Stage 1, the search String was executed in
the bibliographic bases selected for this review. The
overview of this stage can be observed in Figure 1.
The conduction began analysing the 1060 works im-
ported from the selected bibliographic bases.
In Stage 2, a total of 247 duplicated studies were
removed. In Stage 3, there were applied the inclusion
and exclusion criteria based on the reading of the title,
abstract, and keywords, resulting in the selection of 53
studies considered promising.
Figure 1: Search process.
To avoid the selection of works that are not fitted
in the scope of this review, the 53 studies, selected in
the third stage, were completely read, what resulted in
the exclusion of 10 works, totalling 43 selected works.
The rejected works in this stage were inside of two
exclusion criteria:
1. Works that concentrate in other Software Engi-
neering areas: the works excluded that were inside
on this criterion were methodologies that worked
with MAS only in posterior stages to the require-
ments engineering. The requirements engineering
was performed in a traditional way, not focusing
on any particular feature of MAS.
2. Works that cover a methodology already included
in a work: for this criterion we selected the most
recent work in such a way we can understand the
current state of the methodology.
At the end of the conduction Stage, the manually se-
lected studies ((Cernuzzi et al., 2014), (Cossentino
and Seidita, 2014), (Gonz
alez-Moreno et al., 2014),
(Bonjean et al., 2014), (DeLoach and Garcia-Ojeda,
2014), (Padgham et al., 2014), (Caire et al., 2004),
(Cao, 2015), (Glaser, 1997), (Iglesias et al., 1998),
(Lind, 2001)) were added to the set of papers searched
in the bases, according with defined in Section 4.2.
This resulted in a total of 54 accepted studies.
4.7 Data Extraction
For data extracting in the accepted works, we read
them all and tried to identify which SWEBOK RE
subareas each work covers, whether the methodology
A Systematic Review about Requirements Engineering Processes for Multi-Agent Systems
proposed in the study has a well-defined life cycle,
whether the RE presented in the study is adequate for
MAS, and whether the study supports the BDI model.
The conduction of this stage was performed in
pairs, where each researcher read the paper and ex-
tracted the information about the issues cited previ-
ously. The conflicts between the researchers were de-
cided by a specialist in the area.
The relevant information of the selected studies was
obtained using the data extraction spreadsheet. The
evidence found about each research question are dis-
cussed in the next subsections.
5.1 Analysis of the Research Questions
In this section we answered the research questions of
this study and we discussed the results achieved.
Research Question 1: To answer this question,
we found 54 methodologies which approached RE for
MAS. These studies can be observed in Table 4.
Research Question 2: From the 54 selected stud-
ies we observed that all of them present Requirements
Engineering fit for multi-agent systems. Thus, we
extracted which RE sub-areas defined in SWEBOK
(Bourque et al., 2014) are supported by these studies.
Table 4 shows the 54 studies and the sub-areas
that they support. Great part of these studies, 46 in
the total, support the sub-area of requirements analy-
sis. While 31 of them support the sub-area of require-
ments specification.
The sub-area of requirements elicitation, by its
turn, is supported by 16 studies. Finally, the sub-area
of requirements validation has the lower number of
studies, with only 3 of the total.
We also observed that, from these studies, only
the ADELFE methodology (Bonjean et al., 2014)
supports the four RE sub-areas (elicitation, analysis,
specification, and validation).Moreover, the elicita-
tion in the ADELFE methodology is not suitable for
MAS, being applied a traditional elicitation. The fea-
tures suitable for a MAS began to be presented in the
analysis stage. However, this stage does not present
the means for validating the documents specific for
MAS. ADELFE validates only documents present in
a traditional requirements engineering.
Another important fact that we noticed in the ex-
traction is that only 30 studies presented some empiri-
cal experiments for the validation of the methodology.
Research Question 3: We tried to identify which
methodologies support the BDI model. We observed
that most part of the studies, 35 in the total, support
partially the BDI model, i. e., they identify at least
one of the features of this model.
These features are: agent beliefs; agent
goals/desires; and agent intentions. However, it
is necessary to state that the majority of these works
do not cite explicitly the BDI model, most of them
are goal-oriented methodologies, i. e., they focus
on just in one feature of the BDI model and they do
not necessarily use this model, but the fact that these
studies identify one of the features is useful for our
Agents goals were the most identified feature, in
most cases in isolation. There are studies that identify
intentions, however we noticed that beliefs and inten-
tions are not identified in isolation, they are always
accompanied by the identification of their goals.
Another issue to be highlighted is that 11 stud-
ies do not present support to the BDI model and only
8 present support for all these features in at least
one stage of their requirements engineering. Table 5
presents the methodologies coverage regarding their
support to the BDI model.
Research Question 4: We noticed that only three
studies cover the validation sub-area in their RE cycle.
It demonstrates that the majority of the methodologies
do not care with this phase that is so important to the
systems quality.
We also noticed that just one study covers the four
sub-areas of RE in its cycle (Bonjean et al., 2014).
On the other hand, this study does not support the
BDI model, what demonstrates a gap and the need
of the proposition of a methodology containing a re-
quirements engineering phase that supports the BDI
Regarding the BDI model coverage, we under-
stand that the support to just 8 studies from a total
of 54 is a low number. Moreover, just two method-
ologies have as their focus to cover this model ((Jo
and Einhorn, 2005), (Ribino et al., 2013)) and none of
them cover elicitation and validation, what highlights
a gap in the RE for MAS area.
Other point that we could identify as a neglect
is that, among the methodologies that support BDI,
only the Tropos methodology (Mylopoulos et al.,
2013) covers the requirements elicitation and just the
methodology proposed by Cysneiros (Marcio Cys-
neiros and Yu, 2003) includes requirements valida-
tion. It demonstrates that most of the methodologies
that support BDI focus on the requirements analysis
and specification and that, besides these areas, there
is space to be explored in the elicitation and valida-
tion areas.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Methodologies/Processes that support RE for MAS
and its coverage with relation to the SWEBOK subareas.
KAOS Extension (Ulfat-Bunyadi et al., 2018) X X
JAAMAS (Abushark et al., 2016) X
Patrizia Ribino (Ribino et al., 2013) X
AGSIRA (Liu et al., 2011) X X
GORMAS (Argente et al., 2011) X X
ATABGE (Sen and Hemachandran, 2010) X
RE4Gaia (Blanes et al., 2009b) X
Xu Huiying (Huiying and Zhi, 2009) X X
REG for AOSE (Fuentes-Fern
andez et al.,
Extension GAIA (Rodriguez et al., 2009) X
B-Tropos (Bryl et al., 2008) X X X
JONGWON LEE (Lee and Lee, 2008) X
Prabhat Ranjan (Ranjan and Misra, 2006) X X X
SRAMO (Lindoso and Girardi, 2006) X
Zhiqi Shen (Shen et al., 2005) X
SONIA (Alonso et al., 2004) X X
BDI ASP (Jo and Einhorn, 2005) X
Tropos (Mylopoulos et al., 2013) X X X
Cysneiros (Marcio Cysneiros and Yu, 2003) X X X
Chiung-Hui (Chiung-Hui Leon Lee and Liu,
KAOS (Banach, 2010) X X
PRACTIONIST (Morreale et al., 2006) X X
Murray (Murray, 2004) X
ASPECS (Cossentino et al., 2010) X X
REF (Bresciani and Donzelli, 2003) X X
Sen and Jain (Sen and Jain, 2007b) X
Hsieh et al. (Hsieh et al., 2008) X X
Sutcliffe (Sutcliffe, 2001) X X
Agile Sen and Jain (Sen and Jain, 2007a) X
CREWS-EVE (Haumer et al., 1999) X X X
Cao et al. (Longbing Cao et al., 2004) X X
HOMER (Wilmann and Sterling, 2005) X
Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2010) X
Liu and Li (Liu and Li, 2015) X
Mahmoud et al. (Hajer et al., 2009) X
Ashamalla et al. (Ashamalla et al., 2017) X X
Consensus (Bokma et al., 1994) X X
Hilaire et al. (Hilaire et al., 2012) X
Gaur and Soni (Gaur and Soni, 2012) X
Passos et al. (Passos et al., 2015) X X
PLANT (Wang et al., 2013) X X
Ronald et al. (Ronald et al., 2012) X X
aMIAC (Domann et al., 2014) X X
GAIA (Cernuzzi et al., 2014) X X
PASSI (Cossentino and Seidita, 2014) X X X
alez-Moreno et al.,
ADELFE (Bonjean et al., 2014) X X X X
O-MaSE (DeLoach and Garcia-Ojeda, 2014) X X
PROMETHEUS (Padgham et al., 2014) X
MESSAGE (Caire et al., 2004) X X
OSOAD (Cao, 2015) X
COMOMAS (Glaser, 1997) X
MAS-COMMONKADS (Iglesias et al., 1998) X X
MASSIVE (Lind, 2001) X X X
Total 16 46 31 3
During the planning and execution of this review,
some factors were characterized as threats to the re-
search validity. The potential threats are discussed to
orient the interpretation of this work:
1. Construct Validity: The reliability of the search
string defined to select relevant works can be a
threat to the construct. To minimize this threat the
string was calibrated with the execution of several
Table 5: Coverage of methodologies/Processes regarding
the BDI model support.
Desire (Goal)
Not support
KAOS Extension (Ulfat-Bunyadi et al., 2018) X X
JAAMAS (Abushark et al., 2016) X
Patrizia Ribino (Ribino et al., 2013) X X X
AGSIRA (Liu et al., 2011) X
GORMAS (Argente et al., 2011) X
ATABGE (Sen and Hemachandran, 2010) X
RE4Gaia (Blanes et al., 2009b) X
Xu Huiying (Huiying and Zhi, 2009) X X
REG for AOSE (Fuentes-Fern
andez et al.,
Extension GAIA (Rodriguez et al., 2009) X
B-Tropos (Bryl et al., 2008) X
JONGWON LEE (Lee and Lee, 2008) X
Prabhat Ranjan (Ranjan and Misra, 2006) X
SRAMO (Lindoso and Girardi, 2006) X
Zhiqi Shen (Shen et al., 2005) X
SONIA (Alonso et al., 2004) X
BDI ASP (Jo and Einhorn, 2005) X X X
Tropos (Mylopoulos et al., 2013) X X X
Cysneiros (Marcio Cysneiros and Yu, 2003) X X X
Chiung-Hui (Chiung-Hui Leon Lee and Liu,
KAOS (Banach, 2010) X
PRACTIONIST (Morreale et al., 2006) X X X
Murray (Murray, 2004) X
ASPECS (Cossentino et al., 2010) X
REF (Bresciani and Donzelli, 2003) X
Sen and Jain (Sen and Jain, 2007b) X
Hsieh et al. (Hsieh et al., 2008) X
Sutcliffe (Sutcliffe, 2001) X
Agile Sen and Jain (Sen and Jain, 2007a) X
CREWS-EVE (Haumer et al., 1999) X
Cao et al. (Longbing Cao et al., 2004) X
HOMER (Wilmann and Sterling, 2005) X
Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2010) X
Liu and Li (Liu and Li, 2015) X
Mahmoud et al. (Hajer et al., 2009) X
Ashamalla et al. (Ashamalla et al., 2017) X
Consensus (Bokma et al., 1994) X
Hilaire et al. (Hilaire et al., 2012) X
Gaur and Soni (Gaur and Soni, 2012) X
Passos et al. (Passos et al., 2015) X
PLANT (Wang et al., 2013) X
Ronald et al. (Ronald et al., 2012) X
aMIAC (Domann et al., 2014) X
GAIA (Cernuzzi et al., 2014) X
PASSI (Cossentino and Seidita, 2014) X
alez-Moreno et al.,
ADELFE (Bonjean et al., 2014) X
O-MaSE (DeLoach and Garcia-Ojeda, 2014) X X
PROMETHEUS (Padgham et al., 2014) X X X
MESSAGE (Caire et al., 2004) X
OSOAD (Cao, 2015) X
COMOMAS (Glaser, 1997) X X X
MAS-COMMONKADS (Iglesias et al., 1998) X X X
MASSIVE (Lind, 2001) X
Total 8 43 11 11
tests and the area expert was consulted about the
most used terms.
2. Internal Validity: A possible threat could have
arisen from the individual interpretation of each
researcher, something that could have led to the
exclusion of relevant studies. To minimize this
threat, the protocol of this review was strictly fol-
lowed, considering mainly the inclusion and ex-
clusion criteria. When necessary, a researcher
with experience in this area was consulted to reach
a consensus about the acceptance of the identified
A Systematic Review about Requirements Engineering Processes for Multi-Agent Systems
3. External Validity: Another possible threat is
that some studies could not have been found be-
cause it does not contain keywords defined in the
search string. To minimize this threat, the book
“Handbook on Agent-Oriented Design Processes”
(Cossentino et al., 2014) was used as research
source and some classical papers were manually
selected by a specialist in the area. To comple-
ment the research we performed a manual search
in the methodologies found aiming to ensure the
use of studies with the most recent version.
4. Coverage Validity:
Regarding the possible papers that were not cap-
tured by our String, we intend, as a future work,
to apply the snowballing technique trying to find
more relevant papers. Another issue is that the
snowballing technique can allow us to find more
papers about the analysed methodologies, since in
this analysis we focused only on the last paper of
each methodology and this practice may not fully
guarantee a complete coverage of the methodol-
5. Conclusion Validity: In spite of following a sys-
tematic protocol, systematic reviews are subject
to human error, especially in the data extraction
from papers. To mitigate this threat, the data ex-
traction was performed by two independent re-
searchers following the strategy defined in subsec-
tion 4.7 and, in case of divergences, a specialist in
the area was consulted.
In this systematic review, we answered the research
questions about which methodologies for multi-agent
systems support the requirements engineering life cy-
cle, which is the coverage of requirements engineer-
ing in these methodologies, and which of them fo-
cused on the BDI model. This way, aiming to search
and categorize the studies directly related to the theme
and to support posteriorly the development of new sci-
entific researches in the area.
This revision was carried out by two reviewers.
A third specialist reviewer had as its function to de-
cide about the conflicts. The review phases were com-
posed by the protocol definition, conduction of the re-
view, and studies extraction.
The initial search returned 1060 studies. The ap-
plication of the inclusion and exclusion criteria re-
sulted in the selection of a total of 43 studies. Af-
ter the inclusion of the studies manually selected we
obtained a total of 54 studies.
Regarding the requirements engineering life cy-
cle, we identified 54 studies that support at least one
of the requirements engineering subareas. From these
studies, we observed that only 31 of the total present
a well-defined RE life cycle.
The synthesis of the data guided us to some in-
teresting observations. Among them, we noticed that
only 3 studies support the requirements validation
subarea ((Bonjean et al., 2014), (Marcio Cysneiros
and Yu, 2003), (Haumer et al., 1999)). We also no-
ticed that only the ADELFE methodology (Bonjean
et al., 2014) covers the four requirements engineer-
ing sub-areas. And, finally, that only 8 methodologies
support the BDI model.
We identified some gaps that demonstrate the need
of specific studies to multi-agent systems. Among
them, there is the need of proposing a methodology
that covers the four requirements engineering sub-
areas, considering that ADELFE methodology (Bon-
jean et al., 2014) is specific for adaptive MAS and that
it does not support the BDI model. Another identified
gap is the weak coverage of the validation sub-area,
present in just three studies. We also noticed that none
methodology covers the four requirements engineer-
ing sub-areas with support to the BDI model.
That said, as a future work, we will propose a re-
quirements engineering process for multi-agents sys-
tems, supporting and containing guidelines for the
four requirements engineering sub-areas and with
support to the BDI model, as well. This work is al-
ready in an advanced stage. We also intend to extend
this process in such a way that it encompasses all the
development life cycle of multi-agent systems with
focus on the BDI model.
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