Using Blockchain to Implement Traceability on Fishery Value Chain
Estrela Ferreira Cruz
1,2 a
and Ant
onio Miguel Rosado da Cruz
1,2 b
Instituto Polit
ecnico de Viana do Castelo, 4900-347, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Centro ALGORITMI, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
Blockchain, Solidity, Smart Contract, Ethereum, Value Chain Traceability Platform, Quality Monitoring and
Tracing, Business Process Modeling, BPMN.
Nowadays, consumers increasingly want to be informed about the products they are buying or consuming,
especially when it comes to food, such as fish. Besides nutritional information, consumers want to know
about the fish origin, whether it has been properly stored and transported, etc. At the same time, for public
health reasons, authorities may need to know the current location of certain fish lots (which have been caught
or produced in a specific location, have been stored in a certain place, have been transported by a certain truck,
etc.). In other words, consumers and society in general demand transparency throughout all the value chain of
fish products. In this paper, we are proposing a blockchain-based platform to allow to trace fish lots, back and
forth, throughout the entire fisheries value chain. To implement the traceability platform, we define a smart
contract to be used on the Ethereum blockchain.
Fish and fish products are one of the main sources of
protein in the human diet. According to Gephart et
al., the consumption of seafood is growing every year
and, as a consequence, seafood industry is also chang-
ing (Gephart et al., 2017). Caught worldwide, fishery
production has been almost static since the late 1980s,
which means that the most part of the increasing fish
consumption has been based in aquaculture produc-
tion (Gephart et al., 2017), which now comprises half
of global seafood production. Aquaculture represents,
today, 53% of the total fishery products consumption,
if non-food uses are excluded (Food and Organiza-
tion, 2018).
At the same time, consumers are becoming in-
creasingly demanding and want to be informed, not
only about the nutritional value of the fish they are
buying, but also about its origin and its preservation
status along the value chain. For this, it is necessary
to keep track of all the activities throughout the entire
fish value chain, since capture or aquaculture produc-
tion up to the supermarket, or to the plate. It is neces-
sary to know the origin (wild or aquaculture), when,
who, how, where it was captured (or raised), trans-
ported, stored, transformed, etc. In other words, it is
necessary to implement traceability in all the fish and
fishery value chain.
Authorities, such as the European Union, are
proposing directives requiring knowledge of the ori-
gin of certain products (Union, 2002), improving
product traceability and faster recalls when neces-
sary. The ISO (International Standards Organization)
22005 family of standards gives the principles and ba-
sic requirements for the design and implementation of
a feed and food traceability system. It can be applied
by an organization operating at any step in the feed
and food chain (22005:2007, 2007). However, from
capture or production until it reaches the final con-
sumer, fish can pass through several companies. This
means that the same fish or fish lot can be part of sev-
eral companies’ processes. So, it is necessary to inte-
grate all processes internal to each company involved
in the value chain, to know the whole history of the
fish. This processes’ integration has been proposed in
(da Cruz et al., 2019).
To implement traceability in the fisheries and
aquaculture value chain we propose, in this paper, the
use the blockchain technology, mostly because this
technology fits perfectly in the purpose of product
traceability, as it allows registering all chain activities
in a distributed, transparent, secure and trustfull man-
ner. The traceability platform is being created with
two main goals. The first one is to give the author-
ities information about the current location of a fish
Cruz, E. and Rosado da Cruz, A.
Using Blockchain to Implement Traceability on Fishery Value Chain.
DOI: 10.5220/0009889705010508
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2020), pages 501-508
ISBN: 978-989-758-443-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lot. Respecting to public health threats (fish contam-
ination or other threats) the authorities need to recall
the fish lots (and/or its derivatives) as soon as possi-
ble. The second goal is to give the final consumers
the possibility to know the origin of the fish (where
it was captured or raised), who captured it (or created
it), when it was captured, under what conditions it was
stored, under what conditions it was transported, what
process of transformation it suffered and in what con-
ditions, etc..
Nowadays, blockchain is being seen as one of the
technologies that better fits the needs of traceability in
a supply chains (da Cruz and Cruz, 2020). In fact, the
blockchain technology is being used as a distributed
database (Saberi et al., 2019; Tian, 2017) in many ar-
eas including traceability in agriculture and food sup-
ply chains, as is the case of (Tian, 2017; Biswas et al.,
2017; Tan et al., 2019; Caro et al., 2018).
Blockchains can be cataloged as permissionless
public blockchains, permissioned public blockchains
(hybrid blockchains) and permissioned private
blockchains (closed networks) (Pedersen et al., 2019;
Pahl et al., 2018). Herein we use a permissionless
public blockchain, namely Ethereum.
The structure of presentation is as follows: In
the next section, related work is presented. Then, in
section 3 previous work by the same authors is pre-
sented, including the value chain’s integrated busi-
ness process model and a non-blockchain-based so-
lution. Section 4, explains the development of the
Blockchain-based platform, including the smart con-
tract. In section 5, some conclusions are drawn and
some ideas for future work are disclosed.
As a way of preventing potential public health dis-
asters caused by food products, authorities like the
European Union create directives requiring the reg-
istering and control of the origin of certain products
(Union, 2002), improving product traceability and en-
abling faster recalls when necessary. As a conse-
quence, several proposals for the implementation of
traceability have been carried out within food value
chains, including fish products. Next we highlight the
traceability platforms for fish and fish products.
2.1 Fishery Traceability
In (Moga, 2017) the authors propose a system (called
TraSiPesc) to trace fish and fishery products. The au-
thors designed the system by identifying the factors
that influence the acceptance of traceability by the fish
and fishery products business sector, including end
user and consumers and taking in consideration the
general principles of traceability, the European Union
(EU) and the national legal framework, as well as the
particularities of the fishery industry.
Yan et al. proposes a platform for the aquatic
foods supply chain (Yan et al., 2013), which supports
the traceability in the supply chain of aquatic prod-
ucts from production to sales, including the distribu-
tion. This platform includes information about pro-
duction like, for example, water quality monitoring.
The authors present the overall structure of the trace-
able platform and its system-level and network struc-
ture features. The approach is applied in a case study
in China to tilapia products.
In (Parre
no-Marchante et al., 2014), a platform to
track the aquaculture products from the farm to the
consumer is proposed. The platform implementation
is based on web services, which are prepared to re-
ceive data captured by RFID systems. This data is in-
tegrated with data collected with Wireless Sensor Net-
works (WSN) infrastructure. The paper also presents
an analysis of the benefits obtained by the introduc-
tion of the created platform, based on predefined ob-
jectives and the evaluation of KPIs.
In (Nicolae et al., 2017) the authors propose a
structural design for a monitoring tool to support the
traceability in Romanian fisheries supply chain. The
tool has the purpose of monitoring the safety and
quality of fish and fishery products. The paper pro-
poses a general scheme for the traceability system.
Gardner et al. performed a study in Madagas-
car about the value chain specifically on octopus and
mangrove mud crab(Gardner et al., 2017). The pa-
per was focused on value chain, post-harvest, and the
trade of the two fisheries species. The authors iden-
tified all octopus and mud crab fishery stakeholders.
The project focused on reducing post-harvest mortal-
ity in the mud crab fishery, sponsored by European-
Union funded Smartfish programme, is being imple-
mented since 2013 (Gardner et al., 2017). The study
concludes that post-harvest value chains of both fish-
eries are poorly understood, are not well defined and
that there is a lack of monitoring systems and reliable
2.2 Traceability using Blockchain
According to Ruoti et al., blockchain has strong
points like shared governance and operations, re-
silience to data loss, provenance tracking and au-
ditable (Ruoti et al., 2019). These points are very im-
portant to the fishery value chain. The value chain op-
erators want to be part of a system but do not blindly
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
trust each other. Using blockchain technology, they
can share governance and operations. The consen-
sus protocol is an agreement between those opera-
tors about the operations that will be executed by the
system. Besides, the data is stored and replicated in
each node (e.g., each one of the value chain operators)
meaning, resilience to data loss. On the other side,
when a transaction is performed, a new block is ap-
pended to the blockchain with information about the
transaction including the timestamp. This new block
is approved by the consensus protocol approved by
the value chain operators, so, the blockchain is au-
Several authors opted to use the blockchain tech-
nology to implement traceability in value chains, as
is the case of (Caro et al., 2018), (Rejeb, 2018) and
Abderahman Rejeb implements traceability in the
Tilapia supply chain, from farmers to the final con-
sumers in Ghana (Rejeb, 2018). Tilapia is one of the
most consumed fish species in Ghana. The author
used the Blockchain technology to implement trace-
ability of the aquaculture fish (Rejeb, 2018).
Caro et al. present a blockchain-based solu-
tion to implement traceability in Agri-Food supply
chains (Caro et al., 2018). The authors presented
two blockchain implementations, Ethereum and Hy-
perledger Sawtooth, evaluated and compared the per-
formance of both the implementations, regarding la-
tency, CPU, and network usage (Caro et al., 2018).
In (da Cruz et al., 2020) the authors are using
blockchain technology to trace and calculate the car-
bon footprint of products and organizations. The au-
thors are using a solidity smart contract to imple-
ment a platform in Ethereum permissionless public
blockchain. The paper also presents a distributed ap-
plication providing to consumers information about
the carbon footprint of a product or organization
stored in the blockchain.
Peter Howson discusses how blockchain can be
used to improve consumer confidence in the fish value
chain and gives an example of how blockchain tech-
nology can help preserve marine life (Howson, 2020).
The fish can be sold fresh or can be preserved for a
longer time, if subjected to a transformation process,
like if it is salted, frozen, canned, smoked, etc. In
some cases, the same fish undergoes several transfor-
mations, such as for example the cod fish, which after
being caught, can be salted, soaked and then frozen.
In the meantime, it is transported and stored several
times (Cruz et al., 2019).
Regardless of the preservation method, the fish
can come from aquaculture or from the wild (sea,
rivers or lakes). As a consequence, we can have many
different value chains.
In (Cruz et al., 2019) the authors, after studying
several different fishery value chains, leveraged the
similarities between those and proposed an integrated
business process model for fish and fishery products,
and the corresponding domain entities model for the
integrated value chain. The authors also identified
all stakeholders (operators involved) in fish products
(capture and aquaculture) value chain, with the pur-
pose of identifying the information that needs to be
gathered in a common platform for supporting the
traceability of fish and fishery products from the sea
or aquaculture farms to the plate (Cruz et al., 2019;
Cruz and da Cruz, 2019).
The fish-lot oriented business process model cre-
ated is represented in BPMN (Business Process
Model and Notation) language, in Figure 1. The
model abstracts all activities in the fishery and aqua-
culture value chain that handle or transform fish prod-
uct’s lots, to enable the traceability and quality moni-
toring of fish and fishery products. This business pro-
cess model identifies seven value-chain level process
activities: Production, Registration and Quality As-
sessment, Sale, Storing, Transportation, Transforma-
tion and Down. With the exception of the Production
and Down activities, which may only happen once per
each product lot, every other activity may happen sev-
eral times in the fish product lot lifespan (Cruz et al.,
As we can see in Fig. 1 the value chain starts in
the fishing vessel or aquaculture farm, where infor-
mation about capture or production must be gathered.
This information may be provided by the producer it-
self (case of aquaculture companies) or by the vessel
or fishery auction company. Products are, then, regis-
tered and have their quality assessed.
Then, after the registration and quality assess-
ment, a fish lot may be sold, stored or transformed
(see second complex gateway in Fig. 1). After any
of these activities, the lot is received, and its quality
assessed. It may stay within this iteration of activities
during some time.
The quality of the fish product lot is assessed ev-
ery time the product suffers a transformation, a stor-
age or a transportation. Sometimes, new lot’s are cre-
ated and registered (as in the case of transformation).
Usually, after being stored, a lot is sold. And, after
being sold, if the buyer is not the final consumer, the
product lot may be transported to the purchasing or-
ganization, and that event must also be registered in
Using Blockchain to Implement Traceability on Fishery Value Chain
Figure 1: Fishery and Aquaculture value chain integrated process (extracted from (Cruz et al., 2019).
the platform for traceability purposes.
Despite the traceability and quality data being di-
rectly persisted in the value chain traceability plat-
form, the data itself must be communicated by the in-
volved value chain operator’s relevant process. This
way, each identified integrated process activity corre-
sponds to an event in the value chain. The information
is provided by the external participants that in Figure
1 send messages to the activity that store information,
represented in the business process.
From this integrated business process, we ex-
tracted the domain model, by using the approach pre-
sented in (Cruz et al., 2015). The obtained domain
model has then been manually refined and has been
used as a basis for the smart contract data structures
in the platform architecture (see Figure 2).
In (da Cruz et al., 2019) the authors designed and
created a platform to implement traceability in the
fishery and aquaculture Value Chain. In this article
we are going to implement a platform with the same
goal but using the Ethereum blockchain technology.
The smart contract that is the basis of the traceability
platform must register and provide traceability infor-
mation, so that, given the identification of a lot num-
ber, the platform must provide its current location (or
locations) and all the history of the product lot, that is
all the activities/events occurred since capture or pro-
duction (e.g. where, when and how it was created (or
captured), transacted, stored, transported, etc.).
The value chain operators are responsible to
gather and store information of the process activity
they are executing (e.g. capture, transform, etc.), so
each operator is a participant in the blockchain (rep-
resented by a ValueChainOperator entity).
There are four different types of users (User en-
tity): The SysAdmin, that can create and add new
operators; The worker, that represents a person that
works to a value chain operator and is responsible
for storing information about the executed activities;
The workerAdmin, which is an Administrator within
the scope of a value chain operator; and, a final con-
sumer, who is any unregistered user, which can read
the traceability information about any fish lot.
A Solidity smart contract is composed by the dec-
laration of the data involved and a set of functions, in-
cluding a constructor. This code resides at a specific
address on the Ethereum blockchain. The smart con-
tract, presented in subsection 4.1, is the basis for the
entire application. In it, all the needed data structures
are defined, as well as all support functions. These
structures are designed according to the model in Fig-
ure 2, but have been adapted to be both functional and
resource-efficient on the blockchain.
4.1 Smart Contract Implementation
A Smart Contract is “a digital contract that con-
trols user’s digital assets, formulating the participant’s
rights and obligations” (Lin and Liao, 2017). Sev-
eral languages may be used to create smart con-
tracts like: Solidity (Bragagnolo et al., 2018), Hawk
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 2: Domain Model (extracted from (Cruz et al., 2019)).
(Kosba et al., 2016), and others. In the approach pre-
sented here, solidity is being used. Solidity is a high-
level programming language used for implementing
smart contracts on several blockchain platforms (Bra-
gagnolo et al., 2018), including in Ethereum, the
blockchain being used herein.
A Solidity Smart Contract is composed by the dec-
laration of data types needed (set of data structs), a set
of data storage variables and a set of functions, includ-
ing a constructor. After deployment, the Solidity con-
tract runs on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM),
on a specific Ethereum address.
All non-query Ethereum operations incur a cost,
counted by the amount of “gas” that the operation
consumes. This gas is calculated based on various cri-
teria and one of these is the type of transaction and the
volume of information to be added to the blockchain.
To minimize this cost, we have tried to build all the
structures using the minimum needed space for the
Basically, and based on the model presented in
Figure 2, each one of the entities represented in the
domain model is roughly implemented as a “struct”
in the contract, with the corresponding attributes. As
an example, some of the defined data structure types
are presented next.
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract FishTraceability {
// -- General Product Structure --
struct Product{
uint32 id;
string name;
string description;
string nutritionTable;
struct ProductLot{
uint32 lotNumber;
uint32 lotNumber;
uint32 idValueChainOperator;
Using Blockchain to Implement Traceability on Fishery Value Chain
uint32 idProduct;
string unit;
uint32 amount; //integer base
uint16 exp; //negative exponent of 10
Date lotCreationDate;
uint32[] lotEventIDs;
struct ValueChainOperator{
uint32 id;
string name;
string addressLocation;
string phone;
string email;
OperType operType;
enum OperType{
// -- Events in the Value Chain --
struct Event{
uint32 idEvent;
uint16 eventType; // 0-Capture,
// 1-Production, 2-Transformation,
// 3-Transport, 4-Storage,
// 5-Sale,6-Downed,7-QualityAssessment
struct CaptureEvent{
uint32 idEvent;
string description;
string geographicZone;
uint32 latitude;
uint32 longitude;
string unit;
uint32 amount;
uint16 exp;
uint32 idValueChainOperator;
Date eventDate;
uint32 vesselId;
string anglingMethod;
uint32 newLotNumber; //New Lot number
struct TransformationEvent{
uint32 idEvent;
string transformationProcess;
string unit;
uint32 amount;
uint16 exp;
OriginLotsQty originLot1;
OriginLotsQty originLot2;
uint32 idValueChainOperator;
Date eventDate;
uint32 newLotNumber;
Since there is no inheritance between “structs”,
the inheritance from Event, represented in Figure 2,
is implemented by having a unique idEvent between
all types of events (Capture, Production, Transport,
Transformation, etc.).
In the mappings for events, defined within the con-
tract storage variables set, there is a mapping for each
event type, that maps the idEvent to the respective
structure, and a mapping for all events, that allows
to determine the type of event from the idEvent. An
extract of the storage variables illustrating the events
mappings, can be seen next:
mapping(uint32 => Event) private events;
uint32 private eventsCount;
mapping(uint32 => CaptureEvent)
public captureEvents;
mapping(uint32 => AquacultureProdEvent)
public productionEvents;
mapping(uint32 => SaleEvent) public saleEvents;
mapping(uint32 => TransportEvent)
public transportEvents;
mapping(uint32 => StorageEvent)
public storageEvents;
mapping(uint32 => TransformationEvent)
public transformationEvents;
mapping(uint32 => QualityAssessmentEvent)
public assessmentEvents;
mapping(uint32 => DownedEvent)
public downedEvents;
A set of functions is implemented in order to al-
low to add (store) and read information from the
blockchain. Basically, each activity or event opera-
tion (capture, transformation, etc.) is implemented as
a function. A function may have pre-conditions that
can be generic or specific. As example, the function
that allows registering a Fish capture event, is shown
in Figure 3. The function has two pre-conditions (see
All objects created in the functions of the contract,
and stored in the defined storage variables, are stored
in the blockchain and cannot be modified. This, cou-
pled with the fact that it is not possible to change
a contract that has already been published, except
through a new publication (which would make the
new contract have a different address from the pre-
vious one and therefore not have access to data from
the previous one), implies that the implemented struc-
ture is extremely solid, leveraging the benefits of the
blockchain (decentralization, immutability, security,
and transparency).
More elaborate functions like tracking all events
from all the lots that have given origin to a new prod-
uct lot are being done outside the Smart contract, in a
services software layer that accesses the contract. An
example is, from a can of tuna, obtain all the value
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
// Create Fish capture event
function createFishCaptureEvent(string memory _description, string memory _geographicZone,
uint32 _vesselId, string memory _anglingMethod, uint32 _idValueChainOperator, uint32 _idProduct,
uint32 _lotNumber, string memory _unit, uint32 _amount, uint16 _exp,
Date memory _eventDate) public {
require((users[msg.sender].worksToValueChainOperId == _idValueChainOperator) &&
(users[msg.sender].userType == 1 || users[msg.sender].userType == 2),
"You need to work to the organization!");
require(products[_idProduct].id != uint32(0), "Product does not exist!");
events[eventsCount] = Event(eventsCount, 0);
productLots[_lotNumber] = ProductLot(_lotNumber, _idValueChainOperator,
_idProduct, _unit, _amount, _exp, _eventDate, new uint32[](0));
captureEvents[eventsCount] = CaptureEvent(eventsCount, _description, _geographicZone, _unit,
_amount, _exp, _idValueChainOperator, _eventDate, _vesselId, _anglingMethod, _lotNumber);
Figure 3: Smart contract function for registering a fish capture event.
chain activities since the tuna fish has been captured.
This involves several product lots and may involve
several value chain operators.
The registration of Transformation events is, for
now, limited to one or two origin product lots, be-
cause of a Solidity unimplemented feature, which im-
pairs copying a struct array elements from memory
function parameters to blockchain storage.
In the value chain of fish and its derivatives there are
many operators involved, from fish capture or aqua-
culture production to the final consumer, including
transport, logistics and industry. Each company con-
trols its internal processes, however, in order to under-
stand and be sure that the fish is in good condition for
consumption, it is necessary to know its entire value
chain path. For that, we need to know the value chain
process that arises from integrating all the companies’
processes involved in the fish path.
In this article we implement the integrated process
of all operators in a fish value chain using a smart con-
tract on the Ethereum blockchain. The implemented
smart contract is thought for the fish and fisheries
value chain, but can be easily adapted to other food
products value chains. The implemented smart con-
tract enables the value chain of fish and its derivatives
to become more transparent, and thus the value chain
can improve its reputation and gain credibility and im-
prove consumer confidence. The platform has other
advantages like improve communication and the co-
ordination between the involved parties and improve
the integrated process. It also allows to control the
quantity and the species of wild fish that are caught
and the places and the season in which certain species
can be caught, helping to preserve marine diversity in
the oceans.
Working with blockchain involves reviving some
ways to save memory, since a transaction can be more
expensive and slower if it involves a larger volume of
data. The solidity programming language itself has
some issues, as for instance, only allowing a maxi-
mum of 16 function parameters, and not allowing pa-
rameters with variable length.
Blockchain is a technology suitable for traceabil-
ity, where each operator will have their copy of the
data, allowing all operators to work together even
without having to trust each other completely.
In order for the final consumer, or the authori-
ties, to easily access the information stored on the
blockchain, it is necessary to create a tool that pro-
vides this information in an easy and user-friendly en-
vironment. This is a work in progress.
As future work it would be also appropriate to col-
lect the stored information to make data analysis and
present statistics about this data.
This contribution has been developed in the context
of Project ”ValorMar –Valorizac¸
ao integral dos re-
cursos marinhos: potencial, inovac¸
ao tecnol
ogica e
novas aplicac¸
oes” (reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-
024517) funded by FEDER (Fundo Europeu de De-
senvolvimento Regional) through Operational Pro-
gramme for Competitiveness and Internationalization
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