Generating Localized Haptic Feedback over a Spherical Surface
Patrick Coe
1 a
, Grigori Evreinov
1 b
, Mounia Ziat
2 c
and Roope Raisamo
1 d
The Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
Dept. of Information Design and Corporate Communication, Bentley University, MA, U.S.A.
High Definition Haptics, Tangible Mental Images, Virtual Tactile Exciter, Interference Maximum, Actuation
The ability to control and manipulate haptic imagery (aka imagining haptic sensations in the mind) makes
use of and extends human vision, allowing “seeing by touch”, exploring, and understanding multidimensional
information. In the purpose of exploring potential tools that can support visuo-haptic imagery, we performed
testing on a spherical surface to investigate whether the placement of actuators at key locations and their
activation at different time offsets can be used to generate dynamic movements of peak vibrations at a given
point and across the curved surface. Through our testing of the spherical structure prototypes, we have found
that offset actuations can be used to magnify vibrations at specific locations on a spherical surface. The
gathered data show that increased amplitude can be created at a given point across the surface by using the
actuation plate instead of multiple actuators affixed to the curved surface. Our plan is to use these results to
induce dynamic haptic images in a vector format across any surfaces in the future.
When interacting with graphical objects through a
tactile surface, people combine visual information
with a tangible surface such as physical buttons on
a keyboard, a mouse, or a haptic device. The force
feedback coming from the surface is used to con-
firm visual input or present general information in-
stead of sound (Fish, 2002). Still, force feedback
parameters can vary within only a limited range of
the magnitude gradient and time (length of tactile
stimuli). Moreover, in most haptic interfaces which
are based on direct finger touch, force feedback is
referred to as shared forces (those tangential to the
skin). When skin moves laterally over a sensitive sur-
face, the weight generated based on the pressure ap-
plied (65-100g) produces a contact force that leads
to orthogonal skin deformation (normal to the sur-
face). However, human sense of touch is a more so-
phisticated analyzer of processing dynamic arrays of
force vectors (e.g., when distinguishing the concave
and convex components of surfaces). That is obvi-
ous, when haptic textures and objects are simulated
with 3D haptic instruments (Culbertson et al., 2018),
but not yet widely applicable to surface haptics on
touchscreens (Kim et al., 2019) when regular haptic
exciters are used. Therefore, in order to display more
complex vector graphic haptic images than primitive
down sampling based reliefs (Loomis and Lederman,
1986; Krufka et al., 2007), dynamically actuated vir-
tual vibration sources of vector force traveling across
the display surface can be used to convey a higher
bandwidth of information to the user (Evreinova et al.,
2014; Evreinova et al., 2012; Loomis, 1981; Loomis
and Lederman, 1986; Kim et al., 2017; Oakley et al.,
2001; Shin and Choi, 2018).
By providing kinesthetic, proprioceptive, and cu-
taneous information, contact surfaces that are actively
explored by fingers deliver a rich haptic experience to
users. The method generally used for tactile simu-
lation of objects and their surfaces has been to con-
trol each “tactile pixel” (or taxel) laid out in a two-
dimensional array (Vechev et al., 2019). Taxels can-
not be used for high-definition tactile simulation of
objects, instead they have been used for sparse low-
resolution approximation of interactive surfaces and
virtual stages (Culbertson et al., 2018; Loomis and
Lederman, 1986; Krufka et al., 2007). Yet proceed-
ing from visual principles of perception (Sofia and
Jones, 2013; Shin and Choi, 2018), to mimic a most
advanced tactile display technology (Xie et al., 2017),
Coe, P., Evreinov, G., Ziat, M. and Raisamo, R.
Generating Localized Haptic Feedback over a Spherical Surface.
DOI: 10.5220/0010189800150024
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
might not work for haptic visualization because a sur-
face can be characterized by different physical prop-
erties. These need to be perceived, recognized, and
interpreted through haptic imagination as static, dy-
namic, or virtual (cross-section) array of identical el-
ements. A variety of technological approaches have
been explored for surface simulation and control of
properties (mechanical and acoustic) when explor-
ing and interacting directly or indirectly with virtual
surfaces (Evreinova et al., 2012; Evreinova et al.,
2013), simulating shapes (Evreinova et al., 2014;
Evreinova et al., 2013; Follmer et al., 2013), tex-
ture (Shin and Choi, 2018) properties such as stiff-
ness, curvedness (Follmer et al., 2013; Jang et al.,
2016), friction (M
uller-Rakow et al., 2020), and com-
pliance/elasticity (Mansour et al., 2015).
In this work, we considered properties of the seis-
mic wave propagation and interference, to investigate
the possibility of creating feelable precise high defini-
tion tactile points that could travel across a curved sur-
face and lead to the perception of an apparent tactile
motion (Burtt, 1917; Oakley et al., 2001; Park et al.,
2016; Raisamo et al., 2013). Based on this premise,
fewer actuators would be needed to create a high def-
inition vibrotactile display. This could be achieved by
precisely offsetting any number of given actuations.
Our hypothesis is that the resulting point of construc-
tive wave interference would significantly amplify the
level of vibration signal above the ambient noise at
the specific point of contact. If we are able to know
the necessary actuation offsets which are required to
create a point of maximum constructive wave interfer-
ence dynamically at every given point across the sur-
face, then a matrix of values can be stored and used
to stimulate apparent tactile motion by inducing hap-
tic imagination. An example of haptic imagination
is a music teacher asking a pupil to play the piano on
their desk. The student can imagine and feel the music
piece to be played without using the piano keys. We
can enhance this imagination, for example, with vir-
tual movable haptic vibrations that can be felt moving
across the surface and enabled by sequentially trigger-
ing the respective offsets that create a feelable moving
point of maximum interference. This position of vi-
bration interference could be dynamically positioned
in order to display information to a user in a unique
way. Tactile information could move around a user’s
hand, or a user could be instructed to focus on or fol-
low a moving virtual actuator.
Past work in this area of haptic research has
shown a similar approach of inducing points of vir-
tual actuation across a given surface by taking ad-
vantage of wave properties. For example, Enferad
and others (Enferad et al., 2019) worked on gener-
ating a controlled localized point of stimulation us-
ing voltage modulated signals to actuate piezoelectric
patches across an aluminum beam. They successfully
achieved superposition primarily using voltage phase
modulation. Charles Hudin and his team approached
a similar problem by using time-reversal wave focus-
ing (Hudin et al., 2015). A vibrometer calibrated the
time-reversal wave during a focusing stage, followed
by an actuation signal by an array of 32 actuators
bonded to the underside periphery of a glass plate.
This was successful at creating a precise, localized,
point of haptic stimulation. However, the use of a
closed loop control system raises significant difficul-
ties as it limits its practical implementation when a
contact point is hidden or suppressed by a finger in
consumer devices.
Although our current research focuses on local-
ized haptics over the surface of a hemisphere, we be-
lieve that the data and results gathered will be help-
ful for designing haptics over a multitude of differ-
ent shapes. More innovative and interesting device
form factors are continuously revealed. From curved
edges to flexible displays (Huitema, 2012). As in-
terfaces and displays arrive in increasingly complex
and nonstandard form factors, adaptable tactile out-
put will be necessary for the continued advancements
in haptics in consumer devices. Tactile click buttons
that could once be felt began to rapidly phase out in
favor of relying only on the capacitive touchscreens
found on the present devices. We can see continuing
investment in the tech industry from companies such
as Apple (Parisi and Farman, 2018) focused on the
improvement of haptic feedback. It is clear there is
demand for improved tactile feedback. As form fac-
tors evolve and we move away from the traditional
flat display, understanding how advanced haptic sig-
nals can be used to introduce high fidelity haptics will
continue to increase in relevance.
From the aspect of technical novelty, we take a
simplified approach over existing research to achieve
localized points of actuation. Although the use of a
multitude of actuators is effective, it is not practical as
it introduces complexity and cost. Furthermore, any
system that needs consistent monitoring of a surface
may be difficult to implement outside of a laboratory
setting. We aim to eliminate the aforementioned is-
sues by both reducing the quantity of actuators needed
to produce a localized point of vibration and calculat-
ing the required offsets for a given material. In ad-
dition, the understanding of wave propagation over
a spherical surface opens the techniques that will be
presented in this paper to the multitude of curved and
molded devices continuously being introduced on the
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
To test the design concept (Figure 1) explained ear-
lier, we have developed a mockup of a spherical hap-
tic display (Figures 2-6). This preliminary design is
used to test the feasibility of the virtual force actua-
tion, as well as possible ways of optimizing the con-
figuration of actuators assembly with respect to these
forces. Optimization can be adjusted by changing the
layout and the number of actuators, the parameters
of the virtual sources of vector force and the config-
uration of elementary haptic signals. The prototype
will also be used to measure the resulting construc-
tive wave interference propagation across the curved
display surface. Measurements from related research
have demonstrated that it is possible to achieve ac-
curate localization of increased vibration at a desired
point of contact through controlled offset of multiple
signals (Coe et al., 2019b; Coe et al., 2019a).
Figure 1: The variants of haptic actuators assembly affixed
to the actuation plane. 1-5 - Lofelt L5 (1-4) actuators and
Tectonic exciter TEAX25C10-8HS (5). Red arrows indicate
linear motion, while green arrows indicate angular motion.
Black arrows indicate actuator movement. 8 - Represents
a targeted point of increased magnitude or vibration; 6 - an
actuation plate; 7 - a spherical haptic surface.
To generate a virtual vibration source at a point
on the curved contact display surface, we used a spe-
cific configuration of powerful unidirectional voice
coil actuators (Tectonics and Lofelt). The concept
is defined as the Volumetric Tactile Display (VTD)
and presented in Figure 1. It consists of construc-
Figure 2: Top view of the first spherical prototype with cen-
timeter marks across copper tape used for sensor measure-
ment placement.
tive wave interference propagating sequentially to the
specific points of contact with the skin. The resulting
point of localized vibration is able to properly mediate
haptic signals by integrating spatially and temporally
discrete sensory inputs.
Figure 3: Side view of the first spherical prototype with
centimeter marks across copper tape used for sensor mea-
surement placement.
To gather preliminary data, we built two dome
shaped prototypes. The purpose of each prototype
was to investigate multiple methods of localization
that aim to achieve the same goal. One sphere focused
on wave interference, the other was based on princi-
ples of vector forces. Successfully testing each proto-
type individually was done before attempting to com-
bine both principles in the future. The design of both
prototypes was built within a 116mm diameter poly-
carbonate dome. In both domes wires were run from
the inside out to an external motor controller (L298).
Generating Localized Haptic Feedback over a Spherical Surface
The motor controller used an Arduino DUE chosen
for its high speed of 84Mhz, allowing high preci-
sion outputs and the collection of data at intervals of
5.3µm. A copper strip had been used for a precise cal-
ibration of vector forces (when micro-displacements
over touch surface are measured with the MicroSense
sensor) traveling over the Spherical Haptic Surface
(SHS) from the layout of unidirectional actuators.
Figure 4: Top view of the second spherical prototype with
centimeter marks used for sensor measurement placement.
This construction consists of four Lofelt L5 actuators and a
single Tectonic exciter TEAX25C10-8HS at its base.
The first dome was used to test the possible wave
interference of seismic signals generated by actuators
affixed directly to a spherical haptic surface. It con-
sisted of four Tectonic actuators (TEAX1402-8) at-
tached from the inside and placed in vertices of the
tetrahedron (Figure 3 and 2). Localization of the vec-
tor force at the desired point of contact over SHS was
to be achieved through the controlled offset of multi-
ple actuation signals. The controlled offset actuation
aimed to shift the point where constructive wave inter-
ference occurred over the surface of the hemisphere.
In the second dome (Figure 5 and 4) we focused
on testing the principles of a shifting magnitude. We
implemented these effects by varying magnitudes of
lateral and vertical movements. The installed more
powerful next-generation Lofelt technology L5 actu-
ators were affixed to the actuation plate along the X
and Y axis, while a powerful Tectonic exciter was
used to actuate vertically in the direction of the Z-
axis. Using this configuration, we planned to rise up
the resulting force of seismic signals initially inter-
fered in orthogonal directions across from an actua-
Figure 5: Side view of the second spherical prototype with
red markers every two centimeters used for measurement
tion plate by applying different magnitudes of actua-
tion in the vertical and horizontal axis. Nevertheless,
as displayed in Figure 1, unidirectional haptic actua-
tors could be assembled in a different way to generate
both linear (red) and angular (green) momentum of
forces (torques).
During development of the actuation plate, it was
found that the hydrophobic material (such as the
Gorilla-glass, Teflon, and silicone) can affect the
sense of convexity vs. concavity at the point of fin-
ger’s contact. Modifying the thickness of a material
such as glass also has an impact on the vibration that
is to be felt (Xu et al., 2019). The result is promis-
ing for future verification through a user study. This
opens new ways of simulating volumetric shapes in
virtual and augmented reality. Thus, the combina-
tion of new material properties and actuation technol-
ogy can allow us to induce complex haptic sensations
which are necessary for developing haptic imagina-
tion in both healthy people and those with perceptual
Besides physical parameters, personal exploration
behavioral features will impact on perceiving multi-
ple tactile information gathered when interacting with
SHS during the perception of mental images of the
objects presented. Therefore, user-centered approach
will be used to further clarify the problems and lim-
itations of the proposed interaction techniques (Fig-
ure 6). The spherical surface as shown complements
the shape of the hand. This allows tactile feedback to
propagate across the palm and fingers.
In the design of the second dome, we focused on
the effects of varying magnitudes of lateral and ver-
tical movements. Due to its shape, wave interference
not only existed and occurred traveling over the sur-
face, but the entire object was moved by the vertical
and horizontal movement generated by attached actu-
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Top: Hand at rest placed over spherical prototype
demonstrating a comfortable position Middle: Exploratory
behavior demonstrated by touching with the finger pads
only. Bottom: Four fingers elongated straight forward, as
if trying to feel the flat edge of a surface.
ators. Therefore, it was possible to magnify a point of
maximum vibration by applying different magnitudes
of actuation in the vertical and horizontal axis. These
magnitude points of maximum could also be used
in combination with wave interference maximums to
amplify tactile signals and focus given vibration de-
tected on the surface.
We explored two methods to determine the optimal
offset in creating a point of peak magnitude vibra-
tion at around five centimeters from the base of the
hemisphere. This was measured by traveling verti-
cally along the surface of the sphere from the first ac-
tuator (A, Figure 2 and 3). The first method consisted
of testing a range of offset vibrations on the sphere be-
tween an initial pair of actuators (AB). After finding
the offset required to reach a point of maximum vi-
bration interference between these two actuators, we
tested an additional actuator, offsetting this third ac-
tuator against the existing offset pulse of the first two
actuators (ABC). This process was repeated for the
fourth actuator, offsetting the fourth actuator against
the existing offset pulse of the previous three actua-
tors (ABCD).
Measurements were taken with a MicroSense sen-
sor (Model 5622-LR Probe, with 0.5 mm x 2.5 mm
sensor). As it is a capacitive sensor, a copper strip was
required to be placed over the surface of the sphere for
measurements to take place. The sensor has an accu-
racy of 0-200um with noise of 3.44 um-rms @5kHz
amplified with Gauging Electronics until 10V and at-
tenuated to a range of 0 to 5V to make it compati-
ble with the Arduino’s analogous input. The sensor
placement was adjusted to follow the curvature of the
4.1 Constructive Wave Interference
Figure 7 shows that the addition of the third actua-
tor (C) increased displacement significantly while the
addition of the fourth actuator (D) introduced a very
small increase. Specifically, a possible constructive
wave interference happened between the first two ac-
tuators A and B, with actuator A, triggered 2ms be-
fore actuator B, creating a displacement of 183µm.
Triggering the third actuator 3ms after actuator B in-
creased this vibration to 257µm. However, trigger-
ing the fourth actuator provided very little increase
to the peak vibration. The fourth actuator (D) ac-
tivated 24ms before actuator A increased the vibra-
tion to 276µm. That said, actuator (D) can still pos-
itively influence the overall vibration. A deconstruc-
tive pulse provided by actuating actuator (D) 19ms
before actuator A, reduced the vibration to 203µm.
Because we were unsure whether the actuators in
a spherical setup would interact with each other in the
Generating Localized Haptic Feedback over a Spherical Surface
Figure 7: Measured maximum displacement using offsets
for two (AB), three (ABC) and four (ABCD) actuators.
same way as that of a flat actuation plane, we pro-
ceeded with more thorough testing by trying out every
possible combination of offsets between each of the
four actuators for 15ms before and after each other.
The optimal offset found by this process resulted in
a maximum displacement of 276µm which is identi-
cal to the previous result when all four actuators were
Figure 8: Measured maximum displacement using offsets
when scanning through all four actuators simultaneously.
Figure 8 shows the maximum displacement when
using the full range offset sweep test to determine off-
sets required to reach a maximum displacement. The
found offsets differ, indicating that there are multiple
possible variances of reaching a peak vibration max-
imum. We also found the offset is the result of ac-
tuators (B) and (C) actuated 5ms after actuator (A)
and actuator (D) actuated 9ms after actuator (C). Al-
though we believe the data gathered using the method
of cycling through every possible combination pro-
vides very accurate offsets, the method is hindered by
the length of time required to measure all combina-
tions along with the amount of data that is required to
be collected.
Based on this data, we believe that while some
waves likely travel across the surface, the semi flex-
ible attachment to the base entails that actuators are
likely pulling the entire object. We cannot only con-
sider wave propagation delay; we need to consider the
movement of the entire dome. Besides calculating the
required offset delays, we must test the ideal magni-
tudes and phase of each signal applied to each actua-
4.2 Combination of Peak Displacement
Figure 9: Offset required for maximum peak vibrations for
Lofelt L5 actuators with and without Tectonic actuator (cen-
ter coil).
To address the previous issue related to wave propa-
gation, we performed additional testing by combining
different magnitudes of actuation with offset trigger-
ing. For this test we used the second prototype (Figure
4 and 5) with Lofelt L5 actuators for X and Y vibra-
tions, and a central Tectonic actuator for movement
along the Z axis. More specifically, we actuated the
Lofelt L5 actuators across the X-axis for 10ms along
with the central actuator for 1ms. This configuration
should reduce the magnitude by which the central ac-
tuator is actuated in relation to the Lofelt L5 actuators.
We tested different offsets to find the peak vibration
offset (Figure 10). The data displayed in Figure 9
shows a trend until about the third point when the an-
gle of the sphere begins to be more horizontal. The
implication of this trend is that we are not only expe-
riencing forces attributed by wave interference verti-
cally placed actuators, but also vertical displacement
of the entire hemisphere produced by the horizontally
placed actuator. In the future, we would need to mea-
sure different magnitudes for a set offset rather than a
shifting offset. Magnitude can be adjusted by chang-
ing the size of the pulse or adjusting the voltage pro-
vided to a given actuator. Further testing should mea-
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
sure the range of these adjustments and their effects
on the resulting vibration.
Figure 10: Time offset required for maximum peak vibra-
tions while activating Lofelt L5 actuator (1) for 10ms and
tectonic actuator (5) for 1ms.
The high-fidelity spherical display opens a new form
of interactivity to a wide range of users. The sphere
encompasses a natural form where a user can rest their
hands on for extended periods of time. As we con-
tinue to see increased access to a multitude of inter-
active technologies, we will need to begin to explore
new intuitive methods of feedback and interaction.
Our visual culture has a strong impact on human
intellectual and creative potential as well as the de-
velopment of perceptual and motor abilities (Kant-
ner et al., 1968). Despite the importance of hap-
tics in development of human perception, once spa-
tial visual representations of distance, size, shape,
and motion have been developed, visual information
tends to dominate over haptic perception (Burtt, 1917)
(Klevberg and Anderson, 2002). Blind and visu-
ally impaired users often lack access to much of the
content available in visual form (Jones et al., 2006).
Coincidentally learning is often shown to improve
with the aid visual feedback, often leaving those with
visual impairment struggling in classrooms. Fortu-
nately, it has been shown that with the introduction of
haptic feedback this gap between visual learning can
begin to be bridged.
The use of haptics in education can be expanded to
aid all students compelled and connected with a sub-
ject, building a bridge between for example the sci-
ences and physical reality. A subject that has been
studied with success by David Grow and his study
of educational robotics (Grow et al., 2007) and more
generally by Michael Pantelios (Pantelios et al., 2004)
with input gloves and force-feedback devices. Much
research available (Hamza Lup and Stefan, 2018;
andez et al., 2016; Christodoulou et al., 2005;
Minogue and Jones, 2006) would suggest that in-
troducing haptics in the educational environment at
all levels can improve learning among students. A
spherical surface as the one we are experimenting
with can provide a durable polycarbonate surface that
can withstand heavy, repeated use. It also provides
a unique surface for students to explore. It would
be possible to be coupled with a spherical projection
(Ferreira et al., 2014; Zuffo et al., 2014; Zhou et al.,
2019) across the surface that would display an inter-
active image or video that can be explored with tactile
As we do not limit our idea to any size and expect
to find that we will be able to replicate our findings in
larger and smaller spherical shapes we open the idea
of spherical haptics to a multitude of use cases. We
imagine a haptic hemisphere in place of an analog
control stick on a game controller. Apart from pro-
viding accurate input, feedback can be manipulated
to create a variety of effects. For example, the texture
could change as you go over rough terrain in a game,
or the direction of an enemy could be made apparent
by the localization of the feedback. We can imagine
a larger sphere could be used to control heavy equip-
ment with accuracy over a 3D space, for example a
crane lifting a concrete slab. A spherical display at the
center of a round table could be used as an interactive
map to help a team to collaborate with localized feed-
back providing additional information that could re-
duce visual overload. Localized feedback could alert
a taskforce of underground structures or other areas
of interest.
Manufacturing technologies continuously move
forward. We are moving away from the rigid limita-
tions of consumer electronics design, as the ongoing
trend of miniaturization along with the introduction
of flexible displays and new molded integrated cir-
cuits mean devices can begin to take any imaginable
shape or form. As we know, many user interfaces al-
ready have large areas of significant curvature, such as
a mouse, gamepad, or even a vehicle steering wheel.
By introducing vibration that can be localized at any
point across these surfaces we increase the bandwidth
available to the user, with the ability to introduce new,
more natural, interaction cues.
To delve deeper, we are aware that current virtual
reality headsets incorporate believable visual feed-
back but have yet to incorporate high-fidelity haptic
feedback at a widespread consumer level. Incorpo-
rating this increased level of fidelity to current con-
trollers could bring a new level of immersion to cur-
rent technologies (Al-Sada et al., 2018).
Generating Localized Haptic Feedback over a Spherical Surface
There is also potential for such a spherical device
for use in public spaces. The added benefit of pre-
cise tactile feedback could not only make, for exam-
ple, an information kiosk more widely accessible, but
also help users navigate through the system in a noisy
environment such as a mall (Evreinov and Raisamo,
Interestingly, our current research finds that the
offsets used to create localized vibration points hap-
pens within milliseconds of each other. This im-
plies that it may be possible to trigger multiple off-
sets rapidly and sequentially to produce multiple focal
points that may be perceived as simultaneous. This
would provide an additional avenue in the creation of
haptic patters, and potentially used for the develop-
ment of haptic imagination.
The eventual goal in this research is to achieve a
perceivable movable actuation that can be mediated
to any location across the spherical surface. What we
would define as a virtual haptic actuator. We would
still need to investigate this aspect further to achieve
ideal combinations that produce the most efficient
(easily distinguishable) multiple afferent flows, in-
creasing in strength to a specific point or along edges
across the sphere’s surface. We would also need to
explore how wave interference can be combined with
differing magnitude combinations to increase the pre-
cision and force of a given vibration across the surface
of the sphere, as well as by taking into account per-
ceptual interference of other receptive fields that can
affect fingertip tactile sensation (Lakshminarayanan
et al., 2015).
Intermediate materials have been known to en-
hance the sense of touch over an object. Cellophane
film, for example, has been used by auto body shops
to examine polishing on automobiles (Sano et al.,
2004). Additionally, the Touch Enhancing Pad (Perry
and Wright, 2009), a patented tool composed of lu-
bricant sandwiched between two thin plastic sheets is
useful for detecting tumors in the breast tissue. There-
fore, it would be of interest to test different materials
in an aim to enhance the perceivable localized feed-
back in our haptic spheres.
As we continue this research, we will get a bet-
ter understanding of the use cases this emerging tech-
nique can provide to users.
Spherical interfaces do exist (SSI, 2020; Benko et al.,
2008; Daniel et al., 2010; Williamson et al., 2015;
Bolton et al., 2011) yet are still not commonly in use.
The proposed platform for high-fidelity haptic feed-
back opens many possibilities of future interaction by
touch. As the shape of the sphere conforms to the
hand in a natural resting position (Jeannerod, 1984;
McRae and McRae, 1977) it can be used for extended
periods of time as a general computing interface aug-
mented with rich tangible information.
When exploring medical imagery, hidden or ob-
scured entities and deeper structures of palpated ob-
ject either biological (tumor) or physical body (defect
inspection) can be enhanced via localized haptic feed-
back. In the same manner, the standard user interface
could be enhanced, for example by allowing a user to
feel and select icons on a desktop that are underneath
a document they are working on without the need to
minimize or change windows.
The spherical surface requires a much lower range
of motion to interact with, which can be beneficial for
anyone with an injury or illness that impairs move-
ment. The high-fidelity feedback can also help those
with poor vision or no vision to navigate an operating
system using detailed haptic imagery.
The spherical interface is not something we see
limited in size. A larger child size spherical interface
could allow children to explore educational material
in a more immersive style. An adult sized spherical
display could act as a kiosk in a mall providing infor-
mation that can often be confusing on a visual only
flat display, such as orientation or direction. A large
sphere could be used as an interface at the center of a
circular meeting table, allowing users to collaborate
with each other. Often meetings are interrupted to
bring up minor details, for example to let a coworker
know that a file has been sent, or that they need to
step out. This information could be conveyed using
high definition haptics, eliminating distracting inter-
A haptic spherical interface also allows interest-
ing new methods for creating secure entry into a de-
vice. For example, a passcode based on identify-
ing localized light-pressure patterns can actively be
shifted throughout the surface yet discovered via lo-
calization. Although the input pattern would remain
the same, the continuous shifting of the physical lo-
cation would make it difficult for a third party to ac-
curately capture the passcode. From an outside per-
spective every physical input of the passcode would
appear as if it were unique.
Overall, we see a wide range of possibilities that
can take advantage of the use of a high-fidelity spher-
ical haptic interface. Unlike many interfaces that cur-
rently exist in the consumer space, we imagine the
spherical haptic interface to be highly adaptable and
open to a plethora of design use cases.
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Based on the instrumental measurements of construc-
tive interference of the spherical structure prototypes,
we have found that offset actuations can be used
to magnify vibrations at specific points on a spher-
ical surface. These magnifications can be created
through a combination of two methods: first, through
wave interference where we can use the properties of
constructive wave interference to create an amplified
point on the surface, and second, through the combi-
nation of peak displacement magnitudes, where dif-
fering forces are applied to the X, Y, and Z axis of an
object to increase forces felt at a certain point across
the surface. The current work demonstrates that a lo-
calized vibration effect is reproducible over a curved
surface. Second, using magnitude combinations, we
obtained preliminary data showing that there is an ef-
fect of increased amplitude at a given point across the
In this research, we have repeatedly observed that
once offsets are found and set, the resulting output
stays remarkably consistent. Sustainability is impor-
tant, as localization offsets should only need to be
gathered once for a given actuator configuration. It
has also been demonstrated that measured losses due
to attenuation for individual actuators are compen-
sated for by the use of the multiple installed actuators.
The level of localization shown has a potential to
improve users’ immersion in XR environments com-
pared to existing global non-localized vibrations that
induce a blurred sense. This distributed haptic reso-
lution can be compared to visual and auditory propa-
gation field. The improvement of haptic fidelity in of
itself aims to improve the user experience in a similar
fashion as other sensory modalities.
This work demonstrates that the use of a virtual vi-
bration point can be achieved over three-dimensional
curved structures. This may allow for the use of fewer
actuators in a variety of feedback interfaces when cre-
ating high-fidelity haptics.
This work was supported by project Multimodal In-
Vehicle Interaction and Intelligent Information Pre-
sentation (MIVI), funded by Business Finland (grant
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HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications