Reinforcement Learning based Video Summarization with Combination
of ResNet and Gated Recurrent Unit
Muhammad Sohail Afzal and Muhammad Atif Tahir
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan
Video Summarization, Reinforcement Learning, Reward Function, ResNet, Gated Recurrent Unit.
Video cameras are getting ubiquitous with passage of time. Huge amount of video data is generated daily in
this world that needs to be handled efficiently in limited storage and processing power. Video summarization
renders the best way to quickly review over lengthy videos along with controlling storage and processing
power requirements. Deep reinforcement-deep summarization network (DR-DSN) is a popular method for
video summarization but performance of this method is limited and can be enhanced with better representation
of video data. Most recently, it has been observed that deep residual networks are quite successful in many
computer vision applications including video retrieval and captioning. In this paper, we have investigated
deep feature representation for video summarization using deep residual network where ResNet 152 is being
used to extract deep videos features. To speed up the model, long short term memory is replaced with gated
recurrent unit, thus gave us flexibility to add another RNN layer which resulted in significant improvement in
performance. With this combination of ResNet-152 and two layered gated recurrent unit (GRU), we performed
experiments on SumMe video dataset and got results not only better than DR-DSN but also better than several
state of art video summarization methods.
The deployment of cameras are getting proliferated
on each successive day. As the number of cameras are
increasing, we are gaining more and more video data.
Almost 10 million GB of data related to videos is gen-
erated in a single week in this world (Lai et al., 2016).
This needs to be efficiently stored and processed. But
we always have some upper limit for available storage
and processing power. It would be a wise decision if
we reduce this data to summary of important frames
and discard useless frames. Both the problems will be
solved provided that the generated summary is good
representation of complete video ensuring that impor-
tant frames are not lost. To sum up long videos in just
few frames is a challenging task and requires an ap-
proach to efficiently solve this problem with reason-
able accuracy. Several supervised approaches have
been proposed for video summarization but it is in-
timidate task to annotate whole video by just one la-
bel as there is no single ground truth for any single
video. So DR-DSN (Zhou et al., 2018a) introduced
unsupervised video summarization approach based on
reinforcement learning reward function. Basic idea of
how reinforcement learning interacts with video sum-
marization is shown in Fig. 1. where agent generates
summary and gives it to reward function for evalua-
tion. Reward function gives evaluation feedback to
agent through which agent learns to generate better
summary next time.
Figure 1: Basic idea of reinforcement learning in video
Residual network (ResNet) has always been of
great importance in learning deep feature represen-
tation of data as these networks are being used in
many computer vision challenges like ILSVRC and
COCO competitions to get better results (He et al.,
Afzal, M. and Tahir, M.
Reinforcement Learning based Video Summarization with Combination of ResNet and Gated Recurrent Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0010197402610268
In Proceedings of the 16th Inter national Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2016). Different ResNet models were employed for
cancer prediction and malware detection on two dif-
ferent datasets (Khan et al., 2018) where ResNet-152
achieved top most accuracy. Deep ResNet has been
used for classification of hyper spectral images and
it was noticed that the more deeper the network is,
the better features it can capture and hence the better
result (Zhong et al., 2017). GoogleNet and ResNet
were compared on malware detection problem (Khan
et al., 2019) and it was concluded that ResNet gave
more accurate results than GoogleNet but took more
time than GoogleNet to solve problem at hand.
It was noticed in a study related to recurrent neu-
ral network (Elsayed et al., 2018) that replacing long
short term memory (LSTM) with gated recurrent unit
(GRU) increased the performance of classification
task. Furthermore, this GRU was combined with
convolution neural network in the same classification
task and it showed performance improvement which
is what we also adopted in our proposed method of
video summarization. To the best of our knowledge,
this combination of ResNet and GRU has never been
investigated before for video summarization methods.
Our approach of video summarization is designed in
a way to get better results in less amount of time.
ResNet-152 is a deeper architecture with 152 layers
but it takes more time to extract all important features
so our recurrent neural network, which is basically a
two layered gated recurrent unit, compensates for this
time as it takes less time than long short term memory
that was previously employed in DR-DSN. The pro-
posed approach is evaluated on SumMe dataset which
is widely used benchmark dataset for video summa-
rization. The results indicate a significant increase
in the performance when compared with the state-of-
the-art video summarization methods.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives
background of previously used approaches for video
summarization. Section 3 elaborates our proposed
methodology for video summarization with explana-
tion of all components of our approach. Section 4 de-
scribes experimental settings and results that we got
after comparison of our approach with DR-DSN and
several other well known approaches. Section 5 fi-
nally concludes the paper.
Various studies have been conducted for solving
video summarization through reinforcement learn-
ing (Masumitsu and Echigo, 2000)(Zhou et al.,
2018a)(Zhou et al., 2018b)(Zhang et al., 2019)(Lei
et al., 2018). Importance score of each frame was cal-
culated (Masumitsu and Echigo, 2000) by projecting
features in eigen space and then video was generated
through reinforcement learning. Experiments were
manipulated on soccer video game and higher preci-
sion values were achieved. In (Zhou et al., 2018a), a
deep summarization network and an end to end re-
inforcement learning approach is proposed to gen-
erate high quality summary. Results were obtained
on SumMe and TVSum dataset that were better than
other state of art methods. Another approach based
on action parsing is presented (Lei et al., 2018) in
which video was first cut by action parsing and then
summarized through reinforcement learning. Exper-
iments were manipulated on SumMe and TVSum
dataset achieving better F-score than several compet-
itive methods. In (Zhou et al., 2018b), a summariza-
tion network is presented which was trained through
deep Q-learning and tested on CoSum and TVSum
dataset. Results were better than several advanced
methods. MapNet is exploited (Zhang et al., 2019)
to first map frames with respective queries and then
summaries are generated through summNet. Exper-
iments were manipulated on UT Egocentric dataset
where state of art results were achieved.
Several significant researches related to video
summarization have also been conducted being spe-
cific to surveillance cameras. A video summariza-
tion technique was proposed (Yang et al., 2011) for
surveillance cameras based on key frame extraction.
The most informative scenes were selected until re-
quired summarization rate was achieved. Experi-
ments were manipulated on CAVIAR dataset and re-
sults were better than other famous techniques of op-
tical flow and color spatial distribution. Target driven
summarization of surveillance video for tracing sus-
pects is proposed (Chen et al., 2013) that works in
two steps. In first step, by using filtered summarized
video of any camera, targets can be detected. This
first step will filter for the categories of target along
with the time information. After identification of tar-
gets, appearance signals are activated in other cam-
eras. A perspective dependent model is then proposed
based on grid that showed satisfactory results. Event
based video summarization of surveillance cameras
is proposed (Yun et al., 2014) that focuses on the ap-
pearance as well as patterns of movement. The prob-
lem of occlusion solved by separating local motion
from global motion and hence greater accuracy was
achieved. Another event driven approach was pre-
sented (Dimou et al., 2015) that focused on low level
visual features. Score was assigned to each frame
based on its importance. This work is more of a user
centric one allowing users to select variable number
of key frames for video summary.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
A diversity based video summarization technique
is introduced (Chen et al., 2015) based on dictionary
learning while keeping in mind about relationships
among different video samples which was the serious
problem in dictionary learning methods. Geometrical
distributions were drawn employing a strategy based
on graph to address this problem and impressive re-
sults were obtained. Another diversity aware work
(Panda et al., 2017) involves unsupervised framework
to efficiently summarize videos using a minimization
algorithm that minimizes overall loss function. A
new Tour20 dataset was introduced to perform ex-
periments and state of art results were achieved. In
(Sharghi et al., 2016), a video summarization method
is proposed that works by selecting key frames from
a video with the help of user query. Datasets con-
taining annotated videos were used in the experiment
and state of art results were achieved. This method
is capable of handling lengthy videos and also on-
line streaming videos. Subjectiveness in video sum-
marization is carefully analyzed (Sharghi et al., 2017)
and some solutions were suggested. Determinant pro-
cesses and memory networks were used in the sum-
marizer to get better representative and diverse sum-
mary of original video. This method outperformed
two popular methods of video summarization. One
video was used for testing, one for validation and two
videos were used for training making total of four ex-
periment rounds.
A query based video summarization method is
introduced (Ji et al., 2017) that searches user pref-
erence content based on the query. This is based
on sparse coding framework. Authors also intro-
duced a public dataset containing total of 1000 videos
that are annotated as well. Extensive experiments
were manipulated on this public dataset and state of
art results proved the effectiveness of this proposed
method. Visual and textual embedding (Vasudevan
et al., 2017) is employed so that better representa-
tive summary can be obtained through a user query.
A new dataset related to selection of thumbnail was
also used in this paper consisting of labeled videos.
This approach proved that more advanced text model
with better training goal and a better modelling qual-
ity gives highest performance gains. A multimodal
approach for video summarization of cricket match
(Bhalla et al., 2019) is introduced that notices impor-
tant events in cricket match and then generates high-
lights that are good reflection of original video. In
order to detect important things in ground like wick-
ets and boundaries, techniques like optical charac-
ter recognition were used. Events are then joined
together to generate highlights for the entire cricket
match. Accuracy of 89 percent was achieved by us-
ing this method. In (Ma et al., 2019), another video
summarization method is proposed that is based on
sparse dictionary selection that works by supposing
relationship of linearity between frames. A non linear
model is contructed and then video is mapped to high
dimensional feature space with the help of kernel to
convert non linearity into linearity. Furthermore, two
greedy algorithms with strategy of back tracking are
suggested to manipulate model. Experiments were
conducted on two datasets that are SumMe and TV-
Sum and it was concluded that summaries produced
were better than summaries of other state of art video
summarization algorithms.
The proposed approach is shown in Fig. 2. Videos
are converted into frames and then these frames are
fed to residual network. Residual network in our ap-
proach is ResNet-152 having total of 152 layers. As it
is quite deep architecture so it will extract all deep and
important features from videos that could be very im-
portant in generating better representative summaries.
The extraction of these features is in 2048 dimen-
sions for each video so that we do not loss impor-
tant features that could be important for generation of
better representative summaries. After extraction of
these features, they will be further given to two lay-
ered gated recurrent unit which will generate hidden
states from these features. These hidden states will
be of two types i-e forward hidden states and back-
ward hidden states. Sigmoid layer is mounted at the
end of gated recurrent unit that will take these hidden
states as input to finally generate probability scores
for all the frames. Now each frame will be associated
with a probability score. Frames with higher prob-
ability scores will be selected for further evaluation
and will be fed to reinforcement learning reward func-
tion. Reward function is the sum of two other reward
functions i-e diversity reward function and representa-
tive reward function. These two reward functions will
evaluate these frames based on their diversity and rep-
resentativeness. Diversity reward function will make
sure that frames selected should be diverse enough to
better represent all different parts of video. Repre-
sentative reward function will check that frames se-
lected are either better representing original video or
not. Main goal is to maximize the sum of these two
reward functions that will automatically generate bet-
ter summary. In order to accomplish this task, a pol-
icy is learnt through adam’s optimization till the re-
ward function is maximized. The maximization of re-
ward function will generate better summaries. This is
Reinforcement Learning based Video Summarization with Combination of ResNet and Gated Recurrent Unit
Figure 2: Our proposed approach.
working of our approach. Now we will separately dis-
cuss all important components of this approach which
are ResNet, Gated recurrent unit and reinforcement
learning reward function.
3.1 ResNet-152
Residual network (Nguyen et al., 2018), which is also
known as ResNet, belong to deep neural network fam-
ily having same structure but with different depths. It
avoids degradation in neural networks through a unit
known as residual learning unit. It is well known ar-
chitecture to extract deep features from images. The
structure of residual learning unit in ResNet is a feed
forward network which is capable of adding new in-
puts in the network and thus generating new outputs
through a shortcut connection. The main advantage
of ResNet is it produces better results with higher ac-
curacy with out increasing complexity. Fig. 3. shows
basic architecture of ResNet-152.
Figure 3: The basic architecture of ResNet-152 (Nguyen
et al., 2018).
So ResNet will take all the frames for every sin-
gle video as an input and generate feature matrices
for each video in 2048 dimensions. As it has network
depth of 152 so it will make sure that all deep and im-
portant features have been extracted from each video.
Extraction of important features from each video is
very necessary because if we miss important features
from videos then we can not generate better hidden
sates through gated recurrent unit as important fea-
tures were not fed to it. So all further work will be
useless. That is why ResNet-152 serves the purpose
here as it is quite deeper architecture.
3.2 Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
Gated recurrent unit is a sequential type of encoder.
The advantage of gated recurrent unit over long short
term memory is it has less parameters than long short
term memory and this results in less training time with
a very low risk of overfitting (Chung et al., 2014).
Its performance has also bypassed performance of
LSTM in several cases (Elsayed et al., 2018) includ-
ing our case too. In our approach, first we checked
performance of LSTM on all videos and then we re-
placed it with GRU. We discovered that though LSTM
gave good results on fewer videos where GRU did not
but overall GRU was performing much better on most
of the videos with less training time.
So GRU gets all the important features that were
previously extracted by ResNet-152 and generates
hidden states that are forward hidden states and back-
ward hidden states. GRU has a sigmoid layer at
the end where all these hidden states are transformed
into different probability scores. Actions will be per-
formed to select frames with higher probability scores
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
and these selected frames will further be given to re-
inforcement learning reward function.
3.3 Reward Function
The purpose of reinforcement learning agent is to
maximize its reward function after learning from the
environment. Interaction of reward function with
video summarization system is also shown in Fig. 1.
Reward function here is basically combination of two
other reward functions which are diversity reward
function and representative reward function as can be
seen in Fig. 2.
3.3.1 Diversity Reward Function
It is responsible for finding key frames from the se-
lected ones. It keeps on comparing every frame with
every other to find the most dissimilar frames. Sup-
pose K is the set of selected frames which are given
to diversity reward function and ‘b’ denotes each sin-
gle frame then this reward function is given by the
equation :
|K |(|K | 1)
) (1)
3.3.2 Representative Reward Function
It will make sure that selected frames are good rep-
resentation of original video and this is done by se-
lecting those frames that are nearer to clusters in the
whole feature space. This reward function is given by
the equation:
= exp
Total reward function is sum of both of these re-
ward functions :
R(total) = R
+ R
3.4 Learning Descend Policy Gradient
Agent should learn a policy for maximizing rewards.
If ‘p’ is the probability score and θ is the policy func-
tion parameter then objective function can be given
L(θ) = E
+ R
] (4)
In order to find gradient, we need to find derivative
of objective function. So derivative will be:
+ R
logπ (a
where π is the policy function, ‘m’ is the rewards
moving average, h
are the hidden states generated by
GRU and a
are the actions taken by model.
Now optimization is performed through Adam’s
algorithm (Kingma and Ba, 2014). It will aid agent
to take those steps more and more that can lead to
better reward and avoid those steps that can lead to
low reward value.
4.1 Dataset
SumMe dataset is used for experiments that contains
total 25 videos from various topics such as sports, hol-
idays and various other events. Each video has length
of approximately 1 to 6 minutes and each is annotated
by 15 to 18 persons which means there are multiple
ground truth summaries available for each video.
4.2 Evaluation Metric
In order to assess automatic summaries that are gen-
erated by our summarization network, F- measure is
used as evaluation metric to find the difference be-
tween ground truth summaries and automatic sum-
maries. F-measure is harmonic mean of precision and
recall so here it is used to evaluate on testing dataset.
4.3 Evaluation Settings
Leave one out cross validation is used for evaluation
of our system. Model is trained with N 1 videos
and evaluated on remaining one video. This process
is repeated N times with different training sets of size
N 1.
4.4 Implementation Details
We implemented our approach using pytorch on
GTX 1050 Ti GPU. Features were extracted through
ResNet in 2048 dimensions and were given to model
with 256 hidden units having two RNN layers. We
ran training for 70 epochs. Total 30 steps were set to
decay the learning rate.
4.5 Comparison with DR-DSN
We replicated DR-DSN (Zhou et al., 2018a) and ran it
on each video of SumMe dataset. We got same results
for DR-DSN as given in paper (Zhou et al., 2018a).
Reinforcement Learning based Video Summarization with Combination of ResNet and Gated Recurrent Unit
Table 1: Comparison with DR-DSN (Zhou et al., 2018a) on SumMe dataset.
Video Video Name Camera Type Video Length Frames DR-DSN Our method
Video 1 Air Force One static 2 min 60 sec 4494 60 60
Video 2 Base Jumping egocentric 2 min 39 sec 4729 22.3 28.7
Video 3 Bearpark Climbing moving 2 min 14 sec 3341 35.2 54.1
Video 4 Bike Polo egocentric 1 min 43 sec 3064 54.4 54.9
Video 5 Bus in Rock Tunnel moving 2 min 51 sec 5131 29.7 36.2
Video 6 Car RailCrossing moving 2 min 49 sec 5075 21 21
Video 7 Cockpit Landing moving 5 min 2 sec 9046 29.2 29.2
Video 8 Cooking moving 1 min 27 sec 1286 49.4 50.1
Video 9 Eiffel Tower moving 3 min 20 sec 4971 30.9 32.6
Video 10 Excavator River Cross moving 6 min 29 sec 9721 26.5 31.4
Video 11 Fire Domino static 0 min 55 sec 1612 60.2 60.2
Video 12 Jumps moving 0 min 39 sec 950 0 40.4
Video 13 Kids Playing in Leaves moving 1 min 46 sec 3187 50.2 22.9
Video 14 Notre Dam moving 3 min 12 sec 4608 44.6 37.4
Video 15 Paintball static 4 min 16 sec 6096 55.1 55.2
Video 16 Playing on Water Slide moving 1 min 42 sec 3065 34.9 34.9
Video 17 Saving Dolphines moving 3 min 43 sec 6683 32.7 43
Video 18 Scuba egocentric 1 min 14 sec 2221 67.5 67.5
Video 19 St. Marten Landing moving 1 min 10 sec 1751 60.8 41.7
Video 20 Statue of Liberty moving 2 min 36 sec 3863 61.4 43.4
Video 21 Uncut Evening Flight moving 5 min 23 sec 9672 17.4 27.8
Video 22 Valparaiso Downhill egocentric 2 min 53 sec 5178 39 44.1
Video 23 Car Over Camera static 2 min 26 sec 4382 66.7 66.7
Video 24 Paluma Jump moving 1 min 26 sec 2574 29.5 30.6
Video 25 Playing Ball moving 1 min 44 sec 3120 55.3 77.7
RESULT (Average F-measure) 41.4 43.7
Then we ran our approach on each video and com-
pared results of both approaches. Results are shown
in Table 1. It can be clearly seen that our approach
performed 2.3 percent better than DR-DSN approach.
Even there is one video in the dataset i-e Video 12
where DR-DSN failed completely as given in Ta-
ble 1 while our approach gave reasonable F-measure
of 40.4 on this particular video. Our approach per-
formed better on most of the videos and hence overall,
our proposed method is better than DR-DSN.
Table 2: Comparison with other approaches.
Method Dataset F-measure
CSUV SumMe 23
Uniform Sampling SumMe 29.3
Vsumm SumMe 33.7
Dictionary Selection SumMe 37.8
GAN dpp SumMe 39.1
DR-DSN SumMe 41.4
Ours SumMe 43.7
4.6 Comparison with Other State of Art
Several unsupervised video summarization ap-
proaches have been proposed till now as can be seen
in Table 2. We replicated CSUV approach (Gygli
et al., 2014) on SumMe dataset that basically works
through superframe segmentation. Results achieved
from our model were far better than this approach.
Uniform sampling (Jadon and Jasim, 2019) is also
popular unsupervised technique for video summa-
rization that works using key frame extraction. It tries
to extract important parts of video but results showed
that it is not effective summarization approach.
Clustering has always been very common in video
summarization and Vsumm approach does the same
through k means. It makes clusters of similar type of
frames. Frames will be part of those clusters where
their distance from centroid is minimal.So this way
k-means algorithm works for summarizing videos
but it is not good enough as our proposed approach.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Dictionary selection video summarization approach
(Ma et al., 2019) works by assuming relationship
of linearity between frames. A non linear model
is contructed and then video is mapped to high
dimensional feature space with the help of kernel
to convert non linearity into linearity. Furthermore,
two greedy algorithms with strategy of back tracking
were suggested to manipulate model in dicitonary
selection but the final results were not better than
our proposed approach. GAN dpp (Mahasseni
et al., 2017) summarization approach works through
discriminator and a summarizer. Long short term
memory acts as summarizer as well as discriminator.
As a discriminator, it distinguishes between summary
generated by the system and original summary. This
approach is based on generative adversarial network
but it is not as effective as our approach. Comparison
of all of these approaches with our approach on
SumMe dataset can be seen in Table 2 where it can
be clearly seen that our approach is leading all other
In this paper, we proposed improved video summa-
rization method that outperformed several state of
art methods. Residual network ResNet-152 was em-
ployed with gated recurrent unit having two RNN lay-
ers. We performed detailed comparison of our ap-
proach with DR-DSN by providing results on each
and every video in SumMe dataset. Furthermore,
we compared overall average F-score of our approach
with average F-score of several other state of art video
summarization methods and concluded the fact that
our method is best in terms of generating better rep-
resentative summaries of original videos.
We thank Kaiyang Zhou for detailed discussion about
his paper (Zhou et al., 2018a) . This work is sup-
ported by Video Surveillance Lab, Karachi, Pakistan
affiliated from National Center of Big data and Cloud
Computing, Pakistan.
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications