Automated Machine Learning for Wind Farms Location
Olivier Parisot and Thomas Tamisier
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST),
5 Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Automated Machine Learning, Wind Farms Location.
Automated Machine Learning aims at preparing effective Machine Learning models with little or no data
science expertise. Tedious tasks like preprocessing, algorithm selection and hyper-parameters optimization are
then automatized: end-users just have to apply and deploy the model that best suits the real world problem. In
this paper, we experiment Automated Machine Learning to leverage open data sources for predicting potential
next wind farms location in Luxembourg, France, Belgium and Germany.
The growing application of Machine Learning in a
wide range of fields has led to the design of platforms
and frameworks facilitating the production of read-
ily actionable models. Even if statistical and coding
expertise are still required for data science (Mikalef
et al., 2018), such automatized systems are intended
to non-experts in classical situations.
In this context, Automated Machine Learning
consists in generating and deploying Machine Learn-
ing models from an input raw dataset with little or no
configuration and coding effort (Hutter et al., 2019).
Let us consider the traditional pipeline for supervised
classifications, regressions and forecasting tasks:
Data preprocessing is required to adjust the raw
data to the specificity of Machine Learning al-
gorithms (Parisot and Tamisier, 2015): cleansing
(missing data imputation or outliers), dimension-
ality alteration (features removal/creation) and
quantity alteration (data sampling or outliers re-
A Machine Learning algorithm is then applied to
a train model from the preprocessed data.
Depending on the algorithm, some hyper-
parameters have to be optimized to improve the
accuracy of the model; in general, this is real-
ized through heuristics requiring heavy computa-
tion (Feurer and Hutter, 2019).
The accuracy of the obtained model is evaluated
by computing standard statistical tests (AUC, Pre-
cision, Recall, F1, etc.) with a given strat-
egy (holdout or cross-validation).
In practice, all those steps are time-consuming and ex-
posed to methodological errors. Automated Machine
Learning platforms aims at systematizing the whole
pipeline in order to launch it a number of times with
various combinations: several pipelines are tested, the
leading models are then compared and the most accu-
rate model is finally selected (Raschka, 2018).
In this work, we show how we can apply Auto-
mated Machine Learning to estimate the potential lo-
cation of next wind farms in Luxembourg, France,
Belgium and Germany by analyzing data from vari-
ous available sources.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Firstly, existing Automated Machine Learning plat-
forms and their application potential are briefly pre-
sented (Section 2). Secondly, the wind farm use case
is detailed (Section 3). Finally, the results of experi-
ments with a selection of Automated Machine Learn-
ing platforms are discussed (Section 4).
Numerous Automated Machine Learning systems
were developed in recent years and an exhaustive list
was already compiled (Milutinovic et al., 2020). We
can consider two kinds of solutions:
Open source tools like TPOT (Olson and Moore,
2016), Auto-Weka (Kotthoff et al., 2017) and
Auto-sklearn (Feurer et al., 2019): these frame-
works are mainly based on existing data mining
Parisot, O. and Tamisier, T.
Automated Machine Learning for Wind Farms Location.
DOI: 10.5220/0010232102220227
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2021), pages 222-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-486-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tools (sklearn, Weka) and were recently bench-
marked (Gijsbers et al., 2019).
Commercial cloud-based solutions such as IBM
Watson AutoAI, Google Cloud AutoML, Mi-
crosoft Azure AutoML: these platforms are in-
tegrated in complete Machine Learning develop-
ment environments and managed through a graph-
ical user interface.
As regard the application potential, Automated
Machine Learning is more and more applied in var-
ious real world problems. Below are some recent ex-
Logistic: optimization of commute times at
Toronto by analysing a database with past trans-
port delays (Cao et al., 2019).
Education: support to educators in anticipating
students progression in online learning platforms
(Tsiakmaki et al., 2020).
Healthcare: improvement of the care qual-
ity for British patients by analysing biomedical
databasets (Waring et al., 2020).
Moreover, recent works concern trustability of
models obtained with Automated Machine Learning.
As an example, a study has investigated why experi-
enced data scientists would use such automatic ap-
proaches. An other article even produces human-
readable reports with natural language to interpret
automatically obtained models (Steinruecken et al.,
In this paper, we apply Automated Machine
Learning to produce a model to assess the suitabil-
ity of a given area to host wind farms. Even if var-
ious computational methods for wind farms place-
ment have been proposed (Shahab and Singh, 2019),
no specific approach based on Automated Machine
Learning seems available.
Nowadays, the production of wind energy is more
than ever an environmental and political priority
(Hevia-Koch and Ladenburg, 2019). We can notice
the installation of new wind farms everywhere. To
understand and therefore anticipate this trend from a
data-driven approach, Machine Learning can be use-
ful. Positioning of wind farms is a complex problem:
weather conditions like wind speed are obviously im-
portant to justify their location, but other parameters
such as environment, performance, societal impact
are taken into account (Kazak et al., 2017).
To collect data that could be meaningful for the
prediction of the next wind farms locations in Luxem-
bourg, France, Belgium and Germany, we have con-
sidered various open data sources:
Geographical locations of the current onshore
wind farms
Historical time series of daily minimal/maxi-
mal/average wind speed values: each time serie
corresponds to a geolocated area and two years of
data have been considered.
Elevations of the current wind farms by using the
STRM digital elevation model
: it may help de-
termine how much topology is taken into account
for installing wind farms.
Cities positions and populations
: it may help to
check the relationships between wind farms loca-
tions and town centers.
Points of Interests positions
: it may have an im-
pact on wind farms installation.
Combining these heterogeneous data sources and
by considering geographical areas with a width of
2500 meters, we have built an aggregated dataset with
ten features (Table 1). The last feature is a binary flag
indicating if the location holds at least a wind farm
and can be used as a decision class. The area width
was empirically defined after several experiments and
by considering the weather data coverage.
As a result, we considered the prediction of next
wind farms location as a supervised binary classifica-
tion problem. The input dataset is class-imbalanced
since most of the considered geographical areas do
not accommodate wind farms. The challenge of deal-
ing with such imbalanced classes is found in vari-
ous domains like medical diagnosis or fraud detection
(Haixiang et al., 2017).
In the next section, we detail some experiments
to check if an accurate model can be obtained with a
selection of Automated Machine Learning platforms.
Starting from the previously described input dataset,
we have tested two commercial cloud platforms (IBM
Watson AutoAI, Microsoft Azure AutoML) and an
open source tool (TPOT). The goal is to build an ef-
ficient Machine Learning model for wind farms pre-
diction rather than realizing a strict evaluations of Au-
Automated Machine Learning for Wind Farms Location
Table 1: The structure of the dataset describing the location of existing onshore wind farms in Luxembourg/France/Bel-
gium/West of Germany (117278 records).
Numeric Latitude of the geographical area (degrees)
Numeric Longitude of the geographical area (degrees)
Numeric Elevation of the geographical area (meters)
Numeric Average wind speed on a recent time frame (meters per second)
Numeric Maximum wind speed on a recent time frame (meters per second)
Numeric Distance between the geographical area center and the nearby POI (meters)
Numeric Count of POIs in the considered geographical area
Numeric Distance between the geographical area center and the nearby town (meters)
Numeric Population of the nearby town
Binary TRUE if there is at least a wind farm in the geographical area, FALSE otherwise
tomated Machine Learning platforms; it was already
proposed by (Milutinovic et al., 2020).
The next sections detail the results obtained with
these different approaches (Table 2). Each statistical
test is computed by following the hold-out strategy
(Kohavi et al., 1995): 90% for training set, 10% for
test set.
4.1 Simple Python Code
To have a point of reference, we have developed a
simple Python source code to run the standard Gra-
dient Tree Boosting algorithm with the widely-used
scikit-learn package (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The
script executes the following steps: data loading, no
data preprocessing, training with default parameters
and then evaluation of the leading model.
. . .
r f c = G r a d i e n t B o o s t i n g C l a s s i f i e r ( )
t r a i n i n g F = [ . . . ]
t r a i n i n g T = [ . . . ]
r f c . f i t ( t r a i n i n g F , t r a i n i n g T )
. . .
As a result, the output model has a good-enough
Precision score but a insufficient Recall score (Table
2). The next sections will show if Automated Ma-
chine Learning platforms can provide better results
for the current use case.
4.2 IBM Watson AutoAI
Watson AutoAI is a module integrated into the on-
line IBM Watson Machine Learning service which is
mainly accessible through a graphical user-interface
(Figure 1).
The result of our test with Watson AutoAI is as
follows: after the data ingestion and some computa-
tion time, the platform proposes a short list of four
predictive models obtained with the LGBM classi-
fier (i.e. an implementation of Gradient Boosting
Tree). The best model is obtained with the following
The features engineering phase leads to the
generation of twelve additional features like
Two hyper-parameters have been optimized
though optimizations are not clarified.
Despite various efforts to optimize the configura-
tion, we did not succeed in improving the best model
produced by of Watson AutoML, above the score (low
F1: 0.343). The model obtained with the simple
Python script remains therefore the best one.
4.3 Microsoft Azure AutoML
AutoML is integrated in Azure Machine Learning
Studio, an integrated development environment for
designing Machine Learning workflow on the Mi-
crosoft cloud platform.
From a user point of view, Azure AutoML and
IBM Watson AutoAI are slightly different. Once in-
put data are loaded into Microsoft Azure AutoML, a
data guards step checks the data characteristics and
produces warnings if some issues are detected (miss-
ing data, imbalanced class, cardinaltity check, etc.).
These warnings do not trigger automatical data pre-
processing: they are just provided to inform the end-
user that those issues may have an impact on the final
results. After these checks, Azure AutoAI launches a
list of 74 jobs to run various pipelines (data prepro-
cessing, algorithm selection, hyper-parameters opti-
mization). At the end, the best model has good esti-
mators (F1, Precision, Recall) that are really similar
to the one obtained with Python source code. This
model is computed with this pipeline:
Algorithm: Voting Ensemble, i.e. a weighted en-
semble of other models (not described).
Features preprocessing and hyper-parameters op-
timization are not described too.
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Hold-out evaluation of the produced models for wind farms location prediction (90% for training set, 10% for
test set). Two commercial platforms were tested, an open-source solution was used and a simple Python source code was
implemented to have a reference.
Test Preprocessing Best algorithm Precision Recall F1
Python code Nothing Gradient Tree Boosting 0.825 0.540 0.567
Watson AutoAI Described LGBM 0.240 0.599 0.343
Azure AutoML Not described VotingEnsemble 0.783 0.623 0.670
TPOT Fully reproductible Random Forests cascade 0.759 0.693 0.721
Figure 1: Interactive Dashboard of IBM Watson Studio AutoAI: the Automated Machine Learning steps are then represented
during the computation of a predictive model for next wind farms location.
Figure 2: Interactive Dashboard of Microsoft Azure AutoML during the generation of a machine learning model for next
wind farms location prediction.
Automated Machine Learning for Wind Farms Location
4.4 TPOT
TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool) is an
open source Automated Machine Learning solution
based on a Genetic Algorithm (Olson and Moore,
2016) As a Python package, TPOT aims at building
optimized classifications and regressions models by
writing some source code or by launching a config-
urable command-line tool. In this work, we have used
the second method to analyze our dataset (Figure 3).
The resulting model is much better than those ob-
tained with the Python script and with the tested Au-
tomated Machine Learning platforms. The following
piece of Python source code is generated by TPOT
and allows to understand exactly the pipeline leading
to the best model (data preprocessing, algorithm train-
ing, hyper-parameters optimization):
. . .
p i p e l i n e = m a k e p i p e l i n e (
S t a c k i n g E s t i m a t o r (
e s t i m a t o r = R a n d o m F o r e s t C l a s s i f i e r (
b o o t s t r a p = F a ls e ,
c r i t e r i o n = e n t r o p y ” ,
m a x f e a t u r e s = 0 . 5 5 ,
m i n s a m p l e s l e a f = 3 ,
m i n s a m p l e s s p l i t = 1 6 ) ) ,
R a n d o m F o r e s t C l a s s i f i e r (
b o o t s t r a p = F a l s e ,
c r i t e r i o n = e n t r o p y ” ,
m a x f e a t u r e s = 0 . 6 5 ,
m i n s a m p l e s l e a f = 10 ,
m i n s a m p l e s s p l i t = 1 6)
t r a i n i n g F = [ . . . ]
t r a i n i n g T = [ . . . ]
p i p e l i n e . f i t ( t r a i n i n g F , t r a i n i n g T )
. . .
Figure 3: Command-line Dashboard of TPOT during the
computation of an optimized model.
4.5 Discussion
According to our experiments (Table 2), we have ob-
served that the tested Automated Machine Learning
platforms can produce different pipelines and then
models for the prediction of next wind farms location.
Even if the computation takes time and resources, the
accuracy of the yielded out models does not always
supasses the accuracy of the simple Python source
Azure AutoAI provides a good model with few
effort (no source code and very little configuration)
while Watson AutoML generates a poor one: it could
be explained by the class-imabalanced input dataset
(Azure AutoAI has detected this point, AutoML not).
By using these two commercial platforms, the result-
ing models can be deployed and then used with one
click. However, we notice some limitations:
The first one is due to the feature engineering
phase: it may lead to features creation that are
hard to interpret (example: square(sin(elevation))
in Watson AutoML), or the result is not described
at all by the platform (Azure AutoML). As shown
in (Drozdal et al., 2020), it may be a major draw-
back in case of we need to adapt the model.
A further limitation is the lack of customisation
in order to adapt manually the resulting pipelines
(preprocessing and hyper-parameters). There is
now way to change anything, the end-user can
just choose a model among the list of those which
were computed.
According to our experiments, an open source tool
like TPOT produces better models to predict the next
wind farms location, It is clearly more complex to use
for non experts (there is no user-friendly interface and
the deployment requires a lot of coding), but it allows
a higher level of customization (many parameters can
be set before the Automated Machine Learning pro-
cess and it is possible to generate ready-to-use Python
code for running computed models).
In this work, we applied Automated Machine Learn-
ing to build a model checking if a geographical
zone is suitable to host wind farms in Luxembourg,
France, Belgium and Germany. A relevant dataset
was built from open data sources and predictive mod-
els have been trained with various commercial and
open source Automated Machine Learning platforms.
In future work, we will take advantage of High-
Performance Computing infrastructure (HPC) to
efficiently analyze the evolution over time of wind
farms installation policies.
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
This work was funded by the FEDER Data Analyt-
ics Platform project (
Special thanks to Anne Hendrick, Samuel Renault
and Raynald Jadoul for their support.
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Automated Machine Learning for Wind Farms Location