Managing Mutual Occlusions between Real and Virtual Entities in
Virtual Reality
Guillaume Bataille
1, 2 a
, Val
erie Gouranton
, J
emy Lacoche
and Bruno Arnaldi
Orange Labs, Cesson S
e, France
University Rennes, INSA Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA, France
Virtual Reality Display Wall, Mutual Occlusions, Mixed Interactive Systems, Multi-layered Stereoscopy.
This paper describes a mixed interactive system managing mutual occlusions between real and virtual objects
displayed by virtual reality display wall environments. These displays are physically unable to manage mutual
occlusions between real and virtual objects. A real occluder located between the user’s eyes and the wall
hides virtual objects regardless of their depth. This problem confuses the user’s stereopsis of the virtual
environment, harming its user experience. For this reason, we present a mixed interactive system combining
a stereoscopic optical see-through head-mounted display with a static stereoscopic display in order to manage
mutual occlusions and enhance direct user interactions with virtual content. We illustrate our solution with a
use case and an experiment proposal.
Virtual reality display wall environments use static
stereoscopic displays in order to display virtual envi-
ronments (VE). Virtual reality display wall environ-
ments are typically CAVE presented by Cruz et al.
(Cruz-Neira et al., 1992), CAVE2
, Powerwall
, or
immersive rooms. When these displays are physically
occluded by real entities from the user viewpoint,
these systems cannot properly display mutual occlu-
sion between real and virtual entities. Yet, occlusions
are monocular depth cues which are important for the
credibility of displayed VEs. Indeed, wrong occlu-
sions are proved to confuse the cognition of users as
Sekuler et al. observed it (Sekuler and Palmer, 1992).
They are illusion and immersion breakers for virtual
reality display wall users. Figure 1(a) emphasizes
this situation, where the virtual banana should not be
partly occluded by the user’s hand.
On the other side, optical see-through head-
mounted displays (OST-HMD), like Hololens or
Magic Leap, render stereoscopic content which can-
not be occluded by real entities. They provide, to a
greater or lesser extent, occlusion culling of virtual
entities occluded by static or slightly mobile real en-
tities. When available, mutual occlusion management
is based on the 3D reconstruction of the user’s real
environment, as presented by Walton et al. (Walton
and Steed, 2017). Figure 1(b) describes the case of
an OST-HMD unable to manage mutual occlusions.
In that case, the OST-HMD displays a virtual object
located behind the user’s hand and which should be
hidden by it.
Figure 1: Mutual occlusions between real and virtual. (a)
Virtual objects rendered by static stereoscopic displays are
likely to be inappropriately occluded by real ones. (b) An
OST-HMD requires mutual occlusion management to oc-
clude the virtual by the real. (c) Our mutual occlusion man-
agement of a VE rendered by a static stereoscopic display
and an OST-HMD.
Bataille, G., Gouranton, V., Lacoche, J. and Arnaldi, B.
Managing Mutual Occlusions between Real and Virtual Entities in Virtual Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0010213800370044
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Compared to single display systems, multiple
stereoscopic layout systems enhance pros and cir-
cumvent cons of their displays. In this manner,
they enhance the visual perception of virtual environ-
ments. The literature mainly couples static displays
and mixed reality devices like tablets or optical see-
through head-mounted displays (OST-HMD). A re-
cent approach by Nishimoto et al. combines a virtual
reality display wall environment with a Hololens in
order to expand its Field of Regard (FoR) (Nishimoto
and Johnson, 2019). We propose to extend this system
to the management of mutual occlusions between vir-
tual and real objects or body parts. Our system, visi-
ble on Figure 1c, is compatible with both stereoscopic
TVs and virtual reality display wall environments.
In the next sections, we first describe related work.
Second, we outline our solution, which we called
Stereoccluder, a mixed interactive system providing a
multi-layered stereoscopic rendering dedicated to the
mutual occlusion management of virtual reality dis-
play wall environments. Third, we present a use case
based on the rendering of a cat mummy. Fourth, we
describe an experiment that we designed and devel-
oped in order to evaluate our system. Finally, we con-
clude this research and present our future work.
The problem of occlusions between real and vir-
tual objects has been first addressed by Wloka et al.
(Wloka and Anderson, 1995). Their solution uses a
stereoscopic camera to estimate the real environment
depth. A Video See-Through Head-Mounted Dis-
play (VST-HMD) displays virtual objects occluded
by real ones depending on the estimated depth. The
image-based approach of Walton et al. (Walton and
Steed, 2017) to this problem relies on the use of an
RGBD camera to capture the current scene. They
compose the rendering of virtual content with filtered
RGB frames of the real environment. Gimeno et al.
(Gimeno, 2018) use a different approach, based on
the rendering of a real area occluded by a real ob-
ject. In that case, they render the virtual twin (Krit-
zler et al., 2017) of the occluded area. However, these
approaches do not apply to the real occlusion of static
stereoscopic displays by users or real objects.
Multi-layered 3D-based rendering approaches
render an environment from different types of input,
called layers, as presented by Kang et al.(Kang and
Dinh, 1999). Each virtual layer view synchronizes its
viewport with others in order to produce a composite
view. The same principle can be extended to multiple
display systems composing the user viewpoint.
Combined display systems are studied for their
potential in sharing or distributing renderings and in-
teractions. When users simultaneously see multiple
displays, they observe a multi-layered rendering of a
virtual environment in real-time.
The first sort of association is the combination of
two static displays. Projection is used by the Illumi-
room system presented by Jones et al. (Jones et al.,
2015) in order to enhance a screen FoV. In that case,
a projector displays, on the wall around the screen, a
larger portion of the screen content. Both displays are
colocated but are also static and monoscopic. Also,
no occlusion is managed and interactions occur only
with one device.
A second association is the combination of two
mobile displays, a mixed reality head-mounted dis-
play, and a smartphone. Normand et al. (Normand
and McGuffin, 2018) augment a smartphone screen
with an OST-HMD or a video see-through head-
mounted display (VST-HMD). In that case, no screen
is static, the smartphone provides static rendering and
both see-through head-mounted displays are stereo-
scopic. Both displays are colocated, occlusions are
managed in the VST-HMD case, and interactions are
shared between devices.
A third association, the most common one, is the
combination of a static display, either a projector or
a screen, with a mixed reality display, like a head-
mounted display or a tablet. Projector-based spatial
augmented reality (SAR) employs projectors in or-
der to interact intuitively with a mixed environment
(Raskar and Low, 2001). This mixed environment is
obtained by projecting a virtual environment aligned
on real surfaces. For example, Roo et al. (Roo and
Hachet, 2017) use a projector in order to augment a
physical mock-up made out of sand with a volcano
image. They also combine a see-through display with
a spatially augmented motor. They indicate that the
use of projectors has clear occlusion limitations. San-
dor et al. (Sandor et al., 2002) presented The SHEEP
system in 2002 (MacWilliams et al., 2003). This sys-
tem projects on a table a video game. Both projec-
tor and device screens are monoscopic and colocated
by an ART tracking system. An HMD is used but
its specifications are not provided. Interactions are
provided by devices but occlusions are not managed.
Kurz et al. (Kurz et al., 2008) solve mutual occlu-
sions in the case of table-top displays by projecting
occluded virtual content on real occluders. But in
their case, the projector is static, bounding user lo-
comotion to the table-top space. Alternatively, head-
worn projectors could be used instead of OST-HMDs,
but they are vulnerable to lighting conditions, mate-
rials of projected surfaces, and multiple real occlud-
GRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison between mixed interactive systems blending multiple displays.
Work static display MR display mutual occlusion management
Sandor et al. 2002 monoscopic monoscopic no
Kurz et al. 2008 stereoscopic (dual) no yes
Kawakita et al. 2014 monoscopic monoscopic no
Jones et al. 2015 monoscopic (dual) no no
Benko et al. 2015 monoscopic stereoscopic no
Baillard et al. 2017 monoscopic stereoscopic yes
Roo et al. 2017 monoscopic monoscopic no
Normand et al. 2018 no stereoscopic yes (VST-HMD)
Saeghe et al. 2019 monoscopic stereoscopic no
Nishimoto et al. 2019 stereoscopic stereoscopic no
Stereoccluder stereoscopic stereoscopic yes
ers. Benko et al. (Benko et al., 2015) present in 2015
the FoveAR system. This system combines an OST-
HMD with SAR projections in order to enhance the
FoV of the OST-HMD as a hybrid display. Projection
is monoscopic while OST-HMD is stereoscopic, both
are colocated and no real object occlusion is managed.
Rendering is shared by both displays. Monoscopic
TVs are also associated with mixed reality devices
by several mixed reality systems. Kawakita et al.
(Kawakita and Nakagawa, 2014) complete a TV pro-
gram with a mobile device running augmented reality
techniques. Collocation results from the detection of
a 2D tag displayed by the TV screen by the mobile de-
vice, which produces a pose estimation latency com-
pared to inside-out reconstruction techniques embed-
ded by ARCore or ARKit mobile devices, Hololens or
Magic Leap. But real occlusions of the TV tags brake
collocation. Still, interactions are distributed between
the TV and the mobile device, so any user interac-
tion with one of these devices impacts both. Also,
Baillard et al. (Baillard et al., 2017) augment 2D TV
programs with an AR device like a tablet or an OST-
HMD. Displays are colocated, occlusions are said to
be managed, interactions are distributed between dis-
plays and the OST-HMD is stereoscopic. Similarly,
Saeghe et al. (Saeghe et al., 2019) augment a TV
program with an OST-HMD. They explore how user
interactions can influence the program storytelling,
but do not address occlusion management. Finally,
Nishimoto et al. (Nishimoto and Johnson, 2019) aug-
ment the FoR of a CAVE2 with an OST-HMD. In that
case, the OST-HMD is in charge of displaying vir-
tual content upper and below the CAVE2 stereoscopic
screens. This system provides a full stereoscopic ren-
dering. Both OST-HMD and CAVE2 are colocated to
provide a consistent multi-layered stereoscopic ren-
dering. Interactions are not shared, are non-direct,
and are limited to the use of a PS3 wand. This sys-
tem does not manage mixed occlusions. Our intuition
is that the same system with occlusion management
would provide a better user experience and a more
significant task performance improvement.
We summarize our comparison of these systems
regarding mixed occlusion management in Table 1.
Consequently, we want to combine a stereoscopic
display with a stereoscopic OST-HMD in order to
manage occlusions between real and virtual entities.
We also target to evaluate their impact on user direct
gestural interactions. We expect such mixed interac-
tive systems to enhance the user experience by reduc-
ing visual breaches due to real occlusions of virtual
We present in this paper our contribution to solving
mutual occlusions occurring between the real and the
virtual in virtual reality display wall environments.
Our approach is simple and flexible, and relies on
known techniques and devices.
Our approach (see Figure 2) extends the approach
of Nishimoto et al. (Nishimoto and Johnson, 2019),
which consists in combining static stereoscopic dis-
plays with OST-HMDs. When a real occluder like
a real object or the user’s body partly hides this VE
(Virtual Environment), the VE located between the
occluder and the user’s eyes, the green area in Figure
2, should be visible. Our approach consists of :
detecting and tracking real occluders to estimate
which part of the hidden VE should be visible to
the user,
displaying the inaccurately hidden VE with an
Our system relies on the ability of the OST-HMD
to self-locate in its real environment.
Managing Mutual Occlusions between Real and Virtual Entities in Virtual Reality
real occluder
static display
static stereoscopic display
Figure 2: A segmentation of the multi-layered stereoscopic
space. The OST-HMD must display the VE part inappro-
priately hidden by a real occluder in the green area, and
simulate real occlusions of the VE in the purple area.
3.1 Setup
Our experimental setup is composed of a Hololens 1
(the OST-HMD), an active stereoscopic TV (the static
stereoscopic display), and a computer in charge of
the static stereoscopic display rendering (see Figure
3). Stereoscopic TVs are widely available at low cost,
but our system can be easily transposed to immersive
rooms, CAVEs, or Powerwalls. The stereoscopic TV
is placed on a sit/stand workstation to adjust the TV
center to the height of the user’s gaze.
real occluder
(d) computing OST-HMD
stereoscopic rendering
(b) computing SSD
stereoscopic rendering
(a) locating
(c) locating
real occluder
VE rendering
Figure 3: Our Stereoccluder system overview. (a) the OST-
HMD locates the pose of the static stereoscopic display.
(b) the static stereoscopic display displays the VE from the
OST-HMD viewpoint. (c) the OST-HMD locates real oc-
cluders. (d) the OST-HMD displays the inappropriately oc-
cluded VE.
The user simultaneously wears the OST-HMD and
the active stereoscopic goggles paired with the stereo-
scopic screen, as shown in Figure 4. The active polar-
izing filter of the goggles interferes with the Hololens
internal optics. It hides one RGB color from screen
images on a slow cycle. This problem is circumvented
by (Nishimoto and Johnson, 2019) since their sys-
tem is based on passive stereoscopic screens. They
position passive filters upon the external glass of the
Hololens. In our case, considering the small size of
the active stereoscopic goggles, we did not try to use
them upon the OST-HMD to prevent color interfer-
ences. Displaying only RGB colors composed of at
least two primary colors avoids stereoscopic breaches,
but still produces minor perceptual concerns due to
one fading primary color per cycle.
stereoscopic goggles
stereoscopic screen
Figure 4: A user simultaneously wearing active stereo-
scopic goggles and an OST-HMD. At the top, an overview
of the system in use. At the center, a close view on dual
display wearing. At the bottom, the right user’s eye view.
Our system is implemented with a Hololens 1
and a 65” Samsung 3D TV connected to an Alien-
ware Laptop (RTX 2080, 32Go Ram, I9 9th gen).
Both OST-HMD and laptop applications are devel-
oped with Unity 2018.4. The Hololens application
uses the Mixed Reality Toolkit 2.2.0. Both appli-
GRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
cations communicate through Wi-Fi, using our own
TCP network layer implemented in .NET.
3.2 Calibration
The calibration phase initially enables the OST-HMD
to locate the static stereoscopic display (see Figure
3(a)). While the static stereoscopic display displays
a texture, the OST-HMD estimates its pose, thanks
to Vuforia
. This computation allows the OST-HMD
and the computer applications to share a common co-
ordination system in order to render and display a VE
from the same viewpoint. In the case of drift, the user
can recalibrate the system. An alternative solution
would be to fix 2D tags on the static stereoscopic dis-
play borders and let the OST-HMD constantly track
them, but it entails an unstable tracking and requires
additional computing power.
3.3 Multiple Stereoscopic Rendering
Both the OST-HMD and the static stereoscopic dis-
play must render the VE from the same viewpoint for
a consistent and homogeneous multiple stereoscopic
rendering. For this reason, the OST-HMD requires
to know the location of the static stereoscopic dis-
play (see Figure 3(a)) to render the VE (see Figure
3(d)). Conversely, the computer requires to know the
current user’s head position to render the VE accord-
ingly (see Figure 3(b)). For this reason, the OST-
HMD constantly shares with the computer its own
position and orientation. Therefore, the computer is
aware of the position and orientation of the virtual
cameras simulating the user’s eyes in order to render
the VE from the same user viewpoint. The computer
uses this knowledge in order to calculate the projec-
tion matrix of the virtual cameras corresponding to
the user’s eyes
Nishimoto et al. (Nishimoto and Johnson, 2019)
estimate the pose of the OST-HMD with an ART-
TRACK system
commonly used by virtual reality
display wall environments to track the user’s head.
But this system is exposed to real occlusions, is ex-
pensive, and requires to instrument the setup environ-
ment initially. A part of our contribution consists in
using the inside-out tracking system of the OST-HMD
instead. The user’s head tracking is slower and less
responsive than ARTTRACK systems, but also more
flexible since OST-HMD do not require to instrument
4 Baron/view-frustum-in-the-
the static stereoscopic display area with ART track-
ers. Furthermore, this tracking system is more robust
against real occlusions. Indeed, real occluders may
hinder ART sensors from tracking the ART markers
mounted on the user’s head.
3.4 Occlusion Management
Our contribution to the management of mutual occlu-
sions in the case of virtual reality display wall envi-
ronments is a system combining an OST-HMD and
a static stereoscopic display. This system is capable
of managing mutual occlusions properly in a simple
and portable manner. Our system displays on an OST-
HMD the VE inaccurately hidden by a real occluder
and located between this occluder and the user’s eyes
3(d)). Our mutual occlusion management simulates
the presence of real occluders in the real scene by
adding the virtual twin (Kritzler et al., 2017) of the
real occluder in the VE. This technique is known as
the phantom technique (Fischer et al., 2004).
Our system detects and tracks real occluders (see
Figure 3(c)) in order to simulate their presence in
the VE displayed by the OST-HMD. A first solution
tracks the real occluder, which can be a body part of
a real object. For example, an OST-HMD (Hololens,
Magic Leap, etc), or a Leapmotion (Nasim and Kim,
2016) can track the user’s hand at different granulari-
ties. A Hololens 1 is able to roughly track a hand’s po-
sition without neither its orientation nor finger track-
ing. Conversely, a Leapmotion tracks the position
and orientation of fingers’ jointures and palm track-
ing. Tracking can also be obtained by the pose estima-
tion of a 2D tag glued on the object to track. We use
a trackable handheld occluding surface presented in
Figure 5. This surface is tracked and its virtual twin,
the interactive virtual representation of a real entity
for Kritzler et al. (Kritzler et al., 2017), is rendered
with an occlusion shader. This is an alternative solu-
tion circumventing the inaccuracy of hand tracking by
Hololens 1. A second solution estimates the depth be-
tween the user and the stereoscopic screen to compute
the occluded area. Depth sensors can be combined for
enhanced accuracy.
In Figure 1(c), the real object is the user’s hand
and the virtual object is a banana. As part of our
contribution, the occluder is simulated on the OST-
HMD as a virtual sphere with an occlusion shader as-
signed to it. From the user viewpoint, the occlusion
shader hides virtuals objects behind it and shows vir-
tual objects ahead of it. This sphere is larger than
the hand to circumvent any lack of tracking accuracy.
On Hololens 1, we use a sphere because this OST-
HMD does not provide the hand rotation or the pose
Managing Mutual Occlusions between Real and Virtual Entities in Virtual Reality
Figure 5: Our handheld occluding surface. The corners of
this surface are trackable markers.
of its fingers. The user’s hand needs to keep the air-
tap ready position to get detected by the Hololens.
First, we present in this section a volumetric explo-
ration of a cat mummy in a virtual reality display wall
environment using our mutual occlusion management
system, Stereoccluder. Second, we describe an exper-
iment aiming at evaluating the benefits of this system
for direct interactions between the user’s hand and vir-
tual objects displayed by virtual reality display wall
4.1 The Cat Mummy Usecase
In this subsection, we present a multi-layout stereo-
scopic display of a virtual mummy. This use case
allows the volumetric exploration of the internal re-
mains of a cat mummy. The static stereoscopic dis-
play displays the mummy’s appearance while the
OST-HMD displays its internal remains. This interac-
tive system benefits from our occlusion management
system. Indeed, our framework allows the user to
perceive the occluded virtual remains of the mummy
although the static stereoscopic display is partly oc-
cluded. The real occluder is a handheld rectangular
surface (see Figure 5). With this augmented real ob-
ject behaving as an x-ray viewer, our system allows
the user to see the internal remains of the mummy
located between the user’s viewpoint and the real oc-
cluder. This technique is known as the magic lens
technique (Bier et al., 1993). The virtual mummy ap-
pearance was reconstructed by photogrammetry. The
geometry of its internal parts was obtained by radiog-
raphy. Figure 6 presents the results obtained with our
handheld occlusion surface.
Figure 6: Volumetric exploration of a cat mummy revealing
its internal remains. Our handled occluding surface, high-
lighted by a red border, acts as a virtual x-ray viewer.
Four users experienced Stereoccluder without
measurements. The overall acceptance is good and
the system is appreciated. The main reasons seem to
be the expansion of the field of view and the accu-
racy and consistency of the multi-layout stereoscopic
rendering, despite the tracking latency. They also ex-
perienced without measurements the impact of non-
managed occlusions in the case of a single stereo-
scopic layout provided by the static screen. This case
is similar to the use of CAVEs with no occlusion man-
agement. In that case, non-managed occlusions create
a disturbing stereopsis breach. For that reason, we do
not consider any experiment of direct user hand ges-
tures without offsetting the virtual hand avatar. Oth-
erwise, non-managed occlusions would impact exper-
iments too heavily to provide relevant results.
4.2 Experiment
This subsection presents an experiment that we have
designed and implemented, but not realized at the mo-
ment due to the COVID-19 crisis preventing the ex-
periment completion.
We have designed an experiment to evaluate the
benefits of our multi-layered stereoscopic rendering
system for direct interactions between the user’s hand
and virtual objects. We chose a classical selection task
to show that our system performs at least as well as
existing ones. The task consists of searching for a
secret sphere in a 5x3x4 grid of mystery spheres, all
rendered with the same appearance. This task bene-
fits from the large FoV provided by the stereoscopic
screen. The spheres’ radius measures 5cm. They
are separated by 11cm in order to avoid the hand’s
sphere to simultaneously collide with multiple mys-
GRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
tery spheres. In order yo detect the secret sphere,
the user must touch mystery spheres with a virtual
sphere located between his thumb and his index. This
semi-direct interaction avoids occluding the sphere
displayed by the screen with the user’s hand. When
the virtual sphere associated with his hand location
collides with the secret sphere, the secret sphere color
changes. The tester validates the discovery of the se-
cret sphere with an air-tap gesture. A new sphere grid
is then displayed.
Three conditions are considered. The two first
conditions employ only one display, either Hololens
(condition C1) or a static stereoscopic screen (condi-
tion C2). The third condition associates both displays
(condition C3). All cases involving Hololens use our
occlusion management system. We plan to measure
task completion time, the time between spheres colli-
sions, time to perceive the discovered secret spheres,
subjective workload with raw NASA-TLX, usability
with a Single Ease Question (SEQ), and overall pref-
erence. Our hypothesis are:
H1: the Hololens-only condition (C1) should be
slower because of more head movements in or-
der to see the whole grid, for the highest cognitive
H2: the static stereoscopic screen only condition
(C2)should be the least pleasant and most disturb-
ing because of the lack of occlusion management,
for an average cognitive load,
H3: the Hololens + static stereoscopic screen con-
dition (C3) should be the most efficient for the
least cognitive load, due to its large field of view
and its occlusion management.
Figure 7 shows this experiment under C1, C2 and
C3 conditions.
In this paper, we have presented how our multi-
layered stereoscopic system solves mutual occlusions
in the case of virtual reality display wall environ-
ments. Stereoscopic layers advantageously associate
their strengths and weaknesses in order to provide a
consistent rendering of partly occluded virtual envi-
ronments displayed by static stereoscopic screens. An
OST-HMD detects and tracks real occluders, simu-
lates their presence in the virtual environment, and
renders the VE part located between the user’s head
and real occluders. Our contribution grants the use
of virtual reality display wall environments as mixed
interactive spaces, where the presence of real objects
and users is not an illusion breaker. This contribution
Figure 7: Experiment ”find the secret sphere”. The left col-
umn is a capture of the user’s view. At the top, the user per-
ceives the VE displayed by the OST-HMD only. At the cen-
ter, the user perceives the VE displayed by the static stereo-
scopic display only. At the bottom, the user perceives the
VE displayed by both the OST-HMD and the static stereo-
scopic display.
also enables direct gestural interaction with virtual
objects in such environments without vision breaches.
Future work will run the presented user study.
This study aims at evaluating the impact of our system
on direct gestural interactions. The intended evalua-
tion task consists of a research task with three condi-
tions, a stereoscopic screen only, an OST-HMD only,
and a stereoscopic screen combined with an OST-
HMD. Auto-stereoscopic screens and holographic
displays are alternative displays against the use of
stereoscopic OST-HMDs. Finally, we plan to exper-
iment our solution with an immersive system with
multiple screens, since Stereoccluder is compatible
with such virtual reality display wall environments.
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GRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications