Comparing Privacy Policies of Government Agencies and Companies:
A Study using Machine-learning-based Privacy Policy Analysis Tools
Razieh Nokhbeh Zaeem
and K. Suzanne Barber
Center for Identity at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, U.S.A.
Privacy Policy, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Machine Learning, Government Agencies, Companies,
European Union, United States.
Companies and government agencies are motivated by different missions when collecting and using Personally
Identifiable Information (PII). Companies have strong incentives to monetize such information, whereas gov-
ernment agencies are generally not-for-profit. Besides this difference in missions, they are subject to distinct
regulations that govern their collection and use of PII. Yet, do privacy policies of companies and government
agencies reflect these differences and distinctions? In this paper, we take advantage of two of the most re-
cent machine-learning-based privacy policy analysis tools, Polisis and PrivacyCheck, and five corpora of over
800 privacy policies to answer this question. We discover that government agencies are considerably better
in protecting (or not collecting for that matter) sensitive financial information, Social Security Numbers, and
user location. On the other hand, many of them fail to directly address children’s privacy or describe security
measures taken to protect user data. Furthermore, we observe that E.U government agencies perform well,
with respect to notifying users of policy change, giving users the right to edit/delete their data, and limiting
data retention. Our work confirms the common-sense understanding that government agencies collect less
personal information than companies, but discovers nuances, as listed above, along the way. Finally, we make
our data publicly available, enhancing reproducibility and enabling future analyses.
Privacy policies have become the de facto way of
communicating privacy practices of companies, gov-
ernment agencies, or any other organization with
their consumers/clients. These privacy policies out-
line how the company or government agency handles,
shares, discloses, and uses Personally Identifiable In-
formation (PII) of its consumers or clients. PII is de-
fined as “any information relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person”
(Union, ) such as name,
email address, and credit card number.
Companies and government agencies alike collect
PII. They are, however, motivated by different mis-
sions and governed by different regulations with re-
gard to PII. The research question we answer in this
paper is that if (and how) companies and government
agencies are different in their privacy policies.
1.1 Missions of Companies and
Government Agencies
Companies are in the business of making money. As a
result, their collection and use of PII involves moneti-
zation, for example, through advertisement. On the
other hand, government agencies are generally not
for-profit entities and therefore may have much less
motivation to collect personal data and sell or other-
wise monetize it. Therefore, privacy policies of com-
panies and government agencies, one might argue,
must be different. This difference in missions, how-
ever, does not negate the importance of our research
question. We aim to exactly quantify such differences
through statistically significant results and find unex-
pected similarities and differences as well.
1.2 Regulations Governing Privacy
Many general data privacy regulations apply only to
Zaeem, R. and Barber, K.
Comparing Privacy Policies of Government Agencies and Companies: A Study using Machine-learning-based Privacy Policy Analysis Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0010180700290040
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 29-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
is the newest regulation in the E.U. law on data
protection and privacy. The key principles of the
GDPR are (1) Lawfulness, fairness, and trans-
parency, (2) Purpose limitation, (3) Data mini-
mization, (4) Accuracy, (5) Storage limitation, (6)
Security, and (7) Accountability.
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is
a state statute to enhance privacy rights and con-
sumer protection for residents of California.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Fair Infor-
mation Practice Principles (FIPP) are recommen-
dations, though not legally enforced, for maintain-
ing privacy-friendly, consumer-oriented data col-
lection practices and include Notice, Choice, Ac-
cess, and Integrity.
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
(COPPA) protects the personal information of
children under 13.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requires
financial institutions (i.e. companies) to explain
their information-sharing practices to their cus-
tomers and to safeguard sensitive data.
The Health Insurance Portability and Account-
ability Act (HIPPA) applies to health care
providers, suppliers and vendors (business asso-
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)
regulates the collection of information by tele-
phone service providers.
Some regulations, however, are dedicated to ensuring
the privacy of data when collected by the government.
For example, in the U.S.:
The Privacy Act of 1974 is the primary law in the
U.S. that governs government collection, mainte-
nance, use, and dissemination of PII by federal
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) governs
the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemina-
tion of PII that is maintained in systems of records
by federal agencies.
Federal Information Security Management Act
(FISMA) mandates that each federal agency im-
plements an information security program for the
information and information systems that support
the operations and assets of the agency.
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act
(ECPA) restricts the government’s access and dis-
closure of electronic communication.
In this paper, we investigate whether contrasting mis-
sions and different regulations have resulted in dif-
fering privacy policies among government agencies
versus corporations. We study a total of 550 privacy
policies of companies and 285 policies of government
agencies through privacy policy analysis tools.
1.3 Automatic Analysis of Privacy
Privacy policy analysis tools utilize machine learn-
ing and natural language processing to automatically
extract information from privacy policies. Because
privacy policies are long, cumbersome to read, and
difficult to comprehend for their final consumers (Er-
makova et al., 2014; Milne et al., 2006; Graber et al.,
2002; McDonald and Cranor, 2008), researchers have
developed tools to summarize these policies automat-
ically. Some of the most recent such tools are Poli-
(Harkous et al., 2018) and PrivacyCheck
et al., 2018; Zaeem and Barber, 2017).
Interestingly, these tools have found a new use in
addition to assisting final consumers in understand-
ing privacy policies: researchers have leveraged these
tools to automatically analyze huge corpora of privacy
policies and study their statistics. For instance, both
Polisis and PrivacyCheck have been utilized to study
the effect of the GDPR on the privacy landscape (Lin-
den et al., 2018; Zaeem and Barber, 2020).
1.4 Comparing Privacy Policies of
Government Agencies and
In this work, we leverage privacy policy analysis tools
to automatically compare privacy policies of compa-
nies and government agencies. We obtained, from in-
dependent research groups, two privacy policy analy-
sis tools, and three corpora (totaling 550) of corporate
privacy policies. In addition, we crawled the official
comprehensive lists of the United States federal gov-
ernment agencies and the European Union agencies,
and hence added two respective corpora (totaling 285)
of government agencies’ privacy policies.
We find that both U.S. and E.U. agencies protect
PII (such as Credit Card Number and Location data)
better than companies or even do not collect them in
the first place. On the other hand, many of them fail
to directly address children’s privacy or describe se-
curity measures taken to protect user data. We also
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
find that E.U. government agencies’ polices are supe-
rior to their U.S. counterparts, with respect to notify-
ing users of policy changes, giving users the right to
edit/delete their data, and limiting data retention—all
of which are GDPR tenets.
We make the following contributions:
1. We are the first to compare privacy policies of
government agencies with companies, whether
manually or automatically.
2. We utilize inferential statistics to measure the sig-
nificance and degree of association in our results.
3. We made publicly available our collected and
data-mined source data, including links to all pri-
vacy policies, downloaded text used in the exper-
iments, and the analytical results of running pri-
vacy policy analysis tools on them.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tions 2 elaborates on the privacy policy analysis tools.
Section 3 discusses the privacy policy corpora em-
ployed in this analysis. Section 4 presents the experi-
ments and results. Section 6 covers the related work,
and finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.
We seek to compare privacy policies in an automated
and scalable manner through the use of privacy pol-
icy analysis tools. Therefore, we utilize the most re-
cent tools we found in the literature that automatically
summarize privacy policies:
1. PrivacyCheck (Zaeem et al., 2018; Zaeem and
Barber, 2017) was developed at the University
of Texas at Austin. PrivacyCheck is a machine
learning tool, released as web browser extensions
for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, that au-
tomatically summarizes a privacy policy to an-
swer ten fundamental questions concerning an or-
ganization’s PII security and privacy protections.
The Chrome PrivacyCheck extension currently
has 901 users.
2. Polisis (Harkous et al., 2018) is a browser ex-
tension, also available for Google Chrome and
Mozilla Firefox, that takes advantage of deep
learning to summarize what PII the privacy policy
claims to be collecting and sharing. The Chrome
Polisis extension currently has 1,011 users.
2.1 Background: PrivacyCheck
PrivacyCheck (Zaeem et al., 2018; Zaeem and Bar-
ber, 2017) utilizes classification methods, particularly
Naive Bayes, to answer ten basic questions about the
privacy and security of user data according to a pri-
vacy policy. PrivacyCheck was trained using 400
training policies against manually extracted answers
for these ten questions. When analyzing a new pri-
vacy policy, PrivacyCheck employs trained classifiers
to assign an answer to each of the ten questions.
These ten questions were compiled from previous
work, e.g., the work of the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (Regard, 1980), and
the FTC FIPP (FTC, 2000). According to the Privacy-
Check extension for the Google Chrome web browser,
these ten questions are as follows.
1. Email Address: how does the site handle your
email address?
2. Credit Card Number: how does the site handle
your credit card number and home address?
3. Social Security Number: how does the site handle
your Social Security number?
4. Ads and Marketing: does the site use or share
your personally identifiable information for mar-
keting purposes?
5. Location: does the site track or share your loca-
6. Collecting PII of Children: does the site collect
personally identifiable information from children
under 13?
7. Sharing with Law Enforcement: does the site
share your information with law enforcement?
8. Policy Change: does the site notify you or allow
you to opt out when their privacy policy changes?
9. Control of Data: does the site allow you to edit or
delete your information from its records?
10. Data Aggregation: does the site collect or share
aggregated data related to your identity or behav-
The possible answer to each of the above questions is
one of the three risk levels: Green, Yellow, and Red,
for low, medium, and high risk, respectively. The
risk levels for each question, according to the same
Chrome extension, are as displayed in Table 1 (from
previous work (Zaeem et al., 2018)).
2.2 Background: Polisis
At its core, Polisis (Harkous et al., 2018) is a neu-
ral network classifier trained on 130,000 privacy poli-
cies retrieved from the Google Play store. Polisis
Comparing Privacy Policies of Government Agencies and Companies: A Study using Machine-learning-based Privacy Policy Analysis Tools
Table 1: Risk levels for privacy factors, from the authors of PrivacyCheck (Zaeem et al., 2018).
Privacy Factor Green Risk Level Yellow Risk Level Red Risk Level
1. Email Address Not asked for Used for the intended service Shared w/ third parties
2. Credit Card Number Not asked for Used for the intended service Shared w/ third parties
3. Social Security Number Not asked for Used for the intended service Shared w/ third parties
4. Ads and Marketing PII not used for marketing PII used for marketing PII shared for marketing
5. Location Not tracked Used for the intended service Shared w/ third parties
6. Collecting PII of Children Not collected Not mentioned Collected
7. Sharing w/ Law Enforcement PII not recorded Legal docs required Legal docs not required
8. Policy Change Posted w/ opt out option Posted w/o opt out option Not posted
9. Control of Data Edit/delete Edit only No edit/delete
10. Data Aggregation Not aggregated Aggregated w/o PII Aggregated w/ PII
segments a privacy policy and automatically anno-
tates each segment with a set of labels, classifying
segments based on coarse- and fine-grained classifi-
The questions Polisis answers are based on the ten
privacy taxonomy of Wilson et al. (OPP-115) (Wilson
et al., 2016a) and are as follows:
1. First Party Collection/Use: how and why does the
site collects PII?
2. Third Party Sharing/Collection: how is PII shared
with or collected by third parties through this site?
3. User Choice/Control: what are the choices and
control options available to users?
4. User Access, Edit, & Deletion: if and how do
users may access, edit, or delete their informa-
5. Data Retention: how long is user information
6. Data Security: how is user information protected?
7. Policy Change: if and how will users be informed
about changes to the privacy policy?
8. Do Not Track: are Do Not Track signals for online
tracking and advertising honored?
9. International & Specific Audiences: practices that
pertain only to a specific group of users (e.g., chil-
dren, Europeans).
10. Other: additional sub-labels not covered above.
Each of the above top-level taxonomies are further
broken down to lower level sets of policy attributes
with a possible set of values or answers. The list of
answers is extensive and can be found elsewhere (Wil-
son et al., 2016a).
In this section, we first review the three corpora of
corporate privacy policies, followed by the two cor-
pora of government agencies’ privacy policies.
3.1 Corpora of Companies
We experiment with three corpora of online privacy
policies of 400, 50, and 100 companies.
1. The Stock Market Companies. The authors of
PrivacyCheck complied the first corpus of 400
policies by considering 10% of all the compa-
nies listed on NYSE, Nasdaq, and AMEX stock
markets (Zaeem et al., 2018; Zaeem and Barber,
2. The Web Search Companies. The authors of Pri-
vacyCheck selected the second corpus of 50 pri-
vacy policies through a web search (Zaeem et al.,
2018; Zaeem and Barber, 2017) for “privacy pol-
3. The Mobile App Companies. The authors of
Polisis and Pribots crawled the Google Play Store
for privacy policies of mobile applications. We
obtained our third corpus from them, and after
accounting for duplicate and similar policy texts,
we used a corpus of 100 unique policies (Hark-
ous et al., 2018; Harkous et al., 2016; Zaeem and
Barber, 2020) for this research effort.
3.2 Corpora of Government Agencies
We gathered two corpora of online privacy policies of
249 U.S. and 36 E.U. government agencies.
1. Starting from the official comprehensive list of
federal U.S. government agencies at https://www., we crawled the web to
list one URL of a privacy policy per each U.S.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
government agency. After deleting repetitive
URLs (as some agencies link to the same privacy
policy), we distilled a corpus of 249 privacy poli-
cies. We further manually verified that all the col-
lected links do indeed point to a privacy policy.
2. Starting from the official listing of E.U. agencies
agencies en, we reached all the 51 E.U. agen-
cies’ websites and fetched all of their privacy
policies, also commonly known as “personal data
protection” or “legal notice” on these websites.
After deleting duplicates, 43 policies remained
including 7 pdf files. However, neither Polisis nor
PrivacyCheck can analyze pdf files. Therefore,
we ignored the pdf files and used the remaining
36 privacy policies of E.U. agencies.
With help from their corresponding authors to access
their API, we ran Polisis and PrivacyCheck on the ve
corpora in late 2019 and early 2020 and recorded the
4.1 PrivacyCheck Results
Figures 1 and 2 show how PrivacyCheck scores the
U.S. and E.U. government agencies’ privacy policies,
respectively, while Figures 3, 4, and 5 display the
result of running PrivacyCheck on corporate privacy
policies in the three corpora. Each bar displays the
number of privacy policies in the corresponding cor-
pus with a given risk level color. The figures are
scaled to be visually comparable in terms of the per-
centage in each corpus.
We utilize statistical analysis to study the differ-
ences between the corpora. Using cross tabulation in
the IBM SPSS software
, we measure the statistical
significance of the PrivacyCheck returned risk levels
(Tables 2 to 11). Throughout this paper: we use
α = .01. For all of the PrivacyCheck factors p < .001,
so the results are significant at p < .01.
We further measure Cramer’s V, one of the most
common chi-square-based measures of nominal asso-
ciation. V ranges between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating
no association and 1 showing complete association.
The results of the chi-square test for statistical signif-
icance and V for association measurement are shown
in the last row of each table.
With respect to the following privacy factors, both
U.S. and E.U. government agencies protect PII better
Figure 1: Privacy policies of the 249 U.S. government
agencies: the distribution of PrivacyCheck risk levels.
Figure 2: Privacy policies of the 36 E.U. government agen-
cies: the distribution of PrivacyCheck risk levels.
than companies:
Credit Card Number. (Table 3): There is no pol-
icy with a red risk level (PII shared with third par-
ties) in either of the government corpora. In addition,
many more are at the green level (PII not asked for),
compared to the corporate policies.
Social Security Number. (Table 4): Almost all
of the government agencies’ policies are at the green
level—they do not collect this PII.
Location. (Table 6): The vast majority of gov-
ernment agencies do not track location and are at the
Comparing Privacy Policies of Government Agencies and Companies: A Study using Machine-learning-based Privacy Policy Analysis Tools
Table 2: PrivacyCheck results for Email Address.
Red Yellow Green
EU 0 36 0
% within Corpus 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
US 0 249 0
% within Corpus 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
APP 4 96 0
% within Corpus 4.00% 96.00% 0.00%
STOCK 55 335 10
% within Corpus 13.80% 83.80% 2.50%
WEB 2 48 0
% within Corpus 4.00% 96.00% 0.00%
Total 61 764 10
% within Corpus 7.30% 91.50% 1.20%
(8, N = 835) = 61.89, p < .001,V = .193.
Table 3: PrivacyCheck results for Credit Card Number.
Red Yellow Green
EU 0 5 31
% within Corpus 0.00% 13.90% 86.10%
US 0 26 223
% within Corpus 0.00% 10.40% 89.60%
APP 2 53 45
% within Corpus 2.00% 53.00% 45.00%
STOCK 32 151 217
% within Corpus 8.00% 37.80% 54.30%
WEB 2 34 14
% within Corpus 4.00% 68.00% 28.00%
Total 36 269 530
% within Corpus 4.30% 32.20% 63.50%
(8, N = 835) = 153.89, p < .001,V = .304.
Table 4: PrivacyCheck results for Social Security Number.
Red Yellow Green
EU 1 1 34
% within Corpus 2.80% 2.80% 94.40%
US 0 4 245
% within Corpus 0.00% 1.60% 98.40%
APP 3 6 91
% within Corpus 3.00% 6.00% 91.00%
STOCK 42 69 289
% within Corpus 10.50% 17.30% 72.30%
WEB 4 1 45
% within Corpus 8.00% 2.00% 90.00%
Total 50 81 704
% within Corpus 6.00% 9.70% 84.30%
(8, N = 835) = 91.44, p < .001,V = .234.
Figure 3: Privacy policies of the 400 stock market compa-
nies: the distribution of PrivacyCheck risk levels.
Figure 4: Privacy policies of the 50 web search companies:
the distribution of PrivacyCheck risk levels.
green level.
With respect to one factor, government agencies
perform poorly in comparison. Collecting PII of
Children (Table 7): Above 80% of the three corpora
of corporate policies are rated at the green level—they
do not collect children’s information without parental
consent. However, the government agencies have a
lot of policies at the yellow level—i.e., no mention of
children’s privacy. The underlying reason might be
that government agencies are not presumed to target
children as users.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: PrivacyCheck results for Ads and Marketing.
Red Yellow Green
EU 0 36 0
% within Corpus 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
US 0 230 19
% within Corpus 0.00% 92.40% 7.60%
APP 1 99 0
% within Corpus 1.00% 99.00% 0.00%
STOCK 55 293 52
% within Corpus 13.80% 73.30% 13.00%
WEB 0 49 1
% within Corpus 0.00% 98.00% 2.00%
Total 56 707 72
% within Corpus 6.70% 84.70% 8.60%
(8, N = 835) = 92.73, p < .001,V = .236.
Table 6: PrivacyCheck results for Location.
Red Yellow Green
EU 0 0 36
% within Corpus 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%
US 0 7 242
% within Corpus 0.00% 2.80% 97.20%
APP 1 28 71
% within Corpus 1.00% 28.00% 71.00%
STOCK 30 100 270
% within Corpus 7.50% 25.00% 67.50%
WEB 0 23 27
% within Corpus 0.00% 46.00% 54.00%
Total 31 158 646
% within Corpus 3.70% 18.90% 77.40%
(8, N = 835) = 126.50, p < .001,V = .275.
Table 7: PrivacyCheck results for Collecting PII of Chil-
Red Yellow Green
EU 1 22 13
% within Corpus 2.80% 61.10% 36.10%
US 3 76 170
% within Corpus 1.20% 30.50% 68.30%
APP 4 4 92
% within Corpus 4.00% 4.00% 92.00%
STOCK 45 30 325
% within Corpus 11.30% 7.50% 81.30%
WEB 2 2 46
% within Corpus 4.00% 4.00% 92.00%
Total 55 134 646
% within Corpus 6.60% 16.00% 77.40%
(8, N = 835) = 151.83, p < .001,V = .302.
Figure 5: Privacy policies of the 100 mobile app compa-
nies: the distribution of PrivacyCheck risk levels.
Table 8: PrivacyCheck results for Sharing with Law En-
Red Yellow Green
EU 16 20 0
% within Corpus 44.40% 55.60% 0.00%
US 176 73 0
% within Corpus 70.70% 29.30% 0.00%
APP 51 49 0
% within Corpus 51.00% 49.00% 0.00%
STOCK 179 210 11
% within Corpus 44.80% 52.50% 2.80%
WEB 10 40 0
% within Corpus 20.00% 80.00% 0.00%
Total 432 392 11
% within Corpus 51.70% 46.90% 1.30%
(8, N = 835) = 74.53, p < .001,V = .211.
Policy Change. (Table 9): Notably, E.U. agen-
cies and corporate corpora all do better than U.S. gov-
ernment agencies with respect to this factor. Many
U.S. agencies are rated at the red level as they might
change their policies without notice.
Finally, for Ads and Marketing (Table 5) the ma-
jority of the policies are ranked at the yellow level
which means PII is used to communicate/advertise
their own services. The STOCK corpus is notably
different, with policies at both green (PII not used for
marketing) and red levels (PII shared for marking).
The U.S. government agencies also have some poli-
cies at the green level.
Comparing Privacy Policies of Government Agencies and Companies: A Study using Machine-learning-based Privacy Policy Analysis Tools
Table 9: PrivacyCheck results for Policy Change.
Red Yellow Green
EU 3 33 0
% within Corpus 8.30% 91.70% 0.00%
US 115 134 0
% within Corpus 46.20% 53.80% 0.00%
APP 10 90 0
% within Corpus 10.00% 90.00% 0.00%
STOCK 97 285 18
% within Corpus 24.30% 71.30% 4.50%
WEB 6 44 0
% within Corpus 12.00% 88.00% 0.00%
Total 231 586 18
% within Corpus 27.70% 70.20% 2.20%
(8, N = 835) = 92.51, p < .001,V = .235.
Table 10: PrivacyCheck results for Control of Data.
Red Yellow Green
EU 16 17 3
% within Corpus 44.40% 47.20% 8.30%
US 206 41 2
% within Corpus 82.70% 16.50% 0.80%
APP 68 32 0
% within Corpus 68.00% 32.00% 0.00%
STOCK 212 151 37
% within Corpus 53.00% 37.80% 9.30%
WEB 33 15 2
% within Corpus 66.00% 30.00% 4.00%
Total 535 256 44
% within Corpus 64.10% 30.70% 5.30%
(8, N = 835) = 77.34, p < .001,V = .215.
We refrain from making conclusions about the factors
with the lowest values of V, as we also did not observe
huge differences between government agencies and
companies: Email Address (Table 2, mostly yellow
which means PII gathered and used for the intended
service), Sharing with Law Enforcement (Table 8,
yellow/red which mean PII shared with law enforce-
ment with/without legal documents), Control of Data
(Table 10, mostly red and yellow which mean no dele-
tion of data is permitted but editing maybe allowed,
with E.U. government agencies performing the best
and U.S. government agencies the worst), and Data
Aggregation (Table 11, yellow which means PII is
In sum, both U.S. and E.U. agencies protect Credit
Card Number, Social Security Number, and Loca-
tion better than companies, and often fail to mention
Table 11: PrivacyCheck results for Data Aggregation.
Red Yellow Green
EU 0 36 0
% within Corpus 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
US 0 249 0
% within Corpus 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
APP 3 97 0
% within Corpus 3.00% 97.00% 0.00%
STOCK 30 361 9
% within Corpus 7.50% 90.30% 2.30%
WEB 0 50 0
% within Corpus 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Total 33 793 9
% within Corpus 4.00% 95.00% 1.10%
(8, N = 835) = 37.87, p < .001,V = .151.
how they handle PII of children. E.U. government
agencies’ polices are better than their U.S. counter-
parts with respect to notifying the user after the policy
4.2 Polisis Results
Polisis, when ran in its browser extension form, re-
turns assessments about a privacy policy. We list all
the assessments Polisis returned on privacy policies of
our corpora in Table 12. In this table, we took advan-
tage of the annotation scheme of the OPP-115 Cor-
(Wilson et al., 2016a), the underlying dataset of
Polisis, to group these assessments based on the cate-
gories of Polisis referenced in Section 2.2. When we
cross-tabulate whether an assessment was returned for
a policy in the corpora and run the chi-square test, the
results are not statistically significant for some of the
assessments. Table 12 also shows whether statistical
significance was achieved and the value of Cramer’s
V when statistically significant.
Figure 6 displays what percentage of each corpus
received an assessment from Polisis. Assessments are
grouped together based on their categories. We sum-
marize our findings, only for those assessments that
achieved statistical significance, as follows:
1. First Party Collection/Use. As evident from
Figure 6, companies consistently collect several types
of PII while government agencies do not.
2. Third Party Sharing/Collection. All the three
corporate corpora show higher percentage of several
types of PII shared and PII shared for marketing, even
though they also have higher percentage of some PII
aggregated before sharing.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 12: Assessment index for Polisis. We do not report V where statistical significance is not achieved.
Short name Assessment p Significant? V
1. First Party Collection/Use
No PII collected No personally identifiable information is collected. .012 ×
PII collected for ads Personal information is collected for marketing reasons. .101 ×
PII only collected for service Personal information is only collected for providing the service itself. .709 ×
Tracks users on other websites The service tracks users on other websites. .013 ×
Several types of PII collected Several types of personal information types can be collected. < .001 X .288
2. Third Party Sharing/Collection
No PII shared with third parties The policy states that third parties do not receive personal information. .391 ×
PII only shared for service Personal information is only shared with third parties for providing the service. .666 ×
Several types of PII shared Several types of personal information types are shared with third parties. .004 X .137
Ad providers track users The policy allows ad providers and analytics firms to track users on the site. .520 ×
Only aggregated PII shared Third parties only receive aggregated or anonymized information. .568 ×
PII shared for marketing Personal information may be shared with third parties for marketing reasons. .001 X .182
Health data shared Health data might be shared with third parties. .674 ×
Some PII aggregated before sharing Some data is anonymized or aggregated before sharing with third parties. < .001 X .181
No sharing in certain conditions In certain conditions, data is not shared. .569 ×
Location or address shared Location or address data may be shared with third parties. .252 ×
Third parties do not receive PII Third parties do not receive personally identifiable information. .647 ×
3. User Choice/Control
No choice The only choices in the policy are not to use the service. .646 ×
Provides opt-in choices The policy provides opt-in choices. .001 X .156
Provides opt-out choices The policy provides opt-out choices. .001 X .271
Clear links to control data The policy offers you clear links to control your data. < .001 X .198
4. User Access, Edit, & Deletion
Access and deletion of PII You can request access and deletion of personal data. < .001 X .392
5. Data Retention
PII retained for defined period Some data is retained for a well-defined period. .007 X .133
PII retained indefinitely Some data might be retained indefinitely. < .001 X .216
6. Data Security
Covers security measures The policy covers security measures in details. .002 X .144
7. Policy Change
Notice when policy changes There will be a clear notice when the policy changes. .447 ×
8. Do Not Track
9. International & Specific Audiences
Section on children’s privacy The policy has a special section on respecting children’s privacy. < .001 X .249
10. Other
Figure 6: The percentage of each corpus that received an assessment from Polisis (Table 12).
Comparing Privacy Policies of Government Agencies and Companies: A Study using Machine-learning-based Privacy Policy Analysis Tools
3. User Choice/Control. Polisis generated mixed
assessments about user choice and control in our cor-
pora. There is no clear winner among these pri-
vacy policy corpora when taking into account all the
choice/control assessments.
4. User Access, Edit, & Deletion. U.S. gov-
ernment agencies perform poorly in comparison with
their E.U. counterparts and companies when provid-
ing access to edit/delete PII.
5. Data Retention. E.U. government agencies
have the lowest percentage of retaining PII indefi-
6. Data Security. E.U. government agencies,
however, often fail to outline exact security measures
taken to protect user data. U.S. agencies are also trail-
ing behind companies.
7. Policy Change. We observe no meaningful dif-
ference among our corpora as the results are not sig-
nificant. The PrivacyCheck results, however, showed
that U.S. government agencies sometimes fail to no-
tify users of policy change.
8. Do Not Track. Polisis did not report any as-
sessments from this group. Evidently, privacy poli-
cies in our corpora never mentioned the term. This
observation confirms that support for Do Not Track
signals is not widely adopted by privacy policies.
9. International & Specific Audiences. None of
the E.U. government privacy policies studied had a
specific section on children’s privacy. U.S. agencies,
too, have a lower percentage of dedicating a section
to children’s privacy, as confirmed by PrivacyCheck.
10. Other. We were able to categorize all the re-
ported assessments under a category above, leaving
none for this category.
4.3 Availability
We make publicly available our data, including links
to all the privacy policies, their downloaded text used
in the experiments, the results of running the tools on
them, and the SPSS outputs.
A public GitHub repository at
nokhbehzaeem/GovVsCompanies contains our data.
The structure of this repository is as follows. The
Corpora folder includes ve text files, each contain-
ing the URLs of privacy policies of one corpus. This
folder also includes five folders, each containing the
downloaded html files of privacy policies of a corpus.
The Results folder has two sub-folders, named after
PrivacyCheck and Polisis. Each of these folders con-
tains a tab-delimited text file with the results of run-
ning the respective tool on all the five corpora. This
text file is the input to SPSS. The output of analyzing
data with SPSS, to run the chi-square test and calcu-
late Cramer’s V, is provided as a pdf file.
Polisis and Privacy check are made
available by their respective creators at and
The major threat to the internal validity of this study is
the limitation our work inherits from the tools it uses:
the level of accuracy in automatic privacy analysis.
The F-1 score of Polisis ranges between 0.71 and 0.97
across its categories, with an average of 0.84 (Hark-
ous et al., 2018). The accuracy of PrivacyCheck as re-
ported in its original paper (Zaeem et al., 2018) ranges
between 0.40 to 0.73 across its ten questions, with an
average of 0.55, but the authors have improved the av-
erage accuracy to 0.60 since (Nokhbeh Zaeem et al.,
To address this threat, we sought to utilize the
best available tools. We used two different, most-
recent, privacy analysis tools from independent re-
search groups. We found the results of these tools
consistent with one another.
The main threat to the external validity of our
work pertains to its applicability to other privacy poli-
cies outside the set of our five corpora. We purpose-
fully obtained three large corpora through three differ-
ent routes (stock market sampling of companies and
their policies, a web search, and a corpus of mobile
app privacy policies) to diversify our selection of poli-
cies. We furthermore crawled the official websites of
federal U.S. agencies and E.U. government agencies
to collect all the corresponding privacy policies.
To our knowledge, this is the first work to compare
privacy policies of companies and government agen-
cies. In this section, we briefly cover other privacy
policy analysis tools, besides Polisis and Privacy-
Check, which we already discussed in details. Mean-
while, we also recap some of the work in the literature
on assembling privacy policy corpora.
Privee (Zimmeck and Bellovin, 2014) is an older
automatic privacy policy analysis tool. Building
on the crowd sourcing privacy analysis framework
ToS;DR (ToS;DR, 2012), Privee combines crowd
sourcing with rule and machine learning classifiers to
classify privacy policies that are not already rated in
the crowd sourcing repository.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The Usable Privacy Project
(Sadeh et al., 2013)
takes advantage of machine learning and crowd sourc-
ing to semi-automatically annotate privacy policies.
This project annotates (Wilson et al., 2016b; Wilson
et al., 2016a) a corpus of 115 policies with attributes
and data practices, the same corpus that Polisis uses
to extract its coarse- and fine-grained classes.
We covered Polisis (Harkous et al., 2018) in Sec-
tion 2.2. Pribots (Harkous et al., 2016) is from the
same authors and is a chat bot that answers questions
about privacy policies. Polisis and Pribots build upon
a corpus of 13,000 mobile app policies. We based our
corpus of 100 mobile app policies on this corpus.
MAPS (Zimmeck et al., 2019) scales mobile app
privacy analysis to more than one million apps. Their
corpus of 350 human-annotated policies is publicly
available. Similar studies of mobile app privacy poli-
cies are on the rise (Zimmeck et al., 2016).
Other researchers, too, have applied machine
learning and natural language processing in pri-
vacy policy analysis (Fawaz et al., 2019). Poli-
cyLint (Andow et al., 2019) is a natural language
processing tool that identifies potential contradictions
that may arise inside the same privacy policy. Poli-
cyLint is tested on a corpus of 11,430 privacy policies
from mobile apps. This corpus, however, is not made
public. PrivacyGuide (Tesfay et al., 2018) is a ma-
chine learning and natural language processing tool
inspired by the GDPR. It uses a corpus of 45 poli-
cies from the most accessed websites in Europe. Pri-
vacyGuide, however, is not publicly available, as op-
posed to PrivacyCheck and Polisis.
The Center for Identity at the University of Texas
at Austin
targets many aspects of identity manage-
ment and privacy (Zaeem et al., 2017; Zaeem et al.,
2016a; Zaeem et al., 2016b; Zaiss et al., 2019; Rana
et al., 2019). They developed PrivacyCheck (Zaeem
et al., 2018), as detailed in Section 2.1. The same
research group studied privacy policies across indus-
tries (Zaeem and Barber, 2017) and produced a pri-
vacy policy corpus of 400 companies. We obtained
our stock market and web search corpora from them.
Through the application of two machine learning pri-
vacy analysis tools (Polisis and PrivacyCheck) on five
corpora of privacy policies (including policies of 285
U.S. and E.U. government agencies and 550 compa-
nies) we uncovered (with a significance of 99.99%)
the differences that exist between privacy policies of
government agencies and companies. We measured
and reported Cramer’s V, a chi-square-based measure
of association as well. The results of the two machine
learning tools were consistent and confirmed the com-
mon expectation that government agencies are bet-
ter in not collecting and protecting user data, includ-
ing sensitive financial information, Social Security
Numbers, and user location. We, however, uncov-
ered some unexpected results too. For example, many
of the government agencies lack a separate section
on children’s privacy or detailed security measures
taken to protect user data. Our experiments demon-
strated how privacy policies of European government
agencies perform better than their U.S. counterparts,
with respect to notifying users of policy change, giv-
ing users the right to edit/delete their data, and lim-
iting data retention. Our work quantifies the actual
differences between corporate and government pri-
vacy policies and compares U.S. and E.U. policies
together. By making our corpora and results pub-
licly available, we hope that this work also assists the
research community in investigating privacy policies
and enhancing them.
We thank Hamza Harkous and the Polisis authors for
creating a Polisis API and providing their data.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence