Object based Hybrid Video Compression
Rhoda Gbadeyan and Chris Joslin
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Video Compression, Object-based Coding, Background Subtraction, Object Detection.
Abstract: Standard video compression techniques have provided pixel-based solutions that have achieved high
compression performance. However, with new application areas such as streaming, ultra-high definition
TV(UHDTV) etc., expectations of end user applications are at an all-time high. Never the less, the issue of
stringent memory and bandwidth optimization remains. Therefore, there is a need to further optimize the
performance of standard video codecs to provide more flexibility to content providers on how to encode video.
In this paper, we propose replacing pixels with objects as the unit of compression while still harnessing the
advantages of standard video codecs thereby reducing the bits required to represent a video scene while still
achieving suitable visual quality in compressed videos. Test results indicate that the proposed algorithm
provides a viable hybrid video coding solution for applications where pixel level precision is not required.
With more sophisticated end user devices constantly
being introduced onto the market at rapid pace, there
is an increasing demand for higher quality video e.g.
UHDTV, high quality streaming services etc. The
challenge for meeting these requirements necessitate
creating video content at higher spatial resolutions
and frame rates resulting in the need for a higher
bitrate to transmit, distribute and/or store this content.
Overtime, research has focused on the development
of both standard and non-standard video compression
techniques to handle this content. Of these two areas
of research, standard video compression solutions
have been by far the more successful solution.
For the purposes of video processing, to the
human observer, it is safe to assume that there are
only minimal identifiable changes as we navigate
within a video scene from one frame to the next.
However, when observed at the pixel level by a
standard video compression algorithm, there can be
significant differences when one frame is compared
to the next sequence of frames. These pixel variations
could be due to object motion, lighting variations,
shadowing or occlusion etc. and tracking all of these
changes at the pixel level results in a lot of data, which
even after compression, take up a lot of valuable
memory space as well as transmission bandwidth.
By handling scene variations at the pixel or block
level and storing this information, even in its encoded
form, the limited memory available is quickly
exhausted making compression mandatory. Video
compression standards have demonstrated
increasingly high performance starting from the
H.261 and MPEG-1 standards to the HEVC standard.
However, their existing uniform and lengthy schema
is fast becoming unable to meet all the changing
needs and dynamic nature of the video coding
community (Mattavelli, Jorn, & Mickaël, 2019) and
there is a need to find other ways to improve
compression by adding new functionalities or
including content adaptation methods which may
boost their coding efficiency. In this paper, we
propose a hybrid video compression solution that
replaces pixels with objects as the unit of
compression while still harnessing the advantages of
standard video codecs.
This paper is presented as follows: in section 2, a
literature review of existing work in this area of
research is provided. Section 3 outlines the details of
the proposed algorithm. Results are presented in
section 4 and the paper concludes in section 5.
Video coding solutions can be categorized into 3
groups on the basis of their approach: standard video
coding, non-standard video coding and a hybrid of
both standard and non-standard video coding. Both
Gbadeyan, R. and Joslin, C.
Object based Hybrid Video Compression.
DOI: 10.5220/0010207607850792
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
standard and non-standard video compression
solutions have been actively investigated for years
resulting in the implementation of several techniques.
Standard video compression solutions have been the
more successful of the two solutions by far.
While standard codecs have enjoyed large scale
success, there have also been a few drawbacks, some
of which are that:
While block-based solutions offer great
flexibility, they also suffer the draw back of
blocking artifacts in some implementations
Existing block-based coding standards, such as
H.264 and H.265, do not consider the arbitrary
shape of moving objects and, as a result, their
prediction efficiency is compromised
While standard codecs remain the gold performance
criterion for video compression technologies, there is
still room for further improvement as well as a need
for alternative solutions as these codecs are not
always suitable for every application. There is also a
need to explore non-pixel/block-based alternatives
either as a standalone solution or in combination with
existing standard codecs as they may offer a more
efficient way to utilize the stringent memory
available. Several video compression solutions have
been proposed which either adapt existing standard
solutions or propose new ways to solve the video
compression problem, these are reviewed next.
Mosaics are created by stitching together images
from a given scene taken at different instances in
time, thereby creating a panoramic view of that scene.
Mosaics often contain spatially overlapping
information about the scene. Authors in (Hsu &
Anandan, 1996) & (Irani & Anandan, 1998) proposed
a hybrid mosaic-based video compression algorithm
that combines mosaics with standard video
compression. This solution replaces pixels with
mosaics as the basic unit for compression. By using
mosaics, the authors were able to address untapped
redundancies still present in video scenes.
Pattern based coding (PBC) for video was
standardized by the introduction of predefined pattern
code books in the H.263 and H.264 standards
(Sullivan & Wiegand, 2005). The problem with
predefined codebooks is that using them does not
achieve optimal coding efficiency (Manoranjan,
Murshed, & Dooley, 2003). Authors in (Manoranjan,
Murshed, & Dooley, 2003) & (Murshed &
Manoranjan, 2004) introduced the use of dynamically
extracted patterns from video content thereby
achieving superior coding efficiencies. Their hybrid
video coding solution combined the use of
customized pattern code books with existing standard
video codecs.
Authors in (Galpin, Balter, Morin & Pateux,
2004) & (Balter, Gioia & Morin, 2006) proposed a
non-standard model-based approach to video
compression. Without utilizing any standard codecs,
the authors developed a scalable compression method
for scenes with unknown content. They harnessed the
redundancy in the 3D models by only intra coding the
key frames while all others were compressed in a
predicted mode. Their approach avoided having to
transmit texture coordinates by computing the texture
information at the decoder side.
Over the last few years, deep learning-based
video coding has been an actively developing area of
research (Dong, Jianping, Li & Wu, 2020). This
emerging area of research has yielded techniques that
can be considered to be hybrid deep learning-based
video coding methods as well as non-standard deep
learning-based coding methods. Non-standard deep
learning can be divided into either pixel probability
(PP) modeling-based techniques or auto-encoder (A-
E) based techniques. PP modeling uses deep learning
to solve prediction problems and is representative of
predictive coding. Some representative work includes
(Wu, Singhai, Krahenbuhl, 2018) & (Chen, He, Jin &
Wu, 2019). Conversely, A-E based techniques work
by training a deep learning network to encode by
converting high dimensional signals to low
dimensional ones and decode by recovering the high
dimensional signals on the basis of the low
dimensional signals generated by the encoder. A-Es
are representative of transform coding. Some
representative work includes (Chen, Liu, Shen, Yue,
Cao, & Ma, 2017) & (Lu, Ouyang, Xu, Zhang, Cai,
& Gao, 2019).
Hybrid deep learning-based video coding
methods work by utilizing trained deep networks as
tools within standard coding schemes or in
conjunction with standard coding tools such as
HEVC. As demonstrated in (Dong, Jianping, Li &
Wu, 2020), deep trained networks can replace almost
all the modules in standard video codecs. Authors in
(Li, Li, Xu, Xiong, & Gao, 2018) & (Hu, Yang, Li, &
Liu, 2019) have proposed replacing the traditional
intra-coding module with a deep trained network
version while authors in (Lin, Liu, Li, & Wu, 2018)
& (Zhao, Wang, Zhang, Wang, Ma, & Gao, 2019)
utilized unique inter-coding modules.
Today, while deep learning-based video coding
continues to show promising results in this field, it is
important to note that it is an area of research that is
still in its infancy with a lot of room to develop into a
mature area of research (Dong, Jianping, Li & Wu,
2020). Next, we review the proposed technique.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
When there are changes in a video scene, such
changes are often associated with specific objects,
affecting either the whole object or only a subsection
of the pixels that compose the object. Therefore,
rather than pixels, objects form the foundation for
each phase of this proposed algorithm.
We propose a background subtraction (BGS)
object-based hybrid video compression scheme. The
algorithm is made up of three key phases:
1. BGS Phase
2. Object Detection and Tracking Phase
3. Compression and Scene Reconstruction Phase
In each phase, an object-based algorithm was
implemented. To achieve a high level of consistency,
regardless of the phase, a consistent color space was
used. The Hue Saturation Value (HSV) color space
was chosen as it is closely aligned with the human
visual system. An overview of the proposed hybrid
object-based algorithm is provided in Figure 1. Next,
each phase of the algorithm is reviewed.
3.1 BGS Module
An adaption of the Statistical and Knowledge Based
Object Detection (SAKBOT) algorithm which was
proposed by authors in (Cucchiara, Grana, Piccardi &
Prati, 2003) as well as the improved SAKBOT
approach proposed by authors in (Calderara, Melli,
Prati & Cucchiara, 2006) was implemented. The
SAKBOT BGS algorithm was chosen as the primary
BGS method because it combines the advantages of
statistical methods with those of adaptive methods to
generate a resilient BGS algorithm. While this BGS
approach met the basic requirements for this
implementation, there were a few issues that had to
be remediated to improve the performance of the
overall object-based compression algorithm. These
include its inability to (1) provide a measure of
variance, (2) take advantage of the spatial information
inherent in a video scene and (3) apply post
processing to the achieved results. When combined,
these factors resulted in a higher incident of false
positives (Prati, Mikic, Grana & Trivedi, 2001).
Our implementation of the SAKBOT algorithm
is referred to as the adapted SAKBOT algorithm. It
added an additional data point to the computation
which was the spatial location of the moving visual
objects (MVO), their shadows and any ‘ghosts’ (i.e.
the set of connected points identified as being in
motion by the BGS process but which do not belong
to any real moving objects) in the video scene. This
change contributed to the reduction of the instances
of false positives. This adapted SAKBOT has 3 key
1. Background Initialization aka Bootstrapping
2. Foreground Detection
3. Selective Background Maintenance
The background was initialized by building the
background model 𝐵
from the video sample. The
initialization buffer size was set to 120 frames. This
was optimized by initially using a buffer size of ~ 50
frames and then subsequently updating the model as
required throughout the computation. The advantage
of this modification to the SAKBOT algorithm was a
reduction in the memory required upfront to create
the BGS model. The generated background model
was designated as the background subtractor object
and served as the input to the next phase.
The foreground was computed on the frame
level as the difference between the current frame
and the background model 𝐵
thereby generating
the foreground mask 𝑀
(𝑖,𝑗) containing the grey-
level information of the foreground. The selective
model updates were achieved by applying a temporal
median to a circular buffer that stored pixel values
over time. This approach benefits from the ability to
capture statistical dependencies between color
channels. The input video was converted from its
native RGB color space to HSV to support the
implementation of the shadow detection module.
Next, a binarized motion mask was computed
and MVO objects at time t were extracted from this
final binarized motion mask. This generated the first
list of candidate objects and shadows to be tracked.
This list was subsequently vetted in the object
detection module enabling the generation of the final
list of objects which was later fed as input to the
object tracking module.
3.2 Object Detection Module
As no one feature can provide invariance to all scene
changes, a multi-feature-based approach was used to
achieve reliable object identifications. The local
features selected in this phase were object color and
object motion. These features are considered to be
mutually independent as one feature cannot be
predicted on the basis of another feature (Khan &
Shah, 2001). The HSV color space was used because
it is able to explicitly separate luminosity and
chromaticity. Within the HSV color space, the hue of
a pixel was assigned a larger weight than its saturation
and brightness and was used for clustering pixels into
Object based Hybrid Video Compression
regions for the purpose of segmentation and object
detection. This involved extracting this feature as
well as generating an HSV Histogram of Oriented
Gradient (HOG) based on the hue channel which was
then used to detect and segment objects in the
The object detection problem was considered to
be a form of the classification problem in which
classifications were considered to be good if they
were homogeneous with respect to a specific feature
within the region of interest (ROI) and dissimilar
outside the focus area. Therefore, since the hue of a
particular color is considered to be at its largest value
in the center of an object where it is least sensitive to
colors from adjacent regions, the center hill of the
histogram was identified as the center of the cluster
of the color which was then determined to be the
center of the object to be segmented. As the HSV
color space has the added advantage of being able to
identify color shade and intensity value variations in
the area of the object’s edge, thereby sharpening the
object boundaries, it was possible to accurately
identify the object of interest from its identified center
to its boundary thereby increasing the accuracy of the
object segmentation.
To apply object motion as a feature, thereby
validating the information provided by the color
feature, there was a need to compute the motion
parameters. By assuming that the color segment of the
detected object was a superset of the motion segment,
this computation focused only on generating the
motion parameters for pixels identified as belonging
to a candidate object/ROI via the dense Farneback
optical flow-based approach thereby simplifying the
otherwise cumbersome computation process.
Assuming that the motion field within each
candidate object’s ROI was smooth and that the
optical flow constraint assumption that the intensity
of a pixel in an image is constant along the trajectory
of the pixel’s motion holds true, then, motion
estimation was computed by generating a parametric
motion model for each candidate object in the scene.
The motion segmentation approach used key
representations highlighted in (Chang, Tekalp &
Sezan, 1997) because by defining the segmentation
based on a parametric motion model, physically
meaningful ROIs could be achieved.
As such, the motion field was jointly represented
as both the sum of a parametric field ‘p’ as well as a
residual field ‘r’. From the current frame 𝑔
to the
search frame 𝑔
, a 2-D motion vector 𝑑
pixel location
was defined as
Where u and v are the vectors for each pixel location
associated with candidate objects in each frame.
Then, k, the set of independently moving objects was
set equal to the list of candidate objects generated in
the previous phase. Provided that a segmentation
label 𝑥
is used to assign motion vector 𝒅(𝑚,𝑛)
to a pixel belonging to one of the objects in the set k,
the motion of each object was approximated by a 6 to
8 parameter affine parametric mapping of 𝜙, the
result of which produced the parametric motion
vector component 𝒅
as well as the residual motion
vector 𝒅
at pixel (𝑚,𝑛) as expressed below
= 𝒅
+ 𝒅
(𝑚,𝑛) (2)
Where 𝒅
is dependent on the segmentation
label 𝑥
, thereby computing both the parametric
motion vectors as well as the residual motion vectors.
The Bayesian rule was applied to the a-posteriori
Probability Density Function (PDF) of u, v, and x,
given 𝑔
and 𝑔
to obtain the Maximum A-
Posteriori (MAP) estimates. Therefore,
Given the best estimates of the motion and
segmentation fields, the mapping parameters 𝜙
where obtained by computing a least squares
Given the best estimate of the parametric field,
constrained by the assumption that the motion
field is smooth within each segment, the motion
field was updated through an estimation of the
minimum-norm residual field and
Given the best estimate of the motion field via
Gibbsian priors, the segmentation field was
updated to yield the minimum-norm residual
A conditional pdf was then used to quantify how well
the estimates fit the given candidate objects. After
computation, the following was obtained: a
parametric model per object, residual motion vectors
for each 4 by 4 block of pixels belonging to the object,
a dense motion field, a motion segmentation field and
a set of mapping parameters. The resulting parametric
motion model as well as the motion segmentation
field were overlaid on to the foreground, if there was
a match between the identified motion areas as well
as the candidate object, this object was identified as a
real detected object else it was discarded as a false
positive. Every detected object was then segmented
based on the outlined edges identified. The
segmented object was added to the object list and a
candidate blob was added to the blob list. A blob was
generated on the basis of its connectivity and stored
in the blob list. Once this task was completed, the
color space was converted back from the HSV color
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
space to the RGB color space for the next phase of
The tracking module received as input the list of
detected objects 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 in addition to the list of
candidate blobs 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 which were considered to be
associated with the tracking objects. A list, 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 was
created to track the number of consecutive frames that
each object in the detected object list had not
appeared in the scene. If an object was identified as a
tracking object at some point in the scene but had
disappeared from the scene and over the next 50
consecutive frames, the object had not reappeared in
the scene, then that object was assumed to have exited
the scene and such an object was then removed from
𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 and only stored in 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡. However, if the i-th
object in 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 is recognized as a tracking object, a
new blob was added to 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 and the loop was
repeated. We assigned a candidate blob in 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 to
each object in 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 by computing a distance matrix
from 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 to 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 on the basis of 3 measures -
position distance, blob distance and color variance
measure. The position distance, i.e. the distance from
the center of the current tracking object to the center
of the previous tracked object was computed. On the
basis of this known value, the distance between the
position of the current tracking object and its next
position was then estimated using the Unscented
Kalman Filter (UKF). A similar distance metric was
computed between the blobs as well to effectively
match blobs to each object’s position in the scene.
The color variance measure was computed as the
square of the distance between the histogram of Hue
of the HSV color space of the previous tracking object
and that of the current tracking object. Finally, after
computing the position, blob and color measures, the
overall distance 𝐷
was calculated as
=𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 ∗
𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
∗𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑏 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (3)
The value of 𝐷
for each object and blob position x,
y was stored in the D array D =
where, 𝐷
is the distance from 𝐴
to 𝐵
In cases where a tracked object 𝐴
was never
recognized as a blob 𝐵
, the distances were
individually set to infinity and 𝐷
was assigned to
infinity. To solve this problem of assigning a tracked
object to a blob, the Hungarian algorithm (Kuhn,
1955) was used. Based on the distance matrix D, this
algorithm was used to achieve the optimal assignment
thereby associating blobs in 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 with tracking
objects in 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡. The achieved results were updated
based on 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 which contained skipped objects.
There were candidate blobs in 𝐵𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 which had not
yet been matched to any tracking object as the blobs
were not recognized. The blobs in this category were
then matched to the objects in 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 and based on
their distance and statistics information, the object list
was updated with the newly matched objects.
The tracking algorithm developed in this
research is able to handle single object tracking as
well as multi-object tracking. In the single object
tracking case, it was identified that due to possible
computational errors in earlier phases of the
algorithm, a single object may have incorrectly been
identified as two tracking objects. To address this, a
distance threshold value ‘d’ was defined and set equal
to 0.5 such that if the distance between any two
trackers was found to be less than d, the objects
previously identified to be two distinct tracking
objects were considered to be just one object, and the
objects were merged into a single tracking object. On
the other hand, the multi-tracking algorithm was
triggered if the computed distance between any two
objects was found to be greater than d.
To enable reconstruction, the spatial location of
each object relative to other objects in a frame was
computed for each instance of that object across all
frames. To generate stable tracks of objects across the
scene, each newly identified object was compared to
the list of existing validated objects, if a new object
was matched to an existing object, it was tagged with
the same tracking ID as the existing object, else it was
tagged with a new unique tracking ID. Finally, all
stable object tracks were written into object files.
3.3 Compression and Object Layer
Reconstruction Module
The main goal of this module of the proposed
algorithm was to iteratively recombine the objects in
a frame, sequentially compress each recombined
frame, feed the recombined frame as input into the
prediction loop of a video codec and ultimately,
reconstruct the original input video. As the proposed
algorithm is an object-based hybrid compression
algorithm, an H.265 codec was utilized for the
compression phase. This reconstruction module
received as input a color image of the background,
scene objects and their stable tracks as well as the
tracking text file containing the statistics of each
frame in addition to the objects in the frame.
Individual object bitstream files were created for each
object’s stable track across the scene on the basis of
this data and objects were properly placed in the
resulting bitstream relative to their location details.
Object based Hybrid Video Compression
Once the object files were created, the next step was
to encode and reconstruct the video sample by
recombining the object files after which the video
sample was decoded. The algorithm worked as
Step 1 – Initialize the video sample
reconstruction phase by reading the
colored background image.
Step 2 – Pass the background as input to
the standard codec, encode this file as
a key frame and store the encoded file
in the buffer. The number of bitstream
files in the buffer is set = 1,
set Current bitstream = Recombined
Bitstream; set bitstream# = 1
If bitstream# < Total # of
bitstream -1
Step 3 – Pass the previously obtained
Recombined Bitstream as input to the
inter-frame prediction loop.
Step 4 - Read the next object bitstream
from the folder, pass the object
bitstream as input to the standard codec
to be encoded and pass its associated
metadata to the buffer.
Step 5 – If the number of bitstreams in
the buffer is > 1, then
Using the associated metadata
information, combine the New Object
bitstream with the current bitstream to
form the new Recombined Bitstream
Set Current bitstream = Recombined
Bitstream; bitstream# ++,
repeat steps 3-4,
Step 6 – Write overall recombined
bitstream to file. This bitstream was
then passed on to the decoder and the
video sample was decoded
This algorithm uses objects as the minimum unit of
processing, as such, pixel level changes from one
frame to another were not fully captured. Therefore,
the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM)
proposed by in (Wang, Bovik, Sheikh & Simoncelli,
2004) was used. This metric takes into account the
similarity of the edges between the original frame and
the reconstructed frame. According to the authors in
(Hore & Ziou, 2010), there is a correlation between
SSIM and the quality perception of the human visual
system (HVS) and is computed by modeling any
image distortions resulting from the comparison of
the reference image against the test image as a
combination of three factors Contrast distortion,
loss of correlation and luminance distortions.
This algorithm has been designed to integrate with
any standard video compression algorithm.
Therefore, its performance when integrated with
HEVC was assessed against the standard HEVC
implementation using a few sample videos. The
results obtained are promising while identifying areas
for improvement. The test results shown in Figure 2
are from the pedestrian traffic video sample which is
an outdoor video scene of medium complexity,
showing pedestrians in motion, with partial and full
occlusion at various points in the scene and the people
in the scene moving in unusual patterns. The scene
has moderate lighting variations resulting in shadows
being associated with the objects in motion. As shown
in Table 1, this algorithm achieved comparable SSIM
results compared to HEVC while achieving bit
reduction over H.265. Testing results have
demonstrated that when the complexity of the scene
is high, i.e. in scenes where 80% or more of the pixels
are changing over the course of the scene, this
proposed algorithm did not achieve the level of bit
reduction compared to HEVC as it did with less
complex scenes. A contributing factor is that the BGS
algorithm which forms the foundation of this
technique is not as effective at handling the
complexity of this type of scenes.
The main contribution of this work of research is a
non-pixel-based approach to video coding that
harnesses the strength of existing pixel based standard
codecs while eliminating the requirement to process
a video sample on the basis of pixels, rather offering
an opportunity to process such samples on the basis
of scene objects. This algorithm is able to efficiently
encode all the background areas of each video frame
i.e. areas observed for the first time; areas revisited by
the capture camera’s Field of View (FOV) following
a long period of time when that portion of the scene
was unavailable as well as areas of the scene that have
been uncovered by a moving object. Due to the fact
that this algorithm does not track scene changes at the
pixel level, it is suitable for use in applications where
performance is not measured at the pixel level.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Future work is still required to optimize the
performance of this algorithm when processing
complex scenes. This algorithm offers an alternative
solution suitable for use in bit constrained
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Object based Hybrid Video Compression
Table 1: Performance Metrics for Proposed Object Based Video Compression Technique (Highlighting algorithm’s bit
reduction compared to H.265).
Input Video Sample
from RGB to
Stable Track
Bitstream 1
DCT Based Standard
Encoder &
Reconstruction Loop
Bitstream 2
Bitstream n
DCT Based Standard
Output Video
stage 1 (Color
stage 2
Figure 1: An Overview of the Proposed Hybrid Object-based Algorithm.
Input Video Frame Foreground Mask Tracking Result
Blob Result
Final Output
Figure 2: Algorithm Results Across all Stages.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications