Ontology-based Cybersecurity and Resilience Framework
Helmar Hutschenreuter, Salva Daneshgadeh C¸ akmakc¸ı, Christian Maeder and Thomas Kemmerich
University of Bremen, Germany
Resilience Framework, Security Ontology, Maritime Port Cybersecurity, Ontology-based Response and
Recovery, SIEM, Inference System.
In the digital age, almost all organizations have become dependent on Information Technology (IT) systems
at different levels of their individual and collective activities. Physical infrastructures are inextricably tied to
the functioning of IT systems that are vulnerable to internal and external cyber threats. Attacks can cause
unavailability or malfunction of systems which in turn prevent or mislead ongoing business processes in or-
ganizations. Today, organizations not only require cybersecurity programs to protect themselves against cyber
threats but also need a resilience strategy to guarantee business continuity even during cyber incidents. This
paper includes the results of ongoing research for securing maritime port ecosystems and making them cyber
resilient. We propose a framework based on ontologies and logical inference to meet requirements of resilient
IT systems regarding response to and recovery from cyber incidents.
Hosseini et al. (2016) associate the term resilience to
those of robustness, fault-tolerance, flexibility, surviv-
ability and agility. In this paper, we consider a system
to be resilient, if it is able to operate during and to
continue normally after an adverse event. Edwards
(2009) depicts a resilience cycle in Figure 1 with five
phases: Prepare, Prevent, Protect, Respond, and Recover.
Cyber resilience defines the ability of an enterprise to
effectively prepare against, prevent, detect, respond
to, and recover from cyber incidents. If an enterprise
is at least partially able to continue its business opera-
tions during a cyber incident, it will be called a cyber
resilient enterprise.
The Prepare phase deals with the preparation
against cyber attacks by designing and setting up vul-
nerability warning systems. The Prevent phase aims
to implement measures for identified vulnerabilities
to prevent cyber attacks as much as possible. As it is
too good to be true to prevent all potential cyber at-
tacks, some techniques are required to detect success-
ful attacks. Threat detection is a very interesting sub-
ject of research in the area of cybersecurity and every
year many new commercial products and academic
papers are presented in the field. However, there is no
product or framework that can guarantee the detec-
tion of all cyber incidents including zero-day attacks.
The Respond phase deals with fast and effective emer-
Figure 1: Resilience Cycle.
gency measures after an incident has been detected.
These measures should compensate for damages done
and take precautions to avoid further damages. The
Respond phase aims to ensure the survival of the sys-
tem. The Recover phase is the ultimate resilience goal
of resetting the system into its original state or even
into a better state in that lessons learned from past
incidents are documented and contribute to future re-
1.1 The Port Ecosystem
The maritime industry plays a major role in supplying
consumers with overseas goods including raw mate-
rials such as energy, iron, and products in local re-
tailers and supermarkets. In general, the shipping in-
dustry is responsible for 90% of trades in the world
(ICS, 2020). The maritime supply chain is very de-
pendent on port ecosystems with different stakehold-
ers such as port operators, terminals, port authori-
Hutschenreuter, H., Çakmakçı, S., Maeder, C. and Kemmerich, T.
Ontology-based Cybersecurity and Resilience Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0010233604580466
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 458-466
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ties, navigation companies, shipping lines, and car-
rier organizations (cf. Figure 6). Stakeholders of the
port ecosystem continue to adapt more Information
Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT)
systems to gain competitive advantages in the global
maritime industry.
As the number of digital components like IT, OT,
Internet of Things (IoT), and Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) is increasing, the port ecosystem becomes
more vulnerable to cyber incidents and less cyber re-
silient. Unfortunately, the port ecosystem is still lag-
ging behind in cybersecurity. Most of the port sys-
tems are not supported by state-of-the-art security so-
lutions. Lack of effective maritime security regulation
(Hopcraft and Martin, 2018), the conservative nature
of the maritime industry, and lack of awareness can be
seen as major challenges for establishing resilience.
Surprisingly, there is a very limited number of aca-
demic studies in the field of cyber resilience in port
1.2 Ontologies
In Computer Science an ontology is a formal descrip-
tion of concepts and relationships for an application
domain of the real word (Staab and Studer, 2009).
Computational ontologies are a means to formally
model the structure of a system which are useful to
our purposes. A central aspect is sharing of infor-
mation and knowledge using a common vocabulary
as supported by the Resource Description Framework
(RDF). A family of ontology languages are Descrip-
tion Logics (DL) based on a well-understood subset
of first-order predicate logics. The quest for expres-
sive knowledge bases led to the development of the
Web Ontology Language (OWL) as the current rep-
resentation language of choice. The basic building
blocks of OWL are concepts, roles, and individuals.
Individuals present instances of concepts and roles re-
late them to each other. For classification purposes
concepts are often hierarchically related to each other
to form a taxonomy. So there may be super- and
subconcepts, i.e. generalization and specialization of
concepts. There are two flavors of relationships be-
tween instances of concepts that can be expressed via
OWL: abstract and concrete roles. Abstract roles con-
nect individuals and are also known as object proper-
ties. Concrete roles or data properties connect indi-
viduals with values of primitive data types (Pinkston
et al., 2003). In DL and their semantics, the terms
ABox and TBox are used to describe two different
types of statements. TBoxes contain so-called ter-
minological schema knowledge and ABoxes asser-
tional instance knowledge (Hitzler et al., 2008). OWL
does not provide a clear separation between TBoxes
and ABoxes (Brockmans et al., 2004). Nevertheless,
when describing OWL ontologies, it is helpful to in-
troduce a separation between TBoxes and ABoxes
which is based on intuitive criteria rather than being
strictly formal. In OWL a TBox mainly describes
static knowledge whereas an ABox is used for dy-
namic and frequently changing knowledge. There-
fore, a TBox often infers, tracks or verifies class mem-
berships while an ABox checks consistencies, facts,
instances or operations in a rule-based manner.
1.3 Our Contribution
In this study, we present a novel resilience framework
by combining a Security Information and Event Man-
agement Systems (SIEM) for detecting cyber attacks
with ontologies and an inference system for support-
ing the selection of measures during cyber incidents
and IT infrastructure failures in an automatic way.
According to our literature review, there is no research
in the academia and industry that addresses a cyber
resilient port ecosystem framework. Of course, our
proposed framework can be applied to provide cyber
resilience for any IT-dependent organization.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents a short literature review. Sec-
tion 3 presents the details of the proposed framework.
Section 4 describes a potential application of the pro-
posed framework at a port terminal. Section 5 con-
cludes with suggestions for future work.
Pinkston et al. (2003) and He et al. (2004) developed
an ontology-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
to spot different types of cyber attacks. Ekelhart et al.
(2006) proposed a three parts ontology for supporting
the cybersecurity of an organization including mod-
eling knowledge about the security domain, existing
IT infrastructure, and the people and their roles in
the organization. Fenz et al. (2007) reported on a
security ontology for the preparation of IT security
audits that describe an ontological mapping of the
structure of the IEC/ISO 27001 standard. Birkholz
et al. (2011) described an ontology as a medium for
the cross-company sharing of IT security knowledge.
Elfers (2014) used an ontology to normalize events
before event-correlation in the SIEM instead of stor-
ing the background knowledge in databases. Syed
et al. (2016) defined a Unified Cybersecurity Ontol-
ogy (UCO) to support the understanding of the un-
derlying domain. UCO unifies the most commonly
Ontology-based Cybersecurity and Resilience Framework
used standards and enables the integration of pub-
lic ontologies. It also enables sharing reasonable cy-
bersecurity intelligence data. Petrenko and Makove-
ichuk (2017) developed an ontology of cybersecurity
of self-recovering smart grids. Their devolved smart
grid is resistant to negative impacts of the information
confrontation and can quickly recover functions after
accidents. Narayanan et al. (2018) developed a col-
laborative cognitive assistant based on ontology to de-
tect cybersecurity events and attacks. Their proposed
system collects incomplete textual information from
different sources (e.g., CTI platforms) storing it in a
structural format and reassign over it. Choi and Choi
(2019) developed an ontology-based security context
reasoning for attack detection in the power IoT-cloud
environment. They proposed an attack context infer-
ence methodology based on the attack patterns in the
power IoT-cloud environment and the vulnerabilities
of each system in the major domains. V
alja et al.
(2020) developed an ontology framework to automat-
ically model threats in the IT architecture of enter-
prises. Data is collected from enterprise resources
(e.g., configuration data, captured traffic and scan
data) that is parsed, standardized and merged. The
reasoning patterns (i.e., queries on the ontology) are
used for automated modeling of threats based on in-
coming data.
2.1 Maritime Cyber Attacks
In the past, cyber attacks have impacted individual
stakeholders of the maritime industry like shipping
companies and individual ports. Examples are the
Danish Port Authority (2014), the Maersk shipping
line (2017), ports of Antwerp (2013), San Diego
(2018), Barcelona (2018), and Shahid Rajee (2020)
in Iran. The complex and distributed characteristics
of the port ecosystem makes it also vulnerable for a
distributed cyber attack (Senarak, 2020).
2.2 Resilience and the Port Ecosystem
Recently, there is an increasing interest in cyber-
security and cyber resilience projects in Asian Pa-
cific ports (Daffron et al., 2019), U.S. ports (LA,
2019), and EU ports (Rotterdam, 2016). The Cy-
berShip project (Sep
ulveda Estay, 2020) made a very
detailed systematic literature review in the field of
Cyber Resilience Frameworks (CRF). They selected
five frameworks namely the Wave Analogy Model,
the AWaRE framework, the Byzantine Fault tolerant
framework, the Human Behavior Resilience frame-
work, and the NIST framework. All frameworks were
applied to ship operations and results were compared.
Figure 2: Resilience Framework.
Our proposed framework is composed of three sub-
components as shown in Figure 2. The framework
only uses ontologies and inference to response to and
recover from cyber incidents in an automatic way.
The inference system is not responsible for incident
detection. Cyber incidents are detected by state-of-
the-art and recent security tools.
The security tools of the resilience component
should continuously monitor the IT systems using
different kinds of sensors. Sensors collect specific
and detailed information about what happens in the
network of an organization and communicates it to
the SIEM. Moreover, security tools like firewalls, an-
tivirus, IDS, or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
send their logs via Syslog messages over TCP or TLS
to the SIEM, directly. The whole network traffic can
also be captured by tools like Netflow (B. Claise,
2004) or packet sniffing (Fuentes and Kar, 2005) and
fed to the SIEM for further analysis. Almost all
SIEMs have capabilities to reduce noise, fine-tune
alerts, and to identify inside or outside threats. Some
recent SIEMs can also detect anomalies, i.e. they re-
port unexpected behavior of any IT component in-
cluding user input, hardware, and software. These
anomalies need to be investigated by security analysts
to be marked either as a dangerous activity or as a
change of the normal behavior. For example, an in-
crease in the number of requests for registering con-
tainers in a system might be a Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS) attack or just an increase in the trade
rate. Berkovich and Solomon (2007) called an ob-
served increase of trade before the new year a Flash
Event (FE). The DDoS attack and the FE should be
treated differently. This is where the inference sys-
tem plays a significant role in our proposed frame-
work by automatically applying required measures.
Rule-based, correlation, statistical analysis, machine
learning, deep learning are examples of currently used
techniques to detect cyber incidents by SIEM.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
3.1 Ontology of IT Infrastructures
The ontology of IT infrastructures serves to represent
explicit knowledge about real IT systems and to en-
able reasoning based on this knowledge. We divide
the infrastructure into two groups: Hard-IT and Soft-
IT infrastructures. The latter is used by people to ac-
cess stored data or use services available in Hard-IT
infrastructures. Then, security measures will be ap-
plied to these IT infrastructures.
Figure 3 depicts the TBox (the static part of the
ontology) for the Hard-IT. Solid arrows represent
the relations between the classes as roles and in-
verse roles. For example, the class Network allows
the modeling of networks using the subclasses Inter-
net or Intranet. The role partOfNetwork is supposed to
have a functional characteristic so that each network
connection—an instance of the class Link—can only
be assigned to exactly one network. If a physical
network connection has to be assigned to several net-
works, e.g., by using Virtual LANs (VLAN), it has to
be modeled by several parallel network connections.
Other classes and roles of the Hard-IT infrastructure
are to be interpreted in a similar manner.
For the practical usage of the ontology, an ABox,
which is the dynamic part of the ontology, needs to
be modeled in addition to the TBox. An ABox con-
tains concrete instances of the classes and roles. For
example, there may be two instances of the class PC
(PC1 and PC2) and one instance of the class WiredLink
(WLink1). Subsequently, the connectedToLink role
should be used to describe the connection between
PC1/PC2 and WLink1. From the ontology, it can now
be inferred that PC1 and PC2 are connected to each
other. In contrast to the TBox, the ABox of an on-
tology depends on the actual IT infrastructure of an
organization in which our proposed framework will
be applied. Summarizing, the TBox and an ABox to-
gether represent the following knowledge about an in-
1. The location of the Hard-IT components within
the buildings and rooms.
2. The physical connection between different com-
ponents of the Hard-IT (The IT devices are wired
in a way that an appropriate configuration of them
enables an actual network connection.)
3. The places where security measures can be ap-
plied on the Hard-IT level
Figure 4 displays the modeling of the TBox for
the Soft-IT which is divided into Object and Subject
classes. These classes are inspired by an Access Con-
trol (AC) model where subjects (entities, e.g., users,
programs, processes) have certain permissions (e.g.,
rwx) to access objects (e.g., data, programs, devices)
based on AC policies.
Elements of the Soft-IT infrastructure cannot ex-
ist outside the Hard-IT infrastructure. Therefore, all
instances of the classes Subject and Object must be as-
signed to actual devices of the Hard-IT. The role valid-
ForDevice expresses that a subject is allowed to use a
set of devices. Subjects such as users or groups can
exist both locally for a device and globally within an
administered computer network (e.g., with a directory
service). Objects are assigned to devices via the role
hostedOnDevice and their inverse role hasObject. Here
again, hostedOnDevice is supposed to have a functional
characteristic so that each object can only be assigned
to exactly one device. If objects should be available
on several devices, they must be modeled as copies.
In short, the TBox and an ABox represent the fol-
lowing knowledge about the Soft-IT infrastructure:
1. The possible accesses of subjects to objects
2. The places where security measures can be ap-
plied on the Soft-IT level
3.2 Ontology of Security
Figure 5 shows a TBox for cybersecurity. The bot-
tom left depicts the TBox for the organizational struc-
ture via the class BusinessProcess to represent business
processes, the class Role to represent organizational
positions, and the class Employee to model employees
who fill certain positions of a company.
Infrastructures are required for the execution of
business processes. This is expressed by the role
needsInfrastructure and its inverse role runsBusinessPro-
cess. Infrastructures are indirectly accessed via roles
that are assigned to responsible employees of an or-
ganization. The connection of responsible employ-
ees to infrastructures is given by the roles hasRole and
accessesInfrastructure with corresponding reverse roles
filledByEmployee and isControlledByRole. The following
knowledge is represented by this part of the TBox and
an ABox about a single organizational structure:
1. The responsible people who should be informed
in the case of a cyber threat.
2. The responsible people who should carry out tech-
nical or organizational measures
The top parts of Figure 5 are the classes Threat, Se-
curityObjective and SecurityMeasure. Security measures
are further subdivided into subclasses DetectMeasure,
PreventMeasure, and ResonseRecoveryMeasure. The
latter class for response and recovery measures fur-
ther differentiates between technical and organiza-
tional measures.
Ontology-based Cybersecurity and Resilience Framework
Figure 3: TBox for Hard-IT Infrastructures.
Figure 4: TBox for Soft-IT Infrastructures.
Security objectives are compromised by threats
that in turn are reduced by security measures that
support the security objectives. The relationships
between security objectives, security measures, and
threats exist independently of a specific application
scenario. Therefore, individuals of these classes and
their relationships can be modeled in an ABox inde-
pendently from a specific infrastructure.
The security objectives should be determined by
the protection requirements of an infrastructure. In
our ontology, we have chosen to implicitly model the
need for protection by relating the infrastructure to
the security objectives. Thus, we simplified the se-
curity ontology without modeling the need for pro-
tection. Security measures are used to achieve the
desired security objectives of an infrastructure. It is
possible that several security measures support a com-
mon security objective, but some measures may only
be suitable to protect a single infrastructure compo-
nent. This is modeled by the role protectsInfrastructure
and its inverse role isProtectedBySecurityMeasure. Ac-
tual technical measures are connected to infrastruc-
ture components by the role integratesTechnicalMeasure
and its inverse role isIntegratedByInfrastructure. For ex-
ample, a technical measure could be isolating the in-
fected node in the network by blocking ingoing and
outgoing traffic using a firewall. An additional orga-
nizational measures could ensure business continuity
during an incident. Organizational measures are alter-
native solutions that affect the available business pro-
cesses to ensure resilience. For example, when a web-
site of an online shopping site is down, the company
continues to receive orders via email or telephone.
3.3 Inference System
All developed ontologies should be stored to be ac-
cessible by interested agents or other system compo-
nents. Subsequently, a reasoner is required to infer
logical consequences (desired knowledge) from de-
scriptive logics. Such a reasoner derives new state-
ments from given statements and then extends the on-
tology with these new statements. For the proposed
framework we need to use an OWL reasoner as an in-
ference engine; e.g., HermiT (2013) that comes with
e (Musen, 2015). Designing an ontology in a
manner that causes the inference engine to produce
intended logical statements for its main purpose is a
challenging task. It could be satisfied by a more com-
plex ontology design or by simplified required con-
clusions. In the proposed framework, we aim to sim-
plify the conclusions. For example, we do not want
to determine emergency measures with a single run
of the reasoner, instead we suggest using several runs
and adjusting the ontologies between each run. As a
result, we can reach a more complex conclusion via
several simple conclusions.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 5: TBox for Cybersecurity.
Each organization has different business objectives,
business processes, and infrastructures. Therefore,
each organization requires unique modeling of its in-
frastructure and security to protect the continuity of
its main business, i.e. to keep executing its business
processes while facing security threats.
4.1 Case Study: Stowage Planning
This paper demonstrates a potential implementation
of our proposed solution using an example of a Port
Community System (PCS). A PCS is a central part of
a complex and distributed system in which different
stakeholders such as terminal operators, ship owners,
forwarders, port IT operators, railways, port author-
ities and customs network with each other. Figure 6
shows a simplified representation of a network around
a PCS.
IT plays a central role for communication between
the different stakeholders. To keep port communi-
cation systems resilient, all stakeholders should take
care of their internal cyber resilience. There is a large
number of processes within a port community. For
demonstration purposes, we only select a single sub-
process which is mainly handled by the terminal. Fig-
ure 7 shows the stowage planning subprocess at the
port terminal as a sequence diagram. The PCS for-
wards the customs clearance message to the terminal.
Figure 6: Port Community System.
Goods must not be loaded without customs clearance.
The terminal and the vessel operator negotiate the un-
loading and loading of goods from and to the vessel
via a stowage- or bayplan, also known and abbrevi-
ated as BAPLIE. This document contains information
such as the position of containers on board and the
weight of the containers. Since 2016, containers in
the EU require a Verified Gross Mass (VGM) to in-
crease safety on sea. Moreover, this document in-
cludes special information about dangerous goods or
cooling requirements for temperature-sensitive cargo.
4.2 Resilience Framework in Use
Figure 8 depicts potential IT equipment and our pro-
posed resilience framework of an imaginary port ter-
Ontology-based Cybersecurity and Resilience Framework
Figure 7: Stowage Planning Process.
minal in a simplified way. All IT infrastructures are
supposed to send their logs for storage and analysis
to the SIEM. When the SIEM detects an abnormal
event or a specific attack, it sends an alarm to the in-
ference system. The communication between SIEM
and the inference system is based on details of the
ontologies. In this study, we use low-level models
which imply low-level communications between the
SIEM and the inference system. For our example, the
SIEM only needs to provide two pieces of informa-
tion to the inference system. Whenever an incident is
detected we need to know the compromised/damaged
IT infrastructure (e.g., which PC, router, etc.) and the
attack/anomaly type (e.g., failure, malware, DDoS).
Subsequently, the inference system should take the
following steps:
1. The attack is transferred into the ontology by
adding facts about compromised or damaged in-
frastructure components (Hard-IT, Soft-IT).
2. The inference system starts a reasoning process
and infers the full impact of a failure including
further potential threats and affected business pro-
3. The inference system provides some suggestions
of possible measures to overcome the failure, as
threats and measures are related to each other by
the security ontology.
4. To evaluate the effectiveness of a measure, the
measure is temporarily added as fact to the on-
5. The inference system performs another reason-
ing step to check if the situation has improved in
which case the measure is kept as fact and con-
veyed to the SIEM.
6. Steps 4 to 5 are repeated as long as the situation
improves and no further risks threaten business
4.3 Attack Scenarios with Automatic
Response and Recovery
A SIEM detects a known cyber incident or abnormal
behavior of a Terminal Operating Server (TOS) or
communicating workstations and reports incidents to
the inference system. The inference system checks its
knowledge-base for automatic responses. The follow-
ing list shows some of the potential SIEM detection
messages and corresponding response and recovery
proposals of the inference system:
Malware Is Detected on TOS. Install an updated an-
timalware tool, rescan the TOS server
Malware on TOS Is Not Removed by Antimalware.
Disconnect the TOS server, create a backup of files,
deploy a redundant TOS server, inform responsible IT
personnel to eliminate the malware manually
Ransomware Is Detected on TOS. Disconnect the
TOS server, wipe the system, install from scratch, re-
store backup files, inform responsible people, inform
the authorities, attempt to decrypt files by trusted tools,
deploy a redundant TOS server
DDoS Is Detected on TOS. Increase bandwidth on
the TOS server, locate proxy servers in front of the
TOS server with a load balancer, distribute arriving re-
quests between proxy servers via the load balancer,
enlarge the backlog queue for requests to the TOS,
increase the timeout of connections in backlog, block
suspicious Geo-IP addresses, inform responsible peo-
ple, inform authorities
Abnormal Behavior on TOS. Make backup, analyze
logs, inform responsible people
Abnormal Activities on a Workstation Communi-
cating with the TOS. Disconnect the workstation and
its LAN, collect and analyze data from the worksta-
tion (Application logs and system parameters), assign
a new workstation for communicating with the TOS, in-
form responsible people
TOS Is Offline for More than One Hour. Inform re-
sponsible people, inform partners who will be affected
by the unavailability of TOS, make announcement on
the webpage of terminal
TOS Is Recovered by IT-staff. Unplug a redun-
dant TOS server, deploy the main TOS server, restore
backup files, re-inform partners, update announce-
ment from the webpage of terminal
The inference system provides responses based on
its knowledge about available measures, IT infrastruc-
tures, and security objectives. For example, if there
is no redundant TOS server in the terminal, the in-
ference system will send an Inform-Partners message
rather than proposing to deploy the redundant TOS
server. If the terminal does not have any load balancer
between its IT infrastructures, the inference system
does not select a measure that requires the installation
of load balancer.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 8: A high-level overview of an imaginary terminal’s network.
Nowadays, most modern SIEMs can act auto-
matically including isolating, disabling, removing, or
changing Hard-IT infrastructures and their configura-
tions (Visser, 2020). Therefore, we assume that some
scripts should be newly written for terminal SIEMs to
execute special commands when receiving messages
from the inference system. For example, if a SIEM
receives a Disconnect-TOS message, it will reconfigure
the router setting to isolate the TOS server and prevent
network traffic from and to the TOS server.
Today, cyber resilience should work in alliance
with traditional cybersecurity to protect organizations
against cyber incidents. Cyber resilience is more con-
cerned with respond to and recovery from cyber in-
cidents. There are many traditional and novel tools
like antivirus, firewall and second-generation SIEMs
to prevent and detect incidents. Nevertheless, inci-
dent response and recovery are often manual pro-
cesses done by security experts. In this paper, we pro-
posed a novel approach for the application of seman-
tic technologies. Our ontologies include the most ba-
sic definitions of IT infrastructures and security. Each
of these models can be expanded and fine-tuned based
on the requirements and resources of an organization.
This paper is based on the result of an ongoing project
in the maritime transport industry. Port ecosystems
are far behind other industries regarding cybersecu-
rity as the number of available experts seems to be
rather limited. We try to develop a new framework
which automates not only the detection of cyber in-
cidents but also the response and recovery phases.
Subsequently, lessons learned from cyber incidents
and taken measures should also improve reoccuring
preparation, prevention, and protection phases of the
resilience cycle. The current paper lacks empirical
results that should be addressed in future work. The
detailed modeling of ABoxes will be based on the or-
ganizational and technological structure of a concrete
terminal. Calculations of IT infrastructure capacities
during incidents and exchanging these with business
partners is another interesting area for future work in
the field of cyber resilience.
This work was supported by the German Federal Min-
istry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
under the grant 19H18012E (SecProPort project).
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy