Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for
Anchorless Object Detection
Tobias Scheck, Ana Perez Grassi and Gangolf Hirtz
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, Synthetic Images, CenterNet, Anchorless/Keypoint-based Detectors, Object
Synthetic images are one of the most promising solutions to avoid high costs associated with generating
annotated datasets to train supervised convolutional neural networks (CNN). However, to allow networks to
generalize knowledge from synthetic to real images, domain adaptation methods are necessary. This paper
implements unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods on an anchorless object detector. Given their good
performance, anchorless detectors are increasingly attracting attention in the field of object detection. While
their results are comparable to the well-established anchor-based methods, anchorless detectors are considerably
faster. In our work, we use CenterNet, one of the most recent anchorless architectures, for a domain adaptation
problem involving synthetic images. Taking advantage of the architecture of anchorless detectors, we propose
to adjust two UDA methods, viz., entropy minimization and maximum squares loss, originally developed for
segmentation, to object detection. Our results show that the proposed UDA methods can increase the mAP
with respect to direct transfer on the considered anchorless detector. The code is available:
Object detection, which involves both locating and
classifying objects in an image, is one of the most
challenging tasks in computer vision. Its difficulty
depends on the application, which can go from highly
controlled environments with few well-known objects,
such as in industrial tasks, to extremely complex and
dynamic environments with a large number of varying
objects, such as outdoor traffic scenes.
With the advent of CNNs (Convolutional Neural
Networks), object detection has undergone a break-
through. In this context, two important lines of work
have recently appeared. The first one aims to find the
most efficient way to represent objects in order to train
CNNs. This has led to the development of keypoint-
based (i.e., anchorless) detectors. The second line of
work addresses the increasing need of using training
datasets that differ in nature from those of the real
applications. This is due to the great cost in generat-
ing and labeling large datasets from the real setting.
However, using such datasets that are different in na-
ture to the intended ones poses the problem of domain
adaption, i.e., translating from one dataset to the other.
Currently, object detection with CNNs is strongly
dominated by anchor-based methods. These meth-
ods involve very popular architectures like SSD (Fu
et al., 2017), YOLO (Redmon and Farhadi, 2016), R-
FCN (Dai et al., 2016), RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017)
and Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2017). To recognize
an object, these networks generate thousands of RoIs
(Regions of Interest) with different positions, sizes
and shapes classifying them individually. The num-
ber of RoIs is a design parameter and equal for all
images, independent of the real number of objects that
actually appear in them. During the training, those
RoIs that have a IoU (Interception over Union) value
higher than 50% with respect to the given ground truth
are considered positives, while the rest are considered
On the one hand, the number of RoIs must be kept
high in order to find all possible objects in the images.
On the other hand, this results in an imbalance, since
normally the number of RoIs containing background
will be much higher than those with objects. More-
over, anchor-based methods require a careful design,
where the adequate number, size, and shape of the
RoIs depend on the application.
These disadvantages have motivated researchers
to investigate on new architectures for object detec-
Scheck, T., Grassi, A. and Hirtz, G.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for Anchorless Object Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0010202503190327
In Proceedings of the 16th Inter national Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tors. With Cornernet (Law and Deng, 2020), a new
generation of anchorless detectors has started to at-
tract attention. In this case, objects are represented by
keypoints. The number of keypoints in one image is
directly proportional to the number of objects on it. By
eliminating the need of a fix and large amount of RoIs,
design and imbalance issues are not only overcome,
but also the resulting efficiency increases. Our work is
based on CenterNet (Zhou et al., 2019a), an anchorless
architecture that represents objects using their center
point and a dimension vector.
In practice, a big problem that all object detectors,
anchor-based and anchorless, face, is the lack of suf-
ficient labeled data to train the networks. Not only
capturing enough images, but specially labeling them,
is very expensive. For this reason synthetic images
has been gaining in importance in this field. Game
engines allow not only generating synthetic images
with realistic shapes, textures and movements, but they
also label them automatically. This way, CNNs can be
trained on synthetic images to later work as detector
on real ones. In this case, synthetic images are the
source domain and real images are the target domain.
However, the difference between real and synthetic
images is still a problem for CNNs, which cannot
generalize well from one domain to the other.
Different techniques has been developed to reduce the
gap between target and source domain. In this work,
we are interested in UDA (Unsupervised Domain
Adaptation) methods, which use unlabeled target
images to bring source and target domain closer. We
focus on two UDA techniques: entropy minimization
(Vu et al., 2019) and maximum squares loss (Chen
et al., 2019). These techniques were developed
for segmentation applications, however, given the
architecture of anchorless detectors, they can be easily
adapted to object detection as shown in this paper.
This paper aims to translate UDA
techniques from segmentation to object detection by
taking advantage of the architecture of anchorless de-
tectors. We first test how an anchorless architecture,
viz., CenterNet, generalizes from synthetic images to
real ones and we compare its performance with anchor-
based methods. Then, we extend its architecture to
consider UDA by entropy minimization and maximum
squares loss. We show that UDA methods can improve
the performance of anchorless detectors trained on syn-
thetic images. To our best knowledge, this is the first
work to test the anchorless detector CenterNet with
synthetic images and extending it to consider UDA
With the advent of deep learning, object recognition
have reached new state-of-the-art performances. In the
last years, architectures based on anchor boxes, like
SSD (Fu et al., 2017), YOLO (Redmon and Farhadi,
2016), R-FCN (Dai et al., 2016), RetinaNet (Lin et al.,
2017) and Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2017), have dom-
inated this field.
Despite of their success, the use of anchor boxes
has considerable drawbacks. Firstly, a large number
of boxes is necessary to ensure enough overlap with
the ground truth. This latter results in much more
negative than positive sample, i.e., in an unbalanced
dataset impairing the training process. Secondly, the
characteristics and number of the anchor boxes should
be designed carefully and are normally customized for
a given dataset or application.
To overcome these disadvantages, a new genera-
tion of anchorless detectors have been developed in
the last year. These detectors abandon the concept of
anchor boxes and instead localize objects based on
keypoints. The pioneering anchorless detector is Cor-
nerNet (Law and Deng, 2020) note that this paper
was available online since 2019. CornerNet describes
an object as a pair of keypoints given by the top-left
and bottom-right corners of a bounding box. In (Duan
et al., 2019), an extension of CornerNet is proposed by
adding the center of the bounding box as keypoint. In
(Zhou et al., 2019b), ExtremeNet is presented where
keypoints are given by objects’ extreme point. Ex-
treme points have the advantage over corners of being
always part of the object, without being affecting by
background information.
All the aforementioned detectors use more than
one keypoint, therefore, it is necessary to group them
in order to perform a detection on their basis. For this
reason, they are called point-grouping detectors (Duan
et al., 2020a). On the other hand, detectors called
point-vector detectors (Duan et al., 2020a) are based on
only one keypoint and a vector containing geometrical
characteristics of the object, like width, height, etc.
In this category, we can enumerate CenterNet (Zhou
et al., 2019a), FoveaBox (Kong et al., 2020) and FCO
(Tian et al., 2019).
Our work uses CenterNet as defined in (Zhou et al.,
2019a). CenterNet models objects using their cen-
ter point, which are detected from a CNN-generated
heatmap. From this keypoint, CenterNet is able to
regress other object properties, such as size, 3D loca-
tion, orientation and pose. As CenterNet only uses one
keypoint, it does not need any grouping stage, which
makes it faster than the point-grouping detectors. Zhou
et al. present four architectures for CenterNet using
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
ResNet18, ResNet101 (He et al., 2015), DLA34 (Yu
et al., 2019) and Hourglass-104 (Newell et al., 2016)
as feature extractors.
All the mentioned works have been tested on real
image datasets, specifically, most of them use COCO
dataset (Lin et al., 2014). One of the most important
disadvantages of supervised neural networks is their
strong dependence on the quantity and variety of the
training images as well as the quality of their labels.
This is one of the highest hurdle when implementing
CNNs in real applications, since generating such a
training dataset is associated with a huge effort and
high costs.
To overcome this predicament, the use of synthetic
images have been attracting attention in the last years.
Modern game platforms allow generating photoreal-
istic images, introducing variations and modifications
with less effort. In addition, images are labeled au-
tomatically and without error, which reduces efforts
even more.
In the area of autonomous driving, for example,
synthetic dataset like GTA 5 (Richter et al., 2016) and
SYNTHIA (Ros et al., 2016) are used to train neural
networks for detection and segmentation tasks. For
indoor applications, the dataset SceneNet (McCormac
et al., 2017) and SceneNN (Hua et al., 2016) present
segmentation masks, depth maps and point clouds of
unoccupied rooms with different furniture. SURREAL
(Varol et al., 2017) combine real backgrounds and syn-
thetic persons for human segmentation and depth esti-
mation. THEODORE (Scheck et al., 2020) presents
different indoor scenes from a top-view using an om-
nidirectional camera.
Despite the good quality of some synthetic images,
their difference with real images, called reality gap,
constitutes a problem for neural networks. Tested on
real images, neural networks trained with synthetic
images have a worse result than those trained with real
ones. This problem has motivated an increasing inves-
tigation in the area of unsupervised domain adaptation
(UDA) for synthetic images. In this case, synthetic and
real images constitute the source and target domain
UDA methods use unlabeled real images during the
training to approximate the source domain to the target
domain and therefore to minimize the reality gap. In
(Li et al., 2020) a survey of deep domain adaptation for
object recognition is presented. All works mentioned
in (Li et al., 2020) involve, however, anchor-based
architectures. In this paper, in contrast to this, we are
concerned with anchorless approaches.
For a segmentation task, Vu et al. showed that mod-
els trained on only the source domain tend to produce
low-entropy predictions on source-like (i.e., synthetic)
images and high-entropy predictions on target-like
(i.e., real) images (Vu et al., 2019). Based on this,
the authors propose two methods using entropy mini-
mization (EM) to adapt from the synthetic to the real
domain. One method minimizes the entropy indirectly
by adversarial loss and the second one does it directly
by entropy loss. These methods are mainly applied on
image segmentation, but also tested on object detec-
tion. For object detection, the authors use a modified
version of a SSD-300 (Liu et al., 2016). Further, in
(Chen et al., 2019), Chen et al. observe that the gradi-
ent’s magnitude of the entropy loss disproportionately
favors those classes detected with high probability.
This latter results in a training process dominated by
those object classes that actually are easier to transfer
from one domain to other. To counteract this effect,
Chen et al. propose to replace the entropy minimiza-
tion by the maximum squares loss (MSL) (Chen et al.,
2019). In this work, we adapt and compare these two
UDA methods on anchorless detectors, more specifi-
cally on CenterNet. In contrast to using SSD-300 as
proposed in (Vu et al., 2019), incorporating EM and
also MSL in CenterNet can be done without altering
its architecture.
In this section, we firstly introduce the detector Cen-
terNet and both previously mentioned UDA methods,
i.e., EM and MSL. We then extend CenterNet’s archi-
tecture to consider these UDA methods, in order to
obtain an anchorless detector with domain adaptation
between synthetic and real images.
3.1 CenterNet
CenterNet is an anchorless object detector describing
objects as points, which was introduced in (Zhou et al.,
2019a). More specifically, CenterNet identifies each
object using only the center point of its RoI. Then, to
regress the object size, CenterNet uses a vector with
the RoIs’ widths and heights.
C = {1, . . . , C}
be the set of all
object classes
to be detected. The training dataset
is given by
labeled images
of size
H × W × 3
, with
1 i
|T |
. Each object in an image
is annotated with a
surrounding RoI and a class
c C
, which together
constitute the ground truth.
To train CenterNet, the ground truth should be
converted from RoIs to heatmaps. To this aim, for
each image
, a keypoint map
K(x, y, c)
of size
H ×W ×C
, is generated by extracting the center points
of each annotated RoIs.
K(x, y, c)
is equal one, only if
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for Anchorless Object Detection
the coordinates
(x, y)
belong to an object’s center
of class
and equal zero elsewhere. Through convo-
lution with a Gauss kernel, whose standard deviation
is a function of the object’s size, the keypoint map
K(x, y, c)
is expanded to form a heatmap. The size of
this heatmap is then modified to agree with the size
of the network’s output by using a factor
. The final
heatmap of an image
is denoted by
Y (x, y, c) [1, 0]
and have a size of
. The training dataset
and the corresponding set of heatmaps
Y (x, y, c)
ground truth) are used together with a focal loss func-
(Lin et al., 2017) to train the network in order
to predict new heatmaps
Y (x, y, c).
The down-sampling of the heatmap using
duces a discretization error at the location of the ob-
jects’ center. To correct this error, CenterNet also
provides an output
with the predicted
offset. Additionally, for each detected object’s cen-
ter, CenterNet also regresses the object’s size, in order
to reconstruct its RoI. The predicted size is given by
the output
. Offset and size outputs are
trained using the
-loss functions
o f f
spectively. Finally, the linear combination of all loss
functions, i.e., from heatmap, offset and size gives the
complete detection loss function of CenterNet,where
o f f
are scale factors (Zhou et al., 2019a):
) = λ
+ λ
+ λ
o f f
o f f
. (1)
At inference time, the 100 highest peaks inside
neighborhoods are extracted from the predicted
Y (x, y, c)
. The coordinates of each of these
peaks may indicate the center of a detected object. The
probability of each detection, given by the correspond-
ing value of
Y (x, y, c)
, is used as a threshold to validate
the detection. To reconstruct the RoIs of the detected
objects, the coordinates of the center points in
Y (x, y, c)
are corrected using
O(x, y)
, while the width and height
dimensions are extracted from
S(x, y).
The architecture of CenterNet consists of one fea-
ture extractor followed by three heads, one for each
of the described outputs: heatmap head, offset head
and size head. In (Zhou et al., 2019a), four archi-
tectures are presented as feature extractor: ResNet18,
ResNet101 (He et al., 2015), DLA34 (Yu et al., 2019)
and Hourglass-104 (Newell et al., 2016). We choose
ResNet101 and DLA34 for our experiments because
they present the best trade-off between accuracy and
runtime (Zhou et al., 2019a).
3.2 UDA by Entropy Minimization
In (Vu et al., 2019) it was shown that segmentation
models trained only with synthetic images (source do-
main) tends to produce low-entropy predictions on
other synthetic images, but high-entropy predictions
on real images (target images). Based on this observa-
tion, it is possible to reduce the gap between synthetic
and real images by enforcing low-entropy predictions
on real images.
In a segmentation architecture, the prediction out-
put for one image
consists of a segmentation map
P(x, y, c) [0, 1]
H×W ×C
, where the most probable
class for each pixel
(x, y)
is given by the maximum
value on the third dimension
. An entropy map can
be calculated from
P(x, y, c) as follows:
(x, y) =
P(x, y, c)log
P(x, y, c). (2)
An entropy loss function for an image
can then
be defined by adding all values of its entropy map (Vu
et al., 2019):
) =
E(x, y), (3)
are width and height dimensions of
E(x, y).
The network is then training with labeled synthetic
images to minimize some segmentation loss and with
unlabeled real images to minimize this entropy loss
(see Eq.
). In this way, the network is trained to
learn the object segmentation from the synthetic im-
ages and, at the same time, it is forced to keep a low
entropy on real images.
3.3 UDA by Maximum Squares Loss
Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019) have observed that the
gradient’s magnitude of
) increases almost
linearly with
P(x, y, c)
until a probability value of
and then it grows up faster tending to infinity
for a probability value of one. As a consequence,
those classes
that are predicted with high probability
values, dominate the training process. However, these
classes – detected with high probability – are normally
the classes that are easy to transfer. Chen et al. give
this problem the name of probability imbalance. As
a solution, they propose to change the entropy loss
function by the maximum squares loss (MSL) defined
) =
P(x, y, c))
, (4)
are width and height dimensions of
P(x, y, c).
has a linearly increasing gradient over the en-
tire range of
P(x, y, c)
values. By segmentation tasks,
this latter prevents high confidence areas from produc-
ing excessive gradients. Of course, these areas still
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Synthetic ImageReal Image
𝑌(𝑥, 𝑦, 0) Entropy Map
𝐸(𝑥, 𝑦, 0)
Figure 1: Heatmap and entropy map for
c = 0
(person) from source (i.e., synthetic) and target (i.e., real) image. Note: For ease
of exposition, the entropy map is shown only for one class.
have larger gradients than those with lower confidence,
but their dominance is reduced in favor of the areas
with lower probability and, therefore, in favor of those
classes that are more difficult to transfer.
The UDA methods described in previous sections 3.2
and 3.3 were mainly developed for segmentation ar-
chitectures. In this work, we propose to extend these
UDA methods to the anchorless detector CenterNet.
Our approach is based on the similarity between a seg-
mentation map
P(x, y, c)
and the heatmap
Y (x, y, c)
, as
given by CenterNet.
4.1 EM-extended CenterNet
Equation 2 can be used to calculate the entropy map
from the CenterNet’s heatmap instead from a segmen-
tation map. The information contained in both maps
is, however, different. A segmentation map
P(x, y, c)
shows the probability that a pixel
(x, y)
belongs to a
particular object class
. The heatmap
Y (x, y, c)
the probability of pixel
(x, y)
to be the center of an
object of class
. Nevertheless, a tendency to produce
low-entropy and high-entropy predictions on respec-
tively the source and the target domain, can also be
observed with CenterNet. Figure 1 shows the heatmaps
generated by CenterNet and their calculated entropy
maps for a synthetic and a real image with class
responding to persons. The center points detected on
the synthetic image are more defined than those on
real one, and therefore present a lower entropy.
To introduce entropy minimization (EM) for do-
main adaptation into CenterNet, we first need to cal-
culate the entropy map
E(x, y)
from the heatmap
Y (x, y, c)
and then to include the entropy loss, as de-
fined in Eq.
. To calculate the entropy from the
Y (x, y, c)
, predicted by CenterNet, this one
must first go through a Softmax function. The result-
ing heatmap
(x, y, c) = Softmax{
Y (x, y, c)}
that the sum of all center predictions along the dimen-
is equal to one. The calculation of the entropy
map for an image
is then performed by replacing the
segmentation map
P(x, y, c)
(x, y, c)
in Eq.
leading to:
(x, y) =
(x, y, c)logY
(x, y, c). (5)
Figure 2 shows a schematic of the extended Cen-
terNet architecture including EM. The training set con-
tains now a set of labeled synthetic images and a set of
unlabeled real images. The labeled synthetic images
follow the blue continuous lines to contribute to the
detection loss function
). The real images,
on the other hand, follow the red discontinuous lines
going only through the heatmap head and contributing
to the entropy loss function
as defined in Eq.
times a scale factor
. The final loss function for a
given training image x
is given by:
) = L
) + λ
). (6)
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for Anchorless Object Detection
Figure 2: Extended CenterNet architecture including unsupervised domain adaptation.
4.2 MSL-exteded CenterNet
To implement the maximum squares loss (MSL) in
CenterNet, it is only necessary to replace
P(x, y, c)
Eq. (4) by Y
(x, y, c) = Softmax{
Y (x, y, c)} obtaining:
) =
(x, y, c))
. (7)
Figure 2 also shows the extended CenterNet archi-
tecture including MSL. Similar to EM, the labeled
synthetic images contribute to the detection loss func-
) and the unlabeled real images to
the maximum squares loss as defined in Eq.
time a
scale factor λ
The final loss function for a given training image
is then given by:
) = L
) + λ
). (8)
5.1 Implementation
For our experiments we use three datasets of indoor
scenes captured with a top-view omnidirectional cam-
era. This kind of datasets are tipical for AAL (Ambient
Assisted Living) applications and are a good example
of the need and advantages of synthetic images, since
there is no dataset with a sufficiently large number of
real omnidirectional images and their corresponding
labels for AAL.
In this work, we use THEODORE (Scheck et al.,
2020) as synthetic (source) dataset, CEPDOF (Duan
et al., 2020b) as unlabeled real (target) dataset and
finally FES (Fisheye Evaluation Suite)(Scheck et al.,
2020) as test dataset. THEODORE and FES are an-
notated datasets with
C = 6
object classes: armchair,
TV, table, chair, person and walker. THEODORE has
25,000 synthetic images, whereas FES has 301 real
images. On the other hand, CEPDOF was developed
for the network RAIPD (Duan et al., 2020b), which
is designed for omnidirectional images. CEPDOF
has 25,000 annotated frames with rotated bounding
boxes only for the class person. In our work, we
used CEPDOF for the unsupervised domain adaptation
such that these notations are neither required nor rele-
vant. We test with two feature extractors for CenterNet:
ResNet101 and DLA34. For DLA34, we include, as
suggested in (Zhou et al., 2019a), deformable convolu-
tions before upsampling with transposed convolutions.
In the case of ResNet101, for convenience in the imple-
mentation, no deformable convolutions are considered.
The input size
H ×W
of CenterNet is
512 × 512
In addition, we use a scale factor
R = 4
that gives
a heatmap of
128 × 128 × 6
pixels. The focal loss
function (Lin et al., 2017) used in CenterNet for the
heatmap requires two parameter
α = 2
β = 4
. The
scale factors are selected as follows:
= 1
o f f
= 1
= 0.1
= 0.0001
= 0.3
. The thresh-
old to validate a peak as a detected center of an object
is given by
Y (x, y, c) 0.1.
For training we use Adam optimizer, learning rate
0.0001, weight decay 0.0001, manual step decay at
epoch 30 with a gamma factor of 0.1 and batch sizes of
16 for each domain. As augmentation techniques we
use: flipping, rotation, translation, scaling, cropping,
motion blur, adding Gaussian noise and changing hue
and brightness.
Each experiment is repeated with and without a
UDA method. The experiments without UDA allow
us to evaluate the performance of the anchorless net-
work CenterNet by direct transfer, i.e., when it is
trained only with synthetic images (THEODORE) and
tested on real ones (FES). The results are compared
with those presented in (Scheck et al., 2020), which
were obtained based on anchor-based detectors on the
same datasets that we use. Finally, all experiments are
repeated, but now incorporating the described UDA
methods. This allows evaluating whether the detection
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Results for anchor-based methods, CenterNet and CenterNet with unsupervised domain adaptation.
Class AP
Armchair Chair Person Table TV Walker mAP
SSD (Scheck et al., 2020) 0.021 0.231 0.904 0.824 0.545 0.623 0.525
R-FCN (Scheck et al., 2020) 0.262 0.039 0.849 0.859 0.000 0.640 0.442
Faster R-CNN (Scheck et al., 2020) 0.148 0.141 0.873 0.980 0.943 0.613 0.616
CenterNet/DLA34 0.162 0.451 0.886 0.949 0.940 0.656 0.674
CenterNet/ResNet101 0.261 0.148 0.818 0.839 0.933 0.682 0.613
CenterNet/DLA34 EM 0.202 0.525 0.912 0.854 0.967 0.679 0.690
CenterNet/ResNet101 EM 0.285 0.382 0.849 0.915 0.953 0.648 0.672
CenterNet/DLA34 MSL 0.106 0.476 0.857 0.924 0.937 0.712 0.668
CenterNet/ResNet101 MSL 0.244 0.490 0.867 0.873 0.990 0.676 0.690
performance on real images improves by the proposed
approaches in this paper.
5.2 CenterNet vs. Anchor-based
Detectors without UDA
As mentioned above, our first experiment consists in
comparing the performance of (the anchorless) Cen-
terNet and of anchor-based methods when applying
direct transfer.
The work in (Scheck et al., 2020) presents the
results of three anchor-based detectors, SSD (Fu et al.,
2017), R-FCN (Dai et al., 2016) and Faster R-CNN
(Ren et al., 2017) by training on THEODORE and
testing on FES. We repeat the same experiments using
CenterNet/DLA34 and CenterNet/ResNet101 without
domain adaption.
Table 1 shows the resulting Average Precision (AP)
per class and the final mean Average Precision (mAP)
for each architecture. CenterNet/DLA34 presents a
improvement on the mAP value with respect to the
anchor-based methods. However, this improvement
is specially dominated by the class chair. This class
together with the class armchair are underrepresented
in THEODORE, where they are both characterized
by a single 3D-mesh, i.e., there is only one armchair
and one chair model in the entire dataset. As a conse-
quence, these two classes give in all experiments very
low AP results. Although the results of CenterNet and
anchor-based methods are similar, the performance of
the first one is superior given its better time perfor-
mance. Table 2 shows the frames per second (FPS)
achieved by testing with each architecture on a Nvidia
GeForce RTX 2080 TI and using an input resolution
640 × 640
. CenterNet is significantly faster than the
anchor-based networks, achieving with DLA34 almost
twice as many FPS as SSD.
Table 2: Testing speed for the different architectures on a
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 TI and using an input resolution
of 640 × 640.
Architecture FPS
SSD (Scheck et al., 2020) 25
R-FCN (Scheck et al., 2020) 22
Faster R-CNN (Scheck et al., 2020) 24
CenterNet/DLA34 49
CenterNet/ResNet101 39
5.3 UDA-extended CenterNet
As shown in Fig. 1, the heatmap
Y (x, y, c)
by CenterNet via direct transfer presents object’s cen-
ters, that are more defined or compact on synthetic
images (source images) than on real ones (target im-
ages). By incorporating unlabeled real images during
the training and extendeding CenterNet to include the
loss functions in Eq.
and Eq.
, the network is
forced to increase the compactness of the detected cen-
ters also on real images. This latter can be visualized
by comparing the mean value of the resulting heatmaps
with and without domain adaptation. Figure 3 presents
the heatmaps’ mean values for CenterNet/DLA34 and
CenterNet/ResNet101 for EM and MSL as well as for
direct transfer (Baseline). Additionally, also the mean
values of the ground truth (GT) heatmaps are shown for
comparison. In the case of CenterNet/ResNet101, both
proposed methods, EM ad MSL, achieve a reduction
on the heatmaps’ mean values. For CenterNet/DLA34
only the EM method obtained a lower mean value as
the baseline.
Table 1 shows the average precision (AP) values
for CenterNet/ResNet101 and CenterNet/DLA34 af-
ter applying EM and MSL for all classes. We can
observe that, except for the class table, all other AP
values have increased by applying one of the proposed
UDA methods. The best mAP result is given by Cen-
terNet/DLA34 EM and CenterNet/ResNet101 MSL,
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for Anchorless Object Detection
Figure 3: The bars show, for both feature extractors, the mean values of the heatmaps obtained from the ground truths (GT) and
by applying direct transfer (baseline) and the proposed UDA approaches. The GTs represent the optimal heatmaps generated
from the centers and size of the given bounded boxes.
where the mAP values increase with reference to the
baseline from
and from
This means also an increment of the mAP value
with respect to anchor-based methods from
(achieved by Faster R-CNN) to
(achieved by Cen-
terNet/DLA34 EM and CenterNet/ResNet101 MSL).
Moreover, as mentioned before, CenterNet/DLA34 is
almost twice as fast as all tested anchor-based archi-
tectures (Table 2).
In this work, we extended two unsupervised domain
adaptation (UDA) methods to an anchorless object de-
tector, viz., CenterNet. We consider omnidirectional
synthetic images as source domain and omnidirec-
tional real images as target domain. Taking advan-
tage of the CenterNet’s architecture, we adapted two
segmentation UDA methods, namely, minimization en-
tropy (EM) and maximum squares loss (MSL), to the
case of object detection. Our results show that the per-
formance of CenterNet obtained via direct transfer can
be improved by applying the proposed UDA methods.
This latter validates the use of ME and MSL in order
to reduce the gap between source and target domain
for object detection in an anchorless architecture as il-
lustrated for the case CenterNet. The proposed method
also enjoys the speed advantage of the anchorless de-
tectors, being up to twice as fast as the anchor-based
methods. As future work, we plan to test our UDA
methods with other anchorless detectors, adversarial
approaches and including other image datasets.
This work is funded by the European Regional De-
velopment Fund (ERDF) under the grant number 100-
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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for Anchorless Object Detection