Ensuring Confidentiality of Information When Processing Operational
Production Plans in Cloud Services
Radda A. Iureva
, Sergey V. Taranov
, Alexander V. Penskoi
and Artem S. Kremlev
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPbETU ”LETI”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Confidentiality, Cloud Services, Operational Plans, Data Anonymization, Homomorphic Encryption.
This paper proposes two methods for ensuring the confidentiality of information transmitted to cloud services
when processing the operational production schedule. The first method consists of the consistent classification
of critical information and the depersonalization of symbolic parameters, which may be personal or com-
mercial secret, concerning the type of anonymized data. The second method, as an additional gain, involves
homomorphic encryption of numerical parameters.For each of the proposed methods, the disadvantages and
advantages of its use and implementation are described.
According to a study by the InfoWatch Analytical
Center, in 2018, there were 70 confidential data leaks
through cloud servers and other insecure information
storages with Internet access. 28.2% of incidents
in the area of sensitive data leakage occurred in the
cloud, with more than 40% of them from storage fa-
cilities owned by high-tech companies (Figure 1). For
example, in August 2019, the personal data of almost
90 thousand customers of the Mastercard payment
system in Germany was discovered on the Web. Such
kind of information can be used for phishing mailings.
Figure 1: Distribution of fraudulent data incidents by chan-
The use of cloud computing extends the scope of
information security tasks (Park and Tran, 2015) to
protect resources, trade secrets, personal data, and
other user data (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Distribution of leaks from cloud servers by data
When using cloud computing to generate an oper-
ational production schedule, the know-how of the en-
terprise, building plans, logistics flow charts, as well
as personal data of employees are used. These data
are sensitive, as its loss may result in material and rep-
utational damage. As part of this study, anonymiza-
tion and data encryption procedures are considered to
protect the confidentiality of this information. The se-
curity of using a cloud service is described as follows:
CS = (C
), (I
), (A
), (1)
Where index impact = {low, moderate, high}., C
means Confidentiality, I means integrity and A is for
The Security of Cloud Computing based on fully
Homomorphic Encryption is a rather new concept of
information security, so there are not so many re-
Iureva, R., Taranov, S., Penskoi, A. and Kremlev, A.
Ensuring Confidentiality of Information When Processing Operational Production Plans in Cloud Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0009873201670173
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 167-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
searchers on ot. In (Singh et al., 2019) is made a
review on this field of science and described com-
mon advantages of using homomorphic encryption,
as it is enable to provide the results of calculations
on encrypted data without knowing the raw entries on
which the calculation was carried out respecting the
commercial secrets. In (Kavitha and Harsoor, 2018),
(Murthy and Kavitha, 2019) is made a review and an
analysis of The Security of Cloud Computing based
on fully Homomorphic Encryption to exhibit various
applications of in the real world. It is stressed also that
the system must work efficiently without compromis-
ing the required cloud security services. The paper
(Priya and Sumitha, 2018) provides another analysis
with comparison of performance on encryption algo-
rithms. The authors made a conclusion that Paillier
and Elgamal algorithms are considered to be the most
efficient when it comes in terms of security
The purpose of this study is to increase privacy
Consider the types of interaction, possible threats,
distribution of powers, and data flows between enti-
ties (information owner and cloud service) to formu-
late requirements for methods of ensuring confiden-
tiality. Figure 3 shows the permissions for the cloud
user and information owner.
Figure 3: Powers of the owner of the information and user
of the service.
It is considered to be non-disclosure to third par-
ties in the process of cloud computing when planning
the assembly process of linear drives. To conduct a
vulnerability analysis of the system under study, a use
case diagram of the service user is constructed (Figure
Figure 4: Use Case diagram for service user.
When using a cloud service and ensuring the con-
fidentiality of data processed in the cloud, it must be
borne in mind that the cloud client must be able to
synchronize files in blocks and be able to quickly ac-
cess any data on the cloud to update or decrypt it
without the need to transfer large amounts of “left”
data. The Figure 5 shows the data flow when they are
uploaded to the cloud for computing the operational
production plan. There are two types of cloud service
1. The information owner independently encrypts
the data (Figure 5), the key is stored in the infor-
mation owner’s database, sensitive data is trans-
mitted in encrypted form to the cloud. Advan-
tages: Confidential information is not transmit-
ted to the cloud in an open or even anonymous
form. Disadvantages: When synchronizing and
updating information, it is necessary to re-encrypt
huge data sets on the side of the information
owner. Moreover, when encrypting with non-
homomorphic cryptographic algorithms, opera-
tions on numerical parameters will be completely
2. The owner of the information fully trusts the
owner of the cloud service and transfers the data
to the representatives of the service for calculat-
ing the operational plan in the clear. Advantages:
Cloud services process open information most ef-
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
ficiently without the need for pre-processing. In-
formation can be quickly updated by the owner of
the information Disadvantages: There is no pro-
tection against malicious exposure from the cloud
Figure 5: Data flow in the process of download data on
The main problem of encryption in data centers is
that suppliers store keys to user data so that the cloud
service administrator can see all the data related to
personal information and commercial secrets at any
time. Thus, customers of the cloud service have to
overpower themselves and show trust because their
data is not fully protected. The methods proposed in
this paper are going to solve this problem.
When creating distributed applications, it is advis-
able to visualize the network infrastructure of the soft-
ware system. The use of cloud computing power de-
termines the need to address issues related to the secu-
rity and stability of access to information of corporate
clients. Thus, the general configuration and topology
of the software system, containing the image of the
placement of components on individual nodes of the
network, are presented in the Figure 6. It also of-
fers information transfer routes between devices that
are involved in calculating the operational production
plan of a distributed enterprise.
Based on the above requirements for the organi-
zation of flows and interaction of entities, it is rec-
ommended to follow the next sequence of operations,
presented in Figure 7, to ensure the confidentiality of
information transmitted by the information owner to
the cloud for the implementation of the production
plan generation process.
The main structural element of the interaction
scheme between the information owner and the cloud
service shown in Figure 7 is the projective transfor-
mation, which for the most part, rests with the task
of ensuring the confidentiality of information. The
methods underlying this protective conversion are de-
scribed in the next section of the paper.
Figure 6: Deployment Diagram of Operating Scheduling.
Figure 7: The sequence diagram of operations when calcu-
lating the operational production schedule using encryption.
Ensuring Confidentiality of Information When Processing Operational Production Plans in Cloud Services
Before describing the security conversion proposed in
the paper, it is worthwhile to clarify the relationship
between the described privacy methods and the ex-
isting secure connection protocols (SSL/TLS, IPsec,
HTTPS). The purposes of ensuring confidentiality
proposed in the paper relating to the protocol inter-
action of the information owner’s node and the cloud
service at the application level, therefore, the task of
providing a secure connection between the cloud and
the owner is not considered and it is believed that it is
solved at lower levels (network and transport).
To describe the proposed protection method, we
consider the simplest example of a technological map,
an accompanying enterprise database, and the pro-
cess of downloading information from an enterprise
database to an external cloud to optimize critical pa-
rameters of an operational production plan. The table
1 presents the simplest example of a flow chart for
manufacturing a metal part.
Table 1: Example of operational plan.
Number Sequence
1 Select a workpiece for processing
2 Mark the workpiece in length
3 Cut the workpiece along the marking lines
4 ···
··· ···
Based on technological maps, enterprises form
technological processes that involve the necessary
personnel, equipment, and additional tools to create
the materials indicated in the technological maps. The
most straightforward database accompanying the flow
chart may can consist of attributes with following
clarifying information:
1. number of specialists in the enterprise;
2. required number of workpieces;
3. labor costs;
4. number of workbenches.
In the corporate database, information from tech-
nological maps is concertized, the necessary capac-
ities for creating the product are compared with the
current resources of the enterprise. An urgent task
for an enterprise with continually changing external
(interaction with suppliers, equipment and materials,
prices, logistics, production calendar) and internal
(availability of certain personnel and specialists) con-
ditions is the selection of the optimal ratio of critical
parameters (labor costs, time of employment of per-
sonnel and equipment consumed resources, etc.) in
order to improve the quality or quantity of products.
When assessing volumetric flow charts and taking
into account a wide range of critical parameters, the
task of selecting the optimal ratio becomes computa-
tionally complex and, accordingly, intractable within
a particular enterprise. In this regard, a frequent prac-
tice at present is the transfer of the procedure for se-
lecting the optimal ratio of critical parameters to ex-
ternal public cloud services (Margun et al., 2017).
Despite the fact that the protection of confidential-
ity from external intruders and third parties is solved
at the TLS/SSL protocol level, the actual threat of
confidentiality violation is the threat of access by un-
scrupulous administrators and cloud owners to cus-
tomer data stored and processed in the cloud. The
obvious and primary problem when transferring in-
formation on limited-access outside the enterprise is
the preservation of its confidentiality.
Consider the approach to finding the optimal key
parameters by solving the system of inequalities. This
approach is used, in particular, in the preparation of
information for generating a production plan. For ex-
ample, in a routing, there are two consecutive steps A
and B, in each of which two different specialists are
involved, the labor of which is required to complete
the corresponding steps as d
and d
. Specialists can-
not replace each other, and parallelization of A and B
operations cannot be performed. Under such condi-
tions, the task of optimizing labor costs for the enter-
prise will be the solution to the following inequality
= A
+ d
= B
+ d
<= B
The last inequality is necessary to accurately de-
termine the sequence of operations. This paper as-
sumes that the cloud assumes the function of finding
the optimal parameters by solving systems of inequal-
ities similar to 2.
For the methods of ensuring confidentiality pro-
posed in this paper, preliminary data processing is re-
quired, which ranks the information to the one that
will participate in the calculations (structure or nu-
merical data), and the one that does not directly par-
ticipate in the estimates (tiles or character data). Char-
acter data includes not only explicitly defined confi-
dential information but also, for example, variables
for optimizing production plan parameters.
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The first method proposed in this paper to ensure
the confidentiality of information downloaded from
technological maps is to depersonalize key parame-
ters when transferring data to an external cloud ser-
vice. The following approach is proposed when pro-
cessing information before moving it to the cloud,
which consists of two successive stages: depersonal-
izing parameters (the depersonalization method must
be utterly reversible for the information owner and
preserving the data structure) and marking the data
types necessary for performing operations by the
cloud service. The most simple way of depersonaliz-
ing data is the method of introducing identifiers. This
approach provides for the replacement of critical in-
formation from a security point of view with a random
set of generated identifiers.
In the enterprise database, replacement tables are
additionally generated, the purpose of which is to de-
personalize the data transmitted to the cloud. For ex-
ample, to solve the system of inequalities 2, the fol-
lowing additional attributes can be entered in the en-
terprise database - Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2: Example of the substitutional table to character
Number Sequence Notion
Select a workpiece
for processing
Mark the workpiece
in length
Cut the workpiece
along the marking lines
Finish making
Table 3: Example of the substitutional table to numeric data.
Position Notion labor costs unit
Locksmith d
20 man hours 557C86
Turner d
10 man hours 5F0228
In the event that replacement tables are formed on
the client-side, as shown in Figure 2, only the last at-
tribute from the substitution table 2 and the second
and previous attribute from the substitution table 3 are
transferred to the external cloud service. As a result,
the cloud service receives the following inequality to
6EB3BE = 5DCBD2 + 20;
2645B2 = 1A0623 + 10;
6EB3BE <= 1A0623.
That is, the information transmitted to the cloud
server contains exclusively anonymized data (anon
function) and marking for data types, as shown in Ta-
ble 4.
Table 4: Example of data format forwarded to cloud service.
Formulation of
the problem
Description of
data types
anon(Sequence of
manufactoring steps)
and labor)
Only numerical data
with the number
of needed workpieces
allowed range
Number of specialists
with specific
exact value
It is worth noting that to increase the resistance
to correlation attacks, the method of anonymization
based on identifiers can be complicated and modi-
fied, in particular, using other methods of anonymiza-
tion, for example, the technique of mixing data. In
some cases, the depersonalization method can be re-
placed by the full encryption of individual variable
blocks (encryption must be performed in electronic
codebook mode so that the same variables in the cloud
have the same ciphertext values). Encryption can be
indispensable if, in the corporate network of the enter-
prise for sending tasks and processing the results re-
ceived from the cloud, individual network nodes, for
example, located in different branches of the enter-
prise, are responsible.
Even though most of the data is en-
crypted/anonymized, cloud services have all the
necessary information to solve the system of inequal-
ities. The last attribute of the substitution Table 3
allows you to determine whether absolute numerical
values (20 and 10 in our specific example) have the
same units of measurement and whether operations
are allowed on them. Since when depersonaliz-
ing/encrypting the same values with restrictions
in the proposed method, the same ciphertexts are
obtained, the cloud service can perform ranking
and ordering of variables based on inequalities
additionally introduced into the system.
The obvious advantages of the first method is the
simplicity of its implementation, we need to modify
the data structure used in the enterprise by adding re-
placement tables and identifier arrays to mark vari-
ables and units of measure. Another advantage is that
in a cloud service, based on the ranges of values de-
fined by the client, parallelization can be performed
on computing stations. When transmitting informa-
tion to the cloud, the owner of the information con-
Ensuring Confidentiality of Information When Processing Operational Production Plans in Cloud Services
verts the blocks of data independently of each other,
so each block can be changed on the owner’s side
and re-sent to the cloud. Disadvantage of the pro-
posed method is that we transmit in an open form
(for the cloud owner) numerical values to an exter-
nal cloud service. Numeric values can be used by cy-
bercriminals (dishonest cloud server administrators)
to recover partial or complete information about the
internal business processes of an enterprise. Also, the
owner of the cloud will know the sequence of opera-
tions, the allowed ranges of values for the processed
parameters, which, in turn, can provide indirect infor-
mation about confidential client data.
Confidentiality of numerical data can be ensured,
provided that partially or fully homomorphic cryp-
tographic algorithms are used for their transmission
(Gentry, 2009a; Gentry, 2009b; Rohloff and Cousins,
2014). Thus, the second method of ensuring confi-
dentiality is the use of fully homomorphic encryption
for numeric data transmitted to external services. The
following modification of the first proposed method
is proposed. Each numerical value x from the sec-
ond attribute of the Replacement Table 3 is assigned
a Enc(x) cost encrypted using a fully homomorphic
cryptosystem, which is subsequently transferred to
the cloud. As an encryption algorithm, this method
proposes to use the fully homomorphic cryptosystem
L. Jian and D. Song (Li et al., 2012), which is a
cryptosystem adapted to ensure confidentiality in the
clouds. Let us briefly describe the main stages of en-
cryption of the cryptosystem under consideration:
1. The key k is generated as a random odd number
of length l -bit
2. The process of encrypting one bit of the message
0, 1
is carried out according to the following formula
= x
+ k + r k q, (4)
where r is a random value of D-bit length, q is a
constant representing a large integer, n is the serial
number of the message bit and ciphertext.
3. To decrypt information on the client side, it is
enough to perform the operation:
c mod k (5)
The paper (Li et al., 2012) proves the homomor-
phism of the presented cryptosystem. An additional
significant advantage of the presented method is the
ability to verify the integrity of data sent to the cloud
without decrypting it. In particular, when using the
proposed method, the information owner can send en-
crypted messages to the cloud at some intervals to ver-
ify the integrity of numerical data:
= x
+ k + r k q (6)
The server, in turn, is able, using only the general syn-
chronization parameter q, to verify that the selected
clear text bits do match:
Integrity = (c
) mod q (7)
If the integrity parameter integrity is equal to zero,
then the copy stored on the server matches the sent
Note that using a homomorphic system, it is pro-
posed to encrypt exclusively numerical data and not
information completely transmitted to the server, in-
cluding the statement of the problem, operating pa-
rameters, and identifiers. The encryption process it-
self, when it is used out of control, will be time-
consuming and labour-consuming for the information
owner. Therefore, it is proposed to further rank the
numerical parameters before sending it to the cloud
to determine which disclosure of which carries the
greatest risk to the enterprise. And concerning criti-
cal numerical parameters, apply the proposed method
based on a homomorphic encryption algorithm. Ad-
vantages As in the first method, the cloud server will
be able to perform ordinary actions on numerical data
and even, as shown in the paper (Chialva and Doom,
2018), perform comparisons, ranking, dividing pa-
rameters into ranges under certain conditions. Using
selective encryption, you can achieve an effective bal-
ance between the load on the client and the level of
information confidentiality. When using the second
method, the probability of violating the confidential-
ity of information is very low. The attacker will only
know the sequence of operations, which is almost im-
possible to correlate with the technological processes
of the enterprise.
It is also worth highlighting drawbacks, charac-
teristic of the second method, on the client-side, it
is necessary to further modify the allowed type and
range for numeric and character parameters, because,
after encryption, the received value may not satisfy
the requirements defined for the initial settings. Mod-
ifications may concern, among other things, the state-
ment of the problem as a whole if, as a result of ap-
plying the second method, the optimization parameter
of the production schedule was encrypted.
The paper raises the urgent problem of ensuring the
confidentiality of information when it is processed
in cloud services. In this paper, an analysis of in-
formation flows between interacting entities was car-
ried out, a model of threats to information privacy
violations in solving the problem was constructed.
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The paper suggests using a comprehensive method for
anonymizing and marking confidential information
with the preservation of the data type for subsequent
processing as a protective transformation for data
transferred to cloud services. As a second method,
it is proposed to strengthen the original algorithm for
the protective transformation using schemes of homo-
morphic encryption of numerical data. For each of the
proposed methods, the disadvantages and advantages
of its use and implementation are described.
This work was financially supported by Government
of Russian Federation (Grant 08-08) and by the Min-
istry of Science and Higher Education of Russian
Federation, passport of goszadanie no. 2019-0898.
Section three funding was provided by Russian Sci-
ence Foundation (RU) (Grant No. 19-19-00566).
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Ensuring Confidentiality of Information When Processing Operational Production Plans in Cloud Services