Textual Approach for Designing Database Conceptual Models:
A Focus Group
Jonnathan Lopes
, Maicon Bernardino
, Fábio Basso
and Elder Rodrigues
Federal University of Pampa, PPGES, LESSE, Av. Tiarajú, 810, Ibirapuitã, CEP 97546-550, Alegrete, RS, Brazil
Domain Specific Language, Conceptual Data Model, Conceptual Model, Database Modeling.
Different approaches to software development are based on at least three database models: conceptual, logical,
and physical, requiring distinct abstraction levels to represent complementary concepts. The selection of a
conceptual database modeling approach, among other things, depends on the problem domain, knowledge,
and preferences of the developer. This paper presents a new domain-specific textual language devoted to
the conceptual relational database modeling, i.e., entity-relationship modeling. Furthermore, we present a
preliminary evaluation conducted to analyze our proposed DSL, comparing two grammar versions in a focus
group research method.
Software Engineering (SE) is not feasible without
persistence and data manipulation. According to
Date (Date and Warden, 1990), a database is a col-
lection of stored operational data, used by the appli-
cation systems of some organization. For Elmasri and
Navathe (Elmasri and Navathe, 2015), a database can
be defined as an abstraction from the real world, also
called the mini-world, since it represents aspects that,
together, carry an implicit meaning. Databases can be
considered as the most important organizational as-
sets today. This is due to the fact that they do not only
store trivial information but, for instance, also billing
data, market research, and other aspects assisting in
decision making.
In this scenario, it is notable that there is an in-
creasing effort of academia to provide a good level
of preparation for future professionals who will enter
an increasingly demanding industry. Higher educa-
tion institutions, e.g. universities, often approach the
database curriculum with specific courses converging
in their programs. The database teaching area is an es-
sential part of computer professional training. The fo-
cus on database teaching is generally divided into four
stages: (i) design and modeling, (ii) database manage-
ment systems, (iii) comparative studies among these
systems, and (iv) the application development (Al-
Dmour, 2010; Connolly and Begg, 2006).
Assuming that there is a growing search for in-
struments supporting the teaching-learning process in
academia, we present a study focusing on the first
stage: design and modeling. In general, teaching
database design and modeling includes the presen-
tation of essential topics and the subsequent intro-
duction of modeling tools using generally graphic
approaches. While graphical modeling is the most
popular approach, textual modeling can be an alter-
native to the teaching-learning process at a higher
level (Dimitrieski et al., 2015). This is due to the lack
of textual approaches for the first stage. Hence, this
limitation can represent a gap in the teaching-learning
process of database modeling.
Considering that logical and physical modeling
occur mainly in text mode, an approach like the one
adopted in the ERtext tool can be considered viable
because it manages to maintain the same style work-
flow in all modeling stages. Nowadays, the declara-
tive programming using Domain-Specific Languages
(DSLs) (Kelly and Tolvanen, 2008) is the domi-
nant paradigm of an extensive set of domains, e.g.
databases or templating. With this approach, instead
of hundreds of lines of verbose code it is possible to
make clearly defined data schemes, providing an ab-
stract representation, semantically simpler and mean-
ingful. Built on a grammar perceived in the proposed
study as “ease to use” and as “useful”, the main aim
Lopes, J., Bernardino, M., Basso, F. and Rodrigues, E.
Textual Approach for Designing Database Conceptual Models: A Focus Group.
DOI: 10.5220/0010232801710178
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2021), pages 171-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-487-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of this paper is to report the ERtext, a modeling tool
based on a DSL for the database designing and mod-
eling with the scope in conceptual level modeling.
This paper is organized as it follows. Section 2
presents the related work. Section 3 provides the de-
sign decisions and the architecture adopted. Section 4
describes an overview of the tool operation. Finally,
Section 7 concludes this paper.
This section describes the most representative works
for the object of this study: conceptual database mod-
eling. After an extensive study composed of a Mul-
tivocal Literature Mapping (MLM) (DOI: doi.org/10.
5281/zenodo.4064987 - in portuguese), we selected
proposals and tools closely matching with our fea-
tures from our DSL.
Dimitrieski et al. (Celikovic et al., 2014; Dim-
itrieski et al., 2015) presents a tool called System
Modeling Tool (MIST). This tool uses a DSL called
EERDSL, a language based on the improved Ex-
tended Entity-Relationship (EER) model. The EER
includes all the concepts as extension from those in-
troduced by the original ER model proposed by Chen
(Chen, 1976). In addition, it includes the concepts
of subclasses and superclasses (Is-a), along with the
concepts of specialization and generalization. MIST
presents a bidirectional (graphical and textual) mod-
eling approach for the data model approach. From
the results obtained, the idea of MIST was conceived.
The purpose of the tool is to apply it both in the pro-
fessional market and for teaching designing and mod-
eling databases in the academic environment. MIST
was developed with the aid of the Xtext framework
for the notation of textual DSL and initially used the
Eugene framework, a project that was discontinued,
for its graphic version. As a result, Eugene was re-
placed by the Sirius framework. Besides, MIST also
supports the generation of SQL code.
Dbdiagram.io (https://dbdiagram.io/) is a web-
based open-source tool for drawing an Entity Rela-
tionship Diagram (ERD), with a textual approach im-
plementing its own DSL. This DSL uses a model sim-
ilar to the logic view, with a differential of fast learn-
ing curve and, in addition, an intuitive graphical rep-
resentation. The presentation of the diagram elements
can be freely organized by the user in real time. How-
ever, it is worth to note that all modeling is in fact per-
formed in a textual manner. Moreover, the tool also
offers automatic generation of SQL code.
Likewise, QuickDBD is a web-based tool adopt-
ing the same operational mode as dbdiagram.io, also
implementing its own textual DSL for database mod-
eling. However, it is a proprietary tool, i.e. paid
for and with an explicit focus on the industry. Both
tools are also very similar to the generation of graph-
ical model representations and highlight several ar-
guments for their adoption, such as the quick under-
standing of their DSL, the perspective of carrying out
fluid works, the access of any platform and design
Finally, the web-based open-source tool RelaX
(Relational Algebra Calculator) (Kessler et al., 2019)
is developed in the academic environment aiming at
teaching relational algebra through operations on re-
lational databases. It has a textual approach, using
a DSL called RelAlg, and including two operational
perspectives: RelAlg and SQL commands. RelaX
uses a model approach already at a physical level
for operations, such as DDLs for data structures and
DMLs for data manipulation e.g. queries. Despite its
functionality, RelaX is not built as a database design-
ing and modeling tool, but it intents for use restricted
for teaching in the academic environment.
Several different tools have been put forward, the
main difference from ERText is that the related work
focuses in the logical or in physical model design.
MIST on the other hand aims at the conceptual model,
and since it was not possible to find the tool, or at
least its code, for an analysis of usage, unlike Dbdi-
agram.io, QuickDBD and RelaX, we cannot properly
compare MIST with ERText. This highlights another
important difference, since our proposal is completely
open-source, available for use, evaluation and learn-
ing. Among the mentioned tools, only RelaX has its
code also available. This may indicate that the general
applicability of our tool in the teaching-learning pro-
cess of database conceptual modeling in the academic
is possibly greater than these tools.
This section presents the analysis and designing
phases, describing the requirements raised for the
DSL definition and its associated design decisions as
well as the grammar and the architecture are shown.
3.1 Software Requirements
Our focus is on the teaching process, so it is essen-
tial to tag ERText as an open-source license, allowing
the evolution and collaborative maintenance with the
involvement of other developers.
In the following, we listed the Software Require-
ments (SR) that were defined based on the surveyed
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
literature: SR1. DSL must be made available under
an open-source license. SR2. The DSL should allow
for the textual representation of conceptual data mod-
els. SR3. Conceptual data models should support the
definition of fundamental domain concepts such as
entities, attributes, relationships, and their cardinali-
ties. SR4. Conceptual data models should support
the definition of attributes, identifiers, generalization
and specialization, self-relationships, and ternary re-
lationships. SR5. DSL implementation must trans-
form from the conceptual to the logical model dis-
playing the result generated to the user.
In the following we described the Design Deci-
sions (DD) supporting all the previously discussed
SRs: DD1. The solution must adopt an open-source
LW (Language Workbench) to aid the implementa-
tion of the textual DSL (SR1, SR2). Through the
investigation conducted during this study, we select
the LW Xtext for the development of our DSL. DD2.
A DSL must provide a textual representation equiva-
lent to the currently graphical ER model (SR3, SR4).
For the SRs covered by this DD, we adopted a strat-
egy to carry out an analysis on the tools identified
in an MLM, as well as in the Heuser’s reference
book (Heuser, 2009). DD3. The solution must per-
form the transformation among the models (e.g. con-
ceptual, logical, and physical) (RQ5).
3.2 The Language
In the current phase of the work, the language at the
conceptual level is not fully finalized. There are top-
ics related to the scope validation, as in the case of
the treatment of unwanted cross-references and other
restrictions inherent to the ER model that must be ana-
lyzed and then implemented. The grammar definition
of the created DSL is displayed in Figure 1.
The grammar command specifies the DSL name,
while the with statement declares an inheritance from
another language. In the case of the proposed gram-
mar, a standard Xtext grammar, called Terminals,
will be used, which provides some predefined rules
The generate command is the statement that pro-
duces the language’s AST.
The first rule, called the input rule, defines what
the general language structure looks like. Words and
symbols in double or single quotes indicate reserved
words. For example, the object Entities must be
preceded by Entities {”. This object represents a
kind of container as indicated through the assignment
operator +=. It is an object that can contains other
objects, in this case, one or more Entity. It is estab-
lished that each DSL file must also be composed of a
Domain and zero or more Relation objects.
grammar o r g . x t e x t . u n i v e r s i t y . e r t e x t . E R t e xt
wit h o r g . e c l i p s e . x t e x t . common . Ter min als
g e n e r a t e E R t e xt " h t t p : / / www . x t e x t . o rg / uni pampa / e r t e x t /
E Rtex t "
ERModel :
do ma in =Domain ’ ;
( E n t i t i e s { ’ ) e n t i t i e s += E n t i t y + ( } ’ ’ ; )
( ’ R e l a t i o n s h i p s { ’ ) r e l a t i o n s += R e l a t i o n
( } ’ ’ ; ) ;
Domain :
Domain ’ name=ID ;
A t t r i b u t e :
name=ID t y p e =DataType ( i s Key ?= i s I d e n t i f i e r ) ? ;
E n t i t y :
name=ID ( i s i s += [ E n t i t y ] )
( { ’ a t t r i b u t e s += A t t r i b u t e
( , a t t r i b u t e s += A t t r i b u t e )
} ’ ) ? ;
R e l a t i o n :
( name=ID ) ? ( ’ [ l e f t E n d i n g = R e l a t i o n S i d e
’ r e l a t e s
r i g h t E n d i n g = R e l a t i o n S i d e ’ ] )
( { ’ a t t r i b u t e s += A t t r i b u t e
( , a t t r i b u t e s += A t t r i b u t e )
} ’ )
R e l a t i o n S i d e :
c a r d i n a l i t y = ( ( 0 : 1 ) | ( 1 : 1 ) | ( 0 : N) | ’ ( 1 : N) )
t a r g e t =[ Entit y ] | t a r g e t =[ Relati o n ] ;
enum DataType :
INT= ’ i n t | DOUBLE= d o u b l e |
MONEY= money ’ | STRING= s t r i n g |
BOOLEAN= b o o l e a n | DATETIME= ’ d a t e t i m e |
BLOB= ’ f i l e ;
Figure 1: Grammar definition of the DSL.
For a better understanding, it should be made clear
that multiplicity is indicated by * (zero or many), +
(one or many), or ? (zero or one). By not placing
any of these operators, then one implicitly is expected
to occur. Regarding assignments, when only one = is
specified it means that the object on the left expects
only one record. Therefore, for += then zero, one or
more occurrences are expected.
The Domain object is preceded by a reserved word
with the same name, followed by an identifier. The
entity is defined by the Entity statement and an iden-
tifier name for this object. Defining an inheritance
is optional using the reserved word is. After defin-
ing the name, a body of keys opens in which the en-
tity attributes are specified. An entity must contain at
least one attribute and, due to the possible existence
of weak entity set, it does not need to be an identifier.
The compound rules are only performed due to
the possibility of grouping expressions using paren-
theses, in addition to the possibility of using other
rules through cross-references. The brackets between
the Entity rule are used to indicate that you want to
use only the name attribute that identifies the object.
Entity attributes are defined by a name, inheriting the
ID rule from Terminals, and optional attributes e.g.
isIdentifier to symbolize primary keys.
The relationship is defined, already within the
body of the Relationships block, with an op-
tional declaration of its identification. Then, brack-
ets are opened and two elements must be speci-
fied RelationSide as a reference to the attributes
leftEnding and rightEnding. These attributes rep-
Textual Approach for Designing Database Conceptual Models: A Focus Group
resent the sides of a relationship. These objects
must be separated by the expression relates. The
sides of the relation are defined in the rule Relation-
Side, composed of two attributes. The cardinality
attribute is mandatory and uses numerals (0:1),
(1:1), (0:N), (1:N). The target attribute is like-
wise mandatory, accepting a cross-reference to a
Entity or Relation. In the case of a target ref-
erencing a Relation, then a ternary relationship is
highlighted. The attribute types are contained in an
enumerated list called DataType, on the left is the
representation in the model ECore. On the right is the
reserved word that is used in the language. The con-
ditional symbol | means the logical operator OR and
serves to separate each definition <key> = <value>
as an option within the list.
3.3 Tool Architecture
The solution architecture is shown in Figure 2 and was
built with the help of Xtext, which helped to gener-
ate most of the editor’s infrastructure, the parser and
ECore model i.e., a representation in memory at run-
time of the model created using DSL.
Conceptual Model
EMF Model
Logical Model
Xtext Generator
(DSL Model)
Figure 2: ERtext architecture.
4 ERText
Our plugin can either be integrated with the Eclipse
Rich Client Platform (RCP), or it can be used as a
standalone application. The difference is that when
used as an Eclipse plugin the editor can provide, in
addition to the grammar features, support for other
languages, e.g. Java, PHP. On the other hand, a stan-
dalone product provides the entire infrastructure fo-
cused solely on the developed language and can be
distributed as an open-source tool as long as the EPL-
2.0 software license guidelines are followed.
4.1 Operation
Figure 3 shows a screenshot of the ERText. This
example is inspired on Chinook Sample Database
(Repository: github.com/lerocha/chinook-database),
and contains eleven (11) entities and ten (10) relation-
ships, including generalization and specialization, a
self-relationship and a ternary relationship. ERText is
embedded with design features assisted by real-time
validation including: a) syntax highlighting indicat-
ing syntax errors in writing time; b) code completion,
and c) hovering, a feature that displays information
about an item when the mouse cursor is placed over
In addition, although the definition of data types is
not foreseen in the classic conceptual data model, for
reasons related to the future intention to perform the
generation of SQL commands, we decided to main-
tain this design decision in the grammar.
Figure 3: Snippet of the solution being used.
Files with this format were generated for a better view
from the text-markings using a model transformation
of type model-to-text. These markings can be ren-
dered by any browser, or even within the environ-
ment, increasing the power of understanding by the
user. The logical model mapping the conceptual data
model, i.e., derived by the generator, is shown in Fig-
ure 4.
The model-to-text transformation was mapped to
the save event. Considering the exemplified model as
input, this transformation results in a new model com-
posed of fourteen (14) entities already having their in-
ferred referential integrity, i.e. the records that point
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Figure 4: Snippet of the created logical model.
to other records are already established.
In order to map and transform from a concep-
tual data model to a logical data representation of
database, we adopted some assumptions proposed
by Heuser (Heuser, 2009). The assumptions imple-
mented so far can be summarized in: (i) column addi-
tion for 1:1 relationships; (ii) column addition for 1:N
relationships, and; (iii) creation of own table for N:N
According to Heuser (Heuser, 2009), concerning
generalization and specialization concepts, there are
two alternatives that can be derived from a mapping
for the transformation. The first one recommends the
use of a single table for the entire hierarchy of enti-
ties, i.e. it advises merging the tables. The second
one suggests the use of a table by modeled entity, as
long as respecting referential integrity, i.e. the pri-
mary keys of the child entities must necessarily point
to the primary key of the parent entity, creating a for-
eign keys references. We chose the second alternative
as assumption for this design decision.
The generator of the logical model was developed
with GPL Xtend, and currently has about four hun-
dred lines of code to carry out the transformation from
the conceptual data model to the logical data model.
This section describes the preliminary evaluation con-
ducted to analyze the proposed grammar, aiming to
enhance it in a final version of the solution.
For that, it was established the use of a focus
group, a qualitative research method that aims to gen-
erate feedback from a group of people in relation to
a specific topic. This approach is widely used as an
activity for market research in several areas, since it
can play an important role in supporting exploratory
research. Thus, starting from a previous investigation
(Edmunds, 2000; Frisina, 2006; Tong et al., 2007) the
process carried out in this step, expressed in Figure 5,
was based on the guidelines established in the work of
(Kontio et al., 2008), which cover the application of
this method in the context of Software Engineering.
Analysis and Report
Planning Preparation
Figure 5: Focus Group Process (Kontio et al., 2008).
5.1 Planning
During the planning stage, a protocol was defined
that should be followed. In this protocol, motivated
by the problem of generating a definitive version of
the proposed DSL grammar, the necessary documents
were created for its execution: (i) Informed Consent
Form (ICF); (ii) Glossary of Terms; (iii) Profile Ques-
tionnaire; (iv) Discussion Instruments 1, 2 and 3;
(v) Models of the Grammars, and; (vi) Presentation
Script. All models of the documents produced are
available in a public repository (Repository: github.
com/JonnathanRiquelmo/Focus-Group-Protocol - in
5.2 Preparation
Typically evaluations using focus groups should con-
sist of four (4) to six (6) individual groups to the sci-
entific rigor to be considered high. The size of each
group can vary from three (3) to twelve (12) elements,
with the most common being a number between four
(4) and eight (8) participants (Kontio et al., 2008).
For the present study, it was possible to run one
(1) focus group for reasons of time and human re-
sources. After the invitation, a total of thirteen (13)
participants collaborated, all from the Software En-
gineering area. Of this total, three (3) participants
were undergraduate students, nine (9) were master’s
students and one (1) doctoral student.
The Profile Questionnaire was then applied, in
which it was possible to identify that there was a
balanced level of knowledge among the participants.
This was verified because everyone already had con-
tact with DSL, having used this type of language, at
Textual Approach for Designing Database Conceptual Models: A Focus Group
least during graduation. It was also informed that the
entire process would be recorded on audio, a fact that
everyone agreed with it.
5.3 Execution
The focus group was held in the second half of 2019,
on the premises of a higher education institution, and
lasted for two (2) hours. Starting with the presenta-
tion script that should be followed, where there was
the presentation of the focus group objective and the
basic concepts involved, a request was made for the
participants to read and sign the ICF. With the signed
ICF, we continued the planned script.
For each discussion instrument available we
waited until all the participants answered individu-
ally. Afterwards, there was a group discussion on the
topic raised. The entire process was recorded in au-
dio and had the support of the researchers involved
in this study. A text transcription was made for the
observations raised by the debate that followed, thus
characterizing the brainstorming practices.
5.4 Results Analysis
According (Kontio et al., 2008), the analysis and in-
terpretation stage of the generated data constitutes an
important part of the qualitative research, consider-
ing the context, the behavior, and the perception of
the subjects. For the data analysis stage the audio was
analyzed in parallel to the taken notes. With these ma-
terials and the participant’s responses to each discus-
sion instrument, it was possible to evaluate the results
of the executed focus group.
After the presentation of the script prepared for
the focus group, the discussions on the three (3) in-
struments created for the dynamics began. The first
instrument contained the following statement, associ-
ated with a Likert scale, composed of levels of agree-
ment, and arranged from one (1) to five (5), where
one (1) indicates totally disagree and five (5) totally
agree: “Domain-specific languages with a textual
approach can be applied in conceptual modeling as
they can describe certain properties quickly and con-
cisely. Therefore, these solutions can be used or
even adapted in an effective way with respect to the
representation of the domain they model.
After all participants answered the instrument, a
moment of discussion was opened among all. As they
did not see the proposed DSL model, some doubts
arose and the researchers involved sought to resolve
all of them in order not to influence the following dis-
cussions. The debate continued with the participants
raising possible advantages of a textual model. Some
said they believed that this approach could be easier to
understand, but that it would depend on the user. This
assumption included two likely profile types: analysts
and developers. The group came to the conclusion
that the approach could be seen as more productive by
users with a developer profile, but less profitable by
those who had a more analytical bias due to their ab-
straction level in relation to graphic approaches. Fig-
ure 6 shows the responses distribution for the first dis-
Totally Agree (3)
Neutral (4)
Agree (6)
Figure 6: Results of Discussion 1 - Focus Group.
Next, the discussion of the second instrument was
carried out. The activity consisted of the follow-
ing question: “Considering that a conceptual data
model must define at least the domain entities, their
attributes and the number of possible occurrences
(cardinality) of associations (relationship), as you
would define a basic grammar (DSL) for your rep-
It is important to mention that the participants
could talk freely during the entire realization of this
instrument. After each one suggested its syntax, there
was a debate and an information exchange on how to
better structure the commands. The discussion was
mainly focused on how to represent the relations of
the ER model in a textual syntax.
The greatest difficulty observed is about how to
define an order. Another point worth mentioning
was the cardinality, where in general the nomencla-
ture used in Chen’s original diagram (e.g. 0,1) was
followed. However, at the end of the instrument,
there were very divergent opinions in relation to the
ideal representation. Apparently, each had a differ-
ent point of view, some choosing to include relation-
ships within the entities, and others outside. There
were also suggestions regarding possible keywords,
such as Element, ElementFather, ElementSource,
Type, and Referential. Still, six (6) participants
suggested the use of semicolons (;) to separate the
declarations of elements, and all thirteen (13) rec-
ommended the use of symbols such as parentheses,
brackets and/or keys to group similar sets of elements.
After the end of proposed dynamic, the last exper-
imental instrument is executed: An artifact composed
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
by an example of each grammar version produced
preliminary for this work. Based on both grammar
versions, we asked the participants to choose between
the options, thus indicating which one they evaluated
as the most feasible for ER modeling. In addition, we
also requested to indicate the pros and cons observed
in each model. The second model was eventually cho-
sen by the majority, as can be seen in Figure 7. How-
ever, at the end of the conditions we reached a con-
sensus: the way of defining entities of the first model
and the disposition of relationships for the second, es-
pecially the use of conventions in cardinalities, are the
most suitable for application in teaching-learning pro-
cess, thus indicating the need for a merger of both
Model 1 (5)
Model 2 (8)
Figure 7: Results of Discussion 3 - Focus Group.
For the list of possible threats, the topics and recom-
mendations raised in the work of (Wohlin et al., 2012)
were used. These threats followed a pattern and were
divided into four (4) categories as follows.
Construct Validity: concerns the experimental
design and social factors. (i) Inadequate Preoper-
ational Explication: This threat is when the focus
group may not have the objective of the artifacts suf-
ficiently defined before they are translated into mea-
sures or treatments. (ii) Interaction of different treat-
ments: If the subjects are involved in more than one
study, the treatments of the different studies may in-
teract and reverberate in the final results. All subjects
did just this focus group at the time of realization.
Internal Validity: are influences that can affect
independent variables in relation to causality, without
the researcher’s knowledge. (i) History: There is a
risk that a specific time period will influence the ex-
periment. In order to mitigate this threat the entire
process was carried out upon the participants’ notice
of a period when everyone was not necessarily over-
whelmed with academic activities e.g. tests and as-
signments. (ii) Tests: If the tests are repeated, the
subjects may respond differently at different times,
as they know-how the test is performed. There was
no need to repeat the activities, since they were per-
formed once by each participant. (iii) Instrumenta-
tion: This threat is related to artifacts used for the
execution of the focus group, such as data collection
forms, etc. If these are poorly designed, the expe-
rience is negatively affected. To combat this threat
all artifacts were previously checked and validated at
meetings among the researchers involved in this work.
External Validity: are conditions related to repli-
cation of the evaluation. (i) Subjects: The subjects
selected for the focus group may not represent a sig-
nificant group for the study area. In an attempt to mit-
igate this threat it was carried out with participants
from the area of Software Engineering and Computer
Science, inserted in the context of the use of concep-
tual modeling of databases. However, the fact that the
sample is of only one focus group is a threat indicated
in the literature. It was not possible to mitigate this
fact. (ii) Interaction of subjects with assessment arti-
facts: This is the threat related to the application of the
assessment artifacts with the subjects. Depending on
the moment this can affect the results. If, e.g. a ques-
tionnaire is carried out a few days after the execution
of the focus group, people tend to answer differently
than they would do moments after the activities. All
instruments were performed in the same session.
Conclusion Validity: are related to issues affect-
ing the ability to infer a correct conclusion about the
relationship between treatments and results of an eval-
uation. (i) Reliability of Results: This threats ob-
tained has a direct impact on the validity of the fo-
cus group as a whole. As it is an assessment with a
greater qualitative focus, this threat could not be mit-
igated due to the subjectivity inherent in the subjects’
responses in such assessments. (ii) Evaluation Envi-
ronment: The assessment should be carried out in a
controlled environment, trying to avoid external in-
fluences. To mitigate this possible threat, participants
were instructed that conversations outside the scope
of the focus group could not take place during the en-
tire duration of the activities, as well as leaving the
environment or accessing electronic devices.
In this study, the requirements, the design decisions,
the architecture, and the ERText tool were exposed.
XText proved to be an LW capable of meeting the
needs of the project. Using this framework, a DSL
was defined and implemented as an integrated plugin
in an Eclipse RCP, thus generating the ERText tool.
In this way, the modeling process with the newly
created language gained native features such as code
Textual Approach for Designing Database Conceptual Models: A Focus Group
completion, formatting, validation based on the re-
strictions described in the grammar, and syntax high-
lighting. It is important to note that the plugin could
only be tested due to the native integration provided
by XText with EMF, a set of Eclipse features to rep-
resent models and generate code.
With the investigation of the scientific literature
and the experience acquired mainly during the design
stage of the textual DSL development, we can also
mention the occurrence of a preliminary evaluation of
a prototype with 13 participants. With the feedback
obtained, it was possible to carry out the evolution
of development and the definition of an experimen-
tal protocol to perform an empirical evaluation of the
product developed.
Consequently, a controlled experiment (doi.org/
10.5281/zenodo.4064991) was carried out with 27
participants, all students of different levels and be-
longing to SE area. This evaluation used two treat-
ments, one with a graphical approach and the other
with ERtext, with the groups of subjects randomly
balanced. With the data collected it was possible
to execute a quantitative and qualitative analysis of
the tool’s viability. The results obtained show ev-
idence that, when performing modeling tasks with
both approaches, there is less effort associated with
the graphical approach. We believe this is due to the
fact that the textual approach to conceptual modeling
was not familiar to the subjects of the experiment. On
the other hand, the performance was very similar re-
garding the quality of the models made in both tools,
indicating some potential for competition of the pro-
posal concerning to the graphical approach tools.
As future work, the solution is expected to gener-
ate SQL code for different technologies (e.g. MySQL,
PostgreSQL), including as an improvement not only
the generation of DDLs but also, for example, stored
procedures of CRUD operations for each modeled en-
tity. Besides, we intend to generate Object Relation-
ship Mapping (ORM) input structures, for instance
Hibernate and Entity Framework.
Finally, the project for this solution is publicly
available under the EPL-2.0 license in the GitHub
repository (Repository: github.com/ProjetoDSL/
ERDSL), belonging to the Laboratory of Empirical
Studies in Software Engineering (LESSE) research
group of Unipampa.
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MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development