A Novel Simplified Framework to Secure IoT Communications
Sairath Bhattacharjya
and Hossein Saiedian
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.
Information & Telecommunication Technology Center, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.
IoT, Security, Zero-trust, Key Generation, Plug-and-Play, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Zero
Interaction Pairing (ZIP), Zero-Interaction Authentication (ZIA), Communication.
IoT devices are already in the process of becoming an essential part of our everyday lives. These devices
specialize in performing a single operation efficiently. To maintain the privacy of user data, securing com-
munication with these devices is essential. The plug-pair-play (P3) connection model uses the ZIP (zero
interaction pairing) technique to set up a secured key for every pair of user and device so that the user doesn’t
have to remember a complicated password. The command execution model provides an authentication mech-
anism for every transaction. Routing the transactions through the gateway allows for auditing, providing a
zero-trust environment. The zero-trust (ZT) model described in this paper addresses confidentiality, integrity,
and authentication triad of cybersecurity while ensuring that the interactions with these devices are seam-
less. The architecture described in this article makes security a backbone. The model described in this paper
provides an end-to-end framework to secure the communication with these smart devices in a cloud-based
architecture respecting the resource limitation of these devices. A novel simplified framework to secure IoT
Internet of Things (IoT) have changed the direction to
modern technological development. With its intrusive
nature it has already penetrated our lives with wear-
able devices and smart objects for home automation
systems. These devices are dealing with our personal
information as well as performing micro transactions
to make our lives easier. With this advantage comes
the concern of privacy. It is imperative to say that we
need a way to securely communicate with these de-
Users have voiced their privacy concern with us-
ing these devices. To remove any doubt on this fact,
there have been numerous experiments to prove that
these devices can be easily hacked with readily avail-
able equipment (Ronen and Shamir, 2016). In many
implementations it is seen that the manufacturers del-
egate the responsibility of securing the devices in the
hand of the user by providing default credentials and
expecting the user to change it. Such implementations
have been heavily exploited by malware like Mirai
and EchoBot to convert them into bots. The author
in this article (Uslaner, 2004) talks about the concept
of trust which very much applies to IoT ecosystems.
Eliminating trust will help us focus more towards pri-
vacy and security.
In this paper we focused on a techniques to setup
an end-to-end security framework for IoT devices in
a cloud-based architecture. Concepts like fog com-
puting has brought the cloud closer to the appliances
and services (Puliafito et al., 2019). It has also por-
trayed that the bulk of the heavy lifting of computing
and data processing can be shifted to the cloud to ac-
count for the limitation of resources in the devices. In
this model, the plug-pair-play (P3) connection model
sets up a secret key for every pair of user and device
automatically without user’s intervention. It uses the
zero interaction pairing (ZIP) technique to avoid the
user form remembering complicated passwords or the
system having to use default credentials. The com-
mand execution model uses these unique keys to setup
a zero-trust channel of communication between them
over the untrusted internet. The heartbeat ensures that
the device is alive and functional at all times. Over-
all, using this model, security can act as a backbone
for any design architecture for these IoT devices. The
model is flexible and can be used with a plethora of
device types. It works in the background and does not
provide additional overhead to the users to enable se-
curity of the device. In cybersecurity, the CIA triad
addresses the three crucial aspects, namely confiden-
tiality, integrity and availability. This model address
all these aspects and ensures a secured functioning of
the device.
Bhattacharjya, S. and Saiedian, H.
A Novel Simplified Framework to Secure IoT Communications.
DOI: 10.5220/0010210003990406
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 399-406
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This article is organized as follows. We start by
exploring the common security issues in IoT devices
and how they are being exploited in Section 2. Here
we also look into the potential solutions provided by
the research community to secure IoT communica-
tions. Then we explain our security model in details
in Section 3 and talk briefly about the implementation
setup before exploring the performance of the model
in terms of data security, memory utilization and time
of operation in Section 4. We conclude with our find-
ings and opportunity for future research in Section 5.
From the business reports we see a phenomenal
growth in the market of IoT devices (Goasduff, 2019;
Columbus, 2019). It is predicted that there will be
5.8 billion IoT endpoints by the end of this year and
by 2022 the worldwide technology spending on smart
devices would reach USD 1.2 trillion. The advent of
modern technologies like artificial intelligence, ma-
chine learning and real time data streaming com-
bined with the high-speed connectivity with the cloud
helped businesses look at these devices as a potential
solution to their specific problems. More and more
organizations are relying on them to remodel and op-
timize their business needs.
With this unprecedented growth in demand for
these smart objects, manufacturers are not getting
enough time to perform adequate security testing on
them. It is noticed that smaller players are not even
providing options to patch the vulnerabilities. These
issues are taken advantage of by attackers. Malware
like Mirai are using these loop holes to convert these
devices into botnets which are used to cause massive
DDoS attacks (Bertino and Islam, 2017). At its peak,
Mirai caused a 1.1 Tbps attack using 148,000 IoT de-
vices. With its source code made public, the number
of infected devices has doubled. The attack on Dyn
Inc. DNS servers in 2016 is one of the most notable
attack using IoT botnet.
Extensive surveys have been conducted to iden-
tify the security issues in IoT devices that lead to these
massive attacks. One study noted that in ZigBee Light
Link (ZLL) based connected lighting system manu-
facturers rely on an NDA (non-disclosure agreement)
protected shared key to secure communications. Here
are the common vulnerabilities of IoT devices that
makes it a easy target for attackers (Neshenko et al.,
2019; van Oorschot and Smith, 2019; Trappe et al.,
2015; Bhattarai and Wang, 2018).
Resource Limitation. Every research article
pointed out that constrained resources in the de-
vice is a setback when it comes to implementing
cryptographic techniques. It is possible that an at-
tacker might drain the memory of the device by
sending thousands of requests to the open port in
a device.
Lack of User Authentication. lack of available
memory in the device restricts the implementation
of complex authentication techniques. Thus, to
maintain the legal standards, manufacturers end
up using default credentials and common shared
Inadequate Encryption. Encryption is an effec-
tive tool to defuse the data so that an unauthorized
user is not able to make sense of it. Cryptographic
systems depend on the randomness of the algo-
rithm as well as the key size to effectively morph
the data. Due to insufficient storage in the device,
it becomes difficult to store large keys. This is
taken advantage of by the adversary who perform
brute force attack to break a smaller key size.
Efficient Access Control. It is often noticed that
a proper access control mechanism is not main-
tained on the device. Many manufacturers allow
use of default credentials on the device and the
same user is entrusted with admin privileges on
it. With higher privilege on them, the attacker can
perform more damage not only to the device, but
also to the network that they are installed in.
2.1 Proposed Solutions to Bridge the
Creating an identity of a device and its user in a
cloud-based architecture is essential in a heteroge-
neous ecosystem. It forms the baseline to tackle all
the security issues that we have pointed out in the pre-
vious section. Researchers have taken different per-
spective to solve the issue of identity.
Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) can play a important
role in securing the IoT devices. One research showed
the potential of using IPv6 over Bluetooth LE (Niem-
inen et al., 2014). Wireless communication with the
device is protected using the Bluetooth LE Link Layer
security which supports both encryption and authen-
tication by using the Cipher Block Chaining Message
Authentication Code (CCM). OpenConnect was pro-
posed to automate the integration of these devices in
a cloud-based architecture (Pazos et al., 2015). The
platform uses REST API endpoints to integrate the
devices with the central command center. Security
of the implementation is placed inside the integration
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
service. Another research showed an approximation
arithmetic computer-based information hiding tech-
nique to provide features like IP watermark, digital
fingerprinting and lightweight encryption for ensur-
ing energy efficiency to low power equipments (Gao
et al., 2017).
Some solutions have been proposed to effec-
tively tackle the authentication issue for the resource
constrained devices. A certificate-based authentica-
tion technique was proposed to redress the issue of
password-based authentication (Atwady and Ham-
moudeh, 2017). A certificate is awarded to every en-
tity in the system by a trusted certification authority.
Another solution was proposed to use a One Time
Password (OTP) scheme using elliptic curve cryptog-
raphy. This solution depends on the Lamport algo-
rithm to secure the generate OTP. Authentication of
smart devices using the physical properties of the de-
vice for smart home environment was provided as a
potential solution (Huth et al., 2015). The security
mechanism used in this technique uses a random set
of challenges along with symmetric key cryptogra-
Each proposal by the research community provided a
unique perspective to the solution. Bluetooth LE be-
comes effective for low energy devices and provides
a much smaller attack vector being a PAN (personal
area network) network. Similarly, public key cryp-
tography helps provide an identity for an entity in a
network. The private-public key pair helps provide
authentication as well as integrity check to messages
send between two parties. In our proposed solution
we combined these ideas to generate an efficient so-
lution that would work for any resource constrained
In a cloud-based architecture, there are three pri-
mary components in the IoT ecosystem, namely, de-
vice, user, and gateway.
Device represents the endpoint that specializes in
performing a specific task (which we also refer to
as an IoT device).
User provides the commands and instructions to
the device. In our implementation, we have used
a mobile app to work as a user interface. In this
model, we have categorized the user group into
users and delegates. Each device can have at most
one user who is the primary owner and has to-
Figure 1: Proposed architecture for IoT ecosystem.
tal control over it. The delegates represent other
users to the device, like another person or a home
assistant like Google Home or Amazon Alexa.
They can access the device only when the user ap-
proves the pairing. The user has the right to grant
access to a delegate to perform specific operations
on a device.
Gateway works as a middleman helping the user
and device to communicate with each other over
the internet. It consists of API endpoints that co-
ordinate the communications between them. It
also acts as a data store to record the details
about the user, device, registration, and transac-
tion logs. The gateway takes away the compu-
tation and memory-intensive operations like data
analytics and forensics away from the device.
Figure 1, shows the different entities in the proposed
architecture. Once the device and user are paired with
one another using the P3 connection model, all further
communications between them get routed through the
gateway for logging the transactions.
3.1 Prebuilt Security in the Model
As described in the architecture, the user is respon-
sible for providing commands and instructions to the
device. To enable the user to perform its function, the
framework comes with a few prebuilt security mecha-
nisms. The user has to be registered with the gateway
for the gateway to know their identity. All post-logon
operations are to be accompanied by an Authentica-
tion header that contains a JWT (JSON web token) to-
ken to verify the identity of the user. All transactions
to and from the gateway are protected by TLS/SSL.
This ensures data security in transit.
To provide authentication to the device and gate-
way to one another, they are enabled with their own
public-private key pairs. To respect the resource lim-
itation of the device, we used elliptic curve cryptog-
raphy (ECC) for the implementation. ECC is a pre-
ferred choice for public key cryptography rather than
RSA because of the key size. A 32 bytes key can pro-
vide the same level of security as the 2048 byte RSA
A Novel Simplified Framework to Secure IoT Communications
key. The operational time for signing and verification
is comparable. The private key is used to verify the
identity of the device to the gateway:
<device id, current timestamp, raw data>
<data, Enc{H(data), PrivKey
The raw data along with the device id and the
current timestamp of the device forms the data to
be sent to the gateway. The data is hashed and signed
using the private key of the device. This provides both
authentication as well as integrity check on the data
since the private key is only available to the device.
The timestamp provides protection against replay at-
tacks. The gateway holds the public key of the device.
On receiving the package, it extracts the data and ver-
ifies the given signature to make sure it is from the
device who it claims to be. The same technique is
used when sending information from the gateway to
the device.
3.2 Plug-pair-play (P3) Connection
The P3 connection model falls in the category of the
zero interaction pairing (ZIP) (Fomichev et al., 2019).
The ZIP technique provides many advantages over the
traditional password based security. Due to the lack of
user interactions, this scheme can be implemented at
large scale for a many-to-many combinations of users
and devices. The P3 connection model requires the
user to provide the WiFi credentials to the device and
post that the secrets are created autonomously without
any user intervention. The technique described in this
paper helps distinguish each pair of user and device
from another.
3.2.1 Setting up Shared Key for User
The user and delegates of a IoT device can change
frequently. It is necessary to generate a key on the
first instance the user wants to interact with the de-
vice. This avoids the need for a password based au-
thentication. The shared key can be used to secure
all future communications between the user and de-
vice pair. The same technique can be used to refresh
the key at a regular interval. Figure 2 shows the steps
to validate the identity of the user and device to one
another and setting up the shared key.
For connection initiation, we propose using Blue-
tooth 4.0 or Bluetooth LE (Nieminen et al., 2014).
Bluetooth LE has been designed for ultra-low power
application yet keeping similarities with classic Blue-
tooth. All modern mobile phones and smart devices
are enabled with Bluetooth LE. Another reason to use
Bluetooth in setting up secret keys is the area of ac-
cess. Since the Bluetooth connection can be estab-
lished only in proximity of the device, the attack vec-
tor becomes smaller. Here are the steps of the P3 con-
nection model for user:
Pairing. The first step of the connection is the
pairing between the user and the device. The user
from his mobile app searches to find available de-
vice. In Bluetooth the connection happens be-
tween a master and a slave. In this case, the user’s
phone acts as a master and the device acts as a
slave. Once the user finds the device, it pairs with
it using the default pairing key embedded in the
app and initiates a connection.
Generate Session Key. Curve25519 is an ellip-
tic curve offering 128 bit of security and designed
for use with the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman
(ECDH) key arrangement scheme. Here, both
the device and user, generate a key and share the
public part with one another. Both generate the
session key K
using Diffie-Hellman and use it to
secure the remaining transactions during the pro-
Connect to Wi-Fi. Once the session key is
established, the next step is for the device to
connect to the internet. For this, the user
sends the Wi-Fi SSID and password encrypted
with the session key Enc{<Wi-Fi SSID, Wi-Fi
password>, K
}. On receiving this information,
the device tries to connect to the internet and en-
sures a successful connection. Once connected, it
saves the information into its memory till the en-
tire process terminates. It returns a “success” to
the user.
User Verification. After connecting to the inter-
net, the device needs to verify the identity of the
user. The user sends his user id to the device
encrypted Enc{user id, K
}. The devices send
this identifier to the gateway along with the de-
vice’s digital signature for verification. On receiv-
ing this information, the gateway ensures the va-
lidity of both the device and the passed user iden-
tifier. On successful verification, it creates a par-
tial registration record.
Device Verification. On receiving a green
light from the gateway, the device returns a
mac to the user encrypted with the prior
session key Enc{device mac, K
}. The user for-
wards this information to the gateway along with
the JWT token for user identity. The gateway
verifies the user and then checks the device mac
to verify it against the partial verified registration
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: P3 connection between user and device.
record. Once verified, the gateway completes the
transaction and returns success to the user.
Generate and Share the Symmetric Key. On re-
ceiving a positive response back, the user gener-
ates 256 bits symmetric key along with a 128 bits
initialization vector, saves it locally and shares it
with the device Enc {K,K
}. The device saves the
same along with the user identifier and acknowl-
edges the user that the key is saved securely. The
device also saves the WiFi credentials in perma-
nent storage.
Disconnect. The Bluetooth interface is only used
to help connect and verify the user and device.
Once this connection is established, there is no
need to hold on to the connection. The user ini-
tiates a termination and the device comply.
As mentioned before the gateway acts as a data
store. It saves the registration record for command ex-
ecution. After the shared key is generated and saved
by the device and user, the future communications can
be secured using this key. When the transaction goes
over the internet, the gateway acts as a middleman
to connect the two parties. In doing so, the gateway
verifies the validity of the transaction using the regis-
tration record that was generated during the P3 con-
nection model. The registration record provides an
access control on who can access which device.
3.2.2 Setting up Shared Key for Delegate
The user is the primary owner of the device. In the
previous section we described the process when the
device is being connected for the first time and there
are no prior users added to the device registration.
Here we will describe the situation where the device
is already registered with the primary user. When an-
other user or device wants to communicate with the
device, it is important for the primary user to be aware
of it. The P3 connection model accounts for this sce-
The steps for a delegate to connect to the device is
detailed in Figure 3. The steps are similar to the con-
nection with a user. The only step that is different is
the user verification. When a delegate initiates a con-
nection with a device and the device sends the user’s
identifier to the gateway for verification, the gateway
checks the registration records and finds that there is
a primary user already assigned to the device. The
gateway notifies the user in the app asking for the ap-
proval to create the partial registration record. If the
user approves, the transaction continues the same as
for the user. If the user rejects, the transaction is ter-
This approach gives an option for the user to in-
tervene as to who can talk to the device. This en-
sures access control on the device. From the perspec-
tive of the delegate, they come to know that they are
not the primary user in the response and whether it is
approved by the owner or user. On evolving on this
A Novel Simplified Framework to Secure IoT Communications
Figure 3: P3 connection between delegate and device.
idea, the user can define a role-based permission as to
which delegate can perform which operation. We will
not delve deeper into this idea since it is beyond the
scope of this paper.
The secret key that is generated identifies each
pair of user and device. This process eliminates the
need to have a default credential or common prede-
fined secret. This process works in the background
and the user doesn’t have to provide or remember any
additional details to enable security. It also plays well
with the plug-and-play model that the users are well
accustomed with.
3.3 Command Execution on Device
The internet is an untrusted medium. When a com-
munication flows from one system to another, it goes
through multiple routers and it is practically impos-
sible to secure each and everyone of them from be-
ing wiretapped. So, to maintain confidentiality of in-
formation between each pair of user and device, we
would be utilizing the shared key generated in the P3
connection model described above. To audit all trans-
actions, we mandated that all communications beyond
the P3 connection model goes through the gateway.
This way, the gateway can act as a keeper to not only
log every transaction, but also verify that the request
going to a device is legitimate. In this technique the
device has to only verify that the request is coming
from the gateway to verify that its authentic and any
other request can be responded with a 401 unautho-
rized access response.
In most scenarios, the communications between
a user and device would be of two main categories,
The user would request some data or information
from the device
The user would request the device to perform
some action
In some cases, the device would proactively want
to communicate with the user to pass some critical in-
formation. In the ZT model, we keep the command
generalized and beyond the scope of the model. Each
device can operate with its own set of commands and
can be determined by the respective manufacturer.
Figure 4 details the process of securing the commu-
nication between the user and device. The process of
executing command is similar between the user and
delegate. The below steps describe a request send by
a user to get some information from the device:
The user initiates the communications by generat-
ing a package to be sent to the gateway. The pack-
age contains the command and the current times-
tamp encrypted with the shared key K generated
in the P3 connection. This package is sent along
with the device MAC that the the user intends to
communicate with and the JWT token in the au-
thentication header.
Enc{<current timestamp,command>,K}
package to gateway
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: Communication between user and device via gateway.
The gateway on receiving the package verifies the
identity of the user and checks the registration
records to ensure that the user has legitimate ac-
cess to the device it is requesting to communi-
cate with. On successful verification, the gateway
creates a package for the device. It extracts the
package to gateway from the request and adds
the user id and current server timestamp. Then
using its own private key, the gateway signs the
package and adds the verifies along with it and
sends it to the device.
{package to gateway, user id,
current timestamp} package
{package, Enc {Hash(package, SHA256),
}} package to device
The device on receiving the package to device,
verifies the signature of the gateway. Using the
user id it extracts the shared key of the user and
extracts the command. It also verifies the server
timestamp and the user timestamp to ensure that
they are in sync and within an acceptable differ-
On successful verification the device gathers the
requested data and generates a package for the
user. The data along with the device times-
tamp is encrypted using the shared key K. This
user’s package is appended with the device id
and device timestamp and the whole is signed
with with the private key of the device. This
package for gateway is sent back to the gate-
Enc {<data, current timestamp>, K}
package for user
{package for user, device id,
current timestamp} package
{package, Enc {Hash(package),
}} package for gateway
The gateway on receiving the response from the
device, verifies the signature and extracts the
package for user and sends it to the user along
with the server timestamp.
The user on finally getting the response back, de-
crypts the package for user using the shared
key K and verifies the time difference between the
server and device. On successful verification, the
cycle completes and the user is able to communi-
cate with the device in a secured way.
One thing to note in the above step is that the re-
quest and response between the user and device is ob-
fuscated from the gateway as well. The command ex-
ecution technique follows the principle of zero-trust
of “never trust, always verify”. Every transaction is
authenticates. The device gets a single point of ver-
ification to legitimize a request. We used two-layer
encryption to secure the transaction. The two times-
tamp ensures that the request is flowing through the
right path. On verifying the timestamp against the
current timestamp of the user, replay attacks can be
A temperature and humidity sensor is being build us-
ing a NodeMCU v3 ESP8266 microcontroller to im-
plement the model. A DTH-22 sensor recorded the
reading of the environment, and an HC-05 Wireless
Bluetooth RF transceiver acts as a Bluetooth commu-
nication endpoint. We added a UCTRONICS 0.96
inch OLED module for the device display. The setup
helped us simulate a low energy IoT device with its
512 KB of EEPROM storage, 64 KB of instructional
RAM, and 96 KB of data RAM. The gateway was
setup on AWS API Gateway using lambda functions
to support the REST calls. We stored the user regis-
tration using AWS Cognito service, and DynamoDB
acted as a data storage for the gateway. The user was
A Novel Simplified Framework to Secure IoT Communications
simulated using a mobile app build using React native
on an Android platform.
The threat to the IoT devices is real and with the grow-
ing number of IP connected devices the attack vector
is ever increasing (Bhattarai and Wang, 2018). Build-
ing a standardized end-to-end security model is essen-
tial to protect the privacy of the users. We can build
trust among the users by eliminating trust from the se-
curity framework. To do so a proper mechanism like
zero-interaction pairing (ZIP) (Fomichev et al., 2019)
is needed that can integrate large numbers of devices
and their owners into the system without much man-
ual intervention. The P3 connection model described
in this paper uses this technique to securely set up a
secret key for the parties to communicate. Utilizing
these keys in the command execution model verifies
the identity of the parties on every request and re-
sponse. We also demonstrated how we can off load
the memory and processor intensive work to the gate-
way to let the device focus on its primary objective.
The ZT model shows how a security framework can
work in the background to protect our privacy as well
as respect the limitation of memory and computing
power of the device.
IoT is the next major breakthrough in the world
of technology. These devices perform one specific
operation, but it is specialized in doing it. They are
slowly turning out to be an essential part of our every-
day lives. With home automation systems and home
assistants on the rise, we are starting to communicate
with these devices with natural language and they are
also transacting with our personal and financial data.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg for the po-
tential of these gadgets. Proper security infrastruc-
ture is essential to control the activities of these de-
vices. To ensure security and privacy P3 connection
approach provides a zero-trust architecture that will
verify the authenticity of every transaction.
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy