Garment Detection in Catwalk Videos
Qi Dang
1 a
, Heydar Maboudi Afkham
2 b
and Oskar Juhlin
1 c
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Sarvai, Stockholm, Sweden
Garment Detection, Fashion, Video Analysis, Computer Vision, Application.
Most computer vision applications in the commercial scene lack a large scale and properly annotated dataset.
The solution to these applications relies on already published code and knowledge transfer from existing
computer vision datasets. In most cases, these applications sacrifice proper benchmarking of the solution
and rely on the performance of used methods from their respective papers. In this paper, we are focusing
on how we can use the existing code base and the datasets in computer vision to address a hypothetical
application of detecting garments in the catwalk videos. We proposed a combination of methods that allows
us to localize garments in complex scenery by only training models on public datasets. To understand which
method performs best for our application, we have designed a relative-benchmark framework that requires
very little manual annotation to work.
The methodology of Computer Vision (CV) appli-
cations is usually inspired by methodologies created
in state-of-the-art research, which usually revolves
around introducing new methodologies to solve tasks
represented by different datasets (Lin et al., 2014;
Zheng et al., 2018; Ge et al., 2019). As we have ob-
served, a majority of CV applications tend to use the
code-base from research with little to none modifica-
tions. A popular example of such a practice is us-
ing a version of YOLO object detector (Redmon and
Farhadi, 2018) with unmodified weights as a part of
a CV application. In most cases, these applications
are at a much smaller scale compared to current CV
research tasks and come with far less supporting data
and annotations. In this paper, we have investigated
how the existing code-base and publicly available
datasets for CV research can be used for addressing
more custom applications that can not be necessarily
formulated similar to the research problems. Such ap-
plications usually arise in non-academic settings and
their key characteristics are lack of a large dataset
and proper annotations. Addressing such applications
may require different training strategies compared to
what is normally done for similar problems in the re-
search context. We have also investigated a bench-
marking framework to compare the performance of
different models on the target dataset, without signif-
icant annotation requirements.
As a hypothetical application, we have chosen to
extract garment information from fashion models in
catwalk videos. We have chosen this problem because
to solve it, we need to investigate both object and gar-
ment detection methodologies and determine if their
assumptions are correct for our application. For ex-
ample, when focusing on the task of garment detec-
tion, the frames from the video used in this work tend
to look very different from the images found in re-
search datasets (Zheng et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2016b).
Because of these differences, as shown in Fig. 1, we
require a different approach to train the models.
For this problem, we have used a 10 minutes cat-
walk video as the benchmarking dataset and only used
COCO2014 (Lin et al., 2014) and Modanet (Zheng
et al., 2018) datasets for the training of the models.
We utilized a multi-staged strategy (Fig. 2) by (a)
splitting the video into camera shots, (b) detecting
the people that are present in the video, (c) tracking
all the people in each shot and generating a track for
each person, (d) filtering these tracks to obtain a se-
ries of candidates for the fashion model in the scene,
and (e) generating garment proposals for the filtered
tracks. With this strategy, we are able to use a va-
riety of different methods to address the problem in
Dang, Q., Afkham, H. and Juhlin, O.
Garment Detection in Catwalk Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0010192804710479
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2021), pages 471-479
ISBN: 978-989-758-486-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 1: Fashion datasets comparison. (a) and (b) originate from a fashion catwalk video. Such videos have two typical
patterns. First, the fashion models are usually in the center, although they vary in size. Second, there are usually audiences
along the side. (c) is from Modanet dataset. In images from Modanet dataset, there is always one person in the center, and
most people are of similar size. (d) and (e) are from DeepFashion dataset (Liu et al., 2016b). There is either a person or a
single garment in each image from the DeepFashion dataset.
each stage. To compare the accuracy of these methods
with respect to the catwalk video, we also developed
a benchmarking framework on this data, without the
need for detailed annotations.
The contributions of this paper are, (a) a frame-
work for combining the existing code base to solve
the problem of garment detection in catwalk videos,
and (b) a relative-benchmarking framework to com-
pare the performance of different method combina-
tions without the need for detailed annotations.
The remaining parts are structured as follows. We
discuss related works of person detection and garment
detection in §2. In §3, the details of the method-
ology are discussed . In §4, we propose a relative-
benchmarking framework for the application and dis-
cuss the results. In §5, we conclude the paper and
discuss the novelty and the limitations of our work.
Because of the nature of our application, we divide the
study of the related work in two sections. In §2.1, we
list some of the more recent object detection methods
and their properties with respect to our application. In
§2.2, we look into existing research on garment detec-
tion and discuss what needs to be changed to enable
them in our application.
2.1 Person/Object Detection
Modern object detectors consist of two parts i.e. fea-
ture extraction networks and detection head. In this
context, the detection head usually determines the
type of detector. In one-stage detectors, the head di-
rectly detects the objects by using the output of the
feature map. In two-stage detectors, the head first
creates several proposals for the objects and then ver-
ifies them individually. This verification step usu-
ally makes two-stage detectors slower than one-stage
detectors, but it enables them to have better perfor-
The recent and most influential one-stage detec-
tors are YOLO (Redmon et al., 2016), SSD (Liu et al.,
2016a), CenterNet (Zhou et al., 2019). The recent and
most influential two-stage detectors are Faster RCNN
(Ren et al., 2015) and Mask RCNN (He et al., 2017).
Since all these detectors can produce decent per-
son detections in images and videos, we used them
in our experiments without any modifications. Here,
we focus on their performance in the task of person
detection in catwalk videos.
2.2 Garment Detection
During the past five years, a small number of large
scale datasets with garment annotations have been re-
leased, i.e., DeepFahion (Liu et al., 2016b), Deep-
Fashion2 (Ge et al., 2019) and Modanet. We focus on
the Modanet dataset since its content is more similar
to our target dataset, than the other datasets. How-
ever, a drawback in Modanet is that each image only
contains one person, who is posing to show the outfit.
The person is mostly shown in full-body in the mid-
dle of the image. Furthermore, it has little variation in
size and pose of the fashion models and the garments.
To enable garment detection, most researchers
have applied different object detectors to these
datasets. Kucer and Murray (Kucer and Murray,
2019) trained Mask R-CNN (He et al., 2017) detector
on the Modanet dataset and used it for street to shop
image retrieval. Cychnerski et al. (Cychnerski et al.,
2017) trained and tested SSD detector (Liu et al.,
2016a) on the DeepFashion dataset and built an at-
tribute detector conditioned on garments detector. Ge
et al. (Ge et al., 2019) built the DeepFashion2 bench-
mark and applied Mask R-CNN (He et al., 2017) on
the benchmark. Sidnev et al. (Sidnev et al., 2019)
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
applied CenterNet (Zhou et al., 2019) on DeepFash-
ion2 benchmark. Zheng et al. created the Modanet
dataset and applied Faster R-CNN, SSD, and Yolo as
the benchmark.
However, previous research does not address how
these methods can be modified to overcome the draw-
backs of the Modanet dataset to detect garments in a
dataset with much higher visual complexity, such as
catwalk videos. Such videos raise several challenges:
(a) the garments in catwalk videos have a greater scale
variation compared to available fashion datasets(Fig.
1), (b) there are usually more people in each frame,
and the scenes have a much higher visual complex-
ity, (c) the application should both detect the garments
and link them to person detections, (d) only the gar-
ments detected on fashion models are desired in the
In the next section, we discuss how by condition-
ing the garment detector on person detection, we can
overcome these challenges.
To successfully extract garment information from
fashion models in catwalk videos, we utilized a
methodology that has several steps. Its pipeline is
shown in Fig. 2.
Step 1, Shot Boundary Detection. Catwalk videos
usually consist of several different camera shots such
as close up garment shots and view of the runway as
a whole, in order to emphasize garments worn by the
fashion model (see Fig. 2). Transition between these
shots can severely affect the behavior of the tracking
algorithms. To avoid this, we used the shot boundary
detector TransNet (Sou
cek et al., 2019), which can
produce boundary confidence scores for each frame.
The score predicts if a frame is a boundary of a video
shot. If the boundary confidence score of a frame is
higher than a threshold, the frame is considered as
the boundary between two shots. If several frames
score above the threshold in a window of 25 frames,
we choose the frame with the highest score.
The following steps are done independently for
each shot. Here a video is decomposed into several
shots {S
} with |S
| being the number of
frames in the shot S
Step 2, Person Detection. Our object of interest in
the catwalk videos is the fashion model which usually
has standing or walking pose, with no occlusion. In
most scenarios, this can be easily detected by off-the-
shelf object/person detectors.
Step 3, Person Tracking. Once the person detec-
tion boxes are generated for each frame in the shot,
we use an IoU (Intersection over Union) score based
tracker to generate tracklets across the shot. A track-
let is the trace of the bounding boxes of a specific
detected object across the frames of the shot. In
this setup, if the IoU score between two boxes from
two different frames is larger than a threshold (set to
0.5), they are considered to belong to the same track-
let. Since there might be missed detections, we al-
low gaps between the frames which is capped at a
maximum frames gap (25 frames). The missing de-
tections, inbetween the frames, are then interpolated
based on the boxes in the tracklet. Moreover, if a box
has a big IoU score with more than one box in the
next frame, only the one with the highest IoU score
is considered in the tracklet. Here, we formally de-
fine a tracklet as the sequence T = (B
where B
= {x
,i} with x
the coordinates of the box in the frame and i being the
frame index in the shot. With this definition we have,
[i] = B
[i] + 1 and |T | is the number of frames
in which the tracklet expands.
Step 4, Tracklet Classification. Correctly identi-
fying fashion models from the audiences in catwalk
videos is not straight forward. Our methodology to
address this problem is based on the following ob-
servations: (i) in a catwalk video, the camera usu-
ally moves with the fashion models and keep them in
the center with no occlusion, (ii) the fashion models
walk on the runway and their pose is usually stand-
ing or walking, (iii) the fashion models are visually
similar to the persons appearing in Modanet dataset
in terms of pose and style, and (iv) the detections on
fashion models usually have a bigger overlap across
frames compared to the audience which results in
longer tracklets in each shot.
We categorise a tracklet T in shot S based on three
criteria: position in the frame, length (with respect to
the length of the shot), and visual assessment.
To define the position score, for each bounding
box B
in T , we first define the normalized coordi-
nates of the bounding box in the frame as
] + B
, (1)
with W
being the width of the frame. The position
score is then calculated as
|T |
|T |
), (2)
with σ
being the scaling factor (set to 0.3). This
score gives a higher confidence to the tracklets, with
most of their bounding boxes centered in the frame.
The length score is simply calculated as
|T |
, (3)
Garment Detection in Catwalk Videos
Figure 2: The figure describes our pipeline. Step 1 The video is split to shots by using TransNet(Sou
cek et al., 2019). Step 2
All individuals are detected in every frame of each shot. Step 3 A tracking algorithm is used to connect the person boxes and
generate tracks for all the detected persons. Step 4 The individuals in the tracks are classified as a fashion model or audience.
Step 5 Garment proposals are generated for the regions detected as fashion models.
and allows us to give higher confidence to the track-
lets that span the longest within the shot.
We then introduce a custom CNN for their vi-
sual assessment. It is designed based on the obser-
vation (iii) regarding tracklets. We observed that the
fashion models in catwalk videos are more similar to
the people in the Modanet dataset and the audience
is more similar to the people in the COCO dataset.
Based on this, we have trained a CNN model to dis-
tinguish between the person detections found in the
two datasets. To train this classifier, the person detec-
tions from both datasets were cropped, resized, and
labeled accordingly. Using this classifier the visual
assessment score of the each tracklet is calculated as
= [
Φ(B)]/|T |, where Φ(B) is the visual
assessment score given to the bounding box B in the
tracklet T. Finally, the score given to the tracklet T in
the shot S is calculated as
= P
× L
. (4)
This score is then thresholded to select the tracklets
that correspond to fashion models. We have set this
threshold to be 0.1.
Step 5, Garment Detection. In our dataset, the size
of the bounding boxes appearing in a tracklet vary
significantly. This results in the garments appearing
in a large variety of scales. To train a scale-invariant
garment detector, we conditioned the garment detec-
tion based on cropped bounding boxes in the track-
lets. To ensure that the bounding boxes cover as many
garments as possible, before cropping, the bounding
boxes were expanded by twenty percent and their as-
pect ratio was fit to a pre-defined ratio. The expanded
bounding boxes were then cropped and resized to a
fixed size. A similar procedure was applied to the
Modanet dataset during the training of the garment
detection models.
We have divided the experiment setup and the bench-
marks of this paper into three sections. In §4.1, we
describe the details and the setup of the modules used
in different sections of our application. In §4.2, we
describe the reference bounding boxes that are used
for the relative-benchmarking framework. In §4.3, we
focus on benchmarking the application on our target
catwalk video dataset.
4.1 Experiment Setup
The experiments focus on three aspects of our method
i.e. person detection, fashion model detection and
garment detection. In all experiments, we used the
PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019) deep learning plat-
form. As mentioned in §3, we used TransNet (Sou
et al., 2019) to divide the video into shots using
the pre-trained models from that study. For per-
son and garments detection we are considering Faster
, YOLOv3
(Redmon and Farhadi, 2018),
(Liu et al., 2016a) and CenterNet
(Zhou et al.,
2019). We made small modifications in the pre-
processing section of these codes to allow image in-
puts with different sizes. The backbones of the Faster
RCNN, YOLOv3, SSD and CenterNet are Resnet-
101, Darknet-53, VGG-16 and DLA-34.
For person detection, we trained all mentioned
methods on the person class of the training set of
COCO 2014 dataset. Since the input image size can
highly affect the accuracy and computation time of
Implemented in torchvision
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: (Left) A Comparison between performance of the trained person detectors on COCO2014 test set. In this experiment,
CenterNet showed the best accuracy for all resolutions. We were not able to make YOLOv3 and SSD converge when the
maximum image side was 1216 pixels. (Right) This table shows how the model trained on patches extracted using the
detectors trained in Left can robustly identify if a patch was extracted from the COCO2014 dataset or Modanet dataset. This
shows that there is a significant difference between how people are visually presented in the two datasets.
Person detection AP
on COCO2014 (Test)
Max side resolution
Detectors 416 800 1216
Faster RCNN 0.701 0.791 0.812
YOLOv3 0.641 0.630 -
SSD 0.666 0.670 -
CenterNet 0.749 0.804 0.818
Visual Assessment Model
Max side resolution
Detectors 416 800 1216
Faster RCNN 0.976 0.98 0.985
YOLOv3 0.979 0.978 -
SSD 0.978 0.984 -
CenterNet 0.981 0.984 0.985
Table 2: Evaluation of garment detection models on the Modanet test data set. In this data set, all the detectors conditioned
on the person detection patches are outperformed by the detectors trained on the whole images.
Garment detection AP
on Modanet (Test)
Resolution 128:64, patch 256:128, patch 512:256, patch 800, whole
Faster RCNN 0.429 0.59 0.663 0.745
YOLOv3 0.299 0.435 0.524 0.651
SSD 0.534 0.658 0.7 0.778
CenterNet 0.543 0.641 0.706 0.824
each method, the images were resized to have the
maximum side of 416, 800, and 1216 pixels. With
this setup, we were able to train ten different person
detectors. In Table 1 (Left), we can see a compari-
son between the accuracy of these models based on
the AP@0.5 metric (0.5 IoU criteria). To utilize these
detectors in our application, we have used the COCO
2014 validation set to determine a threshold for each
detector. This threshold is set to allow the detector to
have a 90% recall of the person bounding boxes.
To correctly identify tracklets associated with the
fashion models, we trained a model to distinguish be-
tween person patches coming from COCO 2014 and
from Modanet datasets. For this experiment, since
Modanet does not have an annotated validation set,
we have randomly partitioned its training set into a
training set and a validation set (4:1 ratio), which were
placed alongside COCO 2014’s training and valida-
tion sets. We applied the trained person detectors to
all images. From COCO 2014, we considered detec-
tions that have an IoU of at least 0.8 with a ground
truth box and from Modanet, the biggest detection in
each image is considered. The selected detections are
then padded to fit a 1:1 aspect ratio, cropped, and re-
sized to fit 160×160 pixel patches. These patches are
then labeled according to their original dataset. To
distinguish between the patches, we trained a CNN
with ResNet50 backbone which is pre-trained on Im-
ageNet (Deng et al., 2009) and a 2-layer full convo-
lution head. Table 1 (Right) shows how this detector
can successfully distinguish between patches coming
from the two datasets. This indicates that there is a
significant visual difference between how people are
presented in the two datasets.
For garment detection, our methodology signifi-
cantly diverges from the state-of-the-art methods. To
adapt to the scale variations in the data, our methodol-
ogy focuses on conditioning the garment detection on
normalized person detection patches rather than de-
tecting them independently in the whole image. To
train this model, we have first applied Faster RCNN
800 person detection model to the Modanet dataset.
From each image, we have selected the largest detec-
tion and padded it to have an aspect ratio of 2:1, ex-
panded by 20% (to make sure most of the garments
are included in the patch), and resized it to the de-
tector’s input size. Table 2 shows how this strategy
compares to whole image detection used in state-of-
the-art methods on Modanet’s test set. As can be seen,
with the current training setup, all these detectors are
outperformed by the whole image on this dataset.
With this setup, we have 10 different person detec-
tion models and 16 different garment detection mod-
els to engage the problem of garment detection in cat-
walk videos. It provides us with 160 different method
combinations. For the sake of being concise, we have
only focused on combining models with the same
model types and only focused on garment detection
trained on 512:256 patches and the whole image. We
have provided a comparison of all 160 configurations
in Fig. 4.
4.2 Reference Bounding Boxes
A proper benchmarking of detections in a catwalk
videos is challenging, without full annotation. At the
same time, full annotation is something that is usu-
ally missing from such applications. In our applica-
Garment Detection in Catwalk Videos
Table 3: (Left) The table shows the percentage of the bounding boxes from the reference tracklets, detected by each detector.
Here, we can see that SSD is significantly under-performing compared to the other detectors. (Right) This table shows the
average precision of tracklet classification with the visual assessment model trained for each person detector.
Person detection Recall Catwalk Video
Max side resolution
Detectors 416 800 1216
Faster RCNN 0.819 0.914 0.902
YOLOv3 0.794 0.843 -
SSD 0.772 0.647 -
CenterNet 0.871 0.849 0.799
Tracklet Classification AP
Max side resolution
Detectors 416 800 1216
Faster RCNN 0.848 0.854 0.88
YOLOv3 0.853 0.858 -
SSD 0.816 0.819 -
CenterNet 0.832 0.837 0.842
Table 4: Evaluation of garment detection models on the fashion model tracklets in the catwalk videos. In this evaluation, we
have looked at both localization and categorization. The localization benchmark was formulated as a single class detection
problem, and categorization benchmark was formulated as a multi-class detection problem. The AP
.5 of the category bench-
mark is much lower than the localization benchmark. It indicates that it is much easier to locate the garments than to both
locate and to classify them correctly.
Garment detection AP
on Fashion Model Reference Bounding Boxes
Resolution 128:64, patch 256:128, patch 512:256, patch 800, whole
Localization (Single Class Detection)
Faster RCNN 0.72 0.846 0.842 0.641
YOLOv3 0.421 0.57 0.678 0.525
SSD 0.783 0.784 0.747 0.238
CenterNet 0.723 0.743 0.776 0.647
Categorization (Multi Class Detection)
Faster RCNN 0.242 0.391 0.376 0.27
YOLOv3 0.149 0.231 0.255 0.15
SSD 0.36 0.354 0.318 0.125
CenterNet 0.284 0.326 0.353 0.234
Figure 3: This figure describes the process of reference bounding box generation. Step 1 The detection boxes from different
detectors are gathered together. Step 2 The boxes are clustered to several groups using spectrum clustering. Step 3 The boxes
from the same cluster are averaged to generate the reference bounding boxes. The category of the reference bounding boxes
is set by voting.
tion, we are only interested in establishing a method
that allows us to examine which configuration works
better, instead of building an absolute accuracy target.
We refer to this framework as a relative-benchmark.
To relative-benchmark, we focused on the ability
of each detector to identify the box around the fash-
ion model. To achieve this, we have created a ref-
erence annotation for each frame of the video. The
reference annotation is an aggregation of all detec-
tions, made over each frame, using all trained mod-
els. To achieve this, we have mapped the thresholds
detections of all 10 detectors to a scale-free space (by
dividing the bounding boxes by the height and width
of the frame) and grouped them using spectral clus-
tering with the IoU as the metric. Since the size of
the affinity matrices is rather small in our problem,
we used a heuristic measure to determine the number
of clusters in each frame. Here, the number of clus-
ters is equal to the number of singular values of the
affinity matrix that are greater than the largest singu-
lar value times 0.2. We have averaged the bounding
boxes assigned to each cluster to produce the refer-
ence bounding box. We used spectral clustering, as
oppose to Non-Maximum Suppression, to avoid hav-
ing to normalize the scoring produced by each detec-
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 5: Evaluation of garments detection regarding our application. We are evaluating localization, categorization, and
timing of garments detection. We ignored the garments’ category labels for the localization and benchmark it as a single class
detection problem. For categorization, we benchmark it as a regular multi-class detection problem. The timing is produced
by running the method described in §3 on a 9 shots, 43 seconds video clip (1081 frames). By comparing the different settings
for the application, we can see that the garment detectors conditioned on person detectors generally perform better and faster
than the whole image garment detectors. However, almost all detectors fail to predict the category of the boxes.
System benchmark AP
and Timing
Person Detector Garment Detector Localization Categorization Timing (seconds)
Garment detections conditioned on person detections
Faster RCNN 416 Faster RCNN 512 0.757 0.337 102.52
Faster RCNN 800 Faster RCNN 512 0.775 0.333 122.78
Faster RCNN 1216 Faster RCNN 512 0.765 0.343 151.17
YOLOv3 416 YOLOv3 512 0.523 0.175 87.25
YOLOv3 800 YOLOv3 512 0.548 0.182 124.51
SSD 416 SSD 512 0.586 0.238 246.59
SSD 800 SSD 512 0.514 0.193 306.69
CenterNet 416 CenterNet 512 0.699 0.311 71.58
CenterNet 800 CenterNet 512 0.682 0.305 88.15
CenterNet 1216 CenterNet 512 0.650 0.293 110.35
Whole image garment detection
Faster RCNN 416 Faster RCNN 800 0.604 0.261 117.27
Faster RCNN 800 Faster RCNN 800 0.624 0.261 137.94
Faster RCNN 1216 Faster RCNN 800 0.608 0.252 166.26
YOLOv3 416 YOLOv3 800 0.479 0.132 97.99
YOLOv3 800 YOLOv3 800 0.453 0.136 136.79
SSD 416 SSD 800 0.167 0.093 381.29
SSD 800 SSD 800 0.148 0.076 419.9
CenterNet 416 CenterNet 800 0.637 0.226 85.45
CenterNet 800 CenterNet 800 0.637 0.226 100.4
CenterNet 1216 CenterNet 800 0.608 0.217 122.38
(a) (b)
Figure 4: This figure shows the application benchmark using different person detectors and garment detectors. (a) shows
the AP@0.5 for localization, and (b) shows the AP@0.5 for categorization. The Faster RCNN person detectors and garment
detectors perform the best in our application. The behavior of different detectors are similar to our discussion in Table 5.
. The process of creating these reference bound-
ing boxes for both people and garments is shown in
Fig. 3.
We observed that when using NMS, the reference an-
notation would be dominated by the person detectors, which
tend to produce higher scores. Building a method to nor-
malize the scoring produced by all the detectors is out of
the scope of this paper.
Each reference bounding box has the property that
several methods have voted on its importance in each
frame. We refer to the tracklets that are built based on
reference bounding boxes as reference tracklets. We
provided manual annotation for the reference track-
lets to determine if they are associated with a fashion
model or not.
Garment Detection in Catwalk Videos
With these references, it is now possible to com-
pare the performance of different model configura-
tions on the catwalk video. We should emphasize
that in these experiments, no training was done on the
video, and it was only used for benchmarking.
4.3 Benchmark
In this section, we investigate the benchmarking of
our application from two different perspectives. First,
we benchmark every module of the application inde-
pendently using the reference tracklets. Second, we
benchmark the application as a whole.
To evaluate the person detectors, we only focus
on the reference tracklets associated with the fashion
models. We aimed to establish a metric that demon-
strates how often a given detector misses the bounding
boxes, which are present in the tracklets. To achieve
this, we have used the IoU 0.5 metric to verify if a
detection bounding box has some overlap with a ref-
erence bounding box and calculated the percentage of
the reference bounding boxes that were detected. Ta-
ble 3 (Left) shows the recall of reference bounding
boxes for different detectors. As expected, almost all
detectors perform reasonably well in this test.
To evaluate the tracklet classification, we applied
the visual assessment model, trained based on each
detector, to the reference tracklets and measured how
often the tracklets are classified correctly (§3 Step 4).
Table 3 (Right) shows the average precision of these
classifiers for different detectors. As can be seen, al-
most all detectors perform similarly with respect to
this metric. The experiment confirms our hypothe-
sis that we can identify the fashion models by under-
standing the visual differences between the people ap-
pearing in COCO 2014 and Modanet datasets.
To evaluate the garment detection, we created ref-
erence bounding boxes for the garments with two dis-
tinctions. (a) For better consistency, we decided to re-
move the clusters with a single bounding box, and (b)
we determined the category of the reference bounding
boxes based on majority voting. For this benchmark,
we have only focused on the garment detections on
the reference bounding boxes that are associated with
the annotated fashion models tracklets. For the whole
image detections, we considered the detections that
overlap at least 80% with a reference bounding box.
In this benchmark, we focused on how well the gar-
ments are located and identified. Since a garment can
be correctly located but incorrectly identified, we di-
vided this benchmark into two parts, (a) localization
in which we benchmark the garments as a single class
detection problem, with all the garments belonging to
one class, and (b) categorization in which we bench-
mark the garments as a multi-class detection problem.
These benchmarks are set up as standard object detec-
tion benchmarks and are done using the COCO eval-
uation tools. The results can be seen in table 4. The
experiment shows that it is much easier to localize
the garments in these videos than to correctly classify
them. It is interesting that whole image garment de-
tection performs significantly worse in all cases based
on this benchmark. This confirms our hypothesis that
the experimental setup presented for different fashion
datasets is not suitable for real-world applications.
Finally, to benchmark the application as a whole,
we applied our method on the target video and pro-
duced garment proposals for each frame. This pro-
cess includes (a) running the person detection for each
frame, (b) forming the tracklets, (c) classifying the
tracklets, and (d) producing garment proposals for
bounding boxes in tracklets that are classified as fash-
ion models. The target for this benchmarking is the
reference garment bounding boxes, which are created
based on the fashion model reference tracklets. In this
scenario, if our method makes an error and classifies a
non-fashion model tracklet as a fashion model track-
let, the garment detections based on this tracklet are
considered as false positives. Similar to the previous
benchmark, this problem is also formulated as a stan-
dard object detection benchmark using COCO evalu-
ation tools. The results of this experiment can be seen
in Table 5. We observe that most garment detectors
that are conditioned on person detections do a decent
job of localizing the garments. Further, it is noticeable
that almost all methods are failing at correctly classi-
fying the garments. This might be due to the fact that
there is a large visual disparity between the garments
in the Modanet dataset and the garments appearing in
the catwalk videos. this disparity is resulting in dif-
ferent methods identifying different categories for a
given garment. To our understanding, improving this
part of our application requires the building of cus-
tom models that are not in the scope of this paper. It
should be noticed that whole image garment detec-
tors tend to perform worse and run slower than the
garment detectors based on person detection patches.
This is true for both garment localization and catego-
rization. By comparing the data in Table 5, we can
observe that Faster RCNN 800 person detector com-
bined with Faster RCNN 512 patch garment detector
has the highest accuracy for our application.
We investigated how to utilize off-the-shelf code-
bases and datasets to solve computer vision appli-
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
cations as complex as garment detection in catwalk
videos. We showed how some of the assumptions
made in existing available datasets, such as Modanet,
are not suitable for real-world applications. We ar-
gued that to use the models trained on these datasets
in real-world applications, we might need to introduce
new assumptions to the training procedure that might
not improve the results on the original dataset but in-
crease the accuracy of the application. Finally, we
have presented a relative-benchmarking framework to
compare the accuracy of different methods for our ap-
plication without the need for extensive annotations.
As discussed, we were not able to solve all the chal-
lenges of this problem using off-the-shelf methods
(Robust garment classification) and we believe that
addressing these problems can only be done by build-
ing custom and sophisticated models.
What we discussed in this paper can be applied
to almost any computer vision application with sim-
ilar properties. In any application, one should inves-
tigate if the assumption made in the research datasets
and code-bases are relevant to the application. At the
same time, the relative-benchmark proposed in this
paper can be a valuable tool for examining these as-
sumptions and finding a correct solution to the prob-
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Garment Detection in Catwalk Videos