QSOR: Quantum-safe Onion Routing
Zsolt Tujner
1,2 a
, Thomas Rooijakkers
1 b
, Maran van Heesch
1 c
and Melek
2 d
TNO, The Hague, the Netherlands
EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Tor, Anonymous Routing, Post-quantum Cryptography.
We propose a study on the use of post-quantum cryptographic primitives for the Tor network in order to make
it safe in a quantum world. With this aim, the underlying keying material has first been analysed. We observe
that breaking the security of the algorithms/protocols that use long- and medium-term keys (usually RSA keys)
have the highest impact in security. Therefore, we investigate the cost of quantum-safe variants. Six different
post-quantum cryptographic algorithms that ensure level 1 NIST security are evaluated. We further target
the Tor circuit creation operation and evaluate the overhead of the post-quantum variant. This comparative
study is performed through a reference implementation based on SweetOnions that simulates Tor with slight
simplifications. We show that a quantum-safe Tor circuit creation is possible and suggest two versions - one
that can be used in a purely quantum-safe setting, and one that can be used in a hybrid setting.
Nowadays, information available online is expanding
in an unforeseen way, a vast amount of data is up-
loaded and shared through social media, IoT, etc. This
data attracts unwanted attention and might paint a bad
image of some stakeholders. Consider the case of Ed-
ward Snowden who put the National Security Agency
(NSA) in the spotlight by shedding light on how the
American population was wiretapped
. When blow-
ing the whistle on such a large scale one would aim
to remain anonymous, as this act can negatively af-
fect the career and freedom of the individual. In
oppressive regimes, where the freedom of speech is
abused, this is even more serious, as any type of nega-
tive speech or expressing freedom of information may
be recognized as an act of treason resulting in severe
The Onion Router (Tor) (Dingledine et al., 2004))
aims to ensure the anonymity of its users when ac-
cessing or communicating over the Internet. When
using Tor, messages or website connection requests
decoded#section/1, Accessed on 2019-06-14
are sent through a network of relays and after multi-
ple ’hops’ reach their destination. The cryptographic
schemes used today in Tor are based on hard mathe-
matical assumptions e.g., integer factorization (Katz
and Lindell, 2007). These schemes are assumed to be
secure against classical adversaries, as solving them
with the currently known algorithms cost exponen-
tial time. However, with a quantum computer solving
these problems becomes feasible.
Contributions. We investigate the main challenges to
build and maintain a quantum-safe Tor network. We
first examine the keying material used in Tor and iden-
tify the impact of the compromise of each of them.
We observe that the migration towards quantum-safe
Tor should start with the update of cryptographic
algorithms that involve long-term and medium-term
keys. Such a migration naturally results in additional
cost in terms of CPU and bandwidth. To evaluate
the overhead resulting from the shift to post-quantum
(PQ) cryptographic algorithms, we have conducted an
experimental study while considering six PQ public-
key encryption algorithms that are part of NIST’s
round 2 submissions
. We observe that each scheme
comes with different advantages and limitations, and
that consequently there is no ideal solution that offers
optimal CPU and bandwidth overhead. We further fo-
cus on a particular Tor network operation, namely cir-
Tujner, Z., Rooijakkers, T., van Heesch, M. and Önen, M.
QSOR: Quantum-safe Onion Routing.
DOI: 10.5220/0009869206180624
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 618-624
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cuit building, and evaluate the cost of its PQ variant.
This study is performed through a reference imple-
mentation based on SweetOnions
that simulates Tor
with slight modifications. We show that while the in-
crease in CPU time is acceptable and similar among
different implementations, the bandwidth overhead
remains significant. For more details, the reader can
refer to the full version of this paper
The Onion Router (Tor). Tor (Dingledine et al.,
2004) is one of the most popular tools to achieve
anonymity for web browsing. When a Tor user ac-
cesses a website, the encrypted traffic is routed across
multiple relays. The use of multiple nodes enroute
to the destination helps obfuscate the connection of
users and hence achieve anonymity: Each node in the
path towards the destination (named a circuit), only
has information about the previous node and the next
node. Messages are encrypted by the source in a lay-
ered fashion and each encryption layer is removed by
one relay node. The default number of relay nodes
to set up a circuit is three (entry node, middle node,
exit node)
. Each node has to communicate informa-
tion called descriptors to Directory Authorities who
maintain a state of the network. The Directory Au-
thorities vote on the network status to obtain a con-
sensus document. The user connects to one of the Di-
rectory Authorities, fetches the consensus document
and the Tor software selects a path from the available
nodes. The overall Tor framework is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. Each Tor node receives and maintains multi-
ple cryptographic keys for different purposes. Table 1
Middle node
Exit node
Figure 1: An overview of Tor with nine directory authori-
ties (DAs), a bridge authority, the consensus document, Tor
nodes, the symmetric keys (sk), and the message (msg).
https://github.com/LeonHeTheFirst/SweetOnions, ac-
cessed on 28/11/2019.
TorRelayGuide, accessed on 28/11/2019.
Table 1: Functionalities of keys in Tor.
Type Key lifetime Key name Function
long-term identity key Establish relay identity
medium-term onion key Decrypt cells at circuit cre-
ation. Used in ntor and
TAP for handshakes.
short-term connection key Establish TLS channels.
Curve25519 medium-term handshake key Handle handshakes ntor.
long-term master identity key Sign medium-term
Ed25519 key. Never
medium-term signing key Replaces RSA id key, signs
documents, certificates.
short-term link authentication key Authenticate handshakes
after circuit negotiation.
provides an overview of the asymmetric keys used in
Tor with their lifetime and functionalities. Long-term
keys are used at least for one year, medium-term keys
are used for three to twelve months, and short-term
keys have a lifespan of minutes to a maximum of one
Post-quantum Cryptography. The security of the
current asymmetric encryption and digital signature
standards mostly depend on the hardness of inte-
ger factorization (RSA) or discrete logarithm (Diffie-
Hellman, Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm) (Katz
and Lindell, 2007). As described in (Shor, 1995),
such cryptographic schemes can be easily broken
in polynomial time when using quantum comput-
ers. Hence, researchers are actively developing post-
quantum cryptographic solutions to resist quantum at-
tacks (Bernstein, 2009). In 2016, the National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) opened
a call for proposals on the topic of quantum-safe
cryptographic solutions for new quantum-safe stan-
dards (NIST, 2016). On January 30, 2019 the can-
didates for the second round were 17 asymmetric
key encryption and key-establishment algorithms and
9 digital signature algorithms. The transition to
quantum-safe cryptographic schemes is expected to
be a lengthy process. The adoption of quantum-safe
schemes results in a significant increase in bandwidth
and computational cost. Developers adopt the hybrid
approach whereby currently used standardized cryp-
tographic schemes are combined with quantum-safe
Related Work. At the time of writing, two papers
consider a quantum-safe Tor network: In (Ghosh and
Kate, 2015), the proposed solution named HybridOR
is a customized key exchange protocol. The so-
lution is reported to be computationally more effi-
cient compared to the currently used ntor protocol.
In (Schanck et al., 2016), the focus is also on se-
curely establishing the short-term keys in a quantum-
safe fashion. The proposed protocol named Hybrid,
uses a combination of long-term keys generated by
Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and short-term keys
generated by a quantum-safe scheme NTRUEncrypt.
We observe that existing solutions focus on the prob-
QSOR: Quantum-safe Onion Routing
lem of key exchange only. Furthermore, their perfor-
mance study only focuses on the use of one particular
quantum-safe cryptographic scheme. For example,
Hybrid is evaluated using NTRUEncrypt only. There-
fore there seems to be a lack of comparative study
among different quantum-safe cryptographic primi-
In a quantum world, Tor users need to have the same
security and anonymity guarantees as they currently
have. A quantum-safe Tor network should provide
these same guarantees against both quantum and clas-
sical adversaries. Current attack scenarios on Tor do
not target the cryptography used in Tor but aim to ex-
ploit other potential weaknesses. However, powerful
enough quantum computers will pose a new threat to
Tor as cryptography becomes vulnerable for abuse by
quantum adversaries. Introducing PQ cryptography to
Tor must be done in order to keep cryptographic vul-
nerabilities off the list of attack surfaces. It is pivotal
to introduce quantum-safe cryptography to the keys
of the nodes.
Current Attack Scenarios. Current attacks on Tor
do not target the cryptography but rather focus on vul-
nerabilities in Tor-related software, hidden services,
bridge node discovery, disabling the network, and on
generic attacks like timing. Typically, adversaries in-
troduce new nodes to the Tor network. This is a
lengthy process due to the policy of the network. New
nodes are even more closely monitored than nodes al-
ready in the network for malicious patterns and if such
is recognized, they are excluded from the network.
Cryptographic Attacks. We now consider attack
scenarios on the keys of the nodes that a quantum ad-
versary possesses. There are four types of keys in Tor
(See Table 1) and all of these can be compromised:
short-term key. By compromising a short-term
key at an entry node an adversary can follow the
entire circuit from sender to recipient, leading to
deanonymizing the user. Since such keys are re-
newed at the end of TLS connections, such attack
can be performed during the lifetime of its TLS
medium-term key. When an adversary compro-
mises the short-term key and the medium-term
key of a node, it can impersonate this node. Since
a node can decrypt one layer of symmetric en-
cryption when the messages are passed through it,
the previous and next ‘hop’ in the circuit are dis-
covered. The attack has to be performed before
the rotation of the medium-term and short-term
long-term key. The compromise of a long-term
key would enable the adversary to impersonate the
node and send forged descriptors to the directory
nodes. This also allows gaining indefinite, full ac-
cess to the node. Moreover, the adversary sees
previous and consecutive ‘hops’ in the circuit with
the encrypted cells.
symmetric key. Symmetric keys are used to en-
crypt the data sent between nodes. In the cur-
rent implementation of Tor, AES 128-bit is used
Compromising the symmetric keys enables an ad-
versary to decrypt layers of encryption and learn
the destination of the message; anonymity is at
risk. In case the attacker learns nothing but the
symmetric keys, the encrypted message must be
intercepted before entering the network as the
TLS connection adds an extra layer of security.
If an adversary does not learn all symmetric keys,
but only a subset, then he cannot decrypt the mes-
sage and thus, the circuit is not known, so source
and destination remain anonymous.
Current attacks on Tor are carried out with collud-
ing adversaries. If adversaries control the entry and
exit nodes in the network, they can share information
with each other and as a result deanonymize commu-
nicating parties. Colluding adversaries at the entry
and at the exit node who have the medium-term keys
will know the middle relay in a circuit. Sharing this
knowledge enables them to attempt to deanonymize
users, as the users using the common middle node
have the greatest probability to be communicating
with each other.
Migration Strategy for Quantum-safe Tor. Con-
sidering attackers’ capabilities and the lifetime of
the asymmetric keys, it is most urgent to update the
long-term keys to a quantum-safe alternative. Long-
term keys remain unchanged for a long time-period.
Hence, an adversary has more time to compromise
long-term keys. The effects of compromising long-
term keys are also greater, as an adversary can thereby
impersonate a node. The second most urgent need, is
updating the medium-term keys based on the avail-
able time period. Finally, the short-term keys must
be considered, even though the attacker has limited
time to compromise these keys due to the security
restrictions of Tor. Furthermore, short-term keys are
used with TLS, and there are works on making TLS
quantum-safe (Bos et al., 2015). We do stress that
spec.txt, accessed on 14/06/2019.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
it is crucial to update every asymmetric scheme to a
quantum-safe alternative in order to enforce the secu-
rity and anonymity claims of Tor. Lastly, we note that
the symmetric keys must be updated to AES 256 bits to
prevent ‘store now, decrypt later’-attacks (Bernstein,
2009) and ensure that users of Tor maintain life-long
In this section, we investigate the impact that PQ
cryptography might have on the Tor network, when
following the previously suggested migration strat-
egy. The impact of migrating all asymmetric cryp-
tography to a quantum-safe alternative has an impact
on the performance (both computational and network)
and reliability of Tor. We focus, in particular, on the
key exchanges as updating these has the greatest ef-
fect on the overall performance and reliability of Tor.
We benchmark the PQ cryptographic schemes that
have been implemented in the Open Quantum Safe
library (Stebila and Mosca, 2017).We only tested the
schemes that achieve level 1 NIST security (see Ta-
ble 2).
System Setup. Local and virtual environments are
both used. The technical specification of the note-
book used for the local experiments is Dell Lati-
tude E7240, with Intel Core i5-4310U CPU @ 2.00
- 2.60GHz processor, 8 GB RAM, Samsung SSD
SM841N mSATA 128 GB for storage and Windows
10 Enterprise 64-bit operating system. Furthermore,
an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS subsystem was installed. In or-
der to emulate the Tor network, 6 virtual machines
were used with Intel Core Processor (Broadwell) @
2.4 GHz processors, 60 GB storage, a virtual network
adapter, and Linux version 4.15.0 operating system.
Benchmarking Results. We performed measure-
ments and obtained benchmarks for (i) public key, pri-
vate key and ciphertext sizes (see table 3) , (ii) RSA
key generation, encryption and decryption, and, (iii)
quantum safe key generation, encapsulation and de-
capsulation. To get an average result for the CPU cy-
cle measurements, 1 000 iterations were run with each
test. The number of CPU cycles corresponding to one
second is 2 399 753 472.
Key lengths have an effect on network load as
they are sent to the Directory Authorities who dis-
tribute them to the clients. Larger ciphertexts have
a significant detrimental effect on the stability, re-
liability and performance of a network. From ta-
ble 2, we observe that, both Frodo-640-AES and
Frodo-640-SHAKE (Alkim et al., 2019b) have a prob-
Table 2: Key and Ciphertext sizes in Bytes.
Scheme Public key Private key Ciphertext
RSA-1024 < 128 < 128 128
RSA-2048 < 256 < 256 256
Frodo-640-AES 9 616 19 888 9 720
Frodo-640-SHAKE 9 616 19 888 9 720
Kyber512 800 1 632 736
NewHope-512-CCA 928 1 888 1 120
NTRU-HPS-2048-509 699 935 699
Sike-p503 378 434 402
lematic ciphertext size of 9 720 bytes.
From Table 3, we observe that the lattice-
based quantum-safe schemes (Kyber, NewHope,
NTRU) require less CPU cycles for generating keys
than RSA-1024. Kyber (Avanzi et al., 2017) and
NewHope (Alkim et al., 2019a) drastically outperform
the other schemes. We also note that the supersin-
gular isogeny-based quantum-safe scheme Sike (Jao
et al., 2019), even though slightly less performant
than RSA-1024, outperforms RSA-2048. Key gen-
Table 3: CPU cycles for encapsulation, decapsulation and
key generation averaged over 1 000 test runs.
Scheme Encapsulation Decapsulation Key generation
RSA-1024 410 402 2 078 161 61 568 194
RSA-2048 730 570 5 718 858 266 140 623
Kyber512 170 856 195 106 152 973
NewHope-512-CCA 228 687 247 457 193 367
NTRU-HPS-2048-509 636 263 1 609 748 27 632 969
Sike-p503 149 691 623 159 119 760 90 800 645
eration only affects the nodes who generate them.
The factor that affects both the nodes and the client
is the time/computation needed to encapsulate and
decapsulate messages. As opposed to key genera-
tion times, where all lattice-based schemes outper-
form RSA-1024, we observe that NTRU (Chen et al.,
2019) requires more CPU cycles for encapsulation.
Decapsulation for lattice-based implementations re-
quires less CPU cycles than RSA-1024. Sike requires
the most CPU cycles and is almost 48 times more
computationally heavy than RSA-2048.
Lattice-based schemes (Kyber, NewHope,
NTRU) have better performance for CPU cycles than
the RSA schemes. This suggests that these are the
most fit candidates for replacing classical crypto-
graphic schemes. However, based on ciphertext sizes,
Sike is the best fit as the ciphertext size fits within
one Tor cell (512 bytes).
Impact. A migration of classical cryptography to
quantum-safe cryptography can have a big effect on
the overall availability, reliability, stability and per-
formance of Tor. An important factor to take into ac-
count is the network load. The number of packets
needed to transfer the ciphertexts increase with these
schemes. The factor of computation time, on the other
end, influences the response time to users. We note
QSOR: Quantum-safe Onion Routing
that a trade-off has to be made between network load
and computation time, when considering the schemes
that we tested.
To investigate the impact of PQ cryptography on Tor,
we propose to investigate the performance of one par-
ticular protocol, namely circuit creation. Our frame-
work uses the SweetOnions implementation
is a simplified version of the circuit creation protocol
used in Tor. We consider two quantum-safe versions
of this protocol: a version in which we only use post-
quantum cryptography (QSO), and a hybrid version
of the protocol (HSO) in which we combine the cur-
rently used cryptography with post-quantum cryptog-
raphy. The reference implementation (SO) that uses
standard cryptographic schemes, namely RSA, is also
evaluated. We now provide a detailed description of
each protocol. Protocol descriptions In the original
SweetOnions protocol, defined in Protocol 1 for one
layer, the client who aims to send a message m to node
N, N N, encapsulates the symmetric data encryption
key using Ns public RSA key pk
. To set up a circuit
the client has to perform these steps with all the nodes
in the circuit. Once the client knows the address of
every node, each node between the client and destina-
tion sequentially decrypts one layer of encryption and
forwards the message.
Protocol 1: Sweet Onion (SO).
Client (m) Node (pk
{0, 1}
c Enc
, m)
, K
, c
m Dec
, c)
QSO corresponds to the simple quantum-safe
variant of SO: the RSA key encapsulation method
(KEM) is exchanged with a post-quantum KEM
(PQC). The public-private key pair of the node con-
sists of post-quantum keys.
In the hybrid SweetOnions (HSO) protocol (Pro-
tocol 3), the RSA KEM is combined with a post-
quantum KEM. The client randomly generates two
symmetric encryption keys. The first key is encap-
sulated with RSA and the second key is encapsulated
https://github.com/LeonHeTheFirst/SweetOnions, ac-
cessed on 28/11/2019,
with a PQ encryption algorithm. The actual data en-
cryption key is the result of a simple XOR of these
two symmetric keys. Hence, the receiver should per-
form two decapsulation operations (one with RSA and
one with PQ decryption).
Protocol 2: Hybrid Sweet Onion (HSO).
Client (m) Node (pk
, pk
, K
{0, 1}
= K
c Enc
, m)
, K
, K
, c
, c
= K
m Dec
, c)
Experimental Results. We evaluate the performance
of each protocol in terms of CPU and bandwidth con-
sumption. The size of one Tor packet is 512 bytes. For
the reference SO protocol, the underlying encryption
algorithms are RSA-2048 and AES-192. For the two
other protocols, the PQ cryptographic schemes stud-
ied in Section 4 are used. Experimental results are
given in Table 4. In particular, we evaluate the cost of
wrapping the layers of encryption, decapsulating one
layer of encryption, and the overall circuit creation.
The table also includes the size of one message and
the number of packets needed for this protocol.
We observe that QSO always outperforms the
original SO. On the other hand, while the integra-
tion of Sike increases the overall time significantly,
the bandwidth overhead is very close to SO. There-
fore, a lattice-based scheme may be considered as a
potential cryptographic primitive for circuit building
since it requires less CPU cycles than Sike. Never-
theless, the use of lattice-based schemes significantly
increases the network load compared to Sike. There-
fore, depending on the original communication cost,
one can decide to choose Sike or a lattice-based PQC.
When using the hybrid scheme, we observe that
both the computational cost and the bandwidth in-
crease significantly. This is mainly due to the fact
that HSO uses one RSA encapsulation and one encap-
sulation with PQC. Consequently, the cost originating
from PQC for lattice-based cryptographic schemes
becomes negligible when combined with RSA. Even
though CPU consumption remains affordable in the
hybrid implementation, the bandwidth overhead is
important. The number of packets is at least doubled
when switching to the hybrid solutions.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 4: The CPU cycles needed for building a circuit (averaged over 1 000 test runs) and message sizes.
Scheme Wrap encryp- Remove Total circuit Message Packets Time
tion layers one layer build size (bytes) needed needed
Original 5 131 765 13 714 147 46 274 206 1 223 3 0.0193s
Kyber 1 371 999 917 080 4 123 240 3 248 7 0.0017s
NewHope 1 618 934 1 119 668 4 977 938 4 832 10 0.0021s
NTRU 2 803 358 4 149 134 15 250 759 3 099 7 0.0064s
Sike 452 691 951 271 667 313 1 267 693 889 1 874 4 0.5283s
Hybrid Kyber 6 188 037 15 734 659 53 392 015 5 774 12 0.0222s
Hybrid NewHope 6 953 196 13 771 785 48 268 550 7 886 16 0.0201s
Hybrid NTRU 7 517 316 18 977 229 64 449 002 5 550 11 0.0269s
Hybrid Sike 456 441 243 275 867 016 1 284 042 291 3 938 8 0.5351s
In this paper, we investigated the main challenges to
develop a quantum-safe Tor network and focused on
the algorithms that use long-term and medium-term
keys. Experimental studies show that among the six
post-quantum cryptographic scheme evaluated, there
is no single winning solution. Nevertheless, given the
current status of the NIST standardisation process,
Sike seems the most optimal one when it comes to
assessing the communication overhead.
For future work, it may be interesting to test other
schemes such as the code-based BIKE. Testing the re-
maining lattice and isogeny-based schemes is also an
interesting future topic as they might have better per-
formance measurements than the ones currently avail-
able in the Open Quantum Safe library. For field ex-
periments, an implementation of Tor called TorLAB
is available and simulates Tor on a private network of
Raspberry PIs. It would be beneficial to re-create the
network and extend the measurements of our research
to the network load. This would ensure a more real-
istic study for the evaluation of expected circuit build
times, since in the current setting, network latency is
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography