Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance
Energy Management in Large Ships
Eirini Barri
, Christos Bouras
, Apostolos Gkamas
, Nikos Karacapilidis
Dimitris Karadimas
, Georgios Kournetas
and Yiannis Panaretou
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, 26504 Rio Patras, Greece
University Ecclesiastical, Academy of Vella, Ioannina, Greece
Industrial Management and Information Systems Lab, MEAD, University of Patras, 26504 Rio Patras, Greece
OptionsNet S.A, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Agent-based Simulation, Energy Consumption, Cruise Ships, Machine Learning Algorithms.
Abstract: The prediction of energy consumption in large passenger and cruise ships is certainly a complex and
challenging issue. Towards addressing it, this paper reports on the development of a novel approach that
builds on a sophisticated agent-based simulation model, which takes into account diverse parameters such as
the size, type and behavior of the different categories of passengers onboard, the energy consuming facilities
and devices of a ship, spatial data concerning the layout of a ship’s decks, and alternative ship operation
modes. Outputs obtained from multiple simulation runs are then exploited by prominent Machine Learning
algorithms to extract meaningful patterns between the composition of passengers and the corresponding
energy demands in a ship. In this way, our approach is able to predict alternative energy consumption
scenarios and trigger meaningful insights concerning the overall energy management in a ship. Overall, the
proposed approach may handle the underlying uncertainty by blending the process-centric character of a
simulation model and the data-centric character of Machine Learning algorithms.
It is broadly known that shipping contributes
significantly to environmental pollution. Obviously,
energy saving has many benefits both for the
environmental protection and the reduction of a ship’s
operating costs. In this direction, the International
Maritime Organization aims to reduce ship emissions
by at least 50% by 2050, while ships to be built by
2025 are expected to be a massive 30% more energy
efficient than those built some years ago (IMO,
2018). A particular ship category is that of large
passenger and cruise ships, which reportedly
consume a large amount of energy and thus constitute
an interesting area for investigating diverse energy
consumption and energy saving solutions.
Interestingly enough, while such solutions have been
thoroughly investigated in the case of buildings, very
limited research has been conducted so far for the
abovementioned ship category.
Aiming to contribute to this research gap, this
paper reports on the development of a novel
approach that builds on a sophisticated agent-based
simulation model. The model takes into account the
size, characteristics (e.g. age, special needs etc.) and
behavior of the different categories of passengers
onboard, as well as the energy consuming facilities
and devices of a ship. In addition, the simulation
Barri, E., Bouras, C., Gkamas, A., Karacapilidis, N., Karadimas, D., Kournetas, G. and Panaretou, Y.
Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance Energy Management in Large Ships.
DOI: 10.5220/0009876601010109
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2020), pages 101-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-444-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
model exploits spatial data corresponding to a
detailed layout of the decks of a specific ship, thus
offering customized visualizations. Finally, the
model caters for alternative ship operation modes,
corresponding to cases where the ship cruises during
the day or night, or is anchored at a port. The
proposed agent-based simulation model has been
implemented with the use of the AnyLogic
simulation software (,
which provides a nice graphical interface for
modeling complex environments and allows the
extension of its simulation models through Java
A novelty of our approach concerns the
exploitation of the outputs obtained from multiple
simulation runs by prominent Machine Learning
(ML) algorithms to extract meaningful patterns
between the composition of passengers and the
corresponding energy demands in a ship. In this
way, our approach is able to predict alternative
energy consumption scenarios and trigger insights
concerning the overall energy management in a ship.
In addition, it handles the underlying uncertainty
and offers highly informative visualizations of the
energy consumption.
The work reported in this paper is carried out in
the context of the ECLiPSe project
(, which aims
at leveraging existing technological solutions to
develop an integrated energy consumption and
energy saving management system for the needs of
large passenger and cruise ships. A major task of the
project concerns the development of efficient
algorithms for the analysis and synthesis of the
associated multifaceted data, which may
considerably enhance the quality of the related
decision-making issues during the operation of a
vessel. These algorithms will trigger
recommendations about the management of energy
consumption, enabling stakeholders to gain energy
saving insights.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 outlines a literature review of
related work. Section 3 describes the proposed
approach that builds on the strengths of both
simulation and machine learning. Sections 4 and 5
present indicative experiments and corresponding
results from the application of the proposed
approach, and the analysis of the associated data
through appropriate ML algorithms, respectively.
Finally, Section 6 discusses concluding remarks and
briefly reports on future work directions.
As mentioned above, while considerable research has
been conducted so far on the optimization of various
energy consumption issues in buildings (being they
smart or not), very limited work has been reported so
far in the case of large ships. For instance, an agent-
based model for office energy consumption is
described in (Zhang et al., 2010). This work
elaborates the elements that are responsible for
energy consumption and presents a mathematical
model to explain the energy consumption inside an
office. The proposed model is validated through three
sets of experiments giving promising results.
Adopting another perspective, a review of
Machine Learning (ML) models for energy
consumption and performance in buildings is
presented in (Seyedzadeh et al., 2018); the motivation
of this work was the exploitation of contemporary
technologies, including network communication,
smart devices and sensors, towards enhancing the
accuracy of prediction in the above energy
management issues. On a similar research direction,
a combination of mathematical statistics and neural
network algorithms to solve diverse energy
consumption problems is proposed in (Guzhov and
Krolin, 2018); this work analyzes the associated big
data aiming to facilitate energy consumption
predictions for various types of buildings.
A comparative analysis of energy saving solutions
in buildings appears in (Chebotarova et al., 2019); the
proposed tool for assessing the effectiveness of
energy saving technologies implementation allows
not only to evaluate individual decisions, but also to
compare and rank them according to the breakeven
rate for the efficiency implementation decline. A
combination of Nearest Neighbors and Markov Chain
algorithms for the implementation of a system that is
able to support decision making about whether to turn
on or off a device in a smart home setting, thus
handling the related energy management issues, is
described in (Rajasekaran et al., 2017).
Research on the energy consumption of ships
during four different transatlantic cruises over the
period of one month is reported in (Marty et al.,
2012), through the elaboration of 250 samples of ship
data concerning ship speed, wind speed, ship draft,
latitude and longitude, etc. Data considered also
concern devices that produce power, such as the
ship’s oil and heat recovery boilers. Based on all these
data, a huge database containing thousands of files
has been built, which in turn feeds a simulation
environment that enables a ship operator to estimate
the energy consumption of cruise ships.
SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
A new method to model the ship energy flow and
thus understand the dynamic energy distribution of
the marine energy systems is introduced in
(Guangrong et al., 2013); using the
Matlab/Simscape environment, a multi-domain
simulation method is employed. As reported, the
proposed method can help people better monitor the
ship energy flow and give valuable insights about
how to efficiently operate a vessel. In a similar
research line, aiming to provide a better
understanding of the use of energy, of the purpose it
serves, and of the efficiency of its conversion on
board, an analysis of the energy system of a cruise
ship operating in the Baltic Sea is provided in (Baldi
et al., 2018); being based on a combination of direct
measurements and computational models of the
energy system of the ship, the proposed approach
ensures to provide a close representation of the real
behavior of the system.
Our approach adopts the Action Research paradigm
(Checkland and Holwell, 1998), which aims to
contribute to the practical concerns of people in a
problematic situation; it concerns the improvement
of practices and strategies in the complex setting
under consideration, as well as the acquisition of
additional knowledge to improve the way shipping
stakeholders address issues and solve problems.
Building on the strengths of existing related work,
as reported in the previous section, the proposed
approach comprises two main phases: (i) agent-
based simulation of the energy consumption in
various sites of a ship, and (ii) utilization of
prominent ML algorithms on the outputs of multiple
simulation runs to extract meaningful insights about
the relation between the passenger composition and
corresponding energy demands. Through these
phases, our approach is able to gather, aggregate and
analyze heterogeneous data representing both the
energy consumption in diverse devices and facilities
and the concentration of passengers in different
areas of a ship.
To fine tune our approach, a series of meetings
with shipping companies were conducted; through
them, we identified the types of devices and facilities
that mainly affect energy consumption in the ship
categories under consideration, and obtained valuable
information concerning the parameters to be taken
into account in energy consumption models (such as
that energy supply in a ship is provided by a number
of electric power generators, which are often of
different capacity and do not work in parallel;
estimations of energy demands according to the
number of passengers were also obtained through
such meetings). In addition, information collected
concerned the layout of ship decks and its relation to
the energy management issues investigated. Finally,
we clarified issues related to the alternative types of
passengers and how these may influence alternative
energy consumption and energy saving scenarios
(Barri et al., 2020).
3.1 Agent-based Simulation
Our approach aims to enable stakeholders predict the
energy needs of a ship (e.g. to recommend the
appropriate number of power generators to operate
each time), facilitate predictive maintenance issues
(affecting the related equipment), and hopefully
reduce the energy related operating costs. To fulfil
these aims, our simulation model takes into account
the passengers’ behavior and its dependencies with a
ship’s facilities, devices and resources.
A basic assumption of our approach is that the
energy demands in many sites of a ship (such as the
restaurant, the nightclub, the kindergarten etc.)
depend on the number of passengers who gather at
these sites at a given time, as well as their
composition in terms of type (customer or crew
member), age, gender etc. We consider that different
age groups have different paths and habits
(differences among passenger groups may even affect
the speed of a moving agent). To estimate the
populations gathered in these sites, we relied on the
behavioral preferences that large subgroups of
passengers have. For instance, we assume that young
passengers prefer to spend their time at nightclub
from 10pm to 3am, while elderly passengers prefer to
eat dinner at a fancy restaurant. Our model may also
simulate the behavior of persons with special needs
(PWSN); in particular, we assume that these people
move at a slower pace and are in most cases
accompanied by another person. Such assumptions
enable us to predict the gathered populations and,
accordingly, the energy demands during day and
night. This approach facilitates the modeling of
energy consumption, especially for ships that do not
have sophisticated energy consumption monitoring
and control systems.
In addition, according to our approach, the
passengers’ behavior is being considered and
modelled through three basic scenarios
corresponding to the ship (i) being moved during the
day, (ii) being moved during the night, and (iii) being
anchored at a destination or port. In the above
Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance Energy Management in Large Ships
scenarios, we assume different behaviors from
passengers, which may result to different energy
demands. Finally, to accommodate the spatial
particularities of each ship, our approach pays much
attention to the layout of each deck. These layouts
provide us with the spatial data that are needed to
calculate the movement of passengers inside the ship.
AnyLogic offers a user-friendly import of sectional
plans (views), thus enabling the production of a more
realistic model of the distribution of ship passengers,
facilities and devices. Taking into account what our
models predict in terms of energy needs, we suggest
different policies of energy management, aiming to
reduce energy consumption.
3.2 ML Algorithms
Having thoroughly assessed the palette of broadly
used ML algorithms for the needs of our approach,
we decided to utilize two classification algorithms,
namely the Decision Trees (DT) and the K-Nearest
Neighbors (Κ-NN) algorithms. This is due to the fact
that these algorithms provide high interpretability of
their results, they have low computational cost, and
they fit well to our data structure.
Decision Trees is one of the simplest and widely
used classifiers in the field of Data Mining. They
constitute a non-parametric supervised learning
method, aiming to create a model that predicts the
value of a target variable by learning simple decision
rules inferred from the data features. DT
demonstrates excellent applicability in datasets with
either categorical or continuous variables. In addition,
it requires little data preparation and it is able to
process large amounts of data (Rokach and Maimon,
K-NN is a simple supervised ML algorithm that
can be used for both classification and regression
problems, and has been extensively applied in diverse
disciplines, such as Economics and Health
(Cunningham & Delany, 2007). It relies on labeled
input data to learn a function that produces an
appropriate output when given new unlabeled data. In
most cases, K-NN yields competitive results and has
significant advantages over other data mining
methods. It differs from other classifiers in that it does
not build a generic classification model; instead,
whenever a new record is being inserted in the
system, it tries to find similar records (nearest
neighbors) from past data stored in its memory and
assigns it the value of the dependent variable that its
neighbors have.
To demonstrate the applicability and potential of the
proposed approach, this section presents a particular
set of experiments carried out for a specific vessel. In
particular, we elaborate energy demands that are
associated with four popular facilities of a ship,
namely (i) the night club, (ii) the kindergarten, (iii)
the casino, and (iv) the restaurant. For the case under
consideration, we consider and import in the
simulation software the original deck layouts, where
all ship facilities and passenger cabins are mapped.
Moreover, we assume a total population of 3100
passengers onboard, belonging to four distinct age
groups (i.e. 1-14, 15-34, 35-54, ≥55 years old). Table
I summarizes sample data concerning the populations
of each age group in the facilities considered. For
each individual group of passengers, we create a
simple linear behavioral model in which each
individual group remains in a specific facility for
some time. We do this for every group of passengers
and every time period to create a comprehensive
routine for all passengers throughout the day. In this
way, we are able to simulate diverse scenarios, which
may be easily aggregated to create an illustrative
energy consumption map for the whole vessel.
Table 1: Distribution of age groups in various ship facilities.
Ship’s Cite Age Group 1-14 15-34 35-54
0% 60% 30% 10%
0 300 150 50
35% 10% 55% 0%
53 15 82
12% 8% 35%
46 30 134
0% 0% 35%
0 0 112
4.1 Night Club
For the case elaborated in this paper, we generated
random samples of 500 passengers, assuming that the
percentage of passengers visiting this facility is
between 15% and 17%. This facility operates from
11pm to 5am. The conditional probability of someone
visiting the night club is shown in Table 1. We also
set the time spent there (from passengers of all age
SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 1: An instance of a simulated energy consumption scenario in the nightclub.
Figure 3: An instance of a simulated energy consumption scenario in the kindergarten.
groups) to follow a triangular distribution with a
lower limit equal to 50 minutes, mode equal to 95
minutes, and upper limit equal to 110 minutes.
Finally, we imported the layout of a specific deck,
where detailed spatial data about the cabins and the
possible pathways leading to the night club area are
described. By running the corresponding simulations,
we are able to visualize the possible concentration of
passengers during the night at this area of the ship (see
Figure 1). Consequently, by estimating the energy
requirements of the night club with respect to the
number of passengers hosted, we can calculate the
possible energy needs for the particular time period
and facility (see Figure 2). Such estimations can be
used for future predictions of energy consumption in
cases where passengers are distributed in a similar
way. Furthermore, the derived data can be statistically
analyzed to reveal the data patterns and mechanisms
that may cause the particular energy demands.
Figure 2: Energy demands corresponding to passengers’
concentration in the nightclub.
Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance Energy Management in Large Ships
4.2 Kindergarten
For this facility (see Figure 3), we considered that the
passengers who visit it are mainly children (1-14
years old) and their parents (who may belong into the
age groups of 15-34 and 35-54 years old). The
opening hours of this facility are from 11am to 2pm.
We assumed that the kindergarten is not the only
choice that the above groups have for entertainment
purposes. Also, compared to other areas on the ship,
the kindergarten is not large enough to accommodate
all parents with their children. We have therefore
assumed that the proportion of passengers visiting it
daily ranges from 4% to 5.5%, i.e. from 120 up to 176
persons. The time people spend while visiting this
facility is described by a triangular distribution with a
minimum time of 50 minutes, a maximum time of 110
minutes, and a dominant value of 80 minutes. The
experiments carried out gave the concentration of
passengers shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Passengers’ concentration in the kindergarten.
4.3 Casino
The samples of passengers used in the particular set
of experiments concerned 320 people (i.e. 10% of
average passengers’ population). We assumed that
this facility operates from 7pm to 7am and mainly
attracts passengers that are older than 35 years old
(65% of them belonging to the ≥55 age group and the
remaining 35% to the 35-54 age group). Moreover,
passengers that visit the casino are divided into two
categories, those who choose to waste their time
exclusively in the casino during the night (20%) and
those who visit the casino for a certain time period
(they may leave and re-enter the casino during the
night). The first category concerns the 20% of the
casino visitors (their stay follows a triangular
distribution with a minimum time of 250 minutes, a
maximum of 300 minutes and a dominant value of
270 minutes). Similarly, for the rest 80% of casino
visitors we considered that their time spent follows a
triangular distribution with a minimum time of 20
minutes, a maximum time of 80 minutes and a
dominant value of 35 minutes).
4.4 Restaurant
We considered one of the available ship restaurants
(offering an “à la carte” menu, thus not being an
economic one), operating from 7pm to 11pm. This
facility concerns all passengers, regardless of age
group. We assumed that 10%-12% of passengers
(320-380 people) choose this particular restaurant;
their stay is described by a triangular distribution with
a minimum time of 75 minutes, a maximum time of
150 minutes and a dominant value of 120 minutes.
The experiments described above demonstrate
diverse features and options offered by the proposed
simulation model. To predict energy consumption in
large passenger and cruise ships, our approach
aggregates results obtained from each particular
facility of a ship and produces a corresponding time
series diagram, in which the dependent variable is the
energy consumption measured in energy units per
hour and the time interval is 10 minutes. Figure 5
illustrates the overall energy demands with regards to
the estimated gathering of passengers in the facilities
discussed in the previous section throughout the day.
Obviously, our experiments have not considered the
entirety of facilities and energy consumers available
on a ship (such as air condition, lighting, heating etc.);
however, all of them can be easily aggregated to our
model and thus provide a detailed mapping of the
overall energy consumption.
Figure 5: Cumulative concentration of passengers in four
major ship’s facilities and corresponding energy demand.
Building on the proposed agent-based simulation
model that facilitates the creation of alternative
energy consumption scenarios, we can produce
SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
realistic data that can be further elaborated by
prominent machine learning algorithms to provide
meaningful insights for managing diverse energy
consumption patterns (Deist et al., 2018). Parameters
taken into account by the proposed machine learning
algorithms also include the number of ship generators
(categorical variable), the alternative age groups and
their populations (as defined for each ship), and the
time slots considered each time (the ones adopted in
our approach are shown in Table 2).
Table 2: Time slots considered in our approach.
Time interval Time slot
7:00am – 11:59am Morning
12:00pm – 4:59pm Midday
5:00pm – 9:59pm Evening
10:00pm – 6:59am Night
Table 3: Sample of our dataset.
Age Groups
of gen. in
1-14 15-34 35-54
290 535 945 1432 97
200 750 1200 1100 75
175 700 1150 1150 20
48 885 1890 550 100
Ιn our experiments, we generated a large dataset
of 919 different passenger compositions for each time
slot. A small sample of this dataset, concerning only
four of these compositions for the time slots defined,
is presented in Table 3 (the number of generators that
operate for each data combination is calculated upon
the definition of a set of energy unit intervals and their
association with the energy produced by the
simultaneous operation of a certain number of
generators). A big part of this dataset (70%) was used
as the training set of the two ML algorithms
incorporated in our approach. Through the utilization
of these algorithms, one may predict the required
number of generators per time slot for a specific
passenger composition.
Focusing on the ‘morning’ time slot, Figure 6
illustrates the output of the Decision Tree algorithm,
which classifies alternative passenger compositions
into different numbers of power generators required.
As it can be observed, the energy consumption of the
ship in this time slot is being affected by (i.e.
positively correlated to) the ratio of passengers that
are older than 55 to those that are younger than 35
years old. The interpretation of this may be that older
people use to be more active in the morning
(compared to young populations). Results shown in
Figure 7 provide additional evidence in favor of the
above insight; as depicted, the correlation between
the number of generators being used in the morning
and the number of elderly passengers is positive.
Figure 6: Decision Tree classification (‘children’,
‘teenAdults’, ‘middleAgeAdults’ and ‘elderlyAdults’
correspond to the 1-14, 15-34, 35-54 and >=55 age groups,
For the abovementioned time slot, we also applied
the K-NN algorithm. The confusion matrix produced
(this matrix is actually a technique for summarizing
the performance of a classification algorithm) showed
us limited reliability. In particular, K-NN performed
very well (with more than 95% accuracy) when
classifying compositions of passengers that were
associated with the operation of one or four
generators, while this was not the case for
compositions associated with the operation of two or
three generators (in these cases, the accuracy was
about 45% and 55%, respectively).
Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance Energy Management in Large Ships
Figure 7: Scatter plot - number of generators vs population
of elderly passengers.
Table 4 summarizes a small set of predictions
produced by the K-NN algorithm for the cases of one
or four generators operating simultaneously. It is
noted that for these cases K-NN produces very similar
results to those obtained by the Decision Tree, i.e. the
energy needs are positively correlated to the ratio of
passengers that are older than 55 to those that are
younger than 35 years old. Such insights, resulting
from multiple simulation runs, were also validated by
shipping stakeholders. According to their validation
feedback, adjustments to the initially set parameters
and energy demand thresholds were performed.
Table 4: Predictions produced by K-NN algorithm.
Age Groups
Number o
1-14 15-34 35-54
100 755 1100 1300 75
270 668 916 1570 43
174 968 865 1021 40
243 755 1412 656 41
328 686 1450 678 82
410 995 1425 780 10
The prediction of energy consumption in large
passenger and cruise ships is certainly a hard
problem. This is mainly due to the need to
simultaneously consider the interaction between
multiple parameters and agent behaviors. To deal
with this problem, the proposed approach blends the
process-centric character of a simulation model and
the data-centric character of ML algorithms. First, by
building on a comprehensive and informative agent-
based simulation model, it facilitates the generation
and assessment of alternative energy consumption
scenarios that incorporate vast amounts of realistic
data under various conditions. Second, it advocates
the use of prominent machine learning algorithms to
aid the finding, understanding and interpretation of
patterns that are implicit in this data, ultimately
aiming to provide meaningful insights for shaping
energy saving solutions in a ship.
In any case, we need to compare the outputs of the
proposed approach with real data. As far as the
outcomes produced by the agent-based simulation
model are consistent with real data, our machine
learning algorithms will be better trained, which in
turn will enhance the accuracy of the associated
energy consumption predictions. Such reinforcement
learning activities consist one of our future work
Another research direction concerns the
investigation of alternative modes to combine
simulation and machine learning in our approach.
Specifically, we plan to consider the application of
ML algorithms prior to and within the simulation. In
the former case, we will need real data to develop
rules and heuristics that our agent-based simulation
model can then employ. In the latter, we may reuse
previously trained ML-based models or train the ML
models as the simulation is taking place.
Finally, we plan to expand the proposed agent-
based simulation model with problem-specific
algorithms and interfaces, aiming to enable shipping
stakeholders perform a progressive synthesis and
multiple criteria comparative evaluation of
alternative energy consumption configurations (a
similar approach has been proposed in (Karacapilidis
and Moraitis, 2001)).
The work presented in this paper has been co-
financed by the European Union and Greek national
funds through the Regional Operational Program
“Western Greece 2014-2020”, under the Call
“Regional research and innovation strategies for
smart specialization (RIS3) in Energy Applications”
(project: 5038607 entitled “ECLiPSe: Energy Saving
0 1000 2000 3000
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Blending Simulation and Machine Learning Models to Advance Energy Management in Large Ships