ImpactCite: An XLNet-based Solution Enabling Qualitative Citation
Impact Analysis Utilizing Sentiment and Intent
Dominique Mercier
, Syed Tahseen Raza Rizvi
, Vikas Rajashekar
Andreas Dengel
1,2 c
and Sheraz Ahmed
2 d
Technische Universit
at Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Intent Classification, Sentiment Classification, Document
Citations play a vital role in understanding the impact of scientific literature. Generally, citations are analyzed
quantitatively whereas qualitative analysis of citations can reveal deeper insights into the impact of a scientific
artifact in the community. Therefore, citation impact analysis including sentiment and intent classification
enables us to quantify the quality of the citations which can eventually assist us in the estimation of ranking and
impact. The contribution of this paper is three-fold. First, we provide ImpactCite, which is an XLNet-based
method for citation impact analysis. Second, we propose a clean and reliable dataset for citation sentiment
analysis. Third, we benchmark the well-known language models like BERT and ALBERT along with our
proposed approach for both tasks of sentiment and intent classification. All evaluations are performed on a
set of publicly available citation analysis datasets. Evaluation results reveal that ImpactCite achieves a new
state-of-the-art performance for both citation intent and sentiment classification by outperforming the existing
approaches by 3.44% and 1.33% in F1-score. Therefore, the evaluation results suggest that ImpactCite is a
single solution for both sentiment and intent analysis to better understand the impact of a citation.
Scientific publications play an important role in the
development of a community. An exponential in-
crease in scientific literature has posed a challenge of
evaluating the impact of a publication in a given sci-
entific community. Citations majorly contribute to-
wards the eminence of an author as well as the impact
of their publications in a society. However, counting
citations serves as a quantitative metric and therefore
does not provide qualitative insights into the citations.
In order to get a qualitative insight, the sentiment of a
given citation is identified which refers to the opinion
of the citing author about the cited literature.
We emphasize that using a qualitative metric tak-
ing into account different aspects of the citation leads
to a much more sophisticated representation of the
Authors contributed equally.
importance of an citation. Therefore, the sentiment
and intent are used exemplary as two meaningful fea-
tures that can enhance the existing approach. Pre-
cisely, the existing approach does not take into ac-
count the publication date, community background or
availability of the work. However, the quality of a
work should not depend on these aspects but rather
on the content and the results. In short, to create a
good metric it is important to cover additional aspects
independent of the number of citations.
Sentiment classification provides us contextual in-
sight into each of the literature citations. Sentiment
classification is commonly applied to different do-
mains (Bahrainian and Dengel, 2013; Wu et al., 2015;
Feldman, 2013; Lin and He, 2009; Medhat et al.,
2014) i.e. movie reviews, product reviews, citations,
etc. where a given text string is classified based on its
hidden sentiment. Therefore, it is possible to clas-
sify sentiments as either subjective & objective or
a more fine-grained classification into positive, neu-
tral, and negative depending on the domain and in-
stances. However, sentiment classification can also
induce subjectivity to the opinion.
Mercier, D., Rizvi, S., Rajashekar, V., Dengel, A. and Ahmed, S.
ImpactCite: An XLNet-based Solution Enabling Qualitative Citation Impact Analysis Utilizing Sentiment and Intent.
DOI: 10.5220/0010235201590168
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 159-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Sentiment classification provides us a deeper qual-
itative insight into a given literature citation. How-
ever, to get even deeper insights and to evade the like-
lihood of subjectivity, intent could be identified. The
intent of a literature citation refers to the purpose of
citing the existing literature. An author can cite a pub-
lished manuscript for a number of reasons i.e. de-
scribing related works, using, extending, or compar-
ing existing approaches and to contradict the claims
from previous literature. Intent classification plays
a crucial role in validating predicted sentiment of a
given citation. The positioning of the citation plays
an important role in identifying the sentiment. For in-
stance, citations usually found in the evaluation and
discussion section are more likely to be negative, as
the citing authors usually compare the results of their
approach in evaluation to prove the superiority of their
Despite the recently published approaches e.g.
Beltagy et al. (Beltagy et al., 2019) there is still a
lack of methods and dataset used for scientific cita-
tion analysis. This lack of data originates from the
effort mandatory to annotate scientific citations. Fur-
thermore, most sentiment analysis cover domains in
which the data is highly subjective and the annota-
tion can be automated. Besides, there is no common
definition of intention used to classify publications
properly. In this paper, we cleaned a publicly avail-
able dataset for citation sentiment analysis and bench-
marked the performance of several models ranging
from simple CNN to more sophisticated transformer
networks for sentiment and intent classification. By
doing so, we achieved a new state-of-the-art for both
sentiment and intent classification. We also present
the new state-of-the-art as a single solution to be sep-
arately trained for sentiment and intent classification.
The contributions of this paper are as follows:
We propose one solution for both tasks in hand i.e.
sentiment and intent classification. The proposed
model can be separately trained for both tasks.
We removed the discrepancies and the redundan-
cies present in the previous version of the dataset
and made a cleaned and reliable dataset for cita-
tion sentiment analysis publicly available
for the
We conducted performance benchmarking of a
set of models ranging from simple CNN based
models to sophisticated transformer networks and
achieving state-of-the-art performance for both
sentiment and intent classification.
In this section, we discuss the existing literature for
sentiment and intent classification. We also highlight
the key aspects of each existing approaches.
2.1 Sentiment Classification
Sentiment classification is a popular task and due
to its wide range of applications, there exist numer-
ous publications to address this problem. Tang et
al. (Tang et al., 2014) proposed sentiment-specific
word embeddings for performing sentiment classifi-
cation of tweets. Therefore highlighting that the use
of highly specialized word embeddings can improve
performance for sentiment classification. Thongtan
et al. (Thongtan and Phienthrakul, 2019) employed
document embeddings trained with cosine similarity
to perform sentiment classification on a movie re-
view dataset. Cliche (Cliche, 2017) proposed a sen-
timent classifier for tweets consisting of an ensemble
of CNN and LSTM models trained and finetuned on
a large corpus of unlabeled data.
With the popularity of transformer networks,
BERT(Devlin et al., 2018) became a famous choice
among the community for a range of Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) tasks. The BERT model was
trained on a large volume of unlabeled data. There-
fore, recent literature in the sentiment analysis do-
main makes use of the BERT model to improve the
performance for the task in hand. In (Munikar et al.,
2019; Zhou et al., 2016; Xie et al., 2019), the au-
thors take advantage of transfer learning to adapt
pre-trained BERT model for sentiment classification
and further boost the performance by complementing
it with pre-processing, attention modules, structural
features, etc.
The literature discussed so far dealt with senti-
ment classification in tweets or movie reviews. On the
other hand, citation sentiment classification is quite
different from review sentiment classification, as the
text in scientific publications is formal. Esuli and
Sebastiani (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) defined that
the sentiment classification is analogous to opinion
mining and subjectivity mining. They further dis-
cussed that personal preferences and writing style of
an author can induce subjectivity in the citations as
an author can deliberately make a citation sounding
positive or negative. Athar (Athar, 2011) performed
different experiments using sets of various features
like science lexicon, contextual polarity, dependen-
cies, negation, sentence splitting and word-level fea-
tures to identify an optimal set of features for senti-
ment classification in scientific publications. Xu et
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
al. (Xu et al., 2015) performed sentiment analysis of
citations in clinical trial papers by using textual fea-
tures like n-grams, sentiment lexicon, and structure
information. Sentiment classification is significantly
important in the domain of scientific citation analy-
sis due to the scarcity of scientific datasets suitable
for scientific sentiment classification and the shallow
definition of sentiment for this domain. Finding a sen-
timent in a text that is written to be analytical and
objective is substantially different from doing so in
highly subjective text pieces like twitter data.
2.2 Intent Classification
The basic concepts of intent classification are the
same as sentiment classification. However, contrary
to the sentiment classification, the definition of the
citation intent classification is much sharper and the
label acquisition is strongly related to the sections of
a paper where it appears. Usually, section title pro-
vides a good understanding of the intent of the cita-
tion. However, compound section titles in scientific
work can prove to be challenging for identifying the
intent. Cohan et al. (Cohan et al., 2019) performed
citation intent analysis by employing bi-directional
LSTM with attention mechanism and consolidating it
with ELMo vectors and structural scaffolds like cita-
tion worthiness and section title.
Beltagy et al. (Beltagy et al., 2019) proposed SciB-
ERT, which is a variation of BERT optimized for sci-
entific publications and trained on 1.14 Million scien-
tific publications containing 3.17 Billion tokens from
biomedical and computer science domains. SciB-
ERT was applied to a group of NLP tasks including
text classification to sections. Mercier et al. (Mercier
et al., 2019) employed a fusion of Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM) and perceptron based classifier to clas-
sify the intent of the citations. They used a set of tex-
tual features consisting of type & length of tokens,
capitalization, adjectives, hypernyms, and synonyms.
Similarly, Abu-Jabra et al. (Abu-Jbara et al., 2013)
also employed SVM to perform the intent classifi-
cation of citations. They suggested that lexical and
structural features play a crucial role in identifying
the intent of a given citation.
This paper deals with two important aspects concern-
ing citation analysis namely the citation sentiment
and intent. For this purpose, we used the follow-
ing datasets to carry out the evaluations. We iden-
tified some inconsistencies in the sentiment dataset,
Table 1: SciCite (Cohan et al., 2019). Number of instances
and class distribution.
Result Method Background
Num. Train 1109 2294 4840
Num. Val 123 255 538
Num. Test 259 605 997
Num. Total 1491 3154 6375
Class dist. 13.53% 28.62% 57.85%
Figure 1: SciCite class distribution.
which was later thoroughly cleaned and is being re-
leased along with this paper. However, despite the
dataset limitation we decided to stick with the sen-
timent dataset and improve its quality to propose a
cleaned version usable to perform citation sentiment
analysis using deep neural models.
3.1 SciCite: An Intent Classification
In intent classification, we performed our experiments
on the SciCite dataset which was proposed by Choan
et al. (Cohan et al., 2019) and covers medical and
computer science publications. We chose this dataset
for the following reasons: SciCite is a well known
publicly available dataset and covers computer sci-
ence citations. Additionally, it has strong results em-
phasizing its quality and it is large enough to be used
with state-of-the-art deep learning approaches.
The SciCite dataset has an unbalanced class distri-
bution and consists of coarse-grained labels obtained
by clustering citations based on their parent section.
According to the authors (Cohan et al., 2019), three
classes provide a scheme that covers the different in-
tents. Table 1 shows detailed information about the
number of samples used for training, validation and
test. This dataset consists of three classes i.e. Result,
ImpactCite: An XLNet-based Solution Enabling Qualitative Citation Impact Analysis Utilizing Sentiment and Intent
Table 2: Citation sentiment corpus (Athar, 2011). Number
of instances and class distribution.
Positive Negative Neutral
Avg. Length 229.4 221.8 219.6
Num. of samples 829 280 7627
Class dist. 9.49% 3.21% 87.30%
Method and Background. Where each class label rep-
resents the section where the citation was present and
depict its respective intent to whether compare, ex-
tend or simply refer to the existing literature. Fig 1
shows the distrubution of the SciCite dataset where
most of the samples belong to the Background class
with 57.8%, while the Method and result class have
relatively less number of samples. The background
section provides the majority of citations whereas
only a small amount of citations are classified as re-
sult or method. According to the authors, the distribu-
tion follow the real-world distribution and the number
of samples is large enough to correctly learn the con-
cepts of each class.
3.2 CSC: A Citation Sentiment Corpus
When it comes to the task of citation sentiment classi-
fication using publicly available high-quality datasets
there is a lack of data. Although, there exist datasets
for scientific papers e.g. the dataset proposed by Xu
et al. (Xu et al., 2015) or the sentiment citation cor-
pus proposed by Athar (Athar, 2011) these are either
not publicly available or have quality issues. Pre-
cisely, this problem origins because of the data ac-
quisition and labeling of scientific text as is can not
be automated. Conversely, it is straight forward to ac-
quire twitter or movie review data and label it. Due
to the lack of alternate solutions, we had to stick to
the dataset proposed by Athar (Athar, 2011) although
this dataset has a very unbalanced class distribution
as shown in Table 2. Fig 2 shows the distribution
of samples among different classes. In the following
sections, we refer to this dataset as CSC.
The CSC dataset consists of three classes Posi-
tive, Negative and Neutral. Where each class label
represents the opinion of the citing author about the
cited literature. Figure 3 shows the variation in token
length and their distribution among different classes.
It can be observed that the token length of the sam-
ples shows that the sample length is not an indicator
for the label. In addition, these numbers demonstrate
that a citation contains multiple sentences resulting
in an additional context that can be utilized. Extract-
Figure 2: Citation sentiment corpus class distribution.
Figure 3: Citation sentiment corpus. Sample length class-
ing only the sentence containing the citation would
result in a potential information loss as the sentiment
can be included in a follow-up or previous sentence.
Therefore, we decided to keep the instances as they
are providing us instances of multiple sentences to as-
sure that the content relation can be learned correctly.
3.3 CSC-Clean: A Cleaned Citation
Sentiment Corpus
During the experimentation phase for this paper we
identified several discrepancies concerning duplicated
instances, wrong data splits, and samples with im-
pressively bad quality concerning their label consis-
tency. Therefore, it was not possible to compare our
approach with the existing results published for the
citation sentiment corpus and we decided to clean the
dataset to create a improved dataset with better qual-
ity covering the same corpus. To do so, we applied
the following two steps for dataset cleansing:
1. Removing duplicate samples with different labels
2. Removing duplicate samples with same labels
During dataset cleansing, we removed 756 instances
as shown in Table 3. The removed instances were ei-
ther identical duplicates of existing instances or pro-
vided different labels for the same text. In the case
of samples with inconsistent labels, we removed all
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Comparison of citation sentiment corpus and clean citation sentiment dataset.
Positive Negative Neutral
Citation sentiment corpus 829 280 7627
Clean citation sentiment dataset 728 253 6999
Removed instances 101 27 628
appearances as a manual selection of a specific in-
stance would induce a bias. Although, this reduces the
number of available instances, however it is the most
appropriated solution to exclude possible subjectivity
when it comes to the decision which instances label is
correct as for the evaluation it is not suitable to keep
both instances. We propose the dataset without any
duplicates or inconsistent labels enabling to produce
fair and meaningful results using cross-validation to
overcome the limited amount of instances for the
minority classes. In this paper, we will refer to
this dataset as CSC-Clean. The cleaned dataset will
be publicly available on the following link: https:
In this section, we will briefly describe the neural net-
work architecture adopted for our experiments. Fur-
thermore, we substantiate the architecture choice and
provide information about the training procedure.
4.1 Citation Analysis based on XLNet
To tackle the problem of sentiment and intent analysis
we propose ImpactCite, an XLNet-based approach.
XLNet is a famous choice for several NLP related
tasks (Yang et al., 2019). XLNet is an auto-regressive
language model contains bi-directional attention and
is pre-trained on a large amount of data. The bi-
directional attention makes it possible to understand
relations within the sentences that can be drawn from
left-to-right and vice versa. Due to the permutation
generalization approach and the use of Transformer-
XL (Dai et al., 2019) as the backbone model, XLNet
can achieve excellent performance for language tasks
involving long context. The Transformer XL archi-
tecture is shown in Figure 4. Especially, the capability
to handle long context is important for the sentiment
classification task as the sentiment of a citation can
depend on the content of preceding or the proceeding
Figure 4: Transformer-XL architecture (Dai et al., 2019).
Each of the Multi-Head Attention layers is composed of
multiple attention heads that apply a linear transformation
and compute the attention.
4.2 Model Architecture and Training
There are several variations of XLNet that differ
slightly in the number of layers and units. For our ex-
periments, we decided to use two XLNet-Large mod-
els. As our tasks cover a long context we decided to
use the large version of XLNet. XLNet-Large con-
sists of 24-layers, 1024 hidden units, and 16 heads.
During our experiments, we rely on a pre-trained ver-
sion of the model and fine-tune it according to the
citation classification task. We start with a warm-
up phase using a fixed learning rate followed by a
ImpactCite: An XLNet-based Solution Enabling Qualitative Citation Impact Analysis Utilizing Sentiment and Intent
slow learning rate decay to adjust the weights. This
makes it possible to fine-tune the large model on a
small dataset as the general language structure is al-
ready learned by the pre-trained model and we only
adjust the weights to the new domain and task.
In this paper, we used one model for the sentiment
classification and the second model for the intent clas-
sification. Doing so, we can infer the sentiment and
intent for a given instance as an extension to the exist-
ing number of citations. To the best of our knowledge,
there exists only a limited amount of work that covers
the sentiment citation.
In this section, we will discuss all the benchmark-
ing experiments performed for two different text clas-
sification tasks namely citation intent and sentiment
classification. We employed models ranging from the
baseline models i.e. CNN to highly sophisticated lan-
guage models i.e. BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), AL-
BERT (Lan et al., 2019) and XLNet (Yang et al.,
2019) based ImpactCite.
5.1 Intent Classification
5.1.1 Experiments
For citation intent classification, we performed a
bunch of experiments using different models. All
the models were trained and evaluated on the SciCite
dataset (Cohan et al., 2019). We used the train/test
split provided with the SciCite dataset and trained
three baseline models i.e. CNN, LSTM, and RNN
from scratch using a different number of layers, fil-
ters, and convolution sizes. In addition, BERT (De-
vlin et al., 2018), ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) and Im-
pactCite used pre-trained model initialization weights
and were later finetuned on SciCite dataset. We com-
puted the micro-f1 and macro-f1 as well as the accu-
racy for each label and each network. Initial experi-
ments using the CNN, LSTM, and RNN approaches
have shown that their performance using pre-trained
embeddings e.g. GloVe
did not improve compared
to new initialized embeddings. We emphazise, that
the domain discrepancy could be the reason for the
insignificant performance differences.
5.1.2 Results and Discussion
All the evaluation results of citation intent classifica-
tion are shown in Table 4. it can be observed that the
CNN clearly outperformed both the LSTM and RNN.
A reason for the worse performance of the RNN is
the length of the instances resulting in the vanishing
gradient problem, whereas the LSTM processed the
citation only in one direction and could not cover the
influence on proceeding tokens. We explored differ-
ent layer and filter sizes for baseline models, however,
there is only an insignificant difference when tuning
the parameters. Furthermore, CNN was not only su-
perior in performance but also efficient in time com-
plexity than the LSTM and RNN due to the good par-
The second block of Table 4 shows the complex
language models whereas the third block shows re-
sults from existing literature for citation intent clas-
sification. With the fine-tuning of complex lan-
guage models, we achieved a new state-of-the-art per-
formance by using ImpactCite. ImpactCite signifi-
cantly outperformed fine-tuned BERT and ALBERT
by 3.93% and 4.79% micro-f1 and 5.8% and 6.31%
macro-f1 on SciCite dataset. It has to be noted that
the accuracy for the classes with less representation
in the dataset showed an improvement of about 10%
as shown in Figure 5, stating that the generaliza-
tion worked quite well. The performances of our
fine-tuned BERT and ALBERT were close to each
other showing only an insignificant difference. To
conclude, ImpactCite outperformed CNN by 8.71%
which highlights the significantly better capabilities
of the larger transformer-based model pre-trained on
a different domain and later fine-tuned.
5.2 Sentiment Classification
In this section, we will discuss the experiment designs
for citation sentiment classification and their evalua-
tions in detail. We adopted a couple of splitting strate-
gies to partition the dataset into training and test set.
We performed experiments on the original (CSC) and
cleaned the citation sentiment corpus (CSC-Clean).
5.2.1 Experiment 1: Fixed Dataset Split on CSC
Sentiment Dataset
In this experiment we used a fixed 70/30 training/test
split for the existing citation sentiment corpus pro-
posed by Athar (Athar, 2011) without any additional
data cleaning. This version of the dataset contained
the duplicates and inconsistent labels. Similar to cita-
tion intent classification, we used three baseline mod-
els and three complex language models to perform the
experiments for citation sentiment classification. In
addition, for the baseline networks, we employed sev-
eral sample strategies i.e. focal loss, SMOTE & up-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Evaluation results of intent classification on SciCite (Cohan et al., 2019) dataset. L = Layer, F = Filter, C =
convolution size.
Topography Architecture
Class-based accuracy
micro-f1 macro-f1
Result (%) Method (%) Background (%)
CNN L 3 F 100 C 3,4,5 79.92 76.53 79.24 78.50 78.56
CNN L 3 F 100 C 2,4,6 81.85 77.69 81.14 80.12 80.22
CNN L 3 F 100 C 3,3,3 64.09 71.74 85.46 78.05 73.76
CNN L 3 F 100 C 3,5,7 76.45 74.05 85.46 80.49 78.65
CNN L 3 F 100 C 3,7,9 68.34 70.58 87.26 79.20 75.39
LSTM L 2 F 512 73.75 73.55 79.54 76.80 75.61
LSTM L 4 F 512 75.29 69.59 82.95 77.54 75.94
LSTM L 4 F 1024 68.73 70.91 84.25 77.75 74.63
RNN L 2 F 512 25.10 56.86 62.19 55.3 48.05
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) Base 84.56 75.37 89.47 84.20 83.13
ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) Base 83.78 77.03 87.06 83.34 82.62
ImpactCite Base 92.67 85.79 88.34 88.13 88.93
BiLSTM-Att (Cohan et al., 2019) * * * * * 82.60
Scaffolds (Cohan et al., 2019) * * * * * 84.00
BERT (Beltagy et al., 2019; Devlin et al., 2018) Base * * * * 84.85
SciBert (Beltagy et al., 2019) * * * * * 85.49
Figure 5: SciCite classwise accuracy.
sampling, and analyzed their impact concerning the
imbalanced data.
5.2.2 Results and Discussion
In Table 5 we present the results by using the en-
hanced baseline approaches as well as three complex
language networks. It can be observed that all mod-
els were able to capture the concept of neutral ci-
tations. Although, the focal loss or SMOTE sam-
pling improved the performance for both the LSTM
and the CNN. However, all the models except Im-
pactCite were unable to classify positive and nega-
tive samples with high accuracy. Additionally, we ob-
served that the upsampling method did not improve
the performance and rather had a negative impact. Im-
pactCite showed slightly worse performance on the
neutral class, however, it performed significantly bet-
ter for positive and negative classes. This highlights
that only ImpactCite was able to overcome the class-
ImpactCite: An XLNet-based Solution Enabling Qualitative Citation Impact Analysis Utilizing Sentiment and Intent
Table 5: Performance: Sentiment citation corpus (CSC).
Topography Modification
Class-based accuracy
Positive (%) Negative (%) Neutral (%)
CNN * 28.2 21.3 94.8
CNN Focal 36.9 16.9 94.3
CNN SMOTE 39.4 20.2 84.2
CNN Upsampling 36.1 6.7 92.8
LSTM * 32.8 12.4 93.9
LSTM Focal 42.7 19.1 82.8
LSTM SMOTE 42.3 20.2 83.7
LSTM Upsampling 26.1 11.2 97.0
RNN * 24.5 21.3 72.7
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) * 38.6 20.4 96.4
ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) * 44.25 28.81 95.84
ImpactCite * 78.94 85.71 75.43
imbalance problem. Furthermore, these experiments
show that even when used with additional sampling
methods the complex language models are superior
as they are pre-trained using a large amount of data.
5.2.3 Experiment 2: Cross Validation on
CSC-Clean Sentiment Dataset
In this experiment, we will discuss cross-validation
performed on the CSC-Clean. Due to a lack of
train/test split of the dataset, Athar (Athar, 2011)
performed 10-fold cross-validation on the original
dataset. However, in our case, we performed 10-fold
cross-validation on our CSC-Clean. Nevertheless, we
include Athar’s approach (Athar, 2011) as a reference
and compare it with our clean dataset results. There-
fore, we performed ten experiments each using nine
out of the ten folds as training and one as test set and
averaged their results to compute the overall accuracy.
A bunch of experiments was performed employing a
variety of models range from baseline CNN models
to complex BERT language models.
5.2.4 Results and Discussion
In Table 6 we show the results for the cross-validation
of selected models on CSC-Clean. For all baseline
models i.e. CNN, RNN, and LSTM, we implemented
the class weights to handle the class imbalance prob-
lem. Conversely, the results suggest that even after
complementing baseline models with elaborated class
weights, they are unable to tackle the class weights
problem. Therefore, we pre-processed the training set
for each fold in which the samples from positive and
neutral classes were decreased to the number of neg-
ative samples present in the training set of that fold.
This pre-processing helped in assuring that each class
has equal representation in the training set. It has to be
noted that pre-processing was performed on the train-
ing set only, whereas keeping the test set intact.
Additionally, complex language models i.e.
BERT, ALBERT & ImpactCite can effectively fine-
tune on small training data as they use their respec-
tive pre-trained models. Our results highlight that
the baseline-approaches were not able to learn the
concept of each class whereas the pre-trained mod-
els were able to achieve good results for all classes.
Fig 6 shows the performance comparison of differ-
ent approaches for each class. As a result, ImpactCite
outperformed all other selected models and sets a new
state-of-the-art for citation sentiment classification on
the CSC-Clean. For the sake of completeness, we in-
cluded the SVM used by Athar evaluated on the CSC
5.3 Overall Discussion
Our evaluation results show that ImpactCite achieved
solid results for both the sentiment and intent classi-
fication task. ImpactCite was able to handle the long
instances and and cover the relation between the sen-
tences within a citation to understand the global con-
text. Conversely, BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and AL-
BERT (Lan et al., 2019) were not able to do so. How-
ever, for the sentiment classification, it is especially
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 6: Cross validation performance: Sentiment citation corpus (CSC-C).
Class-based accuracy
micro-f1 macro-f1
Positive (%) Negative (%) Neutral (%)
CNN 40.2 24.9 95.0 88.6 43,37
LSTM 34.8 19.0 92.1 84.6 46.13
RNN 20.7 17.9 86.0 77.9 41.53
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) 72.8 80.2 70.3 74.4 74.4
ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) 71.1 72.5 67.6 70.4 70.4
ImpactCite 64.6 86.6 82.0 77.7 77.73
SVM (Athar, 2011)
* * * 89.9 76.4
Figure 6: Sentiment citation corpus (CSC-C) classwise accuracy.
important to process the text from both sides to gen-
eralize well and deal with the influence of the pre-
ceding and following sentences. Additionally, it can
utilize the permutations to create synthetic samples
to overcome the small amount of data provided for
the sentiment task. Therefore, ImpactCite achieved
a state-of-the-art performance for both tasks. We pro-
pose ImpactCite, an ImpactCite-based solution cover-
ing both the sentiment and intent classification which
leads to a qualitative citation analysis.
Our comprehensive experiments show the improve-
ments in both the sentiment and the intent classifi-
cation task for citations in scientific publications en-
Trained and tested on CSC.
couraging the use of those two properties to pro-
vide better information about the influence of pa-
pers. Also, we achieved state-of-the-art performance
for the intent classification on SciCite (Cohan et al.,
2019) dataset and sentiment classification on our
clean citation sentiment dataset. Our results increased
the SOTA for SciCite to 88.93% using ImpactCite
which is an improvement of 3.44% compared to pre-
vious state-of-the-art. Furthermore, for the senti-
ment citation corpus, we pushed the old state-of-the-
art result of 76.4% to 77.73%. Also, we compared
the results for the different classes to highlight that
the performance for two out of the three classes im-
proved significantly. Our study emphasizes that re-
cent transformer-based and auto-regressive models
are far superior compared to simpler approaches like
LSTM or CNN. Concerning the sentiment classifica-
tion, we emphasize that the ImpactCite is much more
robust for small or large datasets with long sequences
ImpactCite: An XLNet-based Solution Enabling Qualitative Citation Impact Analysis Utilizing Sentiment and Intent
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