EMG-pants in Sports: Concept Validation of Textile-integrated EMG
Aljoscha Hermann
and Veit Senner
Professorship of Sport Equipment and Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Wearables, Technical Textiles, EMG, Sensors, Textile-Integrated Electrodes.
Abstract: Background: Textile-integrated EMG measurements are attractive for professional or keen amateur athletes
or can be beneficial in rehabilitation or ergonomics. There are several systems commercially available, but
independent validation studies are scarce. This study validates the concept of using textile-integrated
electrodes embedded in garments for EMG recordings of the thigh. Method: a self-produced prototype of
EMG-pants using stainless steel electrodes was developed. 28 participants performed isometric exercises on
an Isomed 2000 device. Measurements of textile-integrated electrodes were compared with measurements
using standard electrodes based on the SENIAM-standard. Results: textile-integrated sensors exhibit linear
behaviour and measurements are comparable to measurements with standard electrodes. Discussion: the
results of this study show that textile-integrated sensors are a valid tool for measuring isometric muscle
activation. For certain research topics or for use in training, the easy application and use of textile-integrated
EMG may be preferable to more scientific tools. Further work is required to address the validity of EMG-
pants for dynamic muscle activation.
In the past, measuring muscle activity required
expensive equipment and appropriate experience in
its application. The integration of sensors that
measure muscle activity into garments or wearables
provides individuals with an easy-to-use approach
and thus opens up the technology for new fields of
application in sports, medicine, rehabilitation, and
ergonomics. Electromyography (EMG) is the
standard method for measuring muscle activity. It is
differentiated into two main kinds of EMG: surface
EMG and intramuscular EMG. Only surface EMG
systems are suitable for integration into a sports
garment because intramuscular EMG is invasive. In
surface-EMG, electrodes are applied to the skin
surface to measure muscle activation. For more
details on the principles of muscle activation and the
basics of EMG measurements, the reader is
encouraged to refer to standard literature, e.g. the
recommendations of the Seniam Project (Freriks &
Hermens, 2000) or the EMG-Fible (Konrad, 2011).
The recently published review paper by Guo et al.
(2020) summarises research into textile electrodes
between 2007 and 2018, listing 41 publications. Of
these, only 14 papers were published in peer-
reviewed journals, showing that textile-integrated
surface EMG and its application remains a niche
subject. Publications relating to sports applications
are even rarer. Excluding papers about the material or
system design, only four publications focus on
garments specifically designed for use in sports (the
authors did not assign the system design paper of
Finni et al. (2007) “sports” category, even though,
the Myontec Mbody pants, shown in Figure 1 (left),
subsequently resulted from it). Of these four papers,
two (Colyer & Mc Guigan, 2018; Tikkanen et al.,
2012) used commercial products (Myontec) in the
study, the other two (Ribas Manero et al., 2016; Shafti
et al., 2017) used the same custom-made pants (same
research group; papers published at the same
Two examples of commercially available
products for measuring muscle activity in consumer
Hermann, A. and Senner, V.
EMG-pants in Sports: Concept Validation of Textile-integrated EMG Measurements.
DOI: 10.5220/0009982401970204
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2020), pages 197-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-481-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Commercially available spots garments for tracking muscle activity of the thighs by Myontec (left) and Athos
(right). Pictures taken from the websites www.myontec.com and shop.liveathos.com on the 21/03/2020.
sports garments by Myontec (Finland) and Athos
(USA) are shown in Figure 1. Both companies
provide pants, as well as shirts, for measuring muscle
The company Myontec is a spin-off of the
University of Jyväskylä of the group of Prof. Taija
Finni (Juutinen). The company lists 11 publications
on the website backing the design, functionality, and
validity of their product, including the three
publications mentioned above. Athos names one
publication (Lynn et al., 2018) to prove the validity
and reliability of their product. Three of the authors
are employed by the manufacturer.
The publications supporting the applicability of
those products may well be biased due to conflicts of
interest. As these products are health-related,
independent validation is necessary. In general, there
is a lack of studies comparing textile-based EMG
garment solutions with established scientific systems.
The few existing papers largely validate textile
electrodes not yet integrated in a garment. For
example, Li et al. (2011) and Sumner et al. (2013)
confirm that measurements with textile electrodes are
comparable to ones with standard EMG electrodes.
Both studies are limited due to the fact that only six
individuals were tested.
The purpose of this study is to validate the concept of
using textile electrodes embedded in garments. Self-
designed EMG-measuring pants incorporating
stainless steel electrodes are tested.
2.1 Prototype
In this study self-produced EMG-pants for measuring
quadriceps and hamstrings activation using stainless
steel electrodes are tested. Stainless steel electrodes
are cheaper than the more commonly used silver
electrodes and therefore would be an attractive
alternative. The electrodes consist of a polyester
fabric, with stainless steel wires (Ø=0.05 mm²)
wound twice around the polyester threads. For the
quadriceps, the skin contact area of each of the two
electrodes is 30 mm x 165 mm. For the hamstrings,
the skin contact area of each of the electrodes is
30 mm x 105 mm. The dimensions were chosen to
optimally match the respective muscle regions. A
textile patch was applied to prevent skin contact
(visible in Figure 2 top-left picture) over an additional
area of 30 mm x 30 mm of each electrode. In this area
a button was attached to route the signals to the
outside of the pants for attachment of an EMG sensor
module. The commercially available Myon EMG
Mobile System (Myon, Switzerland) was used as
sensor module for signal amplification and wireless
transmission to the computer. As the measuring-pants
used were not compression pants, standard
compression pants made by 2XU was used as a
second layer to improve electrode-skin contact. The
prototype is shown in Figure 2. Sizes available were
S, M, L and XXL. A pre-test showed good
washability of the electrodes. Three electrodes were
washed in four handwash cycles using chlorine-free
washing solutions. The electrodes showed no change
in electrical resistance. Similarly, the use of
disinfection spray did not alter the electrical
resistance (measured after the pants were dry again).
icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
2.2 Methodology
2.2.1 Participants
In total 28 participants (9 female/19 male) between 20
and 35 years of age (mean 25.3 years) were enrolled
in the study. Before the start of the experiment all
participants gave their informed consent. The
participants were free of injuries, had not undergone
ACL surgery and had no orthopaedic or
neuromuscular damage to the knee or leg muscles.
Table 1 summarises the activity levels of the
Participant acquisition was based on the personal
environment and by advertising the study at the
Table 1: Number of days per week with sports activity.
None 1-2
> 4
Male 2 6 8 3
Female 1 3 2 3
2.2.2 Study Design
Each participant underwent five test scenarios in a
randomised order, with each scenario involving one
of the following electrode settings:
1) Quadriceps: standard electrodes; application
of electrodes as recommended by SENIAM
as shown in Figure 3 in the left picture. Short
pants not interfering with the electrodes.
2) Quadriceps: standard electrodes; row-
application; application of electrodes
corresponding to the arrangement of the
textile electrodes in the measuring pants as
shown in Figure 3 in the middle picture.
Short pants not interfering with the
3) Quadriceps: measuring pants with textile-
integrated electrodes.
4) Hamstrings: standard electrodes;
Application of electrodes on the biceps
femoris and the semitendinosus, as shown in
Figure 3 in the right picture.
5) Hamstrings: measuring pants with textile-
integrated electrodes.
EMG measurements were taken for isometric
muscle activation for five activity levels using a
standard EMG system by Myon (Switzerland) as
shown in Figure 5. The data acquisition rate was set
at 1000 Hz. The knee’s flexion/extension moment
was recorded using an Isomed 2000 dynamometer
(D&R Festl GmbH, Germany). Activity levels were
100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% of maximum
voluntary performance of a flexion/extension knee
moment. Figure 4 shows a typical test protocol. The
participants always started with an application of
100% maximum voluntary performance, followed by
stepwise lowering of the moment and a second
maximum voluntary performance with two more
Measurements on the quadriceps were performed
with an angle of 60° between femur and tibia and
measurements on the hamstrings with an angle of 9
between femur and tibia (180° would be a straight
leg). Those angles were chosen as a compromise
between comfort, optimal angle for the respective
muscle to generate maximum force and the need to
prevent interaction between the seat and the sensor
A graphical feedback interface helped the
participants to control the activity level. They were
asked to maintain each activity level for 3 sec.
The test procedure steps for each participant were:
1) Selection of the most appropriate size of
2) Adaption of the settings of the Isokinet to the
Followed by repetitive steps for the five
randomised test scenarios:
3) Skin preparation according to SENIAM
4) Application of electrodes/pants.
5) Warm up (flexion/extension movements
against a small force).
6) Test according to the protocol in Figure 4.
2.2.3 Data Processing
All measurements, except the hamstring
measurement of one participant, were completed and
included in the analysis. The EMG data was rectified
and filtered using a second order Butterworth low
pass filter (cut-off frequency 200 Hz) and a root mean
square (window size 20 ms) filter. The sum of the
signals from the three electrode-pairs of the
quadriceps, respectively two electrode-pairs of the
hamstrings (see Figure 3), were calculated to allow
comparison with the signals from the measuring
pants. The signal was cut to segment the activity
levels, using thresholds of 8 Nm for quadriceps and
11.3 Nm for hamstrings measurements, which is
equal to 90% of the smallest respective moment
EMG-pants in Sports: Concept Validation of Textile-integrated EMG Measurements
Figure 2: EMG-pants prototype using stainless steel electrodes (top-left). The electrodes are connected via buttons on the
outside of the pants (bottom-left) to a sensor module (top-right) by Myon (Myon EMG Mobile System: amplifier, wireless
transmission). Standard compression pants were used as a second layer (bottom-right) to improve electrode-skin-contact.
Figure 3 Left: SENIAM recommended application for the quadriceps. Middle: row-application; electrodes applied to the
quadriceps corresponding to the electrode layout of the measuring pants. Right: hamstring application (SENIAM).
Figure 4: Typical test record, starting with 100% maximum voluntary performance, followed by stepwise 20% decreases and
a second maximum voluntary performance with two decreases.
measured across all participants. A mean value was
calculated for each activity level measurement. EMG
values and values of flexion/extension moments were
normalised using the higher of the two maximum
voluntary performances of the respective flexion/
extension. For each measurement, a linear regression
(least-square-method) of normalised-EMG vs.
normalised-moment was calculated.
icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Average EMG and flexion/extension moment
was calculated for each participant for the SENIAM-
application and the pants. To reduce the influence of
the applied flexion/extension moment, also the
EMG/moment ratio (EMG normalised by the
moment) was calculated. Bland-Altman plots (Bland
& Altman, 1986) were used to compare the two
measurement methods.
2.3 Results
In Figure 5 and Figure 7 the EMG measurements are
plotted against the applied flexion/extension moment
for each activity level of all participants. For
hamstrings and quadriceps, the absolute values of the
pants are smaller than the values of the SENIAM-
electrode-application. The row-application of
standard electrodes on the quadriceps results in the
highest EMG values. As observable in the normalised
data in Figure 6 and Figure 8, all measurement
methods have a similar linear behaviour.
For the hamstrings, the measurement amplitude
for pants is about 60% of the SENIAM amplitude.
In Figure 9, the Bland-Altman plot for the average
EMG values of each participant is shown. The mean
difference between the two systems is 0.237 V, with
a width of the 95% limits of agreement of 0.591 V. In
the Bland-Altman plot in Figure 10 the EMG-
signal/moment ratio is compared. The mean
difference is 0.0043 V/Nm, the width of the 95%
limits of agreement is 0.0102 V/Nm. It is also notable
that the difference between the systems increases with
increasing muscle activity.
The aim of this study was to validate the concept of
using textile electrodes embedded in garments.
Even though the surface of the textile-integrated
electrodes is bigger, signal amplitudes of the textile-
integrated electrodes are smaller compared to
standard electrodes. Moreover, the Bland-Altman
plots demonstrate an increasing difference between
the signal amplitude of the textile-integrated
electrodes and standard bipolar electrodes for
increasing muscle activation. As both systems
showed a comparable linear behaviour, this
increasing difference does not impact a feasible
textile solution and could easily be addressed by
increased amplification of the signal. Also, by using
gel or wetting the electrodes, signal attenuation could
be decreased (Pani et al., 2019). In this study a very
simple textile prototype was used. Different materials
or more sophisticated textile sensors or improved
integration of the sensors in the garments could also
lead to reduced signal attenuation.
The large electrode surface of our system does not
permit statements about individual muscles, but it
could be even more suitable for the recording of
muscle regions. This is reflected by the fact, that the
row-application of electrodes, which correspond to
the arrangement of textile electrodes in the pants
achieved higher signals than the SENIAM-
application (in both cases the sum of three pairs of
Even though stainless steel electrodes are
washable and corrosion-resistant, they might not
represent the optimum solution for the integration in
pants. Applications using gold, silver, nickel, copper
or carbon-filled silicon can be found (Awan et al.,
2019; Guo et al., 2020; O'Brien et al., 2019). The
choice of material is influenced by multiple and
varying factors such as price, location of integration,
carrier textile, expected mechanical properties (e.g.
flexibility due to the required range of motion), and
biocompatibility. Textile and materials research is
highly active in developing better materials suited for
wearable and textile integration (Gehrke et al., 2019;
Lee et al., 2020). Our electrodes were made of
polyester threads around which metallic threads were
wound. Such threads can break and thus loose
conductivity. Also, they become uncomfortable for
the user because the broken threads penetrate the skin.
There are more suitable production methods, e.g.
coating, for producing electrodes directly on or in the
When performing EMG measurements, multiple
interfering influences must always be taken into
consideration: crosstalk, individual anatomical and
physiological differences, subcutaneous fat and
fatigue to name but a few. EMG-pants will have to
overcome with all these. In this study, an influence of
the dynamometer electric motor was apparent.
However, because the influence was comparable in
all measurements, we considered it acceptable.
The study cohort generally practice sports, had a
mean age of 25.3 and a mean body-mass-index of
24.2. Therefore, it does not represent the population
in general. Further tests are required especially
involving heavier participants. As surface-EMG is
highly influenced by subcutaneous fat, its
applicability to heavier persons will certainly be
limited. Therefore, wide use of EMG-wearable
textiles in health and rehabilitation will not be without
challenges. For sports applications, especially for
professional or keen amateur athletes, such systems
could be beneficial in training and injury prevention.
EMG-pants in Sports: Concept Validation of Textile-integrated EMG Measurements
Figure 5: Hamstrings: regression of non-normalised values
of EMG and flexion moment. Orange: standard electrodes
(SENIAM). Blue: pants.
Figure 6: Hamstrings: regression of normalised values o
EMG and flexion moment. Orange: standard electrodes
(SENIAM). Blue: pants.
Figure 7: Quadriceps: regression of non-normalised values
of EMG and flexion moment. Orange: standard electrodes
(SENIAM). Green: standard electrodes applied in a row.
Blue: pants.:
Figure 8: Quadriceps: regression of normalised values o
EMG and flexion moment. Orange: standard electrodes
(SENIAM). Green: standard electrodes applied in a row.
Blue: pants.
Figure 9: Bland-Altman-Plot of rectified, average EMG
signal of each participant; dots: hamstrings; squares:
Figure 10: Bland-Altman-Plot of ratio (EMG-values/applie
moment) of each participant; dots: hamstrings; squares:
icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
We tested our self-produced EMG-pants in an
isometric setting. Therefore, the interpretation of
results is only valid for the use of such garments in
similar settings e.g. isometric training and
rehabilitation. Nevertheless, there might be some
transferability of results to EMG measurements of
more dynamic movements. Future research must
prove the validity of such measurements because
dynamic measurements are per se subject to more
interfering artefacts (Farina, 2006). In addition to
those artefacts, which also apply to measurements
using standard electrodes, motion artefacts resulting
from electrode-skin displacement might have a strong
impact on the feasibility of garments with textile-
integrated electrodes (Zhang et al., 2011).
The measurements of isometric muscle activation
with our self-produced textile-integrated EMG-
sensors and measurements with standard electrodes
were comparable. Especially when comparing larger
muscle groups, EMG-garments are an easy-to-use
tool for the researcher, athletes or patients undergoing
rehabilitation. Scenarios such as recording the ratio of
quadriceps and hamstrings activation, which do not
need a normalisation procedure, enable athletes to use
the approach without having qualified knowledge
about electrode application procedures and data
This research is funded by the Bayerische
Forschungsstiftung, Grant #AZ-1375-19.
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icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support